Permit Test
On average, the human body can dispose of the alcohol in 12 ounces of beer in about One hour. One day. Five minutes. Five hours.
One hour.
In this state, what BAC (blood alcohol content) is evidence of intoxication 0.05% 0.03% 0.10% 0.08%
Which of the following does not happen after drinking Your reflexes and reaction time slow down. Your judgement of speed and distance is distorted. You are less alert. You calm down so you can concentrate.
You calm down so you can concentrate.
Drinking alcohol and driving is A minor traffic safety problem. A serious traffic safety problem. Safe if you only have a few drinks. Only dangerous to the driver who drinks.
A serious traffic safety problem.
What are the consequences that can result from driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs Possible imprisonment. A mandatory fine. Driver license revocation. All of these choices.
All of these choices.
What kinds of drugs, other than alcohol, can affect your driving ability An allergy medicine. Marijuana. A cold remedy. All of these choices.
All of these choices.
Which of the following does alcohol affect Recovery from headlight glare. Reaction time. Judgement of distances. All of these choices.
All of these choices.
Which of the following influence the effects of alcohol The amount of food in the stomach. The body weight of an individual. How much time passes between drinks. All three choices.
All three choices.
What is the only effective way to reduce your blood alcohol content (BAC) Drinking coffee. Exercising. Allow your body time to get rid of alcohol. Taking a cold shower.
Allow your body time to get rid of alcohol.
A chemical test is used to measure Reaction time. Blood alcohol content. Vision. Driving ability.
Blood alcohol content.
Which of the following is true - People driving under the influence of alcohol are Not a problem in New York State. Every driver's problem whether they drink or not. A police enforcement problem only. Only a problem to those who drink.
Every driver's problem whether they drink or not.
Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol Decreases blood alcohol content. Cancels the effect of the alcohol. Has no effect on blood alcohol content. Increases blood alcohol content.
Has no effect on blood alcohol content.
Blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on each of the following except Your body weight. How much you drink. How much time passes between drinks. How physically fit you are.
How physically fit you are.
What effect might alcohol and another drug have when combined in your blood Increase the effects of both. Have no effect on driving ability. Reduce the effects of the drug or medicine. Reduce the effects of the alcohol.
Increase the effects of both.
What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement It helps driving skills but harms your judgement. It harms both driving skills and judgement. It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement. It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills
It harms both driving skills and judgement.
A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should Read the labels on the drug before driving. Drink alcohol instead. Continue to drive. Drive only during daylight hours.
Read the labels on the drug before driving.
If you drink alcohol socially, what helps insure safe driving Drink coffee before driving. Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking. Take a cold shower before driving. Stop drinking one-half hour before driving.
Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.
Which of the following statements is true about BAC (blood alcohol content) The "breathalyzer" is a test of a person's BAC. A chemical test for BAC is needed for an alcohol conviction. BAC levels are reduced by a person's physical fitness. After drinking, coffee or a cold shower will lower your BAC.
The "breathalyzer" is a test of a person's BAC.
What effect does drinking alcohol and taking a prescription drug or over the counter medicine have The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol. The alcohol will help the medicine cure the cold. The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol. No effect, they are different substances.
The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol.
What happens to your driver's license if you refuse to take a chemical test (breath or blood) There is no evidence to find you guilty of drunk driving. You cannot be arrested for drunk driving. Your driver's license will be taken away. None of these choices.
Your driver's license will be taken away.