PHHE Ch. 11

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How much exercise should people get on average and what level of intensity?

Most people should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week. Longer-duration or more vigorous activity produces additional health and fitness benefits. Cardiorespiratory endurance exercises stress a large portion of the body's muscle mass. Endurance exercise should be performed 3-5 days per week for a total of 20-60 minutes per day. Intensity can be evaluated by measuring the heart rate.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance, the ability to sustain or repeat a muscular contraction, helps people cope with the physical demands of everyday life and enhances performance in sports and work

Muscular strength reffers to?

Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort. It depends on factors such as the size of muscle cells and the ability of nerves to activate muscle cells.

types of fitness also bonus: skill related fitness

Physical fitness is a set of physical attributes that allow the body to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort—to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without becoming overly tired. Really there are five components of physical fitness In addition to the five health-related components of physical fitness, the ability to perform a particular sport or activity may depend on skill-related fitness components such as speed, power, agility, balance, coordination, and reaction time.

Regular cardiorespiratory endurance training

Regular cardiorespiratory endurance training, however, conditions the heart and metabolism. Endurance training makes the heart stronger and improves the function of the entire cardiorespiratory system. As cardiorespiratory fitness improves, related physical functions also improve. The heart pumps more blood per heartbeat, resting heart rate and blood pressure decrease, blood volume increases, blood supply to tissues improves, the body can cool itself better, and metabolic health improves, which helps the body process fuels and regulate cell function.

Rice what is it good for and what does it mean?

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (R-I-C-E) are treatments for minor muscle and joint injuries.

Strength training does what?

Strength training promotes cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss), and prevents premature death from all causes

The amount of overload needed to maintain or improve a particular level of fitness is?

The amount of overload needed to maintain or improve a particular level of fitness is determined in six dimensions, represented by the abbreviation FITTVP: frequency, intensity, time, type, volume, and progression.


Your target heart rate zone is the range of rates within which you should exercise to obtain cardiorespiratory benefits

What can occur when muscles are unchallenged? 4

bones lose their density joints stiffen muscles become weak energy systems begin to degenerate

What is the best measure of cardiorespiratory capacity?

maximal oxygen consumption

Who should get a ECG before exercise

people at risk of heart disease

What are skill-related fitness components?

reaction time power speed coordination

What are the long term effects of exercise

reduced risk of colon cancer improved self-image decreased body fat

Injuries are least likely if endurance training occurs

3-5 times a week

Good Stretching program? Why is stretching's useful?

A good stretching program includes exercises for the major muscle groups and joints of the body. Do a series of active, static stretches at least 2-3 days per week. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds and do 2-4 repetitions. Stretch when muscles are warm.

An exercise program can be divided into three stages.

An exercise program can be divided into three stages. In the initial stage, the body adjusts to the new type and level of activity. In the improvement stage, fitness increases. In the maintenance stage, the targeted level of fitness is sustained over the long term.

What are the effects of not challenging a body physically?

Bones lose their density, joints stiffen, and muscles become weak.

Cardiorespiratory endurance

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high intensity. When cardiorespiratory fitness is low, the heart has to work hard during normal daily activities and may not be able to work hard enough to sustain high-intensity physical activity in an emergency. Poor cardiorespiratory fitness is linked with heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death from all causes.

Specs of a exercise program to develop muscular strength

Exercises that develop muscular strength and endurance involve exerting force against a significant resistance. A strength-training program for general fitness typically involves one or more sets of 8-12 repetitions of 8-10 exercises performed on at least 2 nonconsecutive days per week.

What are the effects of exercise on the human body?

Increased blood volume Decreased body fat and improved self image Improved ability to extract oxygen from the air during exercise.

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