POLS 111 Final Exam-Chapter 9

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In april 2016, governor brown signed a landmark bill that promised to increase the state's hourly minimum wage every year for the next seven years. Under this law, the states minimimum wage in 2023 will be how many dollars per hous?


what is the youngest age at which you can preregister to vote in California?


At the first meeting of the California legislature in 1850, lawmakers divided the state into - counties. Since 1907, the state has had - counties.

27 & 58

How many years are the terms of membrane of county boards of supervisors?


Which of the following statements about instant runoff voting are accurate?

A number of city government in California have recently adopted instant runoff voting & voter are allowed to rank all of the candidates for an office by order of preference

Which of the following is the best description of councils of government (COGs)?

COG's are assemblies of delegates representing a regions countries and cities who meet to discuss common problems

Despite what - might indicate, California has passed numerous codes and - laws to empower local governments and give them some autonomy.

Dillion's rule & home-rule

Every state except New York, Illinois, and California demands strict obedience to Dillon's rule


Identify which of the following roles local agency formation commissions (LAFCos) have in California.

LAFos help resolve conflicts among local governments that compete with one another for power and resources within their county jurisdictions

Which of the following statements are correct about school and community college districts?

Local school districts are managed by superintendents, the k-12 and community college systems educate millions of students every year & school districts are governed by locally elected school boards

Suppose there was a project to build 500 low-cost housing units in your neighborhood. If you organized protests to stop this project from going into effect because you believe it would increase traffic, drive down housing prices, and create parking shortages in your neighborhood, what might you be accused of?


Which of the following statements about noncitizen voting in California are accurate?

San Francisco allows noncitizen parents of children enrolled in public schools the right to vote in the city's school board elections & noncitizen are not currently allowed to vote in statewide general elections in California

Which of the following statements about the U.S. Constitution and local governments is most accurate?

The U.S constitution says nothing about local governments and assigns and authority only to the national and state governments

All of the state's most populous counties are now charter counties.


Both the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are examples of metropolitan planning organizations.


Citizens can use the tools of direct democracy—the initiative, referendum, and recall—at the local level, as well as at the state level


Elections for all county offices are nonpartisan.


What was the so-called devolution revolution?

a movement led by federal and state authorities during the 1970's to delegate more responsibility to local governments

advisory regional government

advisory regional government association of Bay Area governments & Southern California association of government

In addition to the board of supervisors, identify the other elected or appointed county officers required by general law.

an assessor, a district attorney, and a sheriff

Which of the following is the most common form of county government in California?

an elected five-member board of supervisor

Elections in which city council members are selected to represent the entire city rather than just one part of the city are called which of the following?

at-large elections

Most counties in California are governed by - and the resulting laws that these governing bodies create are known as -

boards of supervisors & ordinances

Which of the following statements best characterizes the powers exercised by county boards of supervisors in California?

county boards of supervisors have both legislative authority to pass ordinances and executive authority to administer them

A California county that is governed under the broad legal framework spelled out in the state's constitution is referred to as a(n) - county, while a California county whose voters have adopted their own legal framework is referred to as a(n) - county.

degeneral-law and charter

About one in four of the state's special districts are - This means they are run like businesses and they -

enterprise districts & charge user fees for service

Nearly all of the state's airport, harbor and port, transit, water, waste, and hospital districts function as which type of district?

entrerprise districts

All counties in the state of California have roughly the same population.


Since 1999, there have been many new cities incorporated in California, and there are now over 1,000 cities in the state.


The state has approximately 400 nonschool special districts.


The state must build approximately 14,000 houses each year to meet the demand created by its growing population.


Nearly all cities in California fall into one of two types (with the exception of San Francisco): - cities have their powers and structure dictated by the state, whereas - cities have more home-rule authority.

general- law & charter

California's counties, and then determine which following statements are accurate.

most counties in the state have population where fewer than 45 percent of residents have a bachelor's degree or higher & whites compose a larger percentage of the population in northern california counties than in southern california counties

Place the average levels of voter turnout in California for different kinds of elections in order from those with the highest turnout to those with the lowest.

presidential elections, competitive two-candidate mayoral elections and untested, one- candidate mayoral elections

A - is a general law that applies to all special districts of a given type, whereas a - is passed by the legislature to adapt a special district's structure, financing, and authority to unique local circumstances.

principal act & special act

Cities that adopted the institutions advocated by the Progressive movement, such as nonpartisan elections and direct democracy, are often referred to as which of the following?

reform governments

regulatory regional government

south coast air quality management district & california coast commission

Which statement about the Brown Act is accurate?

the brown act was designed to prevent secret meetings of local government officials conducting public business

Which of the following is the best description of Dillon's rule?

the constitutional doctrine that gives state governments ultimate authority over local government

Which of the following statements about the process of municipal incorporation in California are accurate?

the county's LAFo engages in an extensive review of all incorporation plans & a petition for municipal incorporation must be submitted to the county's LAFo

The story of Jurupa Valley illustrates which of the following facts about municipal incorporation in California?

the heavy burden of legal obligations and fiduciary responsibilities that come with incorporation can often be difficult for new municipalities to handle & local government are highly dependent on state revenue and often cannot survive a diversion of revenue from Sacramento

Which of the following statements about strong mayor-council systems are accurate?

the mayor serves as the city's overall chief executive and has the power to appoint the heads of the city governments department & the mayor has veto power over city counsil legislation

housing growth in California since 2011, and then determine which of the following statements are accurate.

the state's population grew at a higher rate than its construction of housings units in every year from 2011 to 2018 & more housing was built in 2017 than in any other year since 2011

Why is it difficult to split an existing county to make a new county in California?

the states constitution requires affirmative majority votes in both the entire county affected and the territory of the proposed new county

According to one study, at least 30 percent of residents in every metropolitan area within California cannot afford local rent.


An easy way to register to vote in California is to go to the DMV and renew your driver's license.


The vast majority of California cities conduct at-large city council elections rather than district-based city council elections.


Which of the following statements about council-manager forms of government are accurate?

under a council-manager form of government, voters elect a city council to engage in all legislating & nearly all- small and medium-sized California cities use a council-manager plan

Suppose the city you live in had too many mosquitoes, but the city government refused to devote public funds to resolve the problem. If you wanted to create a special district focused on mosquito abatement, which of the following would you be required to do?

win the support of at least a majority of voters in an election & submit an application describing the special district to your country local agency formation commission (LAFo)

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