PowerPoint Chapter 2
Adding a ____ to text adds depth and helps the letters display prominently.
0 (opaque)
Default setting on the transparency slider
shadows reflections, glows, bevels, and 3D rotations; an effect helps add emphasis or depth to the characters
What do effects include?
WordArt Fill
________ in the interior of a letter can consist of a solid color, texture, picture, or gradient.
Picture Fill
__________ or texture fill uses a specific file or image that stimulates a material, such as cork, granite, marble, or canvas
a named group of formatting characteristics.
click the Delete Outline in the Text Outline gallery
How do you delete a WordArt text outline
Holding down the SHIFT key while dragging
How do you resize a picture and maintain it's proportions?
People remember how much more information when a document contains visual elements
Shapes Gallery
Shapes in the __________ can be combined to show relationships among the elements.
Find and Replace
The ____ feature automatically locates specific text and then replaces it with desired text.
Title Slide
introduces the presentation to the audience.
Gradient Fill
is one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or to another color.
Solid FIll
one color used throughout the entire slide.
one method of adding appealing visual elements to a presentation is by using ________ styles. This gallery of decorative effects allows you to type new text or convert existing text to _______. Includes elements such as fill, outlines, and effects.
the difference between the darkest and lightest areas of an image.
A background feature called ____ allows you to move the background from the slide borders in varying distances by a percentage.
A background is considered a ______; content that makes up the interior of a shape, line, or character.
A list of synonyms and antonyms to help you find a replacement word
Format Painter
To save time and avoid formatting errors, you can use the _______to apply custom formatting to other places in your presentation quickly and easily.
You can use ____ options to repeat a background image many times vertically and horizontally on a slide.
____ help clarify and emphasize details, so they appeal to audience members with differing backgrounds, reading levels, attention spans, and motivations.
Pattern Fill
adds designs that repeat in rows across a slide.
allows you to see through the background, so that any text on the slide is visible.
determines the overall lightness or darkness of an entire image.