Plant Quiz 4

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29) Which is the best environment for growing rice? A) high-elevation mountains. B) lowland tropical areas periodically flooded. C) cool, moist climates with sandy soils. D) former lake beds in dry climates. E) All of the above environments are excellent for growing rice.


23) Chili peppers were domesticated approximately 6000 years ago in A) the Bahamas. B) South America. C) South Africa. D) Mesopotamia. E) the Far East.


25) The most common corn grown in the Corn Belt of the United States is ________. A) flint B) dent C) waxy D) sweet E) flour


1) The shift from hunting-gathering to agriculture began well before ________ thousand years ago. A) 10 B) 20 C) 100 D) 200 E) 1000


11) Pollen grains preserve well in soils because of which of the following? A) tough chemical properties of the exine B) lignified outer wall C) numerous phytoliths found within the pollen grains D) small size of the pollen grains E) suberin and cutin in the epidermis


12) The naturalist who formulated a hypothesis of evolution very similar to Darwin's was A) Alfred Russel Wallace. B) John Henslow. C) Carolus Linnaeus. D) George Clifford. E) Frederic Chopin.


14) Archaeological evidence indicates that in Jarmo in northeastern Iraq, domestication of wheat and barley took place before ________ thousand years ago, and probably much earlier since this domestication was already well-established by this time. A) 9 B) 12 C) 15 D) 18 E) 21


15) Which species of wheat is used for producing bread flour? A) Triticum aestivum B) Triticum durum C) Triticum monococcum D) Triticum turgidum E) None of the above are correct


16) Which of the following is the most commonly grown species of wheat? A) Triticum aestivum B) Triticum durum C) Triticum monococcum D) Triticum turgidum E) None of the above are correct.


19) The best evidence indicates that bananas were first cultivated in A) New Guinea. B) Southeast Asia. C) Mesoamerica. D) Northern Africa. E) the Fertile Crescent.


22) Which of the following suggests that corn is an unusual cereal? A) Corn is much larger than other cereals. B) Corn has separate staminate and carpellate inflorescences. C) The grains can be of various colors. D) The grains are "naked." E) All of the above are correct.


24) The most common corn grown by Native Americans in northern North America was which of the following? A) flint B) dent C) waxy D) popcorn E) flour


25) Sunflower and goosefoot were domesticated in which of the following areas? A) eastern North America B) northwest North America C) southwest North America D) Meso-America E) South America


30) Coffee was first domesticated in the mountains of A) Ethiopia. B) Peru. C) Columbia. D) Zimbabwe. E) Appalachia.


4) According to your textbook, in what subject area did Charles Darwin get his college degree? A) theology B) geology C) biology D) entomology E) evolution


4) Which of the following terms is not matched with its definition? A) stolon - underground horizontal stem B) lemma - outer bract surrounding a grass flower C) culm - the stem of a grass plant D) awn - slender bristle extending from a lemma E) glume - a bract beneath a spikelet


7) At the Wadi Kubbaniya excavation site, the most abundant plant remains found were which of the following? A) wild nut grass tubers B) potato tubers C) cassava D) maize (corn) E) tomatoes


7) What was one of the observations Darwin made in the Galapagos Islands? A) Species on the island shared similarities to species on the adjacent mainland but with some distinct differences. B) Species on the island did not have counterparts on the adjacent mainland as if they were separately created. C) Species on the island were identical to species on the adjacent mainland but much smaller. D) There were no differences between species on the island and species on the adjacent mainland. E) All of the above statements are correct.


8) What caused Darwin to rush into publication, On the Origin of Species in 1859? A) A letter he received from Alfred Russel Wallace outlined a hypothesis very similar to his own. B) He lived in fear of being ostracized by the Church of England. C) He was in ill health and wanted to publish his theory before he died. D) He was deeply in debt and needed the money. E) Darwin knew his hypothesis must be published before it could become a theory.


9) Which of the following is not one of the underlying premises of Darwin's theory of natural selection? A) All natural populations tend to overproduce. B) There is competition for scarce resources in nature. C) Members in a species exhibit heritable differences. D) Those individuals better adapted to their environment will survive and reproduce at a higher rate. E) The best adapted organisms are always those that are stronger or faster.


21) What part of the maize plant prevents seed dispersal? A) the tassel B) the husk C) the silk D) the fruits E) None of the above are correct.


11) If a grass seed geminates, the ________ provides enzymes that break down endosperm. A) chaff B) aleurone layer C) coleoptile D) germ E) bran


13) Archaeological evidence indicates that ________ may have been the first plant domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. A) wheat B) peas C) barley D) corn E) lentils


14) The theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is best described by which of the following statements? A) an educated guess B) an explanation supported by all the evidence and a principle of biology that has never been disproved C) not accepted by the scientific community D) predicted but not proved E) None of the above are correct.


15) Domestication syndrome refers to which of the following? A) Diseases that domesticated plants and animals contract and that their wild counterparts do not contract. B) The expression of a suite of genes that generate tameness and other domestication effects. C) The effects on humans of the domestication of plants and animals. D) The inability of domesticated plants to exist in the wild because of thousands of years of inbreeding. E) That barley domestication preceded the domestication of animals.


17) Which one of the following statements is(are) correct about the Far East as it pertains to the domestication of plants? A) Excavations in Asia indicate that agriculture arose at several locations in the Far East. B) Rice cultivation probably began at least 11,500 years ago along the Yangtze River. C) The domestication of the saturniid moth, Bombyx mori, began there using mulberry trees as a food source. D) The domestication of the modern horse may have started there over 5,000 years ago. E) All of the above are correct.


18) Which of the following essential vitamins is not missing in whole-grain wheat? A) A B) B3 C) C D) B12 E) None of the above are correct.


2) Grasses are A) eudicots. B) monocots. C) paleodicots. D) lycopods. E) gymnosperms.


20) Botanically, what is the silk of maize? A) the stamen filaments B) the carpel styles C) the carpel ovaries D) the stamen anthers E) amylopectin


21) Archaeological evidence suggests that teosinte, the ancestral forerunner of maize (corn), was domesticated in Mexico approximately ________ years ago. A) 500 B) 5,500 C) 7,000 D) 10,000 E) None of the above are correct.


29) Which of the following centers of plant domestication is not paired correctly with its principle crops? A) Near East :: wheat and barley B) Africa :: sorghum and cassava C) Mesoamerica :: maize (corn) D) South America :: potato E) None of the above are correct.


3) Which of the modern foraging societies subsisted almost entirely on a meat-based diet? A) the Hadza of Tanzania B) Arctic Inuit C) !Kung of the Kalahari Desert D) the Botai of Central Asia E) All of these foraging societies subsisted almost entirely on a meat-based diet.


34) In a grain the highest amount of starch would be found in the ________. A) seed coat B) endosperm C) embryo D) bran E) aleurone layer


8) Which among of the following plant parts does not preserve well in the soil over long periods of time? A) starch grains B) flower parts C) phytoliths D) pollen E) seeds


8) Which of the following statements is not correct? A) The domestication of wheat involves hybridization and resulting polyploidy of several species of wheat. B) Molecular studies indicate that goat grasses should remain in the genus Triticum. C) Triticum monococcum is a diploid species of wheat commonly known as einkorn wheat. D) Emmer wheat is a tetraploid. E) Tetraploid wheat evolved naturally about 100,000 years ago.


4) Coprolites are fossilized ________ from both invertebrates and vertebrates. A) seeds B) pollen C) fecal matter D) plant crystals E) bones


10) One piece of information missing from Darwin's Theory of Evolution was which of the following? A) proof that organisms actually evolve B) an explanation for how species evolve C) the mechanism for phenotypic variation D) data that showed populations overproduce offspring E) None of the above are correct.


10) The most common dietary material recovered at archaeological sites are which of the following? A) starch grains B) fruits C) root tubers D) seeds E) leaves


13) Cows have been bred over by farmers over centuries to produce more milk. Some cows produce so much milk, that their enlarged udders make it difficult for the cows to walk. The increased milk production of the cows is an example of which of the following? A) recombinant DNA engineering B) natural selection C) artificial selection D) sexual selection E) animal cruelty


13) White flour is processed ________. A) chaff B) germ C) endosperm D) bran E) More than one of the above are correct.


16) Archaeological evidence from the Kuk Swamp site indicated that inhabitants were growing A) wild nut grass. B) wheat and barley. C) taro and banana. D) marijuana and opium poppy. E) maize (corn).


19) Pick the statement that is not correct. A) Early breads were prepared from whole grains that were coarsely ground. B) Refined flour comprises mainly starchy endosperm. C) Refined flour has a shorter shelf life than does flour that has not been refined. D) Compared with other major cereals, wheat is a nutrient-rich food, missing only four of the essential nutrients (vitamins A, B12, C, and iodine) E) The protein content of wheat is about 13 percent.


20) How did domestication efforts in the New World differ from the Old World? A) New World domestication efforts focused mainly on fruits. B) New World cultures did not domesticate any grain plants. C) New World cultures domesticated many plants but relatively fewer animal species. D) New World domestication efforts only began 1000 to 2000 years ago. E) There was no New World domestication of any animals.


26) The many colors of "Indian" corn result from pigments in the pericarp and the ________. A) cotyledons B) coleoptile C) aleurone layer D) coleorhiza E) endodermis


27) Which of the following is not correct about the domestication of plants? A) Traits in wild plants are artificially selected to suit human needs and do not necessarily have a great survival value if these plants are not cultivated. B) Most wild grasses have shattering fruiting heads, which will break apart at a slight touch, and therefore can never be useful for human use. C) Plant breeders still select for desired traits using traditional crosses. D) Germination of seeds is delayed by hormonal control or mechanical means until the following spring. E) Early foragers selected their domesticated plants from wild plants that had larger seeds, fruits, or tubers.


3) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Poaceae? A) Leaves are alternate. B) Culms are hollow at the node. C) Leaves exhibit netlike venation. D) Fibrous root systems are dominate. E) Many have horizontal stems, such as aboveground stolons or underground rhizomes.


30) This staple crop grows to be 1 meter tall, flowers are in a panicle at tip of stalk, grains surrounded by bracts, and air chambers in the stalk. This staple crop is which of the following? A) maize. B) barley. C) rice. D) wheat E) none of the above.


31) Which of the following is not true about Nikolai I. Vasilov? A) He pinpointed 8 locations worldwide as centers of origin for major domesticated plants. B) He was an adherent of Mendelian genetics. C) For his efforts, Stalin declared him a hero of the Soviet Union. D) His work on centers of origin of domesticated plants has been modified. E) All of these statements are true about Nikolai. I. Vasilov.


32) In rice cultivation, what is winnowing? A) draining of the fields to prepare for harvesting. B) harvesting the plant using sickles. C) separating the grain from the chaff. D) freeing the grain from the outer bracts. E) None of the above are correct.


32) The Tehuacan Valley is an early site of agriculture currently located in which country? A) Iran B) Iraq C) Mexico D) Peru E) Ecuador


33) In the Near East our first cultivated plants were which of the following? A) corn and beans B) corn and wheat C) wheat and barley D) potatoes and wheat E) corn and maize


34) The Fertile Crescent was an early site of agriculture in which of the following areas? A) Far East B) New World C) Near East D) Africa E) Southern Europe


35) Polyploidy has had a significant impact on the evolution of modern ________. A) corn B) rice C) wheat D) potato E) soybeans


36) Goat grasses played an important role in the evolution of which of the following: A) corn B) rice C) wheat D) potatoes E) peanuts


6) The purpose of the voyage of the HMS Beagle was to do which of the following? A) find proof of evolution B) discover new plants and animals for the Royal collection C) map the coast of South America D) start new English settlements in South America E) None of the above are correct.


11) What happened when bent grass was transplanted to soils contaminated with heavy metals? A) All of the transplants perished. B) All of the transplants survived. C) Most of the transplants survived; a few perished. D) Most of the transplants perished; a few survived. E) None of the plants perished but they mutated to produce a new species.


12) The embryo along with its coleoptile and coleorhiza sheaths are the ________. A) chaff B) aleurone layer C) coleoptile D) germ E) bran


17) All of the following describe hard wheat except one. Choose the exception. A) higher gluten than soft wheat B) used mainly in making bread C) grown in areas with limited rainfall D) lower protein content than soft wheat E) All of the above are correct.


2) Which of the following is true about the diets of Paleolithic foraging societies? A) They were almost all exclusively meat-based. B) They were almost all exclusively plant-based. C) They were almost all nutrient poor. D) They varied widely and seasonally from one society to another. E) None of the above are correct.


22) Archaeological evidence from the ________ reveals a relatively continuous evolution from foraging to farming and the first domestication of maize (corn). A) Fertile Crescent B) Kuk Swamp C) Wadi Kubbaniya D) Tehuacan Valley E) Kalahari Desert


27) How is teosinte different from maize? A) Teosinte has terminal staminate flowers. B) Teosinte has lateral carpellate flowers. C) Teosinte has a diploid number of 20. D) Teosinte kernels are surrounded by a hard fruit case. E) Teosinte differs from maize in all the above.


3) Approximately what percent of medicinal drugs originated from plants? A) 5 B) 15 C) 25 D) 50 E) 75


33) Which of the following is currently believed to be the ancestor of modern corn? A) triticale B) triticum C) tripsacum D) teosinte E) None of the above are correct.


5) What was Darwin's "job" aboard the HMS Beagle? A) naturalist B) surveyor C) cook D) companion to the captain E) None of the above are correct.


6) Paleolithic refers to which of the following? A) Only those hunter-gatherer societies that used wild nut grass as food. B) Only those hunter-gatherer societies that used tubers as food. C) Early foraging groups of the "Old Stone Age" or preagricultural societies. D) Those societies that used the "Paleo Diet." E) None of the above are correct.


9) The most decay resistant substance in a plant is which of the following? A) cellulose B) starch C) hemicellulose D) lignin E) pectin


1) What percentage of the world's vegetation are members of the Family Poaceae? A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 E) 25


1) Which of the following is the most reliable evolutionary species concept? A) morphological species concept B) biological species concept C) ecological species concept D) genealogical (phylogenetic) species concept E) All of the above are correct.


10) The outer wall of a grass grain is the ________. A) chaff B) aleurone layer C) coleoptile D) germ E) bran


12) Which of the following is correct about the traditional !Kung foraging way of life? A) Their diet was mainly animal based. B) Wild nut grass tubers were an important protein source. C) They did not consume enough calories to maintain their life style. D) Women did most of the hunting while men engaged in warfare. E) Their foraging activities averaged less than 3 days per week.


14) In whole-grain products, what part of the grain is removed? A) chaff B) germ C) endosperm D) bran E) More than one of the above are correct.


18) Which of the following is not among the evidence discovered that New Guinea was one of the first primary centers of agriculture? A) rapid deforestation. B) soil mounding and deeply dug channels. C) phytoliths from domesticated crops. D) discovery of a highland plant growing in lowlands. E) starch grains and phytoliths of a domesticated plant recovered from stone tools.


2) How many species are estimated to be lost from the tropical rain forests per year? A) 90 B) 900 C) 9000 D) 90000 E) None of the above are correct.


23) This type of maize has a core of soft starch surrounded by hard starch and a large percentage of water in endosperm cells. This type of maize is called ________. A) flint B) dent C) waxy D) popcorn E) flour


24) Which of the following is correct about the domestication of plants in the New World? A) The Neolithic societies of the New World domesticated many species of plants. B) The transition from foraging to farming can be thoroughly documented for the groups of peoples inhabiting the Teohuacan valley of Central Mexico. C) Microfossils have revealed that chili peppers were domesticated in South America more than 6,000 years ago. D) The Inca of South America domesticated hundreds of varieties of potatoes. E) All of the above are correct.


26) How have domesticated varieties of wild grasses lost their ability to survive in Nature? A) They can no longer reproduce without artificial pollination. B) Through extensive inbreeding, they have lost all resistance to diseases. C) Fruiting heads do not shatter and release seeds. D) Pollen tubes only travel half way to the carpel. E) All of these are ways that wild grasses have lost their ability to survive in Nature.


28) Most corn grown in the United States is used for ________. A) flour and cooking oil B) biofuel C) making liquor and beer D) popcorn and directly eating as corn-on-the-cob E) animal food


28) Which of the following is not a trait of at least some domesticated plant varieties? A) larger fruits, seeds, and tubers B) loss of seed dormancy C) inability to release fruits D) increased genetic variability E) All of the above are traits of domesticated plant varieties.


31) Which of the following statements about rice is(are) correct? A) Rice is a large, multi-stalked annual. B) A stalk of rice has a terminal panicle bearing grains surrounded by bracts. C) Rice has characteristic air chambers in the stem that provide for the diffusion of gases throughout the plant. D) There are thousands of varieties of Oryza sativa, which require different growing conditions and may vary in color, shape, size, and aroma. E) All of the above are correct statements.


5) Which of the following implements provides information on the food of the botanical diet of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers? A) grinding stones B) sickles C) digging implements D) sharp stone flakes E) All of the above provide information on the botanical diets of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers.


5) Which of the following is(are) correct? A) Typical fruits for the Poaceae are grains. B) Fruits are dry, single-seeded and indehiscent. C) Interior to the bran is a layer of enlarged cells called the aleurone layer. D) The germ is the embryo with its sheaths. E) All of the above are correct.


6) Which of the following plants is not a member of the Poaceae? A) wheat B) rice C) maize (corn) D) oats E) All of the above are members of the Poaceae


7) Which of the following statements applies to wheat? A) Wheat is one of the most widely cultivated cereals in the world. B) Wheat supplies a major percentage of the nutrient needs of humans. C) The spikes of wheat are tightly packed with grains, usually with long awns. D) Wheat has been called "The Staff of Life." E) All of the above are correct.


9) Which of the following is correct? A) Durum wheat is grown primarily in the northern United States, Canada, and southern Europe. B) Wheat cultivars can be categorized by their growing conditions and their protein content. C) Bread often supplies more than half of the dietary calories to people throughout the world. D) Applying heat to the grain makes the glumes easy to remove but also changes the gluten, making it "flat bread." E) All of the above statements are correct.


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