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According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: But when one suggests that their plans (whether covert or overt) are intended to benefit the interests of their class at cost to the rest of us, one is dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist." It is allowed that farmers, steelworkers, or schoolteachers may concert to advance their interests, but it may not be suggested that moneyed elites do as much-even when they occupy the top decision-making posts of government and finance. Instead, we are asked to believe that these estimable persons of high station walk through life indifferent to the fate of their vast holdings. Who is the author talking about?

Ruling elites conspiring in secret to advance their class interests.

Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: To sum up, the purpose of executive power is to advance the process of ________. There is not likely to be much progressive change from the top, no matter who is in the White House, unless there is also mass social unrest and mobilization for fundamental reforms at the base. Until then, presidents will pursue their prerogatives and their wars.

"free-market" capital accumulation

The fear of ________was that this would jeopardize powerful American economic interests. ______ in Nicaragua or Cuba or El Salvador or Chile were threats to United Fruit, Anaconda Copper, International Telephone and Telegraph, and others. Thus, foreign interventions presented to the public as _____were really undertaken for special interests, for which the American people were asked to sacrifice their sons and their tax dollars.

"independent nationalism";Revolutions;"in the national interest"

According to the author, with regard to repressing popular struggles against war and racial segregation in the late 1960s, who one police official declared that there were more law officers throughout the country

"on political intelligence assignments than are engaged in fighting organized crime."

According to the author, The medical industry is the nation's largest and most profitable business, with an annual health bill of ________, or __ percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). The industry's greatest beneficiaries are big insurance companies and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). These are ______companies that charge steep monthly premiums while underpaying their staffs and requiring their doctors to spend less time with each patient, sometimes withholding costly-even if necessary-treatment.

$1 trillion; 14; profit-driven private

That same year [2006] Bush proposed a ________budget containing record allocations for the military, overseas wars, and corporate subsidies. But funds for domestic programs were reduced, including student grants, drug treatment, day care, air traffic safety, emergency rescue, care for national parks, health research, and Medicare.

$2.7 trillion

According to the author, More than half the land in U.S. cities is taken up by the movement, parking, and servicing of vehicles. The suburban sprawl made possible by cars wipes out the surrounding farm communities, and necessitates higher per capita costs for sewage and water system construction and, in turn, still greater dependency on auto vehicles. Federal, state, and local governments spend over ______annually on road construction and maintenance, highway patrols, and ambulance and hospital services related to automotive mishaps.

$300 billion

The Pentagon was storing _____ in excess supplies gathering dust or rusting away. The U.S. Army allocated ________ to develop a heavy-lift helicopter, even though it already had heavy-lift helicopters and the Navy was building an almost identical one.

$41 billion; $1.5 billion

In 2009, fourteen Wall Street trading firms paid more than _________ in forfeited profits and penalties. A few months later, General Electric paid ___________ for having manipulated its books to inflate its stock values. At that same time, a former chief of American International Group (AIG), the giant insurance firm, agreed to pay just ________ in penalties for overseeing fraudulent transactions that amounted to at least ________. Nobody went to jail for these immense swindles.

$69 million; $50 million; $15 million; $2 billion

Sometimes conference committees go into business for themselves, introducing elaborate changes. Thus under a GOP-controlled Congress, a conference committee consisting entirely of House and Senate Republicans deleted from the final version of an ___________spending bill a provision that would have ______________ corporations guilty of war profiteering in Iraq or Afghanistan.

$87 billion ; penalized

Whatever the size of the trust fund, Social Security's yearly intake should be able to meet benefit payments indefinitely. If there actually were to be a shortfall thirty or forty years hence, it could easily be met by extending the Social Security tax to income earnings above________, which was the cap asof early ______ and eliminating the 100 percent exemption on "unearned income" (dividends, interest, capital gains, rents, and so on)

$90,000; 2006,

Just before World War I ended, in ______, an American force of seven thousand landed at ___ as part of an Allied intervention in ____, and remained until early ___. Five thousand more troops were landed at ____, another Russian port, also as part of an Allied expeditionary force, and stayed for almost a year. The State Department told Congress: "All these operations were to offset effects of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia."

1918; Vladivostok; Russia; 1920; Archangel

Women had finally, after long agitation, won the right to vote in ____ with the passage of the ___ Amendment, but voting was still a middle-class and upper-class activity. ____, recounting the history of the movement, says the effect of female suffrage was that "women have shown the same tendency to divide along orthodox party lines as male voters."

1920; Nineteenth; Eleanor Flexner

In late ____, Roosevelt's personal representative assured French General Henri Giraud: "It is thoroughly understood that French sovereignty will be re-established as soon as possible throughout all the territory, metropolitan or colonial, over which flew the French flag in ____." (These pages, like the others in the Pentagon Papers, are marked "TOP SECRET-Sensitive.") By ____ the "ambivalent" attitude was gone. In May, Truman assured the French he did not question her "sovereignty over Indochina." That fall, the United States urged Nationalist China, put temporarily in charge of the northern part of Indochina by the Potsdam Conference, to turn it over to the French, despite the obvious desire of the Vietnamese for independence.

1942; 1939; 1945

Between October ___ and February ____, _________ wrote eight letters to _________, reminding him of the self-determination promises of the Atlantic Charter. One of the letters wassent both to _______ and to the United Nations: I wish to invite attention of your Excellency for strictly humanitarian reasons to following matter. Two million Vietnamese died of starvation during winter of ____ and spring ___ because of starvation policy of French who seized and stored until it controlled all available rice. ... Three fourths of cultivated land was flooded in summer _____, which was followed by a severe drought; of normal harvest five-sixths was lost. ... Many people are starving. .. . Unless great world powers and international relief organizations bring us immediate assistance we face imminent catastrophe .... Truman never replied.

1945; 1946; Ho Chi Minh; President Truman; Truman; 1944; 1945; 1945

In the fall of ___ Japan, defeated, was forced to leave Indochina, the former French colony it had occupied at the start of the war. In the meantime, a revolutionary movement had grown there, determined to end colonial control and to achieve a new life for the peasants of Indochina. Led by a Communist named ________, the revolutionists fought against the Japanese, and when they were gone held a spectacular celebration in Hanoi in late ___, with a million people in the streets, and issued a Declaration of Independence. It borrowed from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, in the French Revolution, and from the American Declaration of Independence, and began: "All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Just as the Americans in ____ had listed their grievances against the English King, the Vietnamese listed their complaints against French rule:They have enforced inhuman laws.... They have built more prisons than schools. They have mercilessly slain our patriots, they have drowned uprisings in rivers of blood. They have fettered public opinion.... They have robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw materials....They have invented numerous unjustifiable taxes and reduced our people, especially our peasantry, to a state of extreme poverty.....from the end of last year, to the beginning of this year . . . more than two million of our fellow citizens died of starvation....The whole Vietnamese people, animated by a common purpose, are determined to fight to the bitter end against any attempt by the French colonialists to reconquer their country.

1945; Ho Chi Minh; 1945; 1776

In October of _____, the French bombarded Haiphong, a port in northern Vietnam, and there began the eight-year war between the Vietminh movement and the French over who would rule Vietnam. After the Communist victory in China in ____ and the Korean war the following year, the United States began giving large amounts of military aid to the French. By ____, the United States had given ____ small arms and machine guns, enough to equip the entire French army in Indochina, and _______; all together, the U.S. was financing 80 percent of the French war effort.

1946; 1949; 1954; 300,000; $1 billion

In China, a revolution was already under way when World War II ended, led by a Communist movement with enormous mass support. A Red Army, which had fought against the Japanese, now fought to oust the corrupt dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek, which was supported by the United States. The United States, by ____, had given $_____ in aid to Chiang Kai-shek's forces, but, according to the State Department's own White Paper on China, Chiang Kai-shek's government had lost the confidence of its own troops and its own people. In January ____, Chinese Communist forces moved into Peking, the civil war was over, and China was in the hands of a revolutionary movement, the closest thing, in the long history of that ancient country, to a people's government, independent of outside control.

1949; 2 billion; 1949

Why was the United States supporting the cointinuation of French domination over Vietnam? To the public, the word was that the United States was helping to stop Communism in Asia, but there was not much public discussion. In the secret memoranda of the National Security Council (which advised the President on foreign policy) there was talk in ______ of what came to be known as the "domino theory"-that, like a row of dominoes, if one country fell to Communism, the next one would do the same and so on. It was important therefore to keep the first one from falling. A secret memo of the National Security Council in June ____ also pointed to the chain of U.S. military bases along the coast of China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea:Communist control of all of Southeast Asia would render the U.S. position in the Pacific offshore island chain precarious and would seriously jeopardize fundamental U.S. security interests in the Far East.And:Southeast Asia, especially _____ and _____, is the principal world source of natural rubber and tin, and a producer of petroleum and other strategically important commodities....

1950; 1952; Malaya; Indonesia

The CIA inquiry disclosed that the CIA had gone beyond its original mission of gathering intelligence and was conducting secret operations of all kinds. For instance, back in the ___, it had administered the drug ____ to_____ to test its effects: one American scientist, given such a dose by a CIA agent, leaped from a ___ hotel window to his death.

1950s;LSD; unsuspecting Americans;New York

In ____, the Court finally struck down the "separate but equal" doctrine that it had defended since the ____. The NAACP brought a series of cases before the Court to challenge segregation in the public schools, and now in _______ the Court said the separation of schoolchildren "generates a feeling of inferiority .. . that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely ever to be undone." In the field of public education, it said, "the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place." The Court did not insist on immediate change: a year later it said that segregated facilities should he integrated "with all deliberate speed." By ___, ten years after the "all deliberate speed" guideline, more than 75 percent of the school districts in the South remained segregated.Still, it was a dramatic decision-and the message went around the world in 1954 that the American government had outlawed segregation. In the United States too, for those not thinking about the customary gap between word and fact, it was an exhilarating sign of change.

1954; 1890s; Brown v. Board of Education; 1965;

In ____, the French, having been unable to win Vietnamese popular support, which was overwhelmingly behind Ho Chi Minh and the revolutionary movement, had to withdraw. An international assemblage at _____ presided over the peace agreement between the French and the Vietminh. It was agreed that the French would temporarily withdraw into the southern part of Vietnam, that the Vietminh would remain in the north, and that an election would take place in two years in a unified Vietnam to enable the Vietnamese to choose their own government. The United States moved quickly to ____ the unification and to establish South Vietnam as an American sphere. It set up in Saigon as head of the government a former Vietnamese official named Ngo Dinh Diem, who had recently been living in New Jersey, and encouraged him not to hold the scheduled elections for unification. A memo in early _____ of the joint Chiefs of Staff said that intelligence estimates showed "a settlement based on free elections would be attended by almost certain loss of the Associated States [Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam-the three parts of Indochina created by the ___ Conference] to Communist control." _____ again and again blocked the elections requested by the Vietminh, and with American money and arms his government became more and more firmly established. As the Pentagon Papers put it: "South Viet Nam was essentially the creation of the United States."

1954; Geneva; prevent; 1954; Geneva; Diem

From __________, U.S. forces dropped almost __________of bombs and napalm, and ___________ of chemical defoliants, destroying over ___________of Vietnam's plantations and orchards and over 40 percent of its forest lands and much of its aquatic resources. Several million Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians were killed; millions more were maimed or contaminated by toxic chemicals; almost 10 million were left homeless. Some 58,000 Americans lost their lives and hundreds of thousands more were wounded or permanently disabled.

1955 to 1975; 8.4 million tons; 18 million gallons; 40 percent

By __________, corporations [GM and Standard Oil] had conspired to replace electric street care networks with gas-guzzling high-emission buses in over hundred cities across the nation. Then they cut back on city and suburban bus services to encourage mass dependency on cars. In _______, General Motors was found guilty of conspiracy in these activities and fined the crushing sum of $_______.

1955; 1949; 5,000

Cuba had changed. The Good Neighbor Policy did not apply. In the spring of ____, President ___ secretly authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to arm and train anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Guatemala for a future invasion of Cuba. When __ took office in the spring of ___ the C1A had ___ exiles, armed and trained. He moved ahead with the plans, and on April 17, ____, the CIA-trained force, with some Americans participating, landed at the Bay of Pigs on the south shore of Cuba, ____ miles from Havana, They expected to stimulate a general rising against Castro. But it was a popular regime. There was no rising. In three days, the CIA forces were crushed by Castro's army. The whole Bay of Pigs affair was accompanied by hypocrisy and lying. The invasion was a violation recalling ____'s "rule of law"- of a treaty tbe U.S. had signed, the Charter of the Organization of American States, which reads: "No state or group of states has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other state."

1960; Eisenhower; Kennedy; 1961; 1,400; 1961; 90; Truman

International Telephone and Telegraph was an old hand at giving money on both sides. In ____ it had made illegal contributions to Bobby ____, who worked with _____ Senators, including Lyndon _____. A senior vice-president of ITT was quoted by one of his assistants as saying the board of directors "have it set up to 'butter' both sides so we'll be in good position whoever wins." And in _____, an ITT director, John _____, who also had been head of the CIA, told Henry _____, Secretary of State, and Richard ___, CIA director, that ITT was willing to give $1 million to help the U.S. government in its plans to overthrow the Allende government in Chile.


The Democrat-Republican, liberal-conservative agreement to prevent or overthrow revolutionary governments whenever possible - whether Communist, Socialist, or anti-United Fruit -became most evident in ____ in Cuba. That little island 90 miles from Florida had gone through a revolution in ___ by a rebel force led by ____, in which the American-backed dictator, _____, was overthrown. The revolution was a direct threat to American business interests. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy had repealed the ___ Amendment (which permitted American intervention in Cuba), but the United States still kept a naval base in Cuba at Guantanamo, and U.S. business interests still dominated the Cuban economy. American companies controlled 80 to 100 percent of Cuba's utilities, mines, cattle ranches, and oil refineries, 40 percent of the sugar industry, and 50 percent of the public railways. Fidel Castro had spent time in prison after he led an unsuccessful attack in ___ on an army barracks in Santiago. Out of prison, he went to Mexico, met Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara, and returned in ____ to Cuba. This tiny force fought guerrilla warfare from the jungles and mountains against Batista's army, drawing more and more popular support, then came out of the mountains and marched across the country to Havana. The Batista government fell apart on New Year's Day ____.In power, ___ moved to set up a nationwide system of education, of housing, of land distribution to landless peasants. The government confiscated over a million acres of land from three American companies, including United Fruit.

1961; 1959; Fidel Castro; Fulgencio Batista; Platt; 1953; 1956; 1959; Castro

Pike estimated that the NLF membership by early ____ stood at around _____. The ______ Papers said of this period: "Only the _____ had any real support and influence on a broad base in the countryside."

1962; 300,000; Pentagon; Viet Cong

Earlier in ______, _____'s Undersecretary of State, ______, was speaking before the Economic Club of _________:What is the attraction that Southeast Asia has exerted for centuries on the great powers flanking it on all sides? Why is it desirable, and why is it important? First, it provides a lush climate, fertile soil, rich natural resources, a relatively sparse population in most areas, and room to expand. The countries of Southeast Asia produce rich exportable surpluses such as rice, rubber, teak, corn, tin, spices, oil, and many others....

1963; Kennedy; U. Alexis Johnson; Detroit; Southeast Asia

From ___ to ___, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world made a __________ military effort, with everything short of atomic bombs, to defeat a nationalist revolutionary movement in a tiny, peasant country-and failed. When the United States fought in Vietnam, it was organized modern technology versus organized human beings, and the human beings won.In the course of that war, there developed in the United States the greatest ____ movement the nation had ever experienced, a movement that played a critical part in bringing the war to an end.It was another startling fact of the _____.

1964; 1972; maximum; antiwar; sixties

By early ___, the cruelty of the war began touching the conscience of many Americans. For many others, the problem was that the United States was unable to win the war, while ___American soldiers were dead by this time, ____ wounded, with no end in sight. (The Vietnam casualties were many times this number.) ______ had escalated a brutal war and failed to win it. His popularity was at an all-time low; he could not appear publicly without a demonstration against him and the war. The chant "LBJ, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" was heard in demonstrations throughout the country. In the spring of 1968 Johnson announced he would not run again for President, and that negotiations for peace would begin with the Vietnamese in ____.

1968; 40,000; 250,000; Lyndon Johnson; Paris

In the fall of _____, ____, pledging that he would get the United States out of Vietnam, was elected President. He began to withdraw troops; by ____, less than _____were left. But the bombing continued. Nixon's policy was "Vietnamization"-the Saigon government, with Vietnamese ground troops, using American money and air power, would carry on the war. Nixon was not ending the war; he was ending the most unpopular aspect of it, the involvement of American soldiers on the soil of a faraway country.

1968; Richard Nixon; February 1972; 150,000

Students were heavily involved in the early protests against the war. A survey by the Urban Research Corporation, for the first six months of _____ only, and for only ____ of the nation's two thousand institutions of higher education, showed that at least ______ students had participated in campus protests, that ____ had been arrested, that ____ had been suspended or expelled. Even in the high schools, in the late sixties, there were five hundred underground newspapers. At the Brown University commencement in 1969, two-thirds of the graduating class turned their backs when Henry Kissinger stood up to address them.

1969; 232; 215,000; 3,652; 956

By ___, the U.S. military budget was _____ and the corporations involved in military production were making fortunes. Two-thirds of the ___ spent on weapons systems was going to twelve or fifteen giant industrial corporations, whose main reason for existence was to fulfill government military contracts. Senator ______ ,an economist and chairman of the Joint Economic Committee of the Senate, noted that "six-sevenths of these contracts are not competitive.... In the alleged interest of secrecy, the government picks a company and draws up a contract in more or less secret negotiations."

1970; $80 billion; 40 billion; Paul Douglass

The climax of protest came in the spring of ______ when President ____ ordered the invasion of _______. At ____ State University in _____, on ____, when students gathered to demonstrate against the war, National Guardsmen fired into the crowd. Four students were killed. One was paralyzed for life. Students at ___ hundred colleges and universities went on strike in protest. It was the first general student strike in the history of the United States. During that school year of 1969-1970, the FBI listed 1,785 student demonstrations, including the occupation of 313 buildings.

1970; Nixon; Cambodia; Kent; Ohio; May 4; four

In the spring of ____, _____ and Secretary of State Henry ____ launched an invasion of ______, after a long bombardment that the government never disclosed to the public. The invasion not only led to an outcry of protest in the United States, it was a military failure, and Congress resolved that _____ could not use American troops in extending the war without congressional approval. The following year, without American troops, the United States supported a _____ Vietnamese invasion of _____. This too failed. In ____, ______ tons of bombs were dropped by the United States on Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Meantime, the Saigon military regime, headed by President Nguyen Van Thieu, the last of a long succession of Saigon chiefs of state, was keeping thousands of opponents in jail.

1970; Nixon; Kissinger; Cambodia; Nixon; South; Laos; 1971; 800,000

In June ______ a group of ____________were caught breaking into the ____________headquarters in the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. The burglary was part of an extensive campaign involving electoral sabotage, wiretapping, theft of private records, and illegal use of campaign funds. It was subsequently revealed that ___________ himself was involved in the skulduggery and related cover-up activities. Facing impeachment, he resigned from office. His successor, _______, promptly pardoned ________ for all crimes relating to _______. _______ never served a day in jail and retired on his presidential pension. Persons found guilty in the affair were given light sentences.

1972; ex-CIA agents ; Democratic Party; President Richard Nixon; Gerald Ford; Nixon; Watergate; Nixon

When calculating the bountiful returns that retirees allegedly would glean from stock investments, privateers use rosy projections about a continually booming market. But when predicting bankruptcy for Social Security, they switch to pessimistic projections of a low-growth economy with abnormally low payments into the fund. In fact, far from going broke, Social Security produces enormous surpluses. From __ to ____, Americans paid _____ more in Social Security taxes than were paid out in benefits. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Social Security Trust Fund will remain solventuntil at least ____ Social Security is the only federal program that produces about $150 billion yearly surplus, the only program that shows every sign of being selfsupporting and solvent for over thirty years to come yet is repeatedly described by its enemies as being in danger of insolvency.

1983; 2005; $1.8 trillion; 2052

Randall Forsberg, an expert on military expenditures, had suggested during the presidential campaign of ____ that "a military budget of ___, to be achieved over a number of years, would support a demilitarized U.S. foreign policy, appropriate to the needs and opportunities of the post-Cold War world." However, the military budget kept _____, even after the fall of the supposed target of the military buildup, and by the end of ____ term was about _____ a year.

1992;$60 billion;increasing;Clinton's;$300 billion

According to the author, a decade of efforts in Congress (_______) to increase the $___-an-hour minimum wage were stymied largely by Republican lawmakers and business groups who argued that a _____ minimum wage would drive away jobs. Opinion polls showed widespread support for an increase in the federal minimum wage. With the advent of a Democratic Congress, in ____ the federal minimum-wage law was advanced to $___ an hour, with time-and-a-half pay for any hours over forty a week.

1997—2006; 5.15; higher; July 2009; 7.25

According to the author, Nursing homes care for nearly ____elderly and disabled, ringing up from _ to ______ in business each year, with more than ___ cents of every dollar picked up by the taxpayer through Medicaid and Medicare. The less the nursing home spends on patient care, the more it keeps for its _____________ . ______-driven nursing homes have become the shame of the nation, with their insufficient and poorly trained staffs, filthy conditions, and neglect and abuse of patients.

2 million ; $80 billion; $90 billion; 75; managers and shareholders; Profit

In the ______ presidential and congressional campaigns, spending by all advocacy groups and candidates and party committees totaled __________, a record amount that did not include the many millions spent on hundreds of state and local contests.

2008; $5.3 billion

According to the author, a ______study of __, Los Angeles, and New York found that anywhere from _______of low-wage workers (varying by industry) were routinely paid less than the minimum wage, and many were denied proper overtime pay. African American women and immigrant workers were the most victimized.

2009 ; Chicago ; 12 percent to 43 percent

As of ___________ the United States had the ________ prison population in the world, _______, nations with far more people.

2009; largest; larger than China or India

The war came shortly after the opening of the _______century, in the midst of _________ (perhaps only among the elite in the Western world) about progress and modernization.

20th; exultation

With less than 5 percent of the world's population, the United States had almost __________of the world's prison population, about ______________ inmates in federal and state prisons and local jails.

25 percent; 2,311,000

Some ______lobbyists prowl the Capitol's lobbies (hence their name) or seek favorable rulings from agencies within the vast executive bureaucracy, their numbers having doubled in recent years. Lobbyists outnumber legislators by _________ to one. The amount they spend to influence lawmakers is even more than the amount spent to elect them

34,000; sixty-three

According to DFF 8, The Last Environment, The costs of industrial effluents (which compose _________ percent of the loads treated by municipal sewage plants) and the costs of developing new water sources (while industry and agribusiness consume ______________ percent of the nation's daily water supply) are passed on to the public.

40 to 60 percent; 80 percent

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: How many ways can we create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators?


According to the author, the world's wealthiest economy, how many are without health insurance?

50 million

At least ________U.S. corporations operated in Germany in 1941-1945, while the Nazis were at war with the United States. Faced with class action law suites in ___________, growing numbers of corporations admitted having ________________________. No U.S. corporate head was ever prosecuted.

50; 1999-2000; greatly profited from unpaid slave labor supplied from Nazi concentration camps

According to the author, Private insurers charge premiums that are prohibitively high for many Americans. About __ million Americans are without health insurance throughout the entire year. Another ___ million have coverage that is so scanty as to leave them underinsured. ___ in ten ailing Americans delayed or deferred necessary medical treatment in ___ because of inability to pay. This included millions who were insured but whose plans did not cover needed services. About twenty thousand of the untreated die each year from treatable illnesses.

50; 30; Six; 2008—2009

The people elected to Congress are not demographically representative of the nation. Women are _____ percent of our population but composed only ______ of the 435 members of the House of Representatives in the 111th Congress in 2010, and _____ of 100 U.S. senators. African Americans and Latinos together are a quarter of the nation's population, yet African Americans held only _____ seats in the House, while Latinos occupied _______; the Senate had only one African American senator and three Latinos.

52; 92; 17; 42; 25

The United States was the richest country in the world, with ___ percent of the earth's population yet consuming ___ percent of what was produced worldwide. But only a tiny portion of the American population benefited; this ____ 1 percent of the population saw its wealth increase enormously starting in the late ___. As a result of changes in the tax structure, by ____ that ___ 1 percent had gained over a ____ dollars and now owned over ____ percent of the nation's wealth.


According to Parenti, how many giant conglomerates owned and controlled mass media in all majors forms in America?


According to the author, One cannot talk about the health of America without mentioning occupational safety. Every year over ______ workers are killed on the job and ___ million are injured. Another ____ die later on from job injuries and _____ from occupational diseases caused by toxic chemicals, asbestos, pesticides, and solvents. Some ____ to ____ sustain permanent disability, and millions more suffer from work-related illnesses. Industrial work always carries some risk, but the carnage today is due mostly to inadequate safety standards and lax government enforcement of codes. Even in the most egregious cases, employers rarely face criminal prosecution.

6,000; 4.5; 10,000; 50,000; 50,000; 60,000

According to DFF 8, The Last Environment, Renewable nonpolluting energy provides about _________ percent of this country's energy production.

7.5 percent

The standard view is that people go heavily into debt because they are addicted to shopping and overspending. In fact, a nationwide survey found that a large majority of personal bankruptcies are related to illness and costly medical expenses. About _________ of these had private health insurance that provided inadequate coverage. Other major causes of personal debt include loss of job, small-business failure, and loss of the family breadwinner. Facing financial emergencies, people with poor credit standing often turn to corporate lenders who charge predatory fees and usurious interest rates, amounting to _________ and higher. Debt itself creates more debt. As soon as a monthly payment is missed, penalty fees are piled on and the debt is compounded. New bankruptcy laws in _______ made it virtually impossible for debtors to wipe the slate clean by declaring bankruptcy. Instead they face a "debtor's prison without walls," with heavy garnishment on future earnings, consigning them to decades of financial hardship.

75 percent; 40 percent; 2005

According to the authors, today the Supreme Court is composed of how many justices?


Franklin D. Roosevelt did not share this frenzy, but he calmly signed Executive Order ___, in ___, giving the army the power, without warrants or indictments or hearings, to arrest every Japanese-American on the West Coast-_____ men, women, and children-to take them from their homes, transport them to camps far into the interior, and keep them there under prison conditions. Three-fourths of these were Nisei-children horn in the United States of Japanese parents and therefore American citizens. The other fourth-the Issei, born in Japan-were barred by law from becoming citizens. In ____ the Supreme Court upheld the forced evacuation on the grounds of military necessity. The Japanese remained in those camps for over three years.

9066; February 1942; 110,000; 1944

Shoes made by Indonesian children working twelve-hour days for 13 cents an hour cost a company only $2.60 to be made but still are sold for $90 or more in the United States indicate which of the following?

A and D

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The state is the single most important instrument that corporate America has at its command. The power to use police and military force, the power of eminent domain, the power to tax and legislate, to use public funds for private profit, float limitless credit, mobilize highly emotive symbols of loyalty and legitimacy, and suppress political dissidence-such resources of state give corporate America a durability it could never provide for itself. The state also functions to stabilize relations among giant firms. Historically, "firms in an oligopolistic industry often turn to the federal government to do for them what they cannot do for themselves-namely, enforce obedience to the rules of their own cartel." This passage indicates what?

A central function of the capitalist state is to protect capitalism from itself, from the capitalists who plunder not only the public but the private investment system, killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Engage in a concerted effort at conservation and ecological restoration, including water and waste recycling. Stop the development of ethanol and hydrogen cell "alternative" energies; they themselves are environmentally damaging in their production and use. Phase out dams and nuclear plants, and initiate a crash program to develop sustainable alternative energy sources. This is not impossible to do. Sweden has eliminated the use of nuclear power and may soon be completely doing away with fossil fuels, replacing them with wind, solar, thermal, and tidal energies.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Agriculture and Ecology.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Of the following policy solution areas, which is considered by the author to be the most urgent policy area to address impending catastrophe?

Agriculture and Ecology.

When the Scottsboro case unfolded in the 1930s in ______, it was the ___ party that had become associated with the defense of these young black men imprisoned, in the early years of the Depression, by southern injustice.The party was accused by liberals and the NAACP of exploiting the issue for its own purposes, and there was a half-truth in it, but black people were realistic about the difficulty of having white allies who were pure in motive. The other half of the truth was that black _____ in the South had earned the admiration of blacks by their organizing work against enormous obstacles. There was Hosea __, the black organizer of the unemployed in Birmingham, for instance. And in Georgia, in 1932, a nineteen-year-old black youth named Angelo __, whose father died of miners pneumonia, who had worked in mines as a boy in Kentucky, joined an Unemployment Council in Birmingham organized by the ___ party, and then joined the party. ____ became a ______ party organizer in Atlanta. He and his fellow _____ organized block committees of Unemployment Councils in 1932 which got rent relief for needy people. They organized a demonstration to which a thousand people came, six hundred of them white, and the next day the city voted $6,000 in relief to the jobless. But soon after that Herndon was arrested, held incommunicado, and charged with violating a Georgia statute against insurrection.

Alabama; Communist; Communists; Hudson; Herndon; Communist; Herndon; Communist; Communists

According to Parenti, what were the reasons for the decline of the political machines?


According to Parenti, which of the following are both Democratic and Republican parties committed to that makes similar ?


According to Parenti, which of the following are both Democratic and Republican parties committed to that makes them similar ?


According to Parenti, which of the following would characterize non-corporate independent media?


Almost one-third of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members are from the corporate business sector and big banks, including directors from


Corporate media coverage of U.S. involvement in foreign affairs tends to reflect which of the following, according to Parenti?


Corporate media coverage of crime tends to reflect which of the following, according to Parenti?


Corporate media coverage of the elections tends to reflect which of the following, according to Parenti?


Defense contractors enjoy these features of military spending.Which of the following is true and cited in the text?


In recent years prominent firms such as _______________________________ have been investigated for accounting and tax fraud, manipulating stock values, insider trading, and obstructing justice, all of which left tens of thousands of shareholders and employees with huge losses.


In the U.S., we have which of the following court systems


The $5.5 trillion spent just for nuclear weapons over the last half century exceeded the combined federal spending on which of the following during that same period?


U.S. corporate investments do which of the following?


Which of the following is true about free trade?


Which of the following was the Council on Foreign Relations involved in?


Quietly, behind the headlines in battles and bombings, American diplomats and businessmen worked hard to make sure that when the war ended, ______ economic power would be second to none in the world. _____business would penetrate areas that up to this time had been dominated by ___. The Open Door Policy of equal access would be extended from Asia to Europe, meaning that the ___ intended to push ___ aside and move in.

American; United States ; England; United States; England

In early ________, President ___ used a murky set of events in the Gulf of ____, off the coast of ___ Vietnam, to launch full-scale war on Vietnam. _____ and Secretary of Defense Robert _______ told the American public there was an attack by ______ Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers. "While on routine patrol in international waters," _____ said, "the U.S. destroyer Maddox underwent an unprovoked attack." It later turned out that the Gulf of _____ episode was a fake, that the highest American officials had lied to the public-just as they had in the invasion of Cuba under Kennedy. In fact, the CIA had engaged in a secret operation attacking __ Vietnamese coastal installations-so if there had been an attack it would not have been "unprovoked." It was not a "routine patrol," because the Maddox was on a special electronic spying mission. And it was not in international waters but in Vietnamese territorial waters. It turned out that no torpedoes were fired at the Maddox, as McNamara said. Another reported attack on another destroyer, two nights later, which Johnson called "open aggression on the high seas," seems also to have been an invention.

August 1964; Johnson; Tonkin; North; Johnson; McNamara; North; McNamara; Tonkin; North

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, This term can therefore be used to refer to all places where life is possible, the ecological interactions of the planet as a whole and those parts of the earth — the atmosphere, land and water — which support or are capable of supporting the existence of plants and animals. What is this term?


In political entertainment, In war movies like_____________________, the U.S. military is almost always portrayed sympahtetically, locked in battle against some pernicious foe, never serving as an instrument of U.S. empire building.

Black Hawk Down, Stripes, and Heartbreak Ridge

The Reagan administration (1981—1988) cut Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the "safety net" for low-income disabled persons, including children. By 2000, at least one-third of those needing SSI were no longer being reached. Disabled recipients of SSI were denied their federal and state cost of living increases for 2006 by President ________.


Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Which administration did the following?: Then this president unilaterally rewrote the Presidential Records Act with an executive order giving himself and all former presidents the right to veto requests to open presidential records. This president claimed that it was a matter of "national security," but national security documents already were excluded from public inquiry.

Bush, Jr.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: There was the secretive plan to escalate the Vietnam War as revealed in the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate break-in, the FBI COINTELPRO disruption of dissident groups, the several phony but well-orchestrated "energy crises" that sharply boost oil prices, the Iran-contra conspiracy, and the hundreds of savings and loan conspiracies. What do these examples indicate?

But just because some people have fantasies of conspiracies does not mean that all conspiracies are fantasies.

____, in his book of the fifties, The Power Elite, counted the military as part of the top elite, along with politicians and corporations. These elements were more and more intertwined. A Senate report showed that the one hundred largest defense contractors, who held____percent of the military contracts, employed more than two thousand former high-ranking officers of the military

C. Wright Mills; 67.4

The ________ deployed weather modification technology and sprayed insect infestations to destroy crops in _________, along with a virus that caused swine fever, the first such infection in _____________, forcing the slaughter of pigs in __________ to prevent a widespread epidemic among humans. The agency is also charged with causing an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever, transmitted by mosquitoes, afflicting some 300,000 people, killing 57 ________ adults and 101 children, the first major epidemic of dengue in the Western Hemisphere. In 1997, _______ presented a report to the United Nations charging ________ with "biological aggression."

CIA; Cuba; the Americas; Cuba; Cuban; Cuba; Washington

____________ training manuals unearthed by a _________________ lawsuit revealed that the agency taught methods of torture to Third World militaries, such as electric shock, water torture, sleep, food, and sensory deprivation, and psychological torture such as forcing victims to witness the torture of loved ones, including one's children or parents.

CIA; Freedom of Information

It was also learned from the investigation that the ____-with the collusion of a secret Committee of Forty headed by Henry ______ - had worked to "destabilize" the Chilean government headed by ____, a Marxist who had been elected president in one of the rare free elections in Latin America. ____, with large interests in Cuba, played a part in this operation. When in ___ the American ambassador to Chile, David _____, suggested to the Chilean junta (which, with U.S. aid, had overthrown ___) that they were violating human rights, he was rebuked by Kissinger, who sent word: "Tell ____ to cut out the political science lectures."

CIA;Kissinger;Salvadore Allende;ITT;1974;Popper;Allende;Popper

According to Parenti, which nine states-_____________________________________ - contain more than half the nation's population but only 18 of the Senate's 100 seats?

California, New York, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota, and New Jersey

Hundreds of thousands of _____ Americans who had fled death squads in ____ and ______ while the United States was giving military aid to those governments now faced deportation because they had never been deemed "_____" refugees. To admit that these cases were political would have given the lie to U.S. claims at the time that those repressive regimes were improving their human rights record and therefore deserved to continue receiving military aid.

Central;Guatemala;El Salvador;political

[T]he historian ______resigned from the Columbia faculty, charging the trustees with being "reactionary and visionless in politics, narrow and medieval in religion..."

Charles Beard

Rather than showing judicial restraint by deferring to the elected branch, the conservative justices displayed disdain for Congress's attempts to limit campaign spending. Instead conservative activists overthrew the Court's lown prior rulings limiting campaign spending. "What the conservatives seemed most concerned about, " wrote one editorialist "was protecting the interests of corporations." This Supreme Court ruling was called

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2009)

But miliutary power continued to domiante policy, and the United States often stood along in refusing to cut back on its weaponry. Through a hundred nations signed an agreement to abolish land mines, which were killing tens of thousands of people each year, the United States refused to go along. Though the Red Cross urged governments to suspend the use of cluster bombs (which spewed out thousands of tiny pellets, killing indiscriminately), the United States, which had used them in Vietnam and in the Gulf War, refused to desist. Which presidential administration is the author referring to?


Federal programs frequently fail to reach those most in need. The Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) assists only about half of those eligible. In 1996, a law supported by President __________ phased out Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC or "welfare"). Millions of indigent families were denied food stamps and child nutrition assistance. In 2005, cuts in food stamps left an estimated forty thousand children ineligible for free or reduced-price school lunches.


In ____ presidency, the government was continuing to spend at least _____ a year to maintain the military machine. The assumption was that the nation must be ready to fight "two regional wars" simultaneously. However, after the ______collapsed in ____, Bush's Secretary of Defense, ____ (hardly a dove), said, "The threats have become remote, so remote that they are difficult to discern." General ____ spoke similarly (reported in Defense News, April 8, 1991): "I'm running out of demons. I'm running out of villains. I'm down to Castro and Kim Il Sung."

Clinton's;$250 billion;Soviet Union;1989;Dick Cheney;Colin Powell

The new government policy toward immigrants, far from fulfilling _____ promise of "a new government for a new century," was a throwback to the notorious ___ and ___ Laws of the ___, and the McCarthy-era McCarran-Walter Act of the ____. It was hardly in keeping with the grand claim inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."


Which country is another country that has a history of U.S.-financed repression, including the systematic murder by army, police, and paramilitary death squads of tens of thousands of workers, students, farmers, and clergy who try to organize against their overlords. From 1986 to today upwards of two thousand labor unionists in his country have been assassinated by CIA-supported death squads. Along with weaponry and helicopters, the U.S. military also provides defoliation chemicals that wreaked havoc on this country's environment and people.


Pike wrote: "The _______ have brought to the villages of ____ Vietnam significant social change and have done so largely by means of the communication process." That is, they were organizers much more than they were warriors. "What struck me most forcibly about the ______ was its totality as a social revolution first and as a war second." Pike was impressed with the mass involvement of the peasants in the movement. "The rural Vietnamese was not regarded simply as a pawn in a power struggle hut as the active element in the thrust. He was the thrust." Pike wrote: The purpose of this vast organizational effort was ... to restructure the social order of the village and train the villages to control themselves. This was the _____'s one undeviating thrust from the start. Not the killing of ______ (Saigon) soldiers, not the occupation of real estate, not the preparation for some great pitched battle . . - but organization in depth of the rural population through the instrument of self-control.

Communists; South; NLF; NLF; ARVN

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary,________ is a pejorative term used to indicate a level of consumption that exceeds the satisfaction of basic needs and wants. All human beings maintain and reproduce themselves — mentally and physically — through the consumption of air, food, water and, depending on the climate, clothing and shelter from extremes of weather. Intellectually, people also make use of various educational opportunities, enjoy art, literature and other forms of CULTURE.


_____ leaders want to eliminate ____ spending programs not because they don't work but because they often do. And when they do, they demonstrate that not-for-profit public-owned services (______) can outperform for-profit public-owned services (_____) at least in many basic areas. Conrail, a government-owned rail system, gave better service at less cost than the investor owned lines it replaced. But this very success was intolerable to those who correctly see nonprofit public ownership as a threat to the private-profit system. So, Conrail was "________" (sold back to private investors) at a giveaway price. Likewise the rail systems in Europe are government owned and are superior to anything we have.


Of the various policy groups, which is probably the most influential. It is simultaneously a think tank that exercises influence over foreign and economic policy and a membership group that gathers together many of the leading players in politico-economic life and helped create the Marshall Plan, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.?

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Also playing an unofficial but influential role in policy formation are the policy advisory groups with their networks of corporate and political notables. One of the more prominent is the___________, started in 1918, now with almost forty-two hundred members-including representatives from the Rockefeller, Morgan, and DuPont groups.

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR);

The U.S. Defense Department study of the Vietnam war, intended to be "top secret" but released to the public by _______and ________ in the famous ________ case, described Ho Chi Minh's work:...Ho had built the Viet Minh into the only Vietnam-wide political organization capable of effective resistance to either the Japanese or the French. He was the only Vietnamese wartime leader with a national following, and he assured himself wider fealty among the Vietnamese people when in August-September, ___, he overthrew the Japanese . .. established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and staged receptions for in-coming allied occupation forces.. .. For a few weeks in September, ___, Vietnam was-for the first and only time in its modern history-free of foreign domination, and united from north to south under Ho Chi Minh....

Daniel Ellsberg ; Anthony Russo; Pentagon Papers; 1945; 1945

Veterans back from Vietnam formed a group called Vietnam Veterans Against the War. In _____, hundreds of them went to _____ to what was called the "Winter Soldier" investigations, to testify publicly about atrocities they had participated in or seen in Vietnam, committed by Americans against Vietnamese. In _____more than a thousand of them went to _____, to demonstrate against the war. One by one, they went up to a wire fence around the Capitol, threw over the fence the medals they had won in Vietnam, and made brief statements about the war, sometimes emotionally, sometimes in icy, bitter calm. In the summer of ___, twenty-eight commissioned officers of the military, including some veterans of Vietnam, saying they represented about ____ other officers, announced formation of the Concerned Officers Movement against the war. During the fierce bombings of Hanoi and Haiphong, around Christmas ____, came the first defiance of B-52 pilots who refused to fly those missions.On ______, the New York Times reported dropouts among West Point cadets. Officials there, the reporter wrote, "linked the rate to an affluent, less disciplined, skeptical, and questioning generation and to the anti-military mood that a small radical minority and the Vietnam war had created."

December 1970; Detroit; April 1971; Washington, D.C.; 1970; 250; 1972; June 3, 1973;

The generals who succeeded _____ could not suppress the National Liberation Front. Again and again, American leaders expressed their bewilderment at the popularity of the ____, at the high morale of its soldiers. The Pentagon historians wrote that when Eisenhower met with President-elect ____ in January 1961, he "wondered aloud why, in interventions of this kind, we always seemed to find that the morale of the Communist forces was better than that of the democratic forces." And General ________ reported in late ___: The ability of the Viet-Cong continuously to rebuild their units and to make good their losses is one of the mysteries of the guerrilla war.. .. Not only do the Viet-Cong units have the recuperative powers of the phoenix, but they have an amazing ability to maintain morale. Only in rare cases have we found evidences of had morale among Viet-Cong prisoners or recorded in captured Viet-Cong documents.

Diem; NLF; Kennedy; Maxwell Taylor; 1964

_______saw the ingenuity of capitalism in uniting exploiter and exploited-creating a safety valve for explosive class conflict. "It is no longer simply the merchant prince, or the aristocratic monopoly, or even the employing class, that is exploiting the world: it is the nation, a new democratic nation composed of united capital and labor."

Du Bios

The United States fitted that idea of ____. American ____ needed international rivalry-and periodic war-to create an artificial community of interest between _________, supplanting the genuine community of interest among the _____ that showed itself in sporadic movements. How conscious of this were individual entrepreneurs and statesmen? That is hard to know. But their actions, even if half-conscious, instinctive drives to survive, matched such a scheme.

Du Bois; capitalism; rich and poor; poor;

One of the more egregious instances of corporate malfeasance involved ____________________ and other companies whose factories in Germany produced tanks, planes, and synthetic fuels used by the Nazi military to kill American troops during World War II.

DuPont, Ford, GM, ITT, Boeing,

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, _____ is quite literally a concern about the importance and influence of surroundings within and for society. The concept developed in the nineteenth century as Charles Darwin (1809—1882), On the Origin of Species (1859), noted the effect of environment on the development and evolution of species and German geographers introduced the notion of umwelt as an explanation for economic and cultural differences between peoples. Not until the 1960s and 1970s, however, was the term used to describe concern about the fragility of the environment in ecological terms and to describe a critique of policies and practices deemed to have a detrimental impact on human society. In its broadest sense, this involves a recognition that the ultimate survival of humanity and that of other species are interdependent and require the conservation and protection of all our environs; an approach that is related to _____.


According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, ____ is a contraction of the term 'ecological system' The concept is used to refer to any situation — from the microbial world to the whole planet — where life forms display interdependence in terms of energy, food and matter recycling, which has established a form of perennial self-regulation and balance.


The historic role of the United States in _______, where ____ percent of the population owned ___ percent of the land, was to make sure governments were in power there that would support U.S. business interests, no matter how this impoverished the great majority of people. Popular rebellions that would threaten these business arrangements were to be opposed. When a popular uprising in ___ threatened the military government, the United States sent a cruiser and two destroyers to stand by while the government massacred ____ thousand Salvadorans.

El Salvador;2;60;1932;thirty

What happened to elections in Jamaica, Chile, El Salvador, Panama, Yugoslavia, and elsewhere?

Elections were manipulated by U.S. interventionists with the use of enormous sums, dishonest counts, and well-directed terror.

_______ was a ____-trained economist, a former marine officer, employed by the RAND Corporation, which did special, often secret research for the U.S. government. ____ helped write the Department of Defense history of the war in Vietnam, and then decided to make the top secret document public, with the aid of his friend, Anthony ______, a former RAND Corporation man. The two had met in Saigon, where both had been affected, in different experiences, by direct sight of the war, and had become powerfully indignant at what the United States was doing to the people of Vietnam. Ellsberg and Russo spent night after night, after hours, at a friend's advertising agency, duplicating the _____-page document. Then ___ gave copies to various Congressmen and to the New York Times. In ____the Times began printing selections from what came to be known as the Pentagon Papers. It created a national sensation.

Ellsberg; Harvard; Ellsberg; Russo; 7,000; Ellsberg; June 1971

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Americans are working harder and longer for less, often with no job security. Many important vital services are needed, yet many people are unemployed. Job programs, more encompassing than the ones created during the New Deal, could employ people to reclaim the environment, build affordable housing and mass-transit systems, rebuild a crumbling infrastructure, and provide services for the aged and infirm and for the public in general.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Employment Conditions.

With World War I, ______ became more and more a market for _______ goods and for loans at interest. _____ and Company acted as agents for the Allies, and when, in 1915, _____ lifted the ban on private bank loans to the Allies, _____ could now begin lending money in such great amounts as to both make great profit and tie _______ finance closely to the interest of a ____ victory in the war against Germany.

England; American; J. P. Morgan; Wilson; Morgan; American; British

The Western powers were already at work to change this. ____ occupied the southern part of Indochina and then turned it back to the ____. ___ China (this was under _________, before the _______ revolution) occupied the northern part of _____, and the United States persuaded it to turn that back to the ____. As Ho Chi Minh told an American journalist: "We apparently stand quite alone.. .. We shall Have to depend on ourselves."

England; French; Nationalist; Chiang Kai-shek; Communist; Indochina; French

During the war, ______ and the ____ set up the ____ to regulate international exchanges of currency; voting would be proportional to capital contributed, so American dominance would be assured. The ______was set up, supposedly to help reconstruct war-destroyed areas, but one of its first objectives was, in its own words, "to promote foreign investment."

England; United States; International Monetary Fund; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Congress passed, and Wilson signed, in June of 1917, the ____________. From its title one would suppose it was an act against spying. However, it had a clause that provided penalties up to twenty years in prison for "Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty in the military or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct the recruiting or enlistment service of the U.S. .. ." Unless one had a theory about the nature of governments, it was not clear how the Espionage Act would be used. It even had a clause that said "nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or restrict . . . any discussion, comment, or criticism of the acts or policies of the Government. .. ." But its double-talk concealed a singleness of purpose.

Espionage Act

The _____ was used to imprison Americans who spoke or wrote against the war.

Espionage Act

Who for almost a half century, kept elaborate dossiers on notables-including presidents, cabinet members, Supreme Court justices, and members of Congress-often threatening exposure of the seamier side of their personal lives in order to win advantage over them?the CIA

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

According to the author, "___" around the country confine livestock in cages for the entire duration of their lives, where they are fed everything from ground-up animal parts to _____. Antibiotics are regularly pumped into these creatures to keep them from sickening, and to increase their weight through water retention. Antibiotics also create virulently resistant strains of bacteria for which there is no treatment. Over ___human deaths occur each year in the United States due to food-borne illnesses.

Factory farms; sewage sludge; nine thousand

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The author offers several ways to reform Congress. in order to create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators. In order of importance, which is the following recommendation?We need honest elections, not ones that are stolen by those who control the registration and voting, or who are in an unanswerable position to fix the final tally (see the discussion in Chapter 14).


According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, ________ can be areas that, like the high seas, fall outside the control of any single nation, but they also include information commons such as the Internet, the human genome and traditional knowledge and are anathema to private and intellectual property rights. The global commons are also those parts of the earth's ___ that do not belong to any particular country or individual and are therefore held in common. These include things that affect the climate system, such as air space, forests, the open oceans and ______ in general. They are also commonly owned land and water, as well as the resources contained therein, such as much of the Arctic and Antarctica. As commons, especially natural resources — such as air, fisheries, forests, gas, oil, public land, water and wildlife — are not inexhaustible, the Global Commons Institute and others argue that they should be protected for the benefit of all, including future generations, and not left to the mercy of the profit motive.


_________, a veteran ____, became the government's official ___ for the war; he set up a Committee on Public Information to persuade Americans the war was right. It sponsored ____speakers, who gave ____ four-minute speeches in five thousand American cities and towns. It was a massive effort to excite a reluctant public. At the beginning of ___, a member of the National Civic Federation had complained that "neither workingmen nor farmers" were taking "any part or interest in the efforts of the security or defense leagues or other movements for national preparedness.

George Creel; newspaperman; propagandist; 75,000 ; 750,000; 1917

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, _____ refers to an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, land and oceans. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2001, for example, estimates that the global average surface temperature has increased by 0.6 +/- 0.2 degrees since records were first kept in 1860 . The phenomenon of global warming is not one-dimensional, however, as it involves interconnected changes in cloud cover, precipitation levels and patterns, sea levels, weather formation and other elements of the atmospheric system, all of which affect each other. Although the examination of ice cores suggests that global temperatures fluctuate, they have been comparatively consistent over a 10,000-year period since the end of the last ice age — Medieval Warm Period circa 1350 - 1850 and Little Ice Age circa 1350 - 1850 excepted. This makes the rise in temperature of 0.4 degrees since 1980 all the more unusual and potentially alarming.

Global Warming

In _______, which had been a right-wing monarchy and dictatorship before the war, a popular leftwing National Liberation Front (the EAM) was put down by a ___ army of intervention immediately after the war. A right-wing dictatorship was restored. When opponents of the regime were jailed, and trade union leaders removed, a left-wing guerrilla movement began to grow against the regime, soon consisting of 17,000 lighters, 50,000 active supporters, and perhaps 250,000 sympathizers, in a country of 7 million. __said it could not handle the rebellion, and asked the ___ to come in. As a State Department officer said later: "Great Britain had within the hour handed the job of world leadership ... to the United States."

Greece; British; Great Britain; United States;

The United States moved into the ___ civil war, not with soldiers, but with weapons and military advisers. In the last five months of ____, _______ tons of military equipment were sent by the United ____ to the right-wing government in Athens, including artillery, dive bombers, and stocks of napalm. Two hundred and fifty army officers, headed by General James Van Fleet, advised the Greek army in the field. Van Fleet started a policy-standard in dealing with popular insurrections-of forcibly removing thousands of Greeks from their homes in the countryside, to try to isolate the guerrillas, to remove the source of their support.

Greek; 1947; 74,000; States

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, _____ is the name and colour adopted by political parties within the broader ecology and environmental movements.


At one time or another U.S. leaders, both Democratic and Republican, have supported brutal wars of attrition against popular insurgencies in which of the following countries where all these instances, torture and death squad killings were common methods of counterinsurgency?

Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

For the United States to step forward as a defender of helpless countries matched its image in American high school history textbooks, but not its record in world affairs. It had opposed the _____ revolution for independence from ____ at the start of the nineteenth century. It had instigated a war with _____ and taken half of that country. It bad pretended to help ____ win freedom from ____, and then planted itself in ___ with a military base, investments, and rights of intervention. It had seized _______, and fought a brutal war to subjugate the Filipinos. It had "opened" ____ to its trade with gunboats and threats. It had declared an Open Door Policy in ___ as a means of assuring that the United States would have opportunities equal to other imperial powers in exploiting China. It had sent troops to Peking with other nations, to assert Western supremacy in China, and kept them there for over thirty years.

Haitian; France; Mexico; Cuba; Spain; Cuba; Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam; Japan; China

A deputy director of the CIA testified that ______ and ________ told him it was Nixon's wish that the CIA tell the FBI not to pursue its investigation beyond the Watergate burglary.

Haldeman; Ehrlichman;

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Allow all Americans to receive coverage similarto the Medicare now enjoyed by seniors, but including alternative health treatments.Funding might come from the general budget as in the single-payer plan used in Canada and elsewhere, providing comprehensive service to all. Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Health Care and Safety.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Under single-payer health care, the billions of dollars that are now pocketed by HMO investors and executives would be used for actual medical treatment. We would get better coverage and universal coverage for half of what we are paying now to the self-enriching insurance companies, HMOs, and private-profit hospitals.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Health Care and Safety.

According to the author, the following lists indicate what about the U.S. education system?The taxpayers (including ones who cannot afford to send their children to college) give the banks and other private credit companies billions of dollars with which to make loans to students.If the students pay back the loans with interest, the banks pocket these profits and use the repaid money for more loans.The loans that students fail to pay back are guaranteed by the taxpayers. The government buys back these bad debts from the banks and loan companies so that they neither sustain any losses nor carry any risks.The banks and loan companies collect on delinquent loans, using collection agencies that put liens on the wages and salaries that students might earn after graduation.Students often work hard to pay off the debts they owe so that the top executives of these private loan companies can continue to make multimillion-dollar salaries, use private jets, and frequent the most luxurious golf and spa resorts in the world.

Here is how socialism for the rich works:

Plutocratic interests are served also by well-financed conservative think tanks. They produce studies showing that America's main ailment is government regulations, and the cure is laissez-faire economics, globalization, abolition of human services, and no taxes on business and wealthy investors. Which think tanks are these?

Heritage Foundation and Project for a New American Century

___________ wrote of "economic necessities" behind Wilson's war policy. In 1914 a serious recession had begun in the United States. ________later testified: "The war opened during a period of hard times. ... Business throughout the country was depressed, farm prices were deflated, unemployment was serious, the heavy industries were working far below capacity and bank clearings were off."

Hofstadter; J. P. Morgan

Who was the reformist president who was elected in Venezuela and proceeded to use oil revenues for social programs for the poor, the White House predictably denounced him as a dictator, a firebrand, and an aggrandizing enemy of the United States, rejecting his overtures for friendly relations as deceptive ploys?

Hugo Chavez

US consumer debt reached a record high by 2002 and doubled in size from 2001 to 2008. A nationwide survey found that a large majority of personal bankruptcies are related to

Illness and costly medical expenses

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:In 1986, in what amounted to a bailout of private investors, the social democratic government in Spain nationalized vast private holdings to avert their collapse. After bringing them back to health with generous nourishment from the public treasure, they were sold back to private companies. The same was done with Conrail in the United States, as we have seen. Likewise a conservative Greek government privatized the state-owned telecommunications system, which had been reporting continuous profits for several years.What do these examples indicate?

In capitalist countries, government generally nationalizes sick and unprofitable industries and privatizes profitable public ones-in both cases for the benefit of big investors.

Which country is another countries have U.S. transnational corporations have paid police and military to beat, arrest, and in some cases kill labor unionists or residents who protested against the ecological damage and community displacement caused by corporate enterprise?

Indonesia, Nigeria, India, Burma, and Colombia

In 1990—1991, _______ asked for a larger share of the oil market to the annoyance of the giant petroleum companies. In retaliation for the slant drilling of its oil fields by the feudal rulers of _____________, __________________(a former CIA client) invaded ___________.

Iraq; Kuwait; Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein; Kuwait

In 1990-1991, which country had a former U.S. CIA client who asked for a larger share of the oil market to the annoyance of the giant petroleum companies. In retaliation for the slant drilling of its oil fields by the feudal rulers of Kuwait, invaded Kuwait?

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein

According to the authors, what was unusual about the Supreme Court's ruling in the caseof the 2000 election?

It overruled the Florida Supreme Court

So it was not just Soviet expansion that was threatening to the United States government and to American business interests. In fact, China, Korea, Indochina, the Philippines, represented local Communist movements, not Russian fomentation. What was the "threat" to the U.S.?

It was a general wave of anti-imperialist insurrection in the world, which would require gigantic American effort to defeat: national unity for militarization of the budget, for the suppression of domestic opposition to such a foreign policy.

The CIA has recruited hit men for "international murder missions," supplying arms and money to ____________to murder members of communist-led dockworkers' unions in Italy and France in 1947 and 1950. After these unions were broken, the ________ were given a freer hand transporting heroin from Asia to Western Europe and North America. Assisted by the CIA itself, _____________ in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan increased their opium production and distribution tenfold.

Italian and Corsican mafias; mobsters; anticommunist drug lords

In 2005 the most notorious of these was lobbyist ___________who was charged with bribing members of Congress and the Bush administration in exchange for official favors.

Jack Abramoff

Twelve days after the public hearing, three civil rights workers, ____, a young black Mississippian, and two white volunteers, ____ and ____, were arrested in Philadelphia, Mississippi, released from jail late at night, then seized, beaten with chains, and shot to death. Ultimately, an informer's testimony led to jail sentences for the sheriff and deputy sheriff and others. That came too late. The Mississippi murders had taken place after the repeated refusal of the national government, under _____ or ___, or any other President, to defend blacks against violence.

James Chaney; Andrew Goodman; Michael Schwerner; Kennedy; Johnson; 40; Hubert Humphrey

It was also noted that _______ depended on the rice of _______, and Communist victory there would "make it extremely difficult to prevent Japan's eventual accommodation to communism."In _____, a congressional study mission reported: "The area of Indochina is immensely wealthy in rice, rubber, coal and iron ore. Its position makes it a strategic key to the rest of Southeast Asia." That year, a State Department memorandum said that the _____ were losing the war in Indochina, had failed "to win a sufficient native support," feared that a negotiated settlement "would mean the eventual loss to Communism not only of _____ but of the whole of "Southeast Asia," and concluded: "If the _____ actually decided to withdraw, the U.S. would have to consider most seriously whether to take over in this area.

Japan; Southeast Asia; 1953; French; Indochina; French

Desperation led the CIA to enlist the Hmong tribesmen in military campaigns, which led to the deaths of thousands of Hmong. This was accompanied by secrecy and lying, as was so much of what happened in __________. In _________, a former government official in ______, Jerome Doolittle, wrote in the New York Times: The Pentagon's most recent lies about bombing Cambodia bring back a question that often occurred to me when I was press attaché at the American Embassy in Vientiane, ____. Why did we bother to lie?When I first arrived in Laos, I was instructed to answer all press questions about our massive and merciless bombing campaign in that tiny country with; "At the request of the Royal Laotian Government, the United States is conducting unarmed reconnaissance (lights accompanied by armed escorts who have the right to return if fired upon."This was a lie. Every reporter to whom I told it knew it was a lie. Hanoi knew it was a lie. The International Control Commission knew it was a lie. Every interested Congressman and newspaper reader knew it was a lie....After all, the lies did serve to keep something from somebody, and the somebody was us.

Laos; September 1973; Laos; Laos

According to the author, consider the fate of___. In ____ that city was served by one of the finest rail systems in the world, covering a seventy-five-mile radius with quiet, pollution-free electric trains that carried ____million passengers a year. But General Motors (GM) and Standard Oil, using dummy corporations as fronts, purchased the system, and replaced the electric cars with GM buses fueled by Standard Oil. By____, the corporations had replaced electric streetcar networks with gas-guzzling high-emission buses in over one hundred cities across the nation. Then they cut back on city and suburban bus services to encourage mass dependency on cars. In____, General Motors was found guilty of conspiracy in these activities and fined the crushing sum of $___. Motor vehicles extract a staggering social cost.

Los Angeles; 1935; 80; 1955; 1949; 5,000

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The author offers several ways to reform Congress. in order to create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators and then concludes with these possible reforms: With honest vote counts, secure access to voter registration and ballots, public financing of campaigns, limits on private perks, and free access to media, the representative system would be more democratic in process and content, what would be the possible outcomes of these reforms?

Major public office would be more accessible to others besides the rich or those supported by the rich. And democracy would have much more hope and substance to it.

Defense contractors have been known to make out duplicate bills to different military agencies, getting paid twice for the same service. Tests have been rigged and data falsified to make weapons appear more effective than they actually are. .............The public purse is pilfered on small items too. The military paid $511 for lightbulbs that cost 90 cents and $640 for toilet seats that cost $12. And after paying the Boeing Company $5,096 for two pliers, the tough Pentagon procurers renegotiated the price down to $1,496-a real bargain. This behavior results in which of the following?

Many top defense contractors have been under criminal investigation, but most fraud goes unpunished.

On __________ ,a company of American soldiers went into the hamlet of ______, in ______province. They rounded up the inhabitants, including old people and women with infants in their arms. These people were ordered into a ditch, where they were methodically shot to death by American soldiers. The testimony of James Dursi, a rifleman, at the later trial of Lieutenant William Calley, was reported in the New York Times: Lieutenant Calley and a weeping rifleman named Paul D. Meadlo-the same soldier who had fed candy to the children before shooting them- pushed the prisoners into the ditch....

March 16, 1968; My Lai 4; Quang Ngai

Meanwhile, the United States, giving economic aid to certain countries, was creating a network of American corporate control over the globe, and building its political influence over the countries it aided. The _____ of _____, which gave _____ in economic aid to Western European countries in ___ years, had an economic aim: to build up markets for American exports. George Marshall (a general, then Secretary of State) was quoted in an early ____ State Department bulletin: "It is idle to think that a Europe left to its own efforts . .. would remain open to American business in the same way that we have known it in the past."

Marshall Plan; 1948; $16 billion; four; 1948

The ____ Plan also had a political motive. The Communist parties of ___ and ___ were strong, and the United States decided to use pressure and money to keep Communists out of the cabinets of those countries. When the Plan was beginning, Truman's Secretary of State ____ said: "These measures of relief and reconstruction have been only in part suggested by humanitarianism. Your Congress has authorized and your Government is carrying out, a policy of relief and reconstruction today chiefly as a matter of national self-interest."

Marshall; Italy; France; Dean Acheson

Who founded a union-led group that was more democratic and consistently secured better contracts for workers and gave stronger support to minority representation?

Maurice Zeitlin found communist-led unions which were more democratic than anticommunist ones.

In what case did the Supreme Court rein in the prosecutory power when applied to upper-class white-collar offenders, making it more difficult to bring mail fraud charges against persons in private business, govenrment, and the judiciary?

McNally v. United States (1987)

A number of former CIA officials left the agency, and wrote books critical of its activities. John _____, who had headed the CIA operation in ____, resigned, wrote a book exposing the CIA's activities, and lectured all over the country about his experiences. David _____, a historian and former CIA specialist, testified at trials on behalf of people who had protested government policy in _____. FBI Agent Jack ____, a twenty-one-year veteran of the bureau, was fired when he refused to investigate peace groups. He was deprived of his pension and for some time had to live in a shelter for homeless people.

Stockwell;Angola;MacMichael;Central America;Ryan

In Nicaragua, what did the U.S. do?

Supported a U.S.-backed mercenary force killed over 30,000 people, orphaned more than 9,000 children, and destroyed crops, homes, schools, health clinics, and other facilities-for an estimated damage of over $3 billion.

According to the authors, which of the following are part of the federal court system?

Supreme Court

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, under the term ENVIRONMENTALISM, Issues that inspire environmentalists cover a diverse spectrum that includes animal and human rights, controlling and preventing or eliminating pollution - up to and including matters related to GLOBAL WARMING - industrial democracy, liberalization of private morality and the eradication of endemic diseases, hunger and poverty through __________.

Sustainable Development

The massacre at My Lai by a company of ordinary soldiers was a small event compared with the plans of high-level military and civilian leaders to visit massive destruction on the civilian population of Vietnam, Assistant Secretary of Defense John ____ in early ____, seeing that large-scale bombing of ____ Vietnam villages was not producing the desired result, suggested a different strategy. The air strikes on villages, he said, would "create a counterproductive wave of revulsion abroad and at home." He suggested instead: Destruction of locks and dams, however-if handled right-might.. . offer promise. It should be studied. Such destruction doesn't kill or drown people. By shallow-flooding the rice, it leads after a time to widespread starvation (more than a million?) unless food is provided-which we could offer to do "at the conference table." ...The heavy bombings were intended to destroy the will of ordinary Vietnamese to resist, as in the bombings of German and Japanese population centers in World War II-despite President Johnson's public insistence that only "military targets" were being bombed. The government was using language like "one more turn of the screw" to describe bombing. The _______ at one point in ___ recommended a "bombing program of greater intensify," according to the Pentagon Papers, directed against, in the _____'s words, "the will of the regime as a target system."

McNaughton; 1966; North; CIA; 1966; CIA

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Military Spending. The loss of jobs that will come with ridding ourselves of a war economy could be mitigated by embarking upon a massive conversion to a peacetime economy, putting the monies saved from the bloated military budget into human services and domestic needs enumerated earlier. Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Military Spending.

When __________'s Italy invaded _________ in _____, the U.S. declared an embargo on munitions but let American businesses send oil to Italy in huge quantities, which was essential to Italy's carrying on the war. When a Fascist rebellion took place in ____ in ____ against the elected socialist-liberal government, the Roosevelt administration sponsored a neutrality act that had the effect of shutting off help to the ________ government while ___ and ______ gave critical aid to ____. Offner says: ... the United States went beyond even the legal requirements of its neutrality legislation. Had aid been forthcoming from the United States and from England and France, considering that Hitler's position on aid to France was not firm at least until November ____, the Spanish Republicans could well have triumphed. Instead, Germany gained every advantage from the Spanish civil war.

Mussolini; Ethiopia; 1935; Spain; 1936; Spanish; Hitler; Mussolini; Franco; 1936

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: Incumbents generally enjoy a head start over potential challengers in name recognition. They issue press releases and use their franking privileges (free congressional mailings) to correspond with constituents, sending out newsletters that advertise their devoted efforts as lawmakers.This passage indicates what?

Name Recognition

In 1935 working people won a major victory when a law was passed setting up the_________________ as an independent federal agency to protect labor's right to collective bargaining. In the years that followed, union membership increased dramatically and workers across the country won wage gains amounting to billions of dollars.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:End U.S.-sponsored counterinsurgency wars against the poor of the world.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

National Security State.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Prohibit covert actions by intelligence agencies against anticapitalist social movements at home and abroad. Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

National Security State.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The billions of U.S. tax dollars that flow into the Swiss bank accounts of foreign autocrats and militarists could be much better spent on human services at home.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

National Security State.

Corporate special interests sometimes hide behind pressure-group front organizations that have uplifting, public-service-sounding names. The ______________is really a well-financed lobby of oil and mining companies and real-estate developers with the single mission of undoing the regulations that protect our wetlands and endangered species. The _____________________ is really dedicated to facilitating corporate outsourcing and export of jobs to cheaper labor markets abroad.

National Wetlands Coalition; Coalition for American Growth and American Jobs

In _____, the United States had helped maintain the _______ for decades. Misreading the basic weakness of that regime, and the popularity of the revolution against it, the ____ administration continued its support for __ until close to the regime's fall in ___.

Nicaragua;Somoza dictatorship;Carter;Somoza;1979

In which country did a U.S.-backed mercenary force killed over 30,000 people, orphaned more than 9,000 children, and destroyed crops, homes, schools, health clinics, and other facilities-for an estimated damage of over $3 billion?


Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Which administration did the following?: Congressional attempts to rein in unilateral presidential war making have proven ineffective. The War Powers Act, passed in 1973 over this President's veto, requires that the president seek congressional approval within sixty days after launching a military action. The act allows the president to unilaterally engage U.S. troops only in case of an attack on the United States or its territories, possessions, or armed forces. Presidents have regularly violated the act.


After the Watergate burglars were caught, ___ secretly pledged to give them executive clemency if they were imprisoned, and suggested that up to a million dollars be given them to keep them quiet. In fact, ____was given to them, on _________'s orders.

Nixon; $450,000 ; Erlichman

According to A People's History of the United States, PHUS chapter 23: The exile of ___, the celebration of the Bicentennial, the presidency of _____, all aimed at restoration. But restoration to the old order was no solution to the uncertainty, the alienation, which was intensified in the _________ years. The election of _______ in 1992, carrying with it a vague promise of change, did not fulfill the expectations of the hopeful.

Nixon; Carter; Reagan-Bush; Clinton

At the time of the incident, Secretary of State Rusk was questioned on NBC television: REPORTER: What explanation, then, can you come up with for this unprovoked attack?RUSK: Well, I haven't been able, quite frankly, to come to a fully satisfactory explanation. There is a great gulf of understanding, between that world and our world, ideological in character. They see what we think of as the real world in wholly different terms. Their very processes of logic are different. So that it's very difficult to enter into each other's minds across that great ideological gulf. The Tonkin "attack" brought a congressional resolution, passed unanimously in the House, and with only two dissenting votes in the Senate, giving Johnson the power to take military action as he saw fit in Southeast Asia. Two months before the Gulf of 'Ionkin incident, U.S. government leaders met in Honolulu and discussed such a resolution. Rusk said, in this meeting, according to the Pentagon Papers, that "public opinion on our Southeast Asia policy was badly divided in the United States at the moment and that, therefore, the President needed an affirmation of support."The Tonkin Resolution gave the President the power to initiate hostilities without the declaration of war by Congress that the Constitution required. The Supreme Court, supposed to be the watchdog of the Constitution, was asked by a number of petitioners in the course of the Vietnam war to declare the war unconstitutional. Again and again, it refused even to consider the issue. Immediately after the Tonkin affair, American warplanes began bombarding _____ Vietnam. During _____, over_____American soldiers were sent to _____ Vietnam, and in ____, _____ more. By early ___, there were more than _____ American troops there, and the U.S. Air Force was dropping bombs at a rate unequaled in history. Tiny glimmerings of the massive human suffering under this bombardment came to the outside world.

North; 1965; 200,000; South; 1966; 200,000; 1968; 500,000

When Army investigators reached the barren area in _________, in connection with the _________probe in the United States, they found mass graves at _____ sites, as well as a ditch full of bodies. It was estimated that between ____ and ___ people-most of them women, children and old men-had been slain and buried there.The army tried to cover up what happened. But a letter began circulating from a GI named ________, who had heard about the massacre. There were photos taken of the killing by an army photographer, ________. ________, then working for an antiwar news agency in Southeast Asia called Dispatch News Service, wrote about it. The story of the massacre had appeared in _______ in two French publications, one called Sud Vietnam en Lutte, and another published by the North Vietnamese delegation to the peace talks in Paris-but the American press did not pay any attention.

November, 1969; My Lai; three; 450; 500; Ron Ridenhour; Ronald Haeberle; Seymour Hersh; May 1968

President _______ appointed _____ as Treasury secretary to supervise the financial bailout of 2008—2009. ______ had been president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and was close to many of the speculators and investors at Goldman Sachs and AIG and other Wall Street financiers, the very people he was supposed to be reining in and regulating. Likewise _____ appointed _____as director of the White House National Economic Council to assist in trying to bring the unregulated banking crisis under control. This same ______, while serving as _____ Secretary of the Treasury, had worked for the repeal of key regulatory banking provisions, a deregulation that arguably led to the subprime mortgage crisis. But Summers insisted that financial crises are caused by an excess of regulation. This self-professed free marketeer was now called upon to regulate his friends, the Wall Street moguls.

Obama;Timothy Geithner;Geithner;Obama;Lawrence Summers;Summers;Clinton's

According to the author, in, 2008 - 2009, during the subprime-mortgage scandal, millions of working families were dispossessed of their homes by the duplicitous practices of predatory lenders and investors. Many ended up doubling up with relatives or living in low-rent hovels or "tent cities," only adding to the housing crisis in America. Early in its first year in office, the Obama administration announced the Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program, a comprehensive plan intended to assist some 7 to 9 million homeowners by reducing mortgage payments to affordable levels and preventing avoidable foreclosures. The program was designed to restore the housing market, shore up its slumping values and prices, and ease the impact and frequency of foreclosures-without eliminating foreclosures or restoring ownership to the many who lost their homes. This passage indicatres what about the government and free market relationships?

That the government had to step in with public funds to assist some 7 to 9 million homeowners by reducing mortgage payments to affordable levels and preventing avoidable foreclosures

In 1999, who ______________ apologized for past U.S. support of murderous right-wing governments in Guatemala that killed over 200,000 people. Such involvement "in violence and widespread repression was wrong"; it was a "mistake," and must never happen again, said the president, even as he continued to support violent interventions against Iraq, Yugoslavia, Haiti, Somalia, and other countries.

Pres. Clinton

Which of the following presidents served as as former CIA director and then Vice President who later as president pardoned a half dozen Iran-contra criminals, including Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, and State Department official Elliot Abrams, who later became Bush Jr.'s deputy national security advisor?

President Bush, Sr.

Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Presidents describe the overseas investments of giant corporations as "U.S. interests" abroad, to be defended at all costs-or certainly at great cost to the taxpayer. The president's primary commitment abroad is not to democracy as such but to free-market capitalism. In an address before the United Nations, 27 September 1993, ___________said: "Our overriding purpose is to expand and strengthen the world's community of market-based democracies."

President Clinton

Was the government turning to murder and terror because the concessions-the legislation, the speeches, the intonation of the civil rights hymn "We Shall Overcome" by _________-were not working? It was discovered later that the government in all the years of the civil rights movement, while making concessions through Congress, was acting through the ___ to harass and break up black militant groups. Between ___ and ___ the ___ concluded a massive Counterintelligence Program (known as ______________) that took ____ actions against black groups. Black militancy seemed stubbornly resistant to destruction. A secret FBI report to President _____ in 1970 said "a recent poll indicates that approximately ____ of the black population has a great respect for the Black Panther Party, including ___ of blacks under ___ years of age." Was there fear that blacks would turn their attention from the controllable field of voting to the more dangerous arena of wealth and poverty-of class conflict? In 1966, seventy poor black people in Greenville, Mississippi, occupied an unused air force barracks, until they were evicted by the military. A local woman, Mrs. Unita Blackwell, said: "I feel that the federal government have proven that it don't care about poor people. Everything that we have asked for through these years had been handed down on paper. It's never been a reality. We the poor people of Mississippi is tired. We're tired of it so we're going to build for ourselves, because we don't have a government that represents us."

President Lyndon Johnson; FBI; 1956; 1971; FBI; COINTELPRO; 295; Nixon; 25%; 43%; 21

Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: In 1984 this president won 58.8 percent of the votes cast but 97.5 percent of the Electoral College. Under this system, the location of votes sometimes becomes more important than the actual number of votes.


Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Which administration did the following?: Against the expressed will of Congress, this President used U.S. planes and bases to wage a mercenary war against Nicaragua in the 1980s.


Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Which administration did the following?: This administration terminated benefits for hundreds of thousands of disabled Americans. When federal courts found the action to be illegal, the administration announced it would ignore the unfavorable court decisions.


Acording to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 16: Which administration did the following?: Yet presidents themselves have sometimes made claim to dictatorial absolutist power. When asked whether a U.S. military foray into Bolivia, ostensibly to catch drug traffickers, was in the national interest, This President said, "Anything we do is in the national interest."


President ______ issued a presidential directive that forced some ____ million government workers to take a pledge of ___ and of lifetime government censorship of their writings and speeches. Administrators have sought to undercut the ______by outright denial of requests, or by imposing years of delay before releasing materials, or inking out more and more information on the released documents, and sometimes charging exorbitant copying fees.

Reagan;2;secrecy;Freedom of Information Act

Officeholders who prove especially cooperative toward lobbying interests might later be rewarded with lucrative positions in the corporate world when they return to private life. Barred from lobbying for only one year after leaving public service, they are becoming lobbyists with increasing frequency. A recent example is ____________ who, having played an active role in passing the ________-dollar boondoggle Medicare prescription drug bill, was reportedly offered a _________ job with PhRMA, the pharmaceutical industry's leading lobbying group.

Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.); trillion; $2 million-a-year

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: With the increasing number of gerrymandered and touch-screen upset victories for ______ candidates, the _____ majority leadership in Congress in 2002—2006 showed a growing disinclination to practice procedural democracy, feeling that it would predominate indefinitely as the legislative majority. Bills were written in secrecy, often by right-wing lobbyists and other special interests, with no hearings called, and no realistic debate allowed in most instances. Omnibus bills, thousands of pages long, were brought to the House floor with no advance notice, in violation of the seventy-two-hour rule. ____ were excluded entirely from conference committees, where the ______ rewrote legislation even after the conference was closed, usually ending up with far more conservative bills than what originally went into conference.

Republican; GOP; Democrats; Republicans

Then, in 1947, a ___________-controlled Congress passed the ___________, which imposed _________ on strikes, boycotts, and labor organizing. Union membership has steadily _______ from __________of the workforce to about __________. If we don't count public employees and consider only the private sector, union membership _________ to ____, _______ than during the 1930s.

Republican; Taft-Hartley Act; restrictions; shrunk; 35 percent; 12 percent; declined; 7.9 percent; lower

One of those who stayed, fought, but then turned against the war was ______. His father worked in a supermarket on ______. In ___, at the age of seventeen, he enlisted in the marines. Two years later, in Vietnam, at the age of nineteen, his spine was shattered by shellfire. Paralyzed from the waist down, he was put in a wheelchair. Back in the States, he observed the brutal treatment of wounded veterans in the veterans' hospitals, thought more and more about the war, and joined the "Vietnam Veterans Against the War. He went to demonstrations to speak against the war. One evening he heard actor ______ read from the post-World War I novel by ______, Johnny Got His Gun, about a soldier whose limbs and face were shot away by gunfire, a thinking torso who invented a way of communicating with the outside world and then beat out a message so powerful it could not be heard without trembling.

Ron Kovic; Long Island; 1963; Donald Sutherland; Dalton Trumbo

______________ admitted to carrying out mind-control projects at over eighty institutions, sometimes on unsuspecting persons, and was responsible for the death of at least one government employee.


The CIA is now using several hundred American academics (administrators, faculty members, graduate students engaged in teaching) who, in addition to providing leads and, on occasion, making introductions for intelligence purposes, write books and other material to be used for propaganda purposes abroad. . . . These academics are located in over 100 American colleges, universities and related institutions. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the individual concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university official is aware of the operational use of academics on his campus.. .. The CIA considers these operational relationships within the U.S. academic community as perhaps its most sensitive domestic area and has strict controls governing these operations.... This refers to what?

The Church Committee uncovered CIA operations to secretly influence the minds of Americans

Chief Justice William Rehnquist argued that this was not excessive and that cruel and unusual punishment might be when someone is given, say, a life sentence for "overtime parking." What case did this concern?

The Court upheld a life sentence given to a man for three minor frauds totaling $230.

According to the author, which organization for decades, conducted a counterintelligence program, Cointelpro, designed to subvert progressive groups. Working closely with right-wing organizations, used forged documents, illegal break-ins, telephone taps, and undercover provocateurs and infiltrated labor unions in attempts to brand them "communist controlled," and it worked with management in the surveillance of strikers?


Historian Jon Wiener, analyzing the domestic context of the war decision shortly afterward, wrote that "Bush abandoned sanctions and chose war because his time frame was a political one set by the approaching 1992 presidential elections." What does this refer to?

The Gulf War

The Nixon administration tried to get the Supreme Court to stop further publication, but the Court said this was "prior restraint" of the freedom of the press and thus unconstitutional The government then indicted Ellsberg and Russo for violating the Espionage Act by releasing classified documents to unauthorized people; they faced long terms in prison if convicted. The judge, however, called off the trial during the jury deliberations, because the Watergate events unfolding at the time revealed unfair practices by the prosecution.Ellsberg, by his bold act, had broken with the usual tactic of dissidents inside the government who bided their time and kept their opinions to themselves, hoping for small changes in policy. A colleague urged him not to leave the government because there he had "access," saying, "Don't cut yourself off. Don't cut your throat." Ellsberg replied: "Life exists outside the Executive Branch." What was the name of this famous freedom of press case called?

The Pentagon Papers

According to the authors, during the 2000 election, who overruled state courts, state laws, and local canvassing boards in order to reach a verdict that was political congenial?The President

The Supreme Court

In East Timor, the U.S. did what?

The U.S.-funded Indonesian military slaughtered some 200,000 people, more than one-third of the population.

What official position stems from the child labor practices of U.S. corporations throughout the Third World, where children as young as twelve suffer high rates of injuries and fatalities?

The United States is one of the few countries that has refused to sign an international convention for the abolition of child labor and forced labor.

The U.S. can destroy Iraq's highways, but not build its own; create the conditions for epidemic in Iraq, but not offer health care to millions of Americans. It can excoriate Iraqi treatment of the Kurdish minority, but not deal with domestic race relations; create homelessness abroad but not solve it here; keep a half million troops drug free as part of a war, but refuse to fund the treatment of millions of drug addicts at borne. ... We shall lose the war after we have won it.

The government's demand for increased military spending while decreasing public spending

For almost a century, many of them have gathered every summer at Bohemian Grove, a vast luxurious male-only retreat in a California redwood forest owned by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco. The guest list has included every Republican U.S. president and some Democratic ones, many top White House officials, and directors of large corporate and financial institutions. "The collective corporate stock ownership by [Bohemian Grove] members and guests conservatively exceeds $100 billion." Who does this passage refer to?

The place where top politico-economic elites who frequently gather to decide what candidates to support and what policies to pursue at home and abroad, so to better secure their common class interests.

After the disintegration of the Soviet bloc began in 1989, there had been talk in the United States of a "peace dividend," the opportunity to take billions of dollars from the military budget and use it for human needs. The war in the Gulf became a convenient excuse for the government determined to stop such talk. A member of the Bush administration said: "We owe Saddam a favor. He saved us from the peace dividend" (New York Times, March 2, 1991). What does this refer to?

The public's demand for reduced military spending

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The power to use police and military force, the power of eminent domain, the power to tax and legislate, to use public funds for private profit, float limitless credit, mobilize highly emotive symbols of loyalty and legitimacy, and suppress political dissidence-such resources of state give corporate America a durability it could never provide for itself. The state also functions to stabilize relations among giant firms. Historically, "firms in an oligopolistic industry often turn to the federal government to do for them what they cannot do for themselves-namely, enforce obedience to the rules of their own cartel." A central function of the capitalist state is to protect capitalism from itself, from the capitalists who plunder not only the public but the private investment system, killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.This passage indicates what?

The state is the single most important instrument that corporate America has at its command.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:More than half a century ago Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis commented, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." And some years earlier, the German sociologist Max Weber wrote: "The question is: How are freedom and democracy in the long run at all possible under the domination of highly developed capitalism?" That question is still with us. As the crisis of capitalism deepens, as the contradiction between the egalitarian expectations of democracy and the demoralizing thievery of the free market sharpens, the state must act more deceptively and repressively to hold together the existing politico-economic system. This passage indicates what?

The vast inequality in economic power that exists in our capitalist society translates into a great inequality of social power.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:"The question is: How are freedom and democracy in the long run at all possible under the domination of highly developed capitalism?"

The vast inequality in economic power that exists in our democratic society translates into a great inequality of social power.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." This passage indicates what?

The vast inequality in economic power that exists in our democratic society translates into a great inequality of social power.

Defense contractors enjoy these features of military spending. Which of the following is true and cited in the text?

There is a Pentagon-leased luxury hotel outside Disney World in Florida that requires an annual federal subsidy of $27 million.

According to A People's History of the United States, PHUS chapter 23: There is none that disperses its controls more complexly through the voting system, the work situation, the church, the family, the school, the mass media none more successful in mollifying opposition with reforms, isolating people from one another, creating patriotic loyalty. What is this passage referring to?

There is no system of control with more openings, apertures, leeways, flexibilities, rewards for the chosen, winning tickets in lotteries.

According to A People's History of the United States, PHUS chapter 23: The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history. With a country so rich in natural resources, talent, and labor power the system can afford to distribute just enough wealth to just enough people to limit discontent to a troublesome minority. It is a country so powerful, so big, so pleasing to so many of its citizens that it can afford to give freedom of dissent to the small number who are not pleased. What is this passage referring to?

These rebellions, so far, have been contained.

In 1997, the House barred outside groups and individuals from lodging ethics complaints against its members. When ___________ was facing felony indictments in 2004, the House GOP pushed through a rule to ensure that such criminal charges would not prevent him from keeping his post as House Majority Leader.

Tom Delay

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:A national bank would be a great aid in funding such public work projects, which themselves would create many decent-paying jobs.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Transportation and Infrastructure.

____ made a point of bringing a substantial number of non-partisan soldiers, ______ bankers, and Wall Street lawyers into his Administration. He went to the existing sources of power in the country to get help he needed in ruling the country. _____ in part inherited this coalition and was in part almost its creation... . ______ attempted to re-create a somewhat similar structure of alliances.

Truman; Republican;Eisenhower;Kennedy

The United States responded with the ___ Doctrine, the name given to a speech ____ gave to Congress in the spring of ___, in which he asked for $____ million in military and economic aid to ___ and ___. Truman said the U.S. must help "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."

Truman; Truman; 1947; 400; Greece; Turkey

Historian Jon ____, analyzing the domestic context of the war decision shortly afterward, wrote that "_____ abandoned sanctions and chose war because his time frame was a political one set by the approaching _____ presidential elections."


In a memo to Bryan who described his aim as "an open door to the world," and in 1914 he said he supported "the righteous conquest of foreign markets."?

Woodrow Wilson

During _________the Navy tested the effects of poison gas using sailors as guinea pigs. As many as _____________ took part in the experiments, many suffering long-term disabilities. Tens of thousands of veterans have been sickened or have died from exposure to atomic testing during the 1950s or from toxic herbicides used in the _________. And more than _________ veterans may have been exposed to depleted uranium or other highly hazardous materials, including anthrax inoculations that are suspected of causing serious illness.

World War II; 60,000; Vietnam War; 200,000 Gulf War

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:As the crisis of capitalism deepens, as the contradiction between the egalitarian expectations of democracy and the demoralizing thievery of the free market sharpens, the state must do what?

act more deceptively and repressively to hold together the existing politico-economic system.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The author offers several ways to reform Congress. in order to create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators. Which of the follwing outcomes would make major public office would be more accessible to others besides the rich or those supported by the rich. And democracy would have much more hope and substance to it?


According to Web Lesson Presentaiton, Last Environment on a very Lonely Planet, environmentalism

all of these

According to Web Lesson Presentaitons, The central value assertions of environmentalism are inherently appealing to most reasonable and informed people are which of the following?

all of these

Environmentalism is an ideology and a movement to protest the quality and continuity of human life through

all of these

Despite the overthrow of the USSR and other Eastern European communist nations in 1990—1992, U.S. military allocations continued ______________levels, and U.S. overseas military strength remained deployed in much the same pattern as before, with its Cold War arsenal of long-range nuclear missiles aimed mostly at the former Soviet Union, an enemy that no longer exists. In recent years the list of sites targeted by U.S. nuclear weapons actually ____________, including new targets in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakstan, China, Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

at budget-busting stratospheric; grew by 20 percent

The rank and file participate in union elections

at higher rates than in national elections.

In recent decades, U.S. industries and banks have invested heavily in the Third World (the poorer regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America), because they are

attracted by the rich natural resources and the high return that comes with underpaid labor and the absence of taxes, environmental regulations, and occupational safety costs.

The Soviet Union was obviously ___-it had between fifty and a hundred intercontinental ballistic missiles and fewer than two hundred long-range bombers. But the U.S. budget kept -__, the ___ kept growing, the profits of corporations getting defense contracts ____, and employment and wages moved ahead just enough to keep a substantial number of Americans dependent on war industries for their living.

behind; mounting; hysteria; multiplied

The total number of government classified documents is not known, though the figure is estimated at well into the ____. At least __ percent of the millions of _____ documents related to war crimes still remain secret, some ___ years later. In the last decade, in cooperation with the ___ and other intelligence agencies, the National Archives began reclassifying thousands of historical documents that had been declassified and available to the public for years, including some already published or photocopied long ago by historians. No one explained why these materials were being removed from the public eye.

billions;70;World War II;seventy;CIA

The CIA is now using several hundred American academics (administrators, faculty members, graduate students engaged in teaching) who, in addition to providing leads and, on occasion, making introductions for intelligence purposes, write _________ and other material to be used for ______ purposes abroad. . . . These academics are located in over ____ American colleges, universities and related institutions. At the majority of institutions, no one other than the individual concerned is aware of the CIA link. At the others, at least one university official is aware of the operational use of academics on his campus.. .. The CIA considers these operational relationships within the U.S. academic community as perhaps its most _____ domestic area and has strict controls governing these operations....


Organized labor usually cannot match business in spending power and political muscle. In recent elections, big business outspent labor

by twenty-four to one.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Defenders of the existing system assert that the history of "democratic ____" has been one of gradual reform. To be sure, important reforms have been won by _____ people. To the extent that the present economic order has anything humane and civil about it, it is because of the struggles of millions of people engaged in advancing their living standard and their rights as ______. It is somewhat ironic to credit ______ with the genius of gradual reform when (a) most economic reforms through history have been vehemently and sometimes violently resisted by the ______ class and were won only after prolonged, bitter, and sometimes bloody popular struggle, and (b) most of the problems needing reform have been caused or intensified by _____.

capitalism; working; citizens; capitalism; capitalist; corporate capitalism

It was an accurate observation. Despite the political consensus of Democrats and Republicans in Washington which set limits on American reform, making sure that _____ was in place, that national military strength was maintained, that wealth and power remained in the hands of ___, there were millions of Americans, probably tens of millions, who ____, either actively or silently, to go along. Their activities were largely unreported by the media. They constituted this____

capitalism;a few;refused; "permanent adversarial culture."

According Zinn, The advanced __________ countries of Europe were fighting over boundaries, colonies, spheres of influence; they were competing for ______________.

capitalist; Alsace-Lorraine, the Balkans, Africa, the Middle East

public support of labor unions

continues to be strong by substantial majorities of almost two to one

The U.S. government also runs a Foreign Military Financing Program, which gives billions of dollars a year to other countries to purchase weaponry from U.S. firms. The U.S. taxpayers fully subsidize these sales while the profits go to the___________.

corporate arms dealers.

The war not only put the United States in a position to dominate much of the world; it created conditions for effective control at home. The unemployment, the economic distress, and the consequent turmoil that had marked the thirties, only partly relieved by New Deal measures, had been pacified, overcome by the greater turmoil of the war. The war brought higher prices for farmers, higher wages, enough prosperity for enough of the population to assume against the rebellions that so threatened the thirties. As Lawrence Wittner writes, "The war rejuvenated American capitalism." 'The biggest gains were in _______, which rose from _______ in ______ to _____in __. But enough went to workers and farmers to make them feel the system was doing well for them.

corporate profits; $6.4 billion; 1940; $10.8 billion; 1944

According to the author, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978

created a secret court that reaches court decisions in complete secrecy.

In 1982, a massive grassroots movement for a bilateral, verifiable freeze on nuclear weapons swept the country, yet the lawmakers continued to vote for major escalations in nuclear weaponry. In 2000, over 80 percent of the U.S. public favored a ban on nuclear weapons testing, yet the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty was _____________ in the Senate by a ________ vote; all ______ were ________ senators.

defeated; 51 to 48; 51; Republican

The ________ principle, enunciated in the words of the ________, declared that government was secondary, that the people who established it were primary. Thus, the future of ______ depended on the people, and their growing consciousness of what was the decent way to relate to their fellow human beings all over the world.

democratic;Declaration of Independence;democracy

Along with _______ the ____ sector, corporate America advocates ____ the ____ sector by selling off to ____ investors the nation's ____ schools, hospitals, housing, postal services, transit systems, and municipal water systems. ____ constantly feeds off ____ by extracting subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, bailouts from the public treasury, a ____ for the rich. Over ___ states in the United States have enacted legislation allowing private corporations, including investment firms like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and the Carlyle Group, to buy or lease public highway and transportation infrastructure from which they will pocket billions of dollars in toll collections.


The federal budget is composed of __________ spending (the monies that the Congress allocates each year) and _________ spending (the monies that must be allotted in compliance with already existing authorizations, such as payments on the national debt or Social Security). In the __________ budget, more money is spent on the ________ than on all __________ programs combined.

discretionary; mandatory; discretionary; military; domestic

The U.S. military has a nuclear overkill capacity of more than _________ long-range missiles and ___________tactical ones, along with ground and air forces ready to strike anywhere and a fleet __________ in total tonnage and firepower than all the other navies of the world combined.

eight thousand: twenty-two thousand; larger

Since World War II, hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. military aid have been given to some ____________nations. The U.S. has trained and equipped some _________ foreign troops and police, the purpose being not to defend these countries from __________ but to protect________ from their own restive populations.

eighty-five; 2.3 million; outside invasion; capital investments and the ruling oligarchs

Free-trade globalization has _________ farm incomes and destroyed rural livelihoods, ________ the number of people living in ________ in Mexico. The number of malnourished people across the entire Third World _________a year. And ____________ in the United States, including many in family farming.

eroded; doubling; poverty; grew by an average of 4.5 million; over 1 million jobs were lost

The relationship of these global corporations with the poorer countries had long been an _____ one, it was clear from U.S. Department of _____ figures. Whereas U.S. corporations in ___ between _____ and ____ invested ____ and made ____in profits, in _____ America they invested _____ and made _____ in profits, and in ____ they invested ____ and made _____ in profits.

exploiting;Commerce;Europe;1950;1965;$8.1 billion;$5.5 billion;Latin;$3.8 billion;$11.2 billion;Africa;$5.2 billion;$14.3 billion

According to the author, This nation has ________different health insurance programs. These private companies cost hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Private companies lay out huge sums for marketing, for screening out undesirable applicants, and for enormous salaries and bonuses to their top _____.

fifteen hundred; directors

The Treasury Department estimates that mortgage frauds-with more than _________cases reported each month in 2009-costs the public anywhere from __________ a year.

five thousand ; $15 billion to $25 billion

Capitalism, despite its attempts at self-reform, its organization for better control, was still in 1929 a sick and undependable system.After the crash, the economy was stunned, barely moving. Over _____hanks closed and huge numbers of businesses, unable to get money, closed too. Those that continued laid off employees and cut the wages of those who remained, again and again. Industrial production fell by ____ and by ___ perhaps ____ (no one knew exactly)- one-fourth or one-third of the labor force-were out of work. The Ford Motor Company, which in the spring of ___ had employed _____workers, was down to ___by August of ___. By the end of ___, almost half the ______textile mill workers in New England were out of work. Former President ____ commented with his customary wisdom: "When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results." He spoke again in early ___, "This country is not in good condition."

five thousand ; 50 percent,; 1933; 15 million; 1929; 128,00; 37,000 ; 1931; 1930; 280,000; Calvin Coolidge; 1931

The emphasis in foreign economic policy was presumably based on "_____" agreements, most notably those signed with Canada and Mexico. Democrats and Republicans, enthusiastically supported by corporate interests, joined to pass the__________ (NAFTA), which ______ signed. _____ opposed it, because it meant _____ would be free to move across borders to find workers who would work at lower wages, under poor conditions.

free trade North American Free Trade Agreement;Clinton;Labor unions;businesses

The national security state's primary function is to defeat movements at home and abroad that seek alternatives to__________________.

free-market globalization

The United States, instead, was consigning its people to the mercy of the "______ market," forgetting, or choosing to forget, the disastrous consequence of such a policy in the ____. The "___" did not care about the environment or the arts. And it left many Americans without jobs, or health care, without a decent education for their children, or adequate housing. Under _____, the government had reduced the number of housing units getting subsidies from 400,000 to 40,000; in the ______ administration the program ended altogether.


International free-trade agreements like GATT, NAFTA, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) have

hastened the corporate acquisition of local markets, squeezing out smaller businesses and worker collectives.

The 1996 Telecommunications Act

helped media corporations increase their control over national public airwaves

Owners most dislike unions run by

honest and dedicated leaders who fight hard to protect the interests of their rank and file.

It was the classical ______ situation, where the places with natural wealth became victims of more powerful nations whose power came from that seized wealth. American corporations depended on the poorer countries for ____ percent of their diamonds, coffee, platinum, mercury, natural rubber, and cobalt. They got ____ percent of their manganese from abroad, ____ percent of their chrome and aluminum. And ____ percent of certain imports (platinum, mercury, cobalt, chrome, manganese) came from ____.

imperial;100;98;90;20 to 40;Africa

Congress has no exact idea how much it allocates for intelligence operations because specific funds are hidden in other budget items-which means that it is

in violation of Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution, which declares that no funds shall be drawn from the treasury except by lawful and publicly accounted appropriation.

The _____________ talked of prosperity as if it were _____, as if everyone gained from ____. True, the war meant more production, more employment, but did the _____ in the steel plants gain as much as U.S. Steel, which made _____ in profit in ___ alone?

industrialists and the political leaders; classless; Morgan's loans; workers; $348 million;1916

Instead of giving our contracts for_______and _____, contracts could be offered to ______ corporations to hire people to build homes, construct public transport systems, clean up the rivers and lakes, turn our cities into decent places to live.

jet bombers;nuclear submarines;nonprofit

Department of Labor statistics on "labor racketeering" reveal that most of the fines are imposed not on ________ but on ___________ that defraud unions. More often than not, the ______ are the victims not the criminals.

labor leaders; businesses; unions

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Most government policies favor ______ at a substantial cost to the rest of the ______.

large-investor interests; populace

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The state is also the place where ____ and _____ _____ factions struggle over how best to keep the system afloat. The more _____ and _____ elements argue that those at the top of the social pyramid should give a little in order to keep a lot. If ______ goals are too successful, if wages and buying power are cut back too far and production _____ too much, then the contradictions of the free market intensify. Profits may be maintained and even increased for a time through various financial contrivances, but overcapacity and overproduction lead to economic recession, unemployment grows, markets shrink, discontent deepens, and small and not so small businesses perish. The ____ system begins to devour itself.

liberal; conservative; ruling-class; liberal; centrist; conservative; increased; capitalist

The U.S. Constitution gave Congress the exclusive power to create _____. But the coterie of private bankers who compose the Fed now exercise this sovereign power. Check the money in your wallet; every bill of whatever denomination is labeled "Federal Reserve Note." When the Treasury needs money, it must turn to this private banking institution, the Federal Reserve. The Treasury prints interest-bearing U.S. Government Securities, an issue of, say, _____face value. These securities are IOUs that are given to the Fed. The Fed then enters ______ as a debit, which is given to the Treasury. If Treasury wants it in cash, the Fed has the cash printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the same place government securities are printed. The Fed then enters _____ on its books as a credit owed to it by the Treasury, and now collects interest on the ___ asset. When the reserve ratio is eight to one, the Fed can lend ___for every ___ dollar it has on reserve. In effect, much of the money it lends is created out of thin air! Instead of issuing interest-free money of its own, the U.S. Treasury is borrowing from a private banking source, the Fed, incurring an enormous debt. Thus the major banks are allowed to create fiat money and collect interest on that money from the government and the taxpayers. The Federal Reserve is a money-making machine, returning ____to ________ a year in profits, a grand source of income that goes directly into the bulging coffers of a tiny financial class.

money;$10 billion;$10 billion;$10 billion;$10 billion;$8;$1;$16 billion; $24 billion

Countries in which labor is well-organized enjoy

more human rights than countries where unions are nonexistent.

The 1996 Telecommunications Act heavily lobbyed by the broadcast industry allowed

most of the nation's thousands of radio stations to be bought up by large conglomerates, the biggest being the right-wing Clear Channel

If the government itself made direct loans to college students, it would cost only ________as much--but would mean no profits for the banks and private loan companies. "The White House estimates that it could save about ________________ if it cut out all the middlemen..."

one-fifth ; $94 billion over 10 years

According to the author, If the government itself made direct loans to college students, it would cost only _____ as much-but that would mean no profits for the banks and private loan companies. "The White House estimates that it could save about $____billion over ___ years if it cut out all the middlemen. And it has the basis of a system in place, since the Department of Education already makes a lot of direct loans to students."

one-fifth; 94 ; 10

The arms procurement program run by the Department of Defense (DOD) is rife with fraud and profiteering. The DOD's own auditors admit the military cannot account for __________ of what it spends, over ___________. Such sums do not just evaporate; they find their way into somebody's pockets. A secretary of defense during the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, admitted that "according to some estimates we cannot track _______ in transactions." When Bush called "for more than_________ in new defense spending," this caused Retired Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan to remark, "How do we know we need _________ since we don't know what we're spending and what we're buying."

one-fourth; $100 billion a year; $2.3 trillion; $48 billion; $48 billion

By displacing local populations from their lands and robbing them of their self-sufficiency, corporations create

overcrowded labor markets of desperate people who are forced to toil for poverty wages, often in violation of the countries' minimum-wage laws.

at higher rates than in national elections.

overcrowded labor markets of desperate people who are forced to toil for poverty wages, often in violation of the countries' minimum-wage laws.

CIA operatives _________ in the multibillion-dollar savings and loan swindles. Monies gained from such deals, along with drug money laundered through various banks and other financial institutions, were____________________

participated; illegally used to finance CIA covert activities.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: The evidence offered in the preceding chapters leaves us with reason to doubt that the United States is a ______ democracy as described above.


According to the author, ______ housing developments built with government assistance are often rented to ___-income people for a year or two to qualify for federal funds, then sold to other ____owners who, not held to the original contract, evict the tenants and turn the units into high-priced rentals or condominiums. Every year, hundreds of thousands of low-cost housing units are lost to demolition, gentrification, and sales to private investors, as the crisis of affordable housing ______across the United States.

private; low; private; spreads

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: There is commodity glut in the ________ market and chronic scarcity in _____ services.

private; public

The political voting system that provides a party with legislative seats roughly in accordance with the percntage of votes it wins is called

proportional representation

Under these electoral rules legislative seats are allotted to parties based on their percentages of the vote, multiparty systems flourish. Parties receiving less than a plurality receive some representation in the legislature. This electoral system is called

proportional representation

The most popular voting system in the world is

proportional representation system

Union strength correlates with __________ rather than with ___________. In states where unions have been traditionally _____ (for example, Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi), the standard of living has been _______ than in states where labor has a ________ organized presence.

prosperity; poverty and recession; weak; lower; stronger

According to Parenti, the United States

ranks among the lowest in the world in voter turnout.

For members of Congress getting reelected is a major concern; for some it is their only concern. In any case, the great majority of them are quite successful at it. The turnover in Congress is ___________percent. In the _____________of the incumbents who chose to run again were reelected.

rarely more than 5 to 8; 2000 election 98 percent

The Roosevelt reforms went far beyond previous legislation. They had to meet two pressing needs: to ______ capitalism in such a way to overcome the crisis and _______ the system; also, to head off the alarming growth of spontaneous ___ in the early years of the Roosevelt administration --organization of tenants and the unemployed, movements of self-help, general strikes in several cities.

reorganize; stabilize; rebellion

A number of former CIA officials left the agency, and wrote books critical of its activities. John Stockwell, who had headed the CIA operation in Angola, resigned, wrote a book exposing the CIA's activities, and lectured all over the country about his experiences. David MacMichael, a historian and former CIA specialist, testified at trials on behalf of people who had protested government policy in Central America. FBI Agent Jack Ryan, a twenty-one-year veteran of the bureau, was fired when he refused to investigate peace groups. He was deprived of his pension and for some time had to live in a shelter for homeless people. What do all these cases refer to?

resignations from government and open criticism by former employees

In Supreme Court's ideological bias is reflected not only in decisions it hands down but the cases it selects or refuses to review. During the last two decades of conservative domination, review access has been ________________________

sharply curtailed for plaintiffs representing labor, minorities, consumers, and individual rights.

According to the author, rents have ____incomes in many parts of the country, further _____the supply of affordable housing. Millions of Americans not classified as homeless double up, or pay more than they can comfortably afford for cramped, substandard quarters. Tens of thousands of _____ Americans have been _______from public housing for minor offenses that may have occurred years ago, or for merely being arrested, though not convicted of anything.

soared far above; shrinking; low-income; excluded

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Government involvement in the U.S. economy represents not _______ (as that term is normally understood by ____) but state-supported _____, not the communization of _____ wealth but the privatization of the commonwealth. This development has brought a great deal of government involvement, but of a kind that revolves largely around bolstering the ___ system, not limiting or replacing it.

socialism; socialists; capitalism; private; profit

But the New Deal's organization of the economy was aimed mainly at _______ the economy, and secondly at giving enough help to the ____ classes to keep them from turning a rebellion into a real revolution.

stabilizing; lower

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: As one participant, Rep. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), described how the GOP secretly passed legislation without the public being aware of it:: "Always in the middle of the night. Always after the press had passed their deadlines. Always after the American people had turned off the news and gone to bed.... What did the public miss? They didn't see the House votes, which normally take no more than 20 minutes, dragging on for as long as an hour as members of the Republican leadership trolled for enough votes to cobble together a majority ... coercing enough Republican members into switching their votes to produce the desired result. In other words, they didn't see the __________."

subversion of democracy.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: While the ______ get ever _____, possessed with more money than they know what to do with, the number of _____ living below or perilously near the _____ level has continued to climb.

superrich; richer; people; poverty

In the 1970s a paramilitary "peacekeeping" force under whose direction carried out a terrorist campaign on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation that was directly responsible for hundreds of assaults and for the deaths of more than sixty supporters of the American Indian Movement?

the FBI

In the first Battle of __________, the __________succeeded in blocking the _______ advance on ____. Each side had ___________casualties.

the Marne; British and French ; German; 500,000 ; Paris

Truman and the liberals in Congress proceeded to try to create a new national unity for the postwar years-with what?

the executive order on loyalty oaths, Justice Department prosecutions, and anti-Communist legislation.

Within the government there exists a loose grouping of authorities that some have called the national security state which consists of_______________

the president, the secretaries of State and Defense, the National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous intelligence agencies like the FBI and CIA.

"War is the health of the state,"______________said, in the midst of the First World War. Indeed, as the nations of Europe went to war in 1914, the governments flourished, patriotism bloomed, class struggle was stilled, and young men died in frightful numbers on the battlefields-often for a hundred yards of land, a line of trenches.

the radical writer Randolph Bourne

In the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, capitalist privatization brought which of the following?

the shutdown of much industry, a drastic reduction of human services, and skyrocketing unemployment, poverty, crime, homelessness, prostitution, and other such blessings of the free-market paradise.

According to the author, persons from relatively modest economic background such as Presidents Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton rise to the top by showing themselves to be faithful guardians of

the upper circles. The question then is not only who governs, but whose interests and whose agenda are served by who governs, who benefits and who does not.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The author offers several ways to reform Congress. in order to create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators. In order of importance, which is the following recommendation? Strict prohibitions should be placed on lobbyist gifts and services that are now little more than legalized bribery.


The black militant mood, flashing here and there in the ____, was reduced to a subsurface simmering during World War II, when the nation on the one hand denounced racism, and on the other hand maintained segregation in the armed forces and kept blacks in low-paying jobs. When the war ended, a new element entered the racial balance in the United States-the enormous, unprecedented upsurge of black and yellow people in _______.President ____ had to reckon with this, especially as the cold war rivalry with the Soviet Union began, and the dark-skinned revolt of former colonies all over the world threatened to take Marxist form. Action on the race question was needed, not just to calm a black population at home emboldened by war promises, frustrated by the basic sameness of their condition, It was needed to present to the world a United States that could counter the continuous Communist thrust at the most flagrant failure of American society-the race question. What ___had said long ago, unnoticed, now loomed large in ___: "The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line."

thirties; Harry Truman; Africa and Asia; Du Bois ; 1945

According to the author, the automobile is one of the greatest causes of air pollution in urban areas and of global warming throughout the world. An estimated ________deaths yearly are caused by automotive emissions. Rubber tire and oil slick runoffs and the tons of salt poured on winter roads cause trees and vegetation to wither while damaging bays and rivers. The average vehicle generates ________of air pollution and ______of carbon just in its manufacture. Auto companies have done little to develop zero-emission vehicles, falsely claiming there is insufficient demand. If anything, car dealers and the general public have long been asking for affordable zero-emission vehicles.

thirty thousand; seven hundred pounds; four tons

Over the last half century, U.S. leaders deployed _________ of nuclear weapons and ______________ of military personnel to over ________ major bases and hundreds of minor installations spanning the globe.

thousands; hundreds of thousands; 350

During union election drives, management can

threaten to close the plant or move it elsewhere if a union is voted in.

For _______ years the battle lines remained virtually stationary in France. Each side would push forward, then back, then forward again- for a few yards, a few miles, while the corpses piled up. In _____ the _____ tried to break through at Verdun; the _____ and _____ counterattacked along the Seine, moved forward a few miles, and lost ____ men. One day, the 9th Battalion of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry launched an attack- with _____men. Twenty-four hours later, there were ______ left.

three; 1916; Germans; British; French; 600,000; 800; 84

U.S. wages compare unfavorably

to better-unionized nations such as Canada and Western Europe.

Through most of U.S. history, the federal government has been friendly

to business and hostile to labor.

According to the author, the reduction in public-housing funds over the last _____years remains the major cause of_____. Many cities are passing ordinances that make it _______to sit or lie in a public place with a sleeping bag or shopping cart. Homeless people are harassed, roughed up and arrested, driven from one town to another, their few possessions confiscated and destroyed, their makeshift campgrounds and other sleeping spaces sealed off. The homeless have an inordinately high rate of untreated physical and psychological illnesses.

twenty-five; homelessness; a crime

The Diem regime became increasingly ______. Diem was a Catholic, and most Vietnamese were Buddhists; Diem was close to the ______, and this was a country of ______. His pretenses at land reform left things basically as they were. He replaced locally selected provincial chiefs with his own men, appointed in Saigon; by ____, ____of these provincial chiefs were military men. Diem imprisoned more and more Vietnamese who criticized the regime for corruption, for lack of reform.

unpopular; landlords; peasants; 1962; 88 percent

The U.S. government also ____________ scientists of the notorious biological warfare Unit 731, part of the _____________ military during World War II. Unit 731 conducted frightful experiments in ___________ and elsewhere, including human vivisection, with and without anesthesia. Evidence strongly suggests that the U.S. military _________ Unit 731 scientists during the __________ War (1950—1953) to create epidemics of hemorrhagic fever, a disease previously unknown in _________.

used; Japanese; China; used; Korean; Korea

According to A People's History of the United States, PHUS chapter 23: At the turn of the century, the ____________ pacification of blacks and Indians and the use of elections and war to absorb and divert white rebels were not enough, in the conditions of modem industry, to prevent the great upsurge of __________, the massive labor struggles, before the _______ World War. Neither that war nor the partial prosperity of the _____, nor the apparent destruction of the _____ movement, could prevent, in the situation of economic crisis, another radical awakening, another labor upsurge in the ____.

violent; socialism; First; twenties; socialist; thirties

Military contractors generally enjoy what are called cost plus contracts. They get paid ___________ to do the job plus a guaranteed _______. There are ________ for failure. Hence the more _______ the performance, the costlier is the job and the bigger the profit. There is a ________ to get the job done efficiently and economically when _____ is built into the system.

whatever it costs; profit; no penalties; wasteful; disincentive; waste

The goal of the transnational corporation is to become truly transnational, poised above the sovereign power of any particular nation while being serviced by all nations. Cyril Siewert, a Colgate Palmolive executive, could have been speaking for all transnationals when he remarked,

"The United States doesn't have an automatic call on our [corporation's] resources. There is no mindset that puts this country first."

According to Parenti, corporate media owners

do not hesitate to kill stories they dislike and in other ways inject their own preferences into the news.

What Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambique, East Timor, Grenada, and Panama had in common were

governments that were redirecting some portion of their countries' labor and resources toward the needs of the people, putting them very much out of step with the rigors of free-market global profiteers.

Columbia/HCA, a for-profit hospital chain, pleaded guilty in 2009 to _________charges of _________ state and federal health plans, and paid _________ in fines.

grand felony; overbilling; $1.7 billion

IMF imposes a "structural adjustment program" (SAP), requiring debtor countries to do what?

grant tax breaks to the transnational corporations, reduce wages, and make no attempt to protect local enterprises from foreign imports and foreign takeovers.

According to Parenti, money is a necessary condition in American political elections because

money is the lifeblood of present-day electoral campaigns

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: With term limits , the elected position is seen more than ever as a temporary position. Legislators are sometimes inclined to depart even before their terms are finished in order to take an appointive post or run for some other office. "They don't have much experience; all they have are political futures. Donors are more important than constituents," a public-interest advocate said of the term-limited California lower house. Term limits create a perpetually freshman and sophomore legislature that is "__________," said another.

more amateurish, much more juvenile and much less informed

To put military spending in perspective, the ___________ Congress saved in 1997 by cutting Supplementary Security Income for ___________amounts to ___________ the cost of building and maintaining one __________

$800 million; 150,000 disabled children ; less than one-third; B-2 bomber

With the overthrow of the Soviet Union and other communist countries, the spies and militarists of the national security state faced a shortage of enemies which meant what?


Unionized workers average ___________ than _________ in this country, and are more likely to have ________work conditions.

26 percent higher wages; non-union workers; better benefits and safer

After the 9-11 attacks, President Bush, Jr. rammed through Congress without public debate the U.S.A Patriot Act, it authorized which of the following?

All of these

According to DFF 8, The Last Environment, Fast-buck exploitation of the planet's resources and population explosion have brought more toxic effusion, ecological disruption, and an extinction rate of ___________species of plants and animals every year.


By __________, the ____________ Party held __________ offices in _______ cities including ___________ mayors, __________ legislators, and a member of Congress.

1918; Socialist; twelve hundred; 340; seventy-nine; thirty-two

In _______ another scandal, known as "________," rocked the White House. It was discovered that the _________ administration had been selling millions of dollars worth of arms to _______, a country it repeatedly accused of supporting terrorism. As part of a covert operation to bypass Congress and the Constitution, _______ officials funneled the funds from these secret sales to the Nicaraguan mercenaries known as the "contras," who were waging a terrorist war of attrition against a democratic socialist Nicaraguan government.

1986; Iran-contra; Reagan; Iran; Reagan

After "victorious" wars there is almost always a sobering effect, as the war fervor wears off, and citizens assess the costs and wonder what was gained. War fever was at its height in February _____. In that month, when people being polled were reminded of the huge costs of the war, only ____ percent said the war was not worth it. _____ months later, in June, the figure was ___ percent. In the months that followed, _____ support in the nation dropped steeply, as economic conditions deteriorated. (And in ____, with the war spirit evaporated, ____ went down to defeat.) After the disintegration of the Soviet bloc began in ____, there had been talk in the United States of a ________, the opportunity to take billions of dollars from the military budget and use it for human needs. The war in the Gulf became a convenient excuse for the government determined to stop such talk. A member of the Bush administration said: "We owe Saddam a favor. He saved us from the ______" (New York Times, March 2, 1991).

1991;17;Four;30;Bush's;1992;Bush;1989;"peace dividend";peace dividend

According to the author, in_____ and____,the________ administration cut hundreds of millions ofdollars from the education budget, including funds for vocational training andprograms for disadvantaged students.

2005; 2006; Bush Jr

Corporate crime is not a rarity but regularity. The Justice Department found that most giant companies have committed felonies. Many are repeat offenders. Over the years, General Electric was convicted of ________ counts of contract fraud and fined _______. Charged with _____________violations involving toxic substances, WorldCom was fined _______. Over a sixteen-year period, major oil firms cheated the government of nearly ___________ in royalties by understating the value of the oil they pumped from public lands. In none of these instances of grand larceny did anyone go to jail.

282; $20 million; 216; $625,000; $856 million

By exaAccording to DFF 8, The Last Environment, cerbating flooding and drought, global warming causes more than ______________deaths and about $___________ in economic losses each year.

300,000 ; 125 billion

According to DFF 8, The Last Environment, More than _________Americans are drinking and bathing in water that is ridden with parasites and toxic chemicals.

45 million

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Meanwhile, around the world hundreds of millions of automobiles with internal combustion engines continue to produce enormous quantities of toxic pollution and greenhouse gases. The dangers of global warming are so immense, so compounding and fast acting that an all-out effort is needed to reverse the ecological apocalypse of flood, drought, and famine.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Agriculture and Ecology.

"Free trade" treaties are in violation of which parts of the U.S. Constitution


George W. Bush's 2002 State of the Union address marked a shift in U.S. foreign policy in that

America would act without necessarily consulting its allies.

The economic aid countries would need after the war was already seen in political terms: ___________, ambassador to ____, said in early ____: "Economic assistance is one of the most effective weapons at our disposal to influence European political events in the direction we desire..."

Averell Harriman; Russia; 1944

There were others who made that same connection, magnifying the danger: ____, the black lawyer who defended ______at his trial; nationally renowned men like singer and actor _____, and writer and scholar _________, who did not hide their support and sympathy for the Communist party. The Negro was not as anti-Communist as the white population. He could not afford to be, his friends were so few-so that Herndon, Davis, Robeson, Du Bois, however their political views might be maligned by the country as a whole, found admiration for their fighting spirit in the black community.

Benjamin Davis; Herndon; Paul Robeson; W. E. B. Du Bois

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, 'The variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.' This refers to what?


According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, ________ refers to the use of life in the form of animals and humans, microorganisms and plants, including their cells, genes and organs, without the knowledge or consent of their originators or owners. As such, the concept assumes a right to own and use biological resources through the patenting process.


Released __________ documents disclosed that the _________ maintained a clandestine biological warfare program targeting the populations and crops of a number of countries, including _________________________________.

CIA; CIA; North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Panama, and Cuba

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: By definition, incumbents are people who have already demonstrated an ability to muster enough money and votes to win. They maintain an office in their home district to perform services for constituents, doing little favors for little people and big favors for big people, gathering votes from the former and campaign money from the latter.This passage indicates what?

Campaign funding and constituent service.

His other cabinet appointees had strong corporate connections. A financial writer wrote, not long after _____ election: "So far, Mr. _____ actions, commentary, and particularly his Cabinet appointments, have been highly reassuring to the business community." Veteran Washington correspondent Tom ____ wrote: "The available evidence is that Mr. _____ so far is opting for _____ Street's confidence."

Carter's; Carter's;Wicker;Carter;Wall

According to the author, The care people are receiving is not getting better, only more expensive. To maximize profits, hospital staffs are cut and overworked, sometimes tothe point of being unable to give proper care. This indicates what?

Contrary to the myth that "private enterprise can do it better," death rates and patient expenses are higher at private hospitals than at nonprofit ones.

Defense contractors enjoy these features of military spending. Which of the following is true and cited in the text?

Defense spending does not compete with the consumer market and is virtually limitless.

________ also has enabled banks to increase customer-service fees at a time when their own computerized customer-service costs have ______. Business is not really committed to some abstract "_____" principle. Government ______ that enhance profits are quietly supported and those that cut into profits are loudly denounced. It is only in the latter case that the cry for ______ is heard throughout the nation's boardrooms.


In which country did the U.S.-funded Indonesian military slaughter some 200,000 people, more than one-third of the population

East Timor

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, ________ has three different meanings. It can be the study of the interaction between living things (biocenose) and their environment (biotope), the system that embodies interrelations between species, or the movement to prevent ecological devastation by creating a degree of harmony between human activity and nature.


This person was sentenced to prison for opposing the draft.and spoke to the jury: "Verily, poor as we are in democracy how can we give of it to the world? ... a democracy conceived in the military servitude of the masses, in their economic enslavement, and nurtured in their tears and blood, is not democracy at all. It is despotism-the cumulative result of a chain of abuses which, according to that dangerous document, the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right to overthrow...." Who was it?

Emma Goldman

According to Web Lesson Presentaitons, According to Web Lesson Presentaitons, ________ questions the logic of private investment decisions and the conventional models of production expansion to generate economic growth and profit.


Huntington further said that the President, to win the election, needed the support of a broad coalition of people. However: "The day after his election, the size of his majority is almost-if not entirely- irrelevant to his ability to govern the country. What counts then is his ability to mobilize support from the leaders of key institutions in a society and government.... This coalition must include key people in Congress, the executive branch, and the private-sector ________.


According to Web Lesson Presentaitons, which energy corporation was responsible for hiding critical research they conducted in the 1970s on the dangers of CO2 pollution causing global warming trends?

Exxon Mobile

This is not the language that was used by President Kennedy in his explanations to the American public. He talked of Communism and freedom. In a news conference ________, he said; "Yes, as you know, the U.S. for more than a decade has been assisting the government, the people of Vietnam, to maintain their independence." Three weeks after the execution of _____, ____ himself was assassinated, and his Vice-President, ________, took office.

February 14, 1962; Diem; Kennedy; Lyndon Johnson

When _____________ pled guilty to filing false tax returns concealing ____________ in income, it was fined _________, and no one went to jail. Over seven hundred people a year are imprisoned for tax evasion, almost all of them for sums smaller than the amount __________ concealed.

Firestone; $12.6 million; $10,000; Firestone

The same thing was happening on the _______ side; as __________ wrote in his great novel, on days when men by the thousands were being blown apart by machine guns and shells, the official dispatches announced "_______."

German; Erich Maria Remarque; All Quiet on the Western Front

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The most useful watchdog of government, the _______ (formerly the General Accounting Office), created and directed by Congress to investigate everything from military waste to environmental abuse, operates at the request of legislators and reports directly to Congress. This congressional agency is an important democratic pressure on behalf of ordinary people, prodding a recalcitrant and often secretive federal bureaucracy.

Government Accountability Office

In which of the following countries did the U.S. overthrow popular governments that pursued egalitarian policies for the benefit of the destitute classes and later supported military oligarchs-largely trained and financed by the Pentagon and the CIA?

Greece, the Philippines, Indonesia, and at least ten Latin American nations

Halfway through the twentieth century, the historian Richard ___, in his book The American Political Tradition, examined our important national leaders, from _____ and ______ to Herbert _____ and the two ______-Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives. _____ concluded that "the range of vision embraced by the primary contestants in the major parties has always been bounded by the horizons of property and enterprise. . .. They have accepted the economic virtues of ______ culture as necessary qualities of man. . . . That culture has been intensely nationalistic. . . ."


After the war, rather than being prosecuted for aiding the enemy,

ITT collected $27 million, and General Motors over $33 million, from the U.S. government for damages inflicted on their German plants by Allied bombings.

In ___, toward the end of ____, the long years of resentment against the _______ culminated in mass demonstrations. On September 8, ____, hundreds of demonstrators were massacred by the ___ troops.

Iran;1978;Shah's dictatorship;1978;Shah's

And a Hollywood screenwriter named Dalton Trumbo would write a powerful and chilling antiwar novel about a torso and brain left alive on the battlefield of World War 1,______________________.

Johnny Got His Gun

Who was investigating radiation safety negligence at Kerr-McGee corporation and died suspiciously as a result?

Karen Silkwod

_____ now became a chief target of the ___, which tapped his private phone conversations, sent him fake letters, threatened him, blackmailed him, and even suggested once in an anonymous letter that he commit suicide. ______ internal memos discussed finding a black leader to replace ____. As a Senate report on the ____ said in ___, the ____ tried "to destroy Dr. Martin Luther King."

King; FBI; FBI; King; FBI; 1976; FBI

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19: Provide government protections to workers who now risk their jobs when trying to organize unions. Prohibit management's use of permanent replacement scabs for striking workers. Penalize employers who refuse to negotiate a contract after union certification has been won. Repeal the restrictive "right to work" and "open shop" laws that undermine collective bargaining. Lift the minimum wage to a livable level. Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Labor Law

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:More than half a century ago this person commented, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

Louis Brandeis

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The vast inequality in economic power that exists in our capitalist society translates into a great inequality of social power. More than half a century ago Supreme Court Justice ________ commented, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." And some years earlier, the German sociologist ______wrote: "The question is: How are freedom and democracy in the long run at all possible under the domination of highly developed capitalism?" That question is still with us. As the crisis of capitalism deepens, as the contradiction between the egalitarian expectations of democracy and the demoralizing thievery of the free market sharpens, the state must act more deceptively and repressively to hold together the existing politico-economic system.

Louis Brandeis; Max Weber

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:The shift away from war spending would improve our quality of life and lead to a healthier stronger overall economy, while bringing serious losses to profiteering defense contractors.And prohibit covert actions by intelligence agencies against anticapitalist social movements at home and abroad.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Military Spending & National Security State.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:In campaign debates, the candidates should be questioned by representatives from labor, peace, consumer, environmental, feminist, civil rights, and gay rights groups, instead of just inane media pundits who limit the universe of discourse so as not to give offense to their corporate overlords.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

News Media.

A former official observed: "In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA] and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA." In ____________, a former DEA director and a DEA agent both appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes and detailed the CIA's massive theft of cocaine from DEA warehouses. The cocaine was later sold on the streets in the United States. Likewise DEA efforts at thwarting the drug outflow from ________; Burma; have been stymied by the CIA and State Department on behalf of____________corporation-loving, drug-running dictatorship.

November 1993; Burma; Burma's

After running on a platform promising sweeping changes, which president went on to appoint a number of establishment policy elites, including Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, erstwhile Republican, a former director of the IMF and once president of the New York Federal Reserve, a member of the CFR, and a member of the Group of Thirty (a highly selective policy consultative group in Washington, D.C.)?


According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: Many states and districts are demographically inclined toward one party or another, and many districts are gerrymandered to concentrate party strength in lopsided ways, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to recruit a challenger. Those who face tough reelection challenges and have problems raising funds are more inclined to retire than those who occupy safe and well-financed seats.This passage indicates what?

One-party dominance

According to DFF 7 ________________ research is heavily subsidized by ________________ to the tune of over $________ annually.

Pharmaceuticals; government; 15 billion

The CIA in Vietnam, in a program called "Operation ______," secretly, without trial, executed at least ______ thousand civilians in ____ Vietnam who were suspected of being members of the Communist underground. A pro-administration analyst wrote in the journal Foreign Affairs in __________: Although the Phoenix program did undoubtedly kill or incarcerate many innocent civilians, it did also eliminate many members of the Communist infrastructure."After the war, the release of records of the International Red Cross showed that in South Vietnamese prison camps, where at the height of the war ______ to _____ people were held and often beaten and tortured, American advisers observed and sometimes participated. The Red Cross observers found continuing, systematic brutality at the two principal Vietnamese POW camps-at Phu Quoc and Qui Nhon, where American advisers were stationed. By the end of the Vietnam war, ________ tons of bombs had been dropped on Vietnam, more than twice the total bombs dropped on Europe and Asia in World War II-almost one 500-pound bomb for every human being in Vietnam. It was estimated that there were ______ bomb craters in the country. In addition, poisonous sprays were dropped by planes to destroy trees and any kind of growth-an area the size of the state of Massachusetts was covered with such poison. Vietnamese mothers reported birth defects in their children. Yale biologists, using the same poison (2,4,5,T) on mice, reported defective mice born and said they had no reason to believe the effect on humans was different.

Phoenix; twenty; South; January 1975; 65,000; 70,000; 7 million; 20 million

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: The author offers several ways to reform Congress. in order to create a Congress that is more responsive to voters and less responsive to moneyed interests and legislative manipulators. In order of importance, which is the following recommendation? Candidates should win office instead of buying their way in. What is needed is a system of public campaign financing that neutralizes the influence of private contributions. Candidates who accept public funding would have to agree to limit their spending to the amount of the public allocation. Those who decline taxpayer money would be free of that spending limit- but their opponents would then qualify for public funds equal to any amount spent by the privately funded candidate. Limitless private funding would be allowed-but it would be matched and therefore neutralized by public funding. In states like Maine and Arizona that have public financing of elections, the amounts spent by candidates have dropped dramatically.


Who praised the President as one who had "opened the doors of all the weaker countries to an invasion of American capital and American enterprise."?

Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan

Which federal program produces about $150 billion yearly surplus?

Social Security

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Close many loopholes that allow rich individuals to get away with so much untaxed income. End federal and state tax giveaways to corporations. In most states the rich pay a smaller portion of their income in state and local taxes and the poor pay the highest. Raise the state income tax in all states in a strong progressive direction.Which policy solution area does this passage cover?

Social Security and Taxation.

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:Given the following policy solution measures:Agriculture and Ecology.Economic Reform. Electoral System.Employment Conditions.Fiscal Policy.Gender, Racial, and Criminal Justice.Health Care and Safety.Labor Law. Military Spending. National Security State.News Media.Social Security and Taxation.Transportation and Infrastructure.None of the measures listed above will prevail unless the structural problems of capitalism are themselves resolved. What is needed then is public ownership of the major means of production and public ownership of the moneyed power itself-in other words, some measure of _____.


Two months after the law passed, a _____ named Charles ____ was arrested in Philadelphia for printing and distributing fifteen thousand leaflets that denounced the draft law and the war. The leaflet recited the ____provision against "involuntary servitude" and said the Conscription Act violated this. Conscription, it said, was "a monstrous deed against humanity in the interests of the financiers of Wall Street." And: "Do not submit to intimidation."

Socialist; Schenck; Thirteenth Amendment

Also "___________" is in _________ of the ________ Treaty, signed by ninety-one nations including the United States, which bans weapons of mass destruction in space.

Star Wars; violation; Outer Space

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 19:When a capitalist government takes over an enterprise, it usually gives full compensation to the previous owners. Hence, the same wealthy investors who once owned the private stocks now own public bonds and collect the interest on these bonds. The wealth of the enterprise remains in private hands whereas nominal ownership is public, a socialism for the rich. What the public owns in this case is a huge bonded debt-with all the risks and losses and none of the profits. What does this indicate?

State-supported capitalism cannot prosper without passing its immense diseconomies onto the public.

For all their talk about human rights, U.S. government leaders have used force and violence to prop up "pro-West" regimes throughout the world. This has resulted in which of the following?

Strikes have been outlawed, unions destroyed, wages cut, and dissidents murdered.

In Angola and Mozambique, what did the U.S. do?

Supported wars waged by CIA-backed forces left several million dead and millions more homeless and destitute.

According to the authors, who interprets the Constitution

The Federal Courts

According to Democracy for the Few, DFF chapter 15: During the spring and summer months of 2003, in the wee hours of what was usually Friday night when many members had left to visit with constituents, the GOP House leadership rammed through cuts in veterans benefits by three votes, slashed education and health care by five votes, gave enormous tax cuts to the very rich by a handful of votes, eviscerated the Head Start assistance program for low-income children by one vote, and passed the Medicare privatization and prescription drug bill by one vote. This passage indicates what about the GOP in Congress?

The House operated in increasing secrecy.

Which agency could not account for $4 billion in secret funds. Its top two NRO managers were ousted, but no one went to jail?

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

By the fall of 1973 eight different resolutions had been introduced in the House of Representatives for the impeachment of President Nixon. The following year a House committee drew up a hill of impeachment to present it to a full House. Nixon's advisers told him it would pass the House by the required majority and then the Senate would vote the necessary two-thirds majority to remove him from office. On August 8, 1974, Nixon resigned. What scandal does tis refer to?

The Watergate Scandal

Over $10 million in government money had been used by Nixon on his private homes in San Clemente and Key Biscayne on grounds of "security," and he had illegally taken-with the aid of a bit of forgery-a $576,000 tax deduction for some of his papers. What scandal does tis refer to?

The Watergate Scandal

According to DFF7 _________ has brought additional reductions in human services, creating more hunger, isolation, and unattended illness for those with the fewest economic resources and the least political clout.

The recession of 2008—2009

According to the authori, candidates are selected by which process?

The top politico-economic elites frequently gather to decide what candidates to support and what policies to pursue at home and abroad, so to better secure their common class interests.

Wages in the United States compare favorably to wages in

Third World countries that have very weak or nonexistent unions.

According to Anti-Capitalist Dictionary, _____ (1857—1929) in his The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). Veblen used the term 'conspicuous consumption' to denote unusual purchasing patterns through which people attempt to enhance their social status according to the amount or expense of the commodities they accumulate or consume. Such action subordinates human individuality and personal development to the purchase of brand names, designer labels and the statements made by the ownership and display of expensive cars, houses, jewellery and other luxury items; possibly in an attempt to remedy feelings of ALIENATION. Personal relationships also become restricted to an interaction between people with similar interests in the pursuit of wealth, luxury and the consumption of similar products .

Thorstein Veblen

From 1979 into the 1990s, who aided the maniacal Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in order to debilitate the socialist-leaning government of that country, prolonging a civil war that took tens of thousands of lives?

U.S Leaders

From 1969 to 1972, ________________ jointly operated an organization called the Legion of Justice. Its members clubbed and maced protestors and antiwar demonstrators, broke into their headquarters, stole files, vandalized a progressive bookstore, and committed other such criminal acts.

U.S. Military Intelligence and the Chicago police

At one time or another, which various agencies have admitted to maintaining surveillance on millions of private citizens and even members of Congress, planting their operatives in other units of government and plant stories in the U.S. media, secretly enlisting the cooperation of media bosses, journalists, and editors?

U.S. intelligence

The U.S. overthrew reformist governments in Iran, Guatemala, the Congo, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay because

U.S. rulers mainly have been defending the capitalist world from social change-even when the change has been peaceful and democratic.

Many corporate crimes are not even prosecuted. A plant spewed lethal pesticides over Bhopal, India, in what was history's worst industrial accident, killing over ______people (at last count) and seriously afflicting more than ___________. Despite charges of gross negligence and culpable homicide, executives from _________________________were never put on trial.

Union Carbide; 22,000; 100,000; Union Carbide (now merged with Dow Chemical)

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, both dominated by the _______, adopted a ______ banker's approach to debt-ridden Third World countries. They insisted that these poor nations allocate a good part of their ____ resources to repaying loans to the ____ countries, at the cost of cutting social services to their already desperate populations.

United States;hard-nosed;meager;rich

The general disillusionment with government during the _____ years and the _____ scandals, the exposure of ____actions by the ____ and the _____, led to resignations from government and open criticism by former employees.


Gulf Oil Corporation, IIT (International Telephone and Telegraph), American Airlines, and other huge American corporations had made illegal contributions, running into millions of dollars, to the Nixon campaign. What scandal does this refer to?


It turned out that certain material had disappeared from FBI files- material from a series of illegal wiretaps ordered by Henry Kissinger, placed on the telephones of four journalists and thirteen government officials-and was in the White House sate of Nixon's adviser John Erlichman. What scandal does tis refer to?


One of the Watergate burglars, Bernard Barker, told the Senate committee that he had also been involved in a plan to physically attack Daniel Ellsberg while Ellsberg spoke at an antiwar rally in Washington.What scandal does tis refer to?


_____________________________had to say about Guatemala could apply to any number of places, namely that the government has used indiscriminate "counter-terror" to combat insurgency. "People are killed or disappear on the basis of simple accusations.... Interrogations are brutal, torture is used and bodies are mutilated. We _________ have condoned counter-terror.... We encouraged the Guatemalan Army to do these things."

What a State Department memorandum; [the U.S. government]

According to the author, What brought the United States fully into World War II?

What brought the United States fully into the war was the Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

Legend has it that many U.S. presidents rose from humble origins. In fact, since the beginning of the Republic, the top leadership positions-including the presidency, the cabinet, and the Supreme Court-have gone predominantly to

White males from affluent families, with most of the remainder coming from the top 5 or 10 percent of the population.

Back in 1907, _____________ had said in a lecture at Columbia University: "Concessions obtained by financiers must be safeguarded by ministers of state, even if the sovereignty of unwilling nations be outraged in the process. . . . the doors of the nations which are closed must be battered down." In his 1912 campaign he said: "Our domestic markets no longer suffice, we need foreign markets." In a memo to Bryan he described his aim as "an open door to the world," and in 1914 he said he supported "the righteous conquest of foreign markets."

Woodrow Wilson

The first principle of environmentalism is that the earth as a whole, for all time, must be seen as '_____.'

a commons

According to Parenti, the corporate mass media ideology tends to reflect

ultraconservative near monopoly

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