Plant: Green Factories Quiz 1
genes are made of this substance
The protoplast consists of:
everything inside the cell membrane
Inherited physical traits are directly related to:
The number of chromosomes within each species of plant or animal:
is constant
What are three ways plant cells differ from animal and human cells?
- large vacuole - chloroplasts - cell wall
Four substances which could be found in the cell vacuoles are:
- mineral - sugar - protein - waste
ATP is a:
- product of decomposition of starch - chemical associated with mitochondria - a form of chemical energy
1. absorption 2. support of leaves 3. food-making 4. seed production 5. seed dispersal
1. root 2. stem 3. leaf 4. flower 5. fruit
cell headquarters
Potato tuber cells have leucoplasts which help
The function of ribosomes is
to build protein.
A simple cell is a good description since most cells are so small and influence so little in life.
Between five and ten different types of cells are in the human body.
Cell activities are controlled by chemical messengers from the ribosomes.
Each tissue culture is a ________ of its preceding ancestors.
layers of cellulose outside the cell
cell wall
The bodies that break down food molecules to form RNA are the ribosomes.
The main difference among plants is size--trees, shrubs, herbs.
Tiny chambers were first observed and described from microscope observations by a man named
Robert Hooke.
Intelligent design is shown in the intricate detail and complexity of microscopic organisms.
One definition of life in a plant is an uninterrupted succession of cells.
Plant cells are miniature factories that make thousands of chemical compounds for themselves and the whole world.
Plant cells convert solar energy into chemical energy.
The basic functions of a multi-cellular plant such as a rose are also conducted by a unicellular alga.
The cell communication system for chemical messages and materials is thought to be the membrane system known as endoplasmic reticulum.
The statement "All tissue is made up of tiny units" is known as the
cell theory of life.
The material which provides rigidity to cell walls is
Cells are analogous to a _______ factory. They utilize _______ to ________ and _________ organic substances.
chemical, energy, synthesize, decompose
Chloroplasts contain a green substance called
food-making body
The orange color of carrot roots and of marigold flowers comes from cell bodies known as
The threadlike objects in the nucleus are the ________ and carry the ________ of inheritance.
chromosomes, genes
body that releases energy from foods
The _________ is a dot or smaller dark body containing RNA in the nucleus.
Cells are divided into two major parts, the ________ and the ________
nucleus, cytoplasm
The basic food of a plant is:
produced by chloroplasts
A part of the plant cell that may contain crystals or poisons harmful to living protoplasm is the