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Consider a deer that runs from point A to point B. The distance the deer runs can be greater than the magnitude of its displacement, but the magnitude of the displacement can never be greater than the distance it runs.

choice C

Consider two vectors A and B shown in the figure. The difference A-B is best illustrated by

You can easily see the steady increasing line. The line has a constant slope of 1/2.

Construct a graph of position versus time for motion of a dog, using the data in the table above. Explain how the graph indicates that the dog is moving at a constant speed.


How many displacement vectors in the figure above have components that lie along the y-axis and are pointed in the -y direction?


How many displacement vectors shown in the figure above have horizontal components?


If a car accelerates at a uniform 4.0 m/s^2, how long will it take to reach a speed of 80 km/hr, starting from rest?

being accelerated

If a nonzero net force is acting on an object, then the object is definitely


If a vector pointing upward has a positive magnitude, a vector pointing downward has a negative magnitude


If the acceleration of an object is zero, then that object cannot be moving


If the magnitude of a vector component equals the magnitude of the vector, then what is the magnitude of the other vector component?

The car is not in motion.

If the position of a car does not change with respect to a fixed frame of reference, describe the motion of the car.


If three vectors add to zero, they must all have equal magnitudes

A) 0, displacement is 0 B) 4 m/s

If you run a complete loop around an outdoor track of length 400 m in 100 s, find your (a) average velocity and (b) average speed.

A) 10.5 km B) 2.50 km

If, in the figure, you start from the Bakery, travel to the Cafe, and then to the Art Gallery (A) what distance you have travelled? (B) what is your displacement?


In the figure above, the magnitude of the ball's velocity is greatest at location


In the figure above, which diagram represents the vector addition C=A+B?

27N right

In the game of tug-oof-war, a rope is pulled by a net force of 102 N to the right and by a force of 75 N to the left. What is the magnitude and direction of the net horizontal force on the rope?

Negative position

In the graph above, what is the correct description of any location to the left of the zero

tugboats speed will be greater than that recorded to the shore

In the situation above, the captain records the upstream speed of the tugboat relative to the river. A dockhand records the tugboats upstream speed relative to the shore. How do the speeds differ?

The acceleration is equal to zero.

Suppose that an object is moving with a constant velocity. Which statement concerning its acceleration must be correct?


The SI base unit used to measure mass is the


The free-body diagrams shown above represents a car being pulled by a towing cable. In the diagram, which of the following is the gravitational force acting on the car?


The graph in the figure shows the position of a particle as it travels along the x-axis.

a) J b) I

The graph in the figure shows the position of an object as a function of time. The letters H-L represent particular moments of time.


The graph in the figure shows the velocity of a particle as it travels along the x-axis. What is the magnitude of the average acceleration fo the particle between t=1.0s and t=4.0s?


The horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity of a football are 16 m/s and 20 m/s respectively. If there is no air resistance, how long does it take the football to reach the top of its trajectory?


The magnitude of the gravitational force acting on an object is

instantaneous speed

The speedometer of an automobile reads

Its velocity points upward and its acceleration points downward

A ball is thrown straight up, reaches a maximum height, then falls to its initial height. Which of the following statements about the direction of the velocity and acceleration of the ball as it is going up is correct?

18.0 m

A car starts form rest and accelerates at a steady 6.00 m/s^2. How far does it travel in the first 3.00 s?

12 m/s

A cart starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 4.0m/s^2 for 5.0s. It next maintains the velocity it has reached for 10 s. Then it slows down at a steady rate of 2.0 m/s^2 for 4.0s. What is the final speed of the car?

A) 19m/s B) 31 m/s

A celebrating student throws a water balloon horizontally from a dormitory window that is 50 m above the ground. It hits the ground at a point of 60 m from the building without appreciable air resistance.


A change in the gravitational force acting on an object will affect the object's


A child standing on a bridge throws a rock straight down. The rock leaves the child's hand at time t=0s. If we take upward as the positive direction, which of the graphs shown below best represents the acceleration of the stone as a function of time?


A child standing on a bridge throws a rock straight down. The rock leaves the child's hand at time t=0s. If we take upward as the positive direction, which of the graphs shown below best represents the velocity of the stone as a function of time?

A) 25 B)27

A girl throws a rock horizontally with a speed of 12 m/s from a bridge. It falls 2.28 before hitting the water below

The hammer exerts a force on the nail; the nail exerts a force on the hammer

A hammer drives a nail into a piece of wood. Identify an action-reaction pair in this situation

3.3 m/s to the right

A horse trots past a fencepost located 12 m to the left of a gatepost. It then passes another fencepost location 24 m to the right of the gatepost 11 s later. What is the average velocity of the horse?


A late traveler rushes to catch a plane, pulling a suitcase with a force directed 30.0 above the horizontal. If the horizontal component of the force on the suitcase is 60.6 N, what is the force exerted on the handle?


A measure of the quantity of matter is


A model rocket flies horizontally off the edge of a cliff at a velocity of 50.0m/s. If the canyon below is 100.0 m deep, how far from the edge of the cliff does the model rocket land?

88 km/h

A motorist travels for 3.0 h at 80 km/h and 2.0 h at 100 km/h. What is her average speed for the trip?


A net force of 6.8 N accelerates a 31 kg scooter across a level parking lot. What is the magnitude of the scooter's acceleration?

straight down

A piece of chalk is dropped by a teacher at a speed of 1.5 m/s. From the teacher's perspective, the chalk appears to fall

the same

A rock is dropped from a 5-m height accelerates at 10 m/s^2 and strikes the ground 1 s later. If the rock is dropped from a heigh of 2.5 m, its acceleration of fall is

Its horizontal velocity component is the same as it was just as it was launched.

A rock is thrown from the upper edge of a tall cliff at some angle above the horizontal. It reaches its highest point and starts falling down. Which of the following statements about the rock's motion are true just before it hits the ground (There could be more than one correct choice).


A shopping cart is given an initial velocity of 2.0m/s and undergoes a constant acceleration of 3.0m/s^2. What is the magnitude of the cart's displacement after the first 4.0s of its motion?


A skater glides off a frozen pong onto a patch of ground at a speed of 1.8 m/s. Here she is slowed at a constant rate of 3.00m/s^2. How fast is the skater moving when she has slide 0.37m across the ground?

27 km/h North

A small airplane flies 145 km/h velocity is 172. What is velocity of wind?

0.675 m/s east

A stroller walks the first half of a straight 1.0 km trail at a steady pace of 0.75 m/s east. He walks the second half at a constant stride of 0.60 m/s east. What is his average velocity along the trial?


A toy car is given an initial velocity of 5.0m/s and experiences a constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s^2. What is the final velocity after 6.0s?


A water rocket can reach a speed of 75 m/s in 0.050 seconds from launch. What is its average acceleration?

The object with greater mass will experience a smaller acceleration, and the object with less mass will experience a greater acceleration

According to Newton's second law, when the same force is applied to two objects of different masses,


According to the graph above, during which interval does the cat have the greatest positive velocity?

5.0- 10.0s

According to the graph above, during which interval is the cat at rest?

10.0- 15.0s

According to the graph above, the cat has the fastest speed during which interval?

70 km/h

An 80-km/h airplane flying against a 10-km/h head wind has a groundspeed of


An airplane increases its speed at the average rate of 15 m/s^2. How much time does it take to increase its speed form 100 m/s to 160 m/s?

10 m/s

An apple falls from a tree and hits the ground 5 meters below with a speed of about

A) 39 m B) 45s

An auto accelerates forward from 7.0 m/s at a uniform 0.71 m/s^2. It travels a distance of 1.033 km while accelerating. (a) How fast is the auto moving just as it traveled the 1.033 km? (b) How many seconds did it take to travel the 1.033 km?

a parabolic curve

An object is moving with constant non-zero acceleration in the +x direction. The position versus time graph of this object is

26.0m, 4.0m

An object moves 15.0m north and then 11.0m south. Find both the distance it has traveled and the magnitude of its displacement.

is increasing its velocity by 2.0 m/s every second.

An object moving in the +x direction experiences an acceleration of +2.0 m/s^2. This means the object

the upward acceleration of Earth is negligible because of its large mass

As an object falls toward Earth


At what point of the ball's path shown in the figure above is the vertical component of the ball's velocity zero?

air resistance slows it down

Briefly explain why the true path of a projectile traveling through Earth's atmosphere is not a parabola

The acceleration is toward the east

Suppose that a car traveling to the west begins to slow down as it approaches a traffic light. Which of the following statements about its acceleration is correct?

Displacements are equal but in opposite directions

Distinguish between the displacement of a traveler who takes a train from New York to Boston and the displacement of a traveler who flies from Boston to New York.

The dog can run 5m to get a ball and then 5m back to the starting point to give the ball to the owner. The distance would be 10m but the displacement would be zero.

Explain how a dog that has moved can have a displacement of zero

is always zero

For general projectile motion with no air resistance, the horizontal component of a projectile's acceleration

remains a non-zero constant

For general projectile motion with no air resistance, the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity

remains a non-zero constant

For general projectile motion with no air resistance, the vertical component of a projectile's acceleration

7.5 m/s south

For the winter, a duck flies 10 m's due south against a gust fo wind with a speed of 2.5 m/s. What is the resultant velocity of the duck?

James and John will reach the surface of the lake at the same time.

James and John dive from an overhand into the lake below. James simply drops straight own from the edge .John takes a running start and jumps with an initial horizontal velocity of 25 m/s. Compare the time it takes each to reach the lake below if there is no air resistance.

a) 10 m/s b) 0 m/s

The figure shows a graph of the position of a moving object as a function of time. (A) What is the average velocity of the object from t=0s to t= 4.0s? (B) What is the average velocity of the object from t=0s to t=6.0s?

(B) Both cars have the same acceleration and (C) The cars meet at time t=10s

The figure shows a graph of the position x of two cars, C and D, as a function of time t


What causes a moving objects to change direction?


What is the SI unit of acceleration


What is the abbreviation of the SI unit of velocity?

a parabola

What is the path of a projectile (in the absence of friction)?


What is the speed of an object at rest?

The car slows down

When a car's velocity is positive and its acceleration is negative, what is happening to the car's motion?

Graph a

Which of the following graphs represent an object at rest? (There could be more than one correct choice)


Which of the following is an example of a vector quantity?


Which of the following is the cause of an acceleration?


Which of the following is the tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion?

An object has constant non-zero velocity and changing accleration

Which of the following situations is impossible?

meter per second with direction

Which of the following units is the SI unit of velocity?

The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net external force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object

Which statement about the acceleration of an object is correct?


While an iron block near the Earth's surface is in free fall, it undergoes an increase in

against the breeze at 2 m/s

You're at rest in a hammock when a hungry mosquito sees an opportunity for lunch. A mild 2-m/s breeze is blowing. If the mosquito joins you for lunch it should hover over you by flying

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