Physical Science Exam 2

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Which of the following statements is not true?

Protons and electrons have equal masses

The image a camera lens forms on the film or sensor is...

always real

When a current passes through a resistance, the electric energy that is lost...

becomes heat

When a magnetized iron bar is strongly heated, its magnetic field...

becomes weaker

Light of which of the following colors has the highest frequency?


Light of which of the following colors is scattered most in the atmosphere?


The nucleus of an atom...

contains most of the atom's mass

The properties of several different materials are being compared. If the samples all have the same volume, the one with the greatest mass also has the greatest....


Which of the following quantities is independent of the size and shape of an object composed of a given material?


The bending of waves around the edge of an obstacle in their path is an example of...


The conventional unit of battery capacity is the ampere-hour, which is actually a unit of...

electric charge

The amplitude of a sound wave determines its....


Electric charge...

occurs only in seperate parcels of +/- 1.6 x 10 ^-19 C

Superconductivity occurs in certain substances.....

only at very low temperatures

The volt is the unit of electric....

potential difference

Molecular motion in a gas is the minimum possible at....

0 K

The melting point of water is 0 degrees C. Its freezing point is....

0 degrees C

The wavelength of a sound wave is not related to its...


A converging lens of focal length f produces a virtual image of a real object when the object is...

at the distance f from the lens

A kilowatt hour is a unit of....


When waves go from one place to another, they carry....


When a sound wave goes from air into water, the quantity that remains unchanged is its....


Ultrasound refers to sound whose....

frequency is too high for most people to hear

Ohm's law....

holds only for metals

A negative electric charge....

interacts with both positive an negative charges

Relative to its object, a real image formed by a lens is always...


When a liquid freezes to become a solid....

it gives off heat

An object has a positive electric charge whenever....

it has a deficiency of electrons

Ice floats in water because...

its density is less than that of water

When heat is added to a body of matter, the resulting temperature increase does not depend upon...

its shape

In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium move....

perpendicular to the direction of travel

Which one of the following effects does not occur in all types of waves?


The image the lens of the eye forms on the retina is....

real and inverted

Light of which of the following colors has the longest wavelength?


Sound waves travel fastest in.....


A magnet attracts....

some substances and repels others

An example of a purely longitudinal wave is a ......

sound wave

Of the following kinds of waves, the ones that cannot travel through a vacuum are...

sound waves

Dispersion is the term used to describe the...

splitting of white light into its component colors in refraction

When a gas is forced into a smaller volume without a change in temperature, its pressure increases because its molecules...

strike the container walls more often

The higher the frequency of a wave....

the shorter its wavelength

Of the following, a molecule is best described as....

the smallest particle of a substance that is representative of the substance

The image formed by a diverging lens of a real object is always which of the following?


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