PHI 1100: QUIZ #3 PREP

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2. If animals have no direct or indirect moral standing, then using them for human purposes is

never wrong.

10. According to Carruthers, which of the following groups should not be accorded direct moral standing?

none of the above

8. Shelby argues for the following connection between racist beliefs and racism:

A. Racist beliefs are necessary for one to be racist. incorrect B. Racist beliefs are sufficient for one to be racist. C. both A and B CORRECT D. neither A nor B: only racist attitudes are required for one to be racist incorrect

16. Any ethic that accords direct moral standing to nonhuman creatures is an environmental ethic.


16. Because animals cannot be virtuous, a virtue ethics approach cannot be applied within the context of the ethics of eating animals.


17. According to Cudd and Jones, there are no cases in which one can be sexist without being culpable.


17. Most philosophers who have proposed the principle of equality have recognized that this principle applies to members of other species as well as to our own.


18. According to Singer, equal treatment entails identical treatment.


18. In Baxter's view, the costs of controlling pollution are best expressed in terms of the number of dollars that will need to be spent.


19. Tommie Shelby argues that every philosophical inquiry into the nature of racism must show that racism is inherently evil.


20. According to Hill, understanding one's place in nature is the same thing as appreciating one's place in nature.


20. Cohen accepts that humans do have some moral obligations to animals.


21. Elizabeth Anderson thinks that it would be good to integrate even if we are not obligated to do so.


22. According to Carruthers, contractualism can't consistently deny moral standing to animals without also withholding it from infants and mentally "defective" humans.


22. Anderson argues that there are five distinct stages of integration.


23. According to Anderson, all that it takes to mitigate the detrimental effects on socio-economic opportunity brought about by serration is to formally desegregate.


23. Carruthers argues that nonhuman animals have direct moral standing.


24. According to Sinnott-Armstrong, the fact that we cannot find any moral principle (to support our moral intuitions) shows that we don't need such principles.


25. Norcross believes that the behavior of those who knowingly support factory farming is morally permissible.


14. IAT stands for

Implicit Bias Test.

6. Which of the following best characterizes Garcia's view about the relationship between individual and institutional racism?

Institutional racism is wrong because it results from individual racism.

4. Which of the following best characterizes Garcia's account of racism?

Racism consists of racially based disregard for the welfare of certain people.

15. According to Kelly and Roeder, the empirical literature on implicit bias suggests that

There is widespread implicit racial bias.

16. According to skeptics of feminist theory, sexism is no longer a problem in Western countries.


17. Baxter defends an anthropocentric approach to ethical issues concerning the environment.


18. Garcia argues that the core of racism is not a matter of belief but instead a matter of one's desires, hopes, and goals.


19. According to Singer, we ought not to base our opposition to racism and sexism on actual equality among human beings.


19. Hill claims that it's possible to not regard an act as wrong while at the same time seeing it as reflecting something objectionable about the person who performed that act.


20. According to Shelby, racism is fundamentally a kind of ideology.


21. According to Cohen, there is a sense in which animals have inherent value.


21. According to Gardiner, the "fragmentation of agency" leads to humanity's relative inability to respond to climate change due to the lack of an effective, centralized system of global governance.


22. According to Gardiner, the main problem inherent in the theoretical storm of climate change is that of moral corruption.


23. Sinnott-Armstrong claims that it is morally better for individuals to not engage in activities like driving a gas-guzzling car just for fun.


24. Kelly and Roeder think that the implicit racial biases raise interesting questions about the ethics of minimally mental attitudes.


24. Norcross thinks that what grounds moral agency is different from what grounds moral standing as a patient.


25. According to Hourdequin, the integrity of a person committed to opposing climate change grounds a prima facie duty to control his or her greenhouse gas emissions.


25. The results of implicit association tests are often strikingly at odds with their explicitly reported attitudes and beliefs.


1. Which of the following statements corresponds to Cudd and Jones' ultimate definition of sexism?

a historically and globally pervasive form of oppression against women

15. Norcross agrees that if a being is incapable of moral reasoning, at even the most basic level, then it cannot be

a moral agent.

4. In Singer's understanding, the principle of the equality of human beings is

a prescription of how we should treat humans.

2. What is "the man standard"?

accepting the behavior, activities, and attitudes of men to be the human norm.

11. What is an example of "mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon"?

all countries cooperating to change the existing incentive structure by introducing a system of enforceable sanctions to curb climate change.

1. Biocentrism is the view that

all living beings, because they are living, possess direct moral standing.

6. Leopold claims that history has shown that "the conqueror role is eventually self-defeating." It is self-defeating, in this view, because

all of the above

7. Which of the following is a possible source of obligations, according to Cohen?

all of the above

9. According to Gardiner, which of the following is an important implication of the fact that carbon dioxide is a long-lived greenhouse gas?

all of the above

8. According to Cohen, animals are


13. One harm of segregation is, on Anderson's view, that it undermines


2. Suppose Mary says, "I understand that the use of the pesticide DDT will prevent thousands of human beings from dying of malaria. But it is still wrong to use DDT, because ultimately all that matters is the functional integrity of the ecosystems in which human beings live, and using DDT will severely damage this integrity." Mary is most likely a proponent of


14. According to some defenders of meat-eating, the suffering of animals counts less than the suffering of humans (if at all) because

humans are rational and animals are not.

9. Carruthers argues that, on contractualist grounds, nonhuman animals may be accorded which of the following kinds of moral standing?


1. Mary's laptop deserves moral consideration only because she owns it and cares about it. Thus, Mary's laptop has

indirect moral standing.

12. Sinnott-Armstrong is most interested in examining issues about the moral obligations of


13. The main difference between "actual act principles" (like the harm principle) and "internal principles" (like the universalizability principle) is that

internal principles focus on the agent's motives for acting.

15. In contrast to Garrett Hardin's approach, the Confucian model rejects coercion because

it affirms the autonomy of individuals apart from others.

14. Hourdequin argues that one flaw of consequentialist calculation is that

it can run counter to a person's being able to integrate her commitments at various levels.

9. Shelby says that the concept "fornication" can be used to illustrate one obstacle against the "thick concept" approach to moral analysis. This is because

it is not obvious that fornication is wrong, and so any analysis of it would have to explain why it is ????

12. Which of the following potentially morally relevant differences between Fred's behavior and the behavior of the consumers of factory-raised meat does Norcross not discuss?

none of the above

7. If there are really no such things as "races," then Garcia would agree that

one could still make distinctions based on racial classifications, and this could allow for racism.

11. According to Anderson, informal social integration is achieved when

people of different races engage cooperatively with one another with trust, ease, affiliation, and intimacy.

12. One way that we can tell that integration is good, according to Anderson, is by seeing that

people who are brought together into integrating living environments go on to choose to live in integrated places.

7. Leopold most likely describes the "land pyramid" to

provide a description of a mechanism that "we can see, feel, understand, love, or otherwise have faith in."

3. According to Singer, which of the following is the single relevant factor in determining whether something has moral status?


5. What, according to Singer, is the only defensible boundary of concern for the interests of others?


13. According to Norcross, which of the following arguments poses a formidable challenge to any proposed criterion of full moral standing that excludes animals?

the argument from marginal cases

11. In Carruther's view, the justification for moral criticism for things that we do (or don't to do) to an animal derives from

the bad qualities of character that our actions evince.

10. In the context of Gardiner's article, what is "the dispersion of causes and effects"?

the dispersion of the impacts of emissions of greenhouse gases to other actors and regions of the Earth

6. According to Singer, the conclusions argued for in "all animals are equal" flow from which of the following principles alone?

the principle of minimizing suffering

4. If it were known that a policy would wipe out several animal species without negatively affecting human beings, Baxter would most likely say that

this policy is morally unproblematic.

3. Difference feminism maintains that which of the following is the primary medium of sexism?

unconscious desires

3. Suppose Nathan argues that while neither nonhuman nor nonsentient beings have direct moral standing, we still ought to have a certain noninstrumental regard for the environment because failing to do so involves a deficiency in one's moral character. Nathan is most likely applying what moral theory?

virtue ethics

5. Baxter claims that his "very general way" of stating what we should strive for environmentally assumes that

we can measure in some way the incremental units of human satisfaction.

10. Elizabeth Anderson argues that

we have a moral obligation to formally desegregate. incorrect we have a moral obligation to spatially integrate. incorrect we have a moral obligation to formally socially integrate. incorrect All of the above. correct

5. Garcia tries to accommodate the fact that racist people normally believe in the superiority of their race by claiming that

while these beliefs are not necessary to be racist, they can be used to rationalize one's vicious disregard for another race.

8. Instead of asking why the act of destroying the environment might be immoral, Hill wants to ask

why people who destroy the environment might be bad people. ????

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