Politics Ch.11
the norms and standards are set out in treaties, conventions, and guidelines
Which of the following statements pertaining to electoral integrity is true
electoral formula
a ___ determines how votes are translated into seats
natural threshhold
a ___ is a mathematical by-product of the electoral system
majoritarian electoral system
a ___ is one in which the canidates or parties that recieve the most votes win
electoral system
a set of laws that regulates electoral competition between canditates and parties known as a
all majoritarian systems require the winning canidates or parties to obtain a majority of the votes
campaign strategies, such as advertising and opposition research tactics
all of the following factors have been found to contribute to the United States' low perceptions of the electoral integrity except
single transferable vote
all of the following proportional electoral systems employ party lists except
a legacy of success
all of the following were identified as domestic strutural constraints that can influence electoral integrity except
it imposes significant costs on the electoral administration
all of the following were identified as strengths of the majority-runoff two round system except
as district magnitude increases and with it the geopolitical size of the district the linkage between representatives and their voters strengths
district magnitude is the number of representatives elected in a district
elections only occur in democracies
open party list
in a ___ voters can indicate not just their preferred party but also their favored candidate within that party
in democracies elections serve both a practical and a symbolic role
mixed electoral systems help produce proportional outcomes at the same time as ensuring that some elected representatives are linked to particular geographic district
no electoral system is a winning situation for everyone involved
single member district plurality systems are exspensive to administer
single nontransferable vote system increases the likelihood that extremists will be elected potentially destablizing the political system in the process
alternative vote system
the ____ is a majoritarian system in which the winning canidate must obtain a majority of the votes
list proportional representation
the electoral system used by the most countries is
single-member district plurality
the electoral system used for legislative elections for the house of representatives in the united states is
electoral integrity
the extent to which the conduct of elections meets international standards and global norms concerning good elections is referred to as
their simplicity
the greatest strength of single-member district plurality systems is
the majority-runoff two-round system hurts minority representation
electoral threshhold
the minimum level of support a party needs to obtain legislative representation is referred to as
the most common method used for electing presidents in the world today is the majority runoff two round system
single nontrnsferable vote system
the simplest and most commonly used majoritarian system in the world is considered to be a
violations of electoral integrity are referred to as electoral malpractice
voters have even more flexible in free party lists
wealthy countries are more likely to be democratic
it is when the electoral system uses both a majoritarian formula and a proportional formula
what is a mixed electoral system
the number of seats in a district
what is measured by district magnitude
what is the district magnitude in a single-member district
where the major parties frequently attempt to negotiate deals with smaller parties for their second preferenes prior to an election in a process known as preference swapping
they tend to produce a more accurate translation of votes into seats
which of the following is considered to be the main strength of proportional representation systems
free party list
which of the following party lists allows voters to have multiple votes that they can allocate either within a single party list or across different party lists
majority-runoff two round system
which of the following systems is by far the most common method for election presidents around the world
single nontransferable vote system
which of the following types of systems works in multimember districts instead of single-member districts
formal threshold
which of the following types of thresholds is explicitly written into the electoral law
closed party list
which type of party list gives the most power to the party over the individual canidates
canidates can guarantee their own election
why are single nontransferable vote systems considered problematic
with mixed systems is that they can create two classes of legislators one that is responsible and accountable to a geographic constituency and one that is more beholden