personality psych ch 1 & 2 quiz

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Establishing that a test does not correlate with measures of unrelated constructs indicates high A. discriminant validity. B. face validity. C. convergent validity. D. dysfunctional validity.


Personality psychology and clinical psychology overlap most often when ap-proaching which topic? A. personality disorders B. personality development C. personality processes D. none of the above


What is a major limitation of correlational studies? A. They cannot provide information about causal relationships among variables B. They cannot measure relationships among variables C. They cannot measure the degree to which a relationship exists between variables D. They cannot show the direction of a relationship between variables


In observing human behavior, it is impossible to ________. A. make any real progress toward solving the personality puzzle B. understand everything about a person all at once C. choose to limit what you look at in a person D. find patterns across different kinds of observation


Jacques is interested in finding out if caffeine affects levels of task performance for introverts and extraverts. From which research method would Jacques benefit the most? A. Naturalistic observation B. Experimental design C. Correlational design D. Case study


People in one group may have certain personality features in common, and these common features make that group of people distinct from other groups. This means that personality can be observed by studying ___. A. similarities among groups B. differences among groups C. individual differences D. individual uniqueness


Which design is best suited for addressing the third-variable problem? A. case study B. experimental C. repeated measures D. correlational


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of I data? A. They are based on large amounts of information. B. They come from carefully controlled experimental situations. C. They include common sense. D. They have causal force.


Personality psychology has a variety of theoretical perspectives that are some-times seen as competing with each other. Regarding this diversity, what is a major theme of this textbook? A. The One Big Theory (OBT) can account for everything in personality. B. The personality puzzle will never be solved. C. Great strengths are usually great weaknesses. D. A single basic approach must be chosen on the basis of rigorous data analysis.


Roots of personality psychology can be traced to the theater because A. early studies utilized theater-goers as subjects (easily available) . B. actors have always been considered celebrities C. actors often portray "characters" or easily recognizable types of people. D. Shakespeare was Freud's best (most insightful) disciple.


The purpose of a basic approach (or paradigm) is to ________. A. integrate diverse perspectives B. expand the range of data you consider C. limit inquiry to certain kinds of observations and patterns D. resolve contradictions in data


To conduct an experimental study of the causal effect smoking has on physical health, we would have to ________. A. find a group of smokers and compare their physical health to a group of nonsmok-ers B. teach one group of people to adopt good health habits and see if they are more likely to begin smoking than a group of people who have not been taught good health haits C. randomly assign some people to a smoking condition and some others to a control condition D. compare the physical health of a heavy smoker to the physical health of a person who has never smoked


What is the minimum number of informants that Funder recommends for each person in a study? A. five B. one C. two D. three


When doing research, personality psychologists most often focus on ____. A. establishing the unique personalities of various groups B. the analysis of human nature C. individual and group differences in personality D. studying individual uniqueness


Which of the following questions does research on personality traits NOT emphasize? A. How many fundamental traits are there? B. How are traits organized within individuals? C. How are all persons similar? D. What are the origins of traits?


________ data are the most frequently used basis for personality assess-ment. A. I B. L C. S D. B


According to Cronbach and Meehl's (1955) terminology, psychological attributes such as intelligence and sociability are examples of ________, whereas an IQ test and extraversion questionnaire are both examples of specific tests or measurements. A. manifest factors B. assessments C. valid ideas D. constructs


Jackie goes to a palm reader who says that she is kind, generous, and honest. Jackie's belief in what the palm reader said is an example of _____. A. a prophecy B. the power of positive attributes C. false-consensus effect D. the Barnum effect


The reason experimental designs are counterbalanced is to control A. manipulations. B. random assignment. C. personality effects. D. order effects.


Which of the following is one of the basic approaches to personality? A. psychological triad B. ethnographical assessment C. applied D. psychoanalytic


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