Persuasion Quiz Questions 1-3

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Which of the following slogans would be best suited for a collectivistic culture?

"Making friends everywhere"

A city wants dog owners to pick up, bag, and dispose of their pets' poop when taking them on walks. Which of the signs below is most likely to get dog owners to comply?

"Please clean up after your pooch"

Lucy, a doctor, is trying to get one of her dangerously obese patients to exercise more. According to Reinforcement Expectancy Theory, which of the following messages would be best for Lucy to use?

"Regular exercising will make you healthy and help you feel so good."

Which statement best reflects Gass & Seiter's perspective on verbal aggression in political campaigns?

Attacks aimed at a politician's character, so long as they are truthful, are useful in helping voters make an informed choice.

Which of the following statements about buzz marketing is most accurate?

Buzz marketing relies on word-of-mouth recommendations

Based on the studies reviewed in the text, which of the following is true about intelligence and persuasion?

Less intelligent people are generally easier to persuade.

When experts in one field are assumed to be experts in new and unrelated fields, which of the following "effects" has taken place?

The Halo Effect

Customer: I don't think I'll buy the stereo today. Salesperson: Why not? Customer: It's too expensive. Salesperson: There's always a layaway plan. Customer: I don't have time today. Salesperson: I can do the paperwork in less than 5 minutes... This conversation best illustrates the salesperson's use of which tactic?

The dump-and-chase

Which of the following must occur for the door in the face tactic to work?

The same person must make the first and second requests

Which of the following statements about propaganda is most accurate?

The term "propaganda" has a negative connotation, and is usually used in a pejorative sense

Which of the following statements about sequential strategies is most accurate?

Two doors in the face is better than one

Pure persuasion means

all the ingredients for what most people would consider to be persuasion are present

People with a high preference for consistency, compared to people with a low preference for consistency:

are more susceptible to the effects of cognitive dissonance.

Males tend to be more persuasive than females, partly because

audience stereotypes regarding appropriate behavior provide males with more choices when choosing influence strategies

Biff has just seen an ad in the paper for a new Nissan pickup truck for $15,000. He hurries to his local dealership but is disappointed to learn that the truck is already been sold. "Don't worry," the salesman tells him, "I can make you a terrific deal on a similar truck for only a few dollars more per month." Which of the following tactics is the salesman using?

bait and switch

You see two unsavory-looking characters standing near an ATM machine and decide to go elsewhere to make a cash withdrawal. Their threatening appearance best represents

borderline persuasion

Whether a particular brand is considered cool, nerdy, elegant, sexy, or fun refers to

brand personality

Yancy evaluates others solely by whether they are of the same religion as he. According to persuasion researchers, Yancy can be considered to be

cognitively simple

Which of the following has not been offered as an explanation for why the door in the face strategy is so effective?


Gordon wants his wife to spend two weeks fishing with him in Hawaii, even though his wife hates fishing. To get her to agree, he first asks if she will go hunting (something she also hates doing) with him for six months in Alaska. When she rejects the Alaska offer, he says, "Well, then how about a two-week fishing trip to Hawaii?" Gordon's strategy is based on which of the following tactics?

door in the face

Which credibility dimension is synonymous with perceived caring, that is, taking a genuine interest in the listener?


According to the text, Colombians' influence attempts center around the concept of confianza, or

having trust or closeness in a relationship.

Because Cari is very sensitive to how people perceive her, she pays close attention to others' behavior and is careful to act appropriately in a given situation. Cari can best be described as

high self-monitor

Who would probably be most persuaded by an advertisement promising viewers that using a product would make them popular?

high self-monitors

A discounting cue prompts receivers to

ignore or underestimate a message based on its source

One way to help ensure that a persuasive message will have a lasting effect on receivers is to

increase their involvement in the issue

The idea of commitments "growing legs" means

people tend to remain committed to a decision, even if circumstances change

Quincy wants to speak to his professor about his last paper. He intends to challenge the professor about his grade. Shortly into the conversation, Quincy realizes he misunderstood the assignment. Rather than challenge the grade, he decides to ask for a chance to rewrite the paper. This best reflects the notion that

people's goals may change during a persuasive encounter

The norm of reciprocity suggests that we should

repay, in kind, what another person has provided us

People who often provide suggestions to their circle of friends such as, "You should try it," "You have to see this movie," and "You need to buy it, it is the best thing yet!" are termed


Researchers have found that before buying a new car, consumers tend to look at ads for all makes and models of cars. However, once having purchased a car, consumers tend to read only ads for the kind of car they purchased. This tendency best illustrates the phenomenon known as

selective exposure

Counterattitudinal advocacy suggests that after having a person create and present a message that is at odds with her/his existing attitudes, she/he is more likely to

shift her/his attitudes in the direction of the position advocated

Sentiment tracking is most closely associated with

social media

Which statement best characterizes the relationship between attitudes and behavior?

stronger attitudes are better predictor of behavior

The situation in which a message presented by a high credibility source becomes less persuasive over time, while a message from a low credibility source becomes more persuasive over time, is called

the sleeper effect

According to the most recent research by McCroskey & Teven (1999), there are ________________ primary dimensions of credibility.


When considering the situation, which of the following is true?

A persuader must adapt his/her message to the listener's frame of reference.

Which of the following statements best reflects the view of persuasion offered by Gass & Seiter?

Persuasion is an essential, desirable feature of human interaction

Which of the following situations would tend to be the most psychologically comfortable?

Zack dislikes guns, Zack dislikes Morton, Morton owns a number of guns

Petty and Cacioppo's ELM postulates that there are two routes to persuasion:

a central route, and a peripheral route

Mindy signed up for a local lifeguard class that required two full days of training at a cost of $150. Unfortunately, she got sick and could not complete the second day of training. The fee was non-refundable and the class was only offered once every six months. Instead of giving up, Mindy signed up for another weekend long workshop offered 25 miles away at a cost of $300.Mindy's actions best illustrate that

commitments can "grow legs"

In a political debate, a politician who keeps a cool head even when attacked by an opponent or when asked a tough question by the moderator, is exhibiting


Buzz marketing has become a pervasive persuasion strategy because

consumers rely on word of mouth in their social circles

Persuasion research often produces "counter-intuitive" findings, e.g., results that are contrary to what common sense would dictate. Such findings highlight the ________________ function performed by the study of persuasion.


While snooping around at a local yard sale, you inquire about the price of an Elvis puppet. "That Elvis puppet," the homeowner says, "Costs 4 dollars. That's only 400 pennies. What a deal!" This is an example of which sequential request tactic?

disrupt then reframe

Marla tries to smooth problems between members of her team so that no one will appear foolish. This is an example of


Which of the following decreases children's vulnerability to being persuaded by television advertisements?

family interaction that focuses on looking at ads critically

Andy asked Marsha if he could borrow her laptop. She agreed. Then Andy asked her if she wouldn't mind if he borrowed her car. Andy was engaging in which compliance-gaining strategy?

foot in the door

The unintended receiver effect illustrates one problem with relying on ____________ to define persuasion


When seeking donations for her school fundraiser, Jan told each person, "Please contribute to our school fundraiser. Every penny will help!" Which compliance-gaining strategy is Jan using?

legitimizing paltry contributions

Credit card companies that offer a low, introductory "teaser" rate, and then up the interest rate dramatically a few months later, are guilty of using which strategy below?

lowball tactic

Kiyoko is known by her friends as the fashion expert. She is always ahead of the curve on fashion trends. According to Malcolm Gladwell, Kiyoko would be termed a


Over time, the characteristics of a celebrity become associated with the brands the celebrity endorses. Thus Dwayne Johnson's physical strength might "rub off" on a product, such as a Chevy pickup. This phenomenon is known as:

meaning transfer perspective

Finn was asked to speak to college students about his own experience in the university's "Study Abroad" program. His monotone voice and unenthusiastic delivery style, however, cause listeners to tune out. Finn's loss of credibility can best be attributed to

not matching his level of dynamism to the demands of the situation.

Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model, credibility generally functions as a ________________ in persuasion.

peripheral cue

When politicians are shown drinking a beer, shopping at Wal-Mart, eating at McDonald's, or going bowling, they are employing which propaganda technique?

plain folks appeal

Cognitive dissonance is known as a/an

post-decision theory

Hiroshi acts nice to potential customers in order to get them to buy his wares. This is an example of which sequential persuasion tactic?


Which of the following best describes segmentation analysis?

tailoring a message to a specific sub-group or niche audience based on their unique characteristics

When an endorser's public persona is projected onto a brand, the brand's image is incorporated into the consumer's self-concept. This view is based upon

the meaning transfer perspective

An individual tends to experience more cognitive dissonance when engaging in behavior that is contrary to his/her beliefs if

the person does so on his/her own volition

According to the Theory of Reasoned Action, the single best predictor of a person's behavior is

the person's intention(s) regarding the behavior

The idea that persuasion requires free choice or free will focuses on

the receiver

Todd has trained for months to run a marathon and has followed a strict diet. When Todd's coach finds him snacking on donuts and neglecting his exercise regimen just days before the race, Todd tells his coach, "No one is perfect. We all give into temptation every once in a while." Todd is engaging in


Advertisements which display the "As Seen On TV" logo, or ads in the phone directory which display the Christian " Ichthys" symbol, are attempting to bolster which credibility dimension?


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