Physical Science Exam

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When a 1-Newton orange is held at rest above your head, the net force on the orange is

0 Newton

When a 1-Newton orange is dropped and freely falls, the net force on the orange is


In a moment of dozing while driving in a car at 50 km/h, you bump into a car ahead traveling at 48 km/h in the same direction. The speed of impact is(subtract)

2 km/h

A 20-Newton horizontal force applied to a 10-kg block produces acceleration across a friction-free horizontal surface of

2 m/s square

A commercial airplane has a mass of 5000 kg. During takeoff, the thrust of its engine is 10,000 Newton, producing an acceleration of

2 m/s square

a horse gallops 10 km in 30 minutes with an average speed of(per 30 minutes)

20 km/h

A 1000-kg accelerates at 2 m/s square. What is the net force exerted on it?

2000 Newton

A 2000 Newtons bear grasping a vertical tree slides down at constant velocity. The friction force between the tree and the bear is

2000 Newtons

Janet pulls a 10-kg cart with a constant force of 30 Newtons. The acceleration of the cart is

3.0 m/s square

When a 500-Newton parachutist opens her chute and experiences 800 Newton of air resistance, the net force on her is

300 Newton upward

Jean, who weighs 800 Newtons, stands at rest on two bathroom scales in such a way that one scale reads 500 Newtons. The other scale reads

300 Newtons

An object is pulled with three forces: one at 200 Newton to the right, another at 400 Newton to the right, and the third at 300 Newtons to the left. The net force is(subtract)

300 Newtons to the right

Daisy's average speed when running a distance of 2 km in a one-half hour is (per 30 minutes)

4 km/h

A 800-Newtons man stands at rest with his weight evenly distributed on a pair of weighing scales. The tension in each strand equals(half it)

400 Newtons

Burl and Paul have a total weight of 1300 Newton. The tensions in the supporting ropes of the scaffold they stand on add to 1700 Newtons. The weight of the scaffold itself must be(subtract)

400 Newtons

A cart is pushed to the right by a 10-Newton force. At the same time, a boy pushes it to the left with a 5-Newton force. The net force exerted on the cart is(subtract)

5 Newtons to the right

When Mike sprints 100 yards in 20 seconds, his average running speed is(v=d divided by T)

5 yards/second

When 100-Newton object is suspended at rest by two equally taut vertical strands of rope, the tension in each strand is (half it)

50 Newtons

When a 100-kg block is simultaneously pushed toward the east with 200 Newtons and toward the west with 150 Newtons, the combination of these forces on the block is(subtract)

50 Newtons east

A 100-Newton falling object encounters 40 Newtons of air resistance. The net force on it is (subtract)

60 Newtons

Six seconds after starting from rest, a skydiver in free fall has a speed of(10 m/s every second)

60 m/s

A 1-kg block of iron has a weight of

9.8 Newtons

Which object has zero acceleration

An object moving at constant velocity, object at rest, and object in mechanical equilibrium

Having to choose between science and religion is unnecessary

Because both operate in different realms

The first to be credited for Earth circling the Sun was


Ancient Greek investigators discovered

Earth's circumference, that Earth rotates daily, and why things float

In a less systematic way, many discoveries are found by

Experimenting with guessing, accidental discovery, and trial and erro

Science and technology are

Fundamentally differnent from each other

The first scientist to be credited for discovering the concept of inertia was


Friction is common in

Gases, solids, and liquids

A moving probe in space continues in its motion due to

Its own inertia

The classic scientific method includes

Observing carefully, questioning, and predicting

Among those who charted the stars and planets in ancient time were

Polynesians and Chinese

Who spread the knowledge of the Ancient Greeks?


The most important element in Eratosthenes' calculation of Earth's size was that the angle


Which of these is a scientific hypothesis

The dumpster in your back alley is filled with garbage

Which of these questions lies outside the realm of science?

What is the nature of the human spirit and what is the purpose of life?

A rocket's acceleration increases when traveling upward from the ground due to

a decrease in mass as fuel is burned and ejected

In science a theory is

a synthesis of a large body of well-tested knowledge

A scientific hypothesis is

a testable educated guess

A constant net force on a moving van produces a constant


If the mass of an object remains unchanged, a constant net force on it produces a constant


Newton's second law focuses on


Hudson stands at rest on a pair of bathroom scales. The scale readings will always

add to equal his weight

Burl carries Paul piggyback while standing in the Middle of a scaffold. The tensions in the two supporting ropes

are equal

An apple and a pea at rest are simultaneously dropped in a vacuum. The apple falls to the ground

at the same time as the pea

When you leap straight upward inside a high-speed train traveling at constant velocity, you land

at your original position

A heavy ball hangs by a string, with a second string attached to its bottom. A quick pull on the bottom string breaks the

bottom string

When rubbing your hands together, you

cannot push harder on one hand than the other hand

As Suzy's velocity increases when she skydives, her acceleration


A ball tossed vertically upward reaches its highest point and then falls back to its starting point. Along this up-and-down path, the acceleration of the ball is always

directed downward

A space probe flying in remote outer space continues travelling

even if no force acts on it

According to Galileo, the test of scientific truth is


In contrast to Aristotle's statements about nature, Galileo's reliance was on


Correct Science is mainly linked to


A scientific idea that is well established and unquestionable is a

fact of nature

According to Galileo, a rolled ball eventually comes to a stop because


When a cheating scientist reports fraudulent information, he or she

gets no second chance in the scientific community

When a cannon fires a cannonball, both cannon and ball undergo acceleration that is

greater for the cannonball

The support force acting on a 9-Newton book resting on horizontal surface is

greater than 9 Newtons

The focus of equations in this is

guides to thinking

Nellie Newton hangs suspended at rest by two ends of a rope draped over a large pulley. The tension in each strand equals (in the middle)

half her weight

A heavy and a light ball are dropped at the same time from a high tower. The ball to reach the ground first, assuming no air resistance, will be the

heavier ball and lighter ball

When the lower string is pulled slowly in the heavy-ball-and-strings demonstration, tension

in the top string is due to your pull plus the weight of the ball

Dad stands at rest on kitchen floor. When son Hudson is given a piggyback ride, the support force beneath Dad


When you push a brick with twice as much force, the acceleration of the brick


An object having twice as much mass as another objects also has twice as much


A given net force accelerates a cart along a straight-line path. If the mass of the cart somehow doubles, its acceleration

is half

You toss a ball upward. After it leaves your hand, your applied force

is zero

Pseudoscience is a field of

junk science

Galileo stated that a ball rolled along a level surface it would

keep rolling without slowing down if no friction acted upon it

A block of matter will weigh

less on the Moon

Eratosthenes would have measured a larger Earth if the distance between his pillar and the in Syene were


A kilogram relates to an object's


In any field of science, facts

may change

Aristotle asserted that motion was characterized by

natural motion and violent motion

The most basic of the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology is


we define inertia to be a

property of matter

Aristotle's view of natural laws is best understood by


When Galileo dropped balls from the leaning tower of Pisa, he

refuted Aristotle's teachings which proven false

A truly educated person is knowledgeable about

religion, the arts, and science

If you leap straight up inside a high-speed train that slows down, you land

slightly ahead of your original position

An object accelerates when it

slows down, speeds up, and changes its direction of motion

Acceleration in a car can be accomplished by

speeding up, applying the brakes, and rotating the steering wheel

Eratosthenes' measurements of Earths's size involved

surveying the distance between Alexandria and Syene, a deep well in Syene, and a pillar's shadow in Alexandria

A quick pull on a sheet of paper beneath a box of crackers doesn't topple the box, best illustrates that

the box has inertia

The net force acting on an object is

the combination of all forces acting on it

As Marie pushes a table to the right, friction between the floor and the table acts toward

the left

A push of 1 Newton accelerates a 1-kg mass at 1 m/s square. A push of 2 Newton accelerates of a 2-kg mass

the same

When Ale pushes on a tree,

the tree pushes on Ale, an interaction occurs between her and the tree, and both comprise a force pair

A hockey puck slides along an icy pond. Without any kind mass or weight

this is wrong

Compared with a 2-kg block of solid iron, a 4-kg of solid iron has twice as much

volume, inertia, and mass its none of this

An object set in motion tends to remain in motion

without the need of a force

A valid hypothesis must be capable of being proved


Toss a ball vertically upward and its speed at the top of its path is


When a heavy stone thrown straight up reaches the top its path, its velocity is

zero and its acceleration is 9.8 m/s square

A sports cat that maintains a constant velocity of 120 km/h for one-half hour has an acceleration of

zero because of no change in velocity

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