Political Parties (CH 7)***

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Party systems

Historians refer to the set of parties that are important at any given time as a "party system." The United States has not always had the same two dominant parties. Party systems can change even if the same two parties dominate. This occurs when divisions and coalitions of parties change. There have been six distinctive party systems in U.S. history.

Populism & Republican response

The Populist Party appealed to which of the following groups? A)western mining interests,small farmers,and urban workers

Tea Party

The Tea Party is a political movement that largely began in 2009 with protests that were sponsored both locally and nationally. In general the movement is considered conservative, favoring decreased taxes & decreased spending by the government. The focus is on fiscal conservatism. So far the Tea Party has endorsed Republican candidates.

Majority party

holds majority of seats in the House or Senate

Election reform & Third Parties

Which of the following statements concerning third parties is true? B)Third parties often have their programs adopted by one of the two major parties.

Ranked choice voting

________is the single-most important political act for most Americans. D)Voting

Proportional representation systems

a multiple-member district system in which many competing political parties are awarded legislative seats in rough proportion to the percentage of popular votes that each party wins.

party caucus

a normally closed political party business meeting of citizens to select candidates, elect officers, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters

Voter mobilization

a party's efforts to inform potential voters about issues and candidates and to persuade them to vote

Two-party system

a political system in which only two parties have a realistic opportunity to compete effectively for control of the government Throughout its history,American politics has been dominated by B)two major political parties. Emerging in the late 1780s,America's first two political parties were D)the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans. Reconstruction after the Civil War was led by the ________ Party. B)Republican Which of the following statements about the current Republican Party is most accurate? D)The Republican Party is divided between pro-business conservatives,who favor global free trade,and far-right conservatives,who are opposed to U.S.involvement in the global economy.

political parties

organized groups that attempt to influence the government by electing their members to important government offices. A political party is an organization C)that tries to influence the government by getting its members elected to office. What is the ultimate goal of a political party? C)winning elections Political party leaders are B)not willing to provide financial backing to candidates who are unable to raise substantial funds on their own.

party identification

refers to an individual voter's psychological ties to one party or another. reflects an individual's views and interests. can be handed down to children. An individual's psychological attachment to one party or another is called a party C)identification Which statement about the over-time trend in party identification in the United States is most accurate? B)The number of people identifying as Democrats has outnumbered Republican identifiers for a long time. Which statement about party identification and gender in the United States is MOST accurate? B)Women are significantly more likely than men to identify with the Democratic Party,whereas more men identify as independents.


seen as a product of growing social diversity and educational attainment, which made voters less reliant on parties to guide their political decision-making Dealignment refers to A)the decline of partisan attachment within the electorate,the growth in the number of voters identifying themselves as independents,and the rise of split-ticket voting

party nominations

the official nomination of a candidate to run for office. This means that the party will fully support this candidate's campaign. Which statement best characterizes the influence average citizens and party elites have over The nomination process in the United States? A)Although average citizens have some influence in the nominations process,party elites play an outsized role in selecting the candidates who will compete in the general election.

Minority party

the party that holds a minority of legislative seats in either the House or the Senate

Civil War & Party system

third party- emerged during the Civil War. Republicans- Led reconstruction efforts in the South after the Civil War. Sought to grant the vote to newly freed slaves. Democrats- remained competitive even with the secession of the South. After Reconstruction, were the party of the south. Also had support from immigrants and the working class in the north. From the end of the Civil War to the 1890s,the ________ Party was the party of the North, While the ________ Party was the party of the South. B)Republican; Democratic

Party platform

A political party's statement of its goals and policies for the next four years. The platform is drafted prior to the party convention by a committee whose members are chosen in rough proportion to each candidate's strength. It is the best formal statement of a party's beliefs.

Recruiting candidates

An ideal candidate needs: a strong leadership record and the ability to raise money to mount a campaign. However, candidate recruitment is difficult in incumbent era. Who is an incumbent? A)the current officeholder,running for reelection

Party coalitions

During the 1980s,the Republicans added ________ to their coalition. A)religious conservatives and working-class whites

New Deal party System

Fifth party system- emerged during the 1930s. Republicans- in the white house (president Hoover) when the great depression began. Democrats- Franklin D Roosevel, promised a "New Deal". Favored a larger role for national government to combat the depression. Became the party of southern farmers, union workers, intellectuals, Jews,Catholics, and African Americans. Which of the following groups was NOT part of the New Deal coalition? C)Asian Americans "Me too" Republicanism refers to A)the tendency of Republican politicians during the New Deal to support popular programs such as Social Security rather than advocate alternative policies. The New Deal coalition was severely strained and ultimately broken apart by the D)Vietnam War and the issue of civil rights.

Federalists - Jeffersonian Republicans

First party system emerged in the 1790s. Federalists- represented New England merchants. Supported protective tariffs and the creation of a national bank. Jeffersonian Republics aka Antifederalists- represented southern farmers. Supported free trade and had a close relationship with France. During the early nineteenth century, the Jeffersonian Party's main base of strength was in A)the South. The Jeffersonian Republicans were best known for their support of A)a weak national government,with the states retaining most powers. The Federalist Party disappeared,in part,as a result of B)the War of 1812. Between 1812 and 1830,the United States had C)one political party: the Jeffersonian Republicans. From 1896 to 1932,the ________ Party was the nation's majority party. A)Republican

Internal & external mobilization

Internal mobilization occurs when political conflicts break out and government officials and competing factions seek to mobilize popular support. External mobilization takes place when a group of politicians outside government organizes popular support to win governmental power Internal mobilization occurs when A)conflicts within the government create divided factions that try to mobilize popular support. Which of the following parties originated from internal mobilization? A)Jeffersonian Party External mobilization occurs when D)a group of politicians outside government organizes popular support to win governmental power. The establishment of the Republican Party is a good example of A)external mobilization. Reconstruction after the Civil War was led by the ________ Party. B)Republican In 1964,Republican Party presidential nominee ________ was in favor of less taxation and Less government regulation of the economy,two ideas that became major themes for the Modern Republican Party. B)Barry Goldwater

Keli Carender

Keli Carender was a conservative blogger in Seattle. Carender took her belief in limited government and her anger over excessive government spending and started the Tea Party movement, which has strongly influenced the direction of the Republican Party

multi-party systems

Multi-party systems are political systems in which three or more parties play a role in government. The United States has had ________ party systems since 1789. B)6

Third parties

Represent social and economic interests not voiced by the two major parties. Exist mainly as a protest movement against the major parties Have potential influence in pushing two parties to address their issues, if they are taken seriously by voters and the media Third-party candidate Ralph Nader won 3 percent of popular vote in 2000, enough to swing election to George W. Bush As a third-party candidate,Ross Perot captured approximately ________ percent of the popular Vote in the 1992 presidential election. B)20 State ballot-access laws,such as registration fees and petition requirements,have the effect of C)reducing the number of third-party and independent candidates who can run for office. Third parties in the United States typically represent D)social and economic interests that are disregarded by the two major parties for certain reasons.


Second party system-emerged during the 1830s. Democrats- strong support from the South and West. Favored free trade (against tariffs) Whigs- strong in the Northeast and among merchants. United most by opposition to Democrats than on policy. Emphasized candidates personal qualities The two major parties in the United States during the 1830s and 1840s were the ________ And the ________. C)Democrats; Whigs What issue led to the demise of the Whig Party? A)slavery

General election

a regularly scheduled election involving most districts in the nation or state, in which voters decide who wins office; in the United States, general elections for national office and most state and local offices are held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in even-numbered years (every four years for presidential elections) One of the earliest activities party workers engage in once the general election campaign begins is. D)ensuring that citizens are registered to vote.

winner-take-all system

an electoral system in which the party that receives at least one more vote than any other party wins the election In a proportional representation electoral system, A)seats in the legislature are allocated to political parties based on their share of the total vote cast in the election

Primary elections

are elections within a political party to select each party's candidates for the general election. A serious candidate for a U.S.House of Representatives race must raise at least ________ While a serious candidate for a U.S.Senate race must raise at least ________. C)several hundred thousand dollars; several million dollars Political parties hold primary elections or caucuses in order to C)select a single candidate to represent the party in the general election. Which of the following statements about primary elections is MOST accurate? A)The United States is one of the few nations in the world to hold primary elections. A(n)________ occurs when a voter must be registered with a party prior to voting in that Party's election. B)closed primary A(n)________ occurs when a voter can wait until the day of the primary to choose which Party to enroll in to select candidates for the general election. A)open primary

Electoral realignment

are periods when a new party replaces the ruling party. They occur when new issues, combined with crises, mobilize new voters and persuade other voters to shift to the other party. Since the founding, there have been five realignments. Currently, party politics are characterized by polarization and divided government. Which of the following occurs when one party replaces another party that has dominated National politics for a lengthy period of time? A)an electoral realignment Historically, electoral realignments occur A)when new issues combine with economic or political crises to mobilize new voters And persuade large numbers of voters to reexamine their traditional partisan loyalties. n which of the following years was there an electoral realignment? B)1896

Single-member districts

electoral district from which one person is chosen by the voters for each elected office


when political campaigns tailor messages to individuals in small homogenous groups based on their group interests to support a candidate or policy issue ________ is the practice of tailoring campaign messages to individuals in small,homogenous Groups. A)Micro-targeting An advertisement emailed only to evangelical Christian voters about a Democratic candidate's Support for abortion would be an example of B)micro-targeting.

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