Physics Final

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For an apple located in Cleveland is gravitational or free fall acceleration larger?

Gravitational acceleration

Which describes the spring force?

It is a conservative force.

A heavy boy and a lightweight girl are balanced on a mass less seesaw. If they both move forward so that they are one half their original distance from the pivot point, what will happen to the seesaw?

Nothing, the seesaw will still be balanced.

If the speed of an object is halved, what happens to the kinetic energy of the object?

One fourth as much

Which is used as a standard of mass?

Standard kilogram

If an external force acts on a system of several objects, can the external force change the net momentum of the system?


If you push on a wall, do your force on the wall and the walls force on you form a third law pair?


A lead block is suspended from your hand by a string. The reaction to the force of gravity on the block is exerted by the

block on the earth

How does the damping in a damped harmonic oscillator affect the angular frequency of the motion?

It decreases the angular frequency relative to the undamped value.

Now the car is being pulled along a horizontal track by an external force and accelerating. It fires a ball straight out of the cannon as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

It falls behind the cart

A small cart is rolling at constant velocity on a flat track. It fires a ball straight up into the air as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

It falls right back into the cart

A small cart is rolling down an inclined track and accelerating. It fires a ball straight out of the cannon as it moves. After it is fired, what happens to the ball?

It falls right back into the cart

Which describes a frictional force?

It is a non conservative force

In the simple harmonic motion of a block on a spring, where is the block when the kinetic energy is maximum?

It is at the midpoint of its oscillation

A block is in simple harmonic motion on a spring. Where is the block when the force on it is greatest in magnitude?

It is at the point of maximum displacement

If the distance between two particles is doubled, what happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force between them?

It is divided by 4

If a block remains stationary in spite of a horizontally applied force, which of the following is true about the magnitude of the frictional force on the block?

It is equal to the magnitude of the applied force

If a falling object reaches terminal speed, which of the following is true about the magnitude of the drag force on it from the air?

It is equal to the magnitude of the gravitational force

How does the speed of sound in water compare to that in air?

It is greater in the water

Which describes a particle that is "located" in a curved "valley" of a potential energy curve?

It is in stable equilibrium

When a football in a field goal attempt reaches its maximum height, how does its speed compare to its initial speed?

It is less then its initial speed.

Earth exerts a gravitational force on the Moon, keeping it in orbit. The reaction to this force, in the sense of Newton's third law is

the gravitational force exerted on Earth by the moon

Matt pulls on a large truck with a rope and is able to move the large truck because

the ground exerts a greater friction force on Matt than it does on the truck

Planet z34 has a mass equal to one third of earth and a radius equal to one third of earth. With g representing the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth, the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of z34 is...

3 g

Which of the following bodies has the largest kinetic energy?

30 to 60 km/hr

On a plot of a particles acceleration vs time, which of the following is related to the velocity?

Area between the plot and time axis

At what point during the flight of a projectile is the projectiles speed least?

At maximum height

Of the following where would the weight of an object be the least?

At the center of Earth

A projectile is launched from the ground at an angle of 30 degrees. At what point in its trajectory does this projectile have the least speed?

At the highest point in its flight

We monitor a particle on a string as a transverse wave passes through it. Where is the particle when the transverse speed is zero?

At the point of extreme displacement

A transverse wave travels along a string. Where are the points of maximum kinetic energy?

At the points of zero displacement

If we lower a pressure sensor down into a tank of water, what happens to the gauge pressure?

Increases with increasing depth.

The inertia of a body tends to cause the body to

resist any change in its motion

On a plot of angular position θ versus time t for the rotation of a disk, what corresponds to the disk's average angular velocity between instant t1 and instant t2?

slope of a line connecting the corresponding points on the plot

On a plot of position vs time for an objects motion, what corresponds to the objects average velocity between instant of time 1 and 2

slope of a line connecting the corresponding points on the plot

An open cart rolls along a friction less track while it is raining. As it rolls, what happens to the speed of the cart as the rain collects in it?

slows down

A railroad tank car contains milk and rolls at a constant speed along a level track. The milk begins to leak out the bottom. The car then

speeds up.

A figure skater spins with her arms extended. When she pulls in her arms she

spins faster to conserve her angular momentum

A bullet shot horizontally from a gun:

strikes the ground at approximately the same time as one dropped vertically from the same point at the same instant.

If a sample of iron is cut in half, do the two pieces have

the same density as the original sample

When a block slides across a floor, what is the direction of the frictional force acting on the block from the floor?

Opposite the direction of the sliding

What is used as a standard of time?

Oscillations of a certain type of light emission

In small-angle swinging of a simple pendulum, on what does the period of the motion depend?

Pendulum length

Which describes the direction of an angular momentum?

Perpendicular to the plane formed by the position vector and the momentum vector

If a disk increases in angular speed at a constant rate as it moves in the positive direction, which of the following describes a plot of its angular velocity versus time?

Plot has constant positive slope

If a disk's angular velocity is in the positive direction as the angular speed decreases at a constant rate, which of the following describes a plot of its angular acceleration versus time?

Plot has zero slope

If a particle increases in speed at a constant rate as it moves in the positive direction along an x axis, which of the following describes a plot of its acceleration vs time

Plot has zero slope

If a particles velocity is in the positive direction along an x axis as the speed decreases at a constant rate, which of the following describes a plot of its acceleration vs time?

Plot has zero slope

If a force acting on an object has a component in the direction in which the object moves, is the work done by the force on the object positive or negative, or is it zero?


Your little sister wants you to give her a ride on her sled. On level ground, what is the easiest way to accomplish this.

Pulling her from the front

A brick slides on a horizontal surface. Which of the following will increase the frictional force on it?

Putting a second brick on top

You drop a package from a plane flying at a constant speed in a straight line. Without air resistance, the package will:

Remain vertically under the plane while falling

You ride a rotating merry-go-round near the center. If you walk outward toward the rim, what happens to your angular speed?

Remains the same

An armadillo and Earth attract each other gravitationally. Which experiences the greater gravitational force, do they experience the same force magnitude?

Same force magnitude

We place a small pressure sensor at a certain depth in water. With which orientation does the sensor register the greatest pressure, or is the reading the same in all directions?

Same in all directions

Which of the following is equivalent to the angular acceleration of a disk?

Second time derivative of angular position

Which of the following is equivalent to the acceleration of a particle?

Second time derivative of position

If a sound source moves toward a stationary detector, what does the Doppler effect do to the frequency?

Shifts it up

A mass m is placed on an inclined plane and slides down the plane with constant speed. If a similar block of mass 2m were placed on the same incline it would:

Slide down at a constant speed

On a plot of position vs time for an objects motion what corresponds to the objects velocity at any given instant?

Slope of the point on the plot corresponding to t1

An empty sled is sliding on friction less ice when Susan drops vertically from a tree above onto the sled. When she lands, the sled...

Slows down

As you throw a snowball straight up, on what system does your force do work?

Snowball- Earth system

Which describes the speed of a particle when the particle reaches a turning point on a potential energy curve?

Speed is zero

A disk, a hoop, and a solid sphere are released at the same time at the top of an inclined plane. They all roll without slipping. In what order do they reach the bottom?

Sphere then disk then hoop.

You are holding a spinning bicycle wheel while standing on a stationary turntable. If you suddenly flip the wheel over so that it is spinning in the opposite direction then the turntable will:

Start to spin in the same direction as before flipping

If a block on a floor is stationary while a horizontal force acts on it, what kind of frictional force acts on it?

Static frictional force

Which type of frictional force has an upper limit to its magnitude, as given by a formula?

Static frictional force

How do you get the algebraic expression for the acceleration of a particle on a string as a transverse wave passes through it?

Take the derivative of the velocity function

From the same height and time one ball is dropped and another ball is fired horizontally. Which ball has the greater velocity at ground level?

The "fired" ball.

What is true according to Newtons second law?

The acceleration of an object depends on all the forces on it, both internal and external.

If a material is very compressible, which of the following is true about its bulk modulus?

The block modulus is small

You are lying in bed and want to shut your bedroom door. You have a bouncy ball and a blob of clay, both with the same mass. Which one would be more effective to throw at your door to close it?

The bouncy ball.

A box of weight 100 N is at rest on a floor. A rope is attached to the box and pulled horizontally with tension. Which way does the box move?

The box doesn't move

Suppose that a car traveling to the East begins to slow down as it approaches a traffic light. Make a statement concerning its acceleration

The car is decelerating, and its acceleration is positive

Paul and Kathleen start from rest at the same time on friction less water slides with different shapes. At the bottom whose velocity is greater?

They are both the same

If you stand on a floor how does the normal force on you compare to your weight?

They are equal

Two objects are thrown from the top of a tall building. One is thrown up, and the other is thrown down, both with the same initial speed. What are their speeds when they hit the street?

They are traveling at the same speed

From the same height and time one ball is dropped and another ball is fired horizontally. Which one will hit the ground first?

They both hit at the same time

Object 1 moves along an x axis and collides with a stationary object 2. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Is the net momentum along the y axis conserved?


Object 1 moves along an x axis and collides with a stationary object 2. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Is the net momentum along the y axis zero after the collision?


Object 1 moves along an x axis and collides with a stationary object 2. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Is the net momentum conserved?


Reference frame B moves past frame A with a constant relative velocity. A particle moves through the frame. Will an observer in A and an observer in B agree on the particles acceleration?


Two objects undergo an elastic collision. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Can the kinetic energy of each object change?


Two objects undergo an inelastic collision. No External force acts on the two-object system. Can the momentum of each object change?


Two objects undergo an inelastic collision. No net external force acts on the two-object system. Is the net momentum of the system conserved?


Two particles lie on an x axis with a certain separation. Can we move the particles such that the center of mass of the two-particle system does not move?


You and your dog go for a walk to the park. On the way your dog takes many side trips to chase squirrels or examine fire hydrants. When you arrive at the park, do you and your dog have the same displacement?


Can an objects velocity change direction when its acceleration is constant? Support your answer with an example

Yes, this is possible, and a rock thrown straight up is an example.

You are a passenger in a car, not wearing a seat belt. The car makes a sharp left turn. From your perspective in the car, what do you feel is happening?

You are thrown to the right

A car travels east at a constant velocity. The net force on the car is


A disk is rotating in the positive direction, at a constant 5 rad/s. Which of the following describes the disk's angular acceleration?


A heavy steel ball is suspended by a cord from a block of wood. The entire system is dropped through the air. Neglecting air resistance, the tension in the cord is


If a disk rolls smoothly across a floor, what is the velocity of the point that is in contact with the floor?


If a force acting on an object is perpendicular to the direction in which the object moves, is the work done by the force on the object positive or negative, or is it zero?


If the momentum of a system is to be conserved, which must be true of the net external force acting on the system?


What is the net gravitational force on a particle at the center of Earth, assuming that the Earth is a sphere with uniform mass distribution?


You lift a book with your hand in such a way that it moves up at a constant speed. While it is moving, what is total work done on the book?


A particle is located within the hollow interior of a uniform spherical shell. Which of the following describes the net gravitational force on the particle due to the shell?

Zero for any location of the particle within the hollow

An example of an inertial reference frame is

a frame attached to a particle on which there are no forces

You kick a smooth flat stone out on a frozen pond. The stone slides, slows down, and eventually stops. You conclude that

a net force acted on it all along.

In a damped harmonic oscillator, which function gives energy as a function of time?

exponential with a negative argument of time

A unit of mass density might be

gram per liter

An object is shot from the back of a railroad flatcar moving at 40 km/hr on a straight horizontal road. The launcher is aimed upward, perpendicular to the bed of the flatcar. The object falls:

on the flatcar

When a baseball is tossed directly upward, what is the slope of a plot of its acceleration versus time during the upward flight

plot has zero slope

A professor holds an eraser against a vertical chalkboard by pushing horizontally on it. She pushes with a force that is much greater than is required to hold the eraser. The force of friction exerted by the board on the eraser increases if she

pushes so her force is slightly downward but has the same magnitude

Two objects are dropped from a bridge an interval of 1 second apart. As time progresses, the difference in their speeds

remains constant

As a spherical sound wave expands, what happens to the energy of the wave?

remains the same

An Olympic athlete throws a javelin at four different angles above the horizontal, each with the same speed: 15 35 55 and 65 degrees. Which two throws cause the javelin to land the same distance away?

35 and 55 degrees

The spring loaded gun can launch projectiles at different angles with the same launch speed. At what angle should the projectile be launched in order to travel the greatest distance before landing?

45 degrees

In a game of pool the white cue ball his the 9 ball and is deflected at 35 degrees to the original line of motion. What is the angle of deflection below the original line of motion for the 9 ball?

55 degrees

What is a line of action?

A line that extends through the length of a force vector

What is a moment arm?

A line that is perpendicular to the length of a force vector

When the position of a block in simple harmonic motion on a spring is zero, what other quantity is also zero?


To get a particle's change in velocity, which of the following should be integrated with respect to time?

Acceleration function

In uniform circular motion, which vector points toward the center of the circle?

Acceleration vector

Why do raindrops fall with constant speed during the later stages of their descent?

Air resistance just balances the force of gravity.

An object rests on a horizontal friction less surface. A net horizontal of magnitude F is applied. This force produces an acceleration


Which of the following is a correct statement of Newtons first law?

An object in motion will continue in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force

Why is a persons weight on the moon smaller then it is on Earth?

Because the moon has a smaller mass than the Earth

Mike applied 10 N of force over 3 m in 10 seconds. Joe applied the same force over the same distance in 1 minute. Who did more work?

Both did the same work

You drop a rock off a bridge. When the rock has fallen 4 m you drop a second rock. As the two rocks continue to fall what happens to their velocities?

Both increase at the same rate.

Two boxes, one heavier then the other are initially at rest on a horizontally friction less surface. The same constant force F acts on each one for exactly 1 second. Which box has more momentum after the force acts?

Both the same

A rocket of mass M carries a mass m of fuel and starts from rest. Which method of burning the fuel would result in the greatest final speed of the rocket after the fuel is burned if the velocity of the exhaust gas relative to the rocket is fixed at u to the subscript ex.

Burn all the fuel in as short a time as possible.

What type of atom has been assigned a mass in order to act as a comparison for other types of atoms?


At what point during the swing of a pendulum is the mechanical energy greatest, or is it constant during the swing?

Constant during the swing

A figure skater is spinning slowly with arms outstretched. She brings her arms in close to her body and her angular speed increases dramatically. The speed increase is a demonstration of

Conversation of angular momentum; her moment of inertia is decreased, and so her angular speed must increase to conserve angular momentum

If the net torque on a stationary object is positive, in which direction does the object begin to rotate?


Which type of product gives a vector as a result?

Cross product

Which describes the process of finding the torque?

Cross the position vector into the force vector

According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, what is the cause of a gravitational force?

Curvature of space time

If we increase the frequency of transverse waves on a string, what happens to the period of oscillation of any given point on the string?


You push tangentially on the rim of a playground merry-go-round. Then you gradually change the direction of your push until you are pushing directly toward the center of the merry-go-round. What has happened to the magnitude of your torque on the merry-go-round?


A block slides along a roller-coaster track, encountering friction. Which describes the mechanical energy?


A particle is "located" in a "valley" of a potential energy curve. If it moves toward the rising side of the valley, what happens to its speed?


As we go up in a harmonic series, what happens to the wavelength of the waves producing a harmonic?


If the width of a horizontal pipe increases, what happens to the kinetic energy density of a fluid flowing smoothly through it?


If we decrease the tension of a string, what happens to the speed of transverse waves along the string?


If we increase a gyroscope's spin rate (the angular speed of the spinning), what happens to the precession rate?


Suppose that you dug a shaft into a spherical planet with a uniform mass and measured the gravitational force acting on a particle. What would happen to the magnitude of that force as you lowered the particle down the shaft?


Does the odometer measure distance or displacement or both?


A block is accelerated by a single force. If the magnitude of the force is doubled, what happens to the magnitude of the acceleration?


When are you accelerating?

Driving around a curve. Speeding up from a stop light. Or slowing down for a stop light.

Reference frame B moves past frame A with a constant relative velocity. A particle has an acceleration of magnitude a as measured in frame A. Which of the following describes the acceleration magnitude measured in frame B?

Equal to A

Reference frame B moves past frame A with a constant relative velocity. A particle has an acceleration of magnitude a as measured in frame A. Which of the following describes the particles acceleration magnitude as measured in frame B.

Equal to A

A ball is thrown straight up... at what point does the ball have the most energy? Ignore the air resistance.

Everywhere the energy of the ball is the same at all of these points.

A force is required to keep an object moving in a straight line.


An object receiving two equal and opposite forces must be at rest.


A disk is to be rotated around an axis perpendicular to its face. We can place the axis through the center or through a point on the rim of the disk. How will the rotational inertia of the first choice compare with the rotational inertia of the second choice?

First choice gives a smaller rotational inertia

Under which condition can the work done by a force be calculated by taking the dot product of the force vector with the displacement vector?

Force is constant in both magnitude and direction

How does the work required to stretch a spring 2 cm compare with the work required to stretch it 1 cm?

Four times the work

A box is being pulled across a rough floor at a constant speed. What can you say about the work done by friction?

Friction does negative work

If two identical transverse waves travel in the same direction along a string and have a phase difference of 0.5 wavelength, what type of interference occurs?

Fully destructive interference

Two identical sound waves begin in phase, travel along different paths, and then travel in the same direction through a common point. If the path-length difference is equal to 0.5 wavelength, what type of interference occurs at the common point?

Fully destructive interference

Bonnie sits on the outer rim of a merry-go-round, and Jill sits midway between the center and the rim. The merry go round makes one complete revolution every 2 seconds. Jill's linear velocity is

Half of Bonnie's

A monkey is sitting at the top of a tree 20 m above ground level. A person standing on the ground wants to feed the monkey. He uses a bow and arrow to launch the food to the monkey. If the monkey remains seated at the top of the tree, how should the person aim the arrow containing the food so that the monkey gets the food?

He should aim it above the monkey

In a resolving a vector so that the components form the legs of a right triangle, what is the arrangement of components?

Head to tail

At what point during the swing of a pendulum is the gravitational potential energy greatest, or is it constant during the swing?

Highest point

In a collision of two objects, how is the impulse on one of the objects related to the momentum of the object?

Impulse is equal to the change in momentum

In a collision of two objects, how is the impulse on one of the objects related to the force on the object?

Impulse is equal to the integral of force with respect to time

You are trying to cross a river that flows due south with a strong current. You start out in your motorboat on the west bank desiring to reach the east bank directly east from your starting point. You should head your motorboat.

In a northeasterly direction

A package of supplies dropped from a plane, and one second later a second package is dropped. Neglecting air resistance, the distance between the falling packages will...


A cockroach rides the rim of a disk rotating like a merry-go-round. If the angular speed of the disk increases, what happens to the radial acceleration of the cockroach?


A force causes an object to rotate. If you increase the distance between the pivot point and the point where the force is applied, what happens to the angular acceleration?


An airplane is flying faster than the speed of sound at the altitude of the airplane. If the speed of the airplane increases, what happens to the Mach number?


As you go from one harmonic to the next lower harmonic, what happens to the resonant wavelength?


How does the value of the gravitational acceleration g vary as you move from the equator to the north pole?


If the rate at which a force does work increases, what happens to the power of the force?


If the width of a horizontal pipe decreases, what happens to the speed of a fluid flowing smoothly through it?


You ride a rotating merry-go-round near the center. If you walk outward toward the rim, what happens to your linear speed?


Before an object reaches terminal speed in a long fall, which of the following describes the drag force on the object from the air?

Increases in magnitude

One end of spring is attached to a wall. The other end is attached to a movable block. If you pull the block so as to stretch the spring, which of the following describes the force from the spring?

Increases in magnitude

Two cars collide head on, on a level friction free road. The collision was completely inelastic and both cars quickly came to rest during the collision. What is true about the velocity of this systems center of mass?

It was always zero.

you slam on the brakes of your car in a panic, and skid a certain distance on a straight, level road. If you had been traveling twice as fast, what distance would the car have skidded, under the same conditions?

It would have skidded 4 times farther.

You throw a ball straight up into the air. After it leaves your hand, at what point in its flight does it have the maximum value of acceleration?

Its acceleration is constant everywhere

Mike performed 5 J of work in 10 seconds. Joe did 3 J of work in 5 seconds. Who produced the greater power?

Joe produced more power

If a block slides across a floor, what kind of frictional forces act on it?

Kinetic frictional force

A ball drops some distance and loses 30 j of gravitational potential energy. Do not ignore air resistance. How much kinetic energy did the ball gain?

Less then 30 j

Which describes the acceleration of a descending yo-yo?

Less then g

At what point during the swing of a pendulum is the kinetic energy greatest, or is it constant during the swing?

Lowest point

A sound wave travels through a point. When the pressure change is zero at that point, what is true about the displacement of the particles there?


When resonance is set up in a pipe with an open end, what occurs at the open end?

Maximum oscillations of the air molecules

If there is friction then...

Mechanical energy will be converted to heat at a greater rate when the potential energy is large.

You stand on a spring scale on the floor of an elevator. Of the following, the scale shows the highest reading when the elevator

Moves downward with decreasing speed

A cue ball rolls across a pool table and into a stationary baseball. The cue ball bounces backward along its prior path and the baseball moves forward. During all this, what happens to the motion of the center of mass of the two-ball system?

Moves forward without any change

Two particles lie on an x axis, particle 1 at x = 1 m and particle 2 at x = 2 m. If you gradually increase the mass of particle 2, what happens to the center of mass of the two-particle system?

Moves in the positive direction of x

You stand on a spring scale on the floor of an elevator. Of the following, the scale shows the highest reading when the elevator

Moves upward with increasing speed

If an object is to be in equilibrium, which of the following must be true of its angular momentum about any point?

Must be constant

If a disk turns from angular position θ = 5 rad to angular position θ = 3 rad, what is the sign of its angular displacement?


If a force acting on an object has a component in the opposite direction to which the object moves, is the work done by the force on the object positive or negative, or is it zero?


If a force transfers energy from an object, is the work done by the force on the object positive or negative?


If a transverse wave travels in the positive direction of an axis, which sign appears in front of the ωt term in the argument of the sinusoidal function?


One end of spring is attached to a wall. The other end is attached to a movable block. If you pull the block so as to stretch the spring, is the work done by the spring on the block during the motion positive, negative, or zero?


One end of spring is attached to a wall. The other end is attached to a movable block. If you push the block so as to compress the spring, is the work done by the spring on the block during the motion positive, negative, or zero?


If a positive sign appears in front of the ωt term in the argument of the sinusoidal function for a transverse wave, in what direction is the wave traveling?

Negative direction of the x axis

Two men push against a wall. Jerry stops after 10 min while Joel is able to push for 5 min longer. Compare the work they do.

Neither of them do any work.

Alice and Bill are at the top of a building. Alice throws her ball downward. Bill drops his ball. Which ball has the greater acceleration just after release?

Neither they both have the same acceleration

A ping pong ball moving east at a speed of 4 m/s collides with a stationary bowling ball. The ping pong ball bounces back to the west, and the bowling ball moves very slowly to the east. Which object experiences the greater magnitude impulse during the collision?

Neither, both experienced the same magnitude impulse.

An artificial satellite of the Earth releases a bomb. Neglecting air resistance, the bomb will:

Never strike earth

A force moves an object along an x axis. If the magnitude of the force depends on the value of x, can the work be calculated by taking the dot product of the force and the displacement?


A force moves an object along an x axis. If the magnitude of the force varies from point to point, can the work be calculated by taking the dot product of the force and the displacement?


Can the angular momentum of a particle change if there is no net torque acting on the particle?


Does the pressure at a certain depth in a tank of water depend on the horizontal dimensions of the tank?


Does the work done on an object by a conservative force depend on the path taken by the object?


Engine 1 produces twice the power of engine 2. Can we conclude that engine 1 does twice as much work as engine 2?


If a block encounters friction as it slides over a floor, is the mechanical energy conserved?


If a block slides over a floor because a horizontally applied force, is the frictional force proportional to the applied force?


If a rocket is propelled while in space, is the momentum of the rocket itself (not including the exhaust products) conserved?


If the acceleration is zero, does it mean that the velocity is zero?


If the velocity of an object is zero, does it mean that the acceleration of an object is zero.


If you move up a mountain side, the value of g decreases. Does your mass decrease?


In uniform circular motion, does the magnitude of the acceleration vector change?


In uniform circular motion, does the magnitude of the position vector with respect to the center of rotation change.


In uniform circular motion, does the magnitude of the velocity vector change?


Object 1 moves along an x axis and collides with a stationary object 2. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Is the net momentum along the x axis zero after the collision?


Reference frame B moves past frame A with a constant relative velocity. A particle moves through the frame. Will an observer in A and an observer in B agree on the particles velocity?


Two objects undergo an elastic collision. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Does the kinetic energy of the system change?


Two objects undergo an inelastic collision. No External force acts on the two-object system.Can the momentum of each object change?


Two objects undergo an inelastic collision. No net external force acts on the two-object system. Is the total kinetic energy of the system conserved?


When a particle is in uniform circular motion, is there a force component tangent to the particles path?


f a block slides across a floor, slowing due to the frictional force on it from the floor, is the mechanical energy of the block-floor system conserved?


Two identical billiard balls traveling at the same speed have a head on collision and rebound. If the balls had twice the mass, but maintained the same size and speed, how would the rebound be different?

No different.

You are standing in a moving bus at constant speed, facing forward. You suddenly move forward as the bus comes to an immediate stop. What force caused you to move forward?

No forces were responsible.

To what do the terms node and antinode refer?

Nodes are points of no oscillation and antinodes are points of maximum oscillation

Objects 1 and 2 collide. We make a plot of the force experienced by object 1 versus time, for the duration of the collision. How is the change in momentum of object 1 related to the plot?

The change in momentum is equal to the area between the plot and the horizontal time axis

Two identical blocks are pulled along a rough surface as suggested. What is true?

The coefficient of kinetic friction is the same in each case. The boxes have identical surfaces if they are identical objects. A force of the same magnitude is needed to keep each block moving. The normal force exerted on the blocks by the surface is the same for both blocks. A force of the same magnitude was required to start each block moving.

In the swinging of a simple pendulum with string and a bob, which of the following tends to return the pendulum to the equilibrium position?

The component of the gravitational force that is perpendicular to the length of the pendulum

A box sits on a flat board. You lift on end of the board, making an angle with the floor. As you increase the angle, the box will eventually begin to slid down. Why?

The component of the gravity force parallel to the the plane increased and the coefficient of static friction is decreased.

In a phasor representation of a transverse wave on a string, what does the length of the phasor represent?

The displacement amplitude of the wave

During that sharp left turn, you found yourself hitting the passenger door. What is the correct description of what is actually happening?

The door is exerting a leftward force on you

Two equal forces are applied to a door at the doorknob. The first force is applied perpendicular to the door; the second force is applied at 30 degrees to the plane of the door. Which force exerts the greater torque?

The first applied perpendicular to the door.

A book rests on a level table top. Which force does Newton's third law imply is equal in magnitude but opposite direction to the weight of the book?

The force of the book on the Earth

A book rests on a table, exerting a downward force on the table. The reaction to this force is

The force of the table on the book

You are trying to push your stalled car. Although you apply a horizontal force of 400 N to the car, it does not budge, and neither do you. Which force must also have a magnitude of 400 N?

The friction force exerted by the car on the road.

Identical guns fire identical bullets horizontally at the same speed from the same height above level planes, one on the Earth and one on the moon. What is true?

The horizontal distance traveled by the bullet is greater for the moon and the flight time is less for the bullet on the Earth.

A bomber flying in level flight with constant velocity drops a bomb before it is over the target. Neglecting air resistance, what is not true?

The horizontal velocity of the plane equals the vertical velocity of the bomb when it hits the target.

A potential energy changes because an object moves along a y axis. On which does the change in the potential energy depend?

The integral of force with respect to y

Which gives the work done by a torque during angular displacement dθ?

The integral of torque with respect to theta

Which of the SI standard units is not based on a constant of nature?

The kilogram because it is based on an arbitrary piece of metal.

Two boxes, one heavier then the other are initially at rest on a horizontally friction less surface. The same constant force F acts on each one for exactly 1 second. Which box has the larger velocity after the force acts?

The lighter one

According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, why does light take a curved path when passing near a galaxy?

The mass of the galaxy curves the nearby space

What relates the torque on a playground merry-go-round to the resulting angular acceleration?

The merry go rounds rotational inertia

At resonance in forced oscillations, how do the natural angular frequency and the driving angular frequency compare?

The natural angular frequency is equal to the driving angular frequency.

In general, any surface exerts two forces on objects that are in contact with it. One force is parallel to the surface and the other is perpendicular to the surface. What are these forces called?

The parallel force is friction and the perpendicular force is the normal force.

In a disk rotating like a merry-go-round, which statement is true about the kinetic energy of a particle at a small radius and one at a larger radius, both with the same mass?

The particle at the larger radius has more kinetic energy

What is the main distinction between a simple pendulum and a physical pendulum?

The period of a simple pendulum does not depend on mass distribution within pendulum's shape but that of a physical pendulum does.

In the simple harmonic motion of a block on a spring, as the kinetic energy is increasing, which of the following is true?

The potential energy is decreasing and the total energy is constant

Two paths lead to the top of a big hill. One is steep and direct, while the other is twice as long but less steep. How much potential energy would you gain if you take the longer path?

The same amount

A box is on a scale. In which of these situations will the scale reading not equal the weight of the box

The scale and the box are on a steep slope, held in place by friction

Susan falls sideways off the sled and when she drops off...

The sled speeds up

A car speedometer that is supposed to read linear speed of the car uses a device that actually measures the angular speed of the tires. If larger diameter tires are mounted on the car how will that effect the speedometer?

The speedometer will read lower then the actual linear speed.

Which gives the kinetic energy of an object rolling smoothly over a floor?

The sum of the translational kinetic energy and the rotational kinetic energy

If a pipe carrying water narrows, how does the volume flow rate in the wider section compare with that in the narrower section?

The two sections have equal volume flow rates

When throwing a ball straight up which of the following is true about its velocity and acceleration at the highest point in its path?

The velocity is zero but the acceleration is not

A book is lying at rest on a table. The book will remain there at rest because

There is no net force on the book

A lightweight object and a very heavy object are sliding with equal speeds along a level friction less surface. They both slide up the same friction less hill. Which rises to a greater height?

They both slide to the same height.

Which of the following describes the motion of two objects after they undergo a completely inelastic collision?

They stick together

A box is being pulled up a rough incline by a rope connected to a pulley. How many forces are doing work on the box?

Three forces

An astronaut is a short distance away from her space station without a tether rope. She has a large wrench. What should she do with the wrench to move toward the space station?

Throw it directly away from the space station

When you ride a bicycle forwards, in what direction is the angular velocity of the wheels?

To your left

In the simple harmonic motion of a block on a spring, which stays constant?

Total energy

An objects acceleration is proportional to the forces acting on it


Forces always come in pairs


You are holding a finishing sander with your right hand. The sander has a flywheel which spins counterclockwise as seen from behind the handle. You are sanding a wall in front of you. As you turn the sander towards the right, you feel a tendency in the sander to

Turn downward

A box sliding on a friction less flat surface runs into a fixed spring which compresses a distance to stop the box. If the initial speed of the box were doubled how much would the spring compress in this case?

Twice as much

If a disk rolls smoothly across a floor, what is the velocity of the point at the top of the disk?

Twice the velocity of the center of the disk

In uniform circular motion, which vector is tangent to the circular path?

Velocity vector

Ball A is released and allowed to fall just as ball B is shot horizontally with speed v to fly through the air. Which of the following is true?

Vertical acceleration of A is identical to that of B

A string wave is given by y = ym sin(kx - ωt). Which of the following describes the wave and the string particles?

Wave travels along an x axis. Particles move parallel to the y axis.

A baseball is pitched horizontally toward home-plate with a velocity of 110 km/hr. In which of the following scenarios does the baseball have the largest change in momentum?

When the baseball is hit straightback to the pitcher at a speed of 110 km/hr

When is the angular momentum of a system conserved?

When the net torque on the system is zero

A force moves an object along an x axis. How is the work done by the force related to the force?

Work is the integral of force with respect to x

An object is sent flying through the air. Can internal forces, such as an explosion, alter the path taken by the center of mass of the pieces of the object?


Can the angular speed of a spinning system be changed by an internal force adjusting the distribution of mass within the system?


Can the center of mass of an object lie outside the object?


Consider the rotational kinetic energy of a rotating object. Does it depend on the object's mass?


Consider the rotational kinetic energy of a rotating object.Does it depend on the radial distribution of that mass?


If a rocket is propelled while in space, is the momentum of the system of the rocket and the exhaust products conserved?


If you choose a rotation axis to be at the point where a force is applied, is the torque associated with that force necessarily zero?


Object 1 moves along an x axis and collides with a stationary object 2. No net external force acts on the two-object system.Is the net momentum along the x axis conserved?


A ball is released from rest on a nos lip surface. After reaching the lowest point, the ball begins to rise again, this time on a frictionless surface. When the ball reaches its maximum height on the frictionless surface, it is

at a lesser height as when it was released.

In forced oscillations, when does the natural angular frequency equal the driving angular frequency?

at resonance

Suppose an object is accelerated by a force of 100 N. Suddenly a second force of 100 N in the opposite direction is exerted on the object so that the forces cancel. The object

continues at the velocity it had before the second force was applied.

Because Earth's orbit is slightly elliptical, Earth actually gets closer to the Sun during part of the year. When Earth is closer to the Sun its orbital speed is

greater then when Earth is farthest away from the Sun.

An object moving at a constant velocity in an inertial frame must

have zero net force acting on it

If a particle could be moved from the center to the surface of a spherical planet with a uniform mass distribution, what would happen to the net gravitational force on the particle due to the planet?

increases from zero to a maximum value

Which describes the function of a hydraulic lever?

input is a small force acting over a large distance; output is a large force acting over a small distance

At the equator, what is the direction of acceleration of something due to the rotation of Earth?

inward toward Earths center.

A ball is thrown upward into the air with a speed that is greater then terminal speed. On the way up it slows down and, after its speed equals the terminal speed but before it gets to the top of its trajectory

it continues to slow down

Suppose you are holding a bicycle wheel by a handle connected to its axle. The wheel is spinning rapidly so its angular momentum points horizontally. No you try to tilt the axle upward and

it expectantly swerves right

A ball is thrown upward into the air with a speed that is greater then terminal speed. It lands at the place where it was thrown. During its flight the forces of air resistance is the greatest

just after it is thrown

A figure skater spins with her arms extended. When she pulls in her arms she reduces her rotational inertia and spins faster so that her angular momentum is conserved. Compared to her initial rotational kinetic energy, her rotational kinetic energy after she pulls in her arms must be

larger because she is rotating faster

When a skier skis down a hill, the normal force exerted on the skier by the hill is

less than the weight of the skier

A cockroach rides the rim of a disk rotating like a merry-go-round. How is linear speed related to its angular speed?

linear speed is the product of radial distance and angular speed

Two bodies are falling with negligible air resistance, side by side, above a horizontal plane. If one of the bodies is given an additional horizontal acceleration during its descent it:

strikes the plane at the same time as the other body

A mass of 2 kg traveling at 3 m/s undergoes a one dimensional elastic collision with a group of 4 1 kg masses that are at rest in contact with each other and lined up int he same direction as the velocity of the 2 kg mass. As a result of the collision:

the 2 kg mass comes to a stop and two of the 1 kg masses take off at 3 m/s

A transverse wave travels along a string. Which of the following is true?

the average kinetic energy is equal to the average potential energy

The rotating systems differ only in that the two identical movable masses are positioned a distance r or r/2 from the axis of rotation. If you release the hanging blocks simultaneously from rest

the block that is the distance r/2 from the axis of rotation lands first

If a pipe carrying water narrows, how does the mass flow rate in the wider section compare with that in the narrower section?

the two sections have equal mass flow rate

The reaction force does not cancel the action force because

they act on different bodies

Swimmers at a water park have a choice of two friction less water slides. Although both slides drop over the same height, one slide is straight while slide 2 is curved, dropping quickly at first and then leveling out later. How does the speed of a swimmer reaching the end of slide one compare with the speed of the swimmer reaching the end of slide 2.

they are equal

An elastic collision of two objects is characterized by the following:

total energy of the system remains constant, total momentum of the system is conserved, and total kinetic energy of the system remains constant.

A ball of mass m is thrown downward from the edge of a cliff with an initial speed that is three times the terminal speed. Initially the drag force on it is

upward and greater then gravity

If block falls from a table's edge, is the mechanical energy of the block-Earth system conserved during the fall?


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~SPC2608~Final Exam: chpts 11-19

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