Physical Science Mutiple choice ch1 - 4 study guide!!

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What is the acceleration (changes of speed) of a car that maintains a constant velocity of 100km/h A. 0m/s^2 B. 10 km/h/s C. 10 m/s^2 D. 1000km/h/s

A. 0m/s^2

A 4-kg ball has a momentum of 12kg~m/s. What is the ball's speed? A. 3 m/s B. 4 m/s C. 12 m/s D. 48 m/s E. none of the above

A. 3 m/s 12kg~m/s divided 4-kg = 3m/s

A projectile is thrown into the air at an angle of 50 degree and lands on a target that is at the same level the projectile started. With no air resistance it will also land on the target if its is thrown at an angle of A. 40 degree B. 45 degree C. 55 degree D. 60 degree E. none of the above

A. 40 degree

An object is placed exactly halfway between the Earth and the Moon. The object will fall toward the A. Earth B. Moon C. neither

A. Earth

A Mack truck and a Mini Copper traveling at the same speed collide head-on. The vehicle to undergo the greatest change in velocity will be the A. Mini Copper B. Mack truck C. same

A. Mini copper

A bullet fire from a rifle begins to fall A. as soon as it leaves the barrel B. after air friction reduces its speed C. neither

A. as soon as it leaves the barrel

An airplane flies at 40m/s at an altitude of 50 m. The pilot drops a heavy package, which falls and strikes the ground. Neglecting air resistance, where does the package land? A. beneath the plane B. 400m behind the plane C. 500 m behind the plane D. more than 500m behind the plane E. none of the above

A. beneath the plane

A supplier wants to make a profit by buying gold by weight at one altitdue and selling it at the same price per kilogram at another altitude. The supplier should A. buy at a high altitude and sell at a low altitude B. buy at a low altitude and sell it at a high altitude C. disregard altitude because it makes no difference

A. buy at a high altitude and sell at a low altitude

When dishes remain on a tablecloth beneath them, you're demonstrating A. friction B. inertia C. constant motion D. EF= 0

A. friction

Two object move toward each other due to gravity. As the objects get closer and closer, the force between them A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant

A. increases

A ball is thrown upward and caught when it comes back down. When air resistance affects the ball, comapred with the initial upward speed, the speed when caught is A. less B. the same C. more

A. less

A ball is projected into the air with 900 J of kinetic energy that is transformed to potential energy at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original level after encountering air resistance, its kinetic energy is A. less than 900 J B. more than 900 J C. 900 J D. not enough information

A. less than 900 J

An object is thrown vertically into the air. Because of air resistance, the time for its descent will be A. longer than the ascent time B. shorter than the ascent time C. equal to the ascent time D. not enough information

A. longer than the ascent time

A golf ball is thrown at and bounces backward from a massive bowling ball that is initially at rest. After the collision, compared to the golf ball, the bowling ball has more A. momentum, but less kinetic energy B. kinetic energy, but less momentum C. momentum and more kinetic energy D. less momentum and less kinetic energy E. not enough information

A. momentum, but less kinetic energy

If you push for an hour against a stationary wall, you do no work A. on the wall B. at all C. both D. none of the above

A. on the wall

A light woman and a heavy man jump from an airplane at the same time and open their same-size parachutes at the same time. Which person will get to the state of zero acceleration first? A. the light woman B. the heavy woman C. both should at the same time D. not enough information

A. the light woman

The speeds of the planets about the Sun depend on A. their distances from the Sun B. the masses of the planets C. both D. neither

A. their distances from the sun

An object freely falls, its A. velocity increases B. acceleration increases. C. both of the above D. none of the above.

A. velocity increases

The net force on any object moving at constant velocity is A. zero B. 10 meters per second squared. C. equal to its weight D. less than its weight

A. zero

An object weighs 30N on Earth. A second object weighs 30N on the moon. Which has the greater mass? A. the one on the Earth. B. the one on the Moon C. They have the same mass. D. Not enough information to say

B the on on the moon.

A 1-kg chunk of putty moving at 1m/s collides and sticks to a 5-kg bowling ball initially at rest. The bowling ball and putty move with a momentum of A. 0 kg~m/s B. 1 kg~m/s C. 2kg~m/s D. 5 kg~m/s E. more than 5 kg~m/s

B. 1 kg~m/s

A 10-N block and a 1-N block lie on a horizontal frictionless table. To push them with equal acceleration, we would have to push with A. equal forces on each block B. 10 times as much force on the heavier block C. 10 squared or 100 times as much force on the heavier block D. one-tenth as much force on the heavier block E. none of the above

B. 10 times as much force on the heavier block

If a freely falling object were somehow equipped with a speedometer, its speed reading would increase each second by about A. 5m/s B. 10m/s C. 15m/s D. a variable amount E. depends on its initial speed.

B. 10m/s

A 2-kg mass that weighs 20 N has 40 J of potential energy relative to the ground. What is its height? A. 1 m B. 2 m C. 3 m D. 4 m E. none of the above

B. 2 m

A girl pulls on a 10-kg wagon with a constant force of 30 N. What is the wagon's acceleration? A. 0.3 m/s2 B. 3.0 m/s2 C. 10 m/s2 D. 30 m/s2 E. 300 m/s2

B. 3.0 m/s2 30N/ 10-kg= 3

A man weighing 800N stands at rest on two bathroom scales so that his weight is distributed evenly over both scales. The reading on each scale is A. 200N B. 400N C. 800N D. 1600N E. none of the above

B. 400N

An object is pulled northward with a force of 10N and southward with a force of 15N. The magnitude of the net force on the object is A. 0 N B. 5 N C. 10 N D. 15 N. E. None of the above.

B. 5 N

In raising a 5000-N piano with a pulley system, for every 1 m of rope pulled down, the piano rises 0.1 m. Ideally, this means the force needed to lift the piano is A. 50 N B. 500 N C. 5000 N D. not enough information

B. 500 N 5000-N x 0.1m = 500 N

Which has a greater mass? A. King-size pillow B. Automobile battery C. Both about the same

B. Automobile battery

The impulse-momentum relationship is a direct result of A. Newton's first law B. Newton's second law C. Newton's third law

B. Newton's second law

Arnold Strongman and Suzie Small have a tug-of-war on a polished floor. Arnold wears socks and Suzie wears gym shoes. The likely winner is A. arnold B. Suzie C. neither, a tied score D. no basis for predicting

B. Suzie

A skydiver jumps from a high-flying plane. As her velocity of fall increases, her acceleration A. increases B. decreases C. remains unchanged regardless of air resistance

B. decrease

When a simple machine multiple force, it decreases A. potential energy B.distance moved C. both D. neither

B. distance moved

A given net force propels an object along a straight-line path. If the net force were doubled, its acceleration would A. quadruple B. double. C. stay the same D. be half E. none of the above

B. double

A freight train rolls along a track with considerable momentum. If it rolls at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum is A. Zero B. doubled C. quadrupled D. unchanged

B. doubled

Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the rock tends to A. continue in a circular path B. follow a straight- line path C.spiral inward D. fall straight downward

B. follow a stright-line path.

You use a straw for a pea shooter. The speed of the pea emerging from the straw when you blow through it will be greater if the straw is A. cut in half B. full length C. either cut in half or full length

B. full length

According to Newton, the greater the masses of interacting object, the A. less the gravitational force between them. B. greater the gravitational force between them C. greater the force between them by the square of the masses.

B. greater the gavitational force between them

Comared with the mass of a certain object on Earth, the mass of the same object on the Moon is A. less B. more. C. the same

B. more

A dog and a mouse run along a road with the same kinetic energy. The faster the runner is the A. dog B. mouse C. both run at the same speed D. not enough information

B. mouse

A car has a certain maximum acceleration. When it tows another twice-as-massive car its maximum acceleration is A. one-half B. one-third C. one-fourth D. the same. E. none of the above

B. one-third

A rock is thrown vertically upward. At the top of its straight-line path the force acting on it is A. zero B. only the force due to gravity C. due to air resistance D. both due to gravity and airresistance

B. only the force due to gravity

Suppose a gun were made of strong lightweight material with a pellet that is more massive than the gun. Then firing speed is greater for the A. pellet B. recoiling gun C. both are the same D. none of the above

B. recoiling gun

A hunter aims a rifle at an angle of 10 degree below the horizontal. The hunter fires a bullet while simultaneously dropping another bullet from the side of the rifle. Which bullet hits the ground first? A. the dropped one B. the fired one C. both hit at the same time

B. the fired one

A ball is thrown veritically upward. Because of air resistance, its speed when returning to its starting level compared with its initial speed is A. less B. the same C. more

B. the same

If you push a crate across a level floor at constant speed, the friction between the crate and the floor is A. a bit less than your pushing force. B. the same amount as your pushing force. C. a bit more than your pushing force. D. none of these.

B. the same amount as your pushing force.

A roller coaster car at an amusement park carrying 1 passenger takes 3min to make its ride from start to finish. Neglecting friction, a car with 5 passengers would take A. less time B. the same time C. more time

B. the same times

Inside a freely falling elevator your A. acceleration is zero B. weight is zero C. gravitational interaction with Earth is zero D. all the above E. none of the above

B. weight is zero

Whenever the net force on an object is zero, its acceleration A. may be zero B. is zero

B. zero

A 5-kg fish swimming at a speed of 1m/s swallows an absent-minded 1-kg fish swimming toward it at 4 m/s. The speed of the larger fish after lunch is A. 1/2m/s B. 1/5m/s C. 1/6m/s D. 2/3m/s E. 3/2m/s

C. 1/6m/s

The force of friction on a sliding object is 10N. The applied force needed to maintain a constant velocity is A. more than 10N B. less than 10N C. 10N

C. 10N

The gain in speed each second for a freely falling object is about A. 0. B. 5m/s C. 10m/s D. 20m/s E. depends on the initial speed.

C. 10m/s

The average speed of a horse that gallops a distance of 10km in a time of 30 min is A. 10km/h B. 20km/h C. 30km/h D. more than 30km/h

C. 20km/h 30min - 10km= 20km/h

A 2500-N pile driver ram falls 10 m and drives a post 0.1 m into the ground. The average force on the post is A. 2500 N B. 25,000 N C. 250,000 N D. 2,500,000 N

C. 250,000 N

A 300-kg bear grasping a vertical tree slides down at constant velocity. The friction force between the tree and the bear is A. 30 N B. 300 N. C. 3000 N D. more than 3000 N

C. 3000 N Weigh travel constat velocity which is 300 = 10N 300 x 10N = 3000N

Whereas Aristole relied on logic in explaing nature, Galileo relied on? A. logic also. B. Patterns C. experiment D. Mathematics

C. Experiment

A kilogram is measure of an object's A. weight B. Force C. mass D. gravity E. center of mass

C. Mass

The conservation of momentum is closely related to A. Newton's first law B. Newton's second law C. Newton's third law

C. Newton's third law

Your weight is A. actually your mass B. the gravitational attraction bewteen you and the Earth. C. a property of mechanical equilibrium. D. the same in all location.

C. a property of mechanical equlibrium.

When you stand at rest on a pair of bathroom scales, the readings on the scales will always A. each be half your weight B. each equal your weight C. add to your equal weight

C. add to your equal weight

Hang from the pair of gym rings and the upward support forces of the rings will always A. each be half your weight B. each be equal to your weight C. add up to equal your weight

C. add up to equal your weight

A player hits a ball with a bat. If one part of the interaction is the bat against the ball, the other part is the A. air resistance on the ball B. weight of the ball C. ball against the bat D. grip of the player's hand against the ball E. none of the above

C. ball against the bat

According to the impulse-- momentum equation Ft= change is mv, a bungee jumper in fall has momentum which is reduced by the force F exerted by the bungee cord. If m is the mass of the jumper, then v is the equation is the speed of the A. jumper B. cord C. both D. none of the above

C. both

Earth pulls on the moon. Similarly the moon pulls on Earth, evidence that A. Earth and Moon pull on each other B. Earth's and Moon's pulls comprise an action-reaction pair C. both. D. none of the above

C. both

You're driving down the highway and a lovebug spatters onto your windshield. Which undergoes the greater impulse? A. the lovebug B. your car C. both the same

C. both the same

A particle is being accelerated through space by a 10-N force. Suddenly the particle encounters a head-on second force of 10 N in the opposite direction. The particle with both forces acting on it A. is brought to a rapid halt B. decelerates gradually to a halt C. continues at the speed it had when it encountered the second force D. theoretically tends to accelerate toward the speed of light E. none of the above

C. continues at the speed it had when it encountered the second force

The two measurements necessary for calculating average speed are A. acceleration and time B. velocity and time C. distance and time D. distance and acceleration. E velocity and distance

C. distance and time

Two identical arrows, one with twice the speed of the other are fired into a bale of hay. The faster arrow will penetrate the bale A. the same distance as the slower arrow B. twice as far as the slower arrow C. four times as far as the slower arrow D. more than four times as far as the slower arrow E. none of the above

C. four times as far as the slower arrow

The Sun is spherical due to A. Earth circling it B. Earth and Moon circling it C. gravitation D. none of the above

C. gravitation

A ball is thrown vertically into the air. Because of air resistance, its time coming down compared to its time going up is A. less B. the same C. more

C. more

Neglecting air resistance, after a ball leaves your hand when you toss it up, the force on it A. gradually decreases untill the ball reaches the top of its path B. first acts upward and then downward after reaching the top C. only the force due to gravity, always directed downward D. none of the above

C. only the force due to gravity, always directed downward

The period of a satellite, the time it takes for complete revolution, depends on the satellite's A. mass B. weight C. radial distance D. all the above E. none of the above

C. radial distance

A car traveling at 100km/h strikes an unfortunate bug that splatters on the windshield. The force of impact is greater on the A. bug B. car C. same for both

C. same for both

The air resistance of falling is greatly affected by an object's frontal area and A. mass B. weight C. speed

C. speed

A 50-kg sack is lifted 2 m in the same times as 25-kg sack is lifted 4m. The power expended in raising the 50-kg sack compared to the power used to lift the 25-kg sack is A. twice as much B. half as much C. the same

C. the same

If you do work on an object in half the time, your power output is A. half B. the same C. twice

C. twice

Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the mass of one planet is doubled, and the distance between them doesn't change, then the force between them is A. one-quarter B. half as much C. twice as much D. four times as much E. none of the above

C. twice as much

A 1000-kg car and a 2000-kg car are hoisted the same distance in a service station. Raising the more massive car requires A. less work B. as much work C. twice as much work D. four times as much work E. more than four times as much work

C. twice as much work

A math book and science book are tied together with a length of string. With the string taut, one book is pushed off the edge of a table. As it falls, the other book is dragged horizontally across the table sureface. With no friction, acceleration of the books is A. zero B. g/2 C. g D. a value between zero and g E. a value that could be greater than g

D. a value between zero and g

A car traveling along the highway needs a certain amount of braking force to stop. More braking force is required when the car has A. more mass B. more momentum C. less stopping distance D. all of the above E. none of the above

D. all of the above

A karate expert executes a swift blow and severs a brick with her bare hand. Equal magnitudes occur for the A. impulse on both the brick and the expert's hand B. force on both the brick and the expert's hand C. time of contract on both the block and the expert's hand D. all of the above E. none of the above

D. all of the above

If a nonrotating object has no acceleration, then we can say for certain that it is A. at rest B. moving at consant nonzero velocity C. in mechanical equilibrium D. all of the above E. none of the above

D. all of the above

An object in mechanical equilibrirum is an object A. at rest B. moving with constant velocity C. having no accelertation D. all of the above

D. all of the above.

Which has zero acceleration? An object A. at rest B. moving at constant velocity C. in mechanical equilibrium D. all of the above E. none of the above

D. all of the above.

If the radius of the Earth somehow increased with no change in mass, your weight would A. increase B. not change C. decrease

D. decrease

When the distance between two stars decreases by half, the force between them A. decreases by one-quarter B. decreases by one-half C. increases to twice as much D. increases to four times as much E. stays the same

D. increase to four times as much

An object may have potential energy because of its A. speed B. acceleration C. momentum D. location E. none of the above

D. location

Suppose an astronaut in outer space plays a solitary game of "throw, bounce, and catch" by tossing a ball against a very massive and perfectly elastic concrete wall A. The astronaut will catch the ball on one bounce only B. The astronaut will never catch the first bounce C. The astronaut's time between catches will decrease as the game progresses D. none of the above

D. none of the above

When you toss a ball upward, after the ball leaves your hand A. the force of your hand moves it up and gradually changes direction B. the upward force changes direction at the top of the path C. we see that force and velocity are essentially the same thing. D. none of the above

D. none of the above

While a car travels around a circular track at constant speed, its A. acceleration is zero B. velocity is zero C. both D. none of the above

D. none of the above

A heavy rock and a light rock in free fall have the same acceleration. Both rocks have the same acceleration because A. force due to gravity is the same on each B. air resistance is alway zero in free fall C. inertia of each is the same D. ratio of force to mass is the same. E. none of the above

D. ratio of force to mass is the same

Chapter 4 in your textbook cites a link between Newton's Universal Law of Gravity and A. biological processes B. chemical processes C. geological processes D. the U.S. Constitution E. none of the above

D. the U.S. Constitution

The most energy per unit mass can be extracted from A. coal B. petroleum C. natural gas D. unranium

D. unranium

A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up at 10m/s. Neglecting air resistance, the net force that acts on the ball when its is half way to the top of its path is A. 1/2N B. 1N C. 5N D. 7.5N E. 10N

E. 10N 10N/ 1-kg= 10

A 1-N apple falls to the ground. The apple hits the ground with a force of A. 1 N B. 2 N C. 4 N D. 10 N E. not enough information

E. not enough information

If your mass remains unchanged while both the mass of Earth and its radius double, your weight A. remain the same B. double C. quadruples D. increases by eight times E. reduce by half

E. reduce by half

What prevents satellites such as the space shuttle from falling? A. gravity B. centripetal force C. centrifugal force D. the absence of air resistance F. nothing, they continually fall around and around Earth

F. nothing, they continually fall around and around Earth

Ignoring air drag, what is the maximum speed that can be given to a horizontally moving tennis ball as it clears the net 1.25 m high to remain within the edge of the court, which is 12.0 m distant? A. 12.0m/s B. 16.0m/s C. 24.0m/s D 48.0m/s

c. 24.0m/s

For astronauts inside an orbiting space vehicle, there is no force of Earth's gravity acting on them. This statement is A. always true while in orbit B. sometimes true while in orbit C. always false

c. always false

If a power plant is 30% efficient, and the transmission system that delivers power to consumer is 60% efficient, then the overall efficiency is A. 90% B. 60% C. 30% D. 18% E. none of the above`

power plant is 30% 30/100 = .3% delivers power to consumer is 60% efficient Overall efficiency is .3% x 60% = 18% D. 18%

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