PowerPoint Unit 1
Organization Chart
A SmartArt graphic used to show hierarchy and relationships of people or objects
Status Bar
A bar at the bottom of the program window that provides information about the current file and process
Zoom Slider
A bar in the lower-right corner of an Office program window that you can use to increase or decrease the size of the document on screen
A boxed outline on a slide that can be used to insert text or an object when clicked
Microsoft Office Button
A button that opens a menu with commands for working with files, including commands for opening, saving, printing, and creating new files
PowerPoint Presentation
A computer slide show created in PowerPoint
A feature that allows you to move, format, or resize several objects as if they were on object
SmartArt Graphic
A graphic diagram that visually illustrates text and includes formatted graphics
Chart (graph)
A graphical representation of data
Rotate Handle
A green circle that appears connected to a selection rectangle around an object and that you can drag to rotate the object
Blank Presentation
A new presentation that does not have theme elements, text, or objects
A section of the Ribbon that contains related commands
Quick Access Toolbar
A small customizable toolbar at the top of the screen with buttons for common commands such as Save and Undo
Outline Tab
A tab used to enter text in Normal view, located on the left side of the window in the same pane as the Slides tab
A vertical stack of cells in a table or worksheet
Notes Page View
A view in PowerPoint for working on the speaker notes page; includes placeholders for the slide notes.
Slide Sorter View
A view in PowerPoint that displays a thumbnail of each slide in the order in which they appear in the presentation; used to rearrange slides, check timings and view slide transitions.
Slide Show View
A view in PowerPoint that shows the slides on the full screen with the animations and transitions
Motion Paths
A way to animate an object by drawing the path on the slide
Task Pane
A window along the left side of the program window that contains options and commands
Adjustment Handle
A yellow diamond-shaped handle that appears on a selected object. Drag the handle to change the appearance of the object
Adding motion to an object
An area at the top of an Office program window that contains commands for working with the open file; the commands are organized under tabs.
Appear when an object is selected and are used to drag to resize the object
Slide Master
Determines the graphics and layout for the slides in a presentation. Each theme has a slide master, and slide masters include layout masters
Displays the data for a chart, table or query in rows and columns, with records in rows and fields in columns
Slides Tab
In Normal view the tab on the left side of the PowerPoint window that displays thumbnails of each slide
Placing a presentation in a format for others to use; published presentations include handouts, Package for CD, and presentations on a document management server, in a document workspace, and on the Web
Small graphic image
Stylized text that is treated as an object
Text or graphics organized in columns and rows
Text, cell, or an object that when clicked "jumps to" another location, such as another file, location or a Web site. Also called a link.
Effects Options
The Entrance, Exit, and Emphasis animation features such as pinwheel, diamond and fly effects that you can use to animate objects
Live Preview
The Office 2007 feature that lets you point to the various choices in a gallery or palette and see the results before applying
Slide Transitions
The animated way in which a slide appears and leaves the screen during a slide show
The animated way in which a slide appears and leaves the screen during a slide show
Title Bar
The bar at the top of the program window with the names of the program and the current file
The horizontal placement of cells in a table or worksheet
The intersection of a column and a row in a table or a worksheet
Slide Pane
The main work area of the selected slide in Normal view
Handout Master
The master view for the audience handouts; includes placeholders for the slides, footer, and the date and slide number
Notes Master
The master view for the notes pages. Includes placeholders for the slide, notes, header, footer, date and slide number
Slide Layout
The placement of placeholders or objects on a slide that determines how all of the objects on a slide are arranged
Normal View
The view in PowerPoint that includes the Slides/Outline tabs on the left, the Slide pane showing the selected slide in the center, and the Notes pane beneath the Slide pane. Commonly used to place objects on the slide.
The way content and text placeholders are placed on the slide
Layout Master
in the slide master, the individual layouts that determine the location of content and text placeholders for the slides.