POLS 333 Final

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Conspired with its distributors to fix the retail price of its herbicides.

IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)

Finances smallholder farmers to develop irrigation techniques to help them grow more food

Types of environmental damage: Desertification of rangeland


Types of environmental damage: Soil nutrient deficits


Why has overfishing become an international problem in terms of political development?

Subsidies increased for fishing

Giving money to local fertilizer dealers


What are the three specific outcomes before a famine can be declared?

1. 20 percent of households face extreme food shortages with limited ability to cope. 2. Global acute malnutrition must exceed 30 percent. 3. Death rates must exceed 2 deaths per 10,000 people per day.

Rank the following four nations in order of their annual per capita meat consumption (1 being the highest, 4 being the lowest): Uganda, Bolivia, Czech Republic and Laos.

1. Czech Republic (Europe) 2. Bolivia (Latin America) 3. Laos (E. Asia) 4. Uganda (Africa)

Rank the four nations in order of their percentage of food retail sales make in supermarkets (1 being the highest, 4 is the lowest): India, France, South Korea, China

1. France 2. South Korea 3. China 4. India

Name three reasons for why small farmers in developing countries have been slow to or have refused to adopt genetically engineered crops.

1. It is not yet legal for developing country's farmers to plant GMOs 2. Many national governments follow European example by setting in place demanding and precautionary regulations on GMOs. 3. NGO activists persuaded individuals that the technology of GMOs is dangerous.

Name five types of environmental damage that have been caused, at least indirectly, by Green Revolution practices in Latin America or Asia.

1. Pollution of air and water due to pesticide and fertilizer use. 2. Eroded and exhausted soils 3. Unwanted algae growth 4. death to species that naturally keep pests away 5. Too much water use

Name the region(s) that received most of the world's food aid during the following decades: 1950s 1980s 2010s

1950s: Europe and East Asia 1980s: Vietnam and the Middle East 2010s: Sub-Saharan Africa

Views farming practice as sustainable: Farming that increases crop yields to save more land for nature.


Views farming practice as sustainable: Farming that is high-input and high-yielding


Investing in local irrigation suppliers


Providing technical advice to local farmers


WTO (World Trade Organization)

Adjudicates disputes about whether a nation's food subsidies violate is international treaty obligations

Explain how common property resource systems prevent a tragedy of the commons.

CPR programs work at local levels by organization access to land with the people that live in the land's area. By controlling who has access to common land CPR subsides the threat from outsiders that cause local population from overusing land in fear of losing access.

Tyson foods

Created its own captive market for cattle to drive down the open market price it had to pay to cattle ranchers

What did economic researchers estimate would happen to the daily intake of calories of an average adult in the U.S. if all our national farm subsidies were completely eliminated?

Daily intake would increase by about 100 calories.

CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research)

Develops new strains of maize that could have greater yield per acre and improved resistance to drought

Views farming practice as sustainable: Farming that imitates nature


Views farming practice as sustainable: Farming that is small-scale and diversified


Views farming practice as sustainable: Farming that relies on few externally purchased inputs


GMO food products must be labelled so customers can choose whether or not to buy them. .


GMO foods are regulated under separate procedures as their conventional counterparts.


GMO foods can be blocked even without evidence of danger under a precautionary principle.



Exploited its position as a landlord by requiring its franchisees to lease its restaurant properties at rents higher than market levels

Purchasing grain from a local market


Shipping food directly to local NGOs


True or False: According to Paarlberg, climate change is diminishing the world's fresh water supply at an increasing rate.


True or False: According to Paarlberg, there is a single centrally governed world food system.


True or False: In the United States, you are more likely to get a foodborne illness from meat than from produce.


True or False: Research has shown that E.Coli 0157 is much more prevalent in the feces of conventionally raised feedlot cattle than it is in the feces of organically raised grass-fed cattle.


True or False: Smallholder farmers were the most vocal critics of the Green Revolution when it began in India in the 1960s.


True or False: The IFPRI's global hunger index (GHI) for a country is a good predictor of whether there will be political protests or social unrest in that country.


True or False: Thomas Malthus argued that the power of the earth to produce sustenance for humanity is superior to the power of the human population.


Why has overfishing become an international problem in terms of technology development?

GPS improves fishing as more information is provided of where fish are.

Explain why Paarlberg believes that Malthusian thinking may have been partly responsible for the Irish potato famine of 1845-49.

Malthusian thinking among the English political elites controlling Ireland during the famine regarded the terrible event to be an "inevitable Malthusian consequence" of Irish families being too large. It allowed the elites to blame the victims and not provide relief.

WFP(World Food Programme)

Manages delivery of humanitarian food assistance to Syrian refugees

Name one reason Paarlberg gives for why international food aid can fail to prevent a famine.

One reason international food aid can fail to prevent famine is if the country in need is torn by internal conflict in which the government or militia in charge of the country in need can block food aid.

Match the policy instrument to the type of country that typically uses it: Centralized control of irrgation


Match the policy instrument to the type of country that typically uses it: Land redistribution


According to Paarlberg, the spread of supermarkets into poor countries has led to both benefits and threats to local consumers and local food systems. Name one positive effect and one negative effect of this spread of supermarkets in poor countries.

Positive: Poor countries have greater access to consistent supply of nutritional and higher quality food. Negative: Supermarkets outcompete smaller, local vendors

FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)

Provides rice farmers with technical advice about new techniques in integrated pest management

Match the policy instrument to the type of country that typically uses it: Food safety regulations


Match the policy instrument to the type of country that typically uses it: Protectionist restricions at the border


Match the policy instrument to the type of country that typically uses it: Subsidies and tax credits for farmers


Why has overfishing become an international problem in terms of economic development?

Rising income of Chinese consumers allow more purchasing of fish

What event did the World Health Organization predict would occur by the year 2015?

The number of obese adults worldwide would be nearly the same number as the number of undernourished adults worldwide.

ConAgra Foods

Tried to enforce a fraudulent patent to stop competitors from using a special technique for browning packaged foods.


Tried to purchase ADM's commodity chocolate operations which would have given it control over the chocolate market.

True or False: Fast food chains from the U.S. that have expanded to other countries have been successful at adapting their menus and services to reflect local food preferences.


True or False: Individual national governments provide most of the funding for food aid, while IGOs or NGOs provide most of the distribution of food aid.


True or False: More than 60% of the undernourished people in the world in 2012 lived in South Asia or Sub-Saharan Africa.


True or False: More than half of the global proprietary seed market is controlled by only five companies.


True or False: No-till farming is an agroecology method that often leads to increased reliance on modern farming technologies, such as herbicides and speicalized machinery.


GMO foods are considered safe as long as they don't produce an unfamiliar toxic, nutrient, or allergenic substance.


GMO foods are regulated under similar procedures as their conventional counterparts.


Types of environmental damage: Blocked migration pathways of river life


Types of environmental damage: Blue Baby Syndrome


Types of environmental damage: Eutrophication of streams and bays


Which of the following organizations or sources is the most likely to have promoted agroecology instead of Green Revolution practices? a. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development b. Rockefeller Foundation c. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa d. International Rice Research Institute e. Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme

a. International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development

Which of the following is not considered one of the "ABCD traders"? a. Monsanto b. Cargill c. Archer Daniels Midland d. Louis Dreyfus e. Bunge

a. Monsanto

According to a 2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine, which of the following products can be considered the single most weight-inducing food in the United States? a. Potato chips b. French Fries c. 20 Ounce bottles of soft drinks d. Red meat e. Ice cream

a. Potato chips

Which of the following issues is not a reason that many African farmers have been slow to adopt new Green Revolution seed varieties of wheat and rice? a. The farmers have inequitable access to land b. The farmers have rejected new crop varieties that require intensive water input because their farms are not irrigated c. The farmers are cut off from markets because of limited access to all-weather roads d. The local food culture in many African regions does not include wheat and rices as staples e. The new seeds have no been developed specifically for conditions in Africa

a. The farmers have inequitable access to land

According to Paarlberg, which of the following impacts of climate change will most negatively impact farming in higher-latitude regions? a. Increased ozone in the atmosphere b. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere c. Accelerated ocean evaporation d. Increased cloud formation e. The carbon fertilization effect

a. increased ozone in the atmosphere

Which of the following is not mentioned by Paarlberg as an element of the eco-Malthusian "overshoot and collapse" theory? a. Too much ground water and surface water is being used for irrigation b. Climate change is causing farm output to decrease c. Rich populations are consuming too much meat d. Too much forested area is being cleared for farming e. Farming practices in Africa are leading to habitat destruction and soil depletion

b. Climate change is causing farm output to decrease

Which of the following emerging farming practices of the 21st century is the most similar to the original principles of the Green Revolution of the 20th Century? a. Converting small farms into community supported agriculture (CSA) businesses b. Developing seeds for drought resistant plants by gene editing machines c. Reconstructing an ancient indigenous system of raised potato beds and canals in Peru d. Supporting the specific needs of women farmers in rural areas e. Preserving a diversity of seed varieties in an abandoned underground coal mine in Svalbard, Norway

b. Developing seeds for drought resistant plants by gene editing machines

According to a leading agricultural economist, which of the following situations best describes the effect on today's consumer food prices that has been cause by monopoly power within agribusiness in the U.S.? a. Food prices would be 25% cheaper without monopoly power b. Food prices would be 2% cheaper without monopoly power c. Food prices have not been affected by monopoly power d. Food prices would be 2% more expensive without monopoly power e. Food prices would be 25% more expensive without monopoly power

b. Food prices would be 2% cheaper without monopoly power.

Which of the following preconditions is not a good predictor for where supermarkets will naturally spread? a. Increasing the number in the workforce b. Increasing population growth c. Increasing ownership of refrigerators d. increasing ownership rates of cars e. Increasing incomes

b. Increasing population growth

Which of the following issues is not a reason that meat consumption in the U.S. has decline since 2004? a. Meat prices have increased b. There has been a major shift to vegetarian diets c. Incomes have stagnated due to an economic recession d. Older citizens have become more health conscious and wish to eat less meat e. More people are concerned for animal welfare

b. there has been a major shift to vegetarian diets

Which of the following combinations would most likely have the highest global greenhouse gas emission from agriculture? a. 1961 food consumption and 1961 crop yields b. 1961 food consumption and 2016 crop yields c. 2016 food consumption and 1961 crop yields d. 2016 food consumption and 2016 crop yields

c. 2016 food consumption and 1961 crop yields

Which of the following demographic categories is the most reliable indicator for examining trends in global hunger? a. Pregnant women b. Infants, up to age 12 months c. Children, under age 5 d. Working adults, age 18-64 e. Seniors, age 65 and up

c. Children, under age 5

Since the late 1970s, the FDA has indicated that it plans to ban some agricultural uses of antibiotics, but to date, it has only done so for two antibiotics. Why has the FDA not taken more aggressive action on this topic? a. The FDA does not yet have a system to monitor the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat. b. The FDA does not have the legal authority to ban the use of antibiotics in animals. c. Congress bowed to the pressure of industry lobbyists and convinced the FDA to change its plans. d. None of the antibiotics given to livestock are the same as the antibiotics given to humans. e. The American Public Health Administration pressured the federal government to avoid restricting the use of antibiotics in animals.

c. Congress bowed to the pressure of industry lobbyists and convinced the FDA to change its plans.

What is the most effective way for family farms in the United States to counteract the dominant market power of agribusinesses that purchase their products? a. Vertically integrate their markets b. Sue the monopoly purchasers of violating U.S. antitrust laws c. Form cooperatives to market their products collectively d. Lobby members of the U.S. senate who are friendly to farmers e. Raise the prices that they charge the purchasers

c. Form cooperatives to market their products collectively

Which of the following combinations of technology and policy would be best to help reduce water waste in agriculture? a. Installing spray-and-drip irrigation systems, reducing seepage from irrigation canals, and making electricity cheaper b. Leveling fields, adopting flood irrigation techniques and making water rights tradeable. c. Reducing seepage from irrigation canals, installing spray and drip irrigation systems, and making water rights tradeable d. Adopting flood irrigation techniques, reducing seepage from irrigation canals, and leveling fields. e. Making electricity cheaper, installing spray-and-drip irrigation

c. Reducing seepage from irrigation canals, installing spray and drip irrigation systems, and making water rights tradeable

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the industrialization of agriculture on food safety? a. The industrialization of agriculture has had no impact on food safety. b. The industrialization of agriculture has made food more dangerous c. The industrialization of agriculture has allowed food contamination outbreaks to spread quickly to multiple areas d. The industrialization of agriculture has made it easier to contain an outbreak to the one local area. e. The industrialization of agriculture has led to deadlier outbreaks that now contribute to the majority of foodborne illness deaths

c. The industrialization of agriculture has allowed food contamination outbreaks to spread quickly to multiple areas.

Of the following fractions, which is the best estimate of how much the global grain supply is internally traded and is also controlled by one of the ACBD companies? a. Nearly 100% b. 90% c. 19% d. 9% e. 0%

d. 9%

Which of the following best explains Paarlberg's statement that "in the modern era...natural disasters alone do not cause famine"? a. Because technological advances have reduced the incidence of natural disasters b. Because global climate change has reduced the incidence of natural disasters c. Because widespread adoption of genetically modified plants in Africa has mitigated the effects of natural disasters that could otherwise cause famines d. Because the international community has developed an advance warning system for famines, and so it can target aid to prevent famines from occuring

d. Because the international community has developed an advance warning system for famines, and so it can target aid to prevent famines from occuring

Which of the following intergovernmental organizations is the most directly concerned with the use of science to develop new farming technology? a. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) b. Codex Alimentarius Commission c. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) d. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) e. United Nations World Food Programme (WFO)

d. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

In the United States, what is the best comparison of the deadliness of foodborne illness versus the deadliness of obesity? a. Each year, about the same number of people die from foodborne illness as from obesity-related illness. b. Each year, about ten times more people die from foodborne illness than from obesity related illness. c. Each year, about one hundred times more people die from foodborne illness than from obesity related illness d. Each year, about ten times more people die from obesity related illness than from foodborne illness.

d. Each year, about ten times more people die from obesity related illness than from foodborne illness.

Which of the following issues does Paarlberg identify as the primary reason that outcomes of the Green Revolution differed between Latin America and India? a. India's government subsidies were better targeted to the commercial farming elite. b. Latin America's soil was too acidic for high-yeilding varieties of grain crops c. India's indigenous knowledge was more compatible with monoculture HYVs d. India's land ownership rules and access to credit were more relaxed for rural famers. e. Latin America's hacienda estates were more resistant to Green Revolution technologies.

d. India's land ownership rules and access to credit were more relaxed for rural farmers.

Which of the following government actions has been the most effective at reducing the number of overweight citizens? a. United States advertising healthy eating via public education campaigns b. Denmark taxing saturated fats in foods c. United States mandating more fruits and vegetables in school lunches d. Japan mandating that employers track their employees waistlines e. Washington state imposing a tax on soft drinks

d. Japan mandating that employers track their employees waistlines

Which of the following farming strategies is not an example of the integration of agroecology with conventional farming techniques? a. No till farming b. Planting trees that add nitrogen to the soil (leguminous trees) and then using synthetic fertilizer c. Crop rotation d. Pest management that includes biological controls and chemical controls e. Crop diversification using only local heirloom seeds

e. Crop diversification using only local heirloom seeds

Which of the following sectors of agribusiness generates the most money within the U.S. economy? a. Herbicides and Pesticides b. Growing and harvesting crops c. Meat processing and marketing d. Packaging and transport e. Food service and restaurants

e. Food services and restaurants

Which of the following is not an example of low-impact precision farming? a. Using GPS guidance to drive tractors in perfectly straight lines b. Laser-leveling fields in order to eliminate water run-off c. No-till farming d. Mapping soil to determine locations needing fertilizer e. Spraying herbicide over corn plants, which have been genetically modified to resist the herbicide.

e. Spraying herbicide over corn plants, which have been genetically modified to resist the herbicide.

Which region of the world has the most land area under cultivation with GMO crops? a. India b. China c. Sub-Saharan Africa d. Europe e. The Americas (North and South)

e. The Americas (North and South)

Of the following groups, which has played the least important role in protecting U.S. consumers from unsafe foods being imported into the U.S.? a. U.S. Department of Homeland Security b. Chinese authorities c. U.S. Food and Drug Administration d. U.S. meat producers e. U.S. Department of Agriculture

e. U.S. meat producers

In which part of the food system does food become contaminated? a. The farm b. Slaughterhouses c. Retail outlets d. Restaurants e. all of the above f. only A & B

e. all of the above

From the perspective of deep ecology, which of the following groups did not damage the environment? a. The iroquois who grew beans, squash, and corn before the arrival of Europeans b. Farmers in West Africa, who use traditional mangrove farming techniques to grow rice c. Low-yield wheat farmers in Kansas in the 1920s d. Large scale commercial farmers growing soybeans in Midwestern states today e. All of the Above f. None of the Above

f. None of the above

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