POLS1155 Danzinger 5-8

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What recent example helps demonstrate the ways in which governments have arguably allowed global financial actors too much power and protection?

collapse of bubble economies

A lack of innovation and initiative among producers is a problem most often found in __________ economies.


An executive who is aggressive, seeks to minimize the role of due process, and calls for unwavering loyalty from supporters is known as a

"strongman" leader

Which of the following countries has the most complex formal judicial system?

United States

Which of the following limits the power of the rulers and guarantees the rights of the ruled?

a constitution

In 2018, in the election for the U.S. House of Representatives, the Democrats won 235 seats and the Republicans won 199 seats, with not a single member from another political party winning a seat. This is an example of what type of political system?

a two-party system

A political regime in which a single ruler exercises absolute power and authority without any legal constraints or citizen mandate is a(n)


The Universal Human Rights Declaration adopted by the United Nations in 1948 defines respect for human rights as

life, liberty, and the security of person

In most __________ economies, the state does not intervene to protect those with minimal success and, over time, this results in greater wealth inequality among its citizens.


In which type of economy would the cost of strawberries be determined entirely by the number of people wanting and having the means to purchase strawberries, relative to the number of strawberries available?


A high-quality and smoothly operating public transportation system in a country would be an example of a form of values that are

material goods

Since 1990, there has been a considerable increase in the proportion of countries with bicameral legislatures, which means that more countries now have legislatures with

two chambers

What makes a society acephalous?

Power is equally shared through a collective leadership.

Which U.S. president avoided an impeachment trial in 1974 by resigning?

Richard Nixon

All major economic actors must support the goals and enhance the power of the political leadership in which state capitalist economy?


Which of the following is an example of an equilibrium point?

Someone creates the same number of shovels as there are people who need shovels.

Which of the following would be considered a dispute between private actors?


Which of the following systems often have the same party repeatedly capturing enough votes and seats to form a government, although other parties are still free to compete?

dominant-party systems

When the Soviet Union, a multinational state, collapsed in 1991, it was replaced with

15 sovereign states organized on the basis of nationality

How is a bureaucracy different from an administration?

A bureaucracy is a particular type of structure and set of processes through which an administration can operate.

welfare state

A system of state interventions in the political economy whose goal is to implement public policies that provide all citizens with an adequate quality of life in domains such as education, health care, housing, and employment opportunities. Usually characterized by relatively high taxes, more extensive resource allocations (e.g., transfer payments or subsidized goods and services), and more active state intervention to protect citizens against the behaviors of those firms or others whose actions reduce the quality of life. Example: Sweden.

Who celebrated laissez-faire economics?

Adam Smith

In a totalitarian regime, every activity of the individual citizen is subject to scrutiny by the state, which claims it is protecting what is best for the society as a whole. An example of a totalitarian regime from recent history that is no longer in power is

Afghanistan under the Taliban

The gross national income (GNI) of the United States includes the production of

American citizens working in London

When there is disagreement within a country about who the legitimate rulers are, it can lead to a civil war. In recent times, where was there a civil war and struggle over sovereignty that lasted for more than 25 years?


Which of the following countries are especially good examples of nonconstitutional regimes, based on the collapse of rule of law and the disintegration of social order through severe political violence?

Congo and Somalia

Why might civil servants have more knowledge than higher-ranking government officers?

Civil servants learn the ins, outs, and specifics of their field during their longer tenure on the job.

A good example of a "working" multiparty system, in which a cluster of parties usually cooperates in order to form a governing majority, is


Nationalism is defined as a powerful commitment to the advancement of the interests and welfare of an individual's own nation with minimal concern about the conditions of those outside the nation. This was demonstrated in violent fashion by which European country before and during World War II?


Why is executive policy leadership crucial during times of crisis?

It has the potential to ensure a level of coherence and unanimity of action that is often lacking in the legislature.

In a unitary state, a central government holds all legitimate power and the ability to use force. Which countries represent this type of government?

Japan and the United Kingdom

A one-party system has a single party controlled and protected by the government elite, and the existence of any political parties other than the single party representing the state is not tolerated. Which of the following countries is representative of this type of party system?

North Korea

Which of the following is an example of the political system having a significant impact on the economy?

The U.S. government sets new standards on fuel efficiency for auto manufacturers.

Why does the way in which Supreme Court justices are chosen in the United States lead some to view judicial review as undemocratic?

The justices are not elected by the people.

Which statement best describes who controls the factors of production in a command economy?

The state owns all significant factors.

Which of the following is a common criticism of bureaucracies?

They are too powerful and exercise too much control over people's lives.

Why might legislators vote in a way that conflicts with the views of their constituents?

They believe they are acting in their country's best interest.

You are listening to a podcast detailing the recent decision by a major American company to move its operations outside the United States, along with reactions of prominent politicians worried about the impending job losses for their constituents. This would be an example of the __________.

actions of major economic actors having substantial impacts on the political system

Throughout the decades following World War II, the United States constructed a vast interstate highway system throughout the lower 48 states. The results brought commercial prosperity to some towns and cities while having the reverse effect on others, signaling the end of short-haul train travel. This is an example of the __________.

actions of the government having a significant impact on the economy

Gross national income (GNI) is the production of __________.

all citizens of the state both domestic and abroad

In a market economy, the distribution of factors and goods is based on the actions of

all consumers and producers

A constitution is always changing based on the political needs of the people. A change or addition made to a constitution is called a(n)


Both market economies and command economies

are ideal-type political economies that do not necessarily correspond to any real-world examples

The geographical component that lends itself to the creation of a federation is

being large in size

Value allocations are authoritative when they are

binding and accepted by society

Corporatism blends features of

capitalism, state capitalism, and socialism

When people accede to what another person wants because they believe that the other person has the legitimate right to demand such compliance, they do so because they believe in that person's authority. Authority can be based on

charisma, tradition, and/or law

The separation of executive and legislative powers helps to ensure a system of __________ in the policymaking and policy-implementation processes.

checks and balances

Torture is defined as inflicting direct bodily harm, often using an instrument of force. Torture is a form of what type of power?


Among the many styles for adjudicating disputes, __________ law is grounded in the general laws and rules that have been enacted by legislatures and have evolved over time, whereas __________ law involves the precise application of extremely detailed legal documents to a specific case.

common; civil

Imagine that you want to open a restaurant, but find that in your city, it is virtually impossible to get a liquor license. The next time the city inspector visits, you ask about his family and, upon finding out that his son has a birthday coming up, inquire about the type of gift he would like. The inspector tells you that his son will soon apply for college and would appreciate it if you could use your contacts to get him admitted to your alma mater. In return, the inspector would ensure that your liquor license is approved quickly. This scenario is an example of a(n) __________ administration.


What is a goal of the state in a command economy?

delivering optimum bundles of goods to all citizens

What is one of the most ideologically loaded concepts in any discussion about politics and governance?


Paul Kagame of Rwanda is a single individual who holds near absolute power and authority, meaning that Rwanda's government would be considered a


Imagine you land the job of a lifetime, but it requires you to move to another country. In your new country of residence, the government directly controls every aspect of agricultural production, but allows market competition in all other commercial activities. This type of economy is an example of a(n) __________ economy.


Due to the onset of a global economy where more than half of all global production is now international trade, states have

much less capacity to regulate the behavior of firms, control the balance of imports and exports, and even tax many economic transactions

Which of the following is an example of an individual behaving in a manner interpreted as an offense against the social order?


One of the overarching goals of a state is to provide security, the most fundamental aspect of which is


Which measure of the prosperity of a country takes into account environmental sustainability?

the Genuine Progress Indicator

According to Freedom House, 86 percent of the European population lives in a country that is classified as free, compared to only 5 percent of the population in what region of the globe?

the Middle East and North Africa

Which confederal organization is made up of more than 190 member states?

the United Nations

Which term refers to all of the people and organizational machinery that are below the chief executive?

the executive

Which of the following is an example of the political system having a significant impact on the economy?

the government controlling the price of all basic foods

In which governmental branch do representatives of the people discuss, assess, and vote on laws?

the legislative branch

If the government of a state convicts someone of a violent crime against a fellow citizen and sentences that person to death through a legal process, it is an example of

the legitimate use of force to enforce laws within its borders in accordance with the notion of sovereignty

One flaw of both GDP and GNI is that

there are between-country disparities in the exchange value of money

Territorial integrity can be a fuzzy concept because

there are often disputes over borders

Res publica is a Latin phrase that means

things of the people

democratic socialism.

this variant also has egalitarianism as its primary goal, and it assumes that the changes can be effected by a government that comes to power and rules by democratic means. It rejects the idea that a society based on justice and equality can be created only through violence and repression

After the 2015 election in Israel, the Knesset (the nation's legislature) was shared among 10 parties, and no party had a majority of seats. This is an example of a(n) __________, especially with many different parties being firmly committed to their unique ideological orientations.

unstable multiparty system

A dual executive is a government

with two executives, one who acts as the head of state and another who acts as the head of government

One of the most important features of a presidential form of government is the strict separation between the executive and

legislative structures

In the most straightforward sense, capitalism, communism, and socialism correspond loosely to __________, respectively.

market economy, command economy, and mixed economy

Some scholars argue that the best situation for effective governance is one in which an area has both the territorial borders of a single state and a citizenry who all share the same primary national identity—in other words, a


When there is persistent nonenforcement or disregard of constitutional provisions, especially those regarding the rights of the ruled or crucial limits on the rulers, it is known as a __________ regime.


In the economic concept of factors of production, "capital" refers to the __________.

nonhuman productive input (e.g., financial resources and machinery)

Imagine you are the head manager of an industrial factory and you come to the realization that the quota you have been given to produce commercial airline parts is far lower than the actual domestic and international demand for them. You voice your concern to your supervisors, but you find it impossible to alter the state's five-year plan for the economy. You are very likely experiencing one of the major shortcomings of a(n) __________ economy.


If Iran were to manipulate the control of its oil resources, which Europe needs, in order to alter the sanctions in place, this would be an example of the exertion of

economic power

When a legislature makes law, it is exercising what kind of duty or role?

enactment of legislation

Imagine a country where tax rates are in flux. Greater demands are placed on the government for goods and services, leading to higher tax rates. Over time, these higher taxes begin to be perceived as problematic, leading to public outrage, after which the government lowers them again. This is an example of


According to French law, Muslim women are prevented from wearing a burqa in public. Technically speaking, this contradicts Article 10 of the French Constitution because the article guarantees

freedom of religious practice

In most parliamentary systems, the prime minister is not directly elected by the citizens, but rather is chosen

from within the majority (party or coalition) in the legislature once they have empowered a cabinet to make the choice

Imagine a sovereign state where the central government is very strong and holds all legitimate power, but delegates some of its authority to regional provinces. This would mean that the country is unitary with a(n) __________ structure.


An example of the role of a head of state is

hosting the celebrations for Independence Day

An administration in which those in authority not only seek to apply the rules but also try to understand individuals' personal circumstances and adjust their actions accordingly is considered a(n)

humane administration

A model of executive-legislative relations in which a president and prime minister share significant executive powers, such as Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev in Russia, constitutes what type of system?


A sovereign state has the right to resist and reject any aggression, invasion, or intervention within its territorial borders. This is characteristic of its territorial


Marxist-Leninist socialism

is a variant of socialist ideology that begins with three assumptions regarding the forceful actions necessary to produce equality and social justice.

The price you pay at the pump will likely come down when demand for gasoline

is low in relation to its supply

The 2018 investigation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe regarding corruption and cronyism is an example of the legislative role of

overseeing the executive

The Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda and Burundi—as well as the Palestinians in Israel, the Tibetans in China, and the Rohingyas in Myanmar—show us that when nation-based identities are strong, they can

produce animosity and violence between groups within (and among) states

Imagine you do some lengthy stays as a foreign exchange student in both Brazil and Peru studying the native ecosystem. After spending money in both countries, you want to find out what the actual equivalent value is between the Brazilian real and the Peruvian nuevo sol in buying some standard goods. You would want to use an index based on __________.

purchasing power parity

Identity politics means that a key shared trait has led a significant group of people to see themselves as distinctive. Which of the following traits would be considered a major political factor around which an identity is likely to be formed?


Despite its tendency to increase production, a market economy fails in what regard?

responding to the hardships of those who do not succeed

What is the main goal of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples issued by the United Nations in 2007?

to protect groups of "first people" from discrimination and from efforts to destroy their national identity and culture

Which of the following types of political systems is currently the most common in the world?


What type of parliamentary system often emerges when there is no coherent legislative majority?


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