POLS 1100 Exam three (quiz answers)

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The activities of the parties today are aimed at helping candidates compete more effectively at promoting the party brand means that parties ______.

are in service to its ambitious politicians but not in control of them

When it came to governing, Andrew Jackson believed that no experience was necessary and thus took which of the following actions?

He advocated rotation in office.

Campaigns in the United States are ______.

intensely pragmatic, opportunistic affairs, highly variable because they must adapt to circumstances

Political parties are ______.

not mentioned in the Constitution

Casting a vote is making a prediction about the future ______.

that electing one particular candidate will produce a better outcome

The Republicans regained the White House from the New Deal coalition Democrats in 1952 by taking which of the following positions?

by promising to administer the New Deal programs more frugally

Which of the following criteria is not typically employed when the media decide whether or not to include a story in the newspaper or broadcast?

foreign or domestic policy

How did politicians determine public opinion before the advent of scientific polling?

haphazardly through information supplied by editorials, pamphleteers, and local leaders

Which government program is called the third rail of American politics by politicians because, like the high-voltage bar that powers subway trains, if you touch it you die?

social security

Which of the following is not considered one of the staples of political advertising?


Which of the following was created during the first wave of the government's regulatory reach?

the Interstate Commerce Commission

Which of the following is an example of a policy or idea promoted by a third party that ended up in one of the platforms of the major parties?

the regulatory innovations sought by the Populist Party in the 1890s

The proliferation of alternative media gives viewers the opportunity ______.

to opt out of consuming political information all together

The remarkable variety of arrangements adopted to administer government policies is largely a product of the endless search by Congress and the White House for which of the following?

ways to maximize the potential political benefits

Turnout for the 2016 presidential election was about ______.


Which of the following interpretations of partisanship is correct?

A party might be a shorthand cue for some voters but a source of personal identity for others.

Which of the following statements about campaign spending is true?

Free media describes the campaign coverage candidates receive from news media.

The fact that some people in the United States may not have a telephone or only have a cell phone or refuse to participate in polls illustrates what about scientific polling?

No poll is completely free of the biases they introduce in drawing the sample.

Which of the following statements about third parties is true?

Only those third parties that manage to supplant one of the two reigning parties as a viable option in voters' minds gain rather than lose support from strategic voters.

The colonial experience with the king's governors and other royal officials had which of the following effects on the members of Congress?

They became wary of delegating too much authority to the executive.

Which of the following statements about political information is true?

We avoid incurring information costs by delegating opinion formation to reliable agents chosen for that purpose.

The attitudes of Americans toward politicians ______.

are increasingly negative because public distrust of government has deepened markedly as Americans believe that public officials are corrupt and government wastes taxpayers' money

The constellation of costs and benefits that surround the decision of individuals to vote raises what type of collective action problem?

free riding

Pluralist politics is all about building coalitions, which means ______.

getting people to agree on an action even in the absence of agreement on the purposes of the action

Within a few decades of ratification of the First Amendment, the notion that the free press would guard the citizenry's liberties against the designs of ambitious politicians ______.

had been replaced by the press as dedicated partisan boosters

Congress uses a variety of methods to keep its bureaucratic agents in line including ______.

hearings and investigations, mandatory reporting, and limitation riders

The term for the labyrinthine procedures, layers of paperwork, and strict adherence to form for which bureaucracies are legendary is which of the following?

red tape

Elections allow ordinary citizens to, in aggregate, ______.

reward or punish elected officials for their performance in office

Bureaucrats' most important political relationship is usually with Congress, for which of the following reasons?

It controls the organization, authority, budgets, and staffing of agencies.

Which of the following is true about the Democratic national party convention that convened to renominate President Jackson in 1832?

It is considered to be the first national party convention.

What does the history of the President's Cabinet tell us about the political history of the United States?

It paints a picture of the interests that have become powerful enough to command cabinet status.

How did the spread of television in its first decade compare with the spread of radio during its first decade?

Radios spread into 40% of all households, while televisions spread to almost 90% of all households.

What do the reactions to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama illustrate about partisanship?

Responses to political actors and events have become increasingly polarized along party lines.

Which of the following statements about candidates is accurate?

The quality of House and Senate candidates varies with their prospects for success.

Divided government ______.

allows each party to block the other party's more extreme proposals and forces both to compromise when making policy

Although most Americans consistently say they prefer that control of government be divided between the parties, ______.

a large majority of voters identify themselves as Republicans or Democrats and loyally vote for their party's candidate

Controlling the bureaucracy is ______.

a shared responsibility for the legislative and executive branches, but the agents often play their multiple principals against one another

The relationship between politicians and reporters can best be described as ______.

built on a tension between reciprocity and competition

The main goal of party conventions in contemporary politics is ______.

conveying an attractive image and message to citizens watching the action at home on television

Independent government corporations ______.

deliver the kinds of services usually provided by private corporations

Donald Trump has repeatedly accused the media of reporting ______.

fake news

When politicians participate in news making, they usually have one or both of two audiences in mind—the public and ______.

fellow politicians

Issue voting is ______.

made easier by party labels

By 1935, William Randolph Hearst could boast that nearly _____ Americans read one of his papers.

one in four

What type of election allows the party's voters to nominate candidates?


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