Philosophy Exam 2

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What is an example of a truth revealed by both reason and revelation?

(preambles of faith) God exists.

What is a corresponding vice to courage/bravery?


What does Aristotle say practical wisdom is?

Discerns the "mean". Helps you engage in instrumental reasoning - "means-end".

How does Aquinas' account of ultimate felicity compare to Aristotle's account of happiness?

Aristotle thinks its human nature to aim at lives of contemplation; where as Aquinas thinks it is the purpose of all human activity. Aristotle thinks you can achieve happiness in this life, Aquinas does not

What is the doctrine of the mean?

Character virtues are states (dispositions). They are mean-states (intermediate). Aim at mean in passion and action (relative to the person).

What does ultimate felicity consist in, according to Aquinas?

Complete understanding of God (BEST thing). Contemplating God by grasping entirety of His essence.

What are some specific character virtues?

Courage (bravery) Generosity (liberality) Temperance (moderation)

What is an example of a truth revealed by reason? (Aquinas)

God is not yellow (this just isn't so)

How is Aquinas' account of wisdom different from Aristotle's?

He said quest for knowledge of first causes is identified with quest for communion with God (wisdom is what the prophets talked about).

Why does Aristotle say external goods are necessary for happiness?

If you have money, you are able to be generous (through donations, etc.) which is a virtuous activity.

What is a corresponding vice to temperance/moderation?


Why does Aquinas argue ultimate felicity cannot be attained in this life?

It requires beatific vision (aka Heaven). It is complete communion with God. It is end of desire (all desires satisfied). Ultimate felicity means no evil in life - that is impossible.

What is the Greek concept of eudaimonia?

It's the same for all human beings, it is flourishing/well-being, it is stable (hard to acquire), it is not a mental state.

Why does Aristotle think wisdom is the greatest virtue?

It's the virtue of the best part of us. It's concerned with the best things (God).

What is Aristotle's conception of wisdom, as it is found in Metaphysics I.1-2?

Knowledge of first causes (first cause being God). Wisdom = knowledge of God. This contrasts with other kinds of knowledge physics does not illuminate first cause.

What is wisdom according to Aquinas?

Knowledge of the first causes (i.e. God). It is not in this life.Quest for knowledge = quest for communion with God.

How is Aquinas' account of wisdom similar to Aristotle's?

Knowledge of the first causes (i.e. God). Not in this life.

What does Aristotle mean by external goods?

Money, friends, status, looks

What is an example of a truth revealed by revelation?

Mysteries of the faith - the Trinity. (no way to prove it's existence through reason, it has only been revealed over time).

Which part of the soul do we share with animals? (according to Aristotle)


What are the two parts of the soul according to Aristotle?

Non-rational Rational

What is a vice of deficiency?

Not enough of something - not moderation or mean.

What is Aquinas' "argument from efficient causation" for the existence of God?

Nothing is efficient cause of itself (if it were it would be prior to itself, which is impossible). There are no infinite causal chains (if it was an infinite causal chain, there would be no effects - there ARE effects, making this false). Either efficient cause of itself, or infinite chain, or first cause. CONCLUSION: First efficient cause (namely, God).

What is the non-rational part of the soul broken up into? (according to Aristotle)

Nutritive (eating, growing, etc.) Appetitive (character virtues, emotions, desires, appetites)

What are examples of things Aquinas argues ultimate felicity cannot be?

Operational Art (techne) Acts of Prudence (practical wisdom) (concerned with human beings, not with God) Acts of character virtues (peace, victory, etc)

How are the virtues of character acquired according to Aristotle?

Parents are teachers of virtue. Habituation as well.

Which part of the soul contains intellectual virtues? (according to Aristotle)


What is the human function according to Aristotle?

Rational Activity

What is the rational part of the soul broken up into? (according to Aristotle)

Scientific, Theoretical (wisdom) Deliberative, Calculative (practical wisdom/prudence)

What is Aristotle's function argument?

The "good" and "well" reside in the function. 1) A good human is one who performs the human function well. 2) A function (activity) is performed well when it is performed in accordance with virtue. 3) The human function is rational activity. 4) A good human being is one who performs rational activity in accordance with virtue.

How are functions related to goodness? (according to Aristotle)

The human function is rational activity. Eudaimonia is virtuous rational activity.

Why does Aquinas argue that many things cannot be ultimate felicity?

They are not the best thing, or final.

What is a vice of excess?

Too much of something - not moderation or mean.

What does Aquinas teach are the different kinds of truths about God?

Truth revealed by Reason. Truth revealed by Revelation. Truths revealed by both (preambles of the faith).

What is a corresponding vice to generosity/liberality?


What is our modern definition of happiness?

What makes people happy is different, it is fleeting (easy to acquire), and it is a mental state or feeling.

How are character virtues related to pleasure?

Whatever we are habituated, we tend to find pleasure in. Ex: If you have character virtue justice, you won't be pained by doing just things (you will be pleased), and this is a sign you have the character virtue.

Which virtue does Aristotle say is the greatest or best virtue?


What are the intellectual virtues? (according to Aristotle)

Wisdom and Practical Wisdom (prudence)

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