Pols Exam 1: CH 1

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Economic development includes the following variables EXCEPT A. population growth. B. welfare. C. income. D. education.


The process of comparing states or communities to identify and explain similarities or differences is called A. comparison/contrast. B. contrasting studies. C. comparative study. D. cooperative political study.


The comparative study of states looks for relationships between A. socioeconomic conditions. B. political system characteristics. C. policy outcomes. D. all of the above.


Which of the following is NOT a political problem that state governments must address? A. Racial tensions B. Poverty C. Drugs D. Foreign policy


A commonwealth refers to A. any self-governing community, such as Puerto Rico. B. a unit of government without any self-governing authority. C. common interests among the electorate. D. average per capita income of a state.


A state‟s political culture can often explain A. variations in party affiliation. B. the influence of ethnicity on policy choices. C. religious biases. D. all of the above.


A state‟s tendency to limit welfare benefits, deregulate business, keep taxes low, and generally place less reliance on government and more reliance on individuals and the marketplace to achieve social goals refers to A. policy conservatism. B. policy liberalism. C. policy socialism. D. policy libertarianism.


Cities that purposefully do not enforce federal immigration laws are called A. sanctuary cities. B. refugee cities. C. asylum cities. D. shelter cities.


Ideological self-identification of voters highly correlates with measures of policy ___________ in the states. A. liberalism and conservatism B. libertarianism and elitism C. partisanship D. reforms


The announced goal of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Simpson- Mazzoli Act) was A. immigration "reform." B. immigration "reduction." C. immigration "expansion." D. immigration "exclusion."


The largest number of black elected officials are found in the A. southern states. B. Midwest. C. heartland states. D. New England states.


The most significant change in the nation‟s ethnic composition over the last decade has been A. a sharp increase in the number of Hispanic Americans. B. a sharp decrease in the number of Hispanic Americans. C. an increase in the number of European settlers. D. there has been no change at all.


The tendency of candidates in electoral campaigns to propose policy innovations in order to publicize themselves and win votes is called A. political entrepreneurship. B. political opportunism. C. political reactionism. D. political gamesmanship.


When seeking admission to the Union, new states must approve a constitution and A. obtain congressional approval. B. obtain presidential approval. C. obtain the approval of the Supreme Court. D. obtain popular approval from the public.


A state‟s tendency to expand welfare benefits, regulate business, adopt progressive state income taxes, and generally use the resources of government to achieve social change is descriptive of A. policy conservatism. B. policy liberalism. C. policy socialism. D. policy libertarianism.


All of the following accurately describe Washington, D.C., EXCEPT that A. it is heavily Democratic. B. it is ideologically conservative. C. its residents support larger social welfare programs. D. it has full participation in presidential elections.


An economically developed society requires A. a volatile stock market. B. educated workers. C. a well-equipped military. D. a growing trade deficit.


Issues such as same-sex marriage are increasingly being used as _______ designed to cause voters to cross party lines. A. interventions B. wedges C. dividers D. splicers


Most immigrants come to the United States primarily for A. political freedom. B. economic opportunity. C. the better welfare benefits. D. a more temperate climate.


One of the largest internal migrations in United States history was the migration of A. Asian Americans from the eastern states to the western states. B. blacks from the rural South to the urban North. C. conservatives from the "rustbelt" North to the "sunbelt" South. D. liberals from California to conservative Texas.


Personal income and education level are A. distributed uniformly across the states. B. distributed unevenly throughout the states. C. not related in any meaningful way. D. unimportant in explaining policy differences.


Some employers prefer hiring illegal immigrants because "los indocumentados" A. can be deported before they are paid their low salaries. B. are willing to work hard for low pay and few benefits. C. blend into the crowd and cause little notice from the authorities. D. settle into one neighborhood and can be easily tracked.


The Twenty-Third Amendment gives Washington, D.C., A. the right to govern as a sovereign state. B. full participation in presidential elections. C. the ability to govern itself. D. the ability to tax itself.


The largest ethnic minority group in the United States is A. African Americans. B. Hispanic Americans. C. Asian Americans. D. Native Americans.


The most costly responsibility of state and local governments combined is A. the economy. B. education. C. welfare. D. transportation.


Which state was a separate nation when it chose to seek admission to the Union? A. California B. Texas C. New York D. Florida


While blacks could not cast ballots in most southern states in the early twentieth century, they could A. let their "fingers do the walking." B. "vote with their feet," by migrating to northern states. C. contribute financial support to political campaigns. D. access politics through the legal arena.


America has been identified as a nation of A. entrepreneurs. B. religions. C. immigrants. D. exports.


Current immigration debate centers on all of the following provisions EXCEPT A. strengthening border enforcement. B. granting legal status to undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. C. immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants in the U.S. D. establishing a temporary guest worker program.


Immigration policy is primarily a responsibility of the A. individual states. B. local governments. C. national government. D. border states.


Legal and illegal immigration is not concentrated in which of the following states? A. Texas B. California C. New Hampshire D. Florida


Residents of Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories have no voting members in Congress and A. no votes in local elections. B. no votes in the commonwealth elections. C. no electoral votes in presidential elections. D. ten electoral votes in presidential elections.


State and local governments are obligated to provide which of the following for all immigrants, legal and illegal? A. Social services B. Public education C. All of the above D. None of the above


State governments have the responsibility to administer the following federal programs EXCEPT A. Medicaid. B. food stamps. C. Social Security. D. unemployment compensation.


The largest Mexican American populations are found in A. New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. B. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. C. New Mexico, California, Texas, and Arizona. D. Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois.


The most liberal states in the Gallup poll of voters include all of the following EXCEPT A. California. B. New York. C. Tennessee. D. Vermont.


The population growth rate between 2000 and 2008 most dramatically increased in the A. northern states only. B. "Rustbelt" states of the East and Midwest. C. "Sunbelt" states of the West and South. D. southern states only.


The principal responsibility for public safety in the United States is administered by A. the national government. B. state bureaucrats. C. state and local governments. D. military police forces.


Those who immigrate legally to the United States for fear of persecution in their home country are called A. undocumented residents. B. lawful permanent residents. C. illegal aliens. D. political refugees.


What level or levels of government handle the greatest volume of public business and directs the bulk of public programs? A. The federal government B. State executive agencies C. State and local governments D. County governments


While Washington, D.C., residents can vote in presidential elections, they are not represented by A. a local municipal government. B. a state governmental structure. C. voting members in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives. D. All of the above.


By 1900, the Native American population had been decimated for all of the following reasons EXCEPT A. poverty. B. war. C. disease. D. forced migration.


Many policy and political differences in states and communities can be explained by the A. size of the federal government. B. educational system. C. mobility of the residents. D. racial and ethnic composition.


Politically speaking, Asians, like Hispanics A. always vote as ethnic voting blocs. B. have even participation rates regardless of length of residency. C. only associate with one political party. D. differ in their political leanings and cultural backgrounds.


Puerto Ricans receive all of the benefits that U.S. citizens are entitled to, but they A. are taxed at a higher rate on their federal income taxes. B. are subject to stricter eligibility standards. C. seldom apply for federal funds. D. pay no federal income taxes when residing in the island.


States and communities deal with which policy areas? A. Public safety and pollution B. Handling racial tensions C. Transportation funding and health care D. All of the above


Taxes in states and communities are often raised from A. income. B. sales. C. property. D. all of the above.


What education policies can states and communities establish? A. Teacher salaries and qualifications B. Tax rates and the amount of money spent per child C. Class size and student testing D. All of the above


What is often the best predictor of an individual‟s opinion on moral issues? A. Religious affiliation B. Party affiliation C. Region in which the individual lives D. Frequency of attending religious services


Which of the following groups benefits from the availability of illegal immigrants? A. Agricultural industry B. Hospital industry C. Restaurant industry D. All of the above


African American candidates have been most successful at winning elected office in northern states and rural communities.


Changes in population growth rates do not have a significant effect on the services provided by state governments.


Illegal immigration affects states uniformly across the country.


Most immigrants do not come to the United States for economic opportunity.


Personal income is about evenly distributed throughout the states.


Political factors have not affected the admission of new states to the Union.


Residents of the U.S. territories have all rights and obligations of U.S. citizens including the right to vote in presidential elections.


Social and economic conditions in the states do not explain differences in public policy choices.


State and local governments do not have the power to determine any taxation rates.


State politics are seldom affected by unique historical circumstances.


States and cities do not have to provide public services such as access to education and healthcare to illegal immigrants.


States typically make policy decisions without regard to ideology.


The federal government has the principal responsibility for law enforcement and public safety in America.


"Sanctuary" cities order their police departments to ignore federal immigration laws.


A commonwealth refers to any self-governing community.


About half of all Native Americans live on reservations.


American states and communities provide excellent "laboratories" for comparative political study.


Differences in the racial and ethnic composition of the states account for great variation in state politics.


Education comprises the largest budget expenditure of state and local governments combined.


Education levels are not uniformly distributed throughout the states.


Hispanics and Asians are not monolithic groups either ethnically or politically.


Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group in the U.S.


Immigration policy is exclusively under the purview of the federal government.


In order to be readmitted to the Union, the eleven southern states that had seceded were required to ratify the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.


Political refugees can be legally admitted to the United States.


Politics is about managing conflict.


Residents of Puerto Rico have failed to vote for statehood for fear of diluting their country‟s cultural identity.


Residents of the District of Columbia (D.C.) have no voting representation in Congress.


State political culture plays an important role in explaining political differences among the states.


States and communities have great leeway in deciding how to administer many federal health and welfare programs.


The frequency of an individual‟s religious attendance is often the best determinant of his or her stance on moral issues.


The last states to be admitted to the United States were Alaska and Hawaii in 1959.


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