Pharmaceutical Calculations

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1.50 g

. If a 5-g packet of a potassium supplement provides 20 milliequivalents of potassium ion and 3.34 milliequivalents of chloride ion, how many grams of the powder would provide 6 milliequivalents of potassium ion?

Hypertonic solution

A FLEET saline enema containing 19 g of monobasic sodium phosphate (monohydrate) and 7 g of dibasic sodium phosphate (heptahydrate) in 118 mL of aqueous solution is


A glass plummet weighs 14.35 g in air, 11.40 g when immersed in water, and 8.95 g when immersed in sulfuric acid. Calculate the specific gravity of the acid.


A hospital pharmacist wants to use three lots of zinc oxide ointment containing, respectively, 50%, 20%, and 5% of zinc oxide. In what proportion should they be mixed to prepare a 10% zinc oxide ointment?

Priming dose & Loading dose

A larger-than-usual initial dose required to achieve the desired blood drug level is called

0.875 g

A liquid contains 0.25 mg of a substance per milliliter. How many grams of the substance will 3.5 L contain?

20 mg/mL morphine sulfate

A liquid oral concentrate of morphine sulfate contains 2.4 g of morphine sul fate in a 120-mL bottle. Calculate the concentration of morphine sulfate on a mg/mL basis:

12,345 tablets

A low-strength child's/adult chewable aspirin tablet contains 81 mg of aspirin per tablet. How many tablets may be prepared from 1 kg of aspirin?

0.3 mg fluoride

A pediatric vitamin drug product contains the equivalent of 0.5 mg of fluoride ion in each milliliter. How many milligrams of fluoride ion would be provided by a dropper that delivers 0.6 mL?

16,000,000 units

A penicillin V potassium preparation provides 400,000 units of activity in each 250-mg tablet. How many total units of activity would a patient receive from taking four tablets a day for 10 days?

4.416 grams codeine sulfate

A pharmacist had 5 grams of codeine sulfate. He used it in preparing the following: 8 capsules each containing 0.0325 gram; 12 capsules each containing 0.015 gram; 18 capsules each containing 0.008 gram. How many grams of codeine sulfate were left after he had prepared the capsules?

8.33 mg

A physician orders a 2-g vial of a drug to be added to 500 mL of D5W. If the administration rate is 125 mL per hour, how many milligrams of the drug will a patient receive per minute?

5.25 mg conjugated estrogen

A physician reduces a patient's once-daily dose of conjugated estrogen (Premarin®) from tablets containing 0.625 mg to tablets containing 0.45 mg. What is the total reduction in conjugated estrogens taken, in milligrams, during a 30-day month?

8.933 g/mL

A piece of copper metal weighs 53.6 g, and has a volume of 6 mL. Calculate its density.

5000 mcg

A prefilled syringe contains 20 mg of drug in 2 mL of solution. How many micrograms of drug would be administered by an injection of 0.5 mL of the solution?

0.75 mg metaproterenol

A metered dose inhaler contains 225 mg of metaproterenol sulfate, which is sufficient for 300 inhalations. How many milligrams of metaproterenol sulfate would be administered in each inhalation?

154 mOsmol/L

A solution of sodium chloride contains 77 mEq/L. Calculate its osmolar strength in terms of milliosmoles per liter. Assume complete dissociation.

4.65 mEq

Calcium gluconate (C12H22CaO14— m.w. 430) injection 10% is available in a 10-mL ampule. How many milliequivalents of Ca++ does the ampule contain?


It encompasses the economic aspects of drugs, from the costs associated with drug discovery and development to the costs of drug therapy analyzed against therapeutic outcomes

Percent weight-in-weight (w/w)

It expresses the number of grams of a constituent in 100 g of solution or preparation:

Percent weight-in-volume (w/v)

It expresses the number of grams of a constituent in 100 mL of solution or liquid preparation and is used regardless of whether water or another liquid is the solvent or vehicle:

Milligram percent

It expresses the number of milligrams of substance in 100 mL of liquid. It is used frequently to denote the concentration of a drug or natural substance in a biologic fluid, as in the blood:

Percent volume-in-volume (v/v)

It expresses the number of milliliters of a constituent in 100 mL of solution or liquid preparation:

Dosage range

It indicates the quantitative range or amounts of the drug that may be prescribed within the guidelines of usual medical practice:

Pharmacy Compounding

It involves the mixing, assembling, packaging, and labeling of a medication on receipt of a prescription order for a specific patient:


It involves the study of the rate and extent of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination

Enteral nutrition

It is a method of providing nutritional support via tubes inserted into the stomach or small intestine. It finds application in patients who have an inability or decreased ability to ingest nutrients by mouth



150 units vitamin A

If a pediatric vitamin contains 1500 units of vitamin A per milliliter of solution, how many units of vitamin A would be administered to a child given 2 drops of the solution from a dropper calibrated to deliver 20 drops per milliliter of solution?

20 mL

How many milliliters of a 1% stock solution of a certified red dye should be used in preparing 4000 mL of a mouthwash that is to contain 1:20,000 w/v of the certified red dye as a coloring agent?

800 mL

How many milliliters of a 1:400 w/v stock solution should be used to make 4 liters of a 1:2000 w/v solution?

1250 mL

How many milliliters of a 1:5000 w/v solution of the preservative lauralkonium chloride can be made from 125 mL of a 0.2% solution?

0.25 mL gentamicin

How many milliliters of an injection containing 20 mg of gentamicin in each 2 mL should be used in filling a medication order calling for 2.5 mg of gentamicin to be administered intramuscularly?

0.6 mL aminophylline injection

How many milliliters of an injection containing 250 mg of aminophylline in each 10 mL should be used in filling a medication order calling for 15 mg of aminophylline?


How many milliliters of each of two liquids with specific gravities of 0.950 and 0.875 should be used to prepare 1500 mL of a liquid having a specific gravity of 0.925?

512.82 mOsmol

How many milliosmoles of sodium are represented in 1 liter of 3% hypertonic sodium chloride solution? Assume complete dissociation.

7.5 proof gallons

How many proof gallons are contained in 5 gallons of 75% v/v alcohol?


How much money did the patient save on a monthly basis by dosing with half tablets?

5000 mL

How much water should be added to 4000 g of 90% w/w alcohol to make 40% w/w alcohol?

850.0 mL

How much water should be mixed with 5000 mL of 85% v/v alcohol to make 50% v/v alcohol?


Hydromorphone hydrochloride suppositories contain 3 mg of active ingredient and weigh approximately 2 grams each. What is the equivalent percentage strength?

1 tablespoonful

If a liquid medicine is to be taken three times daily, and if 180 mL are to be taken in 4 days, how many tablespoonfuls should be prescribed for each dose?

18.75 mL

If a potassium chloride elixir contains 20 milliequivalents of potassium ion in each 15 mL of elixir, how many milliliters will provide 25 milliequivalents of potassium ion to the patient?

0.54 g hydrocortisone in 30 g of cream

If a topical cream contains 1.8% (w/w) of hydrocortisone, which of the following strengths is equivalent?

5 mL

If an injectable solution contains 25 mcg of a drug substance in each 0.5 mL, how many milliliters would be required to provide a patient with 0.25 mg of the drug substance?

0.40 mL insulin injection

If an insulin injection contains 100 units of insulin in each milliliter, how milliliters should be injected to receive 40 units of insulin?

0.25 mg

If an intravenous fluid is adjusted to deliver 15 mg of medication to a patient per hour, how many milligrams of medication are delivered per minute?

0.1 mg dexamethasone

If an ophthalmic solution contains 1 mg of dexamethasone phosphate in each milliliter of solution, how many milligrams of dexamethasone phosphate would be contained in 2 drops if the eyedropper used delivered 20 drops per milliliter?


If chloroform has a specific gravity of 1.476, what is its specific volume?

1.0 mL

If one 20-mL ampule contains 0.5 g of aminophylline, how many milliliters should be administered to provide a 25-mg dose of aminophylline?

40.46 mg

If the adult dose of a drug is 100 mg, what would be the dose for a child with a body surface area of 0.70 m2?

8.53 mg

If the adult dose of a drug is 25 mg, what would be the dose for a child weighing 40 lb. and measuring 32 in. in height?


If the cost of the quantity of a drug product to be dispensed is $4.00 and the pharmacist applies an 80% markup on cost, what would be the prescription price?

545.5 mg and 630 mg

If the daily dose of a drug is given in the literature as 8 mg/kg of body weight or 350 mg/m2, calculate the dose on each basis for a patient weighing 150 lb. and measuring 5 ft. 8 in. in height.

202.5 mg

If the dose of Taxol® (paclitaxel) in the treatment of metastatic ovarian cancer is 135 mg/m2, what would be the dose for a patient 155 cm tall and weighing 53 kg?

4.5 mg

If the dose of a drug is 10 mg/m2 per day, what would be the daily dose, in milligrams, for a child weighing 30 lb. and measuring 26 in. in height?

0.5 g ethinyl estradiol

Norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol tablets are available containing 0.5 mg of norgestrel and 50 mcg of ethinyl estradiol. How many grams of ethinyl estradiol ingredient would be used in making 10,000 tablets?

Specific gravity

It is a ratio, expressed decimally, of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of a substance chosen as a standard, both substances at the same temperature or the temperature of each being known:


It is a special glass bottle used to determine specific gravity of different substances:

Buffer solution

It is a system, usually an aqueous solution, that possesses the property of resisting changes in pH with the addition of small amounts of a strong acid or base


It is a unit of measurement of the amount of chemical activity of an electrolyte

Body mass index

It is accepted as the clinical standard for judging excessive weight and obesity. And, it is defined as body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height measured in meters

Proof spirit

It is an aqueous solution containing 50% v/v of absolute alcohol (100% v/v ethyl alcohol)


It is an arithmetical method of solving problems that involves the mixing of solutions or mixtures of solids possessing different percentage strengths

Medication Order

It is an order for medication and instructions written by the physician in hospitals and other institutions:


It is considered as the historic base unit of mass (weight) in SI units which is originally defined as the mass of a liter of water, is now represented by a standard mass of platinum-iridium:


It is considered most useful standard for the determination of specific gravities of gases:


It is defined as an order for medication issued by a physician, dentist, or other properly licensed medical practitioner:


It is defined as any medication route other than the alimentary canal and thus includes all routes of injection

Pharmaceutical Calculations

It is defined as the area of study that applies basic principles of mathematics to the preparation and safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals.


It is defined as the expression of the equality of two ratios


It is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. It is usually expressed as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc):


It is defined as the milliosmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent


It is defined as the milliosmoles of solute per liter of solution

. International System of Units

It is formerly called the metric system and the internationally recognized decimal system of weights and measures:


It is generally accepted that _ degree Celsius is the freezing point of both blood serum and lacrimal fluid

Usual dose

It is the amount that ordinarily produces the desired therapeutic response in the majority of patients in a general, or otherwise defined, population group

Adult dose

It is the amount that ordinarily produces the medicinal effect intended in the adult patient:

Median effective dose (ED50)

It is the amount that produces the desired intensity of effect in 50% of the individuals tested:

Median toxic dose (TD50)

It is the amount that produces toxic effects in 50% of the individuals tested

Minimum toxic concentration

It is the base level of blood serum concentration that produces dose-related toxic effects


It is the branch of medicine that deals with disease in children from birth through adolescence

Parenteral nutrition or Intravenous hyperalimentation

It is the feeding of a patient by the intravenous infusion of fluids and basic nutrients


It is the field that encompasses the management of illness in the elderly

Body surface area

It is the method of calculating drug doses that is widely used for two types of patient groups: cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and pediatric patients

Minimum effective concentration (MEC)

It is the minimum concentration determined that can be expected to produce the drug's desired effects in a patient:


It is the quantitative amount administered or taken by a patient for the intended medicinal effect:


It is the use of pharmacologically active substances in the treatment of disease and illness

Proof strength

It is twice the percentage strength of alcohol and thus 50% v/v alcohol is 100 proof


It is used as the standard for the determination of specific gravities of liquids and solids:

Specific volume

It is usually defined as an abstract number representing the ratio, expressed decimally, of the volume of a substance to the volume of an equal weight of another substance taken as a standard, both having the same temperature:




Osmotic pressure is proportional to the total number of particles in solution. The unit used to measure osmotic concentration is

Therapeutic dose

Other products, such as antitoxins, may be administered to counter a disease after exposure or contraction

15 mg oxycodone

Oxycodone hydrochloride oral concentrate solution (Oxyfast®) contains 20 mg/1 mL. If a dose of 0.75 mL is added to 30 mL of juice prior to administration. Calculate the milligrams of oxycodone hydrochloride administered:


Multiples of one trillion times (10 12) the basic unit mean:

Lf Unit

The strength of a toxoid is generally expressed in terms of


The strength of a viral vaccine is expressed most commonly in terms of

Percent weight-in-volume

The strength of an official diluted acid expressed as

Percent weight-in-weight

The strength of an official undiluted (concentrated) acid is expressed as


The strengths of very dilute solutions are commonly expressed in terms of:

0.4 mL Lanoxin® injection

Pediatric Lanoxin® injection contains digoxin, 100 mcg/mL. What volume must be administered to provide a dose of 0.04 mg?

Maintenance dose

Similar in amount to usual doses are administered according to the dosage regimen to sustain the desired drug blood levels or drug effects is known as

2 tsp

The adult dose of a liquid medication is 0.1 mL/kg of body weight to be administered as a single dose. How many teaspoonfuls should be administered to a person weighing 220 lb.?

1.73 m2

The average adult is considered to have a Body surface are (BSA) of

Parts per hundred

The term percent and its corresponding sign, %, mean

twice daily




4 mEq

A 10-mL ampule of potassium chloride contains 2.98 g of potassium chloride (KCl). What is the concentration of the solution in terms of milliequivalents per milliliter?

3.33 mL

A 125-mL container of amoxicillin contains 600 mg/5 mL. How many milliliters would be used to administer 400 mg of amoxicillin?

300 sprays

A 15-mL package of nasal spray delivers 20 sprays per milliliter of solution, with each spray containing 1.5 mg of drug. How many total sprays will the package deliver?

15 g hetastarch

A blood volume expansion solution contains 6% (w/v) of hetastarch. How many grams of agent would be present in 250 mL of the solution

7.20 kg

A commercial package contains thirty-six 200-mg tablets of ibuprofen. How many kilograms of ibuprofen were used in the manufacture of 1000 pack ages of the product?

15.2 mg dextromethorphan

A cough syrup contains 0.09 g of dextromethorphan HBr in each fluidounce. How many milligrams of this agent would be present in each teaspoonful dose?

230 mg amlodipine, 460 mg atorvastatin

A fixed-dose combination product contains amlodipine besylate and atorvastatin calcium (Caduet®) for the treatment of both hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. If a physician starts a patient on a 5-mg/10-mg dose for 14 days and then raises the dose to 10 mg /20 mg, how many milligrams of each drug will the patient take during the first 30 days?

20.13 mEq

A flavored potassium chloride packet contains 1.5 g of potassium chloride. How many milliequivalents of potassium chloride are represented in each packet?

1.75 g diazepam

A formula for 1250 tablets contains 6.25 grams (g) of diazepam. How many grams of diazepam should be used in preparing 350 tablets?

70.90 inches

A gas chromatographic column measures 1.8 m in length. Convert this measurement to inches:

2:00 PM

A patient was administered 150 mL of D5W at a rate of 25 mL/hr. If the infusion was begun at 8 AM, at what time was it completed?

300 minutes

A pediatric patient received 50 mL of an infusion at 10 drops/minute with an administration set that delivered 60 drops/ mL. Calculate the duration of the infusion in minutes.

37.5 mg metronidazole

A metronidazole vaginal gel contains 0.75% of drug in 70-g tubes. An applicator will hold 5 g of gel for each administration. How much drug will be contained in each application?

1% w/v morphine

A morphine sulfate extended-release liposome injection (Depodur®) contains morphine sulfate 10 mg/mL of injection. Calculate the percentage strength of morphine sulfate in the injection.


A neonate is considered premature if born at less than _ weeks' gestation

6 hours, 15 minutes

A patient received 250 mL of an infusion at a rate of 40 mL/hr. What was the infusion time in hours, minutes?

12:00 midnight

A patient received a 500-mL whole blood transfusion at 9:13 PM at a rate of 30 drops per minute via an administration set that delivers 10 drops/mL. At what time was the transfusion completed?


A prescription drug cost the pharmacist $42.00 for a bottle of 100 tablets. What would be the cost for 24 tablets?

"Take thou"/"You take"/"Recipe"

A prescription is usually written on preprinted forms containing the traditional symbol Rx which means:


A pycnometer weighs 21.62 g. Filled with water, it weighs 46.71 g; filled with another liquid, it weighs 43.28 g. Calculate the specific gravity of the liquid.

0.06 mg

A sample of Oriental ginseng contains 0.4 mg of active constituents in each 100 mg of powdered plant. How many milligrams of active constituents would be present in 15 mg of powdered plant?


A solution of anhydrous dextrose (m.w. 180) contains 25 g in 500 mL of water. Calculate the freezing point of the solution.

10 mEq/L

A solution contains 20 mg% (20 mg/100 mL) of Ca++ ions. Express this concentration in terms of milliequivalents per liter.

14 mOsmol

A solution contains 322 mg of Na+ ions per liter. How many milliosmoles are represented in the solution?

Apothecaries' system

A system of measure which was once the predominant pharmacist's system of volumetric and weight measure:

Avoirdupois system

A system of measure widely used in the United States in measuring body weight and in selling goods by the ounce or pound:

0.05 mcg fire ant extract

A vaginal cream contains 0.01% (w/v) of intradermal skin prick of 0.05 mL of a 1:1,000,000 (w/v) dilution of fire ant extract. How many micrograms of extract would be administered in this manner?

0.5000 mL

A vial contains 80 mg of drug in 2 mL of injection. How many milliliters of the injection should be administered to obtain 0.02 g of drug?

250000 international units

ALFERON N injection contains 5 million IU of interferon alpha-n3 per milliliter. How many units will an injection of 0.05 mL deliver?

18,920 mg acyclovir

Acyclovir (Zovirax®) suspension contains 200mg of acyclovir in each 5mL. How many milligrams of acyclovir are contained in a pint (473 mL) of suspension?

50 mg/mL

Adalimumab (HUMIRA), a recombinant human monoclonal antibody, is available in a prefilled syringe containing 40 mg/0.8 mL of injection. Calculate the concentration of drug on a mg/mL basis:

7.325 g

Add 0.0025 kg, 1750 mg, 2.25 g, and 825,000 mcg, and express the answer in grams:

500.3 g

Add 0.5 kg, 50 mg, and 2.5 dg. Reduce the result to grams:

16,000 mL

Add 7.25 L and 875 cL. Reduce the result to milliliters:

20,410 g/25.4 mm

Adhesive tape made from fabric has a tensile strength of not less than 20.41 kg/2.54 cm of width. Reduce these quantities to grams and millimeters

15 mg alclometasone

Alclometasone dipropionate (Aclovate®) ointment contains 0.05% w/w of the drug in 15-g and 45-g tubes. Calculate the difference in the quantity of drug between the two tube sizes.

32000 mg

An elixir contains 40 mg of drug in each 5 mL. How many milligrams of the drug would be used in preparing 4000 mL of the elixir?

44 mg elemental iron

An elixir of ferrous sulfate contains 220 mg of ferrous sulfate in each 5mL. If each milligram of ferrous sulfate contains the equivalent of 0.2 mg of elemental iron, how many milligrams of elemental iron would be represented in each 5 mL of the elixir?

750 mcg metaproterenol

An inhalation aerosol contains 225 mg of metaproterenol sulfate, which is sufficient for 300 inhalations. How many micrograms of metaproterenol sulfate would be contained in each inhalation?

40 drops/min

An intravenous fluid of 1000 mL of lactated Ringer's injection was started in a patient at 8 AM and was scheduled to run for 12 hours. At 3 PM, 800 mL of the fluid remained in the bottle. At what rate of flow should the remaining fluid be regulated using an IV set that delivers 15 drops/mL to complete the administration of the fluid in the scheduled time?

Hypotonic solution

An ophthalmic solution containing 40 mg/mL of cromolyn sodium and 0.01% of benzalkonium chloride in purified water is

1.2 g sertraline

An oral liquid concentrate of sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft®) contains 20 mg/mL of the drug. How many grams of sertraline hydrochloride are in each 60-mL container of the concentrate?

15,384 tablets

Aspirin tablets generally contain 325 mg of aspirin. How many such tablets may be prepared from 5 kg of aspirin?

1333 mL

At a constant temperature, the volume of a gas varies inversely with the pressure. If a gas occupies a volume of 1000 mL at a pressure of 760 mm, what is its volume at a pressure of 570 mm?

66 drops/min

At what rate, in drops per minute, should a dose of 20 mcg/kg/min of dopamine be administered to a 65-kg patient using a solution containing dopamine, 1200 mcg/mL, and a drip set that delivers 60 drops/mL?

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

Buffer equation was derived from

Coronary heart failure


30 BMI

Calculate the body mass index for a per son measuring 1.7 meters in height and weighing 87 kilograms

555.56 mOsmol

Calculate the osmolar concentration, in terms of milliosmoles, represented by 1 liter of a 10% w/v solution of anhydrous dextrose (m.w. 180) in water.

4000 mOsmol/mL

Calculate the osmolarity, in milliosmoles per milliliter, of a parenteral solution containing 2 mEq/mL of potassium acetate (KC2H3O2—m.w. 98).

Prophylactic dose

Certain dose of biologic or immunologic products, such as vaccines, may be administered to protect the patient from contracting a specific disease is called

Melting point

Colligative properties of solutions depend on the number of particles in solution. It may include the following, except

9.55 mL cyclosporine

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent administered before and after organ transplantation at a single daily dose of 15 mg/kg. How many milliliters of a 50-mL bottle containing 100 mg of cyclosporine per milliliter would be administered to a 140-lb. kidney transplant patient?

0.4 mL

Digoxin (Lanoxin®) is available for parenteral pediatric use in a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. How many milliliters would provide a dose of 40 mcg?

0.03 mg digoxin

Digoxin (Lanoxin®) pediatric elixir contains 0.05 mg of digoxin in each millimeter of elixir. How many milligrams of digoxin would be administered with a dose of 0.6 mL?

nothing by mouth

Direction to the patient such as "n.p.o (non per os)" means:


Dispensing instructions to the pharmacist as normally seen in a prescription is known as:

0.5 mL mumps vaccine

Each 0.01 mL of a mumps vaccine contains 400 TCID50 of the mumps virus. If the usual dose contains 20,000 TCID50, how many milliliters of vaccine should be administered?

0.25 mL

Each 1-mL adult dose of hepatitis A vaccine contains 1440 EL.U. of viral antigen. What would be the pediatric dose of this vaccine if 360 EL.U. of viral antigen are to be administered?

4200 mg acetaminophen

Each tablet of Tylenol with Codeine contains 30 mg of codeine phosphate and 300 mg of acetaminophen. By taking two tablets daily for a week, how many milligrams of acetaminophen drug would the patient take?

0.9 mL of 4000 units/mL

Epogen® injection is available containing in each milliliter, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 10,000 units of epoetin alfa. If the staring dose for a 160-lb. patient is prescribed at 50 units/kg, which of the following would provide that dose?

225 mL

How many milliliters of 37% w/w hydrochloric acid having a specific gravity of 1.20 are required to make 1000 mL of diluted hydrochloric acid 10% w/v?

Units of activity

The potency of many pharmaceutical products derived from biological sources is based on


Express 0.125% as a ratio strength:


Express 0.275 mg of active ingredient in 5 mL of solution as a ratio strength:


Express 1:1500 as a percentage strength:


Five pints of diluted hydrochloric acid weighs 2.79 kg. Calculate its specific gravity

6.5 mL

How many milliliters of 85% w/w phosphoric acid having a specific gravity of 1.71 should be used in preparing 1 gallon of 1⁄4% w/v phosphoric acid solution to be used for bladder irrigation?

0.18 mL U-100 insulin zinc suspension

How many milliliters of U-100 insulin zinc suspension should be used to obtain 18 units of insulin?

2000 doses

How many 0.000065-gram doses can be made from 0.130 gram of a drug?

12.5 tablets

How many 0.1-mg tablets will contain the same amount of drug as 50 tablets, each of which contains 0.025 mg of the identical drug?

800 capsules

How many capsules, each containing a 150-mcg dose of a drug may be prepared from 0.12 g of the drug?

50,000 tablets

How many colchicine tablets, each containing 600 mcg, may be prepared from 30 g of colchicine?

50 gallons

How many gallons of 20% v/v alcohol would be the equivalent of 20 proof gallons?

1.8 g NaCl, 40 g dextrose

How many grams each of sodium chloride and dextrose are present in a 1000 mL IV bag of 0.18% sodium chloride and 4% dextrose?

5040 g

How many grams of 10% w/w ammonia solution can be made from 1800 g of 28% w/w strong ammonia solution?

0.25 g

How many grams of a 1:10 trituration are required to obtain 25 mg of drug?

43.61 g anhydrous dextrose

How many grams of anhydrous dextrose should be used in preparing 1 liter of a 1⁄2% isotonic ephedrine sulfate nasal spray?

4.5 g azelaic acid

How many grams of azelaic acid (Finacea®) are contained in 30-g tubes of the 15% w/w ointment?

6.25 g digoxin

How many grams of digoxin (Lanoxin®) would be required to make 25,000 tablets each containing 250 mcg of digoxin?

2.4 g hydrocortisone

How many grams of hydrocortisone should be used in preparing 120 suppositories, each weighing 2g and containing 1% of hydrocortisone?

74.928 g

How many grams of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3—m.w. 84) should be used in preparing a liter of a solution to contain 44.6 mEq per 50 mL?

180.18 g

How many grams of sodium chloride (NaCl) should be used in preparing 20 liters of a solution containing 154 mEq/L?

115 g sodium fluoride

How many grams of sodium fluoride should be added to 100,000 liters of drinking water containing 0.6 ppm of sodium fluoride to provide a recommended concentration of 1.75 ppm?

32.43 mEq

How many milliequivalents of Li+ are provided by a daily dose of four 300-mg tablets of lithium carbonate (Li2CO3— m.w. 74)?

785.05 mEq

How many milliequivalents of ammonium (NH4+) ion are contained in 1 liter of a 4.2% w/v solution of ammonium chloride?

3.67 mL purified water, 26.33 mL NaCl

How many milliliters each of purified water and an isotonic sodium chloride solution should be used to prepare 30 mL of a 1% w/v isotonic solution of fentanyl citrate (E =0.11)?

Irritable bowel syndrome




2500 units antigen

If 0.5 mL of a mumps virus vaccine contains 5000 units of antigen, how many units would be present in each milliliter if the 0.5 mL of vaccine was diluted to 2 mL with water for injection?

240 mg

If 100 capsules contain 500 mg of an active ingredient, how many milligrams of the ingredient will 48 capsules contain?

0.01% w/v benzalkonium

If 100 mL of a pharmaceutical preparation contains 20 mcL of a 50% w/v solution of benzalkonium chloride, what is the percentage strength of that agent in the solution?


If 150 mL of a sorbitol solution weigh 170 g, what is its specific gravity?


If 2 fl. oz. of glycerol weighs 74.1 g, what is its specific gravity?

0.812 g/mL

If 250 mL of alcohol weighs 203 g, what is its density?


If 50 mL of a 1:20 w/v solution are diluted to 1000 mL, what is the ratio strength (w/v)?

45.45% w/w dextrose

If 500 g of dextrose are dissolved in 600 mL of water with a resultant final volume of 1 liter, what is the percentage strength of dextrose in the solution on a w/w basis?


If 500 mL of a 15% v/v solution are diluted to 1500 mL, what will be the percentage strength (v/v)?

. 1646.5 g

If 500 mL of mineral oil is used to prepare a liter of mineral oil emulsion, how many grams of the oil, having a specific gravity of 0.87, would be used in the preparation of 1 gallon of the emulsion?

2 inhalers

If a Ventolin® inhaler contains 20 mg of albuterol, how many inhalation-doses can be delivered if each inhalation-dose contains 90 mcg?

112.5 Lf Units dipthheria toxoid

If a biologic product contains 7.5 Lf Units of diphtheria toxoid per 0.5 mL, how many flocculating units would be present in a 7.5-mL multiple dose vial?

9462.5 g nitrate ion

If a city water supply has a limit of 250 ppm of nitrate ion, what is the maximum amount of nitrate ion, in grams, that may be present in a 10,000-gallon reservoir?

10 mcg proinsulin

If a commercially available insulin preparation contains 1 ppm of proinsulin, how many micrograms of proinsulin would be contained in a 10-mL vial of insulin?

7.5 mg dextromethorphan

If a cough syrup contains 0.18 g of dextromethorphan HBr in 120 mL, how many milligrams of the drug are contained in each teaspoonful dose?

25 days

If a diabetic patient injects 20 Units of insulin twice daily, how many days will a 10-mL vial of the U-100 product last the patient?

0.36 g

If a formula for 1000 mL contains 6 g of a drug, how many grams of drug are needed to prepare 60 mL of the formula?

2 patients

In a clinical study, a drug produced drowsiness in 30 of the 1500 patients studied. How many patients of a certain pharmacy could expect similar effects, based on a patient count of 100?

0.5 mg epinephrine

In acute hypersensitivity reactions, 0.5 mL of a 1:1000 (w/v) solution of epinephrine may be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Calculate the milligrams of epinephrine given.

give of such doses

In prescription filling directions such as "d.t.d. (dentur tales doses)" mean:


In the United States Pharmacopeia, the standard temperature for specific gravities is 25 degree Celsius, except for that of alcohol, which is _ degree Celsius:


In what proportion should alcohols of 95% and 50% strengths be mixed to make 70% alcohol?


In what proportions may a manufacturing pharmacist mix 20%, 15%, 5%, and 3% zinc oxide ointments to produce a 10% ointment?

Medication prescribed

Inscription is typically seen in a prescription order written by a licensed physician includes:

1.73% w/v

Isotonic sodium chloride solution contains 0.9% w/v sodium chloride. If the E value of boric acid is 0.52, calculate the percentage strength (w/v) of an isotonic solution of boric acid.


Instruction to the patient.

Molar concentrations

International system of units expresses most clinical laboratory values, including those of electrolytes in terms of

Apply ointment to the left eye immediately

Interpret the following Signa (Appl. ung. left eye ad lib.) taken from a prescription:

Make one capsule. Dispense 36 such doses. Do not repeat.

Interpret the following Subscription (Ft. cap. #1. DTD no.xxxvi N.R.) taken from a prescription:

AMBIEN 10 milligrams by mouth at every bedtime for 5 days.

Interpret the following direction (AMBIEN 10 mg p.o. qhs x 5 d) taken from a medication order:

Potassium Chloride


40 mg simethicone

Mylicon® drops contain 2 g of simethicone in a 30-mL container. How many milligrams of the drug are contained in each 0.6-mL dose?

1.538 g streptomycin

One milligram of streptomycin sulfate contains the antibiotic activity of 650 mcg of streptomycin base. How many grams of streptomycin sulfate would be the equivalent of 1 g of streptomycin base?

0.125 mL

One-half liter of solution for intravenous infusion contains 2 g of drug. How many milliliters of the solution would contain 0.5 mg of drug?

0.001% w/v

Purified water contains not more than 10 ppm of total solids. Express this concentration as a percentage.

1,256,000 mcg

Reduce 1.256 g to micrograms:

14 mcg cyclosporine

Restasis® Ophthalmic Emulsion contains 0.05% w/v cyclosporin. If a dose of one drop measures 28 mcL, how many micrograms of cyclosporin are present?

25 mg rimantadine

Rimantadine HCl syrup contains 2.4 g of rimantadine HCl in each 240 mL of syrup. How many milligrams of rimantadine HCl would there be in 2.5 mL delivered by oral dispenser?


Roman numerals are commonly used in prescription writing to designate quantities, XII means:

3 g antipyrine

Rx Antipyrine 5% Glycerin ad 60 Sig: Five drops in right ear. How many grams of antipyrine should be used in preparing the prescription?

0.1% w/v dexamethasone

Rx Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 100 mg Sterile Water for Injection ad 100 mL Sig: 2 drops into eyes q 4 hours x 2 days; then 2 drops q 6 hours x 4 days. Calculate the percent strength of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in the prescription

0.236 g sodium chloride

Rx Dipivefrin Hydrochloride 1⁄ 2% Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1/3% Sodium Chloride q.s. Purified Water ad 30 Make isoton. sol. Sig. Use in the eye. How many grams of sodium chloride should be used in compounding the prescription?

201 mg sodium chloride

Rx Ephedrine Sulfate 0.3 g Sodium Chloride q.s. Purified Water ad 30 mL Make isoton. sol. Sig. Use as directed. How many milligrams of sodium chloride should be used in compounding the prescription?

5.34 g camphor and 8.01 g castor oil

Rx Lactic Acid 4 g Salicylic Acid 5 g Trichloroacetic Acid 2 g Flexible Collodion q.s. ad 100 g Sig: wart remover. Use as directed. Flexible collodion contains 20% w/w camphor and 30% w/w castor oil. How many grams of each would be contained in 30 g of the mixture?

30 mg ofloxacin

Rx Ofloxacin Ophthalmic Solution 0.3% Disp. 10 mL Sig: 2 drops into eyes q 4 hours x 2 days; then 2 drops q 6 hours x 4 days. A pharmacist filled the prescription with OCUFLOX. How many milligrams of ofloxacin are contained in the dispensed prescription?

4% w/v progesterone

Rx Progesterone, micronized 4 g Glycerin 5 mL Methylcellulose (1%) Solution 50 mL Cherry Syrup ad 100 mL What is the percentage concentration (w/v) of progesterone in the prescription?

0.19 g potassium nitrate

Rx Sol. Silver Nitrate 0.5% 15 Make isoton. sol. Sig. For the eyes. How many grams of potassium nitrate should be used to make the prescription isotonic?

0.502 g boric acid

Rx Zinc Sulfate 0.06 Boric Acid q.s. Purified Water ad 30 Make isoton. sol. Sig. Drop in eyes. How many grams of boric acid should be used in compounding the prescription?


Rx symbol is a typical component of the prescription, is called:



0.32 mg budesonide, 0.018 mg formoterol

SYMBICORT 80/4.5 is an oral inhalation product containing 80 mcg of budesonide and 4.5mcg of formoterol fumarate per inhalation. The dose is stated as ''two inhalations twice daily.'' How much of each drug would be administered daily?

7.45 g

Sterile solutions of potassium chloride (KCl) containing 5 mEq/mL are available in 20-mL containers. Calculate the amount, in grams, of potassium chloride in the container.


Subdivisions of one billionth (10-9) of the basic unit mean:

9600000 units

The biotechnology-derived product interferon beta-1b contains 32 million international units per milligram. Calculate the number of international units present in a vial containing 0.3 mg of interferon beta-1b.

Ratio Strength

The concentrations of weak solutions are frequently expressed in terms of:


The cost of 100 antacid tablets is $2.10. What should be the selling price per 100 tablets to yield a 40% gross profit on the selling price?


The dissociation constant of ethanol amine is 2.77 x 10-5 at 25°C. Calculate its pKb value.

1.1 g thiabendazole

The dosage of the drug thiabendazole (Mintezol®) is determined in direct proportion to a patient's weight. If the dose of the drug for a patient weighing 150 pounds is 1.5 grams, what would be the dose for a patient weighing 110 pounds?

0.08 g diclofenac per day for 12.5 days

The dose of Voltaren® (diclofenac sodium) gel, when applied to the hands in the treatment of arthritic pain, is 2 g four times a day. The gel contains diclofenac sodium 1% and is available in 100-g tubes. How many grams of the drug diclofenac sodium would be administered per day and how many days of treatment would be available per tube of gel?

12.5 mg

The dose of a drug is 500 mcg/kg of body weight. How many milligrams should be given to a child weighing 55 lb.?

12.73 mg gentamicin

The dose of gentamicin for premature and full-term neonates is 2.5 mg/kg administered every 12 hours. What would be the daily dose for a newborn weighing 5.6 lb.?

35.4 mg mitomycin

The dose of mitomycin injection is 20mg/m2 per day. Determine the daily dose for a patient who weighs 144 lb. and measures 68 in. in height.


The fabrication of a pharmaceutical product from individual ingredients, carefully weighed, measured, and mixed is called

A glassful or cupful measures 250 mL

The following approximate equivalent of household measures are correct, except

A pint measures 250 mL

The following approximate equivalent of household measures are correct, except

35 25-mg tablets and 70 5-mg tablets

The following regimen for oral prednisone is prescribed for a patient: 50 mg/ day x 10 days; 25 mg/day x 10 days; 12.5 mg/day x 10 days; 5 mg/day x 10 weeks. How many scored 25-mg tablets and how many 5-mg tablets should be dispensed to meet the dosing requirements?

Late childhood is 1 year through 5 years

The following statements about pediatric patients are correct, except


The list price of an antihistamine elixir is $6.50 per pint, less 40%. What is the net cost per pint of the elixir?


The potency of antibiotics may also be designated in terms of


The potency of insulin preparation is generally expressed in terms of

6 drops

The oral dose of a drug is 2.5 mg. If a solution contains 0.5% w/v of the drug in a dropper bottle that delivers 12 drops/mL, how many drops would supply the dose?

Metrification/Metric transition

The process of changing from the common systems and units of measurement (e.g., pounds, feet, gallons) to the SI metric system is termed:

400 mcg riboflavin

The prophylactic dose of riboflavin is 2 mg. How many micrograms of riboflavin are in a multiple vitamin capsule containing 1⁄5 the prophylactic dose?


The relative magnitudes of two quantities is called

Stock solution

These are concentrated solutions of active or inactive substances and are used by pharmacists as a convenience to prepare solutions of lesser concentration

Significant figures

These are consecutive figures that express the value of a denominate number accurately enough for a given purpose


These are dilutions of potent medicinal substances. They were at one time official and were prepared by diluting one part by weight of the drug with nine parts of finely powdered lactose


These are sterile pharmaceutical solutions or suspensions of a drug substance in an aqueous or nonaqueous vehicle. They are usually administered by needle into almost any part of the body

Alligation alternate

This method may be used to determine the proportion or quantities of two or more components to combine in order to prepare a mixture of a desired strength

Alligation medial

This method may be used to determine the strength of a common ingredient in a mixture of two or more preparations

30 mg/30 g and 6 mg/15 g

Tretinoin gel (Retin-A Micro®) is available in two strengths: 0.1% w/w and 0.04% w/w. Which of these represents equivalent concentrations of the two strengths?

25% w/w potassium chloride

What is the percentage strength (w/w) of a solution made by dissolving 62.5 g of potassium chloride in 187.5 mL of water?

2400 mg nevirapine

VIRAMUNE Oral Suspension contains 1% w/v of nevirapine. Calculate the milligrams of nevirapine present in a 240 mL bottle of the suspension.

2000 mOsmo/L

What is the osmolarity of an 8.4% w/v solution of sodium bicarbonate?


What is the pH of a buffer solution prepared with 0.055 M sodium acetate and 0.01 M acetic acid? The pKa value of acetic acid is 4.76 at 25°C.


What is the pH of a buffer solution prepared with 0.5 M disodium phosphate and 1 M sodium acid phosphate? The pKa value of sodium acid phosphate is 7.21 at 25°C.


What is the percentage of zinc oxide in an ointment prepared by mixing 200 g of 10% ointment, 50 g of 20% ointment, and 100 g of 5% ointment?


What is the percentage strength (v/v) of alcohol in a mixture of 3000 mL of 40% v/v alcohol, 1000 mL of 60% v/v alcohol, and 1000 mL of 70% v/v alcohol? Assume no contraction of volume after mixing.


What is the percentage strength of alcohol in a mixture of 500 mL of a solution containing 40% v/v alcohol, 400 mL of a second solution containing 21% v/v alcohol, and a sufficient quantity of a nonalcoholic third solution to make a total of 1000 mL?


What is the representative specific gravity of water at 25 degree Celsius?


What is the specific gravity of a mixture of 1000 mL of syrup with a specific gravity of 1.300, 400 mL of glycerin with a specific gravity of 1.250, and 1000 mL of an elixir with a specific gravity of 0.950?

546.448 mL

What is the volume, in milliliters, of 1 kg of sulfuric acid with a specific gravity of 1.83?

405.357 mL

What is the volume, in milliliters, of 1 lb of benzyl benzoate having a specific gravity of 1.120?

4.86 kg

What is the weight, in kilograms, of 1 gallon of sorbitol solution having a specific gravity of 1.285?

9.2 kg

What is the weight, in kilograms, of 5 liters of sulfuric acid with a specific gravity of 1.84?

7.4 lb

What is the weight, in pounds, of 5 pints of nitric acid?


What molar ratio of salt to acid would be required to prepare a buffer solution with a pH of 4.5? The pKa value of the acid is 4.05 at 25°C.

66 2⁄3%

What should the markup percentage be on the cost of an item to yield a 40% gross profit on the selling price?


What was the percentage error in the weight of the cut tablets compared with ''exact halves''?


When a solvent passes through a semipermeable membrane from a dilute solution into a more concentrated one, the concentrations become equalized and the phenomenon is known as

Dimensional analysis

When performing pharmaceutical calculations, some students prefer to use a method that involves the logical sequencing and placement of a series ratios (termed factors) into an equation

19,400 PFU

Zoster Vaccine Live (Zostavax®) contains about 29,850 plaque-forming units (PFU) of attenuated virus per 0.1 cL. Approximately how many PFUs would be contained in each 0.65-mL dose?

before meals


once a day


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