PMP - Chapter 9

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The use of virtual teams can bring benefits such as the use of more skilled resources, reduced costs, less travel and relocation expenses, and the proximity of team members to suppliers, customers, or other key stakeholders. Virtual teams can use technology to create an online team environment where the team can store files, use conversations threads to discuss issues, and keep a team calendar. TRAINING

Training includes all activities designed to enhance the competencies of the project team members. Training can be formal or informal.


is the process of estimating team resources and the type and quantities of materials, equipment, and supplies necessary to perform project work. The key benefit of this process is that it identifies the type, quantity, and characteristics of resources required to complete the project. This process is performed periodically throughout the project as needed. Photo attached of the ITTOs. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS

The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Estimate Activity Resources process include but are not limited to: Resource location, Resource availability, Team resource skills, Organizational culture, Published estimating data, and Marketplace conditions. RESOURCE BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE

The resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical representation of resources by category and type. In Plan Resource Management, the resource breakdown structure was used to guide the categorization for the project. In this process it is a completed document that will be used to acquire and monitor resources.

High team performance can be achieved by employing these behaviors:

Using open and effective communication, Creating team-building opportunities, Developing trust among team members, Managing conflicts in a constructive manner, Encouraging collaborative problem solving, and Encouraging collaborative decision making. CHANGE REQUESTS

When changes occur as a result of carrying out the Acquire Resources process (for example, impacts to the schedule) or when recommended corrective or preventive actions impact any of the components of the project management plan or project documents, the project manager needs to submit a change request. PRE-ASSIGNMENT

When physical or team resources for a project are determined in advance, they are considered pre-assigned. Pre-assignment might also include the team members who have already been assigned in Develop Project Charter Process or other processes before the initial Resource Management Plan has been completed.

Types of Hierarchical charts are...

Work breakdown structures (WBS). The WBS is designed to show how project deliverables are broken down into work packages and provide a way of showing high-level areas of responsibility. Organizational breakdown structure (OBS). While the WBS shows a breakdown of project deliverables, an OBS is arranged according to an organization's existing departments, units, or teams, with the project activities or work packages listed under each department. An operational department, such as information technology or purchasing, can see all of its project responsibilities by looking at its portion of the OBS. Resource breakdown structure. The resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical list of team and physical resources related by category and resource type that is used for planning, managing and controlling project work. Each descending (lower) level represents an increasingly detailed description of the resource until the information is small enough to be used in conjunction with the work breakdown structure (WBS) to allow the work to be planned, monitored, and controlled. BOTTOM-UP ESTIMATING

Described in Section Team and physical resources are estimated at the activity level and then aggregated to develop the estimates for work packages, control accounts, and summary project levels.

Trends and emerging practices for Project Resource Management include but are not limited to:

Resource management methods. Emotional intelligence (EI). Self-organizing teams. Virtual teams/distributed teams.

Tools for individual and team assessments

Various tools are available such as attitudinal surveys, specific assessments, structured interviews, ability tests, and focus groups. These tools can provide improved understanding, trust, commitment, and communications among team members and facilitate more productive teams throughout the project.

The Project Resource Management processes are:

9.1 Plan Resource Management—The process of defining how to estimate, acquire, manage, and utilize physical and team resources. 9.2 Estimate Activity Resources—The process of estimating team resources and the type and quantities of material, equipment, and supplies necessary to perform project work. 9.3 Acquire Resources—The process of obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials, supplies, and other resources necessary to complete project work. 9.4 Develop Team—The process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project performance. 9.5 Manage Team—The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing team changes to optimize project performance. 9.6 Control Resources—The process of ensuring that the physical resources assigned and allocated to the project are available as planned, as well as monitoring the planned versus actual use of resources, and performing corrective action as necessary.

9.1.1 PLAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: INPUTS PROJECT CHARTER PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT DOCUMENTS ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS ASSETS INTERPERSONAL AND TEAM SKILLS INTERPERSONAL AND TEAM SKILLS An interpersonal and team skill that can be used for this process includes but is not limited to negotiation. Described in Section Many projects need to negotiate for required resources. MEETINGS

The project team may hold meetings to plan resource management for the project.

Resource planning is used to...

determine and identify an approach to ensure that sufficient resources are available for the successful completion of the project.


The resource management plan is the component of the project management plan that provides guidance on how project resources should be categorized, allocated, managed, and released. It may be divided between the team management plan and physical resource management plan according to the specifics of the project.


9.4 DEVELOP TEAM Develop Team is the process of improving competencies, team member interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project performance. The key benefit of this process is that it results in improved teamwork, enhanced interpersonal skills and competencies, motivated employees, reduced attrition, and improved overall project performance. This process is performed throughout the project.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

A RAM shows the project resources assigned to each work package. It is used to illustrate the connections between work packages, or activities, and project team members. On larger projects, RAMs can be developed at various levels. For example, a high-level RAM can define the responsibilities of a project team, group, or unit within each component of the WBS. Lower-level RAMs are used within the group to designate roles, responsibilities, and levels of authority for specific activities. The matrix format shows all activities associated with one person and all people associated with one activity. This also ensures that there is only one person accountable for any one task to avoid confusion about who is ultimately in charge or has authority for the work. DATA ANALYSIS

A data analysis technique used in this process includes but is not limited to alternatives analysis. Alternatives analysis is used to evaluate identified options in order to select the options or approaches to use to execute and perform the work of the project. Many activities have multiple options for accomplishment. They include using various levels of resource capability or skills, different sizes or types of machines, different tools (manual versus automated), and make-rent-or-buy decisions regarding the resources. Alternatives analysis assists in providing the best solution to perform the project activities, within the defined constraints. RESOURCE CALENDARS

A resource calendar identifies the working days, shifts, start and end of normal business hours, weekends, and public holidays when each specific resource is available. Information on which resources (such as team resource, equipment, and material) are potentially available during a planned activity period is used for estimating resource utilization. Resource calendars also specify when and for how long identified team and physical resources will be available during the project.


Acquire Resources is the process of obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials, supplies, and other resources necessary to complete project work. The key benefit of this process is that it outlines and guides the selection of resources and assigns them to their respective activities. This process is performed periodically throughout the project as needed. TEAM CHARTER

The team charter is a document that establishes the team values, agreements, and operating guidelines for the team.

Hierarchical charts.

The traditional organizational chart structure can be used to show positions and relationships in a graphical, top-down format. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATES

Any change to the project management plan goes through the organization's change control process via a change request.


As project team development efforts such as training, team building, and colocation are implemented, the project management team makes formal or informal assessments of the project team's effectiveness. Effective team development strategies and activities are expected to increase the team's performance, which increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives. PROJECT DOCUMENTS UPDATES Project documents that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process include but are not limited to:

Assumption log. Described in Section The assumption log is updated with assumptions regarding the availability, logistics requirements, and location of physical resources as well as the skill sets and availability of team resources. Risk register. Described in Section The risk register is updated with risks associated with team and physical resource availability or other known resource-related risks.

The criteria are weighted according to their relative importance and values can be changed for different types of resources. Some examples of selection criteria that can be used are:

Availability. Verify that the resource is available to work on the project within the time period needed. Cost. Verify if the cost of adding the resource is within the prescribed budget. Ability. Verify that the team member provides the capability needed by the project. Some selection criteria that are unique for team resources are: Experience. Verify that the team member has the relevant experience that will contribute to the project success. Knowledge. Consider if the team member has relevant knowledge of the customer, similar implemented projects, and nuances of the project environment. Skills. Determine if the team member has the relevant skills to use a project tool. Attitude. Determine if the team member has the ability to work with others as a cohesive team. International factors. Consider team member location, time zone, and communication capabilities.


Colocation involves placing many or all of the most active project team members in the same physical location to enhance their ability to perform as a team. Colocation can be temporary, such as at strategically important times during the project, or can continue for the entire project. Colocation strategies can include a team meeting room, common places to post schedules, and other conveniences that enhance communication and a sense of community. INTERPERSONAL AND TEAM SKILLS Interpersonal and team skills that can be used for this process include but are not limited to:

Conflict management. Described in Section The project manager needs to resolve conflicts in a timely manner and in a constructive way in order to achieve a high-performing team. Influencing. Described in Section An influencing skill used in this process is gathering relevant and critical information to address important issues and reach agreements while maintaining mutual trust. Motivation. Motivation is providing a reason for someone to act. Teams are motivated by empowering them to participate in decision making and encouraging them to work independently. Negotiation. Described in Section Negotiation among team members is used to reach consensus on project needs. Negotiation can build trust and harmony among the team members. Team building. Team building is conducting activities that enhance the team's social relations and build a collaborative and cooperative working environment. Team building activities can vary from a 5-minute agenda item in a status review meeting to an offsite, professionally facilitated event designed to improve interpersonal relationships. The objective of team-building activities is to help individual team members work together effectively. Team-building strategies are particularly valuable when team members operate from remote locations without the benefit of face-to-face contact. Informal communication and activities can help in building trust and establishing good working relationships. While team building is essential during the initial stages of a project, it should be a continuous process. Changes in a project environment are inevitable, and to manage them effectively, a continuous or renewed team-building effort may be applied. The project manager should continually monitor team functionality and performance to determine if any actions are

Text-oriented formats

Team member responsibilities that require detailed descriptions can be specified in text-oriented formats. Usually in outline form, these documents provide information such as responsibilities, authority, competencies, and qualifications. The documents are known by various names including position descriptions and role-responsibility-authority forms. These documents can be used as templates for future projects, especially when the information is updated throughout the current project by applying lessons learned. DATA REPRESENTATION

Data representation techniques that can be used for this process include but are not limited to charts. Various formats exist to document and communicate team member roles and responsibilities. Most fall into hierarchical, matrix, or text-oriented formats. COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY

Described in Section Communication technology is important in addressing the team development issues in colocated and virtual teams. It helps build a harmonious environment for the colocated team and a better understanding for the virtual team, especially those working in different time zones.


Described in Section Expertise should be considered from individuals or groups with specialized knowledge or training in team and physical resource planning and estimating.


Described in Section Expertise should be considered from individuals or groups with specialized knowledge or training in the following topics: Negotiating for the best resources within the organization; Talent management and personnel development; Determining the preliminary effort level needed to meet project objectives; Determining reporting requirements based on the organizational culture; Estimating lead times required for acquisition, based on lessons learned and market conditions; Identifying risks associated with resource acquisition, retention, and release plans; Complying with applicable government and union regulations; and Managing sellers and the logistics effort to ensure materials and supplies are available when needed.


Described in Section Project management plan components include but are not limited to the resource management plan. Described in Section, the resource management plan provides guidance on providing project team member rewards, feedback, additional training, and disciplinary actions as a result of team performance assessments and other forms of project team management. The resource management plan may include also the team performance assessment criteria. PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS)

Described in Section Project management information systems can include resource management software that can help plan, organize, and manage resource pools and develop resource estimates. Depending on the sophistication of the software, resource breakdown structures, resource availability, resource rates, and various resource calendars can be defined to assist in optimizing resource utilization. CHANGE REQUESTS

Described in Section If change requests occur as a result of carrying out the Develop Team process or if recommended corrective or preventive actions impact any of the components of the project management plan or project documents, the project manager needs to submit a change request and follow the Perform Integrated Change Control process as defined in Section 4.6.


Described in Section Decision-making techniques that can be used in the Acquire Resources process include but are not limited to multicriteria decision analysis, as described in Section ANALOGOUS ESTIMATING

Described in Section Analogous estimating uses information regarding resources from a previous similar project as the basis for estimating a future project. It is used as quick estimating method and can be used when the project manager can only identify a few top levels of the WBS. PARAMETRIC ESTIMATING

Described in Section Parametric estimating uses an algorithm or a statistical relationship between historical data and other variables to calculate resource quantities needed for an activity, based on historical data and project parameters. For example, if an activity needs 4,000 hours of coding and it needs to finish it in 1 year, it will require two people to code (each doing 2,000 hours a year). This technique can produce higher levels of accuracy depending on the sophistication and underlying data built into the model. BASIS OF ESTIMATES

Described in Section The amount and type of additional details supporting the resource estimate vary by application area. Regardless of the level of detail, the supporting documentation should provide a clear and complete understanding of how the resource estimate was derived. Supporting detail for resource estimates may include: Method used to develop the estimate, Resources used to develop the estimate (such as information from previous similar projects), Assumptions associated with the estimate, Known constraints, Range of estimates, Confidence level of the estimate, and Documentation of identified risks influencing the estimate.

Considerations for tailoring include but are not limited to:

Diversity. What is the diversity background of the team? Physical location. What is the physical location of team members and physical resources? Industry-specific resources. What special resources are needed in the industry? Acquisition of team members. How will team members be acquired for the project? Are team resources full-time or part-time on the project? Management of team. How is team development managed for the project? Are there organizational tools to manage team development or will new ones need to be established? Are there team members who have special needs? Will the team need special training to manage diversity? Life cycle approaches. What life cycle approach will be used on the project? PROJECT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS

Documentation of team assignments records the team members and their roles and responsibilities for the project. Documentation can include a project team directory and names inserted into the project management plan, such as the project organization charts and schedules.


Documentation of the physical resource assignments records the material, equipment, supplies, locations, and other physical resources that will be used during the project.

Resource management methods.

Due to the scarce nature of critical resources, in some industries, several trends have become popular in the past several years. There is extensive literature about lean management, just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, Kaizen, total productive maintenance (TPM), theory of constraints (TOC), and other methods. A project manager should determine if the performing organization has adopted one or more resource management tools and adapt the project accordingly.

The Estimate Activity Resources process is closely coordinated with other processes, such as the ------process.

Estimate Costs

The project management team's ability to influence others plays an important role in negotiating resource allocation, as does the politics of the organizations involved.

For example, convincing a functional manager about the high visibility of the project may influence him or her to assign the best resources to this project over competing ones.

The virtual team model makes it possible to:

Form teams of people from the same organization who live in widespread geographic areas; Add special expertise to a project team even though the expert is not in the same geographic area; Incorporate employees who work from home offices; Form teams of people who work different shifts, hours, or days; Include people with mobility limitations or disabilities; Move forward with projects that would have been held or canceled due to travel expenses; and Save the expense of offices and all physical equipment needed for employees.

Tuckman ladder

Forming. This phase is where the team members meet and learn about the project and their formal roles and responsibilities. Team members tend to be independent and not as open in this phase. Storming. During this phase, the team begins to address the project work, technical decisions, and the project management approach. If team members are not collaborative or open to differing ideas and perspectives, the environment can become counterproductive. Norming. In this phase, team members begin to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support the team. The team members learn to trust each other. Performing. Teams that reach the performing stage function as a well-organized unit. They are interdependent and work through issues smoothly and effectively. Adjourning. In this phase, the team completes the work and moves on from the project. This typically occurs when staff is released from the project as deliverables are completed or as part of the Close Project or Phase process.

The project management team may need to negotiate with:

Functional managers. Ensure that the project receives the best resources possible in the required timeframe and until their responsibilities are complete. Other project management teams within the performing organization. Appropriately assign or share scarce or specialized resources. External organizations and suppliers. Provide appropriate, scarce, specialized, qualified, certified, or other specific team or physical resources. Special consideration should be given to external negotiating policies, practices, processes, guidelines, legal, and other such criteria.

Examples of Data Representation are:

Hierarchical charts. . Work breakdown structures (WBS). Organizational breakdown structure (OBS). Resource breakdown structure. Responsibility Assignment Matrix. RACI (responsible, accountable, consult, and inform) chart Text-oriented formats. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Develop Team process include but are not limited to:

Human resource management policies regarding hiring and termination, employee performance reviews, employee development and training records, and recognition and rewards; Team member skills, competencies, and specialized knowledge; and Geographic distribution of team members.

The organizational process assets that can influence the Plan Resource Management include but are not limited to:

Human resource policies and procedures, Physical resource management policies and procedures, Safety policies, Security policies, Templates for the resource management plan, and Historical information for similar projects.

The resource management plan may include but is not limited to:

Identification of resources. Methods for identifying and quantifying team and physical resources needed. Acquiring resources. Guidance on how to acquire team and physical resources for the project. Roles and responsibilities: Role. The function assumed by, or assigned to, a person in the project. Examples of project roles are civil engineer, business analyst, and testing coordinator. Authority. The rights to apply project resources, make decisions, sign approvals, accept deliverables, and influence others to carry out the work of the project. Examples of decisions that need clear authority include the selection of a method for completing an activity, quality acceptance criteria, and how to respond to project variances. Team members operate best when their individual levels of authority match their individual responsibilities. Responsibility. The assigned duties and work that a project team member is expected to perform in order to complete the project's activities. Competence. The skill and capacity required to complete assigned activities within the project constraints. If project team members do not possess required competencies, performance can be jeopardized. When such mismatches are identified, proactive responses such as training, hiring, schedule changes, or scope changes are initiated. Project organization charts. A project organization chart is a graphic display of project team members and their reporting relationships. It can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based on the needs of the project. For example, the project organization chart for a 3,000-person disaster response team will have greater detail than a project organization chart for an internal, 20-person project. Project team resource management. Guidance on how project team resources should be defined, staffed, managed, and eventually released. Training. Training strategies for team members. Team development. Methods for developing the project team. Resource control. Methods for ensuring adequate physical resources are available as needed and that the acquisition of physical resources is optimized for project needs. Includes information on managing inventory, equipment, and supplies during throughout the project life cycle. Recognition plan. Which recognition and rewards will be given to team members, and when they will be given.

The evaluation of a team's effectiveness may include indicators such as:

Improvements in skills that allow individuals to perform assignments more effectively, Improvements in competencies that help team members perform better as a team, Reduced staff turnover rate, and Increased team cohesiveness where team members share information and experiences openly and help each other to improve the overall project performance.

Objectives of developing a project team include but are not limited to:

Improving the knowledge and skills of team members to increase their ability to complete project deliverables, while lowering costs, reducing schedules, and improving quality; Improving feelings of trust and agreement among team members to raise morale, lower conflict, and increase teamwork; Creating a dynamic, cohesive, and collaborative team culture to: (1) improve individual and team productivity, team spirit, and cooperation; and (2) allow cross-training and mentoring between team members to share knowledge and expertise; and Empowering the team to participate in decision making and take ownership of the provided solutions to improve team productivity for more effective and efficient results. INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM ASSESSMENTS

Individual and team assessment tools give the project manager and the project team insight into areas of strengths and weaknesses. These tools help project managers assess team members' preferences, aspirations, how they process and organize information, how they make decisions, and how they interact with people.

The resources needed for the project can be internal or external to the project-performing organization.

Internal resources are acquired (assigned) from functional or resource managers. External resources are acquired through the procurement processes. PROJECT DOCUMENTS Project documents that can be considered as inputs for this process include but are not limited to:

Lessons learned register. Described in Section Lessons learned earlier in the project with regard to developing the team can be applied to later phases in the project to improve team performance. Project schedule. Described in Section The project schedule defines how and when to provide training to the project team and develop the competencies required at different phases. It identifies the need for team development strategies based on variations, if any, during the project execution. Project team assignments. Described in Section Project team assignments identify the team and member roles and responsibilities. Resource calendars. Described in Section Resource calendars identify times when the project team members can participate in team development activities. It also helps illustrate team availability during the entire project. Team charter. Described in Section The team charter is where the team operating guidelines are documented. The team values and operating guidelines provide the structure PROJECT DOCUMENTS UPDATES Project documents that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process include but are not limited to:

Lessons learned register. Described in Section The lessons learned register is updated with information on challenges encountered and how they could have been avoided as well as approaches that worked well for acquiring resources. Project schedule. Described in Section Changes to the project schedule may result from the availability of required resources. Resource breakdown structure. Described in Section Resources acquired during this process are recorded in the resource breakdown structure. Resource requirements. Described in Section Resource requirements documentation is updated to reflect resources acquired for the project. Risk register. Described in Section New risks identified during this process are recorded in the risk register and managed using the risk management processes. Stakeholder register. Described in Section The stakeholder register is updated with any new stakeholders and any new information about existing stakeholders that has been gained as a result of this process. MEETINGS

Meetings are used to discuss and address pertinent topics for developing the team. Attendees include the project manager and the project team. Types of meetings include but are not limited to project orientation meetings, team-building meetings, and team development meetings.

The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Plan Resource Management include but are not limited to:

Organizational culture and structure, Geographic distribution of facilities and resources, Existing resources competencies and availability, and Marketplace conditions. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS ASSETS UPDATES

Organizational process assets that are updated as a result of the Acquire Resources process include but are not limited to documentation related to acquiring, assigning and allocating resources. ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY

Organizational theory provides information regarding the way in which people, teams, and organizational units behave. Effective use of common techniques identified in organizational theory can shorten the amount of time, cost, and effort needed to create the Plan Resource Management process outputs and improve planning efficiency.

Estimate Activity Resources data flow diagram

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Acquiring Resource Ittos

PMP folder Chapter 9 and pg. 328

There is some overlap between Project Resource Management and ___________________. This section (Section 9) focuses on the subset of stakeholders who make up the project team.

Project Stakeholder Management (Section 13) PROJECT DOCUMENTS

Project documents that can be considered as inputs for this process include but are not limited to: Activity attributes. Described in Section Activity attributes provide the primary data source for use in estimating team and physical resources required for each activity on the activity list. Examples of attributes include the resource requirements, imposed dates, activity location, assumptions, and constraints. Activity list. Described in Section The activity list identifies the activities that will need resources. Assumption log. Described in Section The assumption log may have information on productivity factors, availability, cost estimates, and approaches to work that will influence the nature and number of team and physical resources. Cost estimates. Described in Section The cost of resources may impact resource selection from the quantity and skill level perspectives. Resource calendars. A resource calendar identifies the working days, shifts, start and end of normal business hours, weekends, and public holidays when each specific resource is available. Information on which resources (such as team resource, equipment, and material) are potentially available during a planned activity period is used for estimating resource utilization. Resource calendars also specify when, and for how long, identified team and physical resources will be available during the project. This information may be at the activity or project level. This includes consideration of attributes such as resource experience and/or skill level, as well as various geographical locations. Risk register. Described in Section The risk register describes the individual risks that can impact resource selection and availability. PROJECT DOCUMENTS UPDATES

Project documents that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process include but are not limited to: Activity attributes. Described in Section The activity attributes are updated with the resource requirements. Assumption log. Described in Section The assumption log is updated with assumptions regarding the types and quantities of resources required. Additionally, any resource constraints are entered including collective bargaining agreements, continuous hours of operation, planned leave, etc. Lessons learned register. Described in Section The lessons learned register can be updated with techniques that were efficient and effective in developing resource estimates, and information on those techniques that were not efficient or effective. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN

Project management plan components include but are not limited to: Quality management plan. Described in Section The quality management plan helps define the level of resources that will be required to achieve and maintain the defined level of quality and achieve the metrics for the project. Scope baseline. Described in Section The scope baseline identifies the deliverables that drive the types and quantities of resources that will need to be managed.


Project management plan components include but are not limited to: Resource management plan. Described in Section The resource management plan defines the approach to identify the different resources needed for the project. It also defines the methods to quantify the resources needed for each activity and aggregates this information. Scope baseline. Described in Section The scope baseline identifies the project and product scope necessary to meet the project objectives. The scope drives the needs for both team and physical resources.


Project management plan components include but are not limited to: Resource management plan. Described in Section The resource management plan provides guidance on how to acquire resources for the project. Procurement management plan. Described in Section The procurement management plan has information regarding resources that will be acquired from outside the project. This includes information on how procurement will be integrated with other project work and stakeholders involved in procuring resources. Cost baseline. Described in Section The cost baseline provides the overall budget for the project activities.

The team charter may include but is not limited to:

Team values, Communication guidelines, Decision-making criteria and process, Conflict resolution process, Meeting guidelines, and Team agreements. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS

The enterprise environmental factors that can influence the Acquire Resources process include but are not limited to: Existing information on organizational resources including availability, competence levels, and prior experience for team resources and resource costs; Marketplace conditions; Organizational structure; and Geographic locations.

Project documents that can be considered as inputs for this process include but are not limited to:

Project schedule. Described in Section The project schedule shows the timeline for needed resources. Requirements documentation. Described in Section Requirements will dictate the type and amount of resources needed for the project and may influence how they are managed. Risk register. Described in Section The risk register contains information on threats and opportunities that may impact resource planning. Stakeholder register. Described in Section The stakeholder register aids in identifying those stakeholders who have a particular interest in or an impact on resources needed for the project. It also helps to identify stakeholders who can influence the use of one kind of resource over another.

One example of a RAM is a...

RACI (responsible, accountable, consult, and inform) chart, shown in Figure 9-4. The sample chart shows the work to be done in the left column as activities. The assigned resources can be shown as individuals or groups. The project manager can select other options, such as "lead" and "resource" designations, as appropriate for the project. A RACI chart is a useful tool to use to ensure clear assignment of roles and responsibilities when the team consists of internal and external resources. ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS UPDATES Enterprise environmental factors that are updated include but are not limited to:

Resource availability within the organization, and Amount of the organization's consumable resources that have been used.

Components of the project management plan that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process include but are not limited to:

Resource management plan. Described in Section The resource management plan may be updated to reflect actual experience in acquiring resources for the project, including lessons learned in acquiring resources early in the project that will impact how resources are acquired later in the project. Cost baseline. Described in Section The cost baseline may change as a result of the acquisition of resources for the project.


Resource requirements identify the types and quantities of resources required for each work package or activity in a work package and can be aggregated to determine the estimated resources for each work package, each WBS branch, and the project as a whole. The resource requirements' documentation can include assumptions that were made in determining which types of resources are applied, their availability, and what quantities are needed.

Examples of communication technology that may be used are:

Shared portal. A shared repository for information sharing (e.g., website, collaboration software or intranet) is effective for virtual project teams. Video conferencing. Video conferencing is an important technique for effective communication with virtual teams. Audio conferencing. Communication within a team using audio conferencing is another technique to build rapport and confidence within virtual teams. Email/chat. Regular communications using email and chat is also an effective technique.

The project manager should be aware of different aspects that influence the team, such as:

Team environment, Geographical locations of team members, Communications among stakeholders, Organizational change management, Internal and external politics, Cultural issues and organizational uniqueness, and Other factors that may alter project performance.

Virtual teams/distributed teams.

The globalization of projects has promoted the need for virtual teams that work on the same project, but are not colocated at the same site. The availability of communication technology such as email, audio conferencing, social media, web-based meetings, and video conferencing has made virtual teams feasible. Managing virtual teams has unique advantages, such as being able to use special expertise on a project team even when the expert is not in the same geographic area, incorporating employees who work from home offices, and including people with mobility limitations or disabilities. The challenges of managing virtual teams are mainly in the communication domain, including a possible feeling of isolation, gaps in sharing knowledge and experience between team members, and difficulties in tracking progress and productivity, possible time zone difference and cultural differences.

Self-organizing teams.

The increase in using agile approaches mainly for the execution of IT projects has given rise to the self-organizing team, where the team functions with an absence of centralized control. In projects that have self-organizing teams, the project manager (who may not be called a project manager) role provides the team with the environment and support needed and trusts the team to get the job done. Successful self-organizing teams usually consist of generalized specialists, instead of subject matter experts, who continuously adapt to the changing environment and embrace constructive feedback.

The key benefits of and when the Plan Resource Management process is performed are...

The key benefit of this process is that it establishes the approach and level of management effort needed for managing project resources based on the type and complexity of the project. This process is performed once or at predefined points in the project. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS ASSETS

The organizational process assets that can influence the Acquire Resources process include but are not limited to: Policies and procedures for acquiring, allocating, and assigning resources to the project; and Historical information and lessons learned repository. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS ASSETS

The organizational process assets that can influence the Develop Team process include but are not limited to historical information and the lessons learned repository. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS ASSETS

The organizational process assets that can influence the Estimate Activity Resources process include but are not limited to: Policies and procedures regarding staffing, Policies and procedures relating to supplies and equipment, and Historical information regarding types of resources used for similar work on previous projects. RECOGNITION AND REWARDS

The original plan for rewarding people is developed during the Plan Resource Management process. Rewards will be effective only if they satisfy a need that is valued by that individual. Reward decisions are made, formally or informally, during the process of managing the project team. Cultural differences should be considered when determining recognition and rewards. PROJECT CHARTER

The project charter provides the high-level project description and requirements. It also has the key stakeholder list, summary milestones, and preapproved financial resources that may influence the resource management of the project. MEETINGS

The project manager may hold planning meetings with functional managers to estimate the resources needed per activity, level of effort (LoE), skill level of the team resources, and the quantity of the materials needed. Participants at these meetings may include the project manager, the project sponsor, selected project team members, selected stakeholders, and others as needed.

It is important that the following factors are considered during the process of acquiring the project resources: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)-Sixth Edition (p. 329). Project Management Institute. Kindle Edition.

The project manager or project team should effectively negotiate and influence others who are in a position to provide the required team and physical resources for the project. Failure to acquire the necessary resources for the project may affect project schedules, budgets, customer satisfaction, quality, and risks. Insufficient resources or capabilities decrease the probability of success and, in a worst-case scenario, could result in project cancellation. If the team resources are not available due to constraints such as economic factors or assignment to other projects, the project manager or project team may be required to assign alternative resources, perhaps with different competencies or costs. Alternative resources are allowed provided there is no violation of legal, regulatory, mandatory, or other specific criteria.

Emotional intelligence (EI).

The project manager should invest in personal EI by improving inbound (e.g., self-management and self-awareness) and outbound (e.g., relationship management) competencies. Research suggests that project teams that succeed in developing team EI or become an emotionally competent group are more effective. Additionally, there is a reduction in staff turnover.

Examples of training methods include:

classroom, online, computer-based, on-the-job training from another project team member, mentoring, and coaching. Unplanned training takes place as a result of observation, conversation, and project performance appraisals conducted during management of the project team. VIRTUAL TEAMS

groups of people with a shared goal who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face. The availability of communication technology such as email, audio conferencing, social media, web-based meetings, and video conferencing has made virtual teams feasible.

Plan Resource Management

is the process of defining how to estimate, acquire, manage, and use team and physical resources.

The project manager or project management team will be required to document the impact of the unavailability of required resources in the...

project schedule, project budget, project risks, project quality, training plans, and other project management plans.

Project resources may include...

team members, supplies, materials, equipment, services and facilities. Effective resource planning should consider and plan for the availability of, or competition for, scarce resources.

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