Physiology Final

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Which of the following cranial nerves conveys taste sensations from the tongue to the brain?

glossopharyngeal nerve

The zona fasciculata secretes

glucocorticoids (cortisol)

A receptor potential is a type of

graded potential

Somatotrophs secrete

growth hormone

Disease caused by the pituitary gland producing too much growth hormone during adulthood.


The relative refractory period corresponds to which phase of the action potential?

after-hyperpolarizing phase

When is melatonin secretion the greatest?

at night

The blood glucose level is regulated via which type of feedback system?

negative feedback system

Which type of receptor detects pain?


Which of the following is corrected by concave lenses?


During a skeletal muscle contraction, ATP binds to


The thin filament consists of all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following allows you to detect linear acceleration in a horizontal direction while riding this roller coaster?


Which of the following tracts is involved in posture and balance?

vestibulospinal tract

An inability to recognize faces is called


In the Calculating Reaction Time Lab activity, you determined the distance that the meter stick dropped by noting the position of the subject's fingers on the meter stick and then subtracting ________ from that number.

50 cm

In the Action Potentials lab simulation, which of the following stimulation voltages elicited an action potential?

6 V

Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) can give rise to which of the following?


Adrenal glands produce too little cortisol and aldosterone

Addison's disease

Disorder that occurs when your body makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long period of time

Cushing's syndrome

Which of the following statements about neurotransmitters is TRUE?

Dopamine is an example of a neurotransmitter that is classified as a biogenic amine.

In the lab simulation on muscle, you examined all of the following EXCEPT:

Effect of muscle fiber diameter on contraction.

Hypersecretion of thyroid hormones causes which of the following?

Graves' disease

Which of the following is TRUE about the A band?

It consists of the thick filaments and those parts of the thin filaments that overlap with the thick filaments.

Which of the following two statements accurately describes a metabotropic neurotransmitter receptor?

It is coupled to a G protein.

What is the function of a protein kinase?

It phosphorylates a protein.

GnRH stimulates the release of

LH and FSH

The onset of touch is detected by

Meissner corpuscles

Which of the following is a disorder of the ear?

Meniere's disease

Which of the following statements about resting membrane potential is TRUE?

Resting membrane is caused in part by the presence of more potassium ion leak channels than sodium ion leak channels in the plasma membrane.

Which of the following statements about photoreceptors is TRUE?

Rods have a high sensitivity to light.

Which of the following produces the myelin sheath around axons of neurons in the PNS?

Schwann cell

Which of the following is a disorder characterized by motor tics and vocal tics?

Tourette's syndrome

Which of the following allows you to understand the meaning of the words of the songs that Taylor sings on the album?

Wernicke's area

Suppose that you go to the gym and lift heavy weights. During this activity, you obtain most of your energy (ATP) from

anaerobic glycolysis

Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus regulate the secretion of hormones from which of the following?

anterior pituitary

Which part of your brain suppresses unwanted movements?

basal nuclei

Which type of brain wave appears on the EEG when a person is awake and active (in other words, during periods of sensory input and mental activity)?

beta waves

Which of the following is part of the "fight or flight" response?


When an odorant molecule binds to an olfactory receptor protein, the signaling pathway activated involves which of the following?


When a photoreceptor is stimulated by light

cGMP phosphodiesterase becomes active

Which region of your brain coordinates and smoothes the contractions of your muscles as you perform a particular movement?


Which of the following absorbs stray light rays?


Which of the following contains endolymph?

cochlear duct

Menthol in cough drops stimulates which of the following receptors?

cold receptors

The body's internal environment refers to

cyclic AMP

The opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels causes which phase of the action potential?

depolarizing phase

The cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in the

dorsal root ganglion of the spinal nerve

In the Blood Glucose Regulation lab simulation, blood glucose levels were measured by

enzymatic assay

In the lab, you observed that when a small ticking object such as a pocket watch was placed at different positions in the space around your head, you had the most difficult time localizing the sound when the ticking object was located

equidistant between the two ears

Which of the following is an example of physiology?

explaining how a neuron conducts a signal

The body's internal environment refers to

extracellular fluid

In the lab activity on two-point discrimination, you discovered that the __________ is the part of the body that has the smallest two-point discrimination threshold.


Stepping on a tack with a bare foot will elicit which of the following?

flexion of the ipsilateral limb and extension of the contralateral limb

Consolidation of declarative memories occurs in the


In the retina, glutamate is an____________ neurotransmitter at the synapse between the photoreceptor and bipolar cell and an ________________ neurotransmitter at the synapse between the bipolar cell and ganglion cell.

inhibitory, excitatory

Which hormone decreases the blood glucose concentration?


Which of the following hormones causes translocation of the glucose transporter from internal vesicles to the plasma membrane in order to move glucose into the cell?


Picking up a cup from a table is an example of an

isotonic contraction

Proteins known as STATs (signal transducers and activators of transcription) are part of the signaling pathway activated by which type of receptor?

janus kinase-coupled receptor

The hormone erythropoietin is secreted by the


A muscle spindle detects

muscle length

Which of the following is a proprioceptor?

muscle spindle

Central pattern generators in the spinal cord are responsible for which of the following?

locomotion (walking and running)

Which of the following is referred to as the "final common pathway"?

lower motor neurons

Which type of ion channel is involved in transduction of stimuli in a pacinian corpuscle?


The cardiovascular center is located in the

medulla oblongata

You and a friend are eating at "Cheesecake Factory" when suddenly you hear a loud crashing sound. You reflexively turn your head toward the source of the sound, which is a glass that fell off a table and then shattered on the floor. Which part of the brain is involved in this reflex?


Which lobe of the brain allows you to perceive that you are seeing light from the television as you watch the program?

occipital lobe

Saltatory conduction is different from continuous conduction because it

occurs in myelinated axons

Which of the following hyperpolarizes when excited by its normal stimulus?


In sound transduction, the receptor cell for sound contains channels that allow mainly ________ to enter the cell to cause depolarization.

potassium ions

Which part of the brain creates a motor plan of the muscles that you need to perform a specific movement?

primary motor cortex

Which of the following converts light into action potentials?


The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of all of the following EXCEPT:

skeletal muscle

In the multistep process of forming calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D), the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol occurs in the


Which part of your brain allowed you to identify the light switch simply by touching or feeling it?

somatosensory association area

When the effect of two hormones acting together is greater than the sum of their individual effects, the two hormones are said to have a(n)

synergistic effect

Melissa develops a cyst in her spinal cord that damages her dorsal column tracts. This alters Melissa's ability to perceive all of the following sensations EXCEPT:


Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in which of the following?


Sympathetic preganglionic neurons extend from which parts of the central nervous system?

thoracic and upper lumbar regions of the spinal cord

Which of the following hormones increases the basal metabolic rate?


Which of the following covers myosin-binding sites when a skeletal muscle fiber is relaxing?


Which of the following tastants binds to a G protein-coupled receptor?


Activation of the reticular formation causes


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