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18@@ rebating is offering anything of value that is not specified in the policy as an inducement to purchase insurance.

18 @@ rebating正在提供的未在策略中指定為誘使購買保險的任何有價值的東西。

@@ the most pertinent information off of which an agent makes annuity commendations to clients concerns such things as the client's financial status,tax status,investment objectives,and overall financial status,Insurability is not a factor in the purchase or exchange of annuities,


an adverse underwriting decision may be based on which of the following? a-- that an individual previously obtained insurance coverage from a particular insurance agent. b-- that an individual previously obtained insurance coverage through a residual market mechanism. c-- information obtained from an insurance institution responsible for a previous adverse underwriting decision. d-- personal information received from an insurance-support organization whose primary source of information is insurance institutions @@ c

不利的承保決定,可以根據下列哪一項? A--以前從一個特定的保險代理人獲得的個人保險。 b--以前通過渣油市場機制獲得個人保險。 從負責以前的不利承保決定,保險機構獲得的信息C--。 D--從保險支持組織收到的個人信息資料,其主要來源是保險機構 @@ C

an insurance company may contest payment of a claim concealment of a material fact no later than years after the policy became effective.


To what organization must all admitted insurers belong? A--the Virginia insurance Department association. B--life,accident and sickness insurance guaranty association. C--the Virginia insurers association. D--the commissioner's association. @@ B

要必須承認所有的保險公司屬於什麼組織? A - 弗吉尼亞州保險部門聯繫。 乙 - 壽險,意外險和疾病保險保障的關聯。 c - 接收弗吉尼亞保險公司關聯。 d - 不專員的關聯。 @@乙

the purpose of regulating life and annuity marking practices is to establish for insurers and agents minimum standards of conduct and guidelines to assure that advertisements,solicitations,replacements,conservation efforts,and sales of life insurance and annuities are not untrue ,deceptive,or misleading


which of the following is a permissible reason for an insurance company to contest payment of a claim based on statements in the application? a-the insured died too soon after a applying for the policy. b-the insurer has already paid out the expected amount of benefits for the year. c-the application contains a correction. d-the application contains material misstatements. @@d the application cantains material misstatements

以下哪項是允許的原因,保險公司基於應用程序語句較量支付索賠? 一,被保險人的政策申請後死亡太快。 B-保險人已支付出效益預計金額為一年。 C-應用程序中包含的修正。 D-應用程序中包含重大錯報。 @@ D中的應用cantains重大錯報

which of the following best defines the unfair trade practice of rebating? a--making statements that misrepresent an insurance policy in order to induce an insured to replace the policy. b--charging premium amounts in excess of the amount stated in the policy. c-- making false statement that are maliciously critical and intended to injury another person in the besiness of insurance d-- offering and inducement of something of value not specified in the policy. @@ d

其中以下最佳定義rebating的不公平貿易做法? 一個 - 使,為了促使被保險來替代政策謊報保險政策聲明。 b - 充電超過政策中規定的數額的保險費金額。 C--作出虛假陳述是惡意的關鍵,並打算傷害另一個人在保險besiness D--產品和有價值的東西誘因的政策沒有規定。 @@ð

an employee has group life insurance through her employer,after 5 years,she decides to leave the company and work independently,how can she obtain an individual policy? a--she can only convert coverage without proof of insurability if she has the master policy. b--she must apply for a new policy,which requires her to provide proof of insurability . c--she can convert her group policy to an individual policy without proof of insurability within 31 days of leaving the group plan. d--she will still be covered under the group plan but will have to pay an individual policy premium. @@ c

員工有團體人壽保險,通過她的雇主,5年後,她決定離開公司,獨立工作,她怎麼能獲得一個單獨的政策? 一個 - 她只能轉換範圍但可保性證明,如果她有主策略。 b - 她必須申請新的政策,要求她提供保性證明。 Ç - 她可以在離開該集團計劃的31天內,她的組策略轉換為一個單獨的政策沒有可保性證明。 ð - 她仍將組計劃下所覆蓋,但必須支付一個單獨的政策溢價。 @@ C

discrimination in rates,premiums,policy benefits,etc,for persons within the same class or with the same life expectancy is illegal,no discrimination may be made on the basis of marital status of an individual,race,color,national origin,creed,or ancestor unless the distinction is made for a business purpose or required by law.

在利率,保費,保單利益等,對於同一類或同壽命是非法移民,沒有歧視可能是一個個體,種族,膚色的婚姻狀況,民族,信仰的基礎上進行歧視,要么 祖先,除非區別為商業目的生產或法律要求。

how often can an insurer calculate the adjustable interest rate in a life insurance policy? a--monthly b--every 3 years c-- at least annually, but not more than quarterly. d-- at least on a quarterly basis. @@c

多久可以在計算保險公司在壽險保單的可調利率是多少? 一個 - 每月 b - 每3年 C--至少每年一次,但不超過每季度多。 D--至少每季。 @@C

all of the following information about the applicant is identified in the General information section of a life insurance application EXCEPT A--education. B--age C--Gender D--occupation @@ education

所有關於申請以下信息,除了人壽保險應用程序的一般信息部分確定 A - 教育。 乙 - 年齡 Ç - 性別 ð - 職業 @@ 教育

most methods used to determine the suitability of a particular annuity recommendation to a client are based on information regarding all of the following except a-- the client's tax status. b-- client's investment objectives. c-- the client's financial status. d-- the client's insurability. @@ d

用於確定特定年金推薦給客戶機的適用性大多數方法都是基於有關的信息以外的所有以下的 A--客戶的稅務狀態。 b--客戶的投資目標。 C--客戶的財務狀況。 D--客戶的保險性。 @@ð

when an insured makes stuthful statements on the application for insurance and pays the required premium,it is known as which of the following? a--contract of adhesion. b--acceptance c--consideration. d--legal purpose @@ c

當被保險使得應用程序stuthful報表保險並支付所需的保險費,它被稱為下列哪一項? 一個 - 粘連的合同。 b - 驗收 Ç - 考慮。 ð - 法律目的 @@ C

insures will provide in life policies, except extended term policies, a provision that after 3 policy years allows policyholders to borrow any cash values in excess of the mandated reserves at a specified interest rate which is either fixed or variable, the variable interest rate must be calculated at least every 12 months, but more than every 3 months.


social security was created to protect against all of the following except. a--bad investment choices. b-- sickness in old age. c-- premature death. d-- disability. @@ a

社會保障是為了防止所有的除外以下。 A--糟糕的投資選擇。 b--疾病在老年。 C--過早死亡。 D--殘疾。 @@ 一個

an insured purchased a life insurance policy.the agent told him that depending upon the company's investments and expense factors, the cash values issue time, the policy is a/an a--credit life b-- annual Renewable term. c-- adjustable life d-- interest-sensitive whole life. @@ d

被保險人購買了壽險保單的代理人告訴他,根據公司的投資和費用因素的影響,現金價值的問題的時候,政策是一個/一 一個 - 信用壽險 b--年連任。 C--可調生活 D--利率敏感的一生。 @@ð

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