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Which of the following is not a cause of bacterial pneumonia?

H5N1 influenza A

What is good cholesterol?

HDL (high density lipoprotein)

Which statement about the ways in which pathogens can enter the body is false?

Inhaled pathogens commonly attack the digestive system, causing diarrhea.

Which of the following statements about love are accurate?

It encompasses opposites such as affection and anger. Love can add more meaning to our lives.

What are reasons that effective stress management is important?`

It enhances psychological health. It helps prevent serious diseases.

How does biofeedback help people reduce stress?

It heightens awareness of physiological functions.

Joe and Saideh are having a conversation about a work project. As Saideh speaks, Joe looks around the room, leans back, and begins to stand up. In which of the following ways would Saideh most likely interpret Joe's nonverbal cues?

Joe wants the conversation to end. Joe is not interested in what Saideh is saying.

What is a previously rare form of cancer that is common in HIV-infected men?

Kaposi's sarcoma

Which of the following statements regarding sanitary landfills are correct?

Layers of solid waste in a landfill are often covered with thin layers of dirt. Monitoring wells for landfills are required in most states.

Which of the following steps are involved in an induction abortion?

The woman delivers the fetus. The woman takes a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol to induce labor.

Mercury slows fetal and child development and causes irreversible deficits in brain function.


Noncancerous tumors only pose a health threat if they physically interfere with essential bodily functions.


Which vehicles would take advantage of an infrastructure of quick-charging stations for batteries?

all-electric (EV)

A substance that triggers an allergy is called a(n) ______.


A disorder caused by the body's exaggerated response to harmless foreign chemicals and proteins is _____.

an allergy

Which of the following statements about marriage are true?

arried people live longer. Married people's increased social interaction is linked to reduced risk of dementia.

Which conditions result from plaque buildup?

arteries narrow blood flow is restricted blood clots accumulate

Acting in a(n) ______ way improves your ability to take charge of your life.


Which methods can a physician use to identify a cancer's stage?

assessing if any metastases are present assessing if the tumor has invaded lymph nodes assessing the size of the primary tumor

Artificial insemination and IVF are examples of ______.

assisted reproductive technologies

Streptococcus refers to a group of ______ that cause disease in humans.


What type of pathogen causes chlamydia?


A contraceptive that acts solely as a physical obstruction, blocking sperm from uniting with the egg, is called a

barrier method

Which of the following describes mindfulness?

being in the present moment paying attention on purpose being nonjudgmentally aware of what is happening

What are some good strategies that may help make ending a relationship less painful?

being tactful and compassionate being honest recognizing the value in the experience

What is the most effective way to prevent the flu?

being vaccinated annually

The process by which organic substances are broken down naturally by living organisms is called ______.


The risk factors for uterine cancer are similar to the risk factors for

breast cancer

Which term is another word for a stroke?

cerebrovascular accident

What are the main routes by which HIV is transmitted?

certain types of sexual contact direct exposure to infected blood from mother to fetus

If left untreated in adults, which stage of HIV infection lasts an average of 11 years?

chronic asymptomatic

Living together in a sexual relationship without being married is called ______ .


Which of the following are common symptoms of food allergies?

cramps swollen tongue hives

Researchers have determined that anti-smoking laws in public places are changing the ______ of smoking.


Studies indicate that an increased level of physical exercise is associated with a(n) ______ risk of developing certain cancers, such as those of the bladder, kidney, and liver.


Which of the following are long-term effects of exercise on the human body?

decreased body fat, improved self-imaged and reduced risk of colon cancer

A defense mechanism by which unacceptable feelings are transferred from one person to another person is


Sleep ______ are factors that interfere with the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.


The stage of development between weeks two and eight is called the


Which of the following is a primary factor that may eventually put a cap on human population growth?


Everything that surrounds is referred to as our ______.


An important fetal development in the third trimester is the formation of a layer of brown _____ under the skin that has a rich supply of blood and provides protection against hypothermia.


What is the best way to control body fat?

follow a balanced diet

Buried deposits of decayed animals and plants that are converted into carbon-rich fuels by exposure to heat and pressure over millions of years are called ______.

fossil fuels

What are the social and environmental factors called that affect the health of individuals, demographic groups, or entire populations?

health determinants

Physical activity enables you to expend built-up nervous energy and trains your body to more readily achieve ______ following stressful situations.


The use of alcohol and tobacco, overeating, and expressing hostility are examples of ______ behavioral responses to stressors.


The death of any child less than 1 year of age is referred to as

infant mortality

How is hepatitis C (HVC) typically transmitted?

injecting drugs engaging in high-risk sex

Which of the following are chemical pollutants that require precautions in handling or disposal?

insecticides antifreeze mineral spirits

What are the characteristics of assertiveness in communication?

insisting on your rights being able to say "yes" or "no" depending on the situation bargaining for what you want

What is the inability to fall or stay asleep called?


Emotional ______ can be described as the ability of a person to deal with personal emotions, as well as the emotions of others.


ADHD can easily be misdiagnosed because ______.

it includes traits that are found in most children

One of the most basic and profound human emotions, a powerful force that strengthens intimate relationships, is _____.


Match the following immunological defenders with their appropriate description. Instructions

neutrophil: white blood cells that ingest and destroy pathogens white blood cells that ingest and destroy pathogens dendritic cell matches dendritic cell: cells that reside in tissues and activate lymphocytes cells that reside in tissues and activate lymphocytes eosinophil matches eosinophil: white blood cells that fight parasitic infections white blood cells that fight parasitic infections

In the carbohydrate-insulin model, what is the primary cause of obesity?

overeating refined carbohydrates

Scientists have observed, since the 1980s, the seasonal appearance and growth of a hole in the _____ layer, which shields the earth from the sun's hazardous UV rays.


What is the ascending infection that progresses from the vagina and cervix to the uterus, oviducts, and pelvic cavity?

pelvic inflammatory disease

In 2009 Congress passed a law that empowered the FDA to do which of the following?

- eliminate or control levels of additives used in tobacco products- dictate the amount of nicotine in tobacco products- place limits on tobacco advertising

Everyone aged _____ should be tested for HIV.


Generally, oral herpes is associated with HSV


According to the World Health Organization, how many people do not have safe drinking water?

2 billion

When smokers have heart attacks, how much more likely are they to die from them than nonsmokers?

2 to 3 times

Regular exercise can lower resting blood pressure ______%, which can significantly reduce the risk of hypertension.


Women who are up to _____ months pregnant can choose between taking pills or having a procedure to end a pregnancy.


Testicular cancer, though rare, is the most common cancer in men of what age range?


Each year, malaria kills approximately how many people worldwide?


The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that about _____ of all state and federal prisoners meet diagnostic criteria for drug abuse or addiction.


The procedure of artificially inducing labor is offered to a pregnant women when she is how long overdue?

7 to 14 days

According to the ACSM, how long should a person participate in vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week for substantial health benefits?

75 minutes

Since the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, the estimated total number of people who have been infected is ______.

78 million

An estimated ______ million Americans suffer from PAD.


What percentage of people who are infected with HSV have no symptoms?


Cocaine is the most widely used federally illegal drug in the United States.

False It's weed

Which of the following are factors that may reduce the possible physical complications of an abortion?

performance by a well-trained professional a woman's good health early timing of the abortion

Which of the following are four different types of parenting styles that are commonly identified in the parenting field?

permissive uninvolved authoritarian authoritative

Inflammation of the lungs, which is typically caused by infection or exposure to irritants or toxins, is called ______.


Which of the following describe how oral contraceptives work to prevent pregnancy?

prevent ovulation thicken cervical mucus inhibit sperm mobility

Body composition refers to the ______.

proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body

African American men are at significantly higher risk of ______ cancer than men in other groups.


In men, which gland is located at the base of the bladder and completely surrounds the urethra?

prostate gland

Methods of self-help include which of the following?

raising your self-esteem facing fears becoming aware of the problem and combating it

What are possible consequences of global warming?

rapid and drastic melting of the earth's polar ice caps increased mortality from heat stress elimination of habitat for species that live in the Arctic

In a self-actualized person, ______ can be described as having the ability to see the world as it is, knowing the difference between what one can or cannot change.


Melting down a bicycle frame and using this material to produce new appliances is an example of ______.


Treatment of HPV involves ______.

reducing the size of genital warts reducing the numbers of genital warts

Which of the following are lifestyle changes recommend for people with hypertension?

regular exercise healthy diet

Which of the following is a recommended approach to help prevent a number of serious diseases?

responding effectively to stress

What is a chemical barrier of the body that is designed to help prevent infection?


According to Maslow, people who are seemingly living at their fullest have achieved ______.


In order to verify that a vasectomy has been successful, most doctors recommend the patient have a _____ three months after surgery.

semen analysis

Sucrose and fructose are examples of ______.

simple carbohydrates

Protozoa are which of the following?

single celled organisms

Samir will commence his new job on Monday. He is concerned that his religious beliefs will be a source of prejudice and that he will have difficulty communicating in English because it is not his native language. Samir is experiencing a(n) ______ stressor.


Which form of contraception may actually increase the risk of HIV transmission because it causes irritation in the vaginal canal?


Which of the following is the name of a type of synthetic marijuana that is sold as "herbal incense"


When a family promotes sharing, love, and compassion for one another, it is exercising

spiritual wellness

The penis consists of ______ that becomes engorged with blood during sexual excitement.

spongy tissue

Surgically altering the male or female reproductive system to prevent pregnancy is called


A drug that increases nervous or muscular activity is called a(n)


What are ways to help reduce solid waste?

stop using foil and plastic wrap start a compost pile for organic garbage

What was a shift in the focus of drug-control policy by the U.S. government in 2010?

stopping the demand for illegal drugs

The percentage of patients diagnosed with a certain disease who will be alive five years after the diagnosis is called the five-year _____ rate.


What occurs because of the inflammatory response?

swelling at site of infection or injury redness at site of infection or injury

The spirochete Treponema pallidum causes the sexually transmitted infection called


In the United States, the energy equation generally is ______.

tipped toward "energy in"

What are the main objectives of the 2020--2025 Dietary Guidelines?

to encourage healthy eating patterns and regular physical activity

A chronic bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs is called ______.


What are recommended ways of helping friends who have a problem with alcohol?

- Do not enable their drinking.- Provide them with treatment information.- Be direct and honest.

Which statements regarding asbestos are correct?

- Fibers can lodge in the lungs, causing serious health conditions. - It was widely used for fire protection and insulation until the late 1960s.

Match each type of bacteria with its corresponding shape.

- bacilli: rod shaped - cocci: spherical - spirochete: spiral shaped - vibrios: comma shaped

Which methods of obtaining fossil fuels are considered "extreme energy sources" due to the difficulty in accessing them and their potential environmental impacts?

- hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") - tar sands oil extraction - deep water oil rigs

What are distinguishing characteristics of the contraceptive sponge?

- it is water activated - It is made of polyurethane - it acts as a seminal-fluid absorbant

According to the CDC National Health Interview Survey in 2018, what percentage of Americans over age 18 were cigarette smokers?


Incidence rates for gonorrhea peaks among what age group?


At what age should people begin having their cholesterol checked?


According to a 2011 report from the United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity, the population's demands for resources already exceeds the earth's capacity by ______.


The common cold may be caused by any one of more than ______ different viruses.


How many U.S. states had passed comprehensive smoke-free air laws as of 2019?


To meet the DSM-5 definition of moderate alcohol use disorder, a person would need to meet how many of the 11 criteria?


The NHANES recommends weight loss surgery only for patients with a BMI greater than ______.


Ebola virus is among the most lethal of emerging viruses, with an average fatality rate of about ______.


The Federal Trade Commission reports that about ______ of ads for weight loss products make false claims.


The percentage of American adults who are considered morbidly obese is about ______%.


Essential fat comprises ______% of women's body weight.


Women with less than ______% body fat are considered underweight.


Today, approximately what percentage of married heterosexual families no longer follow the "male as provider" model?


As of 2019, more than ______ of Americans live in cities and towns that ban or restrict smoking in public places, such as restaurants and bars.


Adolescence is the period when about ______% of eating disorders begin.


Since the mid-1980s, a hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere has appeared seasonally over ______.


Which of the following are true statements about behavior and behavior change?

Confidence will increase as you make progress and start taking charge of your life. Wellness involves cultivating healthy behaviors and overcoming unhealthy ones. You likely have both healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

Which statements regarding discarded consumer electronics technology are correct?

Electronic waste can be hazardous waste because of the varying levels of heavy metals contained within it. It involves discarding old computers, televisions, and other gadgets.

It is the mother's sex chromosome that determines a child's gender in the womb.


Men currently have the legal right to prevent an abortion from occurring.


Only negative life changes are a source of stress.


The only effective way to break the chain of infection is by individual action.


The only way to treat a virus is with rest and plenty of fluids.


Donating money and personally volunteering offer the same beneficial health effects.

False Studies have shown that donating money does not have the same beneficial health effects as volunteering that involves personal contact.

Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between increased physical activity and an increased risk of cancer.

False Studies have shown that increased physical activity may lead to a reduced risk of cancer.

According to set-point theory, we cannot ever maintain weight loss.

False Reason: It appears that when we maintain changes in our activity level and in our diets over a long period of time, our set point does change. However, physiological factors may make it easier to maintain a higher rather than a lower set point.

The primary goal of the beauty and fitness industry is to make you feel satisfied with your appearance.

False, These industries promote dissatisfaction so you will continue to buy their products.

Which of the following are among the major qualities or themes that experts believe appear in strong families?

Family members pull together during times of stress or crisis. Family members communicate with one another and enjoy one another's company.

Using the SMART criteria, how might you set a goal to increase physical activity if you are currently out of shape?

For the first week, walk briskly for 20 minutes every day.

Why does the spermicide nonoxynol-9 increase the risk of transmission of HIV and other STIs?

Frequent use may cause vaginal and rectal irritation and damage.

What produces spores and feeds on organic matter?


_____ can cause yeast infection, athlete's foot, and ringworm.

Fungi or Fungus

Gender is

Gender is defined as the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that given society considers appropriate for men and women. Sex is the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

What actions should you take as you put your plan for behavior change into action?

Get as much support as possible from supportive people. Reward yourself often. Remember that you are in control of the behavior change.

Which of following statements about insomnia are true?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. About one-third of U.S. adult have some symptoms of insomnia.

What are appropriate questions to ask yourself when trying to find a balance in your use of social media?

Is it making me feel left out? Is it keeping me from doing necessary things? Is it widening my community?

How does exercise help reduce CVD risk?

It contributes to weight loss. It strengthens the heart muscle. It boosts HDL Levels

Which of the following statements about food irradiation are true?

It has been endorsed by such organizations as the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization. Consumers are at least initially skeptical and resistant to irradiated foods.

Which of the following statements correctly describe COVID-19?

It is a respiratory illness. Its symptoms can vary widely. It is more dangerous for older people.

Which statement about placental abruption is incorrect?

It represents about 75% of all bleeding during the third trimester.

Which of the following statements about H1N1 are accurate?

It resulted in the last global pandemic before COVID-19. It mutates frequently during replication. It can exchange genes with other influenza A viruses.

Which of the following statements regarding the vaginal contraceptive ring are correct?

It slowly releases hormones and maintains blood hormone levels. It is inserted within the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. The ring prevents pregnancy in the same way as oral contraceptives.

The immediate effects nicotine has on the body include which of the following?

It stimulates the cerebral cortex. It inhibits urine formation. It leads to the discharge of adrenaline.

Which of the following statements about DDT are correct?

It was banned in the United States in 1972. It was leading to biomagnification.

Which statements about the transmission of infections are correct?

Sexual contact is an example of direct transmission. Most common respiratory infections are passed via direct transmission.

Which individual would be most likely to demonstrate the psychological characteristic of unstressed affiliation motivation?

Shania, who always joins you at lunch and often reaches out to meet new friends on campus

Which of the following statements about slow weight gain are true?

Slow weight gain is a major cause of overweight and obesity. It refers to gaining one or two pounds per year.

What statements about the actions of antibiotics are correct?

Some antibiotics work by inhibiting the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall. Some antibiotics interfere with the production of bacterial proteins.

What statements about emerging infectious diseases are correct?

Some bacterial infections appear to be resistant to all antibiotics. Population growth, urbanization, and overcrowding spread infectious diseases.

What are reasons that a person's family health history is relevant to the person's health?

Some health problems run in families. Genes help regulate the body's chemical reactions. Genes help regulate the body's metabolic processes.

Which statements about HPV are true?

Some strains of HPV can lead to cancer. Most visible genital warts are caused by HPV. There are more than 100 strains of HPV.

Which of the following statements about the use of spermicide with a cervical cap are true?

Spermicide is placed on the brim of the device. Spermicide is placed in the cuplike shape formed by the cap.

What features are common to most vaginal spermicides?

Spermicide should be placed deep in the vagina near the cervical entrance. The effectiveness of the spermicides decreases greatly after an hour. Additional doses must be administered for each act of intercourse.

Which of the following statements about strep throat is false?

Strep throat is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood.

_____ development is development that meets society's present needs without compromising future generations' ability to meet their needs.


Which statements regarding the influence of carbon dioxide on global warming are correct?

The United States is responsible for one-third of the world's total emissions of carbon dioxide. The use of fossil fuels pumps more than 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. Deforestation sends carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Which of the following describes what happens in a cardiovascular accident (stroke)?

The blood supply to the brain is cut off and brain tissue dies.

Which of the following statements exemplify common beliefs on abortion held by pro-life groups?

The fertilized egg must be valued as a human being from the moment of conception. Abortion of a fertilized egg at any time after conception is the equivalent to murder. The availability of legal abortion is not essential to a woman's well-being.

Which of the following statements about the diaphragm are correct?

The fitting for the device should be checked if a person's weight changes by 10 or more pounds. Women must be fitted for the device by a health care professional. The device works to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

Which of the following help explain the early criminalization of abortion in the United States?

The intention was to improve safety. Physicians promoted the movement.

Which of the following are included in the procedure of tubal ligation?

The procedure is performed in a hospital and takes about 30 minutes. A laparoscope is inserted through a small abdominal incision. The surgeon must locate the fallopian tubes.

Which of the following statements about divorce are true?

The process usually begins with an emotional separation. It can be one of the greatest stress-producing events in a person's life.

Which of the following may be signs of an unhealthy relationship?

The relationship places little value on the time partners spent together. Communication styles tend to include defensiveness, withdrawal, and contempt.

Which statements regarding stillbirth are correct?

The stillbirth rate in the United States is a little more than 6 per 1,000 births. Black women have about twice as many stillbirths as white women. Risk factors include smoking, obesity, and advanced chronic age.

Which of the following statements about U.S. suicide rates are accurate?

The suicide rate among men is about four times higher than among women. The suicide rate, for both males and females, is highest among American Indians or Alaska Natives.

Which of the following statements regarding toxic shock syndrome are accurate?

The toxin that produces toxic shock syndrome causes tissue damage. Toxic shock syndrome can ultimately cause organ failure. Toxic shock syndrome involves the staphylococcus bacterium.

Match each general statement with the corresponding trimester of pregnancy.

The woman experiences a few signs and symptoms of pregnancy = 1st trimester This trimester is often referred to as the most peaceful time of pregnancy = 2nd trimester With increasing demands of the fetus, this stage is often the hardest on the pregnant woman = 3rd trimester

Which of the following viewpoints are common among optimists?

They expect positive outcomes. They consider bad events to be only temporary.

Which of the following are common characteristics of couples who successfully weather the stresses of a new baby?

They had planned to have the child. They communicate well about their feelings and expectations.

Young people with which of the following characteristics are more likely to use tobacco?

They have peers who smoke.

Cam and Ahmed met, fell in love, and married within six months. After a year each realized something was wrong. Which of the following would be the best option for the couple?

They should communicate honestly.

Diabetes is a special concern for many groups of American Indians.


Life on earth would be impossible without the presence of the ozone layer to absorb UV radiation.


Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods are among the most effective forms of birth control.


Online dating allows people a freedom to express themselves that they may not feel in in-person situations. True false question.


Physical fitness is the body's ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort.


According to the FDA, more than 1,000 substances are added to foods in the United States to maintain or improve nutritional quality, to help in processing and preparation, or to alter taste or appearance.

True Reason: An FDA database lists about 3,000 such substances.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

True Reason: As the country's leading cause of death, CVD claims about 2,300 American lives every day.

Which statements are true regarding genital herpes transmission?

Using a condom can help prevent the transmission of herpes. Herpes can still be transmitted when a condom is used.

Which of the following statements regarding male condoms are correct?

Using oil-based products with condoms can cause condoms to break. Condoms are the most commonly used barrier method contraceptive in the United States. A condom holding ejaculate must be withdrawn from the vagina before being removed from the penis. Latex and polyurethane condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancy.

Match each negative heredity or environment factor with the personal health behavior that would help reduce the health risk it poses. Instructions

a family history of obesity -- controlling body weight and exercising regularly a highly competitive job -- matches Choice, learning to manage stress learning to manage stress living in a city with severe air pollution -- choosing not to smoke

What is a long-term cost of an inactive lifestyle?

a greater chance of having a stroke a larger risk of heart disease a higher possibility of premature death

A gas or vapor that traps infrared radiation instead of allowing it to escape through the atmosphere is called ______.

a greenhouse gas

Of the following, who would statistically be least likely to smoke cigarettes?

a heterosexual person who lives in the Northeast and is a college graduate

Which of the following are common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

a missed menstrual period morning sickness breast tenderness

What is remission?

a period during which a patient has no signs or symptoms of cancer

Which of the following people would be the most likely to fall asleep?

a person sitting in a warm room

The contraceptive skin patch, Ortho Evra, is typically worn on which of the following areas of the body?

abdomen upper, outer arm buttocks

Substances are added to food intentionally to ______.

alter their appearance maintain nutritional quality help in processing

Which is responsible for the effects of psychoactive drugs?

altered neurotransmitter concentration

Verana had an outbreak of genital herpes over a year ago. She should consider herself ______.

always contagious

Packaged food labels in the United States must show which of the following?

amount of dietary fiber amount of fat, saturated fat, and trans fat in each serving serving sizes

A reservoir for a pathogen can be which of the following?

an animal a person

Quitting tobacco results in which of the following immediate health benefits, regardless of age or gender?

an improved sense of taste a decrease in blood pressure a sharper sense of smell

What is anorexia nervosa?

an intense fear of being fat

Drugs used to treat HIV are referred to as _____ drugs.


An opioid is

any of several natural or synthetic drugs that relieve pain and cause drowsiness or euphoria

It is important to let your doctor know which of your relatives has a history of heart disease?

any of your relatives

In addition to CHD, smoking has been linked to which of the following cardiovascular diseases?

aortic aneurysm pulmonary heart disease stroke

How does access to health care help improve a person's life?

appropriate treatment of diseases preventive care

To meet their nutritional requirements, older adults should eat foods that ______.

are high in fiber contain Vitamin B-12 have fewer calories

A lung condition caused by microscopic asbestos fibers that lodge in the lungs is called ______.


Someone who does not experience sexual desire but enjoys romantic relationships would be considered _______.


What is a disease in which chronic inflammation and periodic constriction of the airways cause wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing?


Which of the following health disparities are of special concern among African Americans?

asthma stroke high blood pressure obesity diabetes

Which groups are particularly at risk of MRSA infections?

athletes hospitalized patients

Which of the following are the primary causes of the greenhouse effect, smog, and acid precipitation?

automobile exhaust the burning of oil and coal by industry and by electric power plants

Which of the following are common considerations of a woman deciding to continue a pregnancy?

available resources religious and moral beliefs long-lasting social support from her partner

To reduce exposure to mercury, nursing mothers should ______.

avoid eating swordfish. limit the consumption of albacore tuna.

What are effective ways to deal with allergies?

avoidance of allergens over-the-counter antihistamines immunotherapy

Match each organism with the disease it causes.

bacterium - tuberculosis virus - cold sores, genital herpes fungus - athlete's foot protozoa - amoebic dysentery

Which of the following are among the most widely used additives to foods in the United States? (Select all that apply.)

baking soda sugar corn syrup

The ______ model is a psychotherapeutic approach that aims to stop dysfunctional, or undesirable, behaviors by focusing on the behaviors themselves.


HIV infection can occur when small amounts of ______ from one person are directly injected into another person's body through the sharing of needles to inject drugs.


Water is important to the body because it is a major ingredient in ______.


What is the term for an extreme dissatisfaction with a person's own body image?

body dysmorphic disorder

In addition to the amount of alcohol consumed, which of the following play a role in affecting BAC?

body weight body fat percentage a person's sex

A baby born before the 37th week of pregnancy is said to have been

born prematurely born preterm

Mercury is dangerous to fetuses and young children because it can cause ______.

brain damage

As a result of extensive research, which type of cancer has been linked to a gene mutation?


Match each type of infection with its definition.

bronchitis - infection of the airways meningitis - infection of the tissues around the brain conjunctivitis - infection of the layer of cells surrounding the eyes

What are the main categories of eating disorders?

bulimia nervosa binge-eating disorder anorexia nervosa

How do people contract Giardia?

by consuming contaminated food by drinking contaminated water

Newborns may be infected with HSV ______.

by passage through the birth canal of an infected mother

What are ways that peer counseling groups provide support to an individual?

by providing the individual with new ideas for coping with a specific issue by providing a sympathetic ear to listen to what is troubling the individual

Which of the following plant substances act as antioxidants or have other anti-cancer effects?

carotenoids phytochemicals

Cancer is the result of abnormal, uncontrolled multiplication of _____.


If a pregnant woman has active herpes lesions during the time of delivery, precautions include ______.

cesarean section

What are chemicals used as spray-can propellants that rise into the atmosphere, where they lead to the destruction of the ozone layer?


Vegetarian diets are relatively low in ______.


About half of low-birth-weight cases are attributed to which of the following?

cigarette smoking poor nutrition teenage pregnancy

The brown, sticky mass that is created when the chemical particles in tobacco smoke condense is called _____.

cigarette tar

Sexual ____ is defined as the use of physical or psychological force or intimidation to make a person submit to sexual demands.


The ______ model is based on the idea that our emotions and behaviors are influenced by ideas that we have.


The yellowish fluid secreted by the mammary glands until milk comes in is called


As the semester progressed, Latoya was experiencing several internal stressors regarding her roommate and did not want the situation to get out of control. While walking with her roommate back from class, Latoya respectfully and assertively addressed her concerns. Latoya demonstrated how to effectively ______.


Self-disclosure, listening, and feedback are skills essential to good _________ in relationships.


The cognitive model asserts that behavior results from ______.

complicated attitudes, motives, and expectations

Irrational, repetitive, hard-to-resist actions are called


A person who cannot control the urge to gamble, even in the face of financial and personal ruin, is a(n) ______ gambler.


Which of the following are effective approaches to HIV prevention?

correct and consistent condom use needle exchange programs for intravenous drug users abstinence

Yasmeen is having a challenging time getting her stress under control. She wants to talk with someone, but she wants to be sure what she talks about will remain confidential. Her best choice would be ______.


Even though there are drugs to lessen the severity of the symptoms of herpes, there is no _____ for the disease.


Minor setbacks, such as not having enough milk for breakfast or finding the treadmills at the health center all occupied, can impose brief but frequent stressors. These ______ can be a hindrance to an individual's overall wellness.

daily hassles

Which of the following would be the best activity to try to reduce stress and worry that interrupt sleep?

daytime planning sessions

A medical emergency that involves an alcohol-dependent person suffering from confusion, disorientation, seizures, and hallucinations brought on by the reduction of alcohol intake is called

delirium tremens

What are examples of how an individual can protect the water supply?

do not flush old medicines down the toilet take bleach or motor oil to hazardous waste collection centers purchase a water-saver toilet fix leaky faucets only run dishwashers for full loads install sink faucet aerators

The _____ function is the relationship between the amount of alcohol or drug consumed and the type and intensity of the resulting effect.


Which of the following would not be a healthy habit?

drinking 4--5 alcoholic drinks per day

Which of the following are examples of activities that many smokers habitually associate with tobacco use?

drinking alcohol drinking coffee studying

Which of the following are common causes of testicular disorders and thus male infertility?

drug use cigarette smoking

Which of the following strongly correlate to an individual's life span? (Choose every correct answer.)

drug use education obesity

When do symptoms of infection first appear?

during the prodromal period

Compared to the general population, which of the following health concerns are more prevalent among American Indians and Alaska Natives?

early death rates from smoking early death rates from alcohol use early death rates from cirrhosis

Which of the following are important considerations for a couple when selecting a form of contraception?

ease of obtaining the product potential health risks from the contraceptive method any potential noncontraceptive benefits from the method

People with very low body fat may suffer from which of the following?

eating disorders fatigue muscle wastage

Physical activity is an effective way to reduce stress. To complement physical activity, healthy ______ provide(s) an additional energy bank to draw from when you are experiencing stress.

eating habits

To be prepared for physical emergencies, the body mobilizes energy resources in accordance with the stress response. At some point in the day, if you do not physically exert yourself, you will not complete the ___ .

energy cycle

The natural and human-made surroundings in which we spend our lives is called the

environment, envrioment, or envinroment

Which of the following are common indoor air pollutants?

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

When sperm cells approach an egg cell, they release ______ to soften the outer layer of the egg and allow a sperm cell to penetrate it.


What is a good source for getting help when trying to learn an exercise technique?

exercise class

What would be an example of a cultural difference that may affect one's health?

family values

Which of the following are common reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet?

financial considerations religious reasons ethical reasons concern for the environment

Match each symptom of Lyme disease (on the right) with the stage (on the left) in which the symptom typically appears. Instructions

first stage - bullseye rash second stage partial facial paralysis third stage recurring arthritis

Match each trimester with an emotional response that typical occurs within it.

first trimester-- exhilirated and euphoric, at least temporarily second trimester-- fading worries about miscarriage third trimester-- periods of depression as well as anticipation

What process affects the water supply in an effort to reduce tooth decay?


If you are trying to lose weight, what foods should you avoid?

foods with empty calories foods with added sugars

Twins who have different genetic information are ______.


The role the American Psychological Association recommends that a stepparent take in a newly formed stepfamily is that of ______.


In recent years sexual and romantic relationships are more likely to be based on which of the following?

friendship common interests

Which of the following are proper ways to use food?

fuel life's activities foster growth

The infection most often seen in the United States associated with an HIV infection is Pneumocystis pneumonia, which is a(n) infection.


Which of the following is a universal and predictable response pattern to all stressors?

general adaptation syndrome (GAS)

The basic units of heredity that provide the blueprint for functional and health characteristics of an individual are ________, which are contained within ________.

genes; chromosones

Which of the following factors can contribute to the way in which a person responds to a drug?

genetic factors pregnancy weight

The first episode of genital herpes can cause ______.

genital lesions flulike symptoms

According to Carl Rogers, _____ refers to an honest and accurate communication of thoughts and feelings; it is one of the conditions that characterize healthy relationships.


According to Carl Rogers, what are the conditions that characterize healthy relationships?

genuineness empathy unconditional positive regard

A form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is called _________diabetes mellitus.


Which of the following would be typical short-term benefits of an inactive lifestyle?

getting to hang out more with friends being able to use more social media having more time to watch videos

Match the neuroendocrine substance with its function

ghrelin: increases appetite leptin: decreases appetite

The organism Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which flourishes in the mucous membranes, causes ______.


What STIs can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) if they are not properly treated?

gonorrhea chlamydia

Intimate relationships are developed and maintained by _____ .

good communication

Many cities help encourage their residents to dispose of hazardous waste by ______.

holding hazardous waste collection days posting guidelines about proper disposal methods

Contraceptives that are designed to prevent ovulation and that make it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg if ovulation does occur are categorized as

hormonal methods

Although the process of male sterilization involves severing the vas deferentia, ______ production from the testes continues.


Moderate endurance exercise can boost a person's _____ function, whereas excessive training can depress it.


After an infection, the body often gains ______, which protects the body from again falling ill due to the same pathogen.


Which of the following are benefits of physical activity?

increasing self-esteem improving quality of sleep burning calories

A pregnancy that is deliberately terminated is a(n)

induced abortion

The pregnancy termination technique that involves the ingestion of mifepristone and misoprostol is known as

induction abortion

HIV _____ is a disease that progressively destroys the body's ability to resist various infections and disorders.


Because most cigar and pipe smokers do not ______, as a group they have a lower risk of cancer than cigarette smokers.

inhale the smoke

Depo-Provera, the first injectable contraceptive approved for use in the United States, prevents pregnancy by

inhibiting ovulation

To achieve optimum physical wellness, you should make choices to avoid which of the following?

injury illness

The system that consists of cells that can recognize pathogenic microorganisms and are the first responders to those pathogens is the ______.

innate immune system

Research has shown that which of the following are the most common characteristics that people look for in a potential partner?

is from a similar socioeconomic background has similar educational status lives in the same geographic area

For men, becoming inebriated can interfere with the ability to do which of the following?

orgasm maintain erection

Sexual ____ refers to a pattern of emotional and sexual attraction to persons of the same sex or gender, a different sex or gender, or more than one sex or gender.


Ahmad is working on his stress-management skills. As he reflects on the day's events, he notices several daily hassles that rank high on his perceived stress level. Ahmad wants to work on dealing with his daily hassles because they can contribute to a general decrease in ______.

overall wellness

The fragile, invisible layer of the atmosphere approximately 10-30 miles above the earth's surface that shields the planet from the sun's UV rays is known as the ______.

ozone layer

A(n) _____ is an epidemic that has spread across a large area, possibly across the entire world.


By weight, the largest source of American household waste in 2017 consisted of ______.

paper products

What is a pathogen that causes intestinal and other infections and includes pinworms?

parasitic worm

An overall approach to parenting is known as the ____.

parenting style

Match each link in the chain of infection (on the left) with the appropriate way (on the right) to break it. Instructions

pathogen - sewage treatment reservoir - killing insects that are hosts to a pathogen port of entry - applying a bandage on a cut indirect transmission - hand washing

Bringing people facing similar problems together to share experiences and support one another is an example of a(n) _______ counseling group.


Wayne, a 15-year-old, has been bullied by classmates over the past couple of years because of a tendency to stutter. A friend recently invited him to join in with a new group of boys who are known for partying with alcohol and marijuana. While there are many reasons one might become involved with drugs, which reason is particularly significant in Wayne's case?

peer pressure

Which groups are likeliest to contract tuberculosis (TB)?

people with HIV people who live in the center of urban areas

Which chemicals are used to maximize food production by killing insects that eat crops and to prevent the spread of insect-borne diseases?


What refers to any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and requiring energy?

physical activity

Which of the following are typical cognitive distortions that people who are demoralized may experience?

picking out a single negative detail and dwelling on it maintaining a negative belief that is contradicted by everyday experiences

Which of the following do/does NOT produce testosterone?

pituitary glands?

A complication of pregnancy that involves the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall is called ______.

placental abruption

Which is an industrial chemical used as an insulator in electrical transformers and linked to certain human cancers?

polychlorinated biphenyl

What issues may increase the risk of developing dementia or cause an earlier onset of dementia?

poor quality sleep sleep disruptions during the night

Which of the following are examples of foods that are high in energy density?

potato chips ice cream cookies

A condition of human pregnancy characterized by elevated blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine is called


Which person should take the most precautions if living in an area with Zika-infected mosquitoes?

pregnant women

In addition to increased health risks, smoking is associated with which of the following?

premature wrinkles more motor vehicle crashes stained teeth

An antibody is a type of ______ that binds an antigen in one form of adaptive immune response.


Free radicals are chemically unstable molecules that react with which of the following?

proteins DNA

A microscopic, single-celled organism that often produces recurrent, cyclical attacks of disease is a ______.


Which of the following are effective ways to promote wellness in the world?

providing nonalcoholic drinks at parties supporting nonsmoking policies for public places asking for more nutritious foods

Nicotine is a powerful and addictive ______ drug found in tobacco.


The drugs most often associated with addiction and impairment are ________ drugs.


An interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine system affects the immune system. The study of the interactions among the three systems is called ______.


The use of waste material as raw materials in the production of new products is called ______.


Irradiation is important in food processing because it ______.

reduces spoilage. extends shelf life. kills potentially harmful pathogens.

Among the effects alcohol has on the body are

reducing erection response in men reducing the quality of sleep lowering internal body temperature

What are social, emotional, or psychological benefits of being physically active?

reduction of mild to moderate depression improved self-image improved learning and memory reduced anxiety

Mindfulness can help us to ______.

reflect on our emotions, thoughts, and self take notice of the world around us and reflect upon our place within it tackle stress, social anxiety, and depression

Which of the following increase a person's chances of permanently abstaining from tobacco use, whether trying to quit tobacco cold turkey or simply tapering off?

regular exercise support from others

Which of the following are among the links in the chain of infection?

reservoir portal of exit portal of entry pathogen

What is the term that refers to exercise that forces muscles to contract against increased resistance?

resistance exercise

A disposal site where solid wastes are buried is called a ______.

sanitary landfill

In the United States, suicide is the _____ leading cause of death for young people aged 10 to 34.


During which phase of the pregnancy cycle is the fetus about 14 inches and 1.5 pounds and the fetal heartbeat audible with a stethoscope?

second trimester

An infection caused when organisms take the opportunity presented by a primary (initial) infection to multiply and cause a new, different infection is called an opportunistic or _____ infection.


Which of the following groups is most at risk for developing severe complications from foodborne illnesses?

senior citizens

An eating disorder is a psychological condition that is characterized by which of the following?

severe disturbances in body image

Defining a man as someone who has an XY pair of chromosomes would be identifying him by his ______.


As humans age, ______ often diminishes.

sexual functioning

Which qualities make sexual behavior different from sexual reproduction?

sexual satisfaction sexual excitement

Which of the following are populations most vulnerable to HIV infection?

sexually active people ages 13 to 24 men who have sex with other men people who inject drugs

What are possible effects of histamine?

shortness of breath congestion swelling

Which major groups of muscles should be stretched during flexibility exercises?

shoulder leg hip

A growing concern is the relationship between social media use and which of the following?

social isolation depression anxiety

Which of the following are examples of drugs classified as inhalants?

solvents aerosols nitrites

Ethanol is a renewable alternative transportation fuel produced from ______.

starchy agricultural products

After experiencing burnout, Maura decides to do a better job managing the stress in her life. Which of the following would not be suitable for that purpose?

starting an accelerated MBA program

Surgically altering the male or female reproductive system to prevent pregnancy is called ______.


Which of the following are appropriate resources to help a student at college deal with an alcohol problem?

student counseling center student health center local chapter of AA

What are common allergy symptoms?

stuffy nose wheezing sneezing

Which of the following is a risk factor that increases the likelihood of suicide?

suicide by friend or family

Ian's stress log indicates he is a comfort eater. He feels that talking to various other people with the same problem will help him the most. Ian should visit a ______.

support group

Which of the following are behaviors specifically associated with physical wellness?

taking care of yourself by eating well engaging in regular physical activity

What are strategies to prevent antibiotic resistance?

taking the full course of antibiotics, even if you feel better being aware that antibiotics are ineffective at treating viruses

You decide you want to change one particular behavior and focus your energies on changing that behavior. That behavior is defined as a(n) ________ behavior.


Simone exercises regularly and eats organic food, but does not get enough sleep, drinks too much alcohol, and smokes. Simone wants to move in the direction of wellness and decides to start by quitting smoking. Smoking is thus defined as the ______.

target behavior

Vaccines in the United States are approved by which of the following?

the Committee on Infectious Diseases the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

You are hiking along a trail in the woods when you spot a bear that was behind a nearby tree. Immediately, your heart is racing, your palms are sweaty, and your legs are shaking as you take a split second to decide what to do. This scenario is an example of ______.

the body's fight-or-flight reaction to danger

Which of the following groups are at higher risk for developing complications from foodborne illness?

the elderly children pregnant women

HBV is transmitted from person to person through ______.

the exchange of body fluids contaminated toothbrushes contaminated needles blood-to-blood contact

Which of the following are ways of obtaining health insurance coverage in the United States?

through an employer through a professional group through health exchanges

What are the main objectives of the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines?

to encourage healthy eating patterns and regular physical activity

What is a goal of current therapies based on the psychodynamic model?

to help the patient gain insights for overcoming maladaptive patterns of behavior

The MyPlate icon reminds consumers

to incorporate fruits and veggies into meals, and how to build a healthy meal

What is the purpose of a harm reduction strategy in drug treatment?

to minimize the negative effects of drug use and abuse

Why do some people with low CD4 T cell counts take antibiotics?

to prevent opportunistic infections

HIV cannot live in or on ______.

toilet seats eating utensils

Which of the senses is most effective at achieving physical stimulation?


The function of a neurotransmitter is to

transmit nerve impulses in the brain

Which of the following are potential, immediate physical complications of an abortion?

trauma to the uterus incomplete abortion bleeding

Which of the following are examples of ways to break the chain of infection?

treating public sewage isolating a sick patient wearing a face mask

One of three 3-month-long periods of pregnancy is called a(n) ______.


A person can be infected with HIV, but not have AIDS.


A person's weight can affect how they respond to a drug.


According to the American Psychological Association, moving to a home that is new for everyone can create a feeling of a level playing field when creating a blended family.


Addiction always follows substance misuse.


Regular physical activity and exercise can improve sleep quality.


Some women with PID experience no symptoms.


Studies to date have not provided conclusive evidence that cell phone use exposes users to harmful levels of radiation.


Sunscreen can prevent the absorption of UV radiation.


The endometrium is the source of nutrition for a blastocyst.


Which of the following is a good way to start a conversation about sex with your partner?

"Isn't it funny how difficult it is for people to talk about sex?"

Based on prices in early 2018, the average smoker would spend as much as ______ on cigarettes over the course of a year.


Fats in the diet do which of the following?

(1) help in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins add flavor and (2) add flavor and texture to food

What are the features of the cervical cap?

- A built-in removal strap - The need to be replaced annually - The required use of a spermicide

What are ways to prevent chemical contamination?

- Dispose of household chemicals properly .- Use separate measuring utensils to measure food and chemicals.

What statements accurately describe the flu?

- New strains arise every year. - It is highly infectious.

Which of the following happens during puberty?

- Secondary sex characteristics appear. - Reproductive systems mature. - Physical differences between the sexes are accentuated.

What happens when humans fall asleep?

- body temperature declines - blood pressure drops

Air pollution can ______.

-include man-made pollutants. -include natural pollutants such as pollen dust.

Which of the following are external structures of the male reproductive system?


Which of the following cause the changes of puberty in humans?


______ is a state of fear that is not directed toward any definite threat.


What are the effects of not challenging a body physically?

Bones lose their density, joints stiffen, and muscles become weak

Which of the following statements about U.S. garbage is accurate?

Burning reduces solid waste but can be hazardous.

What type of cell helps coordinate the activity of the immune system and is the primary target of HIV infection?

CD4 T cell

Which statements regarding CFCs and the ozone layer are correct?

CFCs react with airborne ice crystals, releasing chlorine atoms. During winter, circular winds form a vortex that keeps the air over Antarctica from mixing with air elsewhere. When CFCs rise into the atmosphere, winds carry them toward polar regions.

Smoking is considered the number-one risk factor for ______ that a person can control.


Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) are considered "good" cholesterol because they shuttle unused cholesterol back to the liver for recycling.

False Reason: LDLs are actually known as "bad" cholesterol. If the body has more LDLs than it can use, they can accumulate in artery walls, increasing the likelihood of blockages.

New technology has made routine X-rays safe.

False Reason: No one should ever have a "routine" X-ray examination; each such exam should have a definite purpose, and its benefits and risks should be weighed carefully.

A single gene is responsible for the development of cardiovascular disease.

False Reason: Multiple genes contribute to the development of CVD.

Which infections and diseases are associated with the use of unsterile needles and syringes by drug users?

HIV hepatitis C

Specialized tests, such as the nucleic acid test, are useful in the very early stages of infection because they measure the amount of ______ in the body.


The nucleic acid test directly measures the presence of ______ in the blood.


Which of the following statements about needle sterilization methods and HIV is accurate?

HIV can survive in a syringe for a month or longer.

Which of the following statements regarding HIV and AIDs is accurate?

HIV causes AIDS.

Trichomoniasis may increase the risk of ______.

HIV transmission premature delivery in pregnant women

Men and women aged 9 to 26 should be vaccinated against ______.


Which statements accurately describe possible risk factors for cardiovascular disease?

Having more viscous (thicker) blood may increase the risk of CVD. Heart attacks occur more frequently in the morning, possibly due to natural increases in adrenaline and nervous system activity.

Which of the following statements about stress and health is TRUE, according to the American Psychological Association's Stress in America survey?

In 2020, self-reported stress levels increased significantly for the first time since the survey began.

How does MyPlate function?

It guides you in using the five food groups to build a healthy meal.

Which statements about resistance exercise are true?

It is also known as strength training. It is designed to build muscular strength and endurance.

Which of the following statements about cohabitation are true?

It provides many of the benefits of marriage. It is more popular among younger people than older.

During a weekly floor meeting, the RA brought in a staff member from the student health center to talk about tobacco use. Which of the following reasons for smoking to cope with stress did students most likely give?

It relaxes you. It breaks up monotony and routine. It provides something to do with your hands in a social situation.

Which of the following statements is true about relapses as people move through the stages of change of the transtheoretical model?

Most people need to make several attempts before changing a behavior successfully.

To apply the daily food intake patterns in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, an individual should make use of ______.


_____ model is a general name for therapeutic approaches that try to get patients to bring their unconscious feelings to the surface so they can experience them and better understand them.


The Pew Internet and American Life Project found which of the following?

Technology users had larger and more diverse discussion networks and were just as involved in their communities as people who communicate face-to-face.

Which statement best describes the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)?

The DRIs are an umbrella term for various energy and nutrient standards

What best describes how the lymphatic system works to maintain immunity?

The T cells and B cells responsible for fighting infection are activated in the lymph nodes.

Why do early symptoms of cancer often go unnoticed?

They are often painless.

According to the biological model, the brain's composition is genetically determined.


Approximately three-quarters of married mothers are employed full time.


Climate change is predicted to exacerbate allergies.


Compared to individuals with HSV 1 genital infections, those with HSV 2 infections tend to have more frequent outbreaks of genital lesions and shed more virus without having symptoms.


Compostable items are broken down through both biotic and abiotic processes.


Despite earlier suggestions that moderate alcohol use could provide some benefit, especially to older adults, researchers now refute this.


Hepatitis is a type of sexually transmitted infection that poses a health threat.


In adolescence and young adulthood, inadequate sleep has been linked to an increase in risk-taking behaviors.


True or false: The nine dimensions of wellness are interrelated.


Vaccines are the most scrutinized (by multiple entities) of all medications in the United States.


The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is known as ______.

a genome

Which of the following terms is used to describe a chronic disease that disrupts the brain's system of motivation and reward, characterized by a compulsive desire and increasing need for a substance or behavior?


What can increase the growth of Candida albicans?

antibiotic use oral contraceptive use pregnancy HIV infection

Synthetic or naturally occurring substances that are used as drugs to kill or prevent the growth of bacteria are called ______.


What types of drugs do people with low CD4 T cell usually take in addition to antiviral drugs?


A protein produced by plasma cells that can recognize and neutralize microbes is called a(n) ______.


What are the nonsurgical therapies for the treatment of breast cancer?

antibody therapy chemotherapy hormone therapy

A "nonself" marker on an invading microorganism that triggers the immune response is called a(n) ______.


A(n) _____ is a substance that triggers the immune response.


Some vitamins act as ______, helping to preserve the health of cells.


Who needs the most sleep?


Researcher Gary Schwartz showed that self-regulation maintains stability of body functions and proposed that ______ techniques could be used to manage stress.


match the process with its definition

biotic processes - involves living organisms abiotic processes - involves nonliving factors

What are possible effects of increased long-term exposure to UV light?

blindness cataracts

The presence of ______ from other STIs makes it easier for HIV to be passed from person to person.

blisters lesions inflammation

Hepatitis is diagnosed by a ______.

blood test

Which personal health behaviors would reduce the risk of a woman with a family history of breast cancer from developing the disease?

controlling her weight getting mammograms regularly exercising regularly

What are examples of CFCs?

coolants in refrigerators solvents aerosol sprays

A heart attack occurs when what fails to deliver enough blood to the heart?

coronary arteries

Compared to women, men are likelier to ______.

die from suicide

What are the nondigestible carbohydrates found in food from plants called?

dietary fiber

Which sleep-related phenomena can contribute to diabetes?

difficulty falling or staying asleep sleep apnea

Water assists the body in which of the following functions?

digestion absorption of food temperature regulation

A(n) ______ pregnancy is one in which the embryo develops outside of the uterus.


The stage of development between the blastocyst and fetus is called the


According to the Centers for Disease Control, people who lose weight quickly are more likely to maintain the weight loss than those who lose weight gradually.

false People who lose weight gradually and steadily are more successful at keeping weight off.

Adolescents are most responsive to drug abuse prevention programs that involve well-known adults such as athletes.


Which of the following foods are low in energy density?

fresh vegetables fresh fruits air-popped popcorn

Infection of the liver commonly caused by drugs, infection, or toxins is called ______.


Every young, sexually active person should be vaccinated for ______.

hepatitis B

During a regular doctor visit as part of prenatal care, the mother will be checked for

high blood pressure inherited diseases poor diet

Research concerning the dangers of electromagnetic radiation associated with common modern devices ______.

is inconclusive

In the United States today, online dating ____ .

is the most popular way to meet a potential mate

In the immune response, antibodies mark extracellular pathogens for destruction by which entities?


Daily shifts in mood seldom affect our overall emotional state, but people with _______ experience emotional disturbances that are persistent enough to affect normal functioning.

major depressive disorder

The severe, recurrent mosquito-borne infection caused by the protozoa Plasmodium is known as

malaria, maleria, or milaria

Major sources of simple carbohydrates include which of the following?

maltose, sucrose, fructose

Shoring up support networks; improving your communication skills; developing healthy eating, exercise, and sleeping habits; and learning to identify and moderate individual stressors are all steps to ______ the stress in your life.


Many overweight and obese people suffer from a group of symptoms, called __________ syndrome, which includes insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, unhealthy cholesterol levels, chronic inflammation, and abdominal fat.


We enter into deep sleep less as we age. By what stage of life is it possible that deep sleep may be completely absent?


Which of the following can create distance and frustration between partners?


An unintended pregnancy encompasses which of the following?

mistimed pregnancies unwanted pregnancies

What are common indoor air pollutants?

mold carbon monoxide

Which of the following are part of a regular prenatal checkup?

monitoring the position of the fetus measuring blood pressure monitoring weight gain

Binge drinking accounts for _____ of all the alcohol consumed by all adults in the United States.

more than 50%

How is West Nile virus transmitted?


What are common types of autoimmune diseases?

multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes

Which disease causes swelling of the salivary glands?


What can occur when muscles are unchallenged?

muscles become weak energy systems begin to degenerate joints stiffen bones lose their density

A chemical substance that helps relay nerve impulses in the brain is called a(n)


Some psychiatric disorders are associated with a problem with the ______ that make possible the communication between nerve cells


What is a white blood cell that travels through the bloodstream to areas of invasion and attacks and ingests pathogens?


Sigmond knows that cigarettes are highly addictive, primarily because they contain ______, but he smokes anyway because it helps him feel relaxed.


The FDA is working on a regulation that would decrease the level of ______ in tobacco products.


Looking at someone, touching someone, stepping backward, or looking around a room when being spoken to are all signs of _____ .

nonverbal communication

Which HIV test can detect the disease earliest in the course of infection?

nucleic acid tests

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) provide recommended intake levels of ______.


What are essential nutrients?

nutrients that cannot be synthesized by human cells

Pornography includes sexually related literature, art, and movies that can be considered ______.


Genital herpes is often diagnosed ______.

on the basis of symptoms

Natural or synthetic drugs that relieve pain and cause drowsiness or euphoria are


Bacterial vaginosis is treated by ______.

oral antibiotics topical antibiotics

Even though organized religion is the most common source for spiritual wellness, other sources that can provide healthy spiritual meaning and purpose include all of the following except ______.

organizations that manipulate your perspective

An overall approach to parenting is known as the

parenting style

To be certified as organic, foods must be produced and handled under strict guidelines that limit the use of which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

pesticides hormones antibiotics genetic engineering

Water shortages have been caused by the ______.

pumping of groundwater rapid growth of populations

The body needs minerals for ______.

releasing energy. regulation of body functions. growth and maintenance of body tissues.

A period during the course of cancer when there are no symptoms or other evidence of the disease is called ______.


Serena is ashamed of her shopping addiction, so she throws away the credit card bills, hides the receipts, and refuses to acknowledge them. This is an example of


Which of the following are the three skills essential to good communication in relationships?

self-disclosure feedback listening

The greater the disparity between the ideal self and actual self, the greater the impact on ______.


Who is likeliest to have the lowest pain threshold?

someone who gets about five hours of disrupted sleep each night

Most of the biodiesel used in the United States is made from _____ oil.


A(n) _____ phobia is a fear of something definite, like large dogs or tight spaces.


What are skill-related fitness components?

speed power reaction time coordination

The contraceptive sponge comes presaturated with


Which term describes the use of a substance inconsistent with medical or legal guidelines.

substance misuse

Adolescents who get enough sleep are likelier to do which of the following?

succeed academically have a better mood refrain from engaging in risky behaviors

Food labels on processed foods in the United States must indicate ______.

the serving size for the food

Outbreaks of measles and other preventable diseases have increased in the United States because of ______.

the spread of misinformation

Which of the following are controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

there were 3 things??

How do people use eating as a way to cope, comparable to the way people use drugs, alcohol, or gambling?

to escape problems to combat boredom to alleviate loneliness

What are reasons that young people begin using tobacco?

to help control weight to fit in and look cool to emulate a favorite athlete

Which of the following are examples of communicable illnesses?

typhoid fever plague diphtheria

Shida is in love with Sienna and wants to move in together. Sienna thinks Shida is moving too quickly. Which of the following best explains their relationship?

unequal commitment

The leading causes of male infertility can be divided into which of the following categories?

unexplained causes testicular disease hypothalamic pituitary disease disorders of sperm transport

How is chlamydia treated?

with antibiotics

Which of the following have been shown to be necessary for receiving health benefits from volunteering?

working closely with strangers volunteering consistently enjoying the work

Which of the following statements regarding alternative fuels are correct?

- A potential drawback of ethanol is the diversion of corn crops from the food supply. - Some critics say ethanol may cost more to produce than it yields when burned as fuel.

HPV vaccines are approved for girls and boys as early as age ______.


Which of the following statements about infertility are correct?

About a quarter of the factors contributing to infertility are male. For about one-third of couples who cannot conceive, both partners have fertility problems.

Which of the following statements are true about U.S. populations with disproportionately high rates of HIV infection?

Alcohol and recreational drug use are associated with risky sexual behavior and increased rates of HIV infection. Poverty and discrimination have contributed to disparities in HIV infection rates among U.S. population groups.

Which of the following statements regarding E. coli is false?

All strains of E. coli cause disease.

______ is another word for fear.


Which of the following statements most closely represents the main idea of the transtheoretical model of behavior change?

As you change your behavior, you move through distinct stages of action.

Which of the following are strategies you can adopt to create a more smoke-free environment in your community?

Ask local businesses to adopt nonsmoking policies. Vote for candidates who support anti-smoking regulations.

Which of the following statements about vaccine efficacy are accurate?

Being vaccinated for measles in childhood prevents most adults from ever getting the disease. Vaccines have extended the lifespan of many Americans. Vaccines have a well-established safety record.

Vitamins are a direct source of energy for the body.

False Reason: Vitamins provide no energy to the body directly but help release the energy stored in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

The overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness and injury is called ______.

Health Reason: Wellness refers to optimal health and vitality whereas health refers to the presence or absence of illness and injury.

What are characteristics of health insurance under the Affordable Care Act?

Health exchanges help individuals obtain the coverage they need. The government regulates the health care plans offered on health exchanges. People who have an income below certain levels are eligible for government subsidies.

Which of the following statements about specific bacterial infections is accurate?

Most urinary tract infections are caused by E. coli.

Killer T cells destroy infected body cells during which phase of the immune response?

Phase 3: Elimination

Which of the following statements regarding injectable contraceptives are correct?

They offer protection against unwanted pregnancy for over 12 weeks. The first injectable contraceptive approved for use in the United States was Depo-Provera. They work to prevent pregnancy similar to other hormone-based contraceptives.

Alice delivered a set of fraternal twins. Which statement about them is true?

They resulted from two ova, each fertilized by a separate sperm.

Contraceptive implants are characterized by which of the following?

They secrete progestin only. They are placed in the upper arm.

Which of the following should older adults focus on in terms of nutritional requirements?

They should focus on eating nutrient-dense foods. They don't need as much energy intake because they tend to become less active.

How do contraceptive implants work to prevent pregnancy?

They thicken the cervical mucus. They impede ovulation. They affect development of the uterine lining.

Which statements regarding hybrid vehicles are correct?

They use two or more distinct power sources. They are being used more commonly in government fleets. They cost several thousand dollars more than conventional vehicles.

Which of the following are true of cirrhosis?

Those with cirrhosis who continue to drink alcohol have a 50% chance of surviving five or more years. The treatment requires the person to stop drinking alcohol.

What are reasons that jobs are one of the top sources of stress for Americans?

Tight schedules leave less time for stress-proofing activities. Salary and job security are sources of worry. Employees are left out of important decisions concerning their work.

Which couple is most likely to successfully deal with the marital stresses that often come with the birth of a first child?

Tony and Francesca, who developed a strong relationship before the child was born

"Stress," as we commonly use the term, can mean both an event and the reaction to that event.


Which statement about the transmission of infections is FALSE?

Vectors, such as rats or ticks, are examples of direct transmission of pathogens.

Which of the following are ways to develop a positive body image?

View eating as morally neutral. Practice body acceptance. Focus on healthy habits.

Which statement about viruses is accurate?

Viruses can only replicate inside the cells of another organism.

Which of the following are names of synthetic recreational drugs marketed as stimulants with properties like those of cocaine or amphetamine?

White Rush bath salts

Which statements regarding the greenhouse effect and global warming are correct?

Without the greenhouse effect, the atmosphere would be more hostile to life. The temperature of the earth's atmosphere is a balance between energy gain and energy loss.

Which statements regarding exercise during pregnancy are correct?

Women can generally keep working their jobs until late in the pregnancy. Exercise contributes to physical and mental wellness. Prenatal exercise classes help prepare the body for birth.

Alcohol metabolism in women differs from that of men in which of the following ways?

Women have four times less active stomach enzymes. Women have menstrual hormone fluctuations.

What is the key to promoting health and well-being through journaling?

Write about your emotional responses to stressful events.

A woman has the sex chromosomes ______, and a male has the sex chromosomes ______.


Which interaction best illustrates codependent behavior?

You call your parents to cancel a Sunday brunch and tell them that your boyfriend has the flu, when the real reason is that he was hung over.

A severe systemic reaction to an allergen, with symptoms that include difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and sometimes death, is best called a(n) ______.

`anaphylactic reaction

What is not a way to prevent air pollution?

`keep car tires slightly deflated

Attachment is the emotional tie between _____.

a caregiver and an infant two people involved in an intimate relationship

Which of the following would be an example of a health-related problem related to human biology rather than culture?

a child born with Down's syndrome (a genetic disorder)

What is a psychoactive drug?

a drug that can alter a person's consciousness or experience

Newer studies indicate that moderate drinking is associated with which of the following health effects?

a small reduction of heart function in elderly women

Antoine is terrified of spiders and will try to avoid them at all costs. Antoine is experiencing _____, the most common and understandable anxiety disorder.

a specific phobia

When the fetus is considered viable,

a state can ban or regulate an abortion unless the mother's health is at stake

A preparation of killed or weakened microorganisms, inactivated toxins, or components of microorganisms administered to stimulate an immune response is called ______.

a vaccine

A condition in which the immune system attacks its own body is known as ______.

an autoimmune disease

Syphilis is treated with ______.


How can people who have petted animals at a petting zoo best prevent contracting E. coli?

by washing their hands after they pet the animal

Which would be considered a psychoactive drug?


Methanol and isopropyl alcohol are types of alcohol that

can cause death are highly toxic

What are possible health consequences of exposure to lower doses of gamma rays?

chromosome damage cataracts sterility

When nuclear power was first developed, it was promoted as ______.

clean efficient safe

Adults should be vaccinated against which disease every year?


Which of the following are particularly important for pregnant women?

folate vitamin D

The ______ is the brain structure that controls the pituitary gland and hormone secretion.


Evidence indicates that stress can ______.

increase vulnerability to many ailments

What is a physiological effect of a central nervous system stimulant?

increased blood pressure

Helpful bacteria do which of the following?

keep harmful bacteria in check produce vitamins assist in nutrient digestion

The process of giving birth, whereby the fetus is expelled from the uterus through uterine contractions, is referred to as


The production of milk is called


The production of milk that begins approximately 3 days after childbirth is called


Male condoms are usually made of ______, which helps to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.


If individuals experienced distant attachments during their childhoods, they can have satisfying relationships later in life because they can ______.

learn needed skills

What neuroendocrine substances regulate appetite and can be affected by lack of adequate sleep?

leptin ghrelin

Congenital heart defects, rheumatic heart disease, and heart valve disorders are

less common forms of heart disease

Oral-genital contact carries ______ anal or vaginal intercourse.

less risk of HIV transmission than

During the ______ phase, fitness is sustained over a period of time.


Possible symptoms of PID include ______.

nausea fever abdominal pain vomiting

While current emergency contraceptives are considered quite safe, some possible side effects associated with taking the medication are

nausea headache dizziness

A organism that causes disease is called a(n) ______.


What are common allergens?

pollen pet dander dust mites mold

Being lonely is often connected to feelings of ______.


Studies have shown that average Americans spend more than half of their waking day in ______ activities, such as using a computer, studying, or watching television.


An addiction often begins when a person does something

to bring pleasure or avoid pain

What are attenuated viruses?

viruses that have been weakened

Identify the essential nutrients.

vitamins fats water

The anatomical structures of the ______ include the mons pubis, labia minora and majora, clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal opening.


Which of the following are the simplest methods for measuring body fat distribution?

waist-to-hip ratio calculation waist circumference measurement

What climate changes may facilitate the spread of emerging diseases?

warmer winters the shortening of winters

Which of the following are public health achievements that have led to an increased life expectancy among Americans?

water purification measures sewage treatment systems control of infectious diseases

What are ways to avoid excessive noise?

wear ear protectors when operating heavy machinery avoid regular exposure to any sounds above 80 decibels stand away from amplifiers at rock concerts

Allostatic load refers to the ______.

wearing down of body systems due to constant accommodation to stressors

Where do most hantavirus infections in the United States occur?

west of the Mississippi River

Which of following best defines the term gender role?

what someone does to express their gender

Seeking the help of a mental health professional is recommended for which of the following?

when a person is seriously considering suicide when a person is experiencing withdrawal symptoms from reducing consumption of alcohol when a person's drug use is impairing normal functioning much of the time

Ebola virus is transmitted to people from ______.

wild animals

Which are sleep disrupters?

- nasal congestion - pain - caffeine

What are the best ways to prevent MRSA infection?

- practicing good hygiene - engaging in frequent hand washing

Which of the following are the physiological mechanisms related to most bodily reactions to sexual arousal and orgasm?

-vasocongestion-muscular tension

Nearly _____ % of the world's population has been infected with HIV/AIDS since the epidemic began.


Essential fat comprises ______% of men's body weight.


How long is the normal incubation period for HBV?

30-180 days

For women, a waist circumference greater but not less than ______ inches is associated with a greater risk for chronic disease.


In what trimester does a fetus gain most of its birth weight?


When consumed, proteins provide how much energy for the body?

4 calories per gram

Which of the following statements about contagion is false?

A person is contagious only when symptoms of infection appear.

Which of the following statements regarding anger are true?

Demonstrating a reasonable level of self-assertiveness is not the same as anger. Anger can produce feelings of guilt or loss of control. Anger is a normal emotion.

Match the following tools and their respective descriptions.

Dietary Reference Intakes - standards for nutrient intake designed to prevent nutritional deficiencies Dietary Guidelines for Americans - guidelines designed to promote health through diet and physical activity correct toggle button MyPlate - a food guidance system to help people apply the DGAs to their own diets.

Which of the following statements about pornography are accurate?

Different communities have different ideas about what is obscene. In the United States, a picture of a naked child under the age of 18 is illegal. Some people believe that viewing explicitly sexual material in pornography can lead to criminal sexual behavior.

Pet fur is a common allergen.

False Pet dander (dead skin flakes) is the common allergen associated with pets. Their fur does not usually cause allergies.

How does fat increase?

If more calories are consumed than are expended through metabolism and exercise, then fat increases.

_____ form important parts of bones, muscles, blood, enzymes, some hormones, and cell membranes.


How might climate change affect pollen?

The length of pollen release may be elongated. The amount of pollen released may be increased.

Which of the following statements regarding a male partner's role in abortion decisions are true?

The man is often involved in the decision-making process. The man may experience a range of emotions similar to those felt by women.

Which of the following statements about measles is false?

The measles virus may lead to meningitis.

Which of the following statements about the composition of vaccines is accurate?

The microbes that cause measles can be cultured in labs to weaken them, and this weak version is used in vaccines.

Which of the following statements are true about exercise and the risk of CVD?

The more exercise you get, the less likely you are to develop CVD.

What statements about antibiotic treatments are correct?

The more often bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, the more likely resistance will develop. Failing to take the full course of an antibiotic can promote bacterial resistance. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can flourish when exposed to an antibiotic.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the contraceptive skin patch, Ortho Evra?

The patch works to prevent pregnancy just as other forms of hormonal contraception do. The patch releases estrogen and progestin. If the patch falls off for more than one day, starting a new cycle of patches is recommended.

Which of the following usually occurs as a person's BAC reaches 0.2%?

The person becomes unable to function physically or psychologically.

Which of the following statements about people who identify as transgender are accurate?

They may be asexual. They may be bisexual. They may be homosexual.

Pro-life groups oppose abortion on the basis of their belief that life begins at conception.

True Reason: This statement is true. Pro-life groups oppose abortion on the basis of their belief that life begins at conception. They believe that the fertilized egg must be afforded the same rights as a human being.

_________ tests for fetal abnormalities by the use of high-frequency sound waves to display an image of the fetus within the uterus.


The most common reason a woman chooses to have an abortion is because of

an unintended pregnancy

What is the physical reaction that includes a possibly life-threatening narrowing of airways and lowered blood pressure?


What are types of pathogens?

bacteria parasitic worms viruses protozoa

Which of the following increases the rate at which the body absorbs alcohol?

beverages with artificial sweeteners carbonation in a beverage

An HIV-infected mother can transmit the virus to an infant while ______.

breastfeeding the infant

How is Zika spread?

by mosquitoes through sex with an infected partner from mother to fetus

How can injection drug users best avoid HIV infection?

by using sterile needles through a syringe exchange program

Sarcomas are cancers that arise from which of the following tissues?

cartilage muscle bone

Which of the following is an example of a communicable illness?


Which phase of an HIV infection can last from 2 to 20 years after the initial infection?

chronic asymptomatic stage (or latency phase)

Even if treated successfully, women who have experienced PID may have long-term health problems, including ______.

chronic pelvic pain ectopic pregnancy infertility

Hairlike projections found in the respiratory tract that remove foreign particles before they reach the lungs are called ______.


What is the sleep-and-wake pattern that is coordinated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus?

circadian rhythm

Consumers should be particularly careful to evaluate the use of weight-loss products that do which of the following?

claim to have a secret to success promise rapid weight loss

The ______ consists of a glans and a spongy tissue that fills with blood during female sexual excitement.


What is the largest source of mercury?

coal-fired power plants

Which of the following are less common forms of heart disease?

congenital heart defectsmitral valve prolapse

A defect present at the time of birth that is either inherited or caused by problems during gestation is called

congenital malformation

People have been trying to manage ways of preventing conception for centuries. This practice is called


Areas of the body that produce sexual arousal when touched are called

erogenous zones.

Which of the following factors promote the production of free radicals?

exhaust fumes radiation cigarette smoke

Which of the following are the two main causes of female infertility?

failure to ovulate tubal blockage

A high score on a perceived stress scale generally means you are coping well with stressors in your life.


Development of a tolerance to a substance implies that a person has reached a threshold quantity of use of the substance and that further increases in consumption or use is not needed.


Any bacteria found in the body should be treated with an antibiotic.

false Reason: Our bodies harbor helpful as well as harmful bacteria. Helpful bacteria must remain in the body to maintain functions. Ridding the body of helpful bacteria has potentially serious health consequences.

The H1N1 influenza A virus is a swine flu virus.

false Reason: The H1N1 strain resulted from a combination of genes from four viruses: two from swine flu viruses, one from an avian (bird) flu virus, and one from a human flu virus.

The main factor in the initial use of drugs is, almost always and exclusively, peer influence.

false reason: there is another main factor: availability

Most abortions in the United States take place in the ______ trimester.


Which of the following diseases is caused by protozoa?


Which of the following would be good advice to give to a friend who is experiencing a relapse while trying to change his behavior?

give yourself credit forgive yourself

An increase in the earth's atmospheric temperature when averaged across seasons and geographical regions is called ______.

global warming

The term climate change is a synonym for ______.

global warming

Which system helps remove proteins, such as amyloids, during sleep and is protective against dementia?

glymphatic system

Ovaries in females and testes in males are classified as ______.


Kamari hates her job, and one evening after work, she decides to have a glass of wine to forget the stress and unhappiness of the day. She does the same thing the next night. Two nights after that, she has two glasses. One month later, Kamari is drinking a bottle of wine a night. Kamari ______.

has likely developed an addiction

Most people with an HPV infection are unaware they are infected and contagious because they ______.

have no symptoms

What does the term intersex refer to?

having genitals that are not clearly either male or female

For men, which of the following carries the highest mortality risk?

having hypertension and sleeping less than six hours a night

Which of the following are factors associated with an increased chance of a young person trying drugs?

having used tobacco at a young age engaging in risky sexual behavior having a dysfunctional family life

Early diagnosis of an HIV infection is extremely beneficial because lifestyle changes can improve a person's overall


Which groups are particularly at risk of contracting the flu and are strongly encouraged to get the flu vaccine?

health care workers nursing home residents caregiver of children up to 5 years old

Target ______ ______ zone is the range of rates within which you should exercise to obtain cardiorespiratory benefits.

heart rate

From the moment they cease to use tobacco, people's risk of which of the following diseases drop?

heart attack lung cancer stroke

Compared to nonsmokers, cigar smokers have increased risks of which of the following health problems?

heart disease cancer of the larynx pancreatic cancer

Which was the number one cause of death in 2018 in the United States?

heart disease?

A metal with a high specific gravity is called a ______.

heavy metal

Which conditions are conducive to the creation of smog?

heavy traffic sunny weather high temperatures

BMI is a measure of body weight that is based on the concept that weight should be proportional to______


Which of the following are factors a woman usually considers in regard to potentially having an abortion?

her partner's feelings the cost of the procedure how her life will change

STIs that pose major health threats include ______.

herpes gonorrhea chlamydia

Which of the following terms refers to the subjectively pleasing effects of a drug, usually felt soon after the drug is taken?


Which of the following are possible risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease?

high homocysteine levels high levels of uric acid infectious agents

Good muscle endurance in which muscles can reduce low back pain?

hips legs abdomen

Anaphylaxis results from the release of ______ throughout the body.


Lasting effects on children born to women who smoke during pregnancy include ______.

hyperactivity emotional instability obesity

Metabolic syndrome is associated with which of the following conditions?

hypertension insulin resistance chronic inflammation

Surgical treatment for endometrial cancer involves complete removal of the uterus, a procedure known as


What may trigger a herpes outbreak?

illness sexual intercourse

Body ______ is characterized by dissatisfaction with the body in general or some part of the body in particular.


Which of the following are common consequences of binge drinking among college students?

increased frequency of unprotected sex an increased likelihood of drunk driving falling behind in school work

The best way to treat cancer would do minimal damage to ______.

normal tissues

Which group of women is particularly affected by RLS?

pregnant women

When sexually stimulated, both men and women respond a predictable set of physiological ______.


Allergies occur when the immune system ______.

reacts to a harmless substance as if it were a harmful pathogen.

Opportunistic infections are also called ______ infections.


Which of the following is a major role of fats?

storing energy

The division of pregnancy into trimesters was created by

the U.S. Supreme Court

Which of the following events of fetal development occur during the second trimester?

A baby born prematurely at 24--26 weeks has a better than 50% chance of survival. Fetus weighs approximately 1.5 pounds. All body systems are operating.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a common cause of

tubal blockage

An insect, rodent, or other organism that transmits pathogens from one host to another is called a


What are the primary sources of carbon monoxide?

vehicle exhaust fuel combustion from industrial processes

All the following habits would be considered healthy except ______.

venting anger by snapping at people

Mother-to-child HIV transmission is also called _____ , or perinatal, transmission.


"Walking pneumonia" can be caused by a mycoplasma, a type of ______.

very small bacterium

When is the AIDS diagnosis given to a HIV-positive person?

when they have an infection that is an AIDS indicator when CD4 T cell counts show that their immune system is very damaged

People on a safe and effective weight loss program should plan to lose how many pounds per week?

0.5 to 2

Infant mortality is defined as the death of a child less than ______ of age.

1 year

As many as 1 in ______ infants is born with genitals that cannot be readily classified as either male or female.


What is the average age of onset for anorexia nervosa?


Experts believe the global HIV epidemic peaked in the late ______.


Type ______ diabetes is strongly associated with obesity.


The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that the five-year survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 2007 and 2013 is ______.


Which of the following are types of vaginal spermicide?

A new condom should be used for each act of sexual intercourse. One size fits all. It may be inserted up to 8 hours before intercourse.

Which of the following statements are true about psychological health?

A person's psychological health should not be judged from the way the person looks. People who are are not psychologically healthy may avoid seeking help.

Which of the following statements regarding HBV are accurate?

A small percentage of adults become chronic carriers of HBV. Most adults with acute HBV recover completely.

The most severe form of HIV infection is called


Advanced medical technology used to treat infertility is called _____.


Which of the following statements regarding Rh factor is correct?

An Rh-negative mother will build antibodies against Rh-positive fetuses. Antibodies against a fetus will cause problems such as anemia, mental retardation, or death. Rh incompatibility is easily treated with a serum.

Which of the following statements regarding spontaneous abortion are correct?

Another word for spontaneous abortion is miscarriage. About 60% of spontaneous abortions are caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

What is the first thing that happens after HIV infection?

Billions of infectious particles are produced.

Rates of silent heart attacks are higher among which of the following?

Black people men

The two main types of lymphocytes are

Blank 1: B or B blood Blank 2: T or T blood

What statement regarding Candida albicans is not true?

Candida albicans can be prevented by regular douching.

What are guidelines to help combat pathogens?

Drink alcohol only in moderation. Eat a balanced diet.

Which of the following statements about alcohol use among Latinos is accurate?

Drunk driving and cirrhosis are the most common causes of alcohol-related death and injury among Hispanic men. Hispanic women are more likely to abstain from alcohol than white or Black women.

Which statement about gestational diabetes is false?

During gestation, about 30% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes.

Over the age of 70, men show much less sleep disruption and impairment in slow-wave sleep than women of the same age.


PrEP is for use by people who have been exposed to HIV infection.


Psychological health means having a "normal" psychology.


Untreated strep throat can cause the infection to return seasonally every year.


The terms "pandemic" and "epidemic" are interchangeable.

False Reason: A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread across a large area, such as an entire nation, a continent, or even the world. The term pandemic refers exclusively to infectious disease.

According to a scientific study, most Americans between the ages of 57 and 74 do not have sex.

False Reason: A study showed that 75 percent of adults between 57 and 64 were sexually active and 50 percent between the ages of 65 and 74.

The development of nicotine dependence is only marginally influenced by genetic factors; social factors are far more influential.

False Reason: Inherited factors may be more important than social and environmental factors in smoking initiation and in the development of nicotine dependence.

Drinking patterns among Latinos are incredibly consistent no matter the specific cultural background or level of education.

False Reason: Actually, these factors result in significantly different drinking patterns. Cultural background and level of education are crucial.

What describes the process of metabolism?

Food is converted to energy.

What is the pathogen that causes human warts, including genital warts?


______ is a disorder characterized by impulsive acts of anger or rage that are explosive or misdirected.

Intermittent explosive disorder

Which of the following statements about anorexia nervosa is accurate?

It is characterized by self-starvation.

Which of the following statements about syphilis are accurate?

It is usually acquired through sexual contact. Pregnant women can transmit it to their fetuses.

What are accurate statements about STIs?

Many can be treated. Many can be cured. All can be prevented.

______ ______ consumption, or VO2max, is the body's maximum ability to transport and use oxygen.

Maximal oxygen

Which statement about gender-based wellness factors is true?

Men have higher rates of drinking alcohol than women do.

______ is the process that changes food to energy and builds tissue.


____ is a momentary lapse in which some parts of the brain lose consciousness.

Microsleep, Micro sleep, or Micro-sleep

In which of the following ways does the body absorb alcohol?

Most of the ingested alcohol is absorbed into the small intestine. About 20% is absorbed in the stomach

Which of the following statements about the link between radiation and cancer is false?

Not all sources of radiation are carcinogenic.

Which of the following statements regarding the vaginal contraceptive ring are correct?

NuvaRing is the current brand on the market. If the ring has been removed for more than 3 hours during use, a back-up method is needed. Proper disposal protocol should be followed with the ring.

_____ is a serious degree of overweight that has a number of health risks.


______ is a term that was once pejorative but has been reclaimed by some LGBT communities.


Among the many contraceptive methods available, it is important for each person to consider which attributes they find most important, including

STI protection potential health risks cost of the method

Melanie's research paper for biology will be due at the end of the month. Melanie knows that if she waits until the last week, she will not produce her best work. What steps can Melanie take to manage her time and get the paper done before the deadline?

Set priorities. Budget enough time. Set realistic goals and write them down.

______ is defined as the biological and physiological characteristics (in contrast to the behaviors) that define men and women.


Why is it important to consult a doctor before taking supplements?

Some vitamins and minerals are dangerous when taken in excess. Large doses of supplements may affect absorption of some minerals.

Which of the following statements about metastasis is correct?

The term refers the spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another.

Item 3 It is important for a pregnant woman to supplement with vitamin A in order to prevent formation of neural tube defects in her developing child. (T/F)


What are guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness a female condom?

Use a new condom with each act of intercourse. Remove the condom before standing up after intercourse

______ are criteria for judging what is good and bad, and they underlie moral decisions and behavior.


What is cardiovascular disease?

a broad collection of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels

Glucose is

a form of sugar

Which of the following best describes a compulsive gambler?

a person who cannot control the urge to gamble, even when confronting financial and personal disaster

Which of the following people would be considered transgender?

a person with male genitals who feels feminine

Which of the following people would be likeliest to develop hypertension?

a person with severe sleep apnea

Which dietary changes can people make to lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease?

achieving and maintaining a healthy weight eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables choosing only unsaturated fats avoiding excessive alcohol

The body's ability to improve immune defenses based on previous infections is called ______.

adaptive immunity

What type of immunity to infection is acquired by the activation of antigen-specific lymphocytes in response to infection or immunization?

adaptive immunity

An HSV 2 infection usually occurs in ______.

adolescence and early adulthood

How often should people over the age of 20 have their cholesterol checked?

at least every 5 years

Materials that break down naturally and disappear back into the environment are called ______.


Which of the following are sources of renewable energy?

biomass solar power biofuels

The BRCA gene is associated with which type of cancer?


Which of the following is a way antiviral drugs act in order to treat HIV/AIDS?

by blocking HIV replication

In which ways may the nutrients in fruits and vegetables help reduce cancer risk?

by boosting enzymes that render carcinogens harmless by blocking carcinogens from acting on target cells by preventing carcinogens from forming

Syphilis is diagnosed ______.

by examination of infected tissues with blood tests

Allostatic load is generally measured by indicators of cumulative strain on several organs and tissues, especially on the ______ system.


The relationship between drugs and crime is


A measure of the intensity of a sound wave is the ______.


An HIV-positive person experiencing moderately severe symptoms will show a(n) ______ in the number of CD4 T cells.


Since 1950, the average number of children per woman has ______.

declined overall

What is the disease that disrupts normal metabolism, interfering with cells' ability to take in glucose for energy production?

diabetes mellitus

A contraceptive device consisting of a flexible, dome-shaped cup that covers the cervix and prevents sperm from entering the uterus is a


What is the recommended treatment for an acute hepatitis B infection?

doing nothing because there is no specific treatment

The collective interactions of humans with the environment and the short-term and long-term health consequences of those interactions is called ______ health.


The stress that an individual experiences from unsafe living conditions, such as air pollution or a high crime rate, is an example of ______ stress.


Traffic jams and working in crime-related areas have an impact on an individual's stress level. These are examples of ______ stressors.


Individuals concerned about their weight should do which of the following?

exercise regularly think positively eat healthy foods

It is easier to maintain a given weight after gaining and losing a large number of pounds than it is to maintain a long-term original weight.

false It is easier to maintain a given original weight than to maintain that weight after weight loss.

Body mass index (BMI) measures body fat.

false Reason: BMI is correlated to body fat, but it does not directly measure it.

The union of the nucleus of an egg cell with the nucleus of a sperm cell is called ______.


A characteristic group of birth defects caused by excessive alcohol consumption by the mother is called ______ alcohol syndrome.


Which of the following are synonyms of stillbirth

fetal demise stillborn fetal death

Match each symptom with its appropriate cause.

fever: release and activation of cytokines runny nose: lymphocytes destroy infected mucosal cells fatigue: presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines

When confronted by a classmate who had been bullying him, Alex felt his breathing increase and his heart pounding as he decided to hold his ground. This type of reaction is called ______.

fight, flight, or freeze

What should a person do as a next step if they have been diagnosed as HIV-positive?

find out the severity of the disease

Congestive heart failure results from the heart's inability to pump blood. As a result,

fluid accumulates in the body

Once a relationship has settled into stability and the euphoria of romantic love winds down, which of the following factors become more significant?

future aspirations personality traits

According to the model of connectedness proposed by Schwartz, biofeedback techniques enable people to do which of the following?

gain awareness of their physiological functions moderate their own physiological functions manage their stress

______ consists of the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society associates with men and women.


Which of the following are effects of CNS stimulants?

greater muscular tension accelerated heart rate increased blood pressure

The _____ system is the body's collective system of defenses that includes surface barriers as well as the specialized, cells, tissues, and organs.


The body's defense against foreign particles and organisms is known as the ______.

immune system

In general, treatment for STIs is ______.


Biodiesel can be problematic, depending upon what?

its material source

Acute hepatitis infection can cause _____ , a yellowing of the skin and eyes.


Increased bile pigment levels in the blood, characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, is called ______.


When deciding on a weight-loss goal, individuals should focus most on their ______.


All the following are early signs and symptoms of pregnancy except ______.


Which symptoms can be caused by peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

limited blood flow obstructed blood flow

Although spirituality is difficult to study, researchers have linked spiritual wellness to which of the following?

lower risk of disease better emotional health faster recovery from disease

Which organ is affected by pulmonary edema?


What are primary organs of the lymphatic system?

lymph nodes the spleen

The cells of the adaptive immune system are white blood cells called


The most common mood disorders are ______.

major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

The surgical removal of a lump and the tissue that surrounds it from the breast is called a lumpectomy, whereas the full removal of the breast is called a

mastectomy, mastetomy, segmental mastectomy, mastecomy, or masectomy

What are gimmicks used by some diet books?

matching eating to blood types combining foods in specific ways

Which of the following is not a dimension of wellness?


What is the best measure of cardiorespiratory capacity?

maximal oxygen consumption

An inflammation of the tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord is called ______.


What are possible health consequences of acute lead exposure?

mental impairment decreased oxygen transport in the blood

AIDs is a primary cause of death in which world region?


Which statement best describes alcohol's effects on the body at higher concentrations?

Alcohol is a depressant on the central nervous system.

Volunteering at which of the following organizations can help advance anti-tobacco efforts?

American Cancer Association American Heart Association American Lung Association

Which of the following statements about athletic performance and sleep is accurate?

Athletic performance can be improved by getting an adequate amount of sleep.

______ is a disorder characterized by persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

To appropriately manage stress, you may want to limit the intake of caffeine, because it is a _______ .

mildly addictive stimulant that leaves some people jittery, irritable, and unable to sleep

Dialectical behavior therapy uses the principles of standard CBT by encouraging distress tolerance and acceptance of painful feelings and emotions through ________, a practice originally derived from Buddhist meditation and other Eastern practices.


Inorganic elements called ___ are needed in small amounts for the regulation, growth, and maintenance of body tissues; they also aid in releasing energy.


Research indicates that individuals with weight problems have ______.

negative emotional problems

A lymphocyte that produces antibodies in response to an antigen is called a ______.

B cell

Becky has been dating River for a while, and they are getting ready to move into the next stage of their relationship. Becky had some emotional trauma when she was younger, but she is hesitant to share this with River because she is afraid it will scare River off. Which of the following should she do?

Becky should be honest and share the information with River.

______ change is a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy lifestyle habits and working to overcome unhealthy ones.


______ are patterns of thinking that make events appear worse than they really are.

Cognitive distortions

Which of the following statements are true of social support?

College students who have strong social support are less distressed by their cramped living quarters than those who go through life alone. Having the support of friends and family members seems to contribute to the well-being of the mind and body.

According to the set-point theory, ______.

our bodies are designed to maintain a healthy and generally stable weight within a narrow range

One of the challenges of using calendar methods of birth control is the fact that few women have a very regular

ovulation cycle

Which of the following are recommended guidelines for managing your time?

Delegate responsibility. Consider doing your least favorite tasks first.

_____ is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows in other areas of the body, causing pain, irregular bleeding, and possible infertility.


Which statement about exercise and the immune system is false?

Excessive exercise boosts the immune system.

How does exercise benefit your body?

Exercise helps one maintain a healthy body and mind. Exercise reduces many of the negative effects of stress. Exercise stimulates the birth of new brain cells.

According to the behavioral model, when and how a person learned maladaptive behavior is more important than what makes the behavior continue in the present.


Air pollution is solely the result of human activities.


Almost all clinicians decide upon a single treatment model and continue it for the entirety of their careers.


Rates of teenage pregnancy have been skyrocketing in the United States in recent years.


Schizophrenia is very rare.


The critical question for frequent users of social media is the amount of time spent rather than what users are doing on social media and the content to which they are being exposed.


Ultrasound is only used to determine a fetus' sex.


Who should consider getting an electrocardiogram before beginning an exercise routine?

people at risk for heart disease

Radon gas is a byproduct of industrial processes.

False Reason: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in certain soils, rocks, and building materials.

Which of the following statements about fiber in the human digestive system is accurate?

Fiber facilitates elimination of waste from the intestines.

Which statements about the inflammatory response are correct?

Flow of fluid out of capillaries to the injured occurs during the inflammatory response. White blood cells attack invaders during the inflammatory response. The release of histamine triggers the inflammatory response.

What are ways to avoid radiation?

Follow the government's recommendations for radon testing. Get X-rays only when needed. Use sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's UV radiation.

_____ is an inflammation of the liver, which can be caused by infection, drugs, or toxins.


Match each type of hepatitis with its corresponding characteristic.

Hepatitis A: mildest form of the virus; usually transmitted through fecal matter mildest form of the virus; usually transmitted through fecal matter Hepatitis B: usually transmitted sexually Hepatitis C: more severe form of the virus; more commonly transmitted through drug use (by direct contact with infected blood) more severe form of the virus; more commonly transmitted through drug use (by direct contact with infected blood)

_____ is a chemical responsible for the dilation and increased permeability of blood vessels in the allergic and inflammatory responses.

Histamine, Histmine, or Histimine

What are recommendations for performing an isometric contraction?

Hold an isometric contraction maximally for 6 seconds. Perform 3 to 10 repetitions.

Which of the following statements is true about hypertension treatment?

Hypertension can be controlled.

_______ twins form from the division of a single fertilized egg.


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the most important needs, such as the need for food, are ______.

physiological needs

People recently infected with HIV have large amounts of HIV in their bloodstream during the _____ infection phase.


Match the stage of syphilis with its symptom.

primary syphilis - appearance of a chancre secondary syphilis - skin rash late, or tertiary, syphilis - organ damage

What is the original location of a cancer called?

primary tumor

Which of the following are risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

prior history of an STI vaginal douching having a new or multiple sex partners inconsistent use of condoms

Schizophrenia involves which of the following?

profound changes in thought and emotion, particularly impairments in perception, such as hallucinations

What are the substances in birth control pills that function to prevent ovulation?

progestins estrogen

Hormones produced by the ovaries belong to which of the following groups?

progestogens estrogens

Hearing loss can be caused by ______.

prolonged exposure to high intensity sounds.

Free radicals react with


In the United States, all diagnosed cases of HIV or AIDS must be reported to ______.

public health authorities

Which elements determine blood pressure?

pumping action of the heart resistance of the blood vessels

Individuals undergoing which procedures should be aware of the risk of contracting HIV?

ritual scarring body piercing tattooing

Which of the following are sources of complex carbohydrates

rye lentils yams

What is a key characteristic of eclampsia?


What are professional organizations that certify exercise instructors and personal trainers?

International Sports Science Association National Strength and Conditioning Association American College of Sports Medicine

Why do people have a need to develop intimate relationships?

Intimate relationships help foster the prosperity of the human species by forming attachments, creating families, and supporting each other. In our culture it binds us together as partners, parents, and friends.

Nicotine impacts the human body in which of the following ways?

It can increase alertness in adults. It has a strong influence on mood. It is a stimulant in low doses.

To support your immune system, make sure that you sleep more than ______ hours per night.


What term refers to the physical abilities that contribute to performance in a sport or activity?

skill-related fitness

Exposure to UV radiation from tanning salons or the sun can lead to ______.

skin cancer

Symptoms of HBV include

skin rash jaundice dark-colored urine nausea

Almost every night, Rico's roommate appears to stop breathing while he sleeps. Rico mentioned this to his roommate, who then went to the student health center for a consultation. It was determined that the symptoms of Rico's roommate were caused by ______.

sleep apnea

Hazy atmospheric conditions resulting from increased concentrations of ground-level ozone and other pollutants is called ______.


Ethnicity, education level, and economic status are examples of ______ health determinants.


Which exercise will help ensure a healthy range of motion for all major joints?


What is flexibility?

the ability to move joints through their full range of motion

Which feature is characteristic of all cancers?

the abnormal, uncontrolled multiplication of cells

Which part of the immune system has the ability to improve and accelerate response after exposure to pathogens?

the adaptive immune system

Genital warts are usually diagnosed by ______.

the appearance of the lesions

The biological model emphasizes that the mind's activity depends entirely upon which of the following?

the brain

Which of the following statements about conflict in intimate relationships is accurate?

It is natural in intimate relationships. It should be handled constructively. It can indicate a relationship is growing.

Which of the following is the general definition of the word "abortion"?

It refers to a pregnancy ending.

What are ways to prevent contact with chemical pollutants?

Keep out of a fumigated home for a few days. Store any toxic household products where children or animals cannot get to them. Wear gloves whenever handling chemicals.

The term "body image" refers to ______.

the mental representation you have of your own body

What does the term health typically refer to?

the overall condition of a person's body or mind

According to the current legal status on abortion in the United States, the abortion decision should be left to whom during the first trimester?

the pregnant woman and her physician

In a fitness training program, which phase is characterized by an increase in fitness level?

the progress phase

Who is the most at risk for contracting HIV?

the receptive partner during unprotected anal sex

Syphilis is ______.

treatable with antibiotics

Why has the number of deaths from AIDS decreased in the United States since 1996?

use of combinations of new drugs

What are characteristics of a sanitary landfill site?

use of plastic liners inclusion of solid waste

The prenatal exercises known as ______ exercises involve alternately contracting and relaxing pelvic floor muscles used to stop the flow of urine.


What are types of T cells?

Killer T cells Suppressor T cells Helper T cells

Kim is single, has many friends, and has enjoyed a number of promotions at work. Kim travels frequently and takes classes for personal enjoyment. Which of the following would most accurately describe Kim?

Kim is enjoying singlehood.

Replacing some animal protein with soy protein can help lower which of the following?

LDL cholesterol levels

Which of the following statements regarding labor induction are true?

Labor induction is one of the most common obstetrical procedures.

_____ is the method of examining the internal organs by inserting a tube containing a small light through an abdominal incision; it can be used to confirm a diagnosis of PID and acquire materials for cultures.


Which of the following would be good strategies for successful behavior change for good health?

Lay out a long-range plan. Be inspired by the positive feelings you have about yourself as you see progress. Continue to tackle more behavior change projects as time goes by.

Which of the following statements regarding intrauterine devices are true?

Mirena is an IUD that releases synthetic progestin. ParaGard is an IUD that is nonhormonal. ParaGard lasts up to 12 years.

What example best describes cardiorespiratory endurance?

Molly runs five miles every day.

Which of the following statements regarding HPV are correct?

Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV. Girls as young as 11 may get the HPV vaccine if they are suitable candidates. Women as old as 26 may get the HPV vaccine if they are suitable candidates.

Match each pathogen with its associated disease.

Neisseria - gonorrhea Human papillomavirus - warts Plasmodia - malaria Candida albicans - yeast infection Ancylostoma duodennale - hookworm infection

______ transmit messages between nerve cells.


Which of the following statements about herpes outbreaks are accurate?

Newly infected people will typically experience five to eight outbreaks a year. The frequency of outbreaks usually decrease over time.

The leading cause of infertility in young women is ______.


How might climate change contribute to emerging infections?

Pathogens may expand their range or become more common in areas where they were once rare. Insect vectors may expand their range or become more common in areas where they were once rare.

What statements about bacterial diseases are correct?

Pertussis is also referred to as "whooping cough." More than 200,000 people die from tetanus each year. Clostridium difficile is joining MRSA as a type of bacteria persistent in health care facilities.

Which of the following statements about single parenthood in the United States is true?

Research about the effect on children of growing up in a single-parent family is inconclusive.

Which statement about addiction is FALSE?

Research suggests that addiction is caused by a single genetic abnormality.

The protein in the blood that can jeopardize the health of the fetus if mother--baby incompatibility occurs is called the ______ factor.


Who of the following would be the most likely to have narcolepsy?

Ricardo, who suddenly loses muscle control and becomes briefly paralyzed when startled

What virus causes COVID-19?


Which of the following is the most common characteristic of substance misuse or abuse?

using a substance despite negative social, psychological, or medical consequences

Which of the following statements regarding hantavirus are accurate?

Since 1993, over 600 cases have been identified in the United States. An infection of hantavirus can cause a disease known as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The virus is spread via rodent urine and droppings.

Which of the following statements about single people are true?

Single people can have active and fulfilling social lives. Single typically have more freedom and control over life choices.

Which of the following statements about the treatment of genital warts are accurate?

Sometimes genital warts disappear without treatment. Genital warts can be removed in numerous ways.

______ is the training principle that the body adapts to the particular type and amount of stress placed on it.


Which is correct regarding the physiological mechanism of the action of cocaine?

The effect is primarily due to inhibition of a specific neurotransmitter reuptake in the brain.

What is an accurate statement about the primary infection phase?

There are large amounts of HIV in the bloodstream.

Which of the following statements about contraception are true?

There are many options for contraception. People have used contraception for thousands of years.

For many of today's young people, traditional dating practices have given way to casual group gatherings. What is at the root of this change?

There is less emphasis on gender roles.

What is an accurate statement about treatment for HIV?

There is no known cure for HIV.

More than 40 types of HPV are likely to cause genital infection.


Thirdhand smoke is so persistent that nicotine can be measured in the bodies of nonsmokers who moved into homes that had been smoked in, cleaned, and left empty for several months.


Warts located on the cervix tend to be found during Pap tests.


We are not truly independent if we cannot appreciate the value of being alone at times.


Young men are more likely to use almost all types of illicit drugs, but females are just as likely as males to develop a substance use disorder.


You should regularly reward yourself as you make progress in carrying out your plan of action for behavior change.

True Reason: Rewards provide motivation and reinforce your commitment to stick to your plan of action.

Recent studies of sleep and depression have found which of the following?

When patients with depression specifically treat sleep problems, their depression also improves, even if the treatments are not medicinal.

Which of the following statements about X-ray exposure is accurate?

X-ray exposure is cumulative.

What is a predicted consequence of global warming?

a poleward shift in vegetation zones

A natural environment in which a pathogen typically lives is called

a reservoir.

Which is a good example of a resilient personality?

a single mother of two who works a part-time job and is completing coursework for a college degree

In which of the following areas would someone likely be exposed to noise pollution?

a steel-manufacturing plant a sporting event with a large crowd

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after trying for ______.

a year or more

In terms of sexual transmission, what is the only sure way to prevent HIV infection if you are not involved in a mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner?

abstaining from sexual activity involving body fluid exchange

Which of the following carries no risk of HIV transmission?

abstinence from sexual activity

People who develop successful intimate relationships ____.

accept what others want to give them have a tendency to believe in those around them are willing to share their feelings, ideas, and time

In men, the prostate gland is located at the base of the ______.


Job-related stress that is severe or chronic can result in a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion called ____.


Job-related stress that is severe or chronic can result in a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion called _____ .

burnout, burn out, or burn-out

What are ways to prevent air pollution?

buying energy-efficient appliances keeping cars tuned up and well-maintained carpooling

It is important to consult your doctor before taking supplements because large doses ______.

can cause health problems

Expressing feelings in a journal can do which of the following?

can improve physical wellness can improve emotional wellness

Melanoma is a form of


Chronic conditions commonly associated with obesity include ______.

cancer diabetes sleep disorders

In most cases, the immune system clears the body of HPV. However, in some cases the infection persists and causes ______.

cancer genital warts

Someone who is intoxicated ______.

cannot legally consent to sex

People under the influence of drugs, including alcohol, are more likely to be involved in which of the following?

car accidents acts of violence unsafe sex

Which substance may account for 60% of the greenhouse effect?

carbon dioxide

An odorless, colorless gas formed when the carbon in fossil fuels does not completely burn is called ______.

carbon monoxide

What term refers to the ability of the body to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high levels of intensity?

cardiorespiratory endurance

A(n) _____ is a sore produced by syphilis in its earliest stage.


Which of the following methods are used to detect or diagnose lung cancer?

chest X-rays studying cells in sputum

What is the most prevalent bacterial STI in the United States?


If you are a sexually active woman aged 25 or younger, you should be receiving annual screening for which of the following?

chlamydia gonorrhea

Which of the following is a method that provides an effective approach to changing behavior by stages? a family history of obesity a highly competitive job living in a city with severe air pollution

controlling body weight and exercising regularly learning to manage stress choosing not to smoke

What are ways that exercise can improve body composition?

decreases fat masses increases muscle mass increases daily calorie expenditure

The ways in which we change unacceptable feelings into feelings that we are more comfortable with are called ______ mechanisms.

defense or defence

Which of the following are common sources of potentially carcinogenic radiation?

dental X-rays mammograms sunlight

The combination of drug therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy is especially effective for which of the following?


Of those people who become chronic carriers of HBV, some will ______.

develop chronic liver disease remain asymptomatic

All of the following are possible health consequence of long-term, low-level lead exposure except which?


Which of the following factors contribute to disproportionately high rates of infection among U.S. populations of special concern for HIV infection?

discrimination poverty condomless sex with multiple partners unsafe drug injection practices

Discarded consumer electronics technology is also referred to as ______.


What are benefits of early diagnosis of HIV infection?

earlier drug treatment in some cases the ability to make positive lifestyle changes the ability to protect sexual partners from the disease

Female sterilization has a very high rate of success, but if a pregnancy does occur, it is more likely to be a(n) ______ pregnancy.


Women who smoke put themselves at greater risk of which of the following?

ectopic pregnancy premature delivery miscarriage

Meditating is an example of a(n) ______ that can promote wellness and enable us to function at our best.

effective behavioral response

Which of the following are situations for which getting the help of a mental health professional is appropriate?

emotional problems that interfere with getting along with other people delusions or hallucinations prolonged depression that interferes with daily life

The process of divorce usually begins with which of the following?

emotional seperation

Trust, self-confidence, and the ability to understand and accept one's feelings are components of

emotional wellness

The discipline of psychoneuroimmunology studies the interactions of which of the following systems? (Choose every correct answer.)

endocrine nervous immune

Which cancers pose an increased risk to people with weight gain in early adulthood?

endometrial colorectal

Which field emerged from the desire to control communicable diseases?

environmental health

An ____ zone is an area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity, the stimulation of which may result in the production of erotic sensations or sexual excitement.

erogenous, eroginous, ergenous, or erogonous

What are symptoms of Lyme disease?

erratic heart rhythms arthritis bullseye red rash

The intoxicating ingredient in fermented or distilled beverages is known as ______.

ethyl alcohol

Which of the following might initiate an asthma attack?

exercise inhaling pollen inhaling animal dander

Being obese in middle age does not significantly increase a person's cancer risk.


HIV is more contagious than Hepatitis B.


Individuals who do not establish a permanent early identity may have difficulty establishing intimate relationships.


Magnesium is the only supplement proven to provide relief from PMS and PMDD symptoms because it helps reduce muscle cramping.


Mandatory reporting of HIV infection is controversial because there are no safeguards for confidentiality.


Most PTSD sufferers will never fully recover.


Only men have gonads.


There is no effective treatment for chlamydia.


______ refers only to the body's content of muscle, bone, and water.

fat-free mass

The initiation of biological reproduction is called


If you are being treated for an STI, it is important to ______.

follow instructions carefully complete all the medication as prescribed

Which of the following are measures to control and prevent communicable diseases?

food inspection sewage treatment chlorination of drinking water systematic garbage collection establishment of public health enforcement filtration of drinking water

Regardless of a person's weight, ______ levels of activity correspond to ______ death rates.

greater; lower

Dialectical behavior therapy includes the use of what techniques?

group sessions homework assignments intensive individual therapy

LSD, mescaline, and PCP belong to a group of drugs known as ______, which alter perception, feelings, or thoughts.


Which of the following refers to drugs that alter perception, feelings, or thoughts?


What is the most common way of contracting the common cold?

hand-to-hand contact

Journaling may be especially helpful in dealing with severe stress for those who ____ .

have a difficult time opening up to others

Hepatitis A (HAV) is special concern for people who do what?

have anal sex

Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of harmful chemical substances, including which of the following?

hexamine, a lighter fluid toluene, an industrial solvent acetone, found in nail polish remover

The pleasing effects of a drug, usually felt soon after the drug is taken, are referred to as


The process of conferring resistance to a pathogen by the administration of a vaccine is called _____.


What is the process called in which a person acquires immunity to a pathogen by means of a vaccine?


Which of the following are examples of reversible contraception?

implants intrauterine devices

When alcoholics stop drinking or sharply reduce the amount they drink, they experience withdrawal. The symptoms

improve after four or five days begin within 5 to 10 hours can continue to a lesser degree for six months or more

Which of the following are benefits of increasing cardiorespiratory fitness through exercise?

improved functioning of the heart the prevention of stiffening or clogging of the arteries increased capacity for delivering oxygen

When was the first anti-abortion campaign was launched?

in the 19th century

Individuals who see morality in terms of virtue and justice instead of in terms of rules from authority figures are ______ moral development.

in the final stage of

What has directly contributed to diseases such as diphtheria and pertussis reemerging in industrial countries?

inadequate vaccination

Which of the following are features of a responsible, safe weight loss program?

including plans for weight maintenance recommending a balanced diet promoting slow, steady weight loss

Lesions, blisters, or inflammation due to STIs ______ the risk of HIV transmission.


Nonsmokers who are exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke ______ their risk of CVD.


Which of the following is not an effect of exercise on the respiratory system?

increase in a person's resting heart rate

Which of the following is not a long-term effect of exercise on the human body?

increased heart rate

What helps reduce back pain?

increased muscle strength

A hostile or abusive home environment ______ the likelihood of the development of an eating disorder.


A medicine can cause weight loss if it does which of the following?

increases feelings of fullness reduces feelings of hunger

What are common stressors for a majority of college students?

interpersonal stress financial concerns academic stress

Which of the following are common characteristics of anorexic people?

introverted socially insecure

The main function of the autonomic nervous system is to control ______ functions.


Communicating in a way that ______ can prevent stressful situations from getting out of control.

is assertive but also respects the rights of other

What term refers to the application of force without movement?

isometric (static) exercise

An ectopic pregnancy endangers the mother's life when

it causes a rupture and severe bleeding it causes her to go into shock it occurs in a space too small to hold the developing baby

Which of the following would be characteristic of people who are pessimistic?

limiting their horizons, which results in limiting personal growth saying what "I'm not" rather than what "I could be"- having little good to say about themselves or others

A prolonged period of drinking alcohol may result in damage to the ______ whereby formerly healthy cells are replaced with scar tissue. This condition is known as cirrhosis.


Lack of physical exercise can result in which of the following?

loss in lean body mass decrease in metabolic rate

Chronic heavy alcohol use can lead to which of the following?

loss of brain function changes in brain structure

What occurs during microsleep?

loss of perception of outside world

Which cancers can be caused by tobacco smoke?

lung, mouth, throat

What is the easiest method for accurately determining the intensity of an endurance workout?

measuring heart rate

What are the primary treatments for people with BDD?

medication therapy

Which of the following are widely abused prescription drugs?

medication to treat anxiety medication to treat pain medication to treat ADHD

The most serious type of skin cancer is


After surviving an infection, people often gain an immunity to that pathogen because some of the lymphocytes created during phase 2 of the immune response are saved as

memory B and T cells

Lymphocytes that remain in the body for years and remember and fight specific antigens are called ______.

memory T and B cells

During phase 3 (the elimination phase) of the immune response, activated T and B cells are transformed into which of the following?

memory cells effector cells

Which group is disproportionately affected by the cluster headaches?


Which of the following people would have the highest risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

men who have short sleep durations

Which term refers to the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort?

muscular strength

What is the neurological disorder that is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep paralysis, and sudden loss of muscle control?


What is atherosclerosis?

narrowing of the arteries by deposits of fat, cholesterol, and other substances

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas emitted from ______.

natural building materials rocks

Which of the following are examples of environmental stressors?

natural disasters intrusive noises acts of urban violence

Which of the following are symptoms of mild nicotine poisoning that new smokers often experience?

nausea dizziness clammy skin

It is possible to lose weight when you maintain a(n) ______ energy balance.


What is the general term for total body weight that is above the recommended range for good health?


Which of the following are the main factors in the initial use of drugs?

peer influence availability

What are the signs that a pregnant woman may miscarry?

pelvic cramps pregnancy symptoms disappear vaginal spotting

A complication of pregnancy in which the placenta covers the cervical opening is called ______.

placenta previa

Blood exerts ---- on the walls of the blood vessels. (Remember to type only one word in the blank.)

pressure or force

What is the best solution for drug abuse?


Energy transmitted in the form of rays, waves, or particles is called ______.


The sun, electronics, and nuclear weapons are just some of the sources that create ______.


Effective treatments for testicular cancer may include

radiation chemotherapy removal of the affected testis

Exposure to high doses of gamma radiation can lead to ______.

radiation sickness

Which of the following can produce gamma rays?

radon gas nuclear weapons

Bioelectrical impedance analysis works by using a small electrical current to measure the body's ______.


Despite there being no cure for tension headaches, an individual can obtain relief by taking over-the-counter pain killers, having a massage, taking a shower, or ______.


The sleep disrupter characterized by a feeling of discomfort or body tension that often affects the legs is called _____ leg syndrome.


Since the 1980s, more and more local governments have placed smoking _____ in restaurants, workplaces, parks, and other public spaces.


What are examples of physical activity?

running a mile walking up a flight of stairs a 5-mile bike ride

What is the term for activities that tobacco users habitually associate with using tobacco?

secondary reinforcers

Central nervous system depressants are also known as


Which of the following is not an example of an environmental factor that affects a person's wellness?


What is the first line of defense for detecting cancer?


HIV is transmitted through ______.

semen breast milk blood

What are symptoms of meningitis?

severe headache stiff neck

Symptoms of trichomoniasis include ______.

severe itching greenish, foul-smelling vaginal discharge

What are symptoms of gonorrhea in women?

severe menstrual cramps increased vaginal discharge pain with urination

Genital HPV is usually spread through ______.

sexual activity

STIs spread from person to person mainly through ______.

sexual activity

Among those Americans newly diagnosed with HIV, what is the most common means of exposure?

sexual activity between men

HSV 2 is usually transmitted through ______.

sexual contact

To control sleep apnea, the following are recommended options except ______.

sleeping on your back

Which of the following are common side effects of weight loss drugs?

sleeplessness headaches nervousness

People who drive under the influence of alcohol are unable to do so safely as a result of which of the following?

slower reaction times impaired judgment reduced coordination

Eliminating the habitual cues associated with ______ can be key to being able to quit tobacco use.


A basketball player who chooses to do exercises that help to improve lateral movement, cardiorespiratory endurance, and vertical leap is abiding by the fitness principle known as ______.


Which of the following are things that express someone's gender role?

speech patterns mannerisms dress

The method of classifying the ______ of cancer in a patient's body is called staging.


What is commonly found on the skin or in the nasal passages of healthy people?


Complex carbohydrates include ______ and dietary fiber.


Muscular ----- is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.


A genus of spherical bacteria that are known to cause skin infections, rheumatic and scarlet fever, and pneumonia is called


The term ______ describes the general physical and emotional states that accompany the stress response.


The term _______ describes the general physical and emotional states that accompany the stress response.


Which of the following are types of vaginal spermicide?

suppositories VCF foam

What is the primary treatment for colon and rectal cancer?


Which treatments are commonly combined as a way of removing cancerous cells?

surgery chemotherapy radiation

After a long day as an intern, Cassie had dull, steady pain on both sides of her head. Cassie is most likely experiencing a ______.

tension headache

An agent or influence that may cause physical defects in a developing fetus is called a(n) _____.


Which cancer has not been linked to tobacco use?


The family of viruses responsible for cold sores, mononucleosis, and chicken pox is called ______.

the herpesvirus

What is the primary cause of the physiological tendency to sleep?

the homeostatic sleep drive

Illness symptoms are generally caused by ______.

the immune response of the body

From which organs is alcohol excreted unchanged by the body?

the lungs sweat glands

Carcinoma is the most common type of cancer. In which locations does it typically appear?

the prostate the skin the lungs the breast

What is the primary goal of the SMART criteria?

to establish goals that are realistic and achievable

Beth has enrolled in the most difficult course of her college career and views it as an opportunity for growth. Beth has the psychological characteristic of power motivation.


Circadian rhythms affect athletic performance.


Erikson's middle adulthood stage is characterized by the generativity vs. self-absorption conflict.


Experts believe that many of us are potentially bisexual.


HIV infection often goes undiagnosed.


It is possible to protect yourself against HIV infection.


Smokers have twice the risk of PID compared to nonsmokers.


Social interactions can be both a buffer against and a cause of stress.


Being sedentary is associated with what?

unhealthy levels of glucose, insulin, and blood fats large waist circumference

Hepatitis B (HBV) can be found in ______.

urine blood saliva semen

Which of the following is not among the ways to reduce solid waste?

use microplastics

What are effective strategies for avoiding allergens?

using special bedding to reduce mite contact removing carpet from bedrooms

An IUD is a plastic device inserted into the ______ as a contraceptive.


In placenta previa, which of the following is not possible?

vaginal delivery

What intensity level of exercise does the ACSM recommend participating in for 75 minutes per week?


Keeping track of changes in _____ load can help doctors determine how to treat a person infected with HIV.


Symptoms of HIV infection are similar to those of many common _____ illnesses.


A very small infectious agent composed of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat and that can only reproduce within a host cell is called a


The symptoms of gonorrhea in men include ______.

yellowish white or yellowish green discharge from the penis urinary discomfort

Pinworm is the most common worm infection in the United States and it primarily infects ______.

young children

Which of the following best describes central nervous system depressants?

They cause sedation.

Marriage contributes to health and well-being, especially for men.


Studies have shown that it is possible for a woman to get pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.


Studies show that married people tend to live longer than those who are divorced, widowed, or never married.


The host of a herpesvirus is never free of the virus.


The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a cause of genital warts.


The majority of people infected with West Nile virus do not develop a serious condition.


What are treatments for the physical disrupters of anxiety and stress?

a "wind-down" time before bedtime meditation and other relaxation strategies

What is the name given to each tightening of the muscles of the uterus, which leads to the thinning and opening of the cervix?

a contraction

An agent or substance that induces abortion is called a(n)


Major life changes can be a source of stress. Which of the following is not a major life change?

adding a class for the next semester

At a well-attended social event, your roommate approaches and confronts you in a hostile manner in front of your friends. What phase of general adaptation syndrome will you first experience?


This risk of having unplanned or unprotected sex increases with the use of which of the following?

alcohol drugs

According to the DSM-5, misuse of alcohol that leads to clinically significant impairment is called

alcohol use disorder

Severe alcohol use disorder that involves physical tolerance to alcohol and withdrawal symptoms is also called


What is the most abundant living thing on earth?


As you move into the next step of a relationship, you should ______.

be honest about your thoughts and feelings

When should people think about STI prevention?

before a sexual encounter

A primary risk factor for acquiring HBV includes ______.

being an injection drug user

Which methods can be used to detect colorectal cancer?

colonoscopy stool tests

Extreme energy sources involves which type of energy?

energy from fossil fuels

Invasion of the body by a microorganism is called ______.


C-reactive protein is released into the bloodstream during the _____ response, and high levels of CRP indicated an elevated risk of heart attack and stroke.


What is a virus that causes respiratory infection and changes and forms new strains each year?


In terms of drug abuse, solvents, aerosols, and nitrates are classified as


Which antibiotic mechanism of action is the most common?

inhibition of the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall

Defense mechanisms primarily function to do which of the following?

manage uncomfortable feelings

With more than 43.5 million current users, the most widely used federally illegal drug in the United States


Weight loss aids that are ______ are not regulated as heavily as over-the-counter medications.

marketed as dietary supplements

What is the most extreme form of sexual coercion?


Which of the following are indicators of a healthy level of emotional intelligence?

recognizing the feelings of others recognizing feelings as they occur

Which early symptoms may indicate a tumor in the lungs?

recurring bronchitis persistent cough chest pain

One method to reduce your risk of HIV infection is by making careful choices about ______.

sexual activity

Syphilis is usually acquired through ______.

sexual contact

Primary risk factors for acquiring HBV include ______.

sexual exposure having multiple partners injection drug use

Which of the following are examples of harm reduction strategies as opposed to self-help programs?

syringe exchange programs testing street drugs for potency methadone maintenance

When an infection is spread to large portions of the body by blood or lymph, it is referred to as a(n) ______ infection.


Which of the following are part of the definition of prescription drug abuse according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse?

the use of a medication just for the experience the use of a medication without a prescription the use of a medication in a way other than prescribed

The toxic residues and chemicals from smoking that linger on indoor surfaces, curtains, furniture, and in dust is called _____ smoke.


There are three HPV vaccines. _____ is/are licensed for use in females and _____ is/are licensed for use in males.

three; two

The terms neoplasm and ______ refer to the same thing.


A recommended step when you are the rejected person in the breakup of an intimate relationship is to _______.

use the recovery period that follows for self-renewal

Which of the following are signs that someone may have a serious problem with alcohol?

using alcohol to self-medicate and dull negative feelings drinking alone drinking secretively feeling uncomfortable in situations where alcohol is not served

Access to preventive health care is important because it provides a person with ______.

vaccinations that can prevent infections

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include ______.

vaginal discharge fishy odor vaginal irritation

Which of the following may be used to test for gonorrhea?

vaginal fluid urine urethral fluid

Symptoms of vaginitis include

vaginal irritation vaginal discharge discomfort during intercourse

When a mosquito bites a person and infects the person with malaria, the mosquito is serving as a(n)


For many students in college, common stressors include which of the following?

worries about the future worries about exams and grades worries about money

Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population identifies as bisexual?


What is the margin of error in bioelectrical impedance analysis?


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are updated every ______ years.


A baby born with low birth weight (LBW) weighs no more than ______ pounds.


The world's population is currently about ______.

7.7 billion

Energy consumption is responsible for many environmental problems.


Even relationships that are not abusive or codependent can still be unhealthy.


Annually, about how many U.S. deaths per day can be attributed to smoking?


What does the Centers for Disease Control consider a healthy, gradual weight loss?


List the phases of the immune response, with the first phase at the top.

1. Dendritic cells respond to invading pathogens. 2. Helper T cells produce cytokines. 3. Killer T cells destroy infected body cells. 4. Suppressor T cells halt the immune response.

Obesity diminishes a person's life expectancy by about ______ years.


Which of the following are characteristics of people who are self-actualized?

They accept evidence that contradicts what they want to believe. They know the difference between what is real and what they want. They know what they can and cannot change.

What is the importance of flexibility exercises?

They are important for maintaining the normal range of motion in the major joints of the body.

_____ are substances that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.


Which of the following statements regarding treatment of viral illnesses is false?

Antibiotics can be used for selected viral infections, such as hepatitis B and C.

A(n) __________ is a recording of the changes in electrical activity of the heart.

Blank 1: EKG, ECG, electrocardiogram, ECG or EKG, or electrocardogram

According to the carbohydrate-insulin model, what happens when you eat processed foods that elevate insulin levels?

Calories are trapped in fat cells.

Which of the following are reasons that people in the United States have for wanting to keep illegal drugs illegal?

Legalizing drugs might expose more people to abuse and dependence. Allowing easier access to drugs might increase drug use among children and teenagers. Drugs would be more socially acceptable if they were legalized.

Which of the following statements regarding nuclear energy are correct?

Many accidents in nuclear power plants are due to human error. Deposit sites have to be secure for tens of thousands of years. Accidents in nuclear power plants can lead to environmental damage.

Which of the following statements regarding a woman's emotional responses to pregnancy are correct?

Many mood changes associated with pregnancy are out of a woman's control. Education about pregnancy can help ease a woman's fears of miscarrying. A pregnant woman's partner can help ease her mind if she begins to feel unattractive due to her increasing size.

What is an argument given by proponents of legalizing drugs such as marijuana?

Many of the social problems associated with drugs are due primarily to their prohibition.

Which of the following statements regarding the use and maintenance of IUDs are correct?

Most types primarily work by preventing fertilization. An IUD should be checked regularly to ensure that the device is in place. An IUD must be inserted or removed by a trained professional.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, what is a safe level of alcohol use during pregnancy?

No amount is safe.

Which of the following statements regarding the process of conception are correct?

Only one sperm cell can penetrate the outer layer of the egg. Most sperm cells do not reach the egg due to mobility problems or the acidity of the vagina. Cell division of the zygote occurs even before the fertilized egg becomes attached to the uterine wall.

What is true of oral-genital contact and HIV transmission?

Oral-genital contact has a generally low risk of HIV transmission when compared to vaginal intercourse.

______ fitness is the body's ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort.


Which of the following statement regarding pneumonia is false?

Pneumonia is caused by insects carrying the virus.

Which of the following statements about sleep and pain are accurate?

Poor sleep can increase the risk of developing pain. Poor sleep can create a lower pain threshold.

Which statement is correct regarding food safety during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should avoid eating undercooked meat.

Which statement about preterm labor is false?

Preterm labor is easy to stop.

What are some factors that both men and women should keep in mind when considering permanent contraception options?

Procedures to attempt restoration of fertility are not guaranteed to work. In most cases they are irreversible. Surgery presents risks and can lead to post-operative complications.

Which of the following statements regarding psychological health is true?

Psychological health can be defined as either the absence of sickness or the presence of wellness.

_____ is a disorder of the right side of the heart caused by changes in the blood vessels of the lungs. It is linked to cigarette smoking.

Pulmonary heart disease

Genetics play a role in nicotine dependence in which of the following ways?

Scientists have identified a gene that may play a role in smoking during adolescence. Genetics may be more influential than social factors in determining smoking behavior.

Multiple Choice Question A product labeled as "organic" must contain ______ organic ingredients.


What is recommended for weight management?

Increase your physical activity from 150 minutes per week to 300 minutes per week.

Which of the following examples best fits the definition of addiction?

Janice goes to the track to bet on horses every day and owes a lot of money due to gambling losses.

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