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discretionary and non-discretionary

2 categories of benefits

tripping hazards and blood borne pathogens

2 common workplace safety risks

the invention in question must be created in the us or imported into the country

2 conditions that must be met under the US Patent Act

point factor method and factor comparison method

2 examples of quantitative job evaluation methods

non-quantitative and quantitative

2 job evaluation methods

helps determine whether a particular option is worthwhile and it's a method of comparison when making a decision that has several options

2 main uses of a cost benefits analysis (CBA)

Data life cycle management and information life cycle management

2 means of achieving maximum data protection

Career Advantage

2 methods to this plan. first, the employee earns a percentage of pay each year they are a plan participant. Second, an employees yearly earnings are totaled and then averaged over the number of years they are in the plan. At retirement, the benefit equals a percentage of the career average pay multiplied by the employee's years of service.

follow process through EEOC and be investigated by a fair employment practices agency at a local or state level or can settle the charges rather than face an investigation

2 options a company has to settle discrimination charges

Financial or organizational

2 types of corporate restructuring

Disparate treatment and disparate or adverse impact

2 types of discrimination

implied, express

2 types of employment contracts

Quid pro quo and hostile work enviornment

2 types of sexual harrassment

predictive and concurrent

2 ways HR can measure criterion - related validity

improve workforce quality, enhance national productivity and competitive ability, and reduce reliance on welfare.

3 Goals of The The Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Agency Rules, Agency Regulations, Executive Orders

3 Types of administrative law that impact employment relationships

quality planning, quality improvement, quality control

3 areas of quality management according to the Juan trilogy

Behavioral Control, Financial Control, Type of Relationship

3 categories that the list of 20 factors that the IRS uses to determine is an individual is working is an employee or contractor

Number of Competitors, Market Share, Customer Demographics

3 important environmental metrics for scanning

How frequently a task is performed, percentage of time spent working on a task, the importance of the task being completed

3 main considerations to determine if a job function is essential or marginal

human process interventions, sociotechnical interventions, and techno-structural interventions

3 primary types of interventions within organization development

People, Planet, Profit

3 ps of CSR

faltering company, unforeseeable business circumstances, natural disaster

3 situations in which a 60 day notice is not required under the WARN act

empirical- rational strategy, normative- reductive strategy, power coercive strategy

3 strategies for managing change according to the 1961 text The planning of change

Organizational analysis, task analysis, learner analysis

3 things a training needs assessment involves

health and wellness, deferred compensation, and discretionary

3 types of discretionary benefits

active, semi-active, passive

3 types of labor pool candidates

onshore, nearshore, offshore

3 types of outsourcing

utility, design, and plant

3 types of patents

external, internal, and alternative

3 types of recruiting

establishing a values statement, establishing a code of conduct, and conducting HR audits

3 ways HR professionals can help organizations have clear and enforceable ethical standards

conform to requirements, management system is responsible for preventing errors, standard of performance is zero defects, quality costs are the standard of measurements

4 basic tenets of DRIFT

business impact analysis, recover strategies, plan development, testing and exercises

4 components to a business continuity plan

Seniority, Performance, Fit, Workforce planning

4 criteria for job promotions

Structured, Semi-structured, unstructured, non-directive

4 most commonly used styles of interviewing

Part A - Hospital Insurance (mandatory) Part B - Medical insurance (optional) Part C - Medicare Advantage (Enrolled in A and B) Part D - Rx drug coverage (Enrolled in A and B)

4 parts of medicare

barriers to the performance of the essential job functions must be identified for a disabled employee. Then possible accommodations that may be helpful in overcoming the barriers discussed. The feasibility of each of the accommodations is assessed including whether or not the accommodations are the employer's responsibility and if they will impose an undue hardship to the employer. Finally the appropriate accommodations are chosen for the disabled employee.

4 step process to identifying reasonable accommodations

experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and applying

4 steps of David Kolb's adult learning process

reduce the effects of a risk, share it, avoid it, or reduce it

4 ways an organization can respond to risk

Meritor Savings Bank vs. Vinson, Harris vs. Forklift Systems Inc , Oncale vs. Sundowner Offshore Service Inc, Faragher vs. City of Boca Raton

4 well known court cases that dealt with sexual harrassment

Leadership, Alignment, development, facilitation, company culture

5 category statements from the Likert Scale fall into

OSHA, Drug Free work place act, ADA, HIPAA, SOX

5 federal agencies regarding workplace issues

Representative or Senator

A bill must by sponsored by who to be introduced to the white house?

Job description

A detailed breakdown of specific tasks, skills, and knowledge required for a position

Job specifications

A detailed description of specific qualifications, experience, or education needed to perform the tack.

Job competencies

A detailed list of broad skills or traits needed for a position, such as leadership skills or attention to detail

Job descriptions, job competencies, and job specification

A job analysis is used to create what 3 things


A managed-care plan that concentrates on preventive care and managing health expenses

similar-to-me error

A performance rating error in which an appraiser inflates the evaluation of an employee because of a mutual personal connection

Fee-for-Service (FFS) plan.

A plan that places no restrictions on the physicians or hospitals used

PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)

A plan that uses a network of health-care providers for patient services

Point of Service (POS) plan

A plan that uses network physicians and allows referrals for physicians outside the network

Return on Investment (ROI)

A ratio or percentage found by dividing a company's fiscal year net income by the total shareholder equity.

Return on Equity (ROE)

A ratio or percentage found by dividing a company's fiscal year net income by total shareholder equity.

Alumni Program

A way for HR to communicate with and keep up with former employees

Corporate Espionage

Act of spying or using spies to obtain secret or confidential information about a business competitor for commercial purposes.

Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act

Affirmative action for federal contractors and subcontractors that prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. Required covered federal contractors to hire qualified disabled people and to make reasonable accommodation for the physical or mental disability unless the employer can demonstrate undue hardship based upon business necessity and financial cost (significant difficulty or expense).

Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

Agreement or contract negotiated through collective bargaining process. That includes hours, benefits, pay and safety, contract grievance process, and a zipper clause

Coordinated bargaining

Also known as multiunit bargaining. takes places when unions within an organization meet with the employer to negotiate beneficial results for the groups they represent.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Also known as obamacare, if individuals do not have access to employer sponsored healthcare coverage they are now able to purchase healthcare from an insurance exchange and possibly receive a subsidy.Also children are able to stay on their parents healthcare until 26 and individuals with preexisting medical conditions cannot be declined. Every american citizen is now required to have healthcare insurance or face paying an income tax surcharge.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Amended in 1990, this act was created to prevent discrimination against individuals based on nation origin or citizenship on elements such as employment, pay, or benefits, so long as they are legally able to work in the US


An employer must provide an employee ___ calendar days to submit the medical certification for FMLA.

Delphi MEthod

An example of expert forecasting where questionnaires are sent to a variety of experts and the results are shared and then staffing choices are updated

Situational Interview

An interview technique that related more to hypothetical situations that may take place in the future

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

An organization's sense of responsibility for its impact on the environment and the community.

Availability analysis

Analysis in which organization considers internal and external availability in determining theoretical availability of minorities and women for established job groups.

Cash Flow Metrics

Analyzing money coming in and going out EX: Net Cash Flow

Equal Opportunity Employment Reporting (EEO)

Annual workforce data reporting for all employers with one hundred or more employees or federal contractors with at least 50 employees and contracts of $50,000. This helps determine their workforce composition to ensure that they are not discriminating against a protected class.

Equity Compensation

Another form of non cash compensation used to attract and maintain employees at a startup company. This a way for employees to have ownership interest in the company

Workplace Violence

Any act of physical violence, intimidation, threat,or verbal abuse, that occurs in the workplace.


Any person or group who interacts with the organization and might become a customer or client

McNamara-Ohara Service Contract Act of 1965 (SCA)

Applies to contractors and subcontractors working on service contracts exceeding $2500. They re required to pay service employees no less than the prevailing wage.

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Applies to employers with 15 or more employees and outlines legal protections for qualified employees with disabilities, including their legal right to reasonable accommodation in the workplace as long as it does not place an undue hardship on the employer.

WARN Act (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act)

Applies to large companies with 100 employees or more. Requires at least 60 days notice before any mass layoff or location closing

plant closing

As defined by the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act), 50 or more full-time employees losing their jobs because a single facility shuts down, either permanently or temporarily within 30 days

mass layoff

As defined by the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act), layoff that occurs when either 50 employees if they make up 33 percent of the workforce or 500 employees are laid off within a 30-day period.

quid pro quo sexual harassment

Asking for or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for receiving some reward or avoiding negative consequences.

Quantitative Methods

Based on numbers, statistics, and other measurable data

understanding of unemployment rate, labor competition, salaries for certain positions, employment trends in a certain industry

Benefits of a labor market analysis

Discretionary benefits

Benefits that are not mandated. Employers choose to provide these benefits in order to attract, motivate, and retain their workforce.

health and wellness benefits

Benefits that include all aspects of healthcare coverage that employers offer, such as major medical plans, dental and vision plans, perscription drug coverage, addiction and substance abuse programs, EAP, wellness programs and disability / life insurance

Deferred Compensation

Benefits that include various types of retirement plans that employers offer, where income is realized at a later date as compensation for work that is performed at the present time.

Cost per hire

Calculated by adding together the external and internal recruiting costs and dividing by the total number of new hires during a specific time period


Calculated on either a monthly or annual basis. Found by the number of separations per year divided by the average number of individuals employed per month multiplied by 100

Plant Patent

Can be filed for an asexually reproducible plant discovered in a cultivated area. These patents last 20 years after the date they are filed.


Can be used if a job included on the salary survey is similar but not identical to a position within the organization

Criterion-related validity

Can predict how an individual will behave in the workplace based on their test scores

word-of-mouth communication

Can quickly spread info throughout a group of people however info can get distorted

Agency Regulations

Certain federal agencies have the authority to order compliance with federal laws in administrative law courts. These orders have the effect of law and are often published in the Federal Register.

Employment At Will

Common law doctrine that states that employers have the right to hire, promote, demote, or fire whomever they choose provided there is not a law or contract in pace to the contrary. Under this doctrine, employees are free to leave an employer whenever they choose to seek other employment.

Trend Analyses

Compares single amounts instead of ratios, such as the number of employees to determine staffing needs

Turnover analyses

Compares the number of employees who leave the company over a certain period of time with past data

Liability is limited to assets owned by the corporation. The life of the corporation can extend beyond the life of its original owner/founder. There is a central management structure. Ownership may be transferred freely by selling stock.

Corporations are entities defined by four characteristics:

Trademark Act

Created to provided for the protection and registration of trademarks and service marks

Conformance to Requirements:

Crosby believed that once management clearly described what was required, quality could be determined by whether the product met the standard.

Disadvantages of hiring external talent

Current employees who have been passed over for promotion will very likely have lower morale. It's always difficult to know how someone from outside the organization will fit into an existing team. The new hire is an unknown. Until the person begins doing the job, it's very difficult to know what their performance level will be.

Customer Demographics

Customer age, education, and income

Phased Retirement

Cutting back working hours (or days of work) and the phasing in of retirement benefits such as social security funds

Concurrent Validity

Determines if an individual currently possess the required skills, knowledge, or behavioral traits

Bloodborne pathogens

Disease-causing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV.


Do it right the first time" is a phrase Crosby associated with this absolute.


During this stage of the change process theory, resistance is examined and managed, and the organization is aligned with the change. Communication remains an integral part of the process.

Officials and managers, professionals, technicians, sales, office and clerical, craft workers, operatives, laborers, service workers

EEO Job Reporting Categories (9)

Quantitative Methods

Effective in the long term for staffing needs because staffing needs change at a steadier rate

Passive Candidates

Employed and not looking for work

Complaints and Referrals

Employees may request inspections when they think violations exist that threaten physical harm; OSHA also investigates referrals about hazards from any other source.


Employers of farm workers are subject to FUTA if they paid or more to the workers during a calendar quarter in the previous year or the current year to date


Employers of household workers are subject to FUTA tax if they pay or more per calendar quarter to those who work in private homes, college clubs, or chapters of college sororities and fraternities.

Contract exceptions

Employment-at-will intentions may be abrogated by contracts, either express or implied.

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures (UGESP)

Established 4-fifths rule, which states that if the selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group is less than four-fifths of the selection group with the highest selections rate, it is discriminatory.

Walsh-Healey Public Contract Act of 1936

Establishes labor rights for US government contracts and applies to any contracts exceeding $10,000 for goods.It sets standards for overtime pay and child labor, prohibiting the employment of those under the age of 16.

Fair labor standards act of 1938(FLSA)

Establishes standards for a minim wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards. Applies to employers with at least $500,000 of business a year.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

Establishes the minimum standards for benefit plans of private, for profit employers. It states that in order to receive tax advantages, these plans must conform to the Internal Revenue Codes requirement. This law also established the federal agency known as the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). This also established eligibility requirements. You must be 21 years old and have completed 1 year of service. This also established minimum vesting schedules for graded ad cliff vesting, and minimum reporting standards for benefit plans. If employers do not comply employers can face civil and criminal penalties

Job classification

Evaluation method that groups jobs into a predetermined number of grades or classifications, each having a class description to use for job comparisons. Benchmark jobs that fall into each class can be defined as reference points

Willful Violation

Evidence exists of an intentional violation of the OSH Act or "plain indifference" to its requirements. Violation carries a fine of $5,000 to $70,000 per violation.

Suggestion boxes, delegating authority, task forces, committees, work teams, virtual work teams, employee-management committees, and self-directed work teams.

Examples of Employee Involvement Strategies

Negatively Accelerating, Positively Accelerating, S-Shaped,Plateau

Examples of Learning Curves

faltering company

Exception to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act) allows companies with a reasonable expectation that are seeking additional funding and has a reasonable expectation that it will be forthcoming to prelude a closing or lay off do not need to provide 60 days notice of a layoff or closure.

Advantages of hiring external talent

Experienced professionals bring new ideas with them and can revitalize operations. It's usually easier and more cost-effective to hire individuals with highly specialized skills than it is to develop them within the organization. If there is an urgent need for someone with particular skills, it's usually faster to hire those skills than to provide on-the-job training. Looking outside the organization to fill positions provides opportunities to increase the diversity of the workforce.

US Patent Act

Expressly prohibits the unauthorized use, sale, reproduction, or distribution of the product without the consent of the patent holder

10 , 20

FUTA is also collected if or more farm workers were employed during some part of a day during any or more different weeks during the previous year or the current year to date.

McDonnell Douglas Corperation Vs Green

Famous Disparate Treatment Case

Griggs VS. Duke Power Co

Famous disparate or adverse impact case

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Federal legislation that is designed to establish higher levels of accountability and standards for US public institution bards and senior management. This specifically targets executives responsible for accounting misconduct and record manipulation. This law protects shareholders from any activity that conceals or misleads investors about the firms finances. The firm has a mandate of transparently and accurately report financial info either to shareholders or the securities and exchange commission (SEC)

Evaluation Phase

Fifth Phase of the ADDIE Model

Labor Management Relations Act (Taft Hartley Act)

Focuses on union activities that qualify as unfair labor practices. Unions cannot force employees to join. Employees also have the right to choose their union representative. Unions cannot interfere with the negotiation of an employers contract, cannot discriminate against non union participants, cannot encourage a secondary boycott, a hot cargo agreement, or charge unreasonable membership fees.

Constructive confrontation

Form of mediation developed to resolve long-standing, deep-rooted conflicts about difficult, significant issues in organizations.

Town Hall Meetings

Formal gatherings for the entire company that are commonly referred to as a hands meeting. This tends to focus on sharing info from the top down and not designed to allow feedback from employees

Implementation Phase, establishing a procedure for training both facilitators and learners

Fourth Phase of the ADDIE Model

Governance, risk management, compliance (GRM)

Governance and compliance are often grouped together with Risk management under what term?


Hands on approach to teaching new behaviors


Helps achieve their potential and continue to develop skills , matching them with the needs of the organization.

high-potential employee


Reduce Employees hours, Implement a hiring freeze, institute a voluntary separation program, also known as an early retirement buyout program

How HR can implement a workforce reduction

from the date the FMLA leave is used by the employee.

How is FMLA 12 month rolling period calculated

EEO Information Form

How is applicant flow data collected?

1 year after test was administered or up to 5 years for an job positions related to the department of transportation

How long are drug test records kept for

one year after their creation or following the hire / no hire decision (Whichever is later). Federal contractors must keep the same documents for 3 years

How long do you keep employment records

180 days

How long does an employee have to file a discrimination charge with the EEOC?

21 Days for an individual separation and 45 days for a group reduction

How long does an employee have to sign and return a separation agreement and general release?

7 days

How long does the employee have to revoke a separation agreement and general release after they have signed it?

10 Days

How long does the president have to consider a bill?

3 Hours a day or 18 hours in a week when school is in session, when not in session 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week

How much can a 14-15 year old work?

Blocking Bar

If an unfair labor practice charge is pending and is holding up certification, another election will not be allowed by the NLRB.


If the employer is in need of additional FMLA information, they should provide the employee with a minimum of ____ days to return the requested information.


In 2011 the OASDI employee tax rate was temporarily decreased to what?


In Crosby's view, quality should be measured by the additional cost of not producing zero-defect products the first time.


In the final stage of the change process theory, the change becomes the new norm for the organization, the outcome is evaluated, and additional changes occur to adjust the actual outcomes to those that are desired

Environmental Scan

In which element of the strategic planning process would a SWOT analysis or a PEST analysis be conducted?

Applicant Flow Data

Information collected on gender and race of all applicants who apply for an open position within an organization.

Behavioral Interview Technique

Involves interviewers asking candidates to use specific examples to describe how they have handled a problem or performed a task in a past work situation

paired comparison

Job evaluation method in which each job is compared with every other job being evaluated; the job with the largest number of "greater than" rankings is the highest-ranked job, etc.

Job ranking

Job evaluation method that involves establishing a hierarchy of jobs from lowest to highest based on each job's overall value to the organization.


Last stage of the kurt lewin's change process theory, in which the new adjustments are solidified and cemented into the functions of an entity.

Agency Rules

Legislation empowers federal agencies to develop enforcement regulations. Rules and regulations are developed by an agency and are published in the Federal Register. The public has the opportunity to comment and once this comment period is complete, the agency publishes final rules.

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Legislation that requires employers to pay men and women equal pay for equal work. Equivalent jobs are required to have equal skill, working conditions, effort, and responsibility. If there is a need to correct a difference in pay, an employee cannot be penalized by having his or her pay reduced. Rather, the lower paid employees pay rate must be increased. Employers who fail to comply with this act may face up to $10,000 in fines or imprisonment up to 6 months

Introductory Statement, Organizational profile, job group analysis. availability analysis, utilization analysis

Major elements of the AAP

Metric (Key performance indicator)

Method of measuring a particular set of data

Qualitative Methods

More effective in the short term for staffing needs because they can manage changing staffing needs

Point-factor method

Most commonly used method of job evaluation; it involves using specific factors such as skill, responsibility, effort, working conditions, and the supervision of others, in order to evaluate job worth. Each job received a total point value, and then, the relative worth of all jobs within an organization can be compared

point factor method

Most commonly used, this method uses specific, compensate factors such as skill, responsibility, effort, working conditions, and the supervision of others, in order to evaluate the relative worth of each job. Each job receives a total point value and then the relative worth of all jobs within the organization can be compared.

Proactive searching

Most effective way to reach passive candidates

Material safety data sheets (MSDS)

Must be provided by manufacturers for every hazardous substance; employers must evaluate chemicals and inform employees of hazardous properties. It also states what should be done if someone comes into contact with chemicals

Task Design, Management Style, Interpersonal Relationships, Work Roles, Career Concerns, and Environmental Conditions. Below are listed characteristics of each of these stressors.

NIOSH has identified the following job stressors:

The event must be outside normal work hours. It must be voluntary. It may not be job related. No other work is performed during the event.

Nonexempt employees aren't required to be paid to attend training events when all four of the following conditions are met:

Semi-Active Candidates

Not actively looking for work but are preparing themselves for new oppertunities

Labor Force

Number of Employed and unemployed workers in a given region

strategic, techno-structural, human process, and human resource management.

OD interventions focus on addressing issues in four main categories:

Repeat Violation

OSHA previously issued citations for substantially similar conditions. Violation carries a fine of up to $70,000 per violation.

Semi-Structured Interview

Occur when interviewers have guided conversations with applicants that involve both broad questions and new questions that come from the discussions that take place.

primacy error

Occurs when an appraiser gives more weight to an employee's earlier performance and discounts recent occurrences.

Disparate Treatment

Occurs when an employer treats protected classes differently than other employees

Negligent Retention

Occurs when an employer wither knew or should have known that an employee is unqualified to remain in their position at the company but was allowed to stay in the role, and the employee caused a violation of rights or an injury to another party during or after work hours.


Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)

Outlawed monopolies and practices that restrained trade.

Examples of how HR can utilize workforce expansions

Overtime Hours, Outsource work, alternative work arrangements, reemploy recent retirees, utilize contingent workers

Political, Economic, Social, and Technological

PEST Analysis

Job group analysis

Part of affirmative action plan that lists all job titles that comprise each job group having similar content and responsibilities, wage rates, and opportunities for advancement.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commercial buildings.

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum - Griffith Act)

Passed in 1959 to protect employees from the corrupt unions. This piece of legislation allowed for a closed shop exception for construction trades. This also provided a Bill of Rights for union members, which gave members the right to secret ballot elections for union offices, protection from excessive dues, freedom of speech in union matters, and the right to sue the union.

Rehabilitation Act

Passed in 1973 to prohibit employment discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities. This charges employers with taking affirmative action to hire disabled persons and to provide reasonable accommodation providing it does not cause undue hardship.

Reporting pay

Pay provided to employees who report for work as scheduled but then find that no work is available.


Pay rate divided by the midpoint of the pay range. This is used as an indicator as to how wages match, lead or lag the market.

Workforce Reductions (Downsizing)

Planned elimination of a number of personnel in order to make an organization more competitive.


Procedures and strategies designed to encourage and find potential qualified candidates who seek employment


Process employees use to remove a union security clause from the collective-bargaining agreement (CBA) and its authority to negotiate

Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964

Protects employees from management decisions regarding their employment based on race, color, nationality, or sex. Applies to employers with 15 or more employees

Title VII of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002

Provides protections for corporate whistle blowers and describes the penalties for interfering with fraud investigations

Examples of Quantitative Forecasting

Ratio analyses, trend analyses, turnover analyses, and probability models

Theater Style Seating

Reflects a movie theater setting, all seats facing the same direction


Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was enacted by Congress in

the design phase where the principal architecture of the training course are constructed

Second Phase of the ADDIE Model


Second stage of the kurt lewin's change process theory, this stipulates that for any entity to change there must be a transitory period in which inner motivating factors come to terms with the need for change


Settle disputes without taking the issue to court.

Green-circle rates

Situations in which an employee's pay is below the minimum of the range.

Quantitative Forecasting

Staffing Needs determined by raw mathematical data and previous trends, such as employee productivity and output.

Expert Forecasting

Staffing Needs determined by utilizing industry experts who are able to make decisions based on wider changes in the industry

Management Forecasting

Staffing needs determined by the managers of each department and making decisions by using their reports

Organizational profile

Staffing patterns to determine if any barriers exist to equal opportunity employment. It shows unit names, job titles, gender, minority status, number of males and females, and number of male and female minorities

Graded Vesting

System by which qualified retirement plan participants become incrementally vested over a period of years of service.

an acronym for tangible employment action


Reduction in Force (RIF)

Termination of employment of individual employees and groups of employees for reasons other than performance, for example, economic necessity or restructuring; also known as downsizing.

ergonomic evalutation

Tests a product to determine its ease of use and potential safety risks

50 years of age

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA) of 2001 made a number of changes to contribution limits, increasing many and allowing for catch-up contributions for employees older than


The Social Security Act (SSA) initially established the full retirement age as being 65 but has been amended several times to increase the age. This increase can be primarily attributed to increased longevity due to improved health care. The most recent of these amendments occurred in 1983 and set the full retirement age for those born 1960 or later at


The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program was established by Congress in


The ability of a person to fully utilize a product while maintaining maximum safety, efficiency, and comfort.

Corporate resctructuring

The act of reorganizing a company in order to make it more profitable for its present-day situation.

Utilization Analysis

The availability of women and minorities is compared with their current representation in each job group at the company

company culture

The behavior, attitudes, values, and habits of the employees and owners that are unique to each company

Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Service, Inc.

The court ruled that same gender sexual harassment is actionable. The case dealt with all makes working on an offshore oilrig, where a heterosexual male was threatened with rape.

Faragher vs City of Boca Raton 1998

The court stated that employers can be held liable for supervisory harassment that results in an adverse employment action. This case dealt with female lifeguards who were sexually harassed. The city was held liable because the lifeguards supervisors were not informed of the policy.

Meritor Savings Bank vs. Vinson

The court that held that sexual harassment violates Title VII. This case dealt with an employee who was plagued with unwanted sexual innuendos. The court said that the plaintiff need not prove concrete psychological harm, just an abusive or intimidating environment

$7.25 per hour

The current federal minimum wage that was set by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) on July 24, 2009

voluntary arbitration

The disputing parties choose to undergo the arbitration process, usually because they cannot come to an agreement, but do want to go through a potentially expensive and time-consuming lawsuit.

environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation

The elements of the strategic planning process fall into four very broad categories:

Failure to Abate Violation

The employer failed to abate a prior violation. Violation carries a fine of up to $7,000 per day past the abatement date


The employer should request the initial certification within ___ business days of the employee's FMLA request

single-unit bargaining, parallel bargaining, multi-employer bargaining, and multi-unit bargaining.

The four basic negotiating strategies used in union environments

Percentage of minority applicants

The number of minority applicants divided by the total number of applicants for a position


The overall mood of an organization

employee morale

The overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work.

Succession Planning

The practice of identifying and evaluating specific employees to fill leadership positions within the organization


The process of adjusting salary data to keep pace with market movement

corporate governance

The process that impacts the way a corporation is managed and the relationships among its stakeholders

Financial, Physical, Information, and Human.

There are four main organization asset types

Imminent danger:

There is a reasonable certainty that immediate death or serious injury from existing workplace hazards will occur before normal enforcement procedures can take place.

Executive orders (EO)

These are legislation issued by the president of the United States and become law after they have been published in the Federal Register for 30 days.

Exempt employees

These employees are paid on a salary basis and spend more than 50 percent of their time performing exempt duties

Non exempt employees

These employees earn a salary of less than $23,600 per year or $455 per week. They do not involve supervision of others or the use of independent judgement, they also do not require specialized education

Cash balance plan

These plan express promised benefit in terms of a hypothetical account balance. They are easily communicated to plan participants and the accrued benefit is portable. Each year a participants account is credited with two types of credits, pay credit (equates to a percentage of their compensation) or interest credit (a fixed or variable rate linked to an index)

Developmental Phase and methodological efficacy needs to be tested

Third Phase of the ADDIE Model

Retirement Equity Act of 1984

This amendment to the ERISA was passed to address concerns around the needs of divorced spouse, surviving spouses, and employees who lef the workforce for some period of time to raise a family. Automatic survivor benefits were now required of qualified pension plans in the event of a plan participants death, and the waiver of these benefits could only occur with the consent of both the plan participant and the participants spouse.Pension plans are now required to make benefit payments in accordance with a domestic relations court order to the former spouse of a plan participant,

Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947

This amendment to the FLSA deals with the preliminary and preliminary tasks. This also states that employers must also pay employees for any time they spend waiting to start work when requested to do so by their employer. Additionally, employees are to be paid for hours spent in job related training that is outside of their normal workday.


This approach fills corporate positions in the home country with expatriates, whereas management positions in the host country are filled by host country nationals (HCNs).


This approach is one in which all key management positions are filled by expatriates.

Harris vs. Forklift Systems

This case established reasonable person standard for hostile environment sexual harassment

Negatively Accelerating

This curve is characterized by a rapid increase in learning at the beginning that tapers off as the learner becomes more familiar with the process, idea, or task.

Separation agreement and general release

This document when signed is a legally binding agreement that states the employee cannot sue or make any claims against the company in exchange for agreed upon severance benefits.

Walsh - Healy Public Contracts Act (1936)

This federal law apploes to contractors working on federally funded supply contracts in excess of $10,000. Under this act, employers associated with such contracts must pay employees at least the federal minimum wage- currently set at $7.25 per hour - and overtime pay. Overtime pay is calculated as one and half time the individuals regular rate of pay for any hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a single workday or any hours working in excess of 40 hours in a single workweek. This also state that the employment of youth under the age of 16 is prohibited. Failure to comply with this law may result in the withholding of contract payments to reimburse any underpayment of wages or overtime pay due to employees and a penalty of $10 per person per day for any employer who is found to be employing youth or convicts. They can also face losing their federal contracts and the ability to receive new federal contracts for a period of up to 3 years

Quantitative Job Evaluation Methods

This job evaluation method evaluates specific factors on a scale and provides a score that indicates how valuable one job is compared to another.


This learning curve begins with a rapid increase in knowledge that levels off after a period of time, and no additional progress occurs for an extended period of time.


This learning curve begins with a slow learning process that accelerates over time and then slows again.

Excelsior list

This list contains the names addresses of all employees in the bargaining unit and must be provided to the union within 7 days of the election order.

Crisis Management Method of Risk Management

This method chooses to manage risk reactively, on an ad hoc basis. Under this method risks often go unrecognized or ignored and result in lowered productivity and a stressful work environment.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program

This program exists to assist workers who lose their jobs as the result of an increase in imported goods. Eligibility for the program requires a group of three or more workers to submit an application to the DOL Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance (DTAA). Once the DTAA certifies that a group is eligible for the program, individual workers may apply for services and benefits including up to 104 weeks of training, trade readjustment allowances (TRAs) for up to 52 weeks of training after unemployment benefits are exhausted, reimbursement of job-search expenses, and relocation allowances.

Cocktail Seating Style

This seating Arrangement allows for audience members to move freely and roam as they wish. However, in the absence of desks or tables, there is no room to take notes.

Herringbone - style seating

This seating Arrangement effective solution to prevent chatter but can be hard to navigate

The boardroom seating style

This seating Arrangement features long tables for audience members to lean on. Permitting audience members to face each other encourages interactions and exchanges. Unfortunately, this arrangement does not allow presenters to engage with and approach the audience.

U-Shape seating style

This seating Arrangement is frequently used when presentations are being given. However it can be difficult to keep the focus of the presenter

Cabaret seating style

This seating Arrangement is slightly more attractive than the banquet seating style because it leaves an open space at each table as the focal point for a presenter. However, it does not sufficiently address the issue of separate tables.

Banquet Seating style

This seating Arrangement provides circular tables for audience members to lean on and is designed to encourage discussion and dialogue. However, this style places audience members at different tables which precludes unified discourse.

Horseshoe seating style

This seating Arrangement resembles U shaped style but without desks. This allows the audience to focus on the presenters more easily, but without desks, there is inadequate space for audience members to take notes

Hollow square seating style

This seating Arrangement similar to the U shaped seating style but is fully enclosed on all four sides. This permits all audience to face each other and for the presenter to fully engage them but it fails to provide a focal point for a presenter.

Class room Style seating

This seating arrangement allows note taking but can cause distractions


This stage of the change process theory creates the motivation for change by identifying and communicating the need for the change. In this stage, it's important to create a vision for the outcome of the change and a sense of urgency for getting to the new outcome.

Organizational restructuring

This type of corporate restructuring may be necessary as a cost cutting measure in an attempt by a company to pay off debt with its business operations

active candidates

Those engaging in a search for new employment whether they're already employed or unemployed

Market Share

Total Sales over a fixed period divided by total sales of all organizations in that industry

Recognition Programs, Management and Leadership Development,Dual Career Ladders, Managing the Placement of High Potential Employees

Types of Management Processes

Due Diligence

Typically performed when a company is buying another company and helps uncover any potential liabilities or evaluate business and financial risk

State Governments

Under the Social Security Act, who is responsible for unemployment insurance administration?

3 phases of kurt lewin's change process theory

Unfreezing, Transition, Freezing

Quantitative job evaluation methods

Uses a scaling system and provides a score that indicates how valuable one job is when compared to another job.

Design Patent

Valid for 14 years after the date the patent is filed. Unique to the US, the patent comprises ornamental design, specifically how the product looks and how it actually works

De-minimus Violation

Violations exist but have no direct or immediate relationship to safety or health. Violation does not carry a fine.

Employee resource group (ERG)

Voluntary group for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.); also known as affinity group or network group.

shoulder surfing

Watching an authorized user enter a security code on a keypad or rummaging through someone's garbage in search of confidential info.

observations, interviews, highly structured questionnaires, open-ended questionnaires, work logs or work diaries

Way to gather data during a job analysis

Applicant Flow Data

What are all federal contracts required to track?

7 am -7 pm during school year and 9pm during June 1 to Labor day

What are the work hour restrictions for 14-15 year olds?

Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation

What does ADDIE in the ADDIE model stand for

below 100 percent - employee is paid less than midpoint. Above 100 percent - paid more than midpoint

What does above and below 100 percent indicate in compa-ratio?

The employee can request a right to sue letter after the end of the 180 day period and must file suit within 90 days.

What happens if the EEOC cannot find probable cause in a discrimination charge?

The EEOC will attempt conciliation and the employer is required to settle.

What happens if the EEOC find probable cause in a discrimination charge?

Employment at will

What is always assumed if there is not a written employment contract

member of a protected class, applied for a job that they were qualified for, not hired even though they were qualified, after they didn't get the job the position remained open and the employer received applications

What must an individual prove in a disparate treatment case

Ignore or table it, assign it to a subcommittee for further research, move forward by reporting the bill to the House or Senate floor

What options does the committee have after they review the bill?

first impression bias

When a candidate is judged by the impression they initially give

Contract Bar

When a valid collective bargaining agreement covering a period up to three years exists, it will bar an election for the contract period.

Statutory Bar

When a valid election has been conducted within the past 12 months, another union cannot petition to represent the same bargaining unit.

Risk Management

When an organization identifies, targets, and strives to minimize unacceptable risks

Salary Survey

When an organization needs to gather compensation and benefits data reflective of current labor market trends,

External Equity

When an organization's compensation levels and benefits are similar to those of other organizations that are in the same labor market and compete for the same employees.


When was Title 17 enacted?

The House

Where does a bill move after it is passed?

Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) of the Department of Labor.

Who administers USERRA?

Philip Crosby

Who developed Zero Defects

members of all uniformed services

Who is covered under the USERRA?

50 or more ee and $50,000 in federal contracts, memebers of the federal banking system, issue sell or redeem US saving bonds

Who is required to have AAP in place

All Public Accounting Firms

Who is required to register with the Public Company Accounting Oversights Board?

Bureau of Labor Statistic within the US dept of Labor

Who is the main federal institution that measures and collates nationwide employment data

EEOC and Office of Federal Contract Compliance

Who produces the EEO1 Report

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Who provides labor force info?

Performance Standards:

Zero defects is another term Crosby came up with to describe the quality standard that should be met.

organizational rules and regulations, and explicit managerial examinations

a channel of communication is clearly delineated through 2 principal means

Contract Grievance Process

a clear statement of the procedures to be followed in the case of a dispute as well as the actions the organization can take if employees do not follow the terms of the contract

Point of service organization (POS)

a combination of PPO and HMO that provides direct access to specialists

Cost Per Hire

a common metric calculated by dividing the total costs by the number of hires for the measurement period.

Job Pricing

a common practice in compensation administration and is used when a new job is created or an existing job has undergone changes.

introductory statement

a company overview that includes info concerning headcount, along with any significant changes that have taken place in the past calendar year. The company's policy on affirmative action and equal opportunity employment are also mentioned here


a complaint made by an employee that is formally stated in writing

security clause

a condition that requires employees to join a union


a coordinated and planned exit from a place that is considered to be dangerous

limited liability company (LLC)

a cross between a general partnership and a corporation and provides its owners with the liability protection of a corporation with fewer operating restrictions.

Substance Abuse

a dependence on an addictive substance such as illegal drugs.

Business Case

a document that shows the reasoning behind a business change

Base pay

a fixed compensation that an employee receives in turn for work that they have performed.

disparate or adverse impact

a form of discrimination where an employer's policy seems neutral but in fact has an adverse impact on a certain group or a certain characteristic such as race, sex, or disability.

hostile work enviornment

a form of sexual harassment in which unwelcome and demeaning sexually related behavior creates an intimidating and offensive work environment

performance improvement plan

a formal written document concluded between the employee and the company. IT should detail specific behaviors or performance issues that need improvement, including specific examples of each, clearly state performance expectations, provide guidance on achieving those expectations, how management can support, how performance is evaluated, set dates and a process.


a formally organized group of employees who work together to accomplish goals. These goals usually involve working conditions, pay, and other aspects of a common trade, but can vary widely.

Learning Curve

a graphical representation of the rate of learning over time and are an important consideration when designing a training program.

Management by objectives

a human process intervention that aligns individuals with organization goals and measures the successful attainment of objectives as well as the quality and/or quantity of performance.

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

a job-training program designed to improve worker skills for jobs in the twenty-first century

employment loss

a layoff that exceeds 6 months or a reduction in hours of work of more than 50% for each month of a six month period

job description

a list of general duties and responsibilities for a particular job

Skills inventory

a listing of a company's current employees' educations, skills, and real world experience, and is typically tracked in an internal database or a commercial software program

Just in time (JIT)

a management technique where a business will only receive goods according to effective demand rather than maintaining a stockpile inventory of unused supplies

Predictive Validity

a measure of whether an individual will possess the required skills, knowledge, or behavioral traits in the future

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

a method of managing unknowable risks by anticipating potential risks, focusing on those with the greatest likelihood or potential impact, and planning a response strategy for when risks become realities.

Organizational development

a method of reviewing an organization's technology, processes, structure, and human resources, and developing action strategies to improve the way it achieves desired business results.

Six Sigma

a methodological strategy that is used by organizations to devise more productive ways to organize processes s. The principal reason for this is to eliminate defects in organizational protocol that impede the ability to maximize profitability.

Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)

a plan in which the participants must use the providers who are in the network of coverage or no payment will be made

Workplace monitoring

a policy that employers use to monitor a suspicious persona and gather info

Belongs to a protected class, applied for a job when the employer sough applicants, was qualified and still rejected, was rejected but the employer kept looking

a prima facie case can be shown if an employee falls into the following

Grievance Arbitration

a process in which a third part is used to settle disputes that arise from conflicting interpretations of a labor contract. Decisions that are reached through this process are enforceable and cannot go to court to be changed

data backup

a process in which copies of important computer files are stored in a safe place to guard against data loss

360-degree feedback method

a process of self-evaluation and evaluations by a manager, peers, direct reports, and possibly customers

Quality Improvement

a process that revolves around designing a strategy that allows an organization to meet the needs the needs of the customers

sociotechnical intervention

a process undertaken by organizations to maximize productivity by integrating machinery and technology into a pre-existing organizational structure

checklist method

a series of questions that determine a specific level of performance, with the participant placing a check next to applicable statements

disaster recovery plan (DRP)

a set of procedures that prepares for a disaster so that destructive effects are reduces and essential data can be recovered


a situation in which the organization faces a lack of info


a situation with various interconnecting parts and factors

employee-management committee

a specific kind of committee where employees work alongside management to address company concerns. Sometimes known as an employee participation group, these committees can be temporary or ongoing.


a specific process that involves influencing the way managers approach and think about solving problems

Dual Career Ladder

a specific type of program employed by organizations that allow room for advancement without promoting an individual into a supervisory or managerial role

job specification

a statement of the essential parts of a particular class of jobs. This includes a summary of the duties to be performed, and responsibilities and qualifications necessary to do the job

Pareto Principle

a statistical model used for decision making in an organization. It identifies the dispropotionality between input and output. Also known as the 80 - 20 Rule, the principle observes 80 percent of the output can be generated by 20 percent of the population

organization development

a strategy of systematically planned interventions that are employed by an organization. its primary purpose is to raise the infrastructural efficiency of bureaucracies by devising more operative processes.

Kurt Lewin's Change Process Theory

a three step organizational program that seeks to explain how entitles change, the catalysts that precipitate change, and how change can be successfully accomplished


a type of group incentive program that involves employees and managers improving the organization's productivity and sharing the benefits of the success.


a type of training that presents students with the opportunity to observe an educator in the act of performing a task

local union

a union for a smaller organization or a union for a smaller geographical area

Job analysis

a way of systematically gathering and analyzing information about the context, content, and human requirements of jobs within an organization.

collective bargaining

act of negotiation between and employer and its employees where a union represents the employees interests. The goal of this is to develop a mutually agreed upon agreement

hazard pay

additional pay provided to employees who work under extremely dangerous conditions

Stock option plan

affords employees the opportunity to purchase a fixed number of shares if the company's stock at a fixed or exercise price during a certain period of time

Affirmative action

aids employers with identifying imbalances in the workforce and assists them with placing a focus on hiring, training and promoting groups of workers who are underrepresented.

Time-based differential pay

allotted to employees based on when they work

Full cafeteria plans

allow employees to choose from a menu of eligible qualified healthcare benefits and typically pay for them with pre-allocated benefit credits

Flexible spending accounts

allow employees to use pretax dollars to pay for approved, out of pocket healthcare expenses that are not covered by insurance and dependent care expenses. Unpaid fund cannot be rolled over into the next year

Flexible benefit plans

allow employers and employees to save taxes on the money they pay toward their group sponsered health and dental plans, as well as out of pocket medical expenses

department meetings

allow everyone involved to share solutions to company challenges

Health Savings Account (HSA)

allows employees to pay for approved healthcare expense pre-tax up to the contribution limits that are set by the IR. Funds roll over and are portable.

Suggestion Program

allows employees to recommend ways to address company problems via an idea box or an online submission form

Distance Learning

allows participants from various geographical locations to participate in the same training simultaneously.

non-quantitative job evaluation methods

also know as whole job methods, 3 examples of this are job ranking, paired comparison, and job classification


also known as organization socialization, is the process by which new hires obtain the knowledge, skills, and behaviors they need in order to become valued, productive contributors to the company.

Wagner Act,

also known as the National Labor Relations Act, allowed employees to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.

Fair Labor and Standards Act (1938)

also known as the wage and hour law, covers most governmental agencies and private sector employees. This includes companies with employees in interstate commerce, employers with $500,000 or more in annual sales or business completed, and organizations caring for physically and mentally ill, the aging population, and education institutions. The act foes not apply to employers working in industries who are covered under other labor standards that are specific to those industries. This low was put into effect to establish employee classification and to regulate minimum wage, overtime pay, on call pay, associated record keeping, and child labor

Pension Protection Act of 2006

amendment to the ERISA was passed to strengthen the pension system by increasing the minimum funding requirements for pension plans, thereby eliminating existing loopholes that previously allowed missed payments for underfunded plans. It also allows employees to be automatically enrolled in their employers retirement plan at a default contribution rate after receiving notification.

Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)

an OSHA regulation aimed at promoting awareness of hazardous substances and understanding of safe handling practices

PEST analysis

an acronym for political, economic, social, and technological factors.

SWOT analysis

an acronym for the factors that the process analyzes: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

professional employer organization (PEO)

an alternative staffing method that acts as the organization's HR department.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

an amendment to ERISA that allows for the continuation of healthcare coverage in the event that such coverage would end due to certain situations, such as the termination of employment, a divorce, or the death of an employee. The act cover employers with twenty or more employees. Under this law employees can pay to continue group medical insurance coverage for a period of up to 18 to 36 months, if they elect to do so in a timely manner and pay the full costs of coverage. They can also be charged a 2 percent administrative fee

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

an amendment to ERISA. It was passed to improve the continuity and portability of healthcare coverage. This act addresses pre existing medical conditions or those for which an employee or a member of their immediate family received medical advice or treatment during the 6 month period prior to their enrollment date into the employers healthcare plan such as serious illness, injury, or pregnancy. If an employee had creditable healthcare coverage for a period of 12 months with no lapse of coverage of 63 days or more an employer cannot refuse them coverage in a new group health plan due to preexisting medical condition and cannot charge them a higher rate for coverage. However if an employee did not previously have health coverage an employer can exclude coverage for the treatment of a preexisting medical condition for a period of 12 months with the exception of pregnancy for a period of up to 18 months of up to 18 months for late enrollees in the plan.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

an amendment to Title VII of 1964. The act applies to all employer with 15 or more employees and states that while pregnant women are working, they are to be treated int he same way as other employees who are performing their jobs.

Medicare (1965)

an amendment to the SSA of 1935 with the purpose of providing healthcare for individuals age 65 and older, which is not dependent on their income or ability to pay. Some individuals under the age of 65 who are disabled as well as individuals suffering from end stage renal disease also are eligible for this amendment. This program is funded by employees and employers paying a percentage of salaried.

process improvement

an approach that investigates and alters the way a group performs specific tasks

Secondary Boycott

an attempt by labor to convince others to stop doing business with a firm that is the subject of a primary boycott; prohibited by the Taft-Hartley Act

hot-cargo agreement

an attempt to force an employer to stop doing business with another company or individual

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)

an employer funded medical plan that reimburse employees only for eligible healthcare expenses. Funds roll over but are not portable

bottom line concept

an employer is not required to evaluate each component of the selection process individually if the end result is shown to be predictive of future job performance

group performance based pay plans

an entire group is rewarded for exceeding performance standards and each person in the group receives the same amount of incentive as a percentage of their pay

employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

an example of a qualified defined contribution retirement plan that is a stock bonus program. This gives employees significant stock ownership in their companies and allow them to benefit from any associated profitability and growth which can motivate them to be more focused on the performance of their organizations

Computer-based training

an interactive training method that combines elements of the lecture, demonstration, one-on-one, and simulation methods, thus allowing the learner to have a real-world learning experience.


an internal website and computer network that has the benefit of no risk of important info being accessed by someone outside the organization. However, this does not allow for feedback from employees


another term for adult education


another term for children's education

Number of Activities

any task currently undertaken by the organization

Competitive Advantage

anything that gives an organization and edge over its competitors

Title 17

applies to authorship of any tangible medium of expression. Works that fall under this law is literary works, architectural works, musical recordings, pictures and graphics, choreographic works, musical works, motion pictures, and audio works.

Unforeseeable Business Circumstances Exception to WARN

applies to plant closings and layoffs that occur when circumstances take a sudden and unexpected negative change that could have not reasonable been predicted


approach seeks to place the best-qualified person into each position, regardless of their country of origin.

flat dollar amount, career average, final pay approach, cash balance plans, defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans, stock purchase, Employee assistance programs

approaches to defined benefit plans

compulsory arbitration

arbitration required by statute for specific types of disputes. This could be the result of a court order or a contract.

Types of Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods

arbitration, mediation, peer review panels, or constructive confrontation.

Fair labor Standards Act (FLSA)

as enacted several years later in 1938. this act's regulations apply to workers in enterprise and individual organizations. One of the requirements established by this act is a minimum wage for all covered employees.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

assesses the potential consequences of a disruption and collects info to develop recovery strategies

power -coercive strategy

assumes that people are followers who will listen to authority and do as they are told. this strategy says that not following the change will be harmful to employees and they could be punished or even fired if they do not comply

empirical rational strategy

assumes that people are rational and will follow and course that's in their self interest, making them more likely to accept change when they think it will directly benefit them.

normative-reductive strategy

assumes that people will closely follow social norms and expectations.

Serious Violation

azards with substantial probability of death or serious physical harm exist. Violation carries a fine of up to $7,000.

express contract

based on an employers written or oral words and is a formal agreement that outlines the details of the employment arrangment

Qualitative Methods

based on things like observations, interviews, and case study analyses

non-discretionary benefits

benefits that employers are mandated to provide based on certain statutes.

Discretionary Benefits

benefits that fall under the category of work-life equity help employees to manage their work schedules with their personal committments, paid time off for holidays, short term illness, vaction, jury duty, and bereavement, along with flexible work schedules and telecmomuting options.

Vested benefits

benefits to which employees are entitled even if they leave the employer before reaching retirement age

Total reward statement

breaks down the rest of an employee's comprehensive benefits package to show them everything that goes into their total compensation, along with company contributions towards each of the items

Physical assets

buildings, machines, equipment, vehicles, and furniture are what type of asset?

plan development

builds a business continuity team and crafts the business continuity plan.

The management by objectives process

built on the concepts of mutual involvement in setting performance goals, ongoing communication during the performance period (usually one year), measurement, and reward for accomplishments at the end of the period.

Turnover Analysis

calculated by dividing the average number of total employees for the measurement period by the number of employees who exited the organization.

Time to Hire

calculated from the date a job is posted to the date a job is accepted by the new employee.

A FMLA year can be calculated by

calendar year, any fixed 12-month period, the 12-month period beginning when FMLA leave begins, or a rolling 12-month period.


can provide a variety of information and have the potential to do so in an engaging welcoming manner, however they can be labor intensive and not good for info that needs to be out quick

non-binding decisions

carry no legal weight. Either party may choose to follow or not follow the terms of the decision

Financial assets

cash, inventory, accounts receivable, and securities are what type of asset?

Tripping Hazards

cause a persons foot to hit an object that does not budge, plunging the person forward involuntarily.

Matrix Structure

combines both divisional and functional structures


combining multiple pay levels into one, which results in only a handful of salary grades with much wider ranges. This pay structure is easier to administer and eliminates green and red circle rates. This also leads to a flatter organization and employees may feel that there are fewer promotions.

Ratio Analyses

compare current with past employment ratios to determine where staffing needs may change, such as the number of employees to the number of products made to determine staffing needs

Cost Benefits Analysis (CBA)

compares the cost of a particular option with the benefits it will bring to the organization.

national union

comprised of smaller local unions, these groups represent a wide geographical area

technological / administrative performance appraisal

concentrates on employees who perform technical jobs. The type of work they do, productivity levels, output, and other important tasks are barometers by which employers measure

Panel Interview

conducted by a group of individuals from the organization that may consist of mangers, HR reps, and other future team members, in order to evaluate whether or not a candidate is suitable

training needs assessment

conducted to determine whether a training program will be an adequate solution to correct a performance issue


covers a trade region such as the European Union and has managers move between business units in different countries in the region.

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

created a record keeping rule known as the internet applicant rule, under this rule a job seeker is classified as an internet applicant by a contractor if they expressed interest in employment over the internet or through another related electronic data technology, employer considers the individual for individual for employment in a particular position, individuals expression of interest indicates that they possess

Psychologist Kurt Lewin

created the early model for change process theory

Process flow mapping (process flowchart)

creates a visualization of the steps in a process as well as how those steps are connected to each other allowing planners to see the key decision areas

observation, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and document reviews

data gathering methods

Divisional Structure

department based organizational style, employees who work on similar projects are grouped together.

Expense policies

describe how employees can charge business expenses for items like travel and accommodation, food, and other covered costs incurred in carrying out their job function

Construct Validity

determines is a screening tool effectively tests and measures the characteristic it claims to measure, such as intelligence, and that the characteristic in question is indeed important for successful performance of the job.

Joseph Moses Juran

developed the Pareto Principle ( or Pareto analysis system)

Innovation Rate

divide the revenue generated by new products and services by the total revenue from all products and services over a given period

Non-monetary compensation

employee benefits that do not carry tangible value. This includes flexible working schedules, company parties, a nice office, and a supportive work environment

Information assets

employee data, customer data, and other organizational records are what type of asset?

scenario training

employees and management respond to mock scenarios that provide them opportunities to utilize their training.

Defined contribution plans

employees and/or employers pay a specific amount into the plans for each participant. Employer contributions are often based upon a percentage of salary or a percentage of profits. Performance of the funds in these plans ultimately determines the employees benefits.

Human assets

employees are what type of asset?

Common situs picketing

employees picket at a location used by the targeted employer as well as other organizations

double breasting picketing

employees picket at a location where the employers workers are not unionized (only legal in certain situations)

Consumer picketing

employees picket to discourage the public from doing business with the employer in question

Scanlon Plan

employees receive a portion of the cost savings achieved through productivity gains and cost savings.

employee assistance programs (EAP)

employer sponsored benefit programs that are used to provide help for employees who are experiencing difficulties in the areas of anxiety, depression, marital, or family relationship problems, legal issues, and financial concerns

defined benefits plan

employers agree to provide employees with a retirement benefit amount based on a formula

Glass Ceiling Act

enacted to address workplace discrimination specifically the practice of preventing employees from reaching higher level positions of management based solely on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Also established a commission to study how businesses filled management positions and whether there were significant barriers to protected groups (such as women and minorities) that they were preventing them from reaching those positions.

Railway Labor Act

enacted to avoid interruptions due to strikes, to protect the right of employees to join a union, and allowed for a cooling-off period of up to 90 days if the president deemed a strike to be a national emergency.

Mental Health Parity Act

ensures that large group health plans provide coverage for mental health care in the same manner that they provide coverage for physical health care. This act applies to employers with more than 50 employees, as long as the act will not increase the employers cost by at least 1%


entities defined by four characteristics: Liability is limited to assets owned by the corporation. The life of the corporation can extend beyond the life of its original owner/founder. There is a central management structure. Ownership may be transferred freely by selling stock.

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

established by the Labor Management Relations Act (Taft Hartley Act) that grants power to the US president to obtain an injunction ending a strike or lockout for an 80 cooling off period if the continuation of the strike could imperil the health or safety of the nation

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

established by the NLRA (Wagner Act) to encourage union growth. THis board is primarily responsible for investigating potential unfair labor practices.

The Social Security Act of 1935

established the first federal unemployment insurance program and confers responsibility of administration of UI on the states. Each state develops its own UI program, so eligibility requirements for state unemployment insurance (SUI) vary between states, as do the SUI tax rates.

an interviewer who asks candidates irrelevant questions during an interview, an employer who allows candidates different amounts of time when completing a test, a test that fails to measure an important attribute, an interviewer who is biased when evaluating candidates

examples of errors that can create inconsistent results when evaluating the reliability of selection test, tools, and methods

social security, medicare, workers comp, unemployment insurance, unpaid family medical leave, COBRA

examples of non-discretionary benefits

3 categories of exempt duties

executive, professional, or administrative

internal equity

exists if employees are compensated fairly according to their performance on the job, as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for their positions and the responsibilities expected on them.

The McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965 (SCA)

expands on the Davis-Bacon Act and requires any federal service contractor with a contract exceeding $2,500 to pay its employees the prevailing wage and fringe benefits for the geographic area in which it operates, provide safe and sanitary working conditions, and notify employees of the minimum allowable wage for each job classification, as well as the equivalent federal employee classification and wage rate for similar jobs.

professional employees

fall into the category of learned professionals, meaning their positions require knowledge in a specific field of science or learning. They can also fall into a category of creative professionals, meaning their position involves the invention, imagination, originality or talent in a recognized field of artistic or creative endeavor

the course and primary learning objectives are evaluated and determined

first stage of the ADDIE model

Quality Planning

focuses on the needs of customers - determining the customers needs, the customers, and figuring out how to develop a product the is congruent to the needs of the customers.

Vision Statement

focuses on the organizations future goals and answers what do we want to accomplish? And where do we aim to be in the future?

task analysis

focuses on the specific tasks employees must complete to successfully perform their jobs

mission statement

focuses on the work the organization on a day to day basis and answers the what do we do now? why are we doing this? abd waht makes us different?


following requirements while carrying out business activities

Employee Self-Assessment Appraisal

forces employees to examine their own work while management conducts a concurrent appraisal

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

formed by an employer who negotiates discounted fees with networks of healthcare providers. In return, the employer guarantees a certain volume of patients.

Gross profit margin

found by subtracting the cost of sales from the total revenue and then dividing that number by the total revenue

Case studies

give students opportunities to situate themselves in real world tangible scenarios


gives protection to employees who have successfully rehabilitated from past drug use but are no longer engaged in the illegal use of drugs.

National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

grants specific rights to workers who belong to or wish to belong to a union, grants employees the right to participate in collective bargaining, constitutes a legal vs illegal strike, unfair labor practices such as an employer stopping workers from joining a union, taking control of a union, discrimination against unions, discriminating against workers who filed charges with the NLRB and refusing to bargain with unions.


group incentive plan that establishes a baseline for organization productivity and a baseline for productivity cost. The difference between the baseline productivity and the output is used to calculate performance.

code of conduct

guides employee behavior and lays out all policies governing employees actions, defining acceptable and unacceptable behaviors

Types of Managed Care Plans

health maintenance organization, preferred provider organization, point of service organization, exclusive provider organization, flexible benefit plans, flexible spending accounts

Managed Care Plans

healthcare plans that seek to ensure that the treatment an individual receives are medically necessary and performed in a cost effective manner

The 2010 National Action Summit for Latino Worker Health and Safety

helped to launch OSHA's Diverse Workforce Limited Proficiency Outreach program, designed to "enhance (vulnerable) workers' knowledge of their workplace rights and improve their ability to exercise those rights."

Management by Walking around (MBWA)

hiring managers and supervisors physically get out of their offices and interact with employees in person

Positively Accelerating

his curve is characterized by a slow start in learning that increases as the learner masters different aspects of the process or task.

cease all activity with associated risk

how an organization avoids a risk

decrease its likelihood or soften potential harmful impact

how an organization can reduce effects of risk

Procedural Justice

how fair the internal processes and procedures in determining pay scales are perceived to be.

6 years

how long are benefits records kept for?

3 years

how long are records associated with FMLA to be kept for?

14 days of the date of the qualifying event

how long do employers have to provide a notice of unavailability of continuation of coverage

90 days of the date an employee/spouse is covered under the plan

how long is the covered employee required to give initial COBRA notice by

36 months

how long is the period of eligibility for a divorce/legal separation or death of an employed spouse, as well as for a dependent child who loses eligibility status under the plan rules

18 months

how long is the period of eligibility for an employees reduction in hours or an employees termination

29 months

how long is the period of eligibility for the disablement of an employee

opportunity success rate

how many oppertunities are closed by sales


how senior executives direct and control and organization

number of employees who exited the company during the year, divided by the average number of employees during the year then multiplied by 100

how to calculate turnover rate

demonstrate the benefit of change or demonstrate the harm of status quo

how to implement the empirical - rational strategy

First change the people's idea of what is socially acceptable, harness the power of advertising

how to implement the normative-reductive strategy

recognizing the talents these individuals possess, including these individuals in more of an ongoing development process, providing these employees with qualified mentors, making flexible and substantial opportunities available to these individuals, which will allow them to obtain more visibility and responsibility in the company

how to mange high- pos

Learner analysis

identifies if the employees performance issues are occurring due to a lack of knowledge, skills, abilities, or due to some other issue such as lack of motivation or insufficient tools

Business Continuity Planning

identifies potential threats and their associated impacts in order to maintain organizational productivity during an operational interruption

Recovery strategies

identify gaps in necessary resources in the business continuity plan

Federal wage supersedes the state

if a federal minimum wage is higher than the state minimum wage

State Wage supersedes the Federal

if a state minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum wage

Weingarten rights

if a unionized employee is being questioned by management in a situation where a disciplinary action may result, they have right to union representation during that conversation. If that right is violated and the unionized employee is let go, they can be reinstated with back pay

Profit Sharing

incentive-based program that shares company profits.

Replacement Cost

includes costs for training, lost productivity, temporary replacements, overtime for employees who fill in while the position is vacant, and others.


individuals that have been identified as being potential leaders of the organization in the future.

High potential employees, also known as high-pos

individuals who fall in the top 10 percent of talent

implied contract

inferred from an employers actions or conduct

Job sharing

involves 2 or more employees performing the tasks of a role normally performed by one person. Usually the individuals are employed on a part-time basis


involves working intepersonally to enhance techniques for self management, strategy, development, customizing strategies that are proximate to client needs and meeting core objective.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

is a federal law that establishes and promotes workplace safety standards for businesses.Employers who engage in commerce and have one or more employees must observe these regulations. It sets minimum standards for safety and also ensures job training for workers in a language they can understand. It also protects employees who work in substandard conditions and informs them of their rights. Employees also have the right to demand safety on the job and obtain info concerning work hazards. Every employee can file complaints under this act and request a workplace inspection without fear of employer retaliation. They also have the right to meet privately with an inspector under this act. Lastly, this allows employees to refuse to work under life threatening or abnormally dangerous conditions

Employee personal protective equipment (PPE)

items may include safety glasses, hard hats and safety shoes. Employers must provide these items at no cost and must be paid their rate of pay for the time required to put on and take off protective equipment

Basic position info, salary info, deferred compensation info,benefits info, non-compete agreements, acceptance details and deadlines

items typically communicated within an offer letter

Arbitrator panel

just like an ad-hoc arbitrator, but it is comprised of multiple arbitrators (usually three). They are sometimes called arbitral tribunals or tripartite arbitration panels.

Clayton act

limited the use of injunctions to break strikes and exempted unions from the Sherman Antitrust Act.


made up of different national unions representing different industries that nevertheless share some commonalities and have common goals


makes is easy to get information toa lot of people very quickly however can result in information overload

ad hoc arbitration

may be a certified professional or a mutually trusted third party. However, they do not have a regular arbitration relationship with either party. Instead they are chosen as a one time solution to address only the unique dispute in question

Content Validity

measures how well the tool's subject matter covers the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a specific job

Accession Rate

measures the number of new employees against the total number of employees.

Number of page views

measures the organizations reach, how many customers an organization is reaching online

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

method of performance measurement that rates behaviors that are necessary to performing a task, rather than evaluating more analytical employee habits

Front pay

money awarded to an individual in a workplace discrimination case and is generally equal to lost earnings. This is usually requires when the position is not available and the employer has not made any effort to address an ongoing issue of discrimination throughout the company, or if the employee would be forced to endure a hostile work environment if they return to their original position

Blended Learning

multiple delivery methods to enhance the learning experience.

Percentage of offers accepted

number of offers accepted divided by the number of offers extended

Governmental Barriers

occur when companies do not enforce existing equal opportunity regulations, thus preventing protected individuals from advancing to management positions.

Internal structure barriers

occur when company cultures prevent protected individuals from advancing to management positions.

Unstructured interviews

occur when interviewers improvise and ask applicants questions that were not prepared prior to the start of the interview

societal barriers

occur when protected individuals cannot receive the necessary education for management positions, or when pre-existing prejudice toward the protected group prevents expected advancements.


occurs in situations with unknown unknowns when the company has no experience to base predictions on

principled bargaining

occurs when a group negotiates while remaining mindful of the key issues to each side of the process

Parallel Bargaining

occurs when a union successfully negotiates an agreement with a company then uses the result of the negotiation as an example while dealing with a different company. This is also called leapfrogging or whipsawing

third party interventions

occurs when an agent located outside of the organization meditates or manages disputing parties in problem solving.

wrongful discharge

occurs when an employee is terminated after they refuse to do something unsafe, unethical, or illegal.

Promissory estoppel

occurs when an employer entices an employee (or prospective employee) to take an action by promising a reward. The employee takes the action, but the employer doesn't follow through on the reward.

excessive leniency or excessive strictness

occurs when performance appraisals are written to be too accommodating or too harsh and tend to be more about the evaluator's temperament than about the employee's job performance

Multi-unit bargaining or coordinated bargaining

occurs when several unions represent different bargaining units in the company

similar-to-me bias

occurs when the candidate has interests or other characteristics that are the same as those of the interviewer and cause the interviewer to overlook negative aspects of the candidate.

gut feeling bias

occurs when the interviewer relies on an intuitive feeling that the candidate is a good (or bad) fit for the position without looking at whether the individual's qualifications meet the criteria established by the job specifications and candidate profile.

single unit bargaining

occurs when union representatives meet with one employer at a time and don't attempt to use the process as a springboard in separate negotiations.

Job rotation

one method organizations use to cope with technological change by ensuring that employees are equipped with the physical and cognitive capacities to perform a variety of disparate tasks.

william edwards deming

one of the most discussed and influential proponents of quality control management that contains 14 core principles for improving efficiency and productivity of an organization

Total quality management (TOM)

one of the most well known examples of a techno structural intervention, this evaluates and changes an organization's dominant attitudes and culture if they are incongruent with the needs of customers

organization development intervention

outlines various strategies that an organization employs to effect a desired change

Network Structure

outsources many key tasks to outside organizations

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

oversees and enforces workplace safety regulations


owned by two or more people who share final authority for all business decisions and are jointly liable for the actions of the business. Partners are liable not only for their own individual actions but for actions taken by their partner(s) as well. The profits of the business are split according to the ownership shares established at the beginning of the partnership

OASDI (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance)

paid to qualified workers upon retirement or disability or to the surviving dependents in the event of a worker's death. This program is supported by taxes paid equally by employers and employees, and responsibility for collecting these taxes lies with the IRS

Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA)

passed as an amendment ti the ADEA. Under this act it is illegal for employers to discriminate based on an employees age in the provision of benefits, such as pension programs, retirement plans, or life insurance. The goal is for companies to offer equal benefits to all employee, regardless of age. This also percents older workers from waiving rights when it comes to the topic of severeness agreements.

Norris-La Guardia Act

passed in 1932 and protected the rights of workers to organize and strike without the interference of federal injunctions.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

passed in 1978, designed to prohibit selection procedures that have an adverse impact on protected groups

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

passed to allow employees to take up to 12 weeks of job protected unpaid leave during a 12 month period for the birth of a child, adoption, or foster care, serious health condition of a spouse, child or parent, serious health condition of employee, active call or duty arrangements, military care giver leave (granted up to 26 weeks) Employees can take FMLA intermittently. Employees are covered under this act if their employer has at least 50 employees full or part time. Failure to comply results in civil and criminal penalties. also is an employer does not post FMLA rights there is a $110 penalty

Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (1994)

passed to protect the employment, reemployment, and retention rights of civilian employees who serve in uniformed services, veterans, and members of the reserves. This act requires covered employees to provide employers with at least 30 days notice of their need to leave is possible and covers them for up to 5 years on unpaid leave. They must be paid their full salary on leave less any compensation they receive from the military. If the leave is less than 1 month then the employer must continue healthcare coverage under the same terms as if the employee is still actively employed. after the month employers are not required to continue instead they can make coverage avaliable to the employee at the employees expense for months.

geographical differential pay

pay allotted to employees based on where they work

emergency pay

pay for being called into work during an emergency

shift pay

pay for working second or third shirt

Red-circle rates

payment rates above the maximum of the pay range

Short term disability insurance

pays an employee a percentage of their salary - typically 50 - 70 percent - after a brief waiting period. This is in the even that they are unable to work for a short period of time normally between ten and 26 weeks - following a non work related injury or illness.

Skills audit

performed for the purpose of identifying the current skills and knowledge within a company and the skills and knowledge a company will need in the future

individual performance based pay plan

piece rates, commissions, and cash bonuses

Final pay approach

plans using this approach base their benefits on the average earnings during a specified number of years - usually towards the end of an individuals employment.

Flat dollar approach

plans using this approach set a dollar amount each year of service under the plan. This is usually seen in plans covering hourly employees under a collective bargaining agreement

functional structure

positions are grouped according to similar job roles. Separates distinct job tasks and creates a clear line of job advancement.

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008

prevents genetic information from being used for discriminatory purposes against an employee or their family members in any of the terms or conditions of employment included in Title VII.

data protection

process of securing personal info from identity theft or other corruptive activities. This involves strong important materials and can be done through a variety of means such as file locking, disk mirroring, and database shadowing

organization wide performance based pay

profit sharing plans, performance sharing plans, and stock ownership plans

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977

prohibits the payment of bribes and requires accounting practices that preclude the use of covert bank accounts that could be used to make these payments.

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

protects the rights of reservists called to active duty in the armed forces. The act provides reemployment and benefits rights and applies to all public and private employers in the United States, including the federal government, regardless of size

Norris-LaGuardia Act of 1932

protects workers rights to form and join a union as well as their right to strike. This act protects all non violent union activities from court injunctions. Lastly, this act protects employees from having to sign what are known as yellow dog contracts, which are contracts that prevent employees from joining unions

Brown bag lunch programs

provide informal settings for groups of employees to meet with senior managers to learn more about a company.

Clayton Act of 1914

provides additional detail clarifying the Sherman AntiTrust Act. Examples of potentially illegal or monopoly forming activities due to this act, including mergers, exclusive dealings, and price discrimination. This act states that labor unions and agricultural organizations do not fall uinder the authority of the Sherman Antitrust act. Finally this legislation states that labor disputes are not subject to a court injunction, except in cases involving a threat of property damage.

Duty of good faith

provides that parties to a contract have an obligation to act in a fair and honest manner with each other to ensure that benefits of the contract may be realized.

pay structure

provides the overall framework for an organization to use to deliver its total rewards strategy. When creating this, a company establishes pay grades by grouping together jobs that are found to have the same relative internal worth.

Railway Labor Act of 1926

puts limits on strikes by railroad and airline unions, if those strikes are found to cause major problems to the nations transportation system and its ability to engage in trade.Railroad and airline employees can strike over a major contract dispute, but only after engaging in a detailed process. All parties must first attempt mediation, if that fails the National Mediation Board can alert the president if it would cause major transportation stoppage. Strikes are then prohibited for a 30 day cooling off period, if the president does not create a oresidental emergency board to investigate the situation, employees may legally strike. If the president does create a PEB, employees must observe another 30 day cooling off period. After the investigation is completed strikes continue to be prohibited for another 30 days

intended purpose of work, nature of type of work in question, amount of copyrighted work, potential variation of market value of copyrighted material

qualifications of fair use under the copyright act of 1976

Factor comparison method

rarely used, this method involves a ranking of each job by each selected compensate factor and then identifies dollar values for each level of each factor to develop a pay rate for an evaluated job. Best to use this method when wages are not frequently changed and the organization uses a flat rate of pay for each job. This method can sometimes be used as part of a labor contract.

central tendancy error

rating all employees in narrow range in middle of rating scale

lead to customer percetage or lead conversion

ration of lead volume to new customers

Total Person Approach

realizes that an organization employs the whole person, not just his or her job skills

Change Management

refers to an organization's ability to implement changes in a diligent and comprehensive manner


refers to something unstable with frequently unexpected change

Techno structural interventions

represent a type of organization development intervention that focuses on how to most efficiently incorporate and use a piece of technology to maintain maximum productivity.

international unions

represent workers in multiple countries

Executive order 11246

requires contractors with 50 or more employees and contracts of $50,000 or more to maintain an affirmative action program regarding women and minorities

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Act of 1974 (VEVRAA)

requires federal contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action toward employing veterans of the Vietnam War. Applies to contractors with 50 or more employees and contracts of $100,00 or over

The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act of 1936

requires government contractors with contracts exceeding $10,000 (for other than construction work) to pay their employees the prevailing wage for their local area as established by the Secretary of Labor.

Drug-Free Workplace Act

requires that federal contractors with contracts of $100,00 or more and all organizations that are federal grantees establish a drug free workplace, provide a copy of this policy to all employees, and institute a drug awareness program

Executive employees

responsible for directing work of two or more full time employees. Management is the key focus for their role, and they have direct input into the job status of other employees

Administrative Employees

responsible for exercising discretion and judgement with respect to matter of significant, which can be directly related to management of the general business or in dealings with the customers of the business

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

responsible for governing fair credit

PEST analysis

scans the external environment to identify opportunities and threats as part of the SWOT analysis

Alternative recruiting

seeks candidates from internships or temps to perform specific tasks for a limited period of time

Flat structure

seeks to eliminate much of the hierarchy and bureaucracy that exists in traditional companies

Tangible Employment Action or TEA

significant change in employment status, such as hiring, firing, failing to promote, reassignment with significantly different responsibilities, or a decision causing a significant change in benefits."

Task force

similar to a committee but focused on a specific problem and is usually temporary. These employees work to determine a cause of a problem and work to develop a solution

Permanent Arbitrator

someone who routinely judges arbitration cases for a company or other organization.

premium pay

sometimes paid to employees as a higher rate of overtime pay for working holidays or vacation days

Fair Use

specific instances that the copyright act of 1976 specifies in which protected material can be used without threat of infringement

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task

Human process interventions

specific types of interruptions in an organization model through human interactions. Some specific techniques for this are coaching, large group interventions and training and development.

Qualitative Forecasting

staffing needs based on the opinions and estimations of industry experts or managers

Hazard Communication Standard

standards for safety measures such as labeling of workplace hazzards

Statutory exception

states at-will employment may not be used as a pretext for terminating employees for discriminatory reasons as set forth in equal-opportunity legislation or other legislation designed to protect employee rights.

The copy right act of 1976

states that a copyright lasts for the duration of the author's life plus an additional seventy years after his or her death. However, the law incorporates a policy of fair use. Fair use enumerates some instances in which a person may use copyrighted material

zipper clause

states that the CBA has been agreed to and is final. Also states that any issues not covered in the current CBA cannot be discussed until it expires

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

structured to emphasize preventative care and cost containment. Under this plan, physicians are paid on per head basis rather than on actual treatment

Likert Scale

surveys that are structured as statements, and respondents are then asked to rank their level of agreement or disagreement.

long term disability insurance

takes over when an employee is still unable to return to work after being out on short term disability. This pays an employee a percentage of their salary typically 50 -60 percent until they can return to work or for the number of years listed in the company's policy.

Distributive Bargaining

takes place when a group negotiates with the goal of achieving specific objectives (also called positional bargaining)

horn effect

takes place when an employee receives a negative performance appraisal after the evaluator notices that they are poor at performing one aspect of their job

Essential Job Functions

tasks and responsibilities that are fundamental to a specific position

Pilot Programs

tests or trial that sample a small group of people and use empirical analyses to improve strategies.

Medicare and OASDI

the 2 taxes that FICA is broken down into

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)

the SSA of 1935 designed this program to ensure a continuation of income for individuals who are retired, spouses, and dependent children of employees who are deceased and individuals who qualify for social security benefits. At a minimum the employees must work at least 40 quarters or 10 years to qualify and be at least 62 years old to receive partial benefits and 65 - 67 years old for full benfits.


the act of an educator verbally articulating how to perform a task or a branch of knowledge


the act of purposely weakening or corrupting a country or a company. In the workplace, this can be described as the intential thwarting of successful planning models to create dysfunctional conditions at odds with the organization's best interest.

Business operations

the core of what an organizations does on a day to day basis to transform its assets into profits

binding decision

the disputing parties are required by law to follow the decision reached as a result of the arbitration process. In addition, this marks the end of the legal process. No party may pursue further legal action after the decision has been reached.

unfreezing, moving, refreezing

the early model for change process theory describes three stages for change:

Delegating Authority

the employee involvement communication strategy which requires management to demonstrate respect for its employees by trusting them to make decisions necessary to do their jobs.

Sole proprietorships

the most basic and easy structure to organize. The owner is a single (sole) person who is the final authority for all decisions in the business. Any profits earned by the business belong to the owner, and the owner has unlimited personal liability for all business decisions and activities.

Single-unit bargaining

the most common of union negotiation strategies and occurs when one union meets with one employer to bargain.

Utility Patent

the most common patent,. Involves anything technological, mechanical, chemical, pharmaceutical, or software- related. Valid for 20 years after the date the patent is filed. In order to get a patent a written and meticulously detailed description of the product.

hazard communication

the notification of employees concerning the noxious health effects and physical dangers of hazardous chemicals in the workplace

Percentage of qualified candidates

the number of qualified applicants divided by the total number of applicants

functionality of an organization's IT Team

the number of software bugs over a given period, or average number of hours required to fix IT issues

Quality Control

the phase where the process is tested, ensuring that it can suit customer needs and minimal inspection

needs analysis

the process in which an organization gathers information about the principal needs and requests of its members. This studies the expectations and requirements of subjects who are affected by workplace programs or regulations

Environmental Scanning

the process of finding and interpreting relevant data to identify opportunities and threats in the field.

Job Analysis

the process used to determine the requirements and importance of duties for a particular job

Stratification Charts

the purpose of this is to separate concentrated data to make identifiable patterns

Common law doctrines

the result of legal decisions made by judges in cases adjudicated over a period of centuries.

Workforce demographics

the statistical characteristics, such as gender, income, and age that make up the human population at work.

Implementation theory

the study of the goals that can be achieved in the change phase when rational agents work cooperatively

Labor Market

the supply pool from which employers attract new hires

multi-employer bargaining

the union negotiates with more than one employer in an industry or region at a time.

parallel bargaining

the union negotiates with one employer at a time. After a contract has been reached with one employer, the union uses the gains made during the negotiation as a base for negotiating with the next employer


the vendor is in a country adjacent to the business


the vendor is in a country far from the business


the vendor is located within the same country as the business

job evaluation

the ways to determine the value or worth of a job in relation to other jobs in the company

Cliff Vesting

the worker must be 100% vested after a specific number of years of service

Fishbone or Ishikawa Diagram

this diagram identified the principal causes of an effect of a particular problem to five an assessment of quality. This is an efficient way of problem solving by isolating specific components and deconstructing positive or negative consequences through an investigatory lens.


this incorporates bars and groups numbers into ranges. This includes a horizontal distribution of data and is designed to give a visual representation of a certain distribution.

Structured Interview

this interview is controlled by the interviewer, who has a list of specific job related questions prepared prior to the start of the interview

Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act (2000)

this law provides requirements in selecting medical devices and establishes oversight through a sharp injuries log which detail all sharp related workplace injuries.

Average transaction value (ATV)

this metric measures the average amount that one customer spends on one transaction

Davis bacon act (1931)

this piece of legislation applies to contractors and subcontractors working on federally funded contracts in excess of $2,000. The act requires employers to pay all laborers at the construction sites - associated with such contracts - at least the prevailing wage and fringe benefits that individuals working in similar projects in the area are receiving. Employers who fail to comply with this act risk losing their federal contracts and the ability to receive new federal contracts for a period of up to 3 years.

Zero Defects

this quality management strategy requires one to assess the high cost of quality failures and then realize the relation to deflated revenues. This believes in doing it right the first time or DRIFT

Financial Restructuring

this type of corporate restructuring may be necessary due to a significant decrease in sales due to a poor economy.

Customer acquisition cost

time spent getting a new customer


to deauthorize the union, ____ percent of employees must first sign a petition. If the petition is approved they hold an election among the company employees

30 percent, 12 months

to decertify the union, ____ percent of employees must first sign a petition. Then the employees wile the petition with the NLRB. The petition cannot be filed less than ____ after the union was officially certified.

Lead Volume

total number of leads at any given time

leads generated

total number of new leads gained during a fixed period of time, useful for evaluating whether a new marketing strategy is drawing more leads

Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSSs)

training tools integrated into a computer system used by employees on the job. They allow for instant access to information that helps employees complete tasks effectively.

less than 31 Days - must return to work on the first workday following completion of military service, 31-180 day - 14 days, after 810 days 90 days

under USERA when must employees apply for reemployment

public domain

under the copyright act of 1976, any person can use these works freely.

On call

under this act employers must pay nonexempt employees their regular rate of pay for on call time - the time that they are required to remain at the employer's place of business while waiting to engage in work as required by their employer

minimum wage

under this act employers must pay nonexemt employees at least the federal minimum wage. Additionally, employers must pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages to employees who receive tips as their form of salary. The total of the employer's wage and the employee's tips should equal the minimum wage

Record keeping

under this law employers are required to keep specific records as defined by the dept of labor. Specifically, name, address, occupation, gender, and date of birth (if under 19), day and time of the start of workweek, total hours an employee worked during work week, daily and weekly straight time earnings, regular hourly rat when overtime is paid, total overtime pay for workweek, additions or deductions to wages, total wages paid during pay period, date employee received payment


under this law employers must pay non exempt employees overtime pay at the rate of one and one half times and individual's regular rate of pay for any hours worked in excess of 40 hours of work in a single workweek. This act does not require that overtime be paid to employees for work performed on weekends, paid time off, sick days, vacation, or holidays. Overtime earned in a specific workweek must be paid our in the pay period it was earned.

Yellow-dog contracts

used by employers to prevent employees from joining unions.

J-1 Employment Visa

used for exchange visitors and also for intra-company transfers.

P-1 Employment Visa

used for individual or team athletes and entertainment groups.

H-1B Employment Visa

used for specialty occupations, DOD workers, and fashion models.

H-2A Employment Visa

used for temporary agricultural workers.

Employee survey

used to ask the employees how they feel about the company. They can formal or informal and can address topics such as concerns, suggestions for improvement, and priorities.

Job Evaluation

used to determine the value of jobs relative to each other in the organization.

open door policy

used to establish a relationship where employees feel comfortable speaking directly with management

Performance-based pay plans

used to motivate employees to perform at a higher level

Differential pay programs

used to reward employees for performing work that is viewed as less than desirable.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

used to solve disagreements without litigation. These methods are often able to resolve problems with less animosity than occurs when a lawsuit is filed, and at far less cost to the parties.

task process analysis

usually used to create detailed job descriptions but it should be updated and audited regularly to ensure that it maintains accuracy and relevancy

Non-directive Interview

utilizes open ended questions that may be developed from an applicants answers to previous questions

Federal-State Unemployment Insurance Program

was created under the SSA of 1935 as a way to provide partial income replacement for a period of time to individuals who find themselves unemployed involuntarily. This benefit is funded primarily by employers - via a state unemployment tax - and administer by the individual under national guidelines. The number of weeks that an employee can receive this is 1 - 39 weeks.

The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931

was the federal regulation that was the first to regulate minimum wages. This act required that construction contractors and their subcontractors pay at least the prevailing wage for the local area in which they're operating if they receive federal funds. Employers with federal construction contracts of $ 2,000 or more must adhere to this act.

Define, measure, analyze, improve and control

what does DMAIC, the primary process that incorporates Six Sigma, stand for?

uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures

what does UGESP stand for?

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity

what does VUCA stand for?

Sign the bill into a law, veto the bill, do nothing and make it a pocket veto

what may the president choose to do with a bill?

purpose statement, specific details, implementation section, effective date, and glossary

what must a policy contain?

30 percent

what percent of eligible employees are required to sign authorization cards by the NLRB before they can order an election?

core values

what the organization stands for and guides standards of expected employee behavior


what year was ugesp inacted?

Divesting a business

when a company decides to cut costs, reduce inefficiencies, or recover financially from a recent downturn, they may decide to dispose of some or all of its business units by selling the company to another company, closing down permanently, declaring bankruptcy, or relocating overseas.

Wage compression

when a new employee is paid at a higher wage than an individual who is currently employed in a similar position and with similar skills. This creates pay inequity and should be avoided.

identity theft

when a person wrongfully obtains and uses another individual's personal info, typically for financial gain

multiemployer bargaining

when a union with employees in multiple companies meets with all of those companies as a single negotiation

If the government publishes something or expiration of copyright

when a work becomes public domain under the copyright act of 1976

contrast error

when an elevator focuses on a particular stereotype, such as age or race, instead of on performance when rating employees or when an employer compares 2 employees who have similar performance records and rates one higher than the other due to their likeability.

Halo effect

when an employee receives a glowing performance appraisal after the elevaluator notices that they are really good at performing one aspect of their job

recency effect

when an evaluator bases an employee's performance appraisal solely on a recent event instead of the entire performance history.

Nonverbal bias

when an interviewer is influenced by body language

organizational culture

work environment, company standards, interactions, and a general sense of how things are done around here

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