Physical Science Unit 3 Review - Geology

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The two most common igneous rocks are basalt and granite. Basalt is commonly found ________, and granite is found ________. A. on the ocean floor; on both the ocean floor and on continental land B. on the ocean floor; on the continents C. on the continents; on the ocean floor D. on both the ocean floor and continental land; only on the continents

on both the ocean floor and continental land; only on the continents

Rocks can begin to melt if A. the rock's water content increases thereby decreasing the rock's melting point. B. all of these. C. heated by rising magma from the Earth's interior. D. a decrease in pressure results in a sufficient decrease in the rock's melting point.

1. The rock's water content increases thereby decreasing the rock's melting point. 2. Heated by rising magma from the Earth's interior. 3. A decrease in pressure results in a sufficient decrease in the rock's melting point.

The characteristics of regional metamorphism include A. Folded and faulted rock layers B. Distinctly foliated rocks C. Zoned sequences of minerals D. All of these

A. Folded and faulted rock layers B. Distinctly foliated rocks C. Zoned sequences of minerals

Which of the following causes more discharge of water? A. meander B. a steep gradient C. a shallow gradient D. a curved channel

A shallow gradient

Why are silicon and oxygen concentrated near Earth's surface while iron is concentrated at the core? A. Earth's materials separated early in its history through the process of density segregation B. Silicon and oxygen are less dense than iron C. Both D. Neither

A. Earth's materials separated early in its history through the process of density segregation B. Silicon and oxygen are less dense than iron

What is Wegener's Pangaea? List two pieces of evidence that support it. Why wasn't it well received? What discovery brought acceptance to the theory?

All the continents were once united as one whole piece of land. Fossils and paleoclimate indicators support his theory. Since he provided no proof as to why the continents moves, his theory was not supported. The discovery of seafloor spreading brought acceptance to the theory.

What evidence was used to support magnetic pole reversals? A. normal and reverse polarity B. continental drift and seafloor spreading C. apparent polar wandering and alternating magnetic stripe patterns on the ocean floor D. paleomagnetism

Apparent polar wandering and alternating magnetic stripe patterns on the ocean floor

The two ways that glacial drift is deposited are A. as outwash and till. B. ablation and accumulation. C. as crevasses and meltwater. D. laminar and turbulent.

As outwash and till.

Sand dunes form A. from wind that is increasing in speed. B. as wind stops blowing. C. where air flows freely over sand. D. as wind moves sand from the back to the front of the dune.

As wind moves sand from the back to the front of the dune.

The ocean crust A. becomes progressively younger away from the mid-ocean ridges. B. is the same age worldwide. C. ranges in age, the oldest ocean crust is in the Atlantic and the youngest is in the Arctic. D. becomes progressively older away from the mid-ocean ridge.

Becomes progressively older away from the mid-ocean ridge.

Sand dunes move as wind A. Disperses sand B. Blows sand from the back to the front of the dune C. Blows sand from the front to the back of the dune D. Interrupts the normal sequence of deposition

Blows sand from the back to the front of the dune

What determines the viscosity of magma? A. neither the silica nor gas content. B. silica content C. gas content D. both silica & gas content

Both silica & gas content

Which theory for Geology was supported by religious and philosophical views before the 1600's? D. Plate Tectonics C. catastrophism B. uniformitarianism A. The principle of inclusions


Describe four properties of minerals.

Cleavage - is when certain minerals break in a definite way Luster - way a mineral reflects light Streak - color a specimen makes by rubbing a mineral across a hard surface Hardness - is measured by seeing how easy it is to scratch a mineral.

The characteristic that distinguishes schist from slate is that schist is A. coarse-grained and slate is fine-grained. B. fine-grained and slate is coarse-grained. C. foliated and slate is not. D. not foliated and slate is foliated.

Coarse-grained and slate is fine-grained.

Which type of volcano is the most dangerous? A. Composite B. Shield C. Cinder Cone D. Mini cones


Rocks buckle and fold when subjected to A. Tensional force B. The release of stored elastic energy C. Stretching of Earth's crust D. Compressional force

Compressional force

What type of plate boundary results in the formation of mountains? A. oceanic-oceanic B. continental-oceanic C. divergent D. continental-continental


Magma is generated at all of these plate boundaries except A. divergent boundaries. B. oceanic-continental convergent boundaries. C. continental-continental convergent boundaries. D. oceanic-oceanic convergent boundaries.

Continental-continental convergent boundaries.

The discharge of a stream is directly related to the A. channel geometry and frictional contact. B. cross-sectional area of a channel and the average stream velocity. C. volume of water flowing past a given point in a channel in a given amount of time. D. average stream speed and frictional contact.

Cross-sectional area of a channel and the average stream velocity.

What factors affect stream speed? A. Discharge B. Channel length C. Stream Gradient D. Both B and C E. Both A and C

Discharge and Stream gradient

Lithosphere is created at ____ boundaries and destroyed at ____ boundaries A. Convergent; divergent B. Divergent; convergent C. Divergent; transform D. Convergent; transform

Divergent; convergent

List three easy, low cost things you can do before an earthquake occurs to make your home safer. What should you do during an earthquake if you are inside? What should you do during an earthquake if you are outside?

Do not hang heavy objects over beds (or other places you spend time in), Strap heavy items to walls in order to prevent them from falling, and secure ceiling fans and light fixtures. Inside - Find a place to take cover (under a sturdy table) on the lowest level possible (basement is preferable). If there is no basement, be in a room without windows that are away from walls leading outside (a bathroom or closet is preferable). Outside - Stay outside and find an open area away from trees or tall standing objects. Get low and stay put until the shaking stops.

Sedimentary rocks often contain the remains of ancient life forms - fossils. And fossils in these rocks help us understand A. Earth's geological and biological history B. Earth's early formation C. The zoned sequences of minerals D. The difference of life forms

Earth's geological and biological history

Evaporation from the oceans produces clouds that precipitate fresh water rather than saltwater because A. saltwater precipitates over oceans only. B. salt is too heavy to evaporate. C. evaporation produces nearly pure water vapor. D. dissolved salt prevents evaporation.

Evaporation produces nearly pure water vapor.

Heavy rains in a desert environment can result in A. floodplains. B. intensified dune migration. C. cross-bedding. D. flash floods.

Flash floods.

Rocks are grouped into three classes depending on how the rock was A. shaped. B. discovered. C. formed. D. located.


The flow of groundwater is A. from where the water table is low to where it is high. B. as fast as the water in streams. C. from where the water table is high to where it is low. D. insignificant.

From where the water table is high to where it is low.

Convection in the mantle is caused primarily by A. Heat moving from the mantle to the crust B. Conduction C. Gravity and temperature differences D. Friction of the overlying lithosphere

Gravity and temperature differences

Subduction occurs as a result of A. Gravity pulling the older and denser lithosphere downward B. Horizontal plate accommodation C. Upwelling of hot mantel material along the trench D. Lubercation from the generation of andesitic magma

Gravity pulling the older and denser lithosphere downward

Underground water in the saturated zone is call A. Groundwater B. Soil moisture C. The water table D. An artesian system


Most minerals can be identified by easily observable physical properties. In order of most useful to least useful, the identifiable physical properties are A. crystal form, color, hardness, cleavage, and density. B. color, crystal form, hardness, cleavage, and density. C. hardness, cleavage, density, crystal form, and color. D. crystal form, hardness, cleavage, color, and density.

Hardness, cleavage, density, crystal form, and color.

Define the three types of rocks.

Igneous - formed from melted rock deep inside the Earth. Sedimentary - formed from layers of sand, silt, dead plants, and animal skeletons. Metamorphic - formed from other rocks that are changed by heat and pressure underground.

Most of Earth's water is found A. In lakes B. In ice caps and glaciers C. In rivers D. Underground

In ice caps and glaciers

As sediments accumulate, compaction and cementation produce sedimentary rock. This process is called A. consolidation. B. solifluction. C. solidification. D. lithification


Compaction and cementation of sediments leads to A. Magma generation B. Lithification C. Formation of pore water D. Metamorphism


Downstream, the amount of discharge in a stream usually A. Becomes turbulent B. Meanders C. Decreases D. Increases


The hypothesis of continental drift is not supported by A. Seafloor spreading B. Paleomagnetism C. Isostasy D. Glacial striations


Flowing surface water alters the landscape in what ways? A. deposition of sediments B. erosion C. It weathers and erodes sediments, and then it deposits sediment. D. weathering

It weathers and erodes sediments, and then it deposits sediment.

The work of surface water includes all of the following except A. Erosion B. Deposition C. Land subsidence D. Delta formation

Land Subsidence

Limestone may be metamorphosed into A. marble. B. schist. C. quartzite. D. gneiss.


Ice wedging—freezing of water in cracks—is an example of A. mechanical weathering. B. chemical weathering. C. iron oxide stain. D. lithification.

Mechanical weathering.

Coarse-grained plutonic igneous rocks are created because A. Lava intrudes into Earth's interior B. Minerals cooled and grew quickly C. Minerals cooled and grew over long periods of time D. Larger minerals are more stable than smaller ones

Minerals cooled and grew over long periods of time

Which minerals crystallize first from cooling magma? A. Minerals with high silica content B. Minerals with the lowest melting point C. Minerals with the highest melting point D. Minerals with the highest solubility

Minerals with the highest melting point

Because S-waves do not travel through Earth's outer core, scientists inferred that the outer core is A. solid. B. very dense. C.molten liquid D. impenetrable.

Molten liquid

Which of the following did Alfred Wegener not use to support his theory of continental drift? A. similar rocks on widely separated continents B. paleoclimate data C. paleomagnetic data D. similar fossils on widely separated continents

Paleomagnetic data

Plate tectonics is a comprehensive explanation for the features of the outer part of planet Earth. Describe several of the main geologic features that are well explained by this theory, and how plate tectonics explains their formation.

Mountains, oceanic crust, continents, and volcanoes.

Land subsidence is caused by A. gophers. B. over-pumping of groundwater and the compaction of clay layers. C. groundwater pumping. D. clay layers that shrink.

Over-pumping of groundwater and the compaction of clay layers.

We can say that Earth's crust floats on the mantle because A. the mantle is very hot and flows from internal convection. B. the mantle is below the crust. C. part of the mantle is hot enough to flow as a plastic solid. D. the continental crust floats on the oceanic crust.

Part of the mantle is hot enough to flow as a plastic solid.

At divergent boundaries, basaltic magma is generated by the A. Crystallization of mantle magme B. Partial melting of continental crust C. Partial melting of mantle rock D. Addition of water to mantle rock

Partial melting of mantle rock

Most of Earth's seismic activity, volcanism, and mountain building occur along A. convergent boundaries. B. transform fault boundaries. C. plate boundaries. D. It didn't explain why or how the plates moved. E. divergent boundaries.

Plate boundaries.

The maximum amount of water a particular soil can hold is determined by its A. Porosity B. Permeability C. Degree of saturation D. Amount of recharge


Snow converts to glacial ice when subjected to A. Decreasing temperatures B. Pressure C. Rain D. Basal sliding


Which principle states "an igneous intrusion or fault that cuts through pre-existing rock is younger than the rock through which it cuts"? A. None of these B. Principle of Horizontality C. Prinicple of Superposition D. Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships

Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships

What principle states that layers of sediment are originally deposited as even, horizontal layers? A. Principle of Superposition B. The principle of uncomformities C. Principle of Original Horizontality D. Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships

Principle of Original Horizontality

Caves and caverns are formed in carbonate rock by A. reaction of carbonic acid released into the groundwater. B. stalactites and stalagmites. C. all of these D. abrasive action of swift flowing groundwater.

Reaction of carbonic acid released into the groundwater.

Precipitation that does not soak into the ground or evaporate becomes A. Groundwater B. The water table C. Soil moisture D. Runoff


Seafloor spreading provided a driving force for continental drift because A. The youngest seafloor is found near the continents B. Seafloor spreading pushes continents apart C. Mantle convection causes slippage D. Subduction creates the youngest seafloor

Seafloor spreading pushes continents apart

Metamorphic rock that is weathered and broken down into small pieces can become A. fossilized. B. igneous rock. C. sediments which can then become sedimentary rock. D. recrystallized.

Sediments which can then become sedimentary rock.

Compare and contrast the 3 types of volcanoes. Which type is most dangerous and why?

Shield Volcano - wide; broad dome shape, made from basalt, and can have very high altitude. Cinder Cone - cone shape, made of igneous rock, and low altitude. Composite Cone - cone shape with steep sides, made of layers of hardened cinder; lava and ash, and high altitudes. The most dangerous is Composite cone because they have andesitic magma, which is more likely to explode once it reaches the surface.

The most common rock forming minerals are composed of predominantly eight elements. These minerals are the A. sulfates, oxides, and carbonates. B. silicates, sulfides, and oxides. C. silicons, borates, oxides, sulfides, and carbonates. D. silicates, carbonates, oxides, sulfides, and sulfates.

Silicates, carbonates, oxides, sulfides, and sulfates.

Blocks of ice buried in a glacial moraine often result in the formation of A. roches moutonnees. B. small glacial lakes—kettle lakes. C. eskers. D. drumlins.

Small glacial lakes—kettle lakes.

A glacier forms when A. meltwater at the base of a snowmass contributes to downslope flow. B. snow accumulates to form ice and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight. C. snow moves downslope under the influence of gravity. D. temperatures do not rise above freezing.

Snow accumulates to form ice and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight.

Which type of volcano has viscous lava that builds up in the dome of a volcano before too much pressure is present and it erupts? A. all of these B. stratovolcano C. shield volcano D. cinder cone


Deltas form as A. Periodic flooding clogs stream channels B. Erosion clogs stream channels C. The stream gradient changes D. Streams enter a standing body of water

Streams enter a standing body of water

A mineral's hardness is dependent on the A. mineral ionization. B. geometric arrangement of atoms. C. strength of its chemical bonds. D. size of its atoms, large atoms are harder than small atoms.

Strength of its chemical bonds.

Earthquakes are caused by the A. Friction between diverging plates B. Sudden release of energy that is stored elastically in deformed rocks C. Expansion of Earth's crust D. Isostasy

Sudden release of energy that is stored elastically in deformed rocks

Which of the following does the most damage? A. S-waves B. Surface waves C. P-waves D. Pressure waves

Surface waves

In Earth's interior, what two factors increase with depth? A. Pressure and water content B. Temperature and pressure C. Temperature and water content D. Silica content and water content

Temperature and pressure

What discovery finally led to the acceptance of Wegener's Pangaea because it explained why or how the plates moved to their present positions? A. The Mid-oceanic ridge B. all of these C. Fossils D. Paleomagnetism

The Mid-oceanic ridge

In a sedimentary rock, the degree of particle roundness can indicate A. The duration and/or length of travel B. Where the sediment particles originated C. Where the particles were deposited D. How the particles were cemented and compacted

The duration and/or length of travel

Seismic waves increase in speed when A. They pass through a liquid B. Rocks become denser and less rigid C. They form a wave shadow D. The elasticity of the rock increases

The elasticity of the rock increases

Which of the following statements is false? A. The mantel includes part of the crust B. The lithosphere includes the entire crust C. The mantle includes part of the lithosphere D. The mantle includes the entire asthenosphere

The mantel includes part of the crust

What most strongly influences a mineral's hardness? A. The geometry of a mineral's atomic structure B. The strength of a mineral's chemical bonds C. The silica content D. The number of planes of weakness

The strength of a mineral's chemical bonds

The silicates are the largest mineral group because silicon and oxygen are A. The two most abundant elements in Earth's crust B. The hardest elements on Earth's surface C. Found in the common mineral quartz D. Stable at Earth's surface

The two most abundant elements in Earth's crust

What theory stated that all of Earth's geologic features formed slowly? A. uniformitarianism B. none of these C. "The theory of the Earth" D. catastrophism


Describe the three methods to change the Earth's surface.

Weathering - the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on the surface of the Earth Mechanical - Physical breakdown of rocks Chemical - Acids break down rocks. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water making carbonic acid Biological - Animals burrowing and tree roots Erosion - Movement of dirt by water, glaciers, or wind Mass wasting - Moving rocks and soil downslope by gravity

Of the three agents of erosion—water, wind and ice—the one with the ability to move only the smallest particles is A. wind. B. turbulent water. C. ice. D. water.


What kind of basaltic lava is sharp when it hardens? A. pillow B. aa C. granitic D. pahoehoe


Common glacial landforms created of drift include moraines, A. drumlins, and roches moutonnees. B. aretes, and drumlins. C. and drumlins. D. roches moutonnees, and eskers.

and drumlins.

Earthquake P-waves A. are transverse vibrations similar to sound waves. B. cannot move through Earth's core C. travel in straight lines through Earth's core. D. are longitudinal vibrations similar to sound waves.

cannot move through Earth's core

People settle on floodplains because A. floodplain soil is nutrient rich and good for agriculture. B. river access and rich soils. C. the chance of flooding is very rare D. of river access.

river access and rich soils.

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