PHIL 3640 Exam Review Buddhism

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sitting meditation


study of salvation


sudden enlightenment; flash of insight spontaneous experience of enlightenment

Dukkha (Buddhism)


Shunyata (doctrine)

the Mahayana notion of emptiness, meaning that the universe is empty of permanent reality. teaching that all compounded things have no independent existence or eternal reality

Law of Karma (Buddhism)

the arhat devoid of desire; total transformation, older conceptions, the law of karma was ironclad and so negative karma necessarily meant a long series of lives in lesser states (including lower castes) from which liberation from samsara was not a realistic possibility. Buddha's "new" conception of karma was a bit more egalitarian or equal opportunity. Life as a bhikku (monk) or bhikkuni (nun) in the sangha was open to everyone and a life devoted to the precepts laid out in the Buddha's teaching (dhamma) could allow for any person, regardless of caste, to become an arhat (enlightened bhikku(ni)).

Samsara (Buddhism)

the continuing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth; also, the this-worldly realm in which the cycle recurs

expedient means

the most efficient way to help someone understand a Buddhist concept; upaya

Diamond Sutra

the worlds first known printed book, was printed and China,and was also a religious Buddhist text

Chan and Zen Buddhism Markers

transmission/training from master to disciple no dependence on authority of words/letters direct attention to on'es inner nature attaining buddhahood by seeing one's true nature

Shakya clan

warriors that belonged to the Kshatriya caste (the warrior rulers caste). to which the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, belonged

King Ashoka

was the Mauryan king who unified India, renounced violence, and established Buddhism as the official religion. (250 BCE)

Chan Buddhism

5th century C.E. legendary figure Bodhidharma. emphasis on meditation, insight. Wild success china, the Chinese and Japanese names for the "meditation" school of Buddhism that values meditative experience far above doctrine.

Who is S.N. Goenka?

A Burmese man who died in 2013; he was a renowned teacher of vipassana and in fact led the retreat described in Malkovsky's chapter

Lotus Sutra

A Mahayana Buddhist text where Enlightenment is made available not only to monastics but to all because of the great compassion of bodhisattvas. words from the Buddhist's lips. One of the earliest and most influential Mahayana Buddhist texts, which reveals the cosmological nature of a Buddha and the universal character of Buddhist truth.

Which of the following was a vision that Malkovsky describes having in the chapter?

A murderous tree who approached Malkovsky with a knife, harkening back to terrifying memories of his childhood.


An ancient language of India, similar to Sanskrit but more commonly understood, and used in the writing of the earliest Buddhist texts; most important for Theravada Buddhism


An ancient language of buddhism, similar to Sanskrit but more commonly understood, and used in the writing of the earliest Buddhist texts; most important for Theravada Buddhism

Sermon in the Deer Park

Buddha's first teaching to the five ascetics in which he told them of the Middle Way and set forth the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path which describe the cause and cure of suffering. Buddha's first sermon where he told his followers that there were two extremes to avoid: the path of pleasure and lust.


Buddhism, a term for craving (desire or wanting something)


Buddhist monks

heart sutra

Buddhist scripture that forms the foundation of the Mahayana belief of "emptiness"

Lotus Sutra White, Jeweled Ox



Future Buddhas. As the ideal types for Mahayana Buddhism, beings who have experienced enlightenment but, motivated by compassion, stop short of entering nirvana so as to help others achieve it

Malkovsky describes some remarkable results that occurred as a result of his retreat. What were they?

He was able to discern the relationship problems of a perfect stranger, thanks to his heightened intuitions and awareness.


Impermanence. Everything is constantly changing


In Mahayana Buddhism this refers to the fundamental nature of all beings, which means that all beings can attain Buddhahood.

Vajarayana Buddhism

Literally "Diamond Vehicle," it is the prominent branch of Buddhism in Tibet.

Vajrayana Mahayana Buddhism

Literally "Diamond Vehicle," it is the prominent branch of Buddhism in Tibet. Final Stage (after Sravaka and Mahayana paths)

Lotus Sutra Ox Cart

Mahayana (Great Vehicle)

Lotus Sutra Deer Cart

Pratyeka (solitary)

Eightfold Path: Right effort, mindfulness, concentration


Lotus Sutra Goat Cart

Sravaka (Theravada)


The Buddhist community of monks and nuns; one of the Three Jewels of Buddhism.

Which of the following is not part of the technique used in vipassana meditation? Intense breath-concentration, focusing for lengthy periods on the area of skin beneath one's nostrils. Uninterrupted focus on the image of oneself as a Buddha who will selflessly remain in samsara to liberate others. Prolonged concentration on various patches of skin, beginning at the top of the head and continuing to other parts of the body.

Uninterrupted focus on the image of oneself as a Buddha who will selflessly remain in samsara to liberate others.

Eightfold Path (Buddhism)

View Intention Speech Action Livelihood Effort Mindfulness Concentration

Eightfold Path: Right View & Intention

Wisdom: understand and accept the Three Marks -Annica (impermanence) -Dukkha (suffering) -Anatta (no-self)

pure land

a Buddhist sect, originally Chinese but later popular in Japan, that taught that devotion to Amitabha Buddha ("The Buddha of Boundless Light") alone could lead to enlightenment and release. For those who join Amitabha, there will be no more rebirth in the samsaric world.

bodhisattva vow

a committment often made by Mahayana Buddhists that commits one to savings all beings, overcoming all lusts, learning all spiritual truths, and attaining Buddhahood

Festival of the Tooth (Sri Lanka)

a festival held in July and August in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This historical procession is held annually to pay homage to the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha, which is housed at the Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy.


a nonordained member of a church.


a paradoxical anecdote or riddle, used in Zen Buddhism to demonstrate the inadequacy of logical reasoning and to provoke enlightenment. puzzle "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"


a person who has attained enlightenment but who has postponed nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment


a reliquary mound in which the relics of the Buddha or a Buddhist saint are buried


a trancelike state in which self-consciousness is lost and the mind is absorbed into the ultimate reality; the culmination of the eight steps of Yoga.


awakened one, enlightened one. A fully enlightened being

soothsayer predicted that the infant Gautama would

become either a kind of India or a wondering monk

nontheism/transtheism Buddha

believed the the world had non-human gods, goddesses, demons, etc., but all are finite. did not espouse ritual sacrifice and prayer.

Buddha seems to have rejected

bhakti as a way of salvation

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

born around 650 BCE near the Himalayas father was a chieftain (Kshatriya) of the Shakya clan wealthy family married at 16-19, had a son (Rahula). left his home life; leaves his wife and child to become a wondering monk

General technique of vipassana meditation

breath observation concentration on sensation


buddhist monks


category of composition marked by a particular form, style and subject matter (e.g., hymnody, epic narrative)

buddhism refers to a family of religious groups

central to all: the teaching (dhamma) of the Buddha buddhist scriptures recorded in Pali, which is a mix of Sanskirt and dialects from near Himalayas

Pure Land Sutras

contain the teachings of Amitabha about infinite life and visualization sutras, lived a exemplary life that he became a Bodhisattva (ideal type of Mahayana Buddhism) and earned many merits.

Eightfold Path: Right Speech, action, livelihood

cultivate ethical conduct


dedicated teaching vipassana meditation for the rest of his life.

realizes that all suffering stems from tanha

desire, thirst, craving


devotion to a deity or guru. Theravada Buddhism discourages this.

siddhartha's mother

died about a week after his birth born from her right side



Upaya (skillful means)

effective communication that is individually appealing to learn and receive the great gift of the advancement of higher learning. "Skillful Means" was developed into a form of Buddhist practice that encourages imaginatively applying wisdom to whatever circumstances one is in to assist in easing suffering or cultivating insight

when riding on chariot, siddhartha observes

elderly person, diseased person, a corpse, a wandering ascetic (legend of the four sights)

Pure Land Buddhism Salvation

escape from samsaric cycle here and entry into the Buddha's "Pure Land," a heavenly paradise of happiness (enlightenment easier). stands in stark contrast of Buddhalogy and soteriology of Theravada Buddhism of self-reliance and individual effort

Zen Buddhism

extension of Chan in Japan (dating back to c. 1200 C.E.) I and not-I (two things that are different are not different) are non-dual; satori (flash of insight) mature members sometimes "break rules" b/c of nondualism koan: puzzle intended to stymie the mind, bring new insight the Chinese and Japanese names for the "meditation" school of Buddhism that values meditative experience far above doctrine.

forestaste of nirvana


The Three Bodies of the Buddha (Trikaya)

first body - the human body second body - not recognized by Theravada Buddhist. (lotus sutra) heavenly existence beyond the material existence we know now. third body - (highest) nature, reality, final body, devoid of pure consciousness. The highest state of enlightenment.

old theory of the origins of mahayana school

followers of theravada buddhist became exaggerated and worship of the buddha. Buddha wasn't simply a teacher anymore but a God figure. Dispite Buddha discouraging bhakti devotion.

Chan and Zen Buddhism

foundation not scripture or imitation, but direct insight into ones' own mind, achieved through zazen (sitting meditation)

Nagarjuna (shunyata)

founder of Mahayana Buddhism.

additional texts of mahayana buddhism

heart sutra, lotus sutra, dimond sutra, ugrapariprccha sutra

the three marks of existence

impermanence (annica) Suffering (dakkha) no-self (anatman/anatta)


in Theravada Buddhism, one who has attained enlightenment A "worthy one" who has followed the Buddha's path to liberation and attained nirvana

Dhamma/Dharma (Buddhism)

in the Buddhist context, a term referring both to Buddhist teaching and to Buddhism as a religion.

Buddha shares some attributes with the God of theists:

ineffability, simplicity, reality, peacefulness, boundlessness, transcendence.


is a fully ordained female monastic in Buddhism

Four Noble Truths

life is filled with suffering (dukkha) the cause of suffering is craving (tanha), coming from ignorance eliminating craving will eliminate suffering the Eightfold Path leads to just this elimination

present theory of the origins of mahayana school

mahayana was a specific path for paticularly rigorous monks in the community who sought profound imitation of Shakyamuni. Different paths with the same school later split.


mindfulness of breathing

parinivana day

moment of physical death and transition into Nirvana. The full entry into nirvana that occurs at the death of one who has achieved nirvana in his or her lifetime

Nirvana (Buddhism)

no "personal" attributes; not One who communicates or enters relationships, but a state devoid of suffering and self. The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice: the extinguishing of desire and the suffering it causes.

Buddha established ten precepts

no destruction of life no stealing no unchastity no lying no intoxicants eat moderately (not after noon) no looking at dancing, singing, drama no garlands, perfumes, ornaments no high or broad beds no gold or silver *laypeople to obey first five (or even four out of the five)


often called "mindfulness meditation" or "insight meditation" is awareness of self. Focusing on the breath which brings focused concentration and a stable mind. Making it possible to move beyond the thoughts, feelings, and daydreams to calmly observe, the unfolding of all mental and physical phenomena. Neither obsessing, reacting, nor judging, but simply allowing them to be.

ugrapariprccha sutra

one of the oldest texts of the mahayana.

the teaching of Buddha focused not on other-worldly phenomenon (powerful deities, cosmic creation, eschatology, etc.)

rather, it focuses on human suffering (a "symptom"), specifically: Analyzing its cause proposing its remedy application

mahayana buddhist ultimate goal

seek to delay nirvana in order to be bodhisattvas or future buddhas. charitably remain within the cycle of samsara until, accruing great merit and wisdom, they become Buddhas who can teach and liberate other sentient beings.

Vipassana Meditation

'insight meditation'; a type of meditation that involves developing understanding of the nature of reality. ancient practice, strongly associated with Theravada. Famous instructor: Goenka

theravadin shravakas

("voice hearers") who seek the goal of arhatship (enlightenment followed, upon death, by nirvana)

Amitabha Buddha

"The Buddha of Boundless Light" of the Western Paradise "Pure Land", a bliss-body Buddha in Mahayana

Theravada Buddhism

"Way of the Elders" branch of Buddhism followed in Sri Lanka and much of Southeast Asia. Theravada remains close to the original principles set forth by the Buddha; it downplays the importance of gods and emphasizes austerity and the individual's search for enlightenment. (200 BCE)


"sage of the Shakyas," one of the titles applied to Gautama Siddhartha as a historical personage


"the Great Vehicle" - The largest of Buddhism's three divisions, prevalent in China, Japan and Korea, encompasses a variety of forms, including those that emphasize devotion and prayer to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

Doctrine of Rebirth

"wheel of life" - 6 levels - each death sends them to different levels


"No self"; the doctrine that there is no soul or permanent essence in people and things.


One who has become enlightened; the ideal type for Theravada Buddhism

Buddhist Ultimate Goal

Nirvana - the state of pure equanimity, unmoved bliss

The Four Sights (Buddhism)

Old Man Man afflicted by disease Corpse being carried off An Ascetic Monk


One vehicle; notion in the Lotus Sutra that refers to the essence or true practice behind all forms of Buddhism

what scriptural authority governs the Mahayana Buddhism

Tipitaka (three baskets) shared with the Theravada with additional texts

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