POSI 2320 Part 1 (US Chapter 5 Equal Rights: Struggling Toward Fairness)

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which constitutional amendment granted women the right to vote

19th amendment

which groups have historically lacked equality?

Asian Americans Women Catholics

in which case did the supreme court rule that forced busing of children for the purpose of achieving segregated was constitutional?

Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg County

arrange the following in chronological order starting with the earliest challenge to segregation laws

The Supreme Court ends school segregation in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus to a white rider in Montgomery, Alabama Dr. MLK Jr. delivers a speech before the participants of The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

which clause of the US Constitution was at the center of the argument in the Brown v. the Board of Education

equal-protection clause

what policy required the federal government to begin implementing measures aimed at reinforcing equal access to employment by mandating recruitment procedures that gave qualified minority workers an equal opportunity to gain government jobs

affirmative action

although many Americans believe that the concept of _______ includes such things as access to jobs and healthcare, others argue that in only means that people are all treated the same under the law


Civil Rights Act of 1964

barred racial discrimination in public accommodations and private employment

The landmark case of Lau v. Nichols (1974) resulted in many states offering a _________ education in their public schools


Native Americans were not considered to be _______ until 1924


the type of discrimination in which traditionally disadvantaged groups have fewer opportunities because of prejudice despite legal protection is

de facto discrimination

which of the following is not a major civil rights issue being fought by many minority groups?

freedom of religion

in Rostker v. Goldberg (1980) the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of _________ classifications even though such classifications need to be scrutinized more closely than classification of age or income


according to today's statistics, Asian Americans are underrepresented in which of the following areas?

holding high-level political office holding the top position in corporates

which of the following statements about affirmative action is true?

most Americans support programs to give equal treatment to groups who have been historically disadvantaged preference programs have greater support among African Americans than among whites

the 14th amendment

prohibits discrimination by government but not by private parties

which of the following best exemplifies the profound impact of the civil rights movement?

removing discrimination of voting requirements

which of the following were used by MLK Jr. in his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement?

sit-ins boycotts marches in nonviolent protests

any law that treats an individual differently because of race is subject to the ______-________ test


which is an accurate representation of the Hispanic population in the US?

the majority are immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean Islands their numbers have more than doubles in the past two decades

which of the following are included in the concept of equal rights, or civil rights?

the right of every person to equal protection under the law equal access to the opportunities society provides equal access to public facilities

which of the following are rights gays and lesbians had to fight for?

the right to have the same benefits as traditional couples the right to openly enlist in the military

despite the advances of the civil rights movement, which of the following statements about African Americans is true?

they are more likely to grow up in broken families they are more likely to be convicted of crimes they are more likely to receive a harsher sentence for a given criminal offense

what was the intention of the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?

to maintain segregation while claiming equality

in 1892, Congress suspended Asian immigration to the US on the grounds that Asians:

were an inferior people

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