Political Science 118

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Why does ill defined leadership have expressive orientations?

Finds goal in expression of hostility and catharsis of destruction

What are the characteristics of a minor riot?

Lasts less than one day A few fires, some looting Small groups Only property damage Local police

What are the characteristics of a serious riot?

Lasts one to two days Some fires, some looting Draws one or two large crowds Rock throwing State troops

What are the characteristics of a major riot?

Lasts three days or more Many fires, intense looting Many large crowds Sniping (gunfire) Federal forces, National Guard

Why does well defined leadership have instrumental orientations?

Leadership hopeful of achieving goals, possesses conceptualization of desired ends

What is an example of an ill defined target with well defined leadership?

Leadership stratum, engaged in a confrontation with authority structures, or quasi legal corporate entities (political factions) linked with authority structure, and contain normative or value oriented goals. No specific targets or goals, but specific core cadre. Riots led or manipulated value oriented confrontations with authority structures and representatives for redress of grievances. Often prelude to revolution

What was the development of international terrorism in the second half of the twentieth century initially associated with?

Left wing social revolution

What was the significance of the Vietnam War?

Legitimized anti Americanism and equated hostility to USA with anti imperialism and national liberation around the world

What was St. Petersburg changed to in Russia?


What is an example of international terrorism?

Libyan people's bureau bombed a German cafe. Multistate involvement, state directed

What was a result of the North South Irish Agreement of 1998?

South gave up sovereignty claims to Northern Ireland and Catholics were given greater power

What are the attitudes of revolutionaries?

Optimistic view of human nature. Idealistic toward international community.

What was the most important thing about the beating of Rodney King?

Police brutality caught on tape and broadcast around the world over 1000 times.

What is the importance of school socialization?

Some importance, particularly in postwar elites from colonial countries

Who was Mohammed Atah?

Son of a lawyer, urban planner, engineer, went to Hamburg, Germany. Attended a radical mosque. Radicalized in Europe

What was the goal of Narodnaya Volya?

Sought radical transformation of society

How did the revolutions result in the establishment of a tyrant?

The silken threads of habit, tradition, legality having been broken, "men must be held together in society by the `iron chains` of dictatorship."

What is the elementary riot ideology?

Views riots as legitimate and effective means of dramatically calling attention to problems that would otherwise be ignored

What precipitated the third wave?

Vietnam War. As effectiveness of Vietcong terror against USA kindled hopes West was vulnerable too

What did Fanon say?

Violence as a cleansing force, frees oppressed person from inferiority complex

How is the class between Islam and West threatening?

Viewed as powered by hegemonic forces utilizing technology as their weapon

Which territories did Israel take as a result of the Six Day War?

West Bank (River Jordan) Sinai (Egypt) Golan Heights (Syria)

Why did terrorism in Western Europe decline through the 1980s?

Became more efficient at countering and social movements subsided

What is a civil war?

Emergence of an armed rival group with claims on sovereignty

How much was the property damage due to the Watts riots?

$40 million

How many fires occurred during the L.A. riots?


How many lay enforcement officers were deployed during the L.A. riots?


How many injuries occurred during the Watts riots?


How was flesh brought back during the Thermidorian Reaction?

1000 cabarets re opened.

When was the second wave?

1920s through 1960s

How many deaths occurred during the L.A. riots?


What was the significance of the civil war in Lebanon?

1976. Christians versus Shia. Rival militia groups fought among themselves as well as with Libya, Iraq and the PLO

When did the fourth wave of terror begin?


What were the turning points for the fourth wave?

1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran Soviet defeat in Afghanistan in 1989 Religion provided more hope than revolutionary ethos

When did Egyptian Islamic Jihad merge with Al-Qaeda?


How many law enforcement officers were deployed during the Watts riots?


How many assassinations and how many bombings occurred as a result of The Troubles?

2000 assassinations, 7500 bombings

How many buildings were damaged during the L.A. riots?


How many buildings were damaged during the Watts riots?


How did Arabs contribute to medicine?

30 volume medical encyclopedia. Compilation of foods, poisons, antidotes. Opthamology. Pharmacology techniques -- crystallization, solution, distillation Clinical training - physical exam Hospital management - Detailed medical history report Licensing for medical profession

How many deaths occurred during the Watts riots?


How many arrests were made during the Watts riots?


How many arrests were made during the L.A. riots?


How does the grievances of the terrorist prove collective mobilization?

9/11 - people felt as if they didn't have the ability to control their own abilities High unemployment Illiteracy was rampant Oppressive dictatorships like Quadaffi and Mubarak Arabs were marginalized within society

What would could go wrong in the Oedipal complex?

A child goes through multiple stages of development In the phallic stage, child competes with his mothers attention with his father and emulates the father to win her affection If the father isn't there, the child doesn't develop a super ego and accepts societies authority

What do more siblings lead to?

A more turbulent childhood

What would expect about revolutionary elites from frustration aggression theory?

A revolutionary needs to be relatively deprived such that they don't have all the resources they need to be successful but they have enough to succeed Would expect that revolutionaries experienced this level of marginalization through society

What did the Palestinians hijack in 1985?

Achille Lauro - a cruise ship carrying Americans on board A bus in Jerusalem El Al office in Tel Aviv

What is state sponsored terrorism?

Active and often clandestine support, encouragement and assistance provided by a foreign government to a terrorist group

What is the significance of Libya's militant adventurism?

Added to explosive mix of terrorism in 1980s. Financed any group that cused trouble in the West. Provoked US air power

How did Yassir Arafat become the chairman of the PLO?

After winning the Battle of Karameh (Dignity)

What is the most popular psychological theory of urban violence?

Aggression as a response to frustration. Aggression is response to blocking/interference with goal oriented behavior (frustration). Anger is an intervening drive variable.

What was the third wave's novel tactic?

Airline hijacking. Had an international character, since foreign landing fields were more available than domestic ones

What is the timing of the outbreak of violence?

All twenty four major riots erupted in evening, between seven at night to midnight

What is the State Department definition of a terrorist?

Altruist. Greater good for wider constituency; violent intellectual

What can Egyptian Islamic Jihad's alliance with Al Qaeda be interpreted as?

An outcome of the group's inability to continue its terrorist activities within Egypt

What is a grievance of Iraulta?

Anti USA and anti economic imperialism

When was the Rodney King verdict announced?

April 29, 1992

When was the worst day of the L.A. Riots?

April 30th

What was the duration of the 1992 L.A. riots?

April 30th through May 4th

How did Weather Underground, German Red Army Faction, Italian Red Brigades and French Direct Action see themselves?

As vanguards for masses of the third world. Soviet Union encouraged this.

What would Tilly say about the Arab condition?

Arab citizens have not been absorbed into the political institutions of their countries

What aroused Palestinian national consciousness?

Arab defeat in 1967 Arab-Israeli War and Israeli occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip

Which groups are economically above average in the region?

Armenians, Basques in Spain, Chechens

How did Menachem Begin's Irgun describe themselves?

As freedom fighters battling government terror

How does the sociological approach define relative deprivation?

As gap between responsible performance in roles by individuals, groups, or organizations in society and rewards which accrue to these roles

How was bin Laden's 1998 fatwa more global in its focus?

Aside from the primary object to occupation of the land of the two holy places, there was no emphasis on the failures of the Saudi regime and the internal difficulties of Saudi society Language of the document shifted the emphasis of responsibility to the US for dictating policy to the Saudi regime and other local rulers He seems to have concluded that only by striking directly at US could he mobilize popular support and convince Arab regimes to overlook his operations in their/their neighbors lands

What are the main activities of both the ETA and Iraulta?

Assassinated Spanish Prime Minister Blanco in 1973 Attempted assassination of Prince Juan Carlos in 1975 Bombed nuclear plant in Bilbao. Extortion of revolutionary taxes from banks and businesses

What were the main activities of the Sikh terrorists?

Assassination of Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi by their Sikh bodyguards

How were the trials during the Reign of Terror?

At first, some semblance of due process with trial. Then mass trials with mass graves outside city walls.

What was the duration of the 1965 Watts riots?

August 11th through 15th

What is a diffuse, general, multidimensional target?

Authority structure, government and representatives, economic systems and economic conditionc

What are these basic elements?

Availability of communication conditioncs which can promote crowd mobilization Failure of responsible authorities to deal forcefully and equitable with all conflicting parties Inadequacy of grievance procedures and mechanism

What is relative deprivation and rising expectation?

Based on notion of gap between a person's perception of values, goods and status he is entitled to, and perception of actual condition. For rising expectations, population mobility, mass media and ads seen as agents of changing expecations

What is the structural situational approach?

Based on notion there is an interaction, and interactional effects, between persons and structure of a given situation. Most common approach too urban violence

What is the sociological approach to urban violence?

Basic assumption is notion of societal strain. Impairment of relations among, and consequently inadequate function of, the components of action.

Why are Americans attractive to terrorists?

Because of US support for unpopular local governments or regional enemies

When did the exposure to revolutionary ideology happen?

Before 24

Why do the radicals triumph over the moderates?

Better organized, better staffed, better obeyed, Moderates are "poor" leaders of the wars which accompany the revolutions, unable to "provide the discipline, the enthusiasm" needed

What made Osama bin Laden so dangerous?

Bin laden's perceived ability to sanction killing and inspire action, coupled with his financial means to carry it out

What is an example of a revolutionary group?

Bolsheviks and French. Not concerned with social cleavage and oppose the status quo

What are the grievances of Catholics in Northern Ireland?

British troops in territory. Protestant supremacy and systematic discrimination

What are examples of endogenous value changes in the Arab world?

Building Islamic state Media of the arab nations promotes an anti-western agenda that promotes an anti western value Al Jazeera interview The Mosque was a center of change Extreme islam is preached at the end of prayer To compensate, Crenshaw said

How do the oldest children react to a disorderly, incoherent world?

By revolution. Feel intense anxiety when attention and affection is absent. Guilt, hostility may be politicized

How did Arabs contribute to astronomy?

Calculate planetary motions

What were the characteristics of early 1980s terrorism?

Calculated means to destabilize West as part of a vast global conspiracy. Associated with type of covert, surrogate warfare whereby weaker states could confront larger powers without risk of retribution

What is well defined leadership?

Can defne a participant cadre group which could act as a group spokesman in some less violent form of adversary relationship

How did residents of South Central lose access to well paying union jobs?

Capital flight, plant closings. New jobs were in competitive sectors and paid minimum wage.

What were the main provisions of the North South Irish Agreement?

Cessation of hostilities - disarming of IRA and Protestant paramilitary within two years; immediate release of Paramilitary prisoners Constitutional status - Northern Ireland to remain a British province North Ireland Legislature - Elected proportional representation. Legislation needs consent of both Unionists (Protestants) and Nationalists (Catholics) Executive Branch - Ministers appointed based on voting strength of their parties. A north south Ministerial Council will be adopted, made up of ministers from both regions; all decisions require consensus of both northern and southern ministers Irish Language - Britain will promote Gaelic, make it widely available in schools, bureaucracy and courts

Why do riots occur in the historical economic approach?

Changes in structure, in relationship between citizen and polity, in technology, in monetary structure. Social system is undergoing rapid and dynamic changes.

What have been the Arab Contributions to civilization?

Civil engineering and architecture Agriculture Law Astronomy Medicine

What was Brinton's conclusion?

Class conflict, desertion of intellectuals, an advancing economic system, inefficient government, ineffective/unresponsive political elites and poor methods of social control are common in revolutionary situations

How is Arab civilization falling behind?

Combined GDP is less than Spain. Women are illiterate. Youth want to emigrate. Poverty of dignity

What are the effects of terror?

Commands masses' attention, arouses latent political tensions, and provokes government to respond indiscriminately, undermining credibility and legitimacy

What was the international conflict for England following their revolution?

Cromwell re-conquered Ireland and seized Jamaica

What was England's Thermidorian reaction?

Cromwell's dissolution of the Rump

What happened along Appian Way?

Crucifixion of 6000 people. Major thoroughfare from southern coast (Capua) to Rome. Bodies on both sides of the road.

Who were Omega 7?

Cuban paramilitary group. Wanted to overthrow Fidel Castro. Participated in Bay of Pigs. Became mercenaries in Congo, Latin America, Vietnam. Blew up Cuban Airlines

What did right wing governments use?

Death squads; intimidation of political opponents, students, labor organizers, journalists.

What are the characteristics of Al Qaeda?

Decentralized organizational structure, militants trained by organization, but given funds and autonomy in selecting targets

What is the new terrorism?

Decentralized, fanatical, inclined to use mass casualty attacks with Weapons of Mass Destruction

How did L.A.'s economy undergo restructuring?

Decline of traditional, unionized, high wage manufacturing employment. South Central. Growth in high technology manufacturing, craft specialty and advanced service sector. SFV, SGV. El Segundo, OC.

What is the riot process according to the Kerner Commission Report?

Deeply held grievances in black community Series of tension heightening prior events Precipitating incident Outbreak of violence

What are the continuums of urban violence based on?

Degree of leadership definition in riot situation and degree of target definition in riot situation

What were bin Laden's economic concerns for Saudi Arabia?

Depreciation of the Saudi currency, high foreign debt, inflation - bin Laden accused royal family of pursuing oil policy that suited the American economy and not Saudis, emphasized protecting Saudi oil as a great Islamic wealth

What were the tactics of the third wave of terrorism?

Described by international terrorism. Terrorists from different states worked together. Also worked together in Airline hijackings International dimension - Shortest one because it was too dependent on forces it couldn't control but did a good job in making the western culture look weak

Why did ghetto residents attribute little legitimacy to the police?

Deterioration of police community relationships. Instances of inappropriate control strategies are citied. Lack of coordination among control units and break down of organization within agencies.

What were the lasting results of the revolution for France?

Did away with "the old overlapping jurisdictions, the confusions and the compromises inherited from, the thousand-year struggle" between Crown and feudal nobility. Weights and measure "that varied from region to region, indeed from town to town" were replaced with the metric system. Also gone was non-decimal coinage unsuited "for long division

What were characteristics of English, American and French revolutionaries?

Did not travel and had democratic ideologies

What were Marxist strategies?

Diplomats, embassies/public buildings, aircraft, airports were all fair game

What are the deeply held grievances in the black community?

Discriminating police practice -- physical and verbal abuse, inadequate response to ghetto calls, non existing or inadequate channels of redressing grievances High unemployment and discriminate hiring by state and local government Poor enforcement of housing code

What are psychopathological theories?

Disorders of the mind in which there is a perversion of a quality

What did Iraulta do?

Doesn't want US corporate presence in Basque. Midnight bombing - put a bomb at night and let them know in the morning. Placed in sidewalks outside major corporations. Bombed US auto companies like Enterprise, Hertz, GM, Ford. Banks like Bank of America and Citigroup. Computer companies like IBM.

What are the four special issues to the cry wolf problem?

Don't give too many warnings Warnings must be specfic enough to be falsifiable Consider cost of alert itself Community remembers false claims

What was an effect of the L.A. riots?

Downtown real estate value plummeted. Chinatown never recovered.

What happened to the PLO in 1985?

Driven out of Lebanon and split into six groups.

Why were post war elites more likely to be from lower class?

Due to undeveloped or semi developed nature of societies or regions many revolutions associated with

When were post war elites radicalized?

During their formative years. This was not a characteristic of prewar leaders

What are the main Basque separatist groups?

ETA (nationalist) and Iraulta (socialist)

Who did the Israelis make peace agreements with at the end of the Yom Kippur War?

Egypt and Syria. Palestinians ignored in peace talks.

What does structural conduciveness focus on?

Elements in ecological setting which promote violence

How did bin Laden criticize Saudi Arabia in his 1996 Declaration of War?

Emphasis is on the specifics of the Saudi regime's treachery, its compliance with the enemy, and the effect those actions have on the Saudi people Attacked the regime's religious behavior, accused it of disobeying Allah Declaration of war repeats the belief that all power and acquisition thereof can only occur through God, which the Saudi regime violated in compliance with the US, its arrest of prominent scholars/activists, and its failure to respond to calls for reform

What is the social psychological approach?

Emphasis on individual's attitudes and perceptions. Individual operating in groups and collectives is emphasized.

What did NATO and Vietnam end up doing?

Enhanced attractiveness of US targets in Western Europe.

What were Murphy and Watson's findings on Watts?

Every social strata of ghetto participated and supported riot Lower class support related to material problems and conditions, middle class support related to social and status relationships Level of discontent among middle class blacks increases with contact with whites. Intergration increases discontent Lower class is problem of establishing and maintaining standard of living Middle class is problem of establishing and maintaining pride

Why would a revolution take a short period of time?

Explode, consequence of sharp escalation of systemic conflicts between major social groups

What has more explanatory value as a source of radicalization than family or school radicalization?

Exposure to new experiences, culture, travel

What is a characteristic of ill defined leadership?

Expressive orientations

What has the least explanatory, predictive value?

Family socialization

How was the crucifixion along Appian Way an example of terrorism?

Fear and intimidation

What were the public policies that served as sparks fo civil unrest?

Federal government's establishment of laissez faire business climate to facilitate competitiveness of US firms Federal government's dismantling of social safety net in minority communities. Educational initiatives disenfranchised black and brown youth

What was one significant area in which rioters and non rioters differed?

Feelings of racial pride as evidenced by positive stereotypes and attitudes toward black history and culture held by rioters

Who was more receptive to liberal scientific innovations?

First born more conservative, risk averse, supportive of the status quo. Later borns were receptive

Where was the first looting of the L.A. Riots?

Florence and Normandie

What did the German army do during the Serbian campaign in Yugoslavia?

For every German soldier killed, 100 Serbs were killed

Why was Yitzhak Rabin assassinated?

For signing the Oslo agreement

How is their international fraternity in the last stages of a revolution?

Foreign policy is idealistic. Internationalism over nationalism. USSR abolished colonies conquered by czar.

What were the sources of the ideologies of revolutionaries?

Foreign. Most postwar revolutionaries have a foreign ideology than prewar. In prewar it's split evenly

What is the John Stewart Mills definition of nationhood?

Form of identity, exclusive bond that makes people cooperate easily and desirous of same government. If a group doesn't have a bond with a larger group, they want to secede

What are the main demands of the Armenian Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia?

Formal apology by Turkish government Recognition of Armenian as an official language End of destruction of Armenian architecture and culture

What were the grievances of Armenian and Balkan groups?

Found boundaries unsufferable

When was the Queen executed?

Four years after beginning of revolution. October 15, 1793.

What doe terrorist organizations seek to evoke images of?

Freedom and liberation, armies and military organization structures, self defense movements, righteous vengeance, neutrality

Why were things renamed during the Age of Virtue and Asceticism?

French Revolution was anti clerical and anti royalist.

What is the origin of the word sabotage?

French factory workers threw shoes into weaving machine to jam it. Tried to disrupt industrial process because they felt oppressed. Property damage by saboteurs.

What is the motivational factor leading to riots in psychological level theories?

Frustration aggression mechanism

What was happening to the antagonistic social class differences in France prior to the Revolution?

Getting smaller.

What must these explanations take into account?

Ghetto subculture which sanctions illegitimate means Limited opportunity structure for achieving status Remoteness and impersonality of power structure Low level of political skill and organization Highly visible frictions at interpersonal level Apparent effectiveness of disturbances in forcing recognition of conditions Legitimation of extralegal forms of civil rights protests Reluctance of authorities to use force Presence of core agitating groups

The amnesty of enemies of the state applied to who?

Girondins, counterrevolutionaries, emigres, aristocracy, Bourbons

What were the characteristics of the Moderates during the French Revolution?

Girondists Included Roland Wanted a republican form of government They wanted to put the King and Queen on trial but they did not want to execute them

According to Brinton, how was there a breakdown in administration?

Government machinery was clearly inefficient Financial Problems Ability to make adequate use of military and police power is lost Old ruling class come to distrust themselves

What were the Geneva/Hague Conventions of warfare?

Grant civilian non combatants immunity from attack; prohibit civilians as hostages; regulations on treatment of POWs; recognize neutrality

What are the international ingredients?

Group commitments to international revolution, willingness of foreign governments and publics to help, sympathies of diaspora populations

Why was the second wave not international?

Groups acknowledged common international revolutionary bonds but groups in separate states did not cooperate

Why was foreign travel as a source of radicalization important for post war elites?

Had a cosmopolitanizing effect Saw differences between the conditions of the colony and the metropolitan country, and saw the differences between the way colonists treat each other (courteously) and the way colonists are treated (with contempt)

How did Arabs contribute to law?

Hammurabi Code. Oldest human law. 282 provisions. Property rights, contracts, commercial transactions

How do terrorist violate the Geneva conventions?

Have taken hostage civilians; abused military officers; don't recognize neutrality; attack diplomats

What happens to the oldest children?

Held to strict and rigorous standards of performance. This generates acute anxiety, which requires that reassurances that are given. First born's achievement orientation is likely to lead to eminence in chosen endeavors. More idealistic and likely to have strong consciences. Likely to experience orderly, coherent world.

What is the conspiracy view of riots?

Holds that riots result from premeditated actions of a small number of individuals who promote civil disorder in order to gain their own ends. Supported by elites, local authority figures and wide general popularity

What distinguished this wave of terrorism from earlier violence?

Hostages, political demands on government, diplomats, civil aviation

Why did the USA not attend the anti anarchy conference in Saint Petersburg?

Hostility to Germany Anxieties about involvement in European politics No federal police force

What is a premodern example of the use of weapons of mass destruction?

Huns tried to conquer Europe so they threw diseased cadavers over city walls. Tried to start pestilence and epidemics by catapulting cadavers, using biological weapons like poop.

Who is Dr. Al-Zawahiri?

Ideological reins, CEO, Trotsky, ideological commisar. Charged with conspiracy of the assassination of Sadat. In search of Islamic state. Tortured

What would we expect about revolutionary leaders using social mobilization theory?

If there is marginality in political leaders, it would show that these groups were not represented Law of disproportionality China - ethnic minorities are less and less represented in the upper level of society

Who were the Argentina Anti-Communist Alliance?

If you were on the list you had thirty days to leave. President of national university didn't, so he was killed

How did the Protestants practice systematic discrimination in civil service?

In civil service: 90-100% of positions are filled by Protestants. Law of Increasing Disproportions.

How did the Protestants practice systematic discrimination in employment?

In employment: Union Party keeps list of unemployed Protestants, asks employers to pick from these first. Argue that this is a party institution and not done using government money

What is the Carter Doctrine?

In event of problems with oil supplies in MENA, US will send in troops to oversee smooth flow of oil

How did the Protestants practice systematic discrimination in gerrymandering?

In gerrymandering: Union Party practiced gerrymandering to prevent any district from being majority Catholic

How did the Protestants practice systematic discrimination in housing?

In housing: Northern Ireland has public housing in the form of condos and gated communities. Must have a HIGH enough income to get government housing. Protestants are high income while Catholics are working class

Which two variable affected the riots?

Increased militancy of socialization and an increase in relative deprivation

Which two developments were stimulated by NATO and Vietnam?

Indigenous left revolutionary movements rose from social protest movements in West Germany and Italy - student disaffection, anti imperialism, sympathy for third world Inspired and assited by spill over of Palestinian terrorism to European scene. Black September 1972 Munich Olympics

What was the immediate cause for Operation Blue Star?

Indira Ghandi assaulted the Golden Temple where Sikh leader Bhindra Wale and followers took refuge after staging violent protests. Seven tanks killed 420-1200 Sikhs. Other Sikh temples were also besieged. Ultimatum to surrender which Wale refused

What is a characteristic of well defined leadership?

Instrumental orientations

Why was the third wave the shortest?

International wave was shortest because it was too dependent on forces it couldn't control. Emphasis on revolutionary bond or brotherhood of terrorists alienated potential domestic and liberal constituencies

What was the doctrine of Russian rebel terror?

Involved extranormal actos of violence or acts designed to violate conventions that regulate violence, namely rules of war that enable one to distinguish between combatand and noncombatant

What was significant about the Iranian hostage crisis?

Iranian government's public assumption of responsibility for US diplomats; seriousness of violation of international laws and norms; success of state terrorism

How did Arabs contribute to agriculture?

Irrigation. Invented windmill water wheel, underground canals

According to Rahmi Houri, what are Arabs angry at?

Israel American acquiescence Double standards

What is an example of state sponsored terrorism that occurred in 1985?

Israel bombed the PLA headquarters in Tunis

Who invaded Lebanon in 1982?

Israel from the South, Syria from the Northeast.

How is the Arab condition not instinct theory?

It's learned behavior. People are radicalized in Europe.

What were the characteristics of the Radicals during the French Revolution?

Jacobins Included Robespierre, Marat, Montagnards Wanted a republican form of government Wanted to put the king and queen on trial and wanted to execute them

How were the names of the months changed during the French Revolution?

January - Germinating Fructidor - September Brumiere - mist - October June 1 - Day of Strawberry After nature

How was the Rape of Nanking an example of terrorism?

Japanese killed 200,000 people by bayonets. Fear and intimidation.

Who were the Japanese Shield Society?

Japanese right wing group. American aircraft carrier in Yokohama. Students boycott imperialism.

What was the Six Day War?

June 5, 1967 - June 11, 1967. Israel versus Arab countries (Egypt, Syria, Jordan). Because Israel had air control, they bombed the ground forces and tanks of the Arab countries.

What was the twentieth century terrorist organization version of propaganda by deed?

Justify wanton targeting of civilians to assure publicity through shock, blood shed

What is an example of a supremacist group?

KKK. Are concerned with social cleavage and support the status quo

What is decimation?

Kill one out of every ten soldiers. Tithing. Public execution. Roman

What were the weaknesses of the comprehensive public works employment program?

Lack of coordination No systematic steps taken to evaluate existing efforts No comprehensive strategy for planning future resource allocations

What is an example of an ill defined target with ill defined leadership?

Lash out at authority structure, economic structure, etc. Value orientation to riots. General pattern of riots is to seek redress of some generalized grievances against authority structure

What were the chief grievances of Watts residents?

Living conditions

How did the old ruling class come to distrust themselves?

Lose faith in traditions, habits of their class, grow intellectual, humanitarian, or go over to the attacking groups Loss of habits and traditions of command effective among ruling class

How was the ability to use military and police power lost?

Loss of ability shown in desertion of soldiers and police to the revolutionists Or, in the stupidity with which the gov manages its soldier and police

What did US alliance with Egypt do?

Made the US a target of radical Islamic groups seeking overthrow of Mubarak

Who were the Warriors for Christ the King?

Madrid. Spanish. Against modernism, liberalism. Spray pain impressionist paintings and Modern Art Museums. Vigilante terrorist group

What happened in the Russian Armenian province of Azerbaijan?

Major riot in 1988

What precipitated each wave of terrorism?

Major unexpected political turning points exposing new government vulnerabilities

What was the principal stimulus of the second wave?

Major war aim of victorious allies in both world wars: national self determination. Ambivalence of colonial powers about legitimacy made them ideal targets

How did the Roman Empire practice devastation?

Make land barren. Kill people and dogs. Dacian campaign in Romania

What was the purpose of the third wave of terrorism?

Make west look bad

What is retaliation?

Mass revenge, Roman law. Executing all slaves if a member of the master household was assaulted/killed.

What did the Lebanese Christian Phalanges do and who were they allied with?

Massacre of refugee camps in Sabra and Chatila. Allied with Israel. Ariel Sharon was with the Phalanges during the invasion.

What was the first wave stimulated by?

Massive political and economic reforms introduced by czars. Dynamite and rise of mass daily newspaper. Systematic assassination campaigns against prominent officials.

Why was travel more likely to be a source of radicalization if one has turbulent beginnings?

May have little or no sense of roots

What was Narodnaya Volya's version of propaganda by deed?

Meant selective targeting of specific individuals whom the group considered embodiment of autocratic, oppressive state. Victims chosen for symbolic value as dynastic heads and subservient agents of tyrannical and corrupt regime

What is the internal external control scale?

Measures extent to which an individual believes reinforcements are contingent on his own actions. Characteristics, attitudes, personal control, control ideology, individual-system blame

How did Narodnaya Volya see terrorism?

Members understood terrorism as a temporary necessity to raise consciousness of the masses and selected victime for symbolic reasons

What did the Black Hand have direct access to?

Military armaments, intelligence and training facilities

What are the three situations in which a conspiracy theory can appear?

Minority or subgroups in population who differ from majority culture and have only a low, superficial level informational exchange with that culture Highly complex multivariable situations which require long range interdependent analysis and solutions

How was the Church rehabilitated during the Thermidorian Reaction?

Mocked Christianity but now churches restored. Napoleon signed Concordat with Vatican, normalized relations with Holy See

Which groups dominate the first stages of revolution?


What were the characteristics of the Royalists during the French Revolution?

Monarchists Included Lafayette, Lanieth Wanted a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral legislature like Great Britain They did not want to put the King and Queen on trial, nor did they want to execute them

Who were the targets of the Reign of Terror?

Monarchy, aristocracy, emigres, counterrevolutionaries, Girondists.

What is the significance of the precipitating incident?

More important in its context than in its content, for the precipitating incident channels generalized beliefs into specific faears and antagonisms; confirms existence of conditions

What was a special characteristic of the first wave of terrorism?

Most Dangerous situation was if you found out that a government was supporting terrorists to further political aims Franz Ferdinand

What was the most dangerous situation in the first wave?

Most dangerous situation occurs when a government is suspected of using terrorists to further foreign policy ends. The Balkans supporting the Black Hand's assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

When did most incidents happen during the L.A. riots?

Most incidents happened at night

But how were revolutionary elites actually viewed by society?

Most revolutionaries are actually held in high regard Don't have Data for appearance Have data for birth legitimacy 97.3% are legitimately born Have data on social marginality 70.9% are upper or middle class 58% were from the majority ethnicity 78% were from the main religious group

How were revolutionary elites mainstream?

Most were legitimate. Enjoyed tranquil family lives. From mainstream ethnicity and religion. Well educated

What were the characteristics of the Archist/Black International?

Myth of global revolutionary pretensions. Emphasis on individual actions, operations carried out by small cells

What did the disintegration of empires shatter?

Myth of white invincibility; Russo Japanese war showed nonwhite could win over white

How did the Thermidorian Reaction start international conflict?

Napoleon began world conquest

Who was radicalized in school?

Nationalists, communists from colonial or neocolonial societies

How are the youngest children politicized?

Neglect and deprivation lead to rebellion. See revolutions as maintaining, enhancing sense of identity and belongingness

How is government machinery clearly inefficient?

Neglect, failure to make changes in old institutions, new conditions as a result of economic expansion and growth of new monied classes, new ways of transportation, new business methods Strain on Gov machinery adapted to simpler more primitive conditions

What was Russia's Thermidorian reaction?

New Economic Policy of 1921

What is Asceticism?

No alcohol, no brothels, no cabarets

What were the characteristics of European/North American revolutionaries?

No school radicalization, eclectic ideological beliefs

What are the characteristics of middle children?

Not subject to strict codes and norms, relatively neglected, low parental expectations, pragmatic, conforming, mediators, adjusted, content, don't seek radical change

What is the root of the social psychological approach?

Notion of deprivation or drustration and foses on social indicators of basic elements

What are the two aspects of a leader's family life that would affect future radicalization?

Number of siblings and age ranking above siblings

What was the Yom Kippur War?

October 5, 1973. Occurred during Ramadan. Israel defeated Syria, Egypt and Palestinians. Lasted three weeks.

What is the precipitating incident?

Often minor, even trivial, and frequently occurring in the community without provoking violence

What is an example of a vigilante group?

Omega 7, Cuban exile group. Not concerned with social cleavage and support the status quo

What is the religious composition of Northern Ireland?

One third Catholic Irish, two thirds Protestant Scottish

But how do revolutionary elites disprove the Oedipal complex?

Only some of the leaders experienced this however Only 5% Rejai's revolutionary elite were separated Government was better but not great 42% of British prime ministers did not have parental bereavement 16% of US presidents didn't have that Therefore not a good indicator

What is the historical economic approach?

Operate on macro level of polity. Focus of approach is to examine long range trends and systematic aspects of violence.

Who were Narodna Obrana?

Originally promoted Serb culture and national activities. Became anti Austrian

How did a contagion effect set in once a colonial revolution succeeded?

Other countries' expectations heightens, process of consciousness accelerates

How much was the property damage due to the L.A. riots?

Over $1 billion

How many injuries occurred during the L.A. riots?

Over 2000

How many fires occurred during the Watts riots?

Over 400

Who started hijackings?


What did the PFLP attempt to do in 1970?

PFLP attempted to assassinate King Hussein of Jordan because he complied with Israeli pressure to disarm Palestinians and didn't want them in his country. Hussein attacked refugee camps and deported them

What did the PFLP do in 1967 as a result of the Six Day War?

PFLP formed, headed by George Habash; adopted Vietnam model of strong political party (how the Northern communists won in the South), self reliance (Northern communists didn't rely on Russians or Chinese; PFLP doesn't count on Gulf states to help them out), protracted (long haul) and urban guerilla program

What did the PFLP start doing in 1968?

PFLP uses transnational terrorist strategy of airplane hijacking, bombing of Israeli civilian targets

When and where was the first intifada?

Palestinian uprising in West Bank and Gaza Strip

What happened to the Palestinians in 1969?

Palestinians driven out of Palestine and became refugees. Displaced from home territory to a new state (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon). Couldn't work legally in these new states and if they got a work permit it was only for a year. Had to pay a tax to the PLO.

Why was "international terrorism" used to describe the third wave?

Partly because PLO training facilities were available. Revolutionary ethos created bonds between separate national groups, and targets chosen reflected international dimensions

How does the Arab condition relate to frustration-aggression?

People don't feel recognized Jealous

Why do people riot in the historical economic approach?

People riot because political and economic alternatives have been cut off.

Who favored riots the most?

People with high personal control. After riot, militants tended to blame external system more, but non militants blamed self more.

What is the police brutality/gestapo theory?

Policy brutality and police malpractice are one of the taproots of hostility fueling and fermenting outbreaks of urban violence. But most ghetto residents don't hate police. Want more, better police protection. Residents hate inadequate capricious, impersonal handling of probelsm by police. Dislike double standards, hypocrisy and stereotyping by urban law enforcement.

What is the FBI's definition of terrorism?

Political; violent/threatening; wider psychological repercussions; conducted by organizations with identifiable structures; subnational or non state. Deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or threat in pursuit of political change

What is Islamism?

Politicized Islam, religious ideology, perfect religion

What perpetuated anti American sentiment?

Post war sanctions against Iraq and military enforcement of no fly zones in Iraw

What were the characteristics of 1930s terrorism?

Practices of mass repression employed by totalitarian states and dictatorial leaders against their own citizens. Applied specifically to authoritarian regimes in power in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia

What was the special characteristic of the third wave of terrorism?

Precipitated by the Vietnam war by showing that the US was vulnerable. Terrorists were the ethos of the masses

What was the special characteristic of the second wave of terrorism?

Principle stimulus was national self-determination Countries no longer wanted to be colonies Ambivalence of colonial powers to the colonies made them targets

How did the Thermidorian Reaction practice institutionalization?

Prior, had revolutionary tribunals with amateurs. No professional army. No professional bureaucracy. Now they do.

Who was Malcolm Kerr?

Professor of political science at UCLA and president of American University of Beirut. Assassinated. Palestinians were killing foreigners just to make a point

How was France's economy prior to the Revolution?

Progressing, more affluent than previous era

Who did Carlos Piscane say?

Propaganda by deed. Violence necessary to generate publicity for a cause, to inform, to educate and rally masses behind revolution. Violence can't be replaced by pamphlets, assemblies.

What is the mode of the outbreak of violence?

Property vandalism in early cycle Looting, arson and sniping in middle and late riot cycle

Who was executed during the Thermidorian Reaction?

Prosecution of radicals. Robespierre executed

What is an example of a secessionist group?

Puerto Ricans who tried to bomb Congress and Quebecois. Are concerned with social cleavage and oppose the status quo.

What was the effect of India's central government diverting water from Punjab to other Indian provinces?

Punjab was a net exporter of grain. Now they cannot grow as much

What were the basic causes for Sikh terrorism?

Punjabis are highly educated, have the best medical conditions, and are affluent. Their economic conditions are the highest out of twenty two states and nine territories. Indian government introduced redistributive taxation. Took money from Punjab and gave it to poorer provinces. Deprived Punjabis of fiscal autonomy

What are the industries the Basques participate in?

Pyrenees Mountains - Mining, iron ore Bay of Biscay - Shipbuilding industry

What is an example of a well defined target with ill defined leadership?

Race, ethnic, religious riots. Aided by political or authority structure, and usually directed at elimination or repression of a sub group in population. Function of leadership is more expressive than instrumental. Leadership doesn't attempt to direct establish goals for collectivity, but simply express and implement generalized feelings of group.

What does a more turbulent childhood lead to?

Radicalization in school

What were the characteristics of revolutionaries from other regions?

Radicalized in school, extremist ideology

How do the characteristics of the revolutionary elites call the social mobilization theory into question?

Rajais said that 57.3% of groups are majority ethnic groups and 70.8% are from the major religion Ethnic groups are at risk according so social mobilization but the majority of revolutionary leaders are from the dominant ethnic group, putting social mobilization into question

What is the counterhypothesis to the recent migrant theory?

Recent migrants act as a damperer to riots.

What are the main demands and grievances of both the ETA and Iraulta?

Recognition of Basque language, autonomy Establishment of an independent state Withdrawal of Spanish troops in Basque territories

What ere the conditions of the Oslo Agreement for the PLO?

Recognition of Israel and its existing boundaries. Recognizes territories from Six Day War and Yom Kippur. End intifada. Cease international (state directed) and transnational (non state directed) terrorism

What does the Justice Commando for avenging Armenian Genocide want?

Recognition, official formal apology

What is the fundamental raison detre of international terrorism?

Refusal to be bound by rules of warfare, codes of conduct

What is an example of state terrorism?

Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. No multistate involvement, state directed

How was terrorism used during the French Revolution?

Reign of terror was an instrument of governance wielded by the revolutionary state. Designed to consolidate power by intimidating counterrevolutionaries, subversives and other dissidents

What was the crucial ingredient for the fourth wave?

Religious justification

What were the conditions of the Oslo Agreement for Israel?

Return occupied territories in Gaza (Egypt), West Bank (Jordan), Golan Heights (Syria) Cease establishing settlements in occupied territories Palestinian autonomy (self rule, local councils, elections, fiscally [raise revenue, levy taxes, free to spend]) in Israeli occupied territories

How does Tocqueville's theory of revolution support frustration aggression theory?

Revolutionaries grew up without much money but were often college educated Had the ability to get by but went to college so they saw what they could have Led by the well to do Most were educated (well to do) Most travelled (well to do) Most had college degrees (leaders) Most were from urban places (place) Can't say anything about time

What is an urban phenomenon?

Revolutionaries. Were urban born or had urban exposure early

What are the stages of development in Brinton's Anatomy of the French Revolution?

Revolutionary Situation Division of Revolutionary Groups and Triumph of Radicals Age of Virtue and Asceticism Thermidorian Reaction

What were the characteristics of Post World War Two terrorism?

Revolutionary connotations, referred to violent revolts prosecuted by nationalist/anti colonialist groups in Asia, Africa, Middle East

What were the characteristics of 1960s/1970s terrorism?

Revolutionary context, included nationalist and ethnic separatist groups outside colonial framework and radical, ideological organizations

Who comes from large families?

Revolutionary elites

What was nineteenth century terrorism associated with?

Revolutionary, anti state connotations

What is the underclass theory?

Riots are a class phenomenon, welling up of grievances of dispossessed and hardcore poor. Riots rooted in class of persons left out of system: drop outs, unemployables, hardcore poor. Doesn't explain 1960s riots

What is the teenage rebellion/youth theory?

Riots are result of overflow of pent up frustration and youthful exuberance of teenagers in densely populated ghettos. Juvenile and immature elements. Little value for understanding urban violence

What is the recent migrant theory?

Riots result from culture shock. Rooted in inability of recent migrants to adjust to the stress and complexity of urban ghetto living. Argues that failure to adapt, to acculturate to norms of the city results in alienation from, and hostility towards, the economic and political system. Has little usefulness in explaining urban violence

Who were Narodnaya Volya?

Russian constitutionalists. Apathy and alienation of Russian citizens drove them to dramatics. Minimized number of people killed

What was the pedagogy of the oppressed?

Sabotage, tyrannicide, assassination, guerilla warfare

What is a modern example of the use of weapons of mass destruction?

Saddam Hussein used mustard gas on the Kurds. Royal Air Force did the same in the 1920s.

What was the initial target of Al Qaeda's doctrine?

Saudi regime and its subservience to American forces, but since then his belligerency toward the US has grown and his advocacy against the US has become more prominent while his criticism of the Saudis has is much less frequently stated

How was terrorism seen during the French Revolution?

Seen as indispensable tool to establish a democratic order

What is an example of transnational terrorism?

September 11th. Multistate involvement, not state directed

What does irredentist mean?

Share stronger bond with groups across borders. Irish Catholics, Armenians

What was the significance of Hezbollah during the Lebanese Civil War?

Shia group that formed in Lebanon. Supported by Iran, Syria and Lebanese Shia. Engaged in suicide bombing and hostage taking

What was the watershed for modern terrorism?

Six Day War/Arab Israeli War in 1967. Before this, terrorist events occurred less than fifty times.

What was the Spartacus Rebellion?

Slaves in Rome rebelled. Roamed southern Rome for two years before they were captured, repressed. Put into an arena to fight the lions. Put into a fire on the highest hill in Rome, Vatican Hill.

What can 1990s terrorism be traced to?

Specific events associated with Persian Gulf War and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979

What are Smelser's three requirements?

Specification of aspects of behavior that need explanation Description of behavior at two conceptual levels -- social and psychological Specification of interaction among psychological and social determinants of behavior being dealt with

What did the actions of the 1960s rioters signify?

Spontaneity and consumer oriented nature of destruction. Signified desire to participate more fully in the benefits of the system rather than an intent to overthrow it

What is urban violence?

Spontaneous outbursts of group hostility, characterized by excitement, rage, acts of destruction directed against generalized perpetrators of injustice or violators of community norms

What did Iranian ambitions threaten?

Stability of a region economically and strategically vital to US interests

What were the 1980s characterized by?

State sponsorship of terrorism, especially Libya and Iran. Religious terrorism. Iran attacked the West becuse the West supported Iraq. Libya supported anti American movements for generic anti imperialism without religious connotations

What were bin Laden's calls for reform in Saudi Arabia?

Stop intimidation of religious officials and departure from Sharia, fix the state of the press, stop forfeiting human rights, end gov't corruption, fix economy and social services, establish an army (lack thereof led to American occupation)

Who were anti Arafat groups supported by and what did they do?

Supported by Libya and Syria. Attacked PLO and continued terrorism. 1985.

What are the characteristics of the youngest children?

Strongest, defiant, competitive, vigilant, bold, aggressive, devious. Group oriented

What are well defined targets?

Structurally oriented riots, indicative of cleavages that divide and separate groups in society

What is deprivation based on in the historical economic approach?

Systemic changes and adjustments

What were the tactics of the first wave of terrorism?

Tactic - Was spurred by the invention of dynamite and the rise of the newspaper Dynamite was used to bomb Newspapers helped publicize the terrorism

Which groups are not economically above average in the region?

Tamil Tigers, Indian Muslims, Kurds, Philippine Muslims, Irish in North Ireland, Albanian Muslims

What was Notre Dame's name changed to?

Temple of Goddess of Reason

How old were revolutionary elites?

Tended to be older, over 45

What were the radical demographic transformations before the 1994 LA Riots?

Tensions between long term residents and more recent arrivals. Mixed black and Latino. Jewish shopkeepers now Korean.

What was Tilly's theory of collective mobilization?

Terrorism and revolution can be justified because they have a purpose and are goal directed and the behavior of group contention in society Franchised groups used conventional means like voting to get their needs across and unfranchised groups have to use political violence to get their points across

What are Mueller's propositions about terrorism?

Terrorism generally has only limited direct effects Costs of terrorism often from fear and consequent reaction it characteristically inspires Terrorism industry is a major part of terrorism problem Policies designed to deal with terrorism should focus more on reducing fear and anxiety as inexpensively as possible than on objectively reducing limited dangers terrorism is likely to pose Doing nothing after a terrorist attack is not necessarily unacceptable Despite US overreaction, campaign against terror is going well

What are suicide bombings?

Terrorist acts that require the death of the bomber to succeed

What was dual sovereignty in England?

The "Presbyterian moderates in Parliament" were rivals of "the illegal government of the extremist Independents in the New Model Army."

What was dual sovereignty in France?

The National Assembly was controlled by the "Girondin moderates", while the Montagnard "extremists" controlled "the Jacobin network," "the Paris commune," and the Societies of the Friends of the Constitution

What is an example of exogenous value change in the Muslim world?

The internet is a center of change Thought info from the internet was true when it just wasn't

What is tyrannicide?

The killing of the top ruler

What was dual sovereignty in Russia?

The moderate provisional government of the Duma clashed with the radical Bolsheviks whose illegal government was a "network of soviets."

What is dual sovereignty?

The revolutions being studied first produce a "legal" moderate government. It vies with a more radical "illegal" government

What is an example of exogenous environment change in the Arab World?

The various wars: 6 day war (Israel took territory, Made the Arabs feel oppressed), yom kippur (Israel took territory) , Iran Iraq, Persian Gulf Crenshaw - the taking of the west bank and the gaza strip aroused Palestinian national consciousness.

What did Franco do as a result of these activities?

Took away Basque autonomy (fiscal, military)

Based on status inconsistency how would you expect revolutionary elites to be viewed by society?

Therefore you would expect that most revolutionary leaders would not be held highly in society's viewpoint You would expect revolutionary elites to be high self status and low societal status

Why would a revolution take a long period of time?

Thought out, planned, organized, executed by elite groups

What is the gray area phenomenon?

Threats to stability of nation states by non state actors and non governmental process and organizations; affects regions or urban areas where control shifted from legitimate governments to half political half criminal powers

What were the series of tension heightening prior events?

Three or more unjust verdicts of police abuse or racial provocation in preceding six months

How did financial problems play an important role?

Three revolutions started among people who objected to certain taxes, who organized to protest them .... even in Russia in 1917 the financial problems were real and important." (financial burdens of an unsuccessful war for Russia against Japan 1904)

How is al-Qaeda cultish?

Tight knit group, ideological, charismatic leader in Osama bin Laden

According to Crenshaw, how did the Arab world attempt to compensate for status inconsistency?

To compensate for status inconsistency, they hijacked airlines because it shows capabilities in skill

What is the central principle for Al Qaeda?

To expel the forces of unbelievers and heresy from the Middle East

How were revolutionary elites cosmopolitan?

Travel widely, spend long periods of time in other countries, developed foreign contacts, speak foreign languages

Why and when did the Armenian genocide occur?

Turks were fighting against Germany and Russia. Armenians lived on both sides of the border. Turkey claimed Armenians were fighting for Russia. Turkey ordered all border Armenians to withdraw. Rounded up men, forced them to march away. Massacred 600,000 to 1.5 million people. 1915

What mobilized resistance and permitted the Taliban to seize power?

US support for Afghan resistance to Soviet Union, followed by neglect as country collapsed

According to Abujaja, why do Arabs want to hit the USA in the face?

US support for Israel and Arab dictators Poor civilization Corrupt regimes keep them powerless

What was Osama bin Laden's jihad a response to?

US support for Israel, US military presence in Saudi Arabia, US aggressiveness againt Muslims

What does current anti American terrorism's roots lie in?

US support for regimes with domestic oppositions who appeal to Islamic values and have formed transnational ties and allegiances

What was the Iranian hostage crisis a reaction to?

US support for shah's autocratic regime and admission to US for medical treatment

How was the US condescending towards the Arab world?

US used Bathist party to overthrow Iraqi regime Outside source viewed them as less than they viewed themselves

What did the Thermidorian Reaction do?

Undid all policies of revolutionary regime

What is a highly specific target definition?

Unidimensional. Particular industrial employer, class of employers. Particular racial, ethnic or religious group

What did Western Anarchist groups want?

Universal suffrage

What is the criminality/riff raff theory?

Urban violence caused by street people, oriented riff raff that make up 2-3% of urban ghetto population. But bulk of rioters are mature, employed, better educated

What is an example of endogenous environment change in the Arab world?

Urbanization, industrialization, commercialization. All 19 terrorists were from urban cities. (atah) Were discriminated against in Europe and were radicalized to how bad the west was

What is narco terrorism?

Use of drug trafficking to advance objectives of certain governments and terrorist organizations, Marxist-Leninist regimes of Soviet Union, Cuba. Criminal (economically motivated) organizations forging strategic alliances with terrorist and guerilla organizations employing violence for political ends

What is the definition of terrorism according to UNGA 40/61?

Use of force or threat to use force Politically motivated Against non combatants

What was Tomlinson's conclusion?

Use of violence likely increasingly to assume social and ideological legitimacy in black community unless change in basic attitudes and values of white concerning equal citizenship for blacks

What is compellance?

Use or threat of violence to compel the US to withdraw from its external commitments

What are ill defined targets?

Value oriented confrontations with political structure

Which four structures make up society?

Values Norms Rules Collectives

Which famous Basques give them strong ethnic pride?

Vasco de Gama, Ignatius Loyola

Where was the first report of arson during the L.A. riots?

Vermont and 85th

Why does violence erupt in social mobilization theory?

Violence results when ethnic, political, and religious minorities get legitimized before democratization

According to Hoffman, what is terrorism?

Violence, or threat of violence, used and directed in pursuit of, or in service of, a political aim. Planned calculated systematic act

What is Iglitzin's conclusion?

Violent conflict seems and integral and necessary part of democratic process, forces a re examination of system and readjustment of values. Riots viewed as a system that serves a useful function in democratic process

What was terrorism associated with in its original context?

Virtue and democracy

Who have the Basques fought for autonomy against?

Visigoths, Normans, Franks, Moors throughout history. Invaded numerous times. Defeated groups and preserved autonomy.

What was the purpose of the first wave of terrorism?

Wanted a radical transformation of society

What is an example of domestic terrorism?

Weather Underground, Black Panthers, Oklahoma City Bombing. No multistate involvement and not state directed

What eventually happens to these moderates?

Were driven out of office to either death or exile in three out of the four revolutions

What is status inconsistency?

When people view themselves different from how society views them

Where is the location of the outbreak of violence?

Where crowds congregate, with high concentration of pedestrian and auto traffic

When did the first wave end?

With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

What is an example of a well defined target and well defined leadership?

Worker management riots of industrial and pre industrial eras. Collective bargaining by riot.

Using the Oedipal complex, what would we expect from revolutionary elites?

Would expect that most revolutionaries would be missing their fathers

Who is militant?

Young, male, urban born, urban socialized, better educated, more active politically, reported more discrimination, reported more police misbehavior, favourable about riots, placed responsibility for change on whites

Where was the first fatality of the L.A. riots?

Youth shot at Vernon and Vermont

How does Al Qaeda raise money?

bin Laden's own wealth, donations, and collection of protection money

What was the purpose of the second wave of terrorism?

colonial independence

What was the purpose of the fourth wave of terrorism?

create religious hegemony

What was the international dimension of the fourth wave of terrorism?

groups wanted an Islamic revolution in the middle east. Foreign governments aided terrorists

What was the special characteristic of the fourth wave of terrorism?

religion played a large role in terrorism

What were the tactics of the second wave of terrorism?

terrorists developed cells that were impervious to police protection. Used the cities to protect themselves. Didn't target individuals but instead arms of the government

What were the tactics of the fourth wave of terrorism?

use the aid of foreign governments. States sponsored their own terror groups

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