Person Chapter 4 (Sentence Fragment and Sentence Combination Errors)

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Going to college can lead to some fantastic careers, young adults who do not pursue additional education can find fulfilling and exciting jobs as well. Possible Answers: If going to college can lead to some fantastic careers Since going to college can lead to some fantastic careers Unless going to college can lead to some fantastic careers Although going to college can lead to some fantastic careers Going to college can lead to some fantastic careers

Correct answer: Although going to college can lead to some fantastic careers Explanation: In its current state, this is a run-on sentence because it has two independent clauses that are not joined with a conjunction or semicolon. In this answer choice, the appropriate conjunction is added to the introductory clause, making the introductory clause dependent and the sentence grammatically correct.

The principal had warned the two boys to stay away from each other. And the two boys got into a fight again. Possible Answers: The two boys got into a fight again: and the principal had warned them to stay away from each other. Even though the principal had warned them to stay away from each other, the two boys got into a fight again. The principal had warned the two boys to to stay away from each other and the two boys, got into a fight again. The principal had warned the two boys to stay away from each other. And the two boys got into a fight again.

Correct answer: Even though the principal had warned them to stay away from each other, the two boys got into a fight again. Explanation: Introducing the sentence with "even though" helps indicate that there is some contradiction between the two sentences.

First I had a cough. And then I had a sore throat. Now I have a fever. Possible Answers: First I had a cough and then I had a sore throat and now I have a fever. First I had a cough, and then I had a sore throat; now I have a fever. First I had: a cough, and then I had a sore throat, now I have a fever. First I had a cough, then I had a sore throat, now I have a fever.

Correct answer: First I had a cough, and then I had a sore throat; now I have a fever. Explanation: Because all three of these sentences can stand independently by themselves, separating the third with a semicolon keeps the new sentence from being a run-on.

I should have stayed home from school today. Because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus. Possible Answers: I should have stayed home from school today, because of this stomach virus; and because I am simply too sick to focus. I should have stayed home from school today; because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus. I should have stayed home from school today because of this stomach virus I am simply too sick to focus. I should have stayed home from school today, because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus.

Correct answer: I should have stayed home from school today; because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus. Explanation: The answer choice "I should have stayed home from school today; because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus" combines two independent clauses with a semicolon, the second of which supports the first closely enough to merit the semicolon. Incorrect options: "I should have stayed home from school today because of this stomach virus I am simply too sick to focus.": This answer choice is one sentence and a run-on. "I should have stayed home from school today, because of this stomach virus, I am simply too sick to focus.": This answer choice combines two independent clauses with a comma, forming a run-on. "I should have stayed home from school today, because of this stomach virus; and because I am simply too sick to focus.": This answer choice combines an independent and dependent clause with a semicolon, which you cannot do. The second part of the sentence is a fragment.

In every part of the world, troubling developments in politics. Possible Answers: In every part of the world there are troubling developments in politics. In every part of the world, troubling developments in politics. In every part of the world, and troubling developments in politics. In every part of the world, the troubling developments in politics. In every part of the world trouble developments in politics.

Correct answer: In every part of the world there are troubling developments in politics. Explanation: The error in the sentence as it is written is that there it doesn't contain a verb. "Troubling" is actually a participle, a verbal that acts like an adjective; in the sentence given, it is describing "developments." To make a participle into a verb, one needs to introduce a form of the verb "to be" immediately before it; therefore, "In every part of the world there are troubling developments in politics" is the correct answer choice, as it is the only one that correctly inserts a verb. The answer choice that changes "troubling" to "trouble" may look like a potentially correct answer, since "trouble" can function as a verb (as in "The questions he cannot answer trouble him"), but in this case, the verb "trouble" doesn't have a plural noun to refer to; it is followed by "developments," but "trouble" is a transitive verb—you don't just "trouble," you "trouble" something, so even if it were intended to refer to "developments," it would still be grammatically incorrect from having nothing to refer to.

Maria was excited to move into her college dorm. The dorm building was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Possible Answers: Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, which was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, even though it was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, despite the fact that it was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, however conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, and was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad.

Correct answer: Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, which was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad. Explanation: The second sentence describes the dorm's location, so the following option is best because it allows the location as a description of the dorm: "Maria was excited to move into her college dorm, which was conveniently located near her favorite campus quad." "Even though," "despite the fact that it," and "however" make it seem like the dorm's location is a negative detail, but the second sentence implies that this location is a positive detail through the use of the adverb "conveniently," so those options are incorrect. The other option merely connects the second sentence to the first as a dependent clause that makes it sound as if Maria is "conveniently located near her favorite campus quad," so it is not as clear or grammatically sound as the "which was" option.

Scientists have already sequenced the genomes of many animals; as a result, they have now begun to map the epigenome. Possible Answers: animals, as a result, they animals. A result of which they NO CHANGE animals: as a result, they animals resulting from which they

Correct answer: NO CHANGE Explanation: This sentence is composed of two independent clauses, or clauses that have a subject and a verb and can stand as complete sentences on their own. This means that to combine them into a single compound sentence, you must either use a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. As written, the sentence correctly uses a semicolon to connect the two independent clauses. In addition, it correctly uses a comma after the phrase "as a result," which is functioning like an adverb.

Although Vladimir Nabokov, who is best known for his novels, he also published numerous scientific articles about butterflies. Possible Answers: Nabokov, whose novels are best known, he Nabokov's novels are what is best known, he Nabokov, who is best known for his novels, he Nabokov wrote novels for which he is best known, he Nabokov is best known for his novels, he

Correct answer: Nabokov is best known for his novels, he Explanation: The initial sentence contains an incomplete thought. The correct answer is by far the most direct, concise, and complete.

Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic they were restricted to staff only. Possible Answers: Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic was restricted to staff only. Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic were restricted to staff only. Patients not allowed in many different parts of the clinic were restricted to staff only. Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic; they were restricted to staff only. Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic they were restricted to staff only.

Correct answer: Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic; they were restricted to staff only. Explanation: The sentence as written is a compound sentence, or two complete sentences joined into one sentence to show the relationship between the two thoughts. All compound sentences need to be joined by either a semicolon or a comma and a conjunction. The only answer choice that appropriately does this is "Patients were not allowed in many different parts of the clinic; they were restricted to staff only."

She liked the finer things in life she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. Possible Answers: She liked the finer things in life she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. She liked the finer things in life, she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. She liked the finer things in life and she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. She liked the finer things in life, and she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. She liked the finer things in life, always had to have nice clothes and fine food.

Correct answer: She liked the finer things in life, and she always had to have nice clothes and fine food. Explanation: The sentence is a compound sentence, or one sentence that contains two complete thoughts joined together to highlight their relationship to each other. All compound sentences must be joined either by a semicolon or a comma and a conjunction. The only answer choice that appropriately does this is "She liked the finer things in life, and she always had to have nice clothes and fine food."

The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot but he never could make himself into a good student. Possible Answers: The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot but he never could making himself into a good student. The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot, but he never could make himself into a good student. The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot but he never could make himself into a good student. The boy always gives his schoolwork his best shot but he never could make himself into a good student. The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot, he never could make himself into a good student.

Correct answer: The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot, but he never could make himself into a good student. Explanation: The sentence is written as a run-on sentence, as it is two complete thoughts not properly combined into a compound sentence. A compound sentence needs to have its two independent clauses joined by either a conjunction and a comma, or a semicolon. The only answer choice to employ either of these options is "The boy always gave his schoolwork his best shot, but he never could make himself into a good student."

The man who waved goodbye and headed back into the cold, wintry night. Possible Answers: The man who waved goodbye, heading The man who waved goodbye and headed The man waved goodbye and headed The man waving goodbye, headed Waving goodbye, the man who headed

Correct answer: The man waved goodbye and headed Explanation: The relative pronoun "who" makes this sentence into a fragment, because there is no longer a predicate. The best answer simply removes "who."

Having command of detail, the novelist's excellent descriptions of characters. Possible Answers: The novelist's excellent descriptions of characters, having command of details. Having command of details is the novelist's excellent descriptions of characters. The novelist's excellent depictions of characters demonstrate his command of detail. Having command of details, the novelist's excellent descriptions of characters. Having command of details, the novelist describing characters excellently.

Correct answer: The novelist's excellent depictions of characters demonstrate his command of detail. Explanation: The chief issue with the sentence as it is written is the lack of any verb. "Having" is a gerund, a noun formed from a verb. The best way to correct the sentence, and give it the same meaning, is to essentially reverse the phrases and add a verb in the middle. "The novelist's excellent depictions of characters demonstrate he has a command of details." is the best answer choice.

The planes were designed to last for decades but unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately. Possible Answers: The planes were designed to last for decades but unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately. The planes were designed to last for decades so unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately. The planes were designing to last for decades but unfortunately they proving to have mechanical problems immediately. The planes were designed to last for decades, but unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately. The planes were designed to last for decades and unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately.

Correct answer: The planes were designed to last for decades, but unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately. Explanation: The sentence is written as a compound sentence, or a sentence composed of two complete thoughts joined together to show their relationship. All compound sentences must be joined by either a semicolon or a conjunction and a comma. The only answer choice that does this is "The planes were designed to last for decades, but unfortunately they proved to have mechanical problems immediately."

The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields but most of the buildings remained standing. Possible Answers: The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields so most of the buildings remained standing. The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields but most of the buildings remained standing. The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields, but most of the buildings remained standing. The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields; but most of the buildings remained standing. The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields and most of the buildings remained standing.

Correct answer: The rains were so strong that layers of soil were washed away from fields, but most of the buildings remained standing. Explanation: The sentence is a compound sentence, meaning it is two complete thoughts joined together to show the relationship between them. Since the conjunction "but" is already connecting the two, inserting a comma before "but" is the only change that needs to be made to make the sentence grammatically correct.

The television show became an overnight success and it quickly became the network's biggest hit. Possible Answers: The television show became an overnight success, it quickly became the network's biggest hit. The television show became an overnight success; it quickly became the network's biggest hit. The television show became an overnight success and it quickly became the network's biggest hit. The television show became an overnight success it quickly became the network's biggest hit. The television show became an overnight success; and it quickly became the network's biggest hit.

Correct answer: The television show became an overnight success; it quickly became the network's biggest hit. Explanation: The sentence is a compound sentence, or two sentences that are joined into one sentence to show their relationship. The two independent clauses that form a compound sentence must be connected by either a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. The only answer choice that appropriately employs either of these ways of joining two independent clauses is "The television show became an overnight success; it quickly became the network's biggest hit."

When Thomas, who used to be the town bully, finally learned his lesson. He started being extra nice to everyone. Possible Answers: When Thomas, who used to be the town bully, finally learned his lesson, and then he started being extra nice to everyone. When Thomas, who used to be the town bully and finally learned his lesson, he then started being extra nice to everyone. When Thomas, who used to be the town bully, finally learned his lesson, he started being extra nice to everyone. He then started being extra nice to everyone; when Thomas finally learned his lesson, who used to be the town bully.

Correct answer: When Thomas, who used to be the town bully, finally learned his lesson, he started being extra nice to everyone. Explanation: The fragment and the sentence can be joined together with a simple comma to make one complete sentence.

The entire class had to conduct a debate between historical figures, acted out each part based on extensive research. Possible Answers: acting out each part based on extensive research. acted out each part basing it on extensive research. acted out each part basing on extensive research. acted out each part based on extensive research. acted out every part based on extensive research.

Correct answer: acting out each part based on extensive research. Explanation: The use of the verb form "acted" makes the final part of the sentence an incomplete thought not connected to the first part of the sentence. The secondary clause must be joined with the main body of the sentence, either with a conjunction or a verb form that can connect the two. "Acting out each part based on extensive research," using the past participle, is the correct answer choice.

The defeated army was allowed to go home, and able to take the rations necessary to let them survive the trip. Possible Answers: and able to taking and they able to take and able taking able taking and they were able to take

Correct answer: and they were able to take Explanation: The sentence is a compound one, featuring two distinct sentences, joined by a conjunction. As such, the second phrase, beginning with the underlined portion, needs to have a subject and a verb as with any sentence; therefore, "and they were able to take" is the best choice among the answers.

He had admired athletes for a long time, wants them to talk to him every chance he could Possible Answers: and wanted them to wanted them to wanting them to and wants them to wants them to

Correct answer: and wanted them to Explanation: There are two grammatical errors in the underlined portion of the sentence. First, the two independent clauses need to be joined by the conjunction "and." Second, the two verb forms in the two clauses should be parallel, leaving "and wanted them to," as the only correct answer choice.

The detective was an expert in these kinds of cases, always called on when the force needed expert advice. Possible Answers: always called on when the force needs expert advice. always called on when the force needed expert advice. and was called on when the force needed expert advice. always call on when the force needed expert advice. always calling on when the force needed expert advice.

Correct answer: and was called on when the force needed expert advice. Explanation: The underlined portion of the phrase is a dependent clause that is confusing because of the way it is worded. The phrase needs to be better linked to the main portion of the sentence. The answer choice which best does this is "and was called on when the force needed expert advice."

''What's that noise?" asked Thelma "oh, it's only the cat." Possible Answers: asked Thelma "Oh, it's only the cat." asked Thelma, "Oh, it's only the cat." asked Thelma. "Oh, it's only the cat." asked Thelma. "Oh, it's only the cat". asked Thelma. "Oh, it's only the cat"?

Correct answer: asked Thelma. "Oh, it's only the cat." Explanation: "What's that noise?" and "Oh, it's only the cat." are two separate sentences, not one sentence that is broken up by the phrase "asked Thelma." So, that means that a period is needed after "Thelma," and that "Oh" needs to be capitalized as the first word of a second sentence. The placement of the period after "cat" but before the double quotation marks is correct in American English, so its position does not need to be changed. Also, "Oh, it's only the cat" is a declarative statement, or at least we have no context clues that suggest it to be a question, so the answer ending the statement with a question mark is incorrect. That answer is also incorrect because the question mark falls outside of the quotation marks when it would need to be be inside of the quotation marks if the statement were a question.

Good ideas often come in bunches, overload a creative person's brain. Possible Answers: bunches, overloads a creative person's brain. bunches, overloading a creative person's brain. bunches overload a creative person's brain. bunches, overload a creative person's brain. bunches, overload the creative person's brain.

Correct answer: bunches, overloading a creative person's brain. Explanation: The underlined portion of the sentence contains an inappropriate use of the verb "overload." The use in the sentence needs to acknowledge the fact the final phrase is a fragment on its own. "Overloading" appropriately ties the phrase to the subject of "good ideas."

Publicly, the school admitted no wrongdoing, secretly was investigating the accusations. Possible Answers: but investigate secretly secretly investigated but secretly, it was investigating secretly investigate secretly, was investigating

Correct answer: but secretly, it was investigating Explanation: The construction of the sentence means the second phrase, featuring the underlined portion, needs to draw a contrast with the opening clause. The correct answer must have a conjunction to separate the two parts, and still show the school's actions. Thus, "but secretly, it was investigating" is the best choice among the answers.

Mary Shelley, English novelist and author of Frankenstein, and who died from a brain tumor when she was 53 years old. Possible Answers: and who died she died she has died and who has died died

Correct answer: died Explanation: Only the verb in the past tense is necessary here. If "who" is used, the second part of the sentence becomes a relative clause modifying the subject, leaving us with a fragment—a subject, an appositive phrase, and a relative clause, but no predicate. The answers "and who died" and "and who has died" are both incorrect for the same reason; the answers "she died" and "she has died" introduce the pronoun "she," which is unnecessary (and grammatically incorrect) because the sentence already has a subject.

Sam is unlike most toddlers in that he is not a picky eater, on the contrary, he will try almost any new food. Possible Answers: eater; on the contrary, he NO CHANGE eater on the contrary, he eater however on the contrary, he eater however, he

Correct answer: eater; on the contrary, he Explanation: This sentence is composed of two independent clauses: "Sam is unlike most toddlers in that he is not a picky eater" and "on the contrary, he will try almost any new food." Two independent clauses cannot be combined using a comma; this creates a type of grammatical error called a "comma splice." Two independent clauses can be combined using either a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. This means that the answer choice "eater; on the contrary, he" is the correct answer.

Her daughters were all exemplary students and she was always proud of their academic accomplishments. Possible Answers: exemplary students so she was always proud exemplary students; and she was always proud exemplary students and she was always proud exemplary students, and she was always proud exemplary students, she was always proud

Correct answer: exemplary students, and she was always proud Explanation: The sentence is written as a compound sentence, one that joins two independent clauses in one sentence in order to show their relationship. A compound sentence can only be joined by either a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. The only answer choice that properly joins the two clauses is "exemplary students, and she was always proud."

Some politicians believe that the role of government should be limited; others claiming that a strong government can improve economic growth and fairness. Possible Answers: limited; however, there are others who claim that limited; others claim that limited, others with the claim that limited and others claiming that limited; others claiming that

Correct answer: limited; others claim that Explanation: The initial sentence contains a sentence fragment. The correct answer is the most concise and most complete.

Cats were traditionally used as pest control on small farms and the use of the animals was an inexpensive way to protect food stores. Possible Answers: on small farms, and the use of the animals on small farms; and the use of the animals on small farms, the use of the animals on small farms so the use of the animals on small farms and the use of the animals

Correct answer: on small farms, and the use of the animals Explanation: The sentence is written as a compound sentence, with two independent clauses joined together to show their relationship. All compound sentences must be joined either by a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. The correct answer is the only answer choice that features the appropriate joining, "on small farms, and the use of the animals."

The smaller child never had any hope fighting his brother one-on-one but he kept picking fights anyway. Possible Answers: one-on-one he kept one-on-one but he kept one-on-one, but he kept one-on-one; but he kept one-on-one and he kept

Correct answer: one-on-one, but he kept Explanation: The sentence is a compound sentence, one that joins two independent clauses together to show their relationship. Any compound sentence needs to be joined by either a semicolon or a comma followed by a conjunction. Only "one-on-one, but he kept" properly joins the two independent clauses of the compound sentence.

Airplane travel is still a relatively recent phenomenon just a little more than a century has passed since the first flight. Possible Answers: recent phenomenon, a little recent phenomenon; just a little recent phenomenon as just a little recent phenomenon a little recent phenomenon just a little

Correct answer: recent phenomenon; just a little Explanation: The sentence is a compound sentence, or two sentences put together to show their relationship to each other. All such sentences need to have their two parts separated by either a comma and a conjunction or a semi-colon. "Recent phenomenon; just a little" is the only answer choice that does either.

If we made even a slight mistake. The entire project could be ruined. Possible Answers: slight mistake No error slight mistake: the slight mistake, our slight mistake; the

Correct answer: slight mistake, our Explanation: Originally, the question presents a sentence fragment with an independent sentence. To combine them, they will have to be joined with a comma, as the first clause cannot stand alone.

During the fireworks display, the colors that filled the sky like starbursts. Possible Answers: the colors that filled the sky the colors filled the sky the colors, which filled the sky the colors will fill the sky the colors filling the sky

Correct answer: the colors filled the sky Explanation: As it is written, the sentence is a fragment because of the word that. The sentence is therefore corrected by removing that.

Under the new terms of the treaty, reduce all stockpiles begins immediately. Possible Answers: the reduction of all stockpiles reduced stockpiles stockpiles reduced all stockpiling reduction reduce all stockpiles

Correct answer: the reduction of all stockpiles Explanation: The underlined phrase needs to be improved to make the second part of the sentence contain a complete sentence. As it is currently written, the sentence does not contain a subject. "The reduction of all stockpiles" is the only answer choice which makes the sentence complete by providing it with a subject. "All stockpiling reduction" may look like a tempting answer, but it does not convey the notion that the stockpiles are being reduced as well as does "the reduction of all stockpiles," since in "all stockpiling reduction," "stockpiling" is acting as a participle instead of as an object of a preposition.

He ate an excessive amount of junk food as a child, explains the later health problems. Possible Answers: explain his later health problems. which explains his later health problems. explains later health problems. explains the later health problems. explaining the later health problems.

Correct answer: which explains his later health problems. Explanation: The underlined portion is a dependent clause, meaning it needs the rest of the sentence to complete it, but also gives meaning to the sentence. The construction of the phrase as written makes it unclear what the health problems are or how they are explained. "Which explains his later health problems," is the only choice that properly explains the sentence.

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