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The __________ was one of the few successes of the Articles of Confederation.

Northwest Ordinance

In _______, the current U.S. Constitution was written.


The idea of Canada joining the United States was included in the __________.

Articles of Confederation

What is not included in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution?

Assurance of equal representation of the states in the Senate

What did the leaders of the British government in London do in the years immediately before the beginning of the American Revolution?

Attempted to bring the colonies under more direct control

Which of the following men attended the Constitutional Convention?

Benjamin Franklin

What is the one item in the list below that is true about the Articles of Confederation?

it preserved state autonomy

__________ was not one of the authors of the Federalist.

john Hanncock

Which of the following did the U.S. Constitution eventually replace as a plan for the national government?

the Articles of confederation

Language about which of the following is included in Article VII of the U.S. Constitution, in addition to language describing the ratification process.

the date the convention completed its work

Which of the following was established by Article III of the Constitution?

the legislative branch

Which branch of the government is detailed in Article I of the U.S. Constitution?

the legislature

A constitution is generally considered one of the most important symbols of a nation.


Leaders of the British government in London, before the American Revolution, attempted to do which of the following?

Bring the colonies under more direct control

__________ proposed the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention.

Edmund Randolph

Which of the following were provided for by the Articles of Confederation?

Equal representation among the states

A major theme of the Declaration of Independence is not which of the following?

Government is a divinely ordained compact between people and God.

Of the following, which is not a major theme of the Declaration of Independence?

Government is a divinely ordained compact between people and God.

Article _____ in the Constitution contains information about the powers of the president.


Quartering troops in private homes is forbidden by which constitutional amendment?


Which article of the Constitution defines the relationship between the national government and the states?


Which of the following was one of the original purposes of the Annapolis Convention of 1786?

Improving commercial relations among the states

Which of the following best describes the leaders of the American government, according to the Constitution?

They are bound by the terms of a written charter.

Which statement below best describes the Antifederalists?

They opposed ratification of the Constitution and opposed policies associated with a strong central government, such as a national bank.

The _________ Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery.


The procedure for __________ is located in Article V of the Constitution.

ammending the constitution

What do we call the idea of different branches of government dividing and sharing power?

checks and balances

The "sole power to make peace and war" in the United States, according to the Articles of Confederation, was given to __________.


The Great Compromise was proposed by delegates from __________.


Government and laws deriving their legitimacy from the people is an example of the principle of __________.

consent of the governed

Of the men who wrote the Constitution, few had a college education.


Although Federalists did not think it necessary, they agreed to add a bill of rights to the Constitution to assure ratification.


Before the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation served as the first national constitution.


James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay were the three authors of the Federalist Papers.


One of the basic principles of the American Declaration of Independence is that all people are created by God with equal rights.


One of the functions of a constitution is to outline the organization of government.


The idea of proportional representation in the House of Representatives and equal representation in the Senate emerged from the Great Compromise.


__________ amendments have been added to the U.S. Constitution since 1789.


_____ is the number of times the Articles of Confederation were amended.


The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in __________.


Which of the following statements is true based on the Constitution as written in 1787 (before amendments)?

A majority of Americans were denied representation and participation.

The New Jersey Plan did not include which of the following?

A national judiciary elected by the legislature

Which statement below best describes those who called themselves Federalists?

Advocated ratification of the Constitution and generally favored a strong central government

The Constitution was written by men who were which of the following?

Among the most talented and intellectual people of the generation

How can the Constitution be amended?

An amendment must be approved by three-fourths of the states.

Maryland was the site of __________ in September 1786.

Annapolis Convention

Which article of the Constitution describes the legislature of the United States?

Article I

Slaveholding states were allowed to do which of the following, according to the Three-fifths Compromise.

Count each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of congressional representation

The _____________ contains the phrase, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Declaration of Independence

Antifederalists argued all except which of the following against the Constitution?

It favored the states over the national government.

Of the many provisions of the Articles of Confederation, which was one of the main provisions?

It guaranteed equal representation for the states.

The father of the Constitution is __________.

James Madison

The writers of the Declaration of Independence based their work on which of the following philosophers?

John Locke

Which of the following features is not included in the Articles of Confederation?

Limiting the freedom of trade and travel between states

Which of the following best describes loyalists during the American Revolution?

Loyalists were an active and hostile minority.

Which statement below best describes the leader of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

One did not exist

__________ was the site of the Constitutional Convention in 1787.


Before it could be put into effect, which of the following had to approve the new Constitution?

Popularly elected conventions in nine states

Which method was required for ratification of the new Constitution?

Popularly elected conventions in nine states had to approve it.

__________ occurred in Massachusetts in 1786-1787 when farmers revolted over the lack of economic relief.

Shay's Rebellion

There were major deficiencies in the Articles of Confederation. What was one of them?

The absence of sufficient power in the central government

Which of the following was one of the major deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation?

The absence of sufficient power in the central government

According to Supreme Court justice William Paterson, how was a constitution defined?

The form of government delineated by the mighty hand of the people

Which of the following was one of the few successes under the Articles of Confederation?

The passage of the Northwest Ordinance

Information about the supremacy of the national constitution can be found in Article ____ of the Constitution.


"Probably no other American political gathering has matched the convention in talent and intellect," describes the convention that did which of the following?

Wrote the US constitution

Women attained the right to vote by Amendment _____ to the Constitution.


Being __________ does not describe the United States in 1787.

a strong militarily presence

An amendment to the Articles of Confederation had to be approved by __________ of the states.


Limiting governmental power with a written charter is __________.


To "preserve, protect and defend" the __________ is part of the oath taken by every United States president.


The central government had very few powers under the Articles of Confederation. Which of the following was one of them?

control military policy

A constitution functions in all of the following ways except ________.

establishing a formal economic system for the nation

Changing the British Constitution is a very difficult and complex process involving both Parliament and the people.


That governments are not bound by their own laws is an important theme of the Declaration of Independence.


The Constitution created a unicameral national legislature.


The Founding Fathers who argued in favor of the ratification of the proposed Constitution were called Anti-Federalists.


The central government had vast powers under the Articles of Confederation.


The idea of declaring independence in 1776 received virtual unanimity from the people.


There were essentially no differences between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.


To resolve the issue of representation of women in Congress, the Constitutional Convention developed the three-fifths compromise.


Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was successful in paying the debt of the United States because of its robust taxing power.


While a constitution may grant powers, it does not limit them.


All of the following are constitutional functions except __________.

guaranteeing economic quality

Which of the following themes does not emerge from the Declaration of Independence?

humankind shares democracy

Which of the following is not provided for in the Constitution?

political parties

The U.S. Constitution provides for the election of the __________ in Article II.

president and vice president

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