Plagiarism Tutorial

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One man on the Lewis and Clark journey died of illness that the men could not treat. He name as Charles Floyd and the men on the expedition honored him in death as a stalwart soldier.


Etta paraphrased and summarized information about the two generals in several paragraphs, putting absolutely everything in for her own. She did not include parenthetical citations, but at the end of the essay, Etta included a Works Cited page with the URL for Wikipedia. What statement below is correct?

Etta must include a parenthetical citation every time she paraphrases or summarizes any information.

According to Biddle, one man on the joinery died of an ineffectual bilious disease probably caused by fighting, since he was a bold solider. (29)


At the end of Etta's essay, she includes a Works Cited page. She puts the URL for wikipedia on the page. What is the problem with this works citied page?

More information is necessary for the website and page, like the authors and dates.

Since the paragraph said exactly what Zane felt was the answer to the question, is it appropriate for Zane to cut and paste the text from the Missouri State Highway Patrol website for his discussion post?

No, it was not appropriate to cut and paste the text, even if it's from the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

Ette turned in a compare and contrast essay. In the portions of the essay where Etta uses direct words and phrases, what must she do to avoid plagiarizing.

Place quotation marks around any three words or more in a row that she quoted from the website and include a parenthetical citation every time.

Along the way, the mend had the misfortune to lose a sergeant, Charles Floyd. He was seized with a bilious colic, and he died soon after. This attempt is


Zane also found a graph on the website that he wanted to use in a later paper on driving and using cell phones. According to the tutorial, what must he do to ensure that he correctly acknowledges the source and doesn't plagiarize?

Since he is using a graph, he must include complete source information in an accompanying caption and include bibliographic information on the website at the end of the paper.

Academic Dishonesty includes which three of the following:

Turning in work that has already been turned in for another instructor; Failing to accurately cite sources for statistics, numbers, charts, and/ or pictures; Purchasing someone else's research or writing and tuning it in as ones own.

Zane is surprised when the instructors tells him that he has committed plagiarism. Since it was just a discussion, he didn't think he needed to include references to his source. Has Zane committed plagiarism ?

The instructor is correct, Zane's discussion post is plagiarized.

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