PHA 469: Dispensing & Patient Care II: Midterm - Top 300 Drugs for Exam

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What are the indications and dosing of Eszopiclone?

-Insomnia: 1 mg po immediately before bedtime; dosing may be initiated at or titrated to 2-3 mg -Elderly is 1mg -Max 3mg

What are the indications and dosing of Lisdexamfetamine?

ADHD (30mg QAM, 70mg MAX / day) Binge eating (30mg QAM, max 70mg / day)

What are the indications and dosing of Guanfacine ER?

ADHD - (ER only) - Kids 6yr + and - 17yr (weight 27-45kg) 0.5mg PO QD, titrate weekly +0.5mg (max 2 mg / d) weight +45 kg 1mg PO QD, titrate weekly 1mg / d target does 1-7 mg / d HTN - (IR) 0.5-1mg PO QD HS may titrate 1mg/d at 3-4 wk intervals (max 2mg / d)

What are the indications and dosing of Atomoxetine?

ADHD - Children >6 y of age and weighing ≤70 kg, 0.5 mg/kg/d po, may titrate to lower of 1.4 mg/kg/d or 100 mg/d; Children >6 y of age and weighing >70 kg, 40 mg/d po, may titrate to 100 mg/d; Adults, 40 mg po daily, may titrate to 100 mg/d

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Atomoxetine?

ADR - Common - Abdominal pain, headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, xerostomia Keys - mental alertness, growth rate / weight monitoring in kids, report new or worse psych problems, chest pain, palpitation, dyspnea, cardiac dysrhythmia, MI, do not open capsules - ocular irritant Pearls - not established in under 6yr, increased suicide short term ADHD

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Quetiapine?

ADR - Common - Agitation, HA, hypertension, somnolence, weight gain, xerostomia Key points - take with food, no alcohol, mental alertness, heat regulation, rise slowly, Clinical Pearls - IR - > ER same daily dose, adj. may be needed, don't mix with opioids

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Aripiprazole?

ADR - Common - Akathisia, anxiety, extrapyramidal effects, headache, increased appetite, somnolence, weight gain Key points - Mental alertness, may impair heat regulation, monitor with hx of seizures, report worsening symptoms of depression, no alcohol or sudden DC Clinical Pearls - Solution can be subbed - mg-per-mg up to 25mg dose. 30mg tab = 25mg solution don't mix with opioids, warn patients of potential to cause compulsive or uncontrollable urge to gamble, binge eat, shop and have sex

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Olanzapine?

ADR - Common - Akathisia, asthenia, dizziness, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, increased appetite, increased prolactin levels, increased triglycerides, somnolence, tremor, weight gain, xerostomia, orthostatic hypotension, increased LFTs Key points - mental alertness, heat regulation, rise slowly, monitor Diabetics, no alcohol Clinical Pearls - 20mg/D max, don't mix with opioids, elderly higher risk death, ODT=Tab

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Modafinil?

ADR - Common - Anxiety, headache, insomnia, nausea Keys - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: 200 mg po daily Pearls - -This drug may decrease effectiveness of hormonal or IUD contraception -Recommend additional form of birth control during therapy and 1 mo after last dose. -Avoid activities requiring mental alertness or coordination until drug effects are realized

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Ketoconazole Topical?

ADR - Common - Application site reaction with foam. Dry skin, burning, stinging at site of application Keys - Apply thin layer to affected area of skin. Skin should be intact. Do not get it in your eyes, nose, mouth, or vagina Pearls - Topical products typically not effective in toenail onychomycosis. Resistant infections typically require oral therapy.

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Alprazolam?

ADR - Common - Ataxia, lethargy, retrograde amnesia, somnolence, weight gain, change in appetite, constipation, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, decreased libido Keys - May cause drowsiness; avoid driving or other tasks requiring motor coordination. Do not crush or break extended-release product. Also treats: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: 0.5-1 mg po bid × 7-10 days Pearls - Not for use in children. Consider reduced dose of benzodiazepines in hepatic impairment. Avoid use in elderly, appear more sensitive to the effects

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Lithium carbonate?

ADR - Common - Cardiac dysrhythmias, fine tremor, hypothyroidism, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, xerostomia Key points - swallow ER whole, mental alertness, monitor toxicity -> diarrhea, vomiting, tremor, ataxia, drowsiness, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, giddiness, blurred vision, tinnitus, or large volumes of dilute urine. Maintain adequate fluid intake and normal salt intake Clinical Pearls - not for use under 12 yoa, toxicity relates to serum levels, ability to tolerate varies greatly, do not confuse mg with mEq (300mg = 8mEq)

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Citalopram?

ADR - Common - Constipation, dizziness, HA, insomnia, nausea, sedation, xerostomia Key points - mental alertness, may take weeks, avoid abrupt DC, no alcohol NSAIDS Clinical Pearls - taper DC, QT prolongation risk at high dose

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Mirtazapine?

ADR - Common - Constipation, increased appetite, somnolence, xerostomia, increased serum cholesterol, weight gain Key points - ODT dry hands place on tongue, mental alertness, report depression, avoid alcohol / NSAIDs, take at bedtime Clinical Pearls - not for kids, elderly have + ADR, med guide required

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Sertraline?

ADR - Common - Diarrhea, fatigue, headache, insomnia, nausea Key points - may take wks, mental alertness, report depression, watch alcohol NSAIDs Clinical Pearls - taper DC, dilute concentrate, med guide required

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Buspirone?

ADR - Common - Dizziness Keys - Patient should avoid activities requiring mental alertness or coordination until drug effects are realized. May be taken with or without food Pearls - Safety and efficacy not established in pediatric patients <18 y of age.

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Venlafaxine?

ADR - Common - Dizziness, HA, insomnia, nausea, somnolence, xerostomia, weakness Key points - food no alcohol, ER swallow whole - may sprinkle on food. Improvement may take weeks, No abrupt DC, mental alertness Clinical Pearls - may change IR to ER based on qd mg SSRI at low dose, SNRI at high, taper DC

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Zolpidem?

ADR - Common - Dizziness, drowsiness, headache Keys - -Zolpidem binds the benzodiazepine receptor but is structurally different from a benzodiazepine -Take on an empty stomach. -May cause drowsiness; avoid driving or other tasks requiring motor coordination. Avoid alcohol. -Take immediately prior to bedtime. Pearls - Not for long-term use (usually 7-10 d only). Use caution in elderly

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Guanfacine ER?

ADR - Common - Drowsiness, HA, dizziness, insomnia, anorexia Keys - Avoid alcohol, CNS depressant, Swallow ER whole, Report hypotension, fatigue, hepatic dysfunction, avoid abrupt DC, can cause rebound HTN Pearls - rarely used for HTN, not 1st line ADHD, Taper DC

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Lorazepam?

ADR - Common - Drowsiness, impaired motor coordination, retrograde amnesia Keys - May cause drowsiness; avoid driving or other tasks requiring motor coordination. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: Initial, 2 mg po qid, then 1 mg qid × 8 doses Pearls - May cause dependence. Avoid concomitant use with opioids. May be benzodiazepine of choice in impaired liver function and for nursing mothers

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Temazepam?

ADR - Common - Drowsiness, somnolence, impaired motor coordination Keys - Temazepam is a minor metabolite of diazepam May cause drowsiness; avoid driving or other tasks requiring motor coordination. Avoid alcohol. Take 30 min prior to bedtime Pearls - Not for long-term use (usually 7-10 d only). Use caution in elderly

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Clotrimazole/Betamethasone?

ADR - Common - Dry skin Keys - Apply thin layer to affected area. If using lotion, shake well before use. Pearls - Not intended for patients under 17yr old, not recommended for diaper dermatitis

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Triamcinolone Topical?

ADR - Common - Dry skin, burning sensation, stinging, pruritus/atrophy at site of administration Keys - Apply thin layer to affected area of skin. Skin should be clean and intact Pearls - --Large number of dosage formulations (foams, gels, shampoos, etc), both by prescription and OTC, are available --Application to large surface areas, prolonged use, and occlusive dressings increase risk of systemic absorption and toxicity; pediatric patients are more susceptible

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Adapalene?

ADR - Common - Dry skin, scaly skin, erythema, burning/stinging Keys - --Avoid contact with eyes, lips, angles of nose, and mucous membranes; do not apply on cuts, abrasions, eczematous, or sunburned skin --Moisturizer may be necessary for dry skin Pearls - Safety and efficacy have not been established in children <12 y of age.

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Risperidone?

ADR - Common - Extrapyramidal symptoms, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, metabolic changes (hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, weight gain, DM) Key points - take with food, no alcohol, mental alertness, temp regulation, rise slowly, solution may be mixed with water / coffee / OJ / low fat milk - NOT tea or soda Clinical Pearls - monitor for tardive dyskinesia, avoid extra opioids

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Phenytoin?

ADR - Common - Gingival hyperplasia Keys - Suspension requires extensive shaking before administration. Do not crush extended-release capsules Pearls - Highly protein bound, so albumin levels should be taken into account when measuring phenytoin concentration

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Eszopiclone?

ADR - Common - HA Keys - Instruct patient to take immediately before bedtime and to not take with heavy/high-fat meal. Pearls - -Safety and efficacy not established in children. -Elderly may be more susceptible; use a lower starting dose

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Mupirocin?

ADR - Common - HA, Rhinitis, Nasal congestion Keys - Do not use around eyes, do not use nasal ointment with other nasal meds, report dermatitis or swelling to PCP Pearls - Treated areas may be covered with gauze if desired

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Escitalopram?

ADR - Common - HA, nausea, sedation Key points - mental alertness, may take weeks, report worsening depression, avoid abrupt DC no alcohol / NSAIDS Clinical Pearls - taper DC

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Lisdexamfetamine?

ADR - Common - Insomnia, irritability, loss of appetite, upper ab pain, xerostomia Key points - AM dosing with or without food, monitor growth in kid, report psyc problems Clinical Pearls - high abuse and misuse can lead to death

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Lamotrigine?

ADR - Common - Rash, ataxia, somnolence, headache, diplopia, rhinitis, nausea, vomiting, insomnia Keys - Seek medical attention if rash develops or slow titration to lower side effects Pearls - Rash is more common in children, when quickly titrated and with high starting doses.

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Oxcarbazepine?

ADR - Common - Somnolence, headache, diplopia (double vision), dizziness Keys - Suspension should be shaken well and dose prepared immediately Pearls - --Safety and efficacy not established in pediatric patients <2 y of age --2-4yrs may require double dosing/body weight --4-12 require 50% higher dosing than adults

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Bupropion?

ADR - Common - agitation, constipation, dizziness, HA, insomnia, nausea, tachyarrhythmia, tremor, xerostomia Key points - no alcohol, mental alertness, dose same time a day, HS preferred, ER shell may be intact in stool Clinical Pearls - not FDA approved for children, suicidal ideations, seizure risk is dose dependent, converting to ER from IR keep mg same adjust timing 150-174mg

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Amitriptyline?

ADR - Common - sedation , Xerostomia, blurred vision Key points - mental alertness, avoid alcohol / CNS depressants, may take a few weeks Clinical Pearls - not for kids, anticholinergic effects

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Dexmethylphenidate?

ADR - Common - weight loss, loss of appetite, HA, insomnia, restlessness Key points - no evening dose, swallow whole, or mix with applesauce etc. Clinical Pearls - high abuse potential, misuse can lead to sudden death

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Methylphenidate?

ADR - Common -Weight loss, loss of appetite, headache, insomnia, irritability Key points - no evening dose, swallow whole, or mix with applesauce etc. Clinical Pearls - high abuse potential, misuse can lead to sudden death

What are the adverse drug reactions, counseling, and clinical pearls for Duloxetine?

ADR - CommonA - HA, nausea Key points - withdrawal symptoms, may take 1-4 weeks to improve. Report worsening depression, monitor for bleeding issues, no alcohol, taper DC Clinical Pearls - no kids, 60mg/d plus show no + effectiveness / less tolerated

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Aripiprazole?

Abilify Antipsychotic Tablet, ODT, Solution

What are the indications and dosing of Adapalene?

Acne vulgaris: Adults and Children >12 y of age, apply thin film topically to affected area(s) daily hs Generally used with benzoyl peroxide for mild acne

What are the indications and dosing of Phenytoin?

Adults> 100 mg po tid, may titrate to 200 mg po tid Capsule form300 mg/day Children > 5 mg/kg/d po divided into 2-3 doses, may titrate to 300 mg/d

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Zolpidem?

Ambien Nonbarbiturate Hypnotic, C-IV

What are the indications and dosing of Duloxetine?

Anxiety - 60mg qd -> 120mg qd Depression - 20-30mg bid / 60mg qd -> 120mg qd Diabetic neuropathy, Fibromyalgia - 60mg qd -> 120mg qd

What are the indications and dosing of Lorazepam?

Anxiety: Adults, 1 mg po bid-tid Insomnia, due to anxiety or situational stress: Adults and Children >12 y of age, 2-4 mg po hs

What are the indications and dosing of Buspirone?

Anxiety: Adults, 5 mg po bid-tid or 7.5 mg po bid, may titrate to 20-30 mg/d in 2-3 divided doses (max 60 mg/d)

What are the indications and dosing of Alprazolam?

Anxiety: IR, orally disintegrating tablet or solution, 0.25-0.5 mg po tid; max daily dose, 4 mg in divided doses Panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia: IR or orally disintegrating tablets, 0.5 mg po tid, extended-release 3-6 mg po daily; dose may be increased every 3-4 d by <1 mg/d

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Lorazepam?

Ativan Benzodiazepine, Short or Intermediate Acting. C-IV Tablet, Solution

What are the indications and dosing of Dexmethylphenidate?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, methylphenidate-naive patients: --Adults, IR 2.5 mg po bid (max 20 mg po daily) or extended release 10 mg po daily (max of 40 mg/d); --Children ≥6 y of age, IR 2.5 mg po bid (max 20 mg po daily) or extended release 5 mg po daily (max of 30 mg/d) Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder currently using methylphenidate: --Adults and Children ≥6 y of age, one-half the total daily dose of ER racemic methylphenidate; patients currently using dexmethylphenidate IR may be switched to the same daily dose of dexmethylphenidate ER

What are the indications and dosing of Methylphenidate?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Adults, immediate-release tablets, solution, and chewable tablets, 10-60 mg/d po divided 2-3 times daily, preferably 30-45 min before meals; Children ≥6 yrs of age, initial, 5 mg po bid, may titrate in increments of 5-10 mg at weekly intervals; doses above 60 mg/d not recommended Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, no prior methylphenidate therapy: Adults and Children ≥6 yrs of age, extended release, 20 mg po daily, may titrate in increments of 10 mg at weekly intervals; max 60 mg/d Narcolepsy: Adults, immediate-release tablets, solution, and chewable tablets, 10-60 mg/d po divided 2-3 times daily; sustained release; Adults and Children ≥6 yrs of age, 20-60 mg/d po divided q8h

What are the indications and dosing of Risperidone?

Autistic disorder - Children ≥5 y of age and weighing <20 kg, 0.25 mg po daily, titrate to response; Children ≥5 y of age and weighing>20 kg, 0.5 mg po daily, titrate to response Acute manic epi (Bipolar) - Adults, 2-3 mg po daily, may titrate to 6 mg/d or 25-50 mg IM every 2 wk; Children ≥10 y of age, 0.5 mg po daily, may titrate to 6 mg/d Schizophrenia - Adults, 1 mg po bid, may titrate to 18 mg/d or 25-50 mg IM every 2 wk; Children ≥13 y of age, 0.5 mg po daily, may titrate to 6 mg/d PTSD - 0.5 - 8 mg qd Tourettes - 0.25 - 0.5mg qd -> 6mg qd

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Mupirocin?

Bactroban (off market) Topical Antibacterial 2% ointment, cream

What are the indications and dosing of Lithium carbonate?

Bipolar (maintenance) - 12yr+, 900-1800mg/D IR 2-3 divided doses 300mg qd -> 900-1800mg 3-4 divided Bipolar (episodic) - ER 1800 mg/d po in 2-3 divided doses; immediate release, 600 mg po tid Depression (off label) - 600-1200 mg/d po in 2-3 divided doses; immediate release, initial dose 300 mg po daily or bid, may titrate to 300 mg po bid-qid

What are the indications and dosing of Olanzapine?

Bipolar - Adults, 10-15 mg/d po, may titrate in 5 mg/d increments (max 20 mg/d); Children 13-17 y of age, 2.5-5 mg/d po, may titrate in 2.5-5 mg/d increments (max 10 mg/d) Schizophrenia - Adults, 5-10 mg/d po, may titrate in 5 mg/d increments at 1-wk intervals to 10-20 mg/d po; Children 13-17 y of age, 2.5-5 mg/d po, may titrate in 2.5-5 mg increments (max 10 mg/d) Depression - combo w fluoxetine - 2.5mg - 20 mg qd OL - Chemo N/V - 10mg day1 and 10mg days 2-4 plus other antiemetics OL - Tourettes - 2.5 - 5 mg qd -> 20mg max/D kids 10mg max

What are the indications and dosing of Quetiapine?

Bipolar / Schizo - IR 50mg bid -> 800mg/D max (kids 600mg), Maintenance 400-800mg qd - ER 300mg/HS -> 800mg/D Major depressive disorder - 50mg hs -> 300mg/D OL - delirium (critical ill) ER 50mg hs -> 300mg/D

What are the indications and dosing of Lamotrigine?

Bipolar Disorder -25 to 50mg/ every 2 wk (step up increase), 100mg/day/1 wk, 200mg/day on out, may titrate to 400 mg po daily Seizures (≥12 y of age) -IR: 100-500 mg/d po in 2 divided doses -ER: 200-600 mg po daily Seizures (2-12yr old) -IR: 1-15 mg/kg/d po in 1 or 2 divided doses, max 400 mg/d

What are the indications and dosing of Aripiprazole?

Bipolar disorder, manic or mixed episodes, acute treatment: Adults, 10-15 mg po daily, may titrate to 15-30 mg po daily; Children >10 y, 2 mg po daily, may titrate to 10 mg po daily Schizophrenia: Adults, 10-15 mg po daily, may titrate to max 30 mg/d; Children >13 yoa, 2 mg po daily, may titrate to 10 mg po daily Depression, adjunctive with antidepressant: 2-4 mg po daily, may titrate to 15 mg po daily Tourette syndrome: Children ≥6 y of age and <50 kg, 2 mg po daily, may titrate to 5-10 mg po daily; Children ≥6 y of age and ≥50 kg, 2 mg po daily, may titrate to 10-20 mg po daily Irritability with autistic disorder: Children ≥6 y of age, 2 mg po daily × 7 d, then 5 mg po daily, may titrate to 15 mg/d

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Buspirone?

BuSpar Antianxiety Tabs

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Citalopram?

Celexa SSRI Antidepressant Tablet, Solution

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Duloxetine?

Cymbalta SNRI - Serotonin / NE Reuptake Inhibitor Capsule, DR

What are the indications and dosing of Mirtazapine?

Depression - 15mg qhs -> 15mg inc wk 1-2 max 45mg qhs OL - HA 15mg qhs -> 30mg hs after 1st wk OL - Panic 15mg qhs -> 45mg in 15mg inc wk 1-2 max 45mg qhs

What are the indications and dosing of Amitriptyline?

Depression - 75mg qd in 1-3 doses -> max 300mg/d OL - Migraine - 10-25mg hs -> 150mg/d OL - Pain - 25 - 100mg qhs -> 150mg/d OL - Polyneuro - 10-25mg qhs -> 200mg/d OL - PTSD - 50mg qd -> 300mg/d

What are the indications and dosing of Bupropion?

Depression - IR -100mg bid x3d -> 100m TID (max 450mg/D) ER/12h - 150mg am qd -> 150mg bid (max 200mg BID) ER/24h - 150mg x3d -> 300mg QD (max 450mg/d) ER/24h HydroBromide - 174mg x3d -> 348 qd (max 522mg/D) Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - ER/24hr - 150mg/ qd ->300mg/D Smoking cessation - ER/12-150mg qam x3d -150mg bid (max 300mg) 7-12 wks Start 1 week prior to stopping

What are the indications and dosing of Escitalopram?

Depression 12yoa+ 10mg qd -> 20mg qd, GAD - 10mg qd ->20mg OCD - 20-60mg qd, Panic - 20-30mg qd -> 60mg qd, Hot flash - 10mg qd

What are the indications and dosing of Citalopram?

Depression 20mg qd -> 40mg qd, OCD / PTSD - 20mg qd ->40mg qd

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Adapalene?

Differin Retinoid, Antiacne Gel 0.1% (OTC) Cream 0.1%, Gel 0.3%, Lotion 0.1%

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Phenytoin?

Dilantin Hydantoin Anticonvulsant Capsule, Tablet, Suspension

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Venlafaxine?

Effexor Antidepressant (SNRI) Capsules, Tablets, ER

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Amitriptyline?

Elavil Tricyclic Antidepressant Tablet

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Dexmethylphenidate?

Focalin XR CNS Stimulant, CII Oral tablet, ER

What are the indications and dosing of Venlafaxine?

General anxiety (GAD) - ER 37.5-75 qd -> 225 mg qd Depression - IR 37.5-75mg qd 2-3 doses / day ->375mg qd Panic disorder - ER 37.5mg qd x7d -> 75mg -> 225mg qd Social anxiety - 37.5mg qd -> 75mg qd

What are the indications and dosing of Mupirocin?

Impetigo - cover area with small film TID Prophylaxis - use ½ tube in each nostril BID for 5 days Secondary traumatic skin lesions - Apply TID to affected area

What are the indications and dosing of Zolpidem?

Insomnia, short-term treatment: IR, spray or sublingual, 1.75-5 mg (females), 3.5-10 mg (males) po daily hs; ER 6.25 mg (females), 6.25-12.5 mg (males) po daily hs

What are the indications and dosing of Temazepam?

Insomnia: 7.5-30 mg po daily hs

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Guanfacine ER?

Intuniv alpha 2 adrenergic agonist Tablet, ER

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Lamotrigine?

Lamictal Phenyltriazine Anticonvulsant Tablet (Chewable, Reg, ER, Dispersible)

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Escitalopram?

Lexapro SSRI antidepressant Tablet, Solution

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Lithium carbonate?

Lithobid Antimanic Capsule, Tablet, Tablet ER, Solution

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Clotrimazole/Betamethasone?

Lotrisone Topical Anti-infective / Anti-inflammatory 1% or 5% Cream, Lotion

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Eszopiclone?

Lunesta Nonbarbiturate Hypnotic C-IV Tablet

What are the indications and dosing of Modafinil?

Narcolepsy: 200 mg po daily in the morning, max 400 mg/d Obstructive sleep apnea, improve excessive sleepiness; adjunct: 200 mg po daily in the morning, max 400 mg/d Shift work-sleep disorder: 200 mg po daily 1 h before start of work shift, max 400 mg/d

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Ketoconazole Topical?

Nizoral Imidazole Antifungal 1%, 2% Shampoo 2% Cream

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Triamcinolone Topical?

No brand available Topical Corticosteroid Topical Cream: 0.025%, 0.1%, 0.5%; Topical Lotion: 0.025%, 0.1%; Topical Ointment: 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.5%

What are the indications and dosing of Sertraline?

OCD - kids 6-12 25mg qd -> 200mg qd, 13-17 50mg qd ->200mg qd Panic, PTSD - 25mg qd 1 wk -> 50mg qd -> 200mg qd PMDD - 50mg qd -> 100mg qd OL - binge eating - 25mg qd after lunch x3d -> 50mg qd -> 200mg qd OL - bulimia - 50mg qd x 1 wk -> 200mg qd OL - GAD - 25mg qd x 1 wk -> 200mg qd

What are the indications and dosing of Oxcarbazepine?

Partial seizure: --Adults: 300 mg po bid, may titrate to 1200 mg/d po; --Children: 4-16 y of age >8-10 mg/kg/d po in 2 divided doses, may titrate to 600 mg/d po; --Children: <4 y of age and < 20 kg > 16-20 mg/kg/d po in 2 divided doses, may titrate to a MAX of 60 mg/kg/d

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Modafinil?

Provigil CNS Stimulant, C-IV Dose

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Mirtazapine?

Remeron Antidepressant, alpha2 antagonist Tablet, ODT

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Temazepam?

Restoril Benzodiazepine, C-IV Capsule

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Risperidone?

Risperdal Benzisoxazole Antipsychotics Tablet, ODT, Solution

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Methylphenidate?

Ritalin, Concerta CNS Stimulant, CII Oral tab, Chewable, ER, Suspension, Patch, ODT

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Quetiapine?

Seroquel Antipsychotic (atypical) Tablet, ER

What are the indications and dosing of Triamcinolone Topical?

Skin disorders: Apply thin layer topically to affected area daily or bid

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Atomoxetine?

Strattera NE Reuptake Inhibitor Capsules

What are the indications and dosing of Ketoconazole Topical?

Tinea (corporis, curis, pedis) - 2% cream Candidiasis of skin - 2% cream Dandruff: Apply 1% shampoo Pityriasis versicolor: Apply 2% shampoo

What are the indications and dosing of Clotrimazole/Betamethasone?

Tinea: Adults and children >12 y, apply to affected area bid, for a max of 2 wk (for tinea corporis or tinea cruris) or 4 wk (for tinea pedis)

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Topiramate?

Topamax Anticonvulsant Capsule (Sprinkle, ER, ER 24h Sprinkle), Tablet

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Oxcarbazepine?

Trileptal Dibenzazepine Carboxamide, Anticonvulsant Tablet (Reg, ER), Suspension

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Lisdexamfetamine?

Vyvanse (Prodrug - dextroamphetamine) Amphetamine, CII Oral capsules, chewables

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Bupropion?

Wellbutrin Monocyclic Antidepressant Tablets - IR, ER 12 and 24 hr

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Alprazolam?

Xanax Benzodiazepine, Short or Intermediate, CIV Tablet (disintegrating, ER), Solution

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Sertraline?

Zoloft SSRI antidepressant Tablet, Concentrate

What is the brand name, class, and dosage forms for Olanzapine?

Zyprexa Thienobenzodiazepine, Atypical Antipsychotic Tablet, ODT

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