POLS 15 CH 6

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Which tool is primarily a management tool, but has also been used to shift domestic policy?

executive order

What are powers rooted in specific language of the Constitution known as?

expressed powers

The president's pardoning power is an ______ power that gives him power over the _______ branch.

expressed, judical

While in the nineteenth century every president was "strong," today some presidents are "weak" while others are "strong."


In general, Congress writes legislation with _______ details in the statute. This tendency________ the president's power of regulatory review.

few, increases

The_____ is a powerful tool for the president to set the policy agenda by ______ policy proposals to Congress.

legislative initiative, reccomending

Because presidents veto so little legislation, the veto does not influence the way Congress writes laws.


Which president's administration marked the turning point in the history of presidential power, when having a strong president became the rule rather than just the exception?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

How did the 1974 case United States v. Nixon affect the power of the presidency?

It affirmed the power of executive privilege, but with limits.

Which statement most accurately describes the early years of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidency?

Roosevelt successfully led Congress to support his initiatives but struggled with the supreme court

How do emergencies influence the president's military powers?

They strengthen the president's military power.

If the president takes no action on a bill and Congress remains in session, the bill ________ 10 days. If, however, the congressional session ends within 10 days of Congress presenting the president with the bill, it receives a ______ veto

becomes law, pocket

Presidential power has ______ in the last hundred years, often ________ of Congress and the federal judiciary.

grown, with the acceptance


is part of the executive branch

In shaping the executive branch, the framers relied on their recent experiences under various executives. While King George III had______ power, the government under the Articles of Confederation was too ________

too much, unenergetic

expressed power

veto acts of Congress appoint, remove, and supervise all executive officers, and appoint all federal judges (with Senate approval) command the nation's armed forces

What effects did the decline of popular political participation over the twentieth century have on the institutional balance of power?

Correct Answer(s) It weakened Congress's ability to check the president. It enhanced the power of the president. incorrect It strengthened Congress's ability to check the president. It diminished the power of the president.

Which of the following statements about the evolution of the presidential tactic of "going public" is accurate?

Correct Answer(s) Reaching out directly to the people in the nineteenth century was considered uncouth and could damage a president politically. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's ability to "go public" was aided by a combination of technological advancements and political strategy incorrect answers President Abraham Lincoln pioneered the tactic as a means of getting northern citizens on board for his attempt to preserve the Union. Most presidents since Franklin Delano Roosevelt have "gone public" only reluctantly, preferring to rely instead on polished press secretaries.

Which examples of presidential executive orders would be most likely to be supported by the Supreme Court?

Correct Answer(s) an order to remove the ban on women in military combat roles an order to give federal employees the day off on June 19 incorrect an order to raise the minimum wage for all workers an order to seize a telecommunications company

Which of the following have caused an increase in the executive's delegated powers?

Correct Answer(s) the inability of Congress to administer the programs it creates the expansion of the federal government's responsibilities incorrect answers recent constitutional amendments broadening the president's powers a series of Supreme Court decisions that have reinterpreted Article II of the Constitution the shift toward a more bipartisan political environment in Congress

Which of the following government officials are regularly part of the National Security Council (NSC)?

Correct Answer(s) vice president secretary of state secretary of defense president incorrect attorney general

Which of the following are attributes of executive agreements, and which are attributes of treaties?

Executive Agreement most commonly used on minor matters do not require any Senate action can be overturned by executive action alone treaty can only be overturned by presidential and Senate action require two-thirds vote of approval by the Senate

In what way does the use of signing statements by presidents differ from the use of executive orders?

Executive orders usually create new policies, while signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress.

Presidents prefer using executive orders to legislation, even when Congress is smoothly processing new legislation.


Which recent presidential administration had the most powerful vice president?

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney

Who was the first president to claim executive privilege?

George Washington

How can a vice president help a president?

correct answers: run important policy endeavors on behalf of the president provide electoral support in regions of the country where a presidential candidate is weak strengthen a presidential candidate in policy areas where they lack experience Incorrect Answers: vote for presidential legislation as it moves to the floor of the House of Representatives

Which of the following statements regarding party as a source of power for the president are accurate, and which are inaccurate?

Accurate Presidents rely on members of their party to promote their legislative agenda. Presidents have a particularly difficult time working with an opposition-controlled Congress. incurrate Presidents are typically able to build loyalty in their party while also building bridges to the other party. Presidents can control how members of the party vote on legislative issues.

Which of the following nineteenth-century presidents stood out as particularly powerful?

Correct Answer(s) Andrew Jackson Abraham Lincoln incorrect answers William Henry Harrison Millard Fillmore John Tyler

What effects did the decline of popular political participation over the twentieth century have on the institutional balance of power?

Correct Answer(s) It enhanced the power of the president. It weakened Congress's ability to check the president.

Why was the New Deal era so significant?

Correct Answer(s) It saw the expansion of national government's role in policy. It marked the beginning of a more powerful presidency in politics. incorrect answers t marked the low point of the Supreme Court's influence on politics. It was the most harmonious period of national politics.

You are a communications adviser to the president, who wants to launch a new policy initiative. Which scenario offers the best chance for the public appeal on the policy to be successful?

The president has a 60 percent approval rating and the issue will broadly contribute to most Americans' well-being.

Since the end of World War II, which pattern of events has typically reflected how America goes to war?

The president deploys troops to a conflict without requesting a declaration of war. Congress later passes a resolution approving the president's actions.

If the framers of the Constitution were to evaluate the current state of the government today, how would they react to it?

They would be troubled by it, because Congress was not intended to facilitate the expansion of presidential power.

What is required for Congress to override a presidential veto?

a vote to override supported by two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress

When Congress passes legislation that grants delegated powers to the president, the legislation is likely to be ______ in scope and ______ on the means of implementation.

broad, vague

The War Powers Resolution includes which of the following provisions?

correct The president can deploy the military for short-term engagements without congressional support. The president must have congressional authorization to keep troops deployed after 60 days. The president must notify Congress about any planned campaign. incorrect The military must withdraw within one year unless Congress acts to extend the engagement.

What legislative tools are given to the president in the Constitution?

correct veto legislation declare legislative policy in the State of the Union address incorrect issue an executive order formally introduce legislation to Congress

delegated power

set rules concerning fair competition in key economic sectors adjust duties on manufactured goods

Why did the Founders choose a single individual to lead the executive branch instead of a group of individuals?

correct answers: A single individual would better protect America's international interests than a collection of individuals. A single individual has more energy than a collection of individuals. incorrect answers:A single individual would be more stable in transitions from one executive to the next than a collection of individuals. A single individual would be less likely to abuse power than a collection of individuals.

Study the timeplot images and determine which of the following statements are accurate.

correct answers: Some presidents are far more likely to use vetoes than others. Since the 1950s, most presidents have issued fewer than 50 vetoes. incorrect answers: In general, vetoes were more common in the 1850s than in the 1950s. Vetoes are utilized only under divided government.

What aspect of presidential power increased the most during the New Deal era?

delegated power

If you could design a system of presidential selection that would make the president as powerful as possible, which of the following methods would you choose?

direct popular election

Cabinet appointees _____ require Senate approval, although they are ultimately responsible to the ______

do, president


is composed of the heads of all major federal government departments

Prior to the 1830s, presidential candidates received their party's nomination from ______. This changed with the national nominating convention, which made the presidency _____.

members of Congress, stronger

Executive Office of the President

performs defined management tasks for the president

Which president is credited with changing the way signing statements were used?

ronald reagan

The vice president plays a role in the legislative process by serving as the presiding officer of the _____ , where he or she can _____

senate, cast a vote in the event of a tie

inherent power

send U.S. troops into military engagements

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is widely recognized as a uniquely powerful president. Why is it that, even after his administration, the balance of power durably shifted away from Congress and toward the president?

the agencies created under the New Deal were long-lasting, which permanently expanded the president's ability to influence policy.

From 1800 to the 1930s, which branch of government was most influential

the congress

Imagine that the president negotiates a deal on trade with Canada that the Senate is unlikely to support. What is the most likely outcome?

the president signs an executive agreement

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