Physiological Psychology Exam 4

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The brain areas most often linked to drug addiction is the

nucleus accumbens

Oxytocin helps

people who have trouble recognizing expressions, helping them mainly with fairly easy expressions

The problem that schizophrenics have with memory and attention are most likely related to an increased tendency of having brain damage in the

prefrontal cortex

Most depressed people show ____ activity in the ____ prefrontal cortex.

decreased; left

The primary symptoms of autism spectrum disorders include

deficits in social exchanges

Generally speaking, drugs used to treat epilepsy work by

enhancing the effects of GABA

A condition in which brain neurons have repeated episodes of excessive, synchronized activity is called


The point of origin of an epileptic seizures is called the


As compared to non-depressed people, depressed individuals

have fewer pleasant experiences

What is the most common cognitive symptom of schizophrenia

impaired understanding of abstract concepts

People suffering from seasonal affective disorder are most likely become depressed

in the winter

The amino acid, glycine, provides a possible co-treatment for schizophrenia because it

increases the effectiveness of glutamate

When people perceive themselves as being threatened, oxytocin

increases their attention to possible dangers

Prepositions, word endings, and grammar are to ___ as nouns and verbs are to ___

Broca's aphasia, Wernickr's aphasia

nonfluent aphasia in which the victim is unable to speak fluently, is due to to brain damage that includes

Broca's area

Cortical lateralizarion means that the left side if the brain has completely different structures than the right side of the brain


In most people, the right hemisphere is dominant for speech


What happens when schizophrenics stop taking neuroleptic drugs?

Tardive dyskinesia may continue.

What type of deficiency causes Korsakoff's syndrome


Which task are split-brain patients likely to perform better than other people?

Using both hands simultaneously to draw seperate shapes

What is the "phi" phenomenon?

When one stationary object alternates with another, we see movement.

Noam Chomsky and Steven Pinker proposed that humans have a

language acquisition device

A split-brain patient who sees something in his left visual field can point to it with

left hand but cannot name it

Lithium is most commonly prescribed for which disorder?

bipolar disorder

The most common side effect of electroconvulsive therapy is

memory loss

Worldwide, the median income eatimate for autism spectrum disorders is about one in


A first diagnosis of schizophrenia is usually made for a male in which age range?


The concordance rate for schizophrenia is around __ for monozygotic twins


If a split-brain patient sees the word "sky" in his left visual field and the word "scraper" in his right visual field, which picture will he draw with the left hand?

A sky and a scraper seperately

Which is true when considering the role of genetics in depression?

Adopted children who become depressed are more likely to have depressed biological relatives than depressed adoptive relatives.

In contrast to tricyclic, selective serotonin reuptaje inhibitors (SSRIs)

Block the reuptaje of only serotonin

A stroke patient speaks in short, inarticulate but meaningful phrases such as "Weather hit" and "Dog bite man." This person is probably suffering from

Broca's aphasia

Famage to the optical nerve after it had crossed the optic chasm would result in the loss of vision in the

Contralateral visual field

A specific impairment of reading in a person with adequate vision and adequate skills in other academic areas is referred to as


What is the apparent relationship between language abilities and other intellectual abilities?

Either can be impaired independently of the other

After a long period of abstinence, exposure to cues associated with the substance are very unlikely to trigger a renewed craving


At the game last weekend you had really bad seats - way up top. you noticed from this spot you could actually predict the plays much better because you could see the plays as if they had been diagramming on a board. when doing so, you were probably using your left hemisphere


Atypical antipsychotics are effective in treating only the positive symptoms of schizophrenia


Closed-clads words, (which include pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions) are generally unaffected during Broca's aphasia


In relation to their interests, aptitudes, and skills, people are either predominately right-hemophere or left-hemisphere


Less than 5% of mothers who have children with have antibodies that attack certain brain proteins


Medications like Antabuse combat alcohol abuse by blocking opiate receptors and thereby decrease the pleasure from alcohol


Most left-handers have left-hemisphere dominance for speech


Most people use only one hemisphere for most tasks


Nearly all philosophers and neuroscientisrs reject monoism


Normally, a split-brain patient should be able to name an object flashed to the left visual field


Simply imagining something pleasant is not sufficient to stimulate the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, the event must actually be experienced


Studies of the genetics of addiction have implicated the gene that controls COMT, an enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine


Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include anxiety, sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea


The planum temporal is an area of the brain that only occurs on the right side for most people


Wernicke's area is primarily a problem of speech production


When chimps are raised with human kids and both are taught sign language, psychologists found that chimps develop language capacities just like the human kid


When you're asked to draw a line 3 inches long, you typically draw one that is about 1 inch. you might suspect minor impairments in the left hemisphere.


You are an empathetic speaker, often using your hands to convey the depth of your words. you probably have a very active left hemisphere


You are visiting with your friend who just had a horrific car accident. He's telling you about how afraid he was when he saw the truck skidding on the ice and heading right for his car. he has no expression on his faceN and no inflection in his voice. you might suspect impairment of the left hemisphere


Which of the following increases the probability that someone will develop schizophrenia

Having an older than average father

If something in a complex scene changes slowly? or changes while you blink your eyes, you probably will not notice it unless you are paying attention to the particular item that changes. This phenomenon is known as

Inattentional blindness

Phencyclidine (PCP) which can produce psychotic symptoms resembling schizophrenia, has which effect

It inhibits the NMDA glutamate receptors

Which drug is used in the treatment of opiate addiction and has the advantage of producing a long-lastujg effect so that the person visits a clinic three times a week instead of daily?


Which category of antidepressant drugs operates by blocking the enzyme that metabolizes catecholamines and serotonin into inactive forms?


A person with Broca's aphasia would have the most difficulty saying which phrase

No, ifs, ands, or buts

Researchers have had trouble replicating studies that found a particular gene linked to schizophrenia. Accorxing to one recent hypothesis

Spontaneous mutations in any of hundreds of genes can cause schizophrenia

Suppose you are conscious if what you see in the right eye and not the left. now a word slowly fades into view in the left eye. What happens?

The word grabs your attention faster if it is meaningful

Which statement is true of left-handed individuals?

They are less likely to be left-hemisphere dominant for speech production.

What do the drugs valproate and carbamazeprine share in common with lithium?

They block the synthesis of arachinidonic acid

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors operate similarly to


Addictive drugs strongly activate the nucleus accumbens by releasing dopamine or norepinephrine there


Autism spectrum disorders encompasses both autism and what used to be called Asperger's syndrome


Exposure to bright lights is one effective treatment for SAD


Korsakoff's patients perform better on tasks of implicit memory than explicit memory


Language studies on bonobos suggests that they can understand more than they can produce


Many fad treatments for autism spectrum disorder make the parents feel good that they are trying something, but otherwise, they are a waste of time and money


Observations of people with Williams syndrome indicate that language is not simply a by-product of overall intelligence


The first most successful treatment for bipolar disorder, and still the most common one, is lithium salts


The left hemisphere appears to be specialized for language before language develops


The left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is connected to skin receptors and muscles mainly on the right side of the body


The right hemisphere is dominant for recognizing both pleasant and unpleasant emotions in others


The ventricles are larger than normal in people with schizophrenia


When a woman in a persistent vegative state was told to imagine playing tennis, an fMRI of her brian showed increased activity in motor areas of her cortex, similar to what healthy volunteers showed.


When heterosexual men were given oxytocin or a placebo prior to meeting an attractive woman, the oxytocin had no effect on single men, but it caused those in monogamous relationships to stand farther away


most depressed people have decreased activity in the left and increased activity in the right prefrontal cortex


Which statements about the long-term course for people diagnosed with schizophrenia is true

Up to one-fourth will have a serious disorder throughout their lives

What can we learn about human language abilities from the studies of nonhuman language abilities

We may gain some insights into how beat to teach language to those who do not learn it easily

Fluent aphasia, in which the victim has difficulty comprehending language but is still able to speak smoothly, os due to damage that includes

Wernicke's area

What can be said about treatment for autism spectrum disorder

While drugs like risperidone can be used to reduce stereotyped behaviors, they have a risk of dangerous side-effects

Disorganized speech and grossly disorganized behavior represent the ___ in schizophrenia

a wide range of possible positive symptoms

After damage to the right hemisphere, many people suffer what kind of loss?

ability to recognize emotional facial expressions

With respect to drug effects, "efficacy" means the tendency of a drug to

activate receptor

A single visual pattern is presented under two conditions. Under one condition, the viewer is conscious of it, and under the other, the viewer is not. How does the activity differ in the brain, if at all?

activity is more intense and spreadsheet more videos during conscious perception

A drug that mimics or increases the effects of a neurotransmitter is called a


Studies of individuals at high risk of alcoholism show that

alcohol decreases stress more for sons of alcoholics than it does for others

During binocular rivalry, what do people ordinarily perceive?

alternation of one eye's view and then the other's

What memory task would a typical patient eith Korsakoff's syndrome be able to do without difficulty

an implicit memory task

A common drug used to treat alcoholism that produces illness after consuming alcohol is


A drug that blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter is a(n) ___; a drug that mimics or increases the effect is a(n)

antagonist, agonist

About 12% of the lathers of children who have autism spectrum disorder have

antibodies that attack certain brain proteins

The use of electroconvulsive shock declined in the 1950s because

antidepressant drugs became available

A loss of language ability, in general, is rendered to as


Noam Chomsky and other advocates of the language acquisition device argue that humans

are born with language

After his surgery, H.M. had the most difficulty with

being able to define new English words

The major differences that exist between adults and children in learning a second language are that adults are

better at the vocabulary, but worse at pronunciation

The brain has __ control of facial muscles


Which of the following is more likely to be present in people with dyslexia?

bilateral symmetry in the cortex

To say that a drug has an affinity for a particular type of receptor is to imply that the drug:

binds to that receptor

When an adopted child develops schizophrenia, the disease is significantly more probably among the

biological relatives than the adopting relatives

The doses of various drugs that are typically prescribed for schizophrenia are closely related to the strength of what effect?

blockage of dopamine receptors

Which of the following is an effect of most antipsychotic drugs

blockage of dopamine receptors

Which effect would be considered to be antagonistic?

blocking the synthesis of neurotransmitters

the ______ has made the most spectacular progress toward learning to communicate by an approximation of the human language

bonobo chimpanzees

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is similar to ECT in that

both are effective in alleviating depression and no one knows why

A small vertical strip down the center of each retina connects to

both hemispheres

What is one of the best treatments for seasonal affective disorder

bright, light

Prior to the 1950s, few sxhizopjrenic patients who entered a mental hospital ever left. The discovery most responsible for alleviating that situation was tbe discovery of


People with late-onset depression are more likely than other people to have relatives with which type of disorder?

circulatory problems

Prepositions, conjunctions, helping verbs and so forth are known as __ of grammatical forms

closed class

The language of children with Williams syndrome is

comparable to that of a normal adult's second language.

Auditory information is sent to the

contralateral hemisphere more than the ipsilateral hemisphere

One gene of interest in schizophrenia is DISC1. This gene

controls differentiation and migration of neurons in brain development

Most of the information passing from one-hemisphere to the other does so by passing through which structure

corpus callosum

A split-brain person is someone who has had their

corpus callosum severed

An insistent search for the substance or activity to which the individual is addicted is called ____.


As with Korsakoff's patients, Alzheimer's patients have impairments in ____ memory, but are relatively unimpaired in ____ memory.

declarative, procedural

One potentially harmful side effect of St. John's wort is that it

decreases the effectiveness of other medications the person may be taking

Which behavior is most suggestive of schizophrenia

deterioration of daily functioning with disorganized speech and behavior

One way to test the hypothesis that people are biologically adapted to learn best during a critical period is to

determine whether people learn a second language if they start at various ages

Which autism treatment is most widely used?

dietary modifications such as elimination of sugar or food dyes

The strongest evidence for a critical period for human language development is the

difficulty deaf children have learning sign language if they start late

Studies of nonhuman language abilities call attention to the:

difficulty of defining language

One of the main problems with schizophrenia is ___ that result from abnormal interactions between the cortex and the thalamus and cerebellum

disordered thoughts

All things considered, atypical antipsychotics

do not improve overall quality of life more than older drugs

A key gene in addiction controls COMT, an enzyme that break down ___ after its release


Which neurotransmitter has been repeatedly connected with addictive drugs


The areas with the most consistent signs of abnormality in schizophrenia include the

dorsolatetal prefrontal cortex

Which symptoms are the most likely side effects of tricyclic antidepressants

drowsiness and dry mouth

Research suggests that the brain abnormalities of schizophrenic develop

early and then remain fairly steady

__ is a treatment for depression 5hat electrically induces a seizure

electroconvulsive therapy

What Bleural meant by schizophrenia was a split between __ and ___ aspects of experience

emotional, intellectual

The hippocampus is especially important for what kind of memory


Research on binocular vicalry has supported which of these conclusions

even when you are unconscious of something, the brain sees whether it is meaningful

Wernicke's aphasia is also known as

fluent aphasia

Lateralization refers to the

functional asymmetries of the brain

An alternative to the dopamine hyoptheiss of schizophrenia si the proposal that schizophrenia may be due to a deficiency of activity of ___ synapses


Children with Williams syndrome are characterized by

good language abilities despite low overall intelligence

Women who take folic acid pills during pregnancy have about ____ the probability of having a child with autism as compared to other women.


A paradoxical characteristic of children with Williams syndrome is that they

have a very large vocabulary but cannot learn simple skills

People with Type II alcoholism

have rapid onset alcoholism

People with full sized brains and normal intelligence

have the greatest brain to IQ ratio

Which of the following characterizes the total brain activity, as measured by the rate of glucose metabolism, in those suffering from mood disorders?

high in mania and low in depression

The concordance rate of schizophrenia among twins is

higher in monozygotic than dizygotic twins

Language comprehension in people with Broca's aphasia resembles that of someone who is

highly distracted

Which of the followijg accurately describes H.M's memory problems?

impaired explicit memory, but not implicit memory

The most likely cause of the braijbfamage typival of Alzheimer's disease is due to a

increase in amyloid B proteins

The best description of oxytocin may be that it

increases attention to important social cues

The inborn mechanism for learning language is called the:

language acquisition device

The planum temporal is slightly __ in the ___ temporal lobe of schizophrenics as compared to most other people

larger, right

Research with deaf children suggests that it is essential to

learn any language when you are young if you do not want to be forever disadvantaged

Damage to the human left optic nerve before it crosses the optic chasm would result in the loss of vision in the

left eye

Broca's area is located

left frontal lobe

A split-brain patients sees something in her left visual field, and must reach behind a screen and select the object from a group of objects. She will select the object correctly with her

left hand

In most humans, control of language is centered in the

left hemisphere

People with schizophrenia have lower than normal overall activity in the

left hemisphere

A symptom of right-hemisphere parietal lobe damage is the tendency to ignore the

left side of the body

Wernicke discovered that damage to the __ cortex produced language impairment

left temporal

One characteristic of the brain's of people with Williams syndrome is

less than normal overall mass in the cerebral cortex

Lashley trained rats on a variety of mazes, then made deep cuts in their cortexes. He found that the cuts produced ____.

little apparent effect

Split-brain patients suffer

little or no impairment of overall intellectual performance

Studies of the genetics of autism spectrum isordwr indicate that

many cases result from new mutations or micro deletions in any number of genes

Attempts to identify genes associated with addiction have found

many genes, each with a small effect

The view that everything that exists is physical is known as


The view that only minds really exist and that the physical world could not exist unless some minds were aware of it is known as


Which drug is viewed as less potentially harmful substitute for heroin and is taken orally each day


Atypical antipsychotic drugs alleviate schizophrenia eith fewer side effects than other drugs because they

more strongly antagonize serotonin type 5-HT2 receptors

Which drug is used in the treatment if alcoholism to block opiate receptors and thus reduce the pleasure from alcohol


Where is seasonal affective disorder most common?

near the poles

Another term for antipsychotic drugs is


The training of Kanzi differed from the earlier language studies using other chimpanzes in that Kanzi

observed his mother being trained while he was an infant

People with Broca's aphasia speak meaningfully but

omit pronouns, tense, and number endings

The love-enhancing hormone is


The two chemical families to which most antipsychotic drugs belong are

phenothiazines, butyrophenones

Structures formed from degenerating axons and dendrites are referred to as


An example of a "negative" symptoms of schizophrenia is

poor emotional expression

Hallucinations, delusions and grossly disorganized behavior are classified as which type of symptom

positive symptoms

When people hear descriptions of someone else's distress, they vary in the arousal of their dorsomedial _ cortex


One important factor to consider when making judgements about the relative influence of genetics on schizophrenia is the

prenatal environment

What is one factor in prenatal development that has been found to be related to increased incidences of schizophrenia later in life?

prenatal exposure to Toxoplasma gondii

Someone with Broca's aphasia is least likely to use:

prepositions and conjunctions

The memory for the development if motor skills is termed

procedural memory

Electroconvulsive therapy is sometimes recommended for patients with strong suicidal tendencies because it

produces its benefits faster

A person with Broca's aphasia

recognizes that something is wrong with grammatically incorrect sentences

Dyseidetic dyslexic have the most difficulty with

recognizing whole words

For schizophrenics, atypical antipsychotics are more effective than typical antipsychotics in

reducing negative symptoms

Researchers have found that different species of birds differ in terms of how much they depend on food they have stored to get through the winter. What factor is related to depending on and finding stored food

relative size of the hippocampus

Anomia involves difficulty ____.

remembering the names of objects

In addition to the neurotransmitter glutamate& in order to activate the NDMA receptors& the neuron requires

removal if magnesium ions from sodium and calcium channels

Pictures of the person you love will produce increased activation of certain brain areas associated with


Spatial neglect occurs after damage to the

right hemisphere

In order for a split-brain patient to name something, he must see it

right visual field

Which self-contradiction occurs in people who have had their corpus callosum cut?

saying they do not know the answer while pointing it out with their left hand

Repeated use of large doses of amphetamine or cocaine can lead to a behavioral condition similar to


Which disorder is characterized hybrid deteriorating ability to function in everyday life and some combinations of hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized behavior?


__ was originally called dementia praecox


On average, those with the short form of the ___ transporter gene and a history of stressful experiences reported more than average symptoms of depression


The comprehension of language in people with Brocas's aphasia is

similar to that of normal people who are just highly distracted

Korsakoff's patients and Alzheimer's patients have better memory for

skills than facts

Similar to depressed patients, bipolar patients may benefit from a change in their ____.

sleep schedules

In certain cases, it is possible to relieve depression by changing a person's

sleeping schedule

Dysphonetic dyslexics have the most difficulty with ____.

sounding out words

As compared to a person with Broca's aphasia, a person with Wernicke's aphasia can

speak fluently and rapidly

Someone with Broca's aphasia has the greatest difficulty


Which effect would be considered to be agonistic

stimulating the release of neurotransmitters

An individual shows symptoms resembling schizophrenia, especially the positive symptoms, but is not schizophrenic. which of the following disorders is most likely

substance-induced psychotic disorder

Structures formed from degenerating neuronal cell bodies are called


A serious side effect that develops in some people after prolonged use of neurological drugs is

tardiness dyskinesia

The ability to take someone else's perspective depends on an area where the

temporal cortex meets the parietal cortex

The planum temporal is located in the

temporal lobe

In the phenomenon of binocular rivalry, when one eye sees one pattern and the other eye sees another, what do you perceive?

temporary alternation between one pattern and the other

Several months after split-brain surgery, the number of incidents of conflicts between the two hemispheres diminishes because

the hemispheres learn ways of cooperating with each other

The view that mental processes and certain kinds of brain processes are the same thing, described in different terms is known as

the identity positon

Rene Descartes proposed that

the mind and brain are different and interact at the pineal

Physicians must carefully monitor the dose of lithium they give to bipolar patients because

the most beneficial dosage is just less than the dosage that is toxic

Control of the emotional content if speech depends on

the right hemisphere

Which factor is sometimes taken as evidence that schizophrenia might be caused by a virus

the season-of-birth defects

After men who reported being passionately in love received a nasal spray of oxytocin, they rated

their partners but not other women as more attractive

Genetic studies of schizophrenics have found that

there are probably several possible genes that increase a person's risk for schizophrenia

A person with spatial neglect is more likely to notice an object placed in the left hand if

they cross their left hand over to the right hand side of the body

As an addiction develops, many of its effects, especially the enjoyable effects, decrease, a phenomenon known as


Several studies on the role of genetics in autism have focused on __-enzymes that refulate the repair and replication of DNA and the production of certain types of RNA


Research on the relationship between language and music has found that

trained musicians tend to be better than average at learning a second language

The symptoms of tardive dyskinesia are

tremors and other involuntary movements

Which category of antidepressants drugs operates by blocking the transporter proteins that reabsorb serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine into the presynaptic neuron after their release,


Wernicke's area is to ___ as Broca's area is to __

understanding speech; producing speech

Damage to the left hemisphere is more likely than right hemisphere damage to impair which ability

understanding the meaning of language

A delusion is

unfounded belief

People with Williams syndrome tend to do as well as normal people in tasks that involve

verbal descriptions

Deaf children who do not have any language by the time they enter school

will never develop much skill at any language

As the body comes to expect the drug under certain circumstances, it reacts strongly when the drug is absent, a reaction known as ____.


Someone suffering from Wernickes aphasia has difficulty

understanding speech

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