PHILH-2306 Final Exam

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Adam Smith is an American philosopher (T/F)


Aristotle opened the Academy (T/F)


Aristotle's four causes are called the four pillars of justice (T/F)


Gyges was a sophist (T/F)


Hesiod and Homer gave identical views concerning our ethical foundations (T/F)


Kant saw a necessary tie between morality and religion (T/F)


Mill introduced the idea of quantity rather than quality to utilitarian ethics (T/F)


Objectivity in ethics means that morality is relative to each of us (T/F)


One objection to deontology is that it's not an objective theory (T/F)


Spinoza believed nature was an extension of God (T/F)


Spinoza believed we should only pursue our passions (T/F)


The fourth pillar of justice is called the final cause (T/F)


To act according to duty is both right and praiseworthy (T/F)


In a situation where you must either give or take away items from your people, such as weapons, which would Machiavelli pick?

Give the people their weapons

"There is no truth"


Ethical nihilism or the position that there are no moral truths was put forth by whom?


Which is NOT a class in the perfect city?


Where did Nietzsche's resentment of women come from?

Growing up with female family members

"I found a ring of invisibility and I will use it to kill the king and take over the kingdom"


According to Aristotle which is the proper end for humans?


All events are caused so there can be no such thing as free will is an explanation for which type of determinism?


What should be present in the economy according to Nietzsche?

Hatred, envy, imperiousness

How does Thomas Nagel approach homosexuality?

He accepts homosexuality as long as there is consent and he believes homosexuality is acceptable (Both A and C)

Purposely shutting a book on an innocent person's hand is best described by which type of action?


What is the lowest level of conduct in John Dewey's ethical theory?


When was Affirmative Action first used and by who?

In 1960 by President Lyndon B. Johnson

Why did Gilligan think that Kohlberg's theory was wrong?

Kohlberg's theory is gender-biased because all of his participants were males

What was Carol Gilligan's theory based on?

Kohlberg: Moral Development

Who does Socrates believe will be harmed most if he leaves with Crito?


Who was an influence on Anscombe during her time at Newham?

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Who does Thomas Aquinas believe should be able to participate in sex?

Man and Woman

Prima facie can be translated to mean:

On the surface

What was Bentham most concerned with?

One's own pleasure

What issues were Bentham's main focus?

Police reform, Gay rights, and Law reform (All of the above)

The quote "Man is the measure of all things" relates to which ethical theory best?


Which of the following does Bernard Williams NOT believe is important regarding human sexuality?


Which type of moral luck acts as retrospective justification?


Which type of moral luck was said to benefit Gauguin and be a detriment to Anna?


The presentation mentioned "The Three Principles of __________"

Retributive Justice

Which application of the categorical imperative gives the imperfect duties?


Which did Machiavelli approve of as a motivation in 'The Prince'?


Which does NOT describe the Forms as laid out by Plato?


Which is NOT a class in the perfect soul?


What is the main flaw in Ayer's theory?

Since feelings have no factual meaning, moral disputes are meaningless, which makes the discussion of morality and ethics impossible

What is the main reason Schopenhauer gives that supports his objection to animal testing?

Since they are living organisms, they have a will, and an encroachment on that will reduces any moral integrity and supports and egotistical mindset

As a staunch empiricist, Epicurus believed ___________ was an untenable way to live?


"The really important thing is not to live, but to live well"


How does Ayer's emotivism differ from subjectivism?

Subjectivism can accept moral statements to have truth value, emotivism does not

How do scholars refer to the issue of state lottery funds being supplanted rather than supplementary?

The "Shell Game"

Where does guilt come from according to Nietzsche?

From Christian morals

The Good Will is the will that acts...

From Duty

According to Kant, the type of knowledge which can provide an objective morality is rational knows as:

A priori

Machiavelli's piece 'The Prince' was what?

A step-by-step guide

What is the verification principle?

A synthetic proposition is meaningful, and may be true or false only if it is empirically verifiable

Which type of utilitarianism examines moral situations case by case


The two forms of utilitarianism are:

Act and Rule

Kant believed that morality should be defined by looking at which of the following?


Shutting a book is described by which type of action?


What is the difference between amour de soi and amour propre?

Amour de soi is more primitive and based on happiness, while amour propre is a form of self love that arose only from the emergence of society and an individual's ability to compare themselves to others

Which is NOT an advantage of animal testing?

Animal testing allows for animals to receive special care for them to be tested on properly

"We look at people and reward them based on character, and that is the reason to be virtuous"


A cognitivist may admit that beating elderly women is wrong (T/F)


A non-cognitivist cannot admit that beating an elderly woman is wrong (T/F)


Adam Smith believed that a man should live according to their work and have a profit according to the amount of work (T/F)


Adam Smith had developed his higher studies at The University of Glasgow, where he learned about philosophy and morality (T/F)


Anscombe believed that our needs are dependent on our wants (T/F)


Both Mill and Kant refer to a version of the Golden Rule in their ethical theories (T/F)


Who encouraged dropping moral language in favor of language based in virtues?


Give a real life example of a social contract.

Any social contract: Stop signs, Recycling, Don't spit on people

In which dialogue did Socrates defend himself against charges of corrupting the youth and worshipping false gods?


Judge Counterfactual not getting assigned the case in which a bribe was offered thus appearing to be just is an example of which kind of luck?


What are the three moral incentives named by Schopenhauer?

Compassion, malice, ego

Mill believed that morality should be defined by looking at which of the following?


What do Utilitarianists look at?


What type of luck is based on the personal character of the moral agent?


What philosopher's metaphysics did Epicurus primarily draw inspiration from?


Another name for Kant's non-consequentialism is


Which ethical theory never justifies an immoral act?


Which is not a part of the philosophical approach toward studying ethics?


Who was one of the main preservers of Epicurus's work from the Canon?

Diogenes Laertius

Captain America was wrong in defying laws because they went against the common will, which is why Tony Stark's attempt to relinquish their freedoms was the correct decision (T/F)


Cicero's "De Officiis" was an early display of casuist thinking (T/F)


Consistency in the categorical imperative gives perfect duties (T/F)


In the sinking of the William Brown, the deontologist choice would have been some type of "shared disaster" (T/F)


Initially, Crito encouraged Socrates to escape from prison, and save himself from the death penalty (T/F)


Intellectual effort is another way to struggle to get into financial freedom and education is key to earn profit (T/F)


Partner A has caught Partner B cheating. Partner A exclaims "I can't believe you would cheat on me!" The arguments that ensues, according to Ayer, would be a meaningless dispute as cheating is not morally wrong under any empirically verifiable notion (T/F)


Plato believed hat what held your desk and the desk next to you in common is that they both participate in the Form of Desk (T/F)


Spinoza pursued a career as a lens grinder so he could meet other free thinkers and intellectuals (T/F)


Two approaches to studying morality are called scientific and philosophical (T/F)


The invisible hand is a theory that focuses on the belief that:

Tycoons and managers control the economics and the markets in a species of monopoly

What theory did Schopenhauer use as inspiration for his theory of compassion?


Which principle promotes acting so as to produce the greatest good for the greatest number?


Why did Fredrich Nietzsche object to the theory that compassion was the foundation of moral ethics?

Utilizing compassion would only make us suffer more because we would not satisfy our ego

How does Texas perform in healthcare compared to the other 49 states?

Very poorly

An "if, then" imperative is called which of the following?


Ignoration is described as being...

Ignorant as to what you are ignorant of

What were the names of the 3 definitions of ignorance discussed?

Ignoration, Partial understanding, and Knowing ignorance

"Man is the measure of all things"


Who taught that "man is the measure of all things"?


Epicurus was one of the first what?


What do Academic Skeptics believe?

Knowledge is impossible

What is a good name?

Tiger Claw (Obviously)

Which position promotes the idea of objective moral truths?


When Epicurus was dying in extreme pain due to kidney stones and dysentery, how did he feel about his impending death?

Acceptance, as he enjoyed happy memories of his life

Which is said to be acting in the interest of others?


"The best ends are ends in themselves, not for the gain of something else"


Due to the idea that ethics is not an exact science, of the following who first endorsed a casuistic type of understanding of morality?


Of the following, who had the most direct influence on John Stuart Mill?


How does Bernard Williams believe sex should occur?

Between any parties as long as consent, individualism, and discovery are acknowledged

Who does Bernard Williams believe was morally correct in the debate between Thomas Aquinas and Thomas Nagel?


What was Carol Gilligan's theory?

Carol Gilligan's theory states that women prioritize ethics of care and men prioritize ethics of justice

An ethical position that is not dependent on anything and true for all times and all people is called:


G.E.M. Anscombe was a devout what?


Which type of moral luck leads us to scientific determinism?


What is one of the main reasons marriage is on the decline in the U.S.?

Changing perspectives on marriages from the traditional to modern era

"What could be more contemptible than to get a name for thinking more of money than of your friends? One has to think of popular opinion... Take my advice and be reasonable"


What book did Cicero write to his son that was a case study format on moral duties?

De Officiis

What did John Dewey place the most importance on reforming?


What did Nietzsche value the most?


The three core elements of restorative justice are:

Encounter, Repair, Transform

Which one of the following areas of philosophy did Cicero NOT align with?


What is defined as a state of well-being?


What is Cicero's biggest critique?

He does not explain his ideas in great depth, he has a general perspective on moral questions, and he supports only the good parts of various philosophical areas (All of the above)

What action would Mill most likely agree with?

Helping a family of four cross the street safely

What seemed to be Crito's main reason for getting Socrates to escape

His Reputation

What two things does Cicero believe should determine virtuous actions?

Honorability and useability

Which virtue best exemplifies the main topic of the Republic


Which philosopher issued the use of maxims in order to test ethical questions?


Who believed that "a person's moral worth depends on the quality of their will, independent of external circumstances?"


An explanation is something that can describe an agent's desires, intentions, and what else?

Means-end beliefs

Unlike other people who advocated for this lifestyle, Epicurus heavily encouraged:

Meeting one's basic needs to live comfortably and happily

"You have corrupted the youth by teaching them to not honor the gods that the city recognizes"


Which type of philosophical approach investigates the meaning of moral judgements?


Who tried to show that moral terms cannot be defined without confusing natural terms with non-natural terms thus committing a fallacy?


The ethical theory promoted by Aristotle and Plato

Moral Realism

What is the name of the the fallacy that Moore describes?


W. D. Ross is first and foremost a...


Which branch of ethics applies standards of right and wrong?


Treating people as ends and never purely as a means is which type of imperative?


What is the philosophical theory that focuses on developing methods of inquiry?


Which of the following was NOT an intended use of Guantanamo Bay?


What is the major focus of 'The Social Contract'?

Reconciliation between the freedom of the individual and the authority of the government

"Compared to your mother and father and all the rest of your ancestors your country is something far more precious, more venerable, more sacred, and held in greater honor both among gods and among all reasonable men"

The Laws

Which income bracket is most affected by a regressive tax?

The lowest

What is an "overman" according to Nietzsche?

The next evolution of humanity

Which event had the most negative impact on Guantanamo Bay and ultimately led to its current negative perception?

The treatment of Haitian refugees and suspected international terrorists

"Justice is in the interest of the stronger party"


Which is NOT an example of Plato's early dialogues?


What appears to be the determining factor on whether or not an act of civil disobedience is right or wrong?

Whether the protest is peaceful or violent as well as whether or not the law supports the interest of the common will, though not necessarily each individual will (Both B and C)

What is one of the reasons why Affirmative Action is unfair to males?

Women makes up most students in colleges and jobs

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