POWERPOINT-Chapter 2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt

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_____ effects add pattern and texture to a background, which add depth to a slide.


If you have made many changes to the background and want to start the process over, click the Reset Background button in the _____ Background dialog box.


_____ fill is one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or one color progressing to another color.


The Format _____ allows you to copy all formatting changes from one object to another.


When a graphic is selected, its height and width measurements show in the _____ group of the Picture Tools Format tab.


To return a graphic to its original size and start again, select the graphic, click the _____ dialog box launcher, click the Reset button, and then click the Close button.

Size and Position

A gallery of decorative effects allows you to type new text or convert existing text to _____. You then can add elements such as fills, outlines, and effects.


As you select shapes and then size them, keep in mind that your audience will focus on the _____ shapes first.


Artists and architects of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries simplified the world in terms of _____.

legible fonts, abstract shapes, and balanced layouts

Backgrounds in the Background Styles gallery are arranged in order from _____ running from left to right.

light to dark

The Transparency slider indicates the amount of opaqueness. The default setting is _____, which is fully opaque.


On the Transparency slider, a setting of _____% is fully transparent.


Each presentation template has _____ complementary colors, which collectively are called the color scheme.


For each theme, PowerPoint provides _____ background styles with designs that may include color, shading, patterns, and textures.


When you insert a fill, PowerPoint assumes you want this custom background on only the current slide displayed. To make this background appear on all slides in the presentation, click the Apply to _____ button in the Format Background dialog box.


_____ determines the overall lightness or darkness of the entire image.


To apply a texture simultaneously to text that appears in more than one place, select one area of text, press and then hold the _____ key while you select the other text, and then apply the texture.


_____ is the difference between the darkest and lightest areas of the image.


The Increase Font Size buttons on the Mini toolbar and in the Font group (_____tab) enlarge the selected characters in predetermined amounts.


_____ fill uses a specific file or an image that simulates a material, such as cork, granite, marble, or canvas.

Picture or texture

_____ fill is one color used throughout the entire slide.


Every slide can _____.

either a. or b. have the same background, or have a different background

Many PowerPoint transitions have options that you can customize to give your presentation a unique look. When you click the Effect Options button(_____tab I Transition to This Slide group), you can select the option to have a slide appear on the screen from the left or the right.


The background fills are available that does NOT include _____.


A _____ edge is angled or sloped and gives the effect of a three-dimensional object.


Tiling options repeat the background image man times _____ on the slide.

both a. and b. vertically, and horizontally

A photograph's color intensity can be modified by changing the _____ .

brightness, and contrast

If the Picture Tools Format tab is no longer is displayed on your Ribbon, _____ the picture to display the Picture Tools and Format tabs.


To apply the same formatting to multiple words, phrases, or paragraphs, _____ the Format Painter button and then select each item you want to format.


Each _____ has several options, providing you with more control over the exact look of the image.


A slide's background is considered _____, which is the content that makes up the interior of a shape, line, or character.


The _____ circle attached to the selected graphic is a rotate handle.


A color scheme consists of four colors for a background and text, six accent colors, and two _____ colors.


A _____ finish gives a dull and rough effect.


You can use _____, another background feature, to move the background from the slide borders in varying distances by percentage.


To move the Transparency slider in small increments, press the right arrow or left arrow key to move the slider in _____-percent increments.


As with font size, lines also are measured in point size, and PowerPoint gives you the option to change the line weight, or thickness, in _____-point increments.


People remember at least _____ more information when the document they are seeing or reading contains visual elements.


The mouse pointer changed shape by adding a _____ to indicate that the Format Painter function is active.


The brightness and contrast are changed in predefined _____ increments.


A selected graphic appears surrounded by a selection _____, which has small squares and circles, called sizing handles, at each corner and middle location.


Watermarks are _____ images visible when you hold the paper up to a light.


A _____ helps letters display prominently by adding a shadow behind the text.


You can resize photos by dragging the _____ handles or by specifying exact height and width measurements.


Effects include _____.

soft edges, bevel, and 3-D rotation

A _____ is a named group of formatting characteristics.


The _____ slide introduces the presentation to the audience.


The Theme Colors button on the Design tab contains a square with four colors; the _____ indicate the primary text and background colors.

top two colors

Once you add a fill, you can adjust its appearance. For example, you can adjust its _____, which allows you to see through the background, so that any text on the slide is visible.


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