personal financial planning final

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If you purchase a $220,000 and make a 20% down payment, how much would 1 point cost at closing?


What are three retirement plans a company can provide to you?

401K, IRA, and ROTH IRA

What is the difference between perils and hazards. Please give three examples of each.

A peril is something that can cause a loss and a hazard is something that will more than likely cause a loss. Peril: car crash, hurricane, fire Hazard: ice on the roads, living in Florida, bad electrical wiring in building

What are three factors that may affect your house insurance cost?

Age of house, pool, home security

You are an insured driver with USAA and you borrow your friends cars insured by Allstate. When you are driving back to your friends house to drop off the car you have a car accident Which insurance company pays the liability in this accident?


When should you start contributing to your retirement plan and why?

As soon as you can. The sooner you start the more you will be able to save for retirement.

What was the most aggressive fund presented last week and why?

CIBR because it went up and down by a lot and if someone is old and needs steady income then that could be risky for them if the economy falls because they might not be able to get their money back and might lose a lot instead

Explain the difference between deductions and credits on your taxes

Deductions take away from your income that you will pay taxes on and credits reduce the amount of taxes you owe.

What is HO-1, HO-2 and HO-4. Please give a description of each.

HO-1 is home owners insurance and HO-2 and HO-4 are just more specific and cover more perils and hazards. HO-4 is for renters

What are the three big questions to ask before leasing a car?

How many miles does the lease include? What fees does the lease have? What's the car's residual value

In your own words, how would you describe revolving credit?

It is credit offered by banks or other financial places that offer higher credit lines with lower interest rates than credit cards typically do

What is the rule of 72 and if you are making 2% per year, approximately how many years does it take to double your money?

It is to figure out how long it will take to double your money. It would take approximately 36 years

From our class lecture, what three formats of a consumer loan:

Lien, chattel mortgage, collateral note

From Class, which goal has "Last resort assets"

Retirement, long-term

Explain the difference between compound and simple interest.

Simple interest is paid on the principal that is there and compound interest is paid on the principal and the interest earned.

What are the three most important points or "big takeaways" from last weeks presentation on investing?

Start invested. Don't get emotional Stay diversified The biggest take aways were to diversify your investments and know what you are investing (how aggressive it is).

Please describe the difference between a ROTH IRA and a traditional IRA.

The difference between a ROTH IRA and a traditional IRA is that a traditional IRA's contributions are tax deductible in the year they are made.

Why should you diversify your investment portfolio?

You should diversify your investments because it is less risk. If you put all of your eggs in one basket then the only outcomes are success or failure. If you put your eggs in multiple baskets then there is the possibility of still having success with some investments even if one fails.

From the lecture last week, what are three reasons why we use credit?

convenience, to pay for a financial emergency, and to avoid paying cash for large payments

A will is a legal document outlining the plan for

disposition of your assets

529 Plans are the newest type of student loans.


A budget is a detailed statement of what income and expenses occurred over a past period.


A long-term capital gain is taxed at the same rate as ordinary income.


A savings account may be a useful tool in managing everyday household transactions.


All living trusts are revocable.


Always paying cash is helpful in establishing a high level of creditworthiness.


Approximately 50 percent of Americans prepare a detailed household budget.


Auto loans are an example of open account credit since you can add to the debt when you purchase another vehicle.


Average propensity to consume refers to how much of your money you plan to save in your financial plan.


Because no written contract is usually required, borrowing from friends and relatives is advisable.


Closed-ended mutual funds are guaranteed, they cannot lose value.


Condominium and single-family home owners can deduct real estate taxes and mortgage interest on their federal income taxes but co-op owners cannot take these deductions.


Depreciation is not an important consideration since it is not a recurring out-of-pocket cost.


ETFs often distribute large capital gains to their shareholders.


Estate planning usually occurs during the last ten years of a person's life.


Exchange-traded mutual funds are actually closed-end mutual funds.


FDIC covers stocks, bonds, and mutual funds purchased at banks.


Fixed automobile costs increase as the number of miles driven increase.


Generally speaking, the interest rates on credit cards are lower than any other form of credit.


If Wristwatch Arm Corporation (WAC) has assets of $10 million, liabilities of $5 million, and preferred stock of $1 million, its book value is $6 million.


If a mutual fund provides for automatic reinvestment, the reinvested dividends will not be taxed until the shares are redeemed.


If lenders specify a loan-to-value ratio of 80 percent, then a buyer must make a 20% down payment on the purchase of a home.


If you are married, you can legally file a single tax return.


Interest rate risk is greater for short-term bonds than for long-term bonds.


Interest you earned on your savings account would be an entry on your personal balance sheet.


Internet-only banks typically pay lower interest rates on savings than traditional banks.


Investing is considered a short-term activity that involves the buying and selling of securities.


It is safe, and often required, to give your Social Security number as a form of identification when using a credit card.


Loans are available from term life insurance policies.


Low-load funds do not charge a commission upon initial purchase.


Market risk considers the possibility that the firm may fail.


Minors can handle large sums of money and property.


Money market mutual funds are insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC if purchased at an insured bank.


One's marginal tax rate is typically lower than one's average tax rate.


Owning common stock represents a debt investment.


Paying only the minimum payment each time on a credit card usually enables one to pay off the balance fairly quickly.


Prices are rising in bear markets, indicating economic optimism.


Probate property includes only real property.


Publicly traded issues are only available to qualified investors.


Spreading risk among a large number of people is a major principle of insurance.


Stock dividends are taxed at long-term capital gains rates.


The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the amount of goods and services each dollar buys at a given point in time.


The Standard and Poor's Index is based on 30 industrial stocks.


The equity in your home is the difference between the loan balance and the purchase price.


The federal personal income tax is a progressive tax.


The greatest fixed cost involved with owning an automobile is usually the auto insurance payments.


The income and expense statement looks forward in time, while a budget is backward looking.


The key to creditworthiness is to keep your debt safety ratio as high as possible.


The minimum denomination for Treasury bills is now $1,000.


The returns on term life insurance policies receive favorable tax treatment.


The two main areas of estate planning are asset planning and probate planning.


The waiver-of-premium benefit excuses premium payment while the insured is experiencing short-term illness.


The yields on municipal bonds are usually higher than the returns available from fully taxable issues.


There is a penalty for early withdrawal of funds from CDs purchased from brokerage firms.


There is no limit on the amount of social security tax withheld annually.


Using credit is the ideal way to provide for financial emergencies.


When comparing two installment loans with the same principal and APR, the loan with the shorter maturity will have the lower monthly payment and the lower total costs.


When you stop making premium payments on a whole life policy, the policy's cash value is forfeited.


While ETFs offer many of the benefits of mutual funds, they have the tax-timing disadvantages not present with otherwise comparable mutual funds.


Whole life policies typically provide a high investment rate of return.


In which of the following types of investment is the most liquidity risk?


What is the most expensive consumer loan?


From the lecture last week, what are three things we should avoid purchasing with credit.

paying for basic living expenses, impulse purchases, and non-durable goods

Cash and cash like investments are best used for what kind of goals?

short-term goals

A balance sheet is like a photograph of your financial condition, while an income and expense statement is like a motion picture.


A budget is a detailed financial forecast.


A diversified portfolio is less risky than putting your money into a single security.


A good rule to remember when considering the use of credit is that the product purchased on credit should outlive the amount of time it takes to pay it off


A house and land are examples of real property.


A life insurance policy's cash value may be collected by terminating the policy.


A mutual fund prospectus is required to fully disclose all fund fees and expenses.


A person with a significant amount of investment income would have a high probability of needing to make estimated tax payments.


A potential estate planning problem is improper distribution of assets.


A short sale transaction will be profitable when prices are falling.


A short-term capital gain would be taxed at the same rate as your salary.


A systematic investment routine involves investing similar sums in regular intervals.


A technology fund is an example of a sector fund.


A will is revoked if a second legitimate will is created.


A will may be invalid if the testator was under undue influence of another person.


ATM transactions require the use of a PIN.


All mutual funds have management fees.


An inflation hedge is an asset that increases in value at a rate equal to or greater than the rate of inflation.


An investment is acceptable if the expected rate of return is greater than the desired rate of return.


An investment must be owned over one year in order to qualify for long-term capital gains treatment.


Annual term insurance premiums increase as you get older while whole life insurance premiums remain constant.


As a homeowner, the federal government may allow you to deduct interest expenses and taxes paid on the property.


Borrowing to pay for a college education is a legitimate use of credit.


Changes in the value of securities due to social, political, or economic factors are referred to as market risk.


Collateral is an item of value used to secure the principal portion of a loan.


Commercial banks are generally more selective in granting loans than finance companies.


Common stock generally allows the stockholder an equal vote in electing the management of the corporation.


Condominiums are generally less costly than single-family, detached homes.


Credit card users can often avoid finance charges entirely by paying their total balances by the stated due date


Credit unions typically pay higher rates of return on savings than banks and savings and loan associations.


Current consumption affects future consumption.


Debit and ATM card transactions are linked to your checking account.


Even if you do have money, you may still be better off using an installment loan for a big-ticket purchase.


Event risk occurs when something substantial happens to a company that has an immediate impact on its financial condition.


First-time homebuyers can withdraw up to $10,000 from an IRA without penalty before age 59 1/2


From a financial planning perspective when considering a consumer loan, you should ask yourself how the purchase fits into long-term financial plans.


Gasoline is a variable cost of automobile ownership


Gift giving can reduce estate tax liability.


Group life insurance is often provided as a fringe benefit by employers.


Guaranteed renewable term insurance allows you to renew the policy for another term without qualifying medically.


Housing prices vary widely from on part of the country to another.


If your bank states that it compounds monthly, the effective interest rate (APY) will be greater than the nominal interest rate.


Intestacy results from dying without a valid will.


Investing and speculating are two entirely different activities


Jewelry, furniture, and computers are examples of personal property.


Life insurance needs change dramatically over one's lifetime.


Liquidity is important in an estate to pay for death costs and possible taxes.


More damage is done to estates by doing nothing than by doing the wrong thing.


Mutual funds provide professional management and diversification that individual investors - especially those with limited resources - can rarely obtain on their own.


One could expect to earn a higher rate of interest on a certificate of deposit than on a checking account


One should typically name both primary and contingent beneficiaries for life insurance policies.


Open account credit is a form of credit extended to a consumer in advance of any transaction.


Personal financial planning involves translating financial goals into action plans.


Question 61 / 1 pts Standard of living is defined as the necessities, comforts, and luxuries desired by an individual or family


Rebate credit cards work best for those who use the rebates, charge a lot, and do not carry high monthly balances.


Saving is the preferred way to provide for financial emergencies.


Social security benefits are often available resources to the family after the death of a family member.


Standard of living is defined as the necessities, comforts, and luxuries desired by an individual or family.


Tax credits are dollar-for-dollar reductions in taxes due.


Term insurance is generally the most economical form of life insurance for young families.


The Medicare portion of the FICA tax is paid on 100% of earnings.


The Six-Step Financial Planning Process is: 1. Define financial goals. 2. Develop financial plans and strategies to achieve goals. 3. Implement financial plans and strategies. 4. Periodically develop and implement budgets to monitor and control progress toward goals. 5. Use financial statements to evaluate results of plans and budgets, taking corrective action as required. 6. Redefine goals and revise plans and strategies as personal circumstances change.


The Veterans Administration guarantees mortgage loans given to qualified veterans.


The basic purpose of insurance is to protect you from the financial consequences of losing assets or income due to accident, illness, or death.


The cost of a title search and title insurance are typically part of the closing costs on a housing transaction.


The difference between the market value of your home and the balance of the mortgage is your equity in the property.


The federal government regulates securities markets through the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The federal personal income tax is a progressive tax.


The greatest fixed cost involved with owning an automobile is usually the monthly loan payments.


The heart of sound financial planning is improved standard of living.


The most important advantage of a mutual fund is pooled diversification.


The need for additional life insurance can be determined by looking at the difference between available resources and family monetary needs.


The needs analysis method is the most accurate approach to determining the proper amount of life insurance to buy.


The net asset value (NAV) per share is found by dividing the market value of the fund's securities less the fund's liabilities by the number of shares outstanding.


The risk-free rate of return is often measured by the return on U.S. Treasury bills.


The student loans with the best loan terms are the Stafford and Perkins loans.


To the issuing company, bonds are liabilities.


Trading on margin can magnify both losses and profits.


Utility refers to the amount of satisfaction a person gets from buying certain items.


When comparing two installment loans with the same principal and APR, the loan with the longer maturity will have the lower monthly payment and the higher total costs.


When loaning money to a friend or family member, it is advisable to lend only the amount that you can afford to give away.


When the income and expense statement indicates a cash surplus, this may be used to increase net worth by increasing assets or decreasing liabilities.


With open-end mutual funds, investors cannot lose more than they invested.


You can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes on your home to reduce your federal income taxes only if you itemize deductions.


Your personal value system will shape your attitude toward money and wealth accumulation.


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