Plant Science Exam 1

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Which of the following are produced by plants? a. Fruits and vegetables b. Spices and herbs c. All are correct d. Wood e. Fiber

C. All are correct

Which crops take up the most area: a. Vegetables and starchy roots b. Sugar and oil crops c. Cereals and oil crops d. Starchy roots and oil crops e. Vegetables and sugar crops

C. Cereals and oil crops

__________ is the plastid most likely to be involved in photosynthesis. Select one: a. Chromoplast b. Leucoplast c. Chloroplast d. Amyloplast e. Riboplast

C. Chloroplast

What is the most certain way to get reliable scientific information a. Random observations b. Reading a newspaper c. Controlled experiment d. Common sense e. Opinion poll

C. Controlled experiment

Stems contain the following tissues: a. Dermal b. Ground and vascular c. Dermal, ground, and vascular d. Vascular e. Ground

C. Dermal, ground, and vascular

A species that belongs to the major plant group of seedless vascular plants is: a. Conifer b. Water lily c. Fern d. Liverwort e. Magnolia

C. Fern

The ground tissue system: a. Includes periderm tissue for protection b. Transports minerals in cork cells c. Includes parenchyma and collenchyma tissue d. Transports secretions to the outer part of the plant e. Gets rigid support from tracheids

C. Includes parenchyma and collenchyma tissue

Which is the correct unit to report mass under the Systeme International? a. Pascal b. Pound c. Kilogram d. Ounce e. Ton

C. Kilogram

The ______________________ are the major sites of respiration in the cell. a. Plastids b. Chromoplasts c. Mitochondria d. Ribosomes Incorrect e. Elaioplasts

C. Mitochondria

Which of the following plants have the highest protein content? a. Rice, soybeans, and black beans b. Wheat, corn, and peanuts c. Soybeans, peanuts, and chickpeas d. Rice, wheat, and peanuts e. Soybeans, sorghum, and peanuts

C. Soybeans, peanuts, and chickpeas

_____________________ is generally the largest structure in a plant cell. a. Chloroplast b. Mitochondrion c. Vacuole d. Nucleus e. Ribosome

C. Vacuole

Domestication of plants has led to changes in crop plants that are different from their wild ancestors such as: a. Larger fruit size b. Larger plant size c. Mature seeds that remain attached longer d. All of the above e. None of the above

D. All of the above

Tracheids and vessel elements: a. Are part of the vascular tissue system b. Are cells in the phloem c. Are cells in the xylem d. Are part of the vascular system and the xylem e. Are part of the vascular system and the phloem

D. Are part of the vascular system and the xylem

Which of the following is true with regards to writing a scientific name? a. When cultivars are included in a name, they are enclosed in double quotation marks b. A naturally occurring variety is never italicized c. When a trinomial is written, all three terms are capitalized Incorrect d. Both parts of the name are italicized in print e. The specific epithet is capitalized

D. Both parts of the name are italicized in print

Which crops have the highest production in tons: a. Sugar and oil crops b. Vegetables and starchy roots c. Vegetables and sugar crops d. Cereals and sugar crops e. Starchy roots and oil crops

D. Cereals and sugar crops

Which is the correct unit to report volume under the Systeme International a. Quart b. Cubic feet c. Liter Incorrect d. Cubic meter e. Gallon

D. Cubic meter

The correct order for steps in the scientific method are: a. Formulate a hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Communicate, Curiosity b. Curiosity, Communicate, Formulate a hypothesis, Test hypothesis c. Formulate a hypothesis, Curiosity, Test hypothesis, Communicate d. Curiosity, Formulate a hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Communicate e. Formulate a hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Curiosity, Communicate

D. Curiosity, Formulate a hypothesis, Test hypothesis, Communicate

The term development refers to: a. Differentiation of cells b. Growth of cells c. Begins with a fertilized egg d. Growth and differentiation of cells that begins with a fertilized egg e. Growth and differentiation of cells

D. Growth and differentiation of cells that begins with a fertilized egg

Pine trees belong to which plant group: a. None of these are correct b. Angiosperms c. Nonvascular Plants d. Gymnosperms e. Vascular Seedless Plants

D. Gymnosperms

When graphing scientific data, which variable is displayed on the horizontal (X) axis? a. Dependent b. Applied c. Replicated d. Independent e. Randomized

D. Independent

Which of the following statements about cereals is NOT correct? a. Rice feeds more than half of the planet's population b. Hard wheat has a higher protein content and is used for bread while soft wheat is used for pastries c. All corn is sweet corn d. Maize, wheat, and barley are available as GMO crops with higher yields e. The majority of maize in the U.S. is grown for animal feed and biofuel

D. Maize, wheat, and barley are available as GMO crops with higher yields

Which of these vegetable oils contains saturated fats a. Olive b. Soybean c. Sunflower d. Palm e. Corn

D. Palm

The shell of a peach pit consists of dead cells that have thick, lignified secondary cell walls that are an example of __________________________. a. Parenchyma b. Collenchyma c. Vascular d. Sclerenchyma e. Dermal

D. Sclerenchyma

Which crops were cultivated by early Egyptians? a. Rice, sugarcane, and cotton b. Pomegranates, yams, and corn c. Soybean, sorghum, and almonds d. Wheat, barley, and legumes e. Emmer, barley, and millet

D. Wheat, barley, and legumes

The scientific name for a cell structure used to store pigments is _______________ a. Leucoplast b. Nucleus c. Ribosome d. Vacuole e. Chromoplast

E. Chromoplast

The______________ conducts sugars from the leaves to the other organs. a. Dermal b. Xylem c. Ground tissue d. Peridermal e. Phloem

E. Phloem

Which of these fruits does not belong to the rose family a. Apple b. Strawberry c. Peach d. Cherry e. Pineapple

E. Pineapple

A population of plants consist of: a. Plants that are eaten by animals b. Plants that have the same adaptations c. Plants that depend on one another d. Plants that live in the same area e. Plants that interbreed

E. Plants that interbreed

What type of indigenous crops did early agrarian societies in Central and South America cultivate thousands of years ago? a. Yams, lentils, and fava beans b. Rice, soybeans, and millet c. Wheat, barley, and peanuts d. Cassava, banana, beans, and cotton e. Potatoes, corn, chili peppers, and squash

E. Potatos, corn, chili peppers, and squash

Gluten free diets are important for people allergic to gluten. Which one is safe for them to eat? a. Triticale b. Barley c. Wheat d. Rye e. Rice

E. Rice

Why do scientists randomly assign their treatments? a. To keep everything the same b. To satisfy their curiosity c. To create more work d. To capture variability in response e. To prevent biasing their results

E. To prevent biasing their results

The scientific name for the cell structure used to store starches is _______________ a. Amyloplast b. Vacuole c. Elaioplast Incorrect d. Chromoplast e. Chloroplast

A. Amyloplast

The strings in celery stalks consist of living cells with thick primary cell walls and are an example of ________________. a. Collenchyma b. Vascular c. Parenchyma d. Sclerenchyma e. Dermal

A. Collenchyma

Which four cell structures are common to both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells? a. Cytoplasm, DNA, plasma membrane, and ribosomes b. DNA, mitochondria, ribosomes, and cytoplasm c. Ribosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, and DNA d. Nucleus, DNA, plasma membrane, and mitochondria e. Nucleus, DNA ribosomes, and cell wall

A. Cytoplasm, DNA, plasma membrane, and ribosomes

When graphing scientific data, which variable is displayed on the vertical (Y) axis? a. Dependent b. Randomized c. Independent d. Replicated

A. Dependent

The______________ tissue system has as its function protection from the environment and water loss a. Dermal b. Parenchyma c. Vascular d. Ground e. Colenchyma

A. Dermal

A scientist designs an experiment to test the effect of fertilizer on the height of sugar cane. Two fields are fertilized and two other fields are not. What is the independent variable in this experiment? a. Fertilizer application b. Soil c. Height of sugar cane d. Farmer e. Field

A. Fertilizer application

A natural way to add nitrogen to rice paddy soils is through the use of a. Floating water ferns b. Biofuels c. Crop rotation d. Legumes e. Fertilizer

A. Floating water ferns

A species that belongs to the major plant group of nonvascular plants is: a. Liverwort b. Fern c. Conifer d. Magnolia e. Water lilly

A. Liverwort

Which statement is NOT true about soy beans a. Low in protein b. Used to make soy sauce c. Used as animal feed d. Used to make tofu e. Native to eastern Asia

A. Low in protein

____________ tissue is made up of living thin-walled cells with large vacuoles and many flattened sides. a. Parenchyma b. Collenchyma c. Sclerenchyma Incorrect d. Collenchyma and sclerenchyma e. Sclerenchyma and parenchyma

A. Parenchyma

What is the function of the chloroplasts? a. Photosynthesis b. Carbohydrate storage c. Respiration d. Protein assembly e. Information storage

A. Photosynthesis

What is the function of the mitochondria? a. Respiration b. Material storage c. Structure d. Information storage e. Photosynthesis

A. Respiration

Which of these crops is a grain a. Sorghum b. Potato c. Lettuce d. Soy bean e. Yam

A. Sorghum

Which of these plant parts has a much greater sweetness than sugar? a. Stevia leaves b. Maple syrup c. Sugar beets d. Carob seeds e. Sugar cane

A. Stevia leaves

Large tracts of organized cells of similar structure that perform a collective function are called ______________. a. Tissues b. Roots c. Leaves d. Stems e. Organs

A. Tissues

The______________ tissue system has as its function conduction of water, nutrients, sugars, and hormones throughout the plant. a. Vascular b. Meristem c. Peridermal d. Dermal e. Ground

A. Vascular

Ribosomes: a. Are free in the cytoplasm b. All are correct c. Consist of proteins and ribosomal RNA d. Lack membranes e. Assist with protein synthesis

B. All are correct

Corn in the United States is primarily grown for: a. Export b. Animal feed c. Seed corn d. Popcorn e. Corn starch

B. Animal feed

Plants: a. Are autotrophs b. Are autotrophs and have either determinate or indeterminate growth c. Are heterotrophs d. Only have indeterminate growth e. Only have determinate growth

B. Are autotrophs and have either determinate or indeterminate growth

What is the function of the nucleus? a. Protein assembly b. Control center c. Respiration d. Carbohydrate storage e. Photosynthesis

B. Control center

Which is the correct unit to report temperature under the Systeme International? a. Degree Fahrenheit b. Degree Kelvin c. Joule d. Calorie e. Degree Celsius

B. Degree Kelvin

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic green plants? a. Alternate in life cycle between haploid and diploid generations b. Have cell wall of chitin c. Are multicellular eukaryotes d. Use chloroplasts for photosynthesis e. Store energy as starch

B. Have cell wall of chitin

How did crop cultivation start more than 10,000 years ago? a. Humans crossbred different selections of plants for higher yield b. Humans selected grains with nonshattering heads and more seeds per head c. None are true d. Humans chose plants with seeds that stored and traveled well e. Humans selected plants favored by animals for cultivation

B. Humans selected grains with non-shattering heads and more seeds per head

A scientist observes many different plants and notices that all of them have green leaves. She concludes that all plants have green leaves. This is an example of: a. Deductive reasoning b. Inductive reasoning c. The Scientific Method d. Bias e. None are correct

B. Inductive reasoning

Which of the following statement is FALSE for bamboo? a. It flowers seldom b. It is deep rooted c. It is mainly vegetatively propagated d. It has a hollow stem or culm which maintains the same diameter throughout its life e. It has a very rapid growth rate

B. It is deep rooted

A species that belongs to the major plant group of angiosperms is: a. Conifer b. Magnolia c. Liverwort d. Ginko e. Fern

B. Magnolia

____________ is a crop grown in flooded fields. a. Potatoes b. Rice c. Wheat d. Cassava e. Oats

B. Rice

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