PPR study cards

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Which of the following is the most effective way to report student progress?

online gradebook with individual logins for each student An online gradebook that parents can consult at any time is the best way to keep parents informed and current on student progress.

As part of a high school's career day, a high-school teacher invites several professionals from the community to talk to students about their responsibilities and how they contribute to the community. This activity is developmentally appropriate for this age level because the students are in which of the following stages of Erikson's psychosocial development? A. Industry vs. Inferiority B. Identity vs. Identity Confusion C. Intimacy vs. Isolation D. Integrity vs. Despair

. B is correct because interest in career is a hallmark of Erikson's identity versus identity confusion stage which corresponds to adolescence. (A), (C) and (D) are incorrect because these stages do not correspond to the age level and class activity that is specified.

Which of the following activities best promotes family-centered programming with the school? A increasing the number of books about the most prominent cultures represented in the school B hosting a Saturday carnival with proceeds benefiting special programs at the school C hosting monthly activities that invite parents, such as "Doughnuts with Dad" or "Muffins with Mom" D inviting students to share a family tradition or custom and allowing all students to participate in it during a school day festival

D. This activity engages students and families and does not require participation outside of the regular school day.

A six-year-old kindergartener has shown difficulty raising her hand to share responses during direct instruction. The student's teacher has chosen to reward the student for raising her hand but does not provide a reward on each occasion when the student raises her hand. This is an example of A Intermittent reinforcement B negative reinforcement C punishment D fixed-interval reinforcement A fixed-interval reinforcement would mean that the student was rewarded if the desired behavior occurred within a set time frame. For example, this could include rewarding the student every 15 minutes if she raised her hand before answering questions. Continue Question 9 of 10

intermittent reinforcement is being used because the student is rewarded for raising her hand, but she is not rewarded on each occasion when she demonstrates this desired behavior.

10. A high-school history teacher assigns the U.S. Constitution for students to read for homework. The next day, he starts a discussion and quickly realizes only a handful of students did the assignment. When he asks the class why they did not do the assignment, the students explain that the reading was difficult and that they could not understand what it meant. Which of the following teacher actions would best model appropriate use of metacognitive strategies to approach a challenging reading task? A. The teacher does a think-aloud of the first few paragraphs, explaining the questions that come to mind as he reads and musing about meanings of phrases. He then has student volunteers do the same with a few more paragraphs. B. The teacher reads the entire U.S. Constitution orally to the students and asks them to interrupt the reading when they have questions. C. The teacher stops the lesson and has students spend the class period reading the U.S. Constitution silently. D. The teacher shows the students an Internet site that explains key points of the U.S. Constitution and offers historical background on its creation.

. A is correct because the think-aloud strategy is considered a highly effective means of modeling how we process challenging reading and shape comprehension. (B), (C) and (D) do not address the comprehension problem identified by the students.

. A grade 3 teacher is currently covering the multiplication tables; the students have reached the 5s. To assess whether students have memorized the 5 x sequence, the teacher dedicates a morning to have students practice reciting the 5 x table and then quizzes them by having them write the 5 x table through 5 x 12. This learning activity reflects which of the following categories of Bloom's Taxonomy of Education Objectives? A. Creating B. Remembering C. Collaborating D. Understanding

. B is correct because learning the time tables and demonstrating mastery is a straightforward remember class activity. The instructional activities presented in the stem are aimed at determining whether students have memorized the times table for 5s. (A) and (D) are Bloom's Taxonomy categories that do not fit the scenario. (C) is not a Bloom's category.

7. A middle-school teacher constructs a unit on peer pressure. Which of the following initial unit activities would most effectively demonstrate awareness of students' current developmental levels? A. The teacher has students write a short essay on their experiences with peer pressure and read their assays orally. After the readings, the teacher directs a class discussion about the problems caused by peer pressure. B. The teacher has students interview each other to ask questions about experiences with per pressure. C. The teacher shows students several news clips of young people injuring themselves through actions attributed to peer pressure. D. The teacher creates open-ended scenarios in which characters face peer pressure. Each group is assigned a scenario, which they dramatize to the class; the groups explain the rationale for how they resolve the peer pressure situation.

. D is correct because this response is the most likely in this scenario to create a comfortable class setting for investigating the importance of peer pressure, peer acceptance, and conformity to group norms. The open-ended dramatization allows students a great deal of autonomy in speculating about peer pressure without admitting to individual problems related to peer pressure. (A) and (B) show lack of sensitivity to students' individual stories. (C) suggests that peer pressure leads to danger which does not consider the positive aspects of peer pressure.

10. Following the successful completion of the sound unit, Ms. Parks wants to learn other ways to use technology in her school to enhance her students' learning and technological literacy. Which of the following professional activities would most effectively address this goal? A. Asking colleagues how they use technology in their classes B. Enrolling in a computer-technology course at the local university or community college C. Attending a professional conference on technology in education D. Asking the media-center specialist to teach her how to use the technology available on campus

10. D is correct because the media specialist is the best professional resource for integrating available campus technology into teaching. (A) would be limited to what the colleagues know and would not address all of the campus resources. (B) and (C) would be long-term possibilities for addressing the teacher's goal but neither would effectively address the goal of using available campus technology.

4. A teacher creates a World Holiday and Celebrations Calendar in her grade 3 class. Each month, she picks one holiday, and the children prepare decorations, learn songs, read stories, and learn the history of the cultural or national significance of the holiday. This activity primarily addresses which of the following instructional goals? A. To promote students' appreciation of cultural and national diversity B. To address community-based efforts to make the curriculum more culturally diverse C. To provide content-area instruction in a variety of delivery methods D. To help students connect school discussions of culture to their own families' experiences

4. A is the correct answer because is shows that the teacher knows how to use diversity to enrich students' learning experiences. (B) is not addressed in the scenario. (C) is not the primary goal of the activity. (D) could be a result of the activity but the focus of the activity is on world cultures not personal culture.

5. A grade 9 history teacher assigns a research unit to be completed in three weeks. Which of the following instructional plans would most effectively support the students' learning process in this research unit? A. Having students select the research topic they want to explore B. Having the school librarian demonstrate Internet research strategies C. Breaking the research process into sequential steps and setting deadlines and checkp0oints for completion of each step. D. Analyzing a research paper from a previous class and pointing out all the problems that should be avoided

5. C is correct because scaffolding (such as sequenced activities and deadlines is necessary with such a daunting task. (A) will enhance motivation but will not provide guidance. (B) is an important component but lacks the support that answer C provides. (D) misrepresents the purpose of using a mentor text which should be used as a sample assignment to show students what an effectively completed assignment might look like.

6. Which of the following descriptions best explains the significance of TEKS in determining instructional goals and objectives? A. TEKS mandate content for core courses in Texas public schools B. TEKS are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do C. TEKS identify recommended instructional delivery methods designed to promote students' achievement in basic content areas D. TEKS provide templates for daily lessons, six weeks units, and semester syllabi to ensure consistency in delivery of instruction throughout the state

6. B is correct because according to TEA, TEKS are state standards for what students should know and be able to do (knowledge and skills). (A), (C) and (D) misrepresent how TEKS impacts instructional goals and objectives.

8. A second-grade teacher maintains a chart entitled, Trying All the Time. Each time a student attempts something new or risky-like trying to pronounce a difficult new word during read-alouds or volunteering to solve a math problem on the board - the student gets to put a red star on his or her row on the chart. This strategy primarily demonstrates the teacher's awareness of the students' developmental needs and characteristics by A. showing students that failure does not matter. B. rewarding students for attempting things that are within their current abilities. C. creating a culture of high expectations in a developmentally appropriate context. D. showing students that grades are not the only way to measure achievement.

8. C is the correct answer because the activity shows that the teacher knows how to create a positive, productive learning environment by creating a culture of high expectations for all learners. (A) and (D) are irrelevant and (B) misrepresents the intent of the activity which is to push students to attempt new things.

Which of the following is the best strategy for a teacher to develop positive relationships with the students' parents/guardians? A Clearly outline the expectations and requirements for the teacher, the student, and the parent/guardian at the beginning of the year. By clearly outlining all expectations and goals, the teacher is able to communicate the end goals to the parent/guardian and how they can work together for the benefit of the child. B Provide each family with a list of all the school supplies and resources available to the student and how the parent/guardian can best encourage their child to use the school's resources in instructional activities. C Send home a handwritten letter with each student conveying the excitement and high hopes of the teacher for the upcoming school year. D Create a website that has weekly updates of the lesson plans and assignments. Continue

A Clearly outline the expectations and requirements for the teacher, the student, and the parent/guardian at the beginning of the year. By clearly outlining all expectations and goals, the teacher is able to communicate the end goals to the parent/guardian and how they can work together for the benefit of the child.

Mr. Brown notices students chatting with peers in his tenth-grade history class while a group is presenting a final project. What is the best way to respond to this behavior? A Mr. Brown should walk over to the group that is chatting and put a hand on the table of the chatting students. B Mr. Brown should tell the students presenting to speak louder. C Mr. Brown should call an administrator. D Mr. Brown should stop the presentation to get the students to be quiet.

A Mr. Brown should walk over to the group that is chatting and put a hand on the table of the chatting students. Non-verbal cues are useful in maintaining appropriate classroom behavior. Many times students will respond appropriately when a teacher simply moves closer to them. Non-verbal cues are often better received by students since they are not called out in front of peers, which may cause embarrassment.

Effective teachers constantly strive for quality communication with both students and their parent(s) or guardian(s). An eighth-grade science teacher, Mrs. Davis, would like to have a positive educational partnership with the families of each of her students. Which of the following would best encourage the parents to enter into such a partnership at the beginning of the school year? A The teacher sends home her expectations, discipline and homework policies, and project requirements for the first six weeks. This is the best answer choice because it outlines exactly what will be expected in class activities and homework. Parents know the plan and are even offered ways to help. B The teacher outlines the accepted developmental attributes and social expectations typical of eighth-grade students. C The teacher sends home a notice to parents providing the name of the textbook and any additional resources she plans to use for instruction. D The teacher sends home an internet link to the state agency wherein parents may look to see released tests that demonstrate the format used for the required state test.

A The teacher sends home her expectations, discipline and homework policies, and project requirements for the first six weeks. This is the best answer choice because it outlines exactly what will be expected in class activities and homework. Parents know the plan and are even offered ways to help.

Elva Rodriguez teaches fourth grade. She has structured her class so that students can spend 30 minutes daily after lunch in sustained silent reading (SSR) with books and reading materials of their own choosing. Which of the following adjustments to the SSR period most effectively recognizes varied student-learning approaches? A. The teacher allows students to choose whether they will read at their desks or move to a reading area where they sit on floor cushions or recline on floor mats. B. The teacher makes sure that all students have selected appropriate reading materials. C. The teacher plays classical music on a tape player to enhance student learning. D. The teacher dims the lights in the classroom in order to increase students' reading comprehension.

A is correct because it takes into account differences in learning preferences among learners by giving them options as to how and where they will read. (B) deviates from the principles of SSR - typically students read materials that they have self-selected. (C) and (D) show attention to the preferences of only some of the students.

7. A classroom with desks arranged in rows and the teacher's desk at the front is the typical configuration of classroom space. Frequently, however, teachers rearrange the rows into clusters of desks where students face each other. This configuration of classroom space is primarily intended to impact classroom climate in which of the following ways: A. To create a classroom space that emphasizes collaboration and facilities opportunities for learning in a variety of delivery contexts B. To create a room arrangement that gives the teacher a clear view of every student in the room to facilitate monitoring of students' learning needs C. To create a classroom space that replaces the teacher's authority with a democratic environment that promotes learners' autonomy D. To create a classroom space that enables the teacher to group students on the basis of academic abilities

A is correct because replacing rows with clusters is recognized as a means of promoting collaboration and encouraging high levels of interaction. (B) incorrectly suggests grouping desks is used to police student behavior. (C) is incorrect because clustering desks does not abdicate teacher authority. (D) could be a result of the arrangement, but grouping by ability is only one approach to grouping.

Which of the following should be the first step of a teacher who wants to establish a relationship with parents where both the teacher and parent can initiate a conversation to discuss the student's progress? A Send an email to all of the students' parents letting them know the conference hours of the teacher. B Write a positive letter to the parents about the progress of each child. C At the beginning of the year, set up a meeting with each parent to discuss mutual goals for their student. This is the best answer, as it establishes a personal relationship between the parents and the teacher. Also, the first communication between the parents and the teacher is a positive one, which begins the relationship on the best foot possible. D Require parents to sign the planners of their students each night and let the parents know the planners are a great way to relay notes to the teacher.

At the beginning of the year, set up a meeting with each parent to discuss mutual goals for their student. This is the best answer, as it establishes a personal relationship between the parents and the teacher. Also, the first communication between the parents and the teacher is a positive one, which begins the relationship on the best foot possible.

Which of the following strategies best ensures a teacher will establish clear behavior guidelines? A Allow students leniency in the enforcement of classroom guidelines. B Allow students to participate in the creation of classroom guidelines. If students are allowed to contribute to the creation of classroom guidelines, they are more likely to understand and follow them, as there is a sense of ownership among the class about the guidelines. C Create a system which allows students to monitor the behavior of each other and report their findings to the teacher. D Create strict guidelines that prohibit the most frequent negative behaviors.

B Allow students to participate in the creation of classroom guidelines. If students are allowed to contribute to the creation of classroom guidelines, they are more likely to understand and follow them, as there is a sense of ownership among the class about the guidelines.

When beginning a parent-teacher conference, who should start the conversation?

B The person who requested the conference should, so they can share all of their concerns and focus the meeting. The person who requested the conference should start the conversation. They should be given the opportunity to express all of their concerns before other parties respond.

9. Ms. Benitez, a grade 2 teacher, includes a 15-minute play period several times throughout the school day. Children can play cooperatively or they can play alone. This strategy is appropriate for this age level because children at this age A. are easily bard and need breaks from academic work. B. develop social, cognitive, and motor skills through play. C. learn content-area material more effectively through play. D. need to feel that school offers the same activities as home.

B is correct because integrating play into the school day is considered an important means of developing social, cognitive and motor skills. (A) touches on an important developmental factor (short attention spans) but is not the primary reason. (C) and (D) incorrectly represent the reasons for integrating play.

1. A grade 5 science teacher has several beginning-level ELL students in her class. After each science lesson, which the teacher presents through demonstration, manipulative, and group work, she has students write a three- to five-sentence science journal explaining what they learned from the lesson. Today's lesson was on absorption. The ELL students participated readily in the groups and asked questions during the demonstrations; however, they are having trouble writing their journals, so the teacher gives them the following format to follow and tells the ELL students they can complete the blanks with one or more words: The lesson was about___________. The water made the dirt ____________. A new science word I learned today is ____________. The most interesting part of the lesson was ____________. I think the water would not have poured through __________. This accommodation address English Language Proficiency Standards for writing in which of the following ways? A. The teacher is creating a simplified version of the assignment to provide comprehensible input for the ELL students B. The teacher is providing linguistic scaffolding to facilitate the students' acquisition of content-area knowledge C. The teacher is providing differentiated instruction to enable the ELL students to meet their learning goals D. The teacher is changing the assignment to ensure that ELL students are not frustrated by their inability to complete the assignment

B is correct because the sentence stems offer scaffolding for the ELL students, enabling them to access content-area knowledge through an accommodation that corresponds to ELPS. (A) incorrectly identifies the scaffolding as a simplification when, in fact, it is an accommodation. (C) is incorrect because it overstates the accommodation; differentiated instruction would have changed the approach to perhaps and oral response or a visual representation. (D) is incorrect because the teacher has not changed the assignment for the ELL students; the teacher preserves the original objective and assignment through scaffolding.

A grade-3 teacher is scheduling a parents' morning to showcase science projects students have completed. She has students write invitations to deliver to their parents. Julia, and ELL student, writes the following note: To pleze com for the science day. Is because to celebrate. We make the project on school. Julia's note suggests she is at which of the following ELPS writing proficiency levels? A. Beginning B. Intermediate C. Advanced D. Advanced High

B is correct because the writing demonstrates the student's ability to address grade-appropriate writing tasks in a limited way - the prime descriptor for intermediate ELPS level. (A) is incorrect because the student's writing demonstration exceeds the ELPS descriptors for beginning-level writing. (C) and (D) are incorrect because the student's writing does not meet advanced or advanced high ELP descriptors.

1. On the first day of class, a high-school teacher begins the class by asking students to do this activity: Pull your chairs together into groups of four. Take five minutes to introduce each other by completing this sentence: "Hi my name is ____; five years from now, I would like to be ____." Be ready to introduce one of your group members to the whole class. This activity primarily addresses which of the following instructional goals? A. It demonstrates that the teacher values oral language in this class B. It begins to create a nurturing, inclusive classroom community C. It focuses students' attention on career choices D. It introduces the students to a collaborative class environment.

B. It begins to create a nurturing, inclusive classroom community

A first-grade student frequently disrupts class discussion, has an unorganized desk, misplaces his classroom materials, and has a hard time maintaining eye contact with whom he is speaking. His teacher becomes concerned, as these behaviors are causing him to struggle in his academic studies. Before she contacts the student's parents to schedule a meeting, which of the following is the most appropriate first step?

C Create and gather documentation about specific instances of the student's behavior. The teacher should gather evidence of their concern before meeting with the parents. By providing the parents with evidence and specific examples, the teacher can best inform the parents of the situation.

An eighth-grade science teacher often places students into small groups to work on experiments. The teacher notices a few students do not fully participate in their groups, resulting in other students having to work harder to complete the experiments. Which of the following approaches is the best way to encourage each student's participation in the experiments?

C Design the experiments so each group member has a specific task they must perform to complete the experiments successfully. Assigning specific tasks to specific students allows the groups and the teacher to identify which work was not done and who was responsible for completing the work. This allows the students who participate less to be held accountable in a fair, organized manner without punishing the remainder of the group members. D Place students who do not fully participate in the same group. Continue Question 2 of 10

In an attempt to keep parents abreast of student participation and the responsible use of time, grades, discipline concerns, etc., a new teacher, Mrs. Parker, plans to communicate with timely reports. Which of the following would be the most effective way of accomplishing this goal? A She calls each student's family and verbally communicates this information at the end of the grading period. B She sends out a copy of all grades by all students, identifying only the names of those students who are failing. C She emails individual grade reports addressing these categories for each student halfway through the required grading and communication period. This is the best answer because it would be efficient and the parents would appreciate the brevity and conciseness. It also would help if the teacher wrote something positive in the report at least once or twice during a grading period. D She sends a notice to only those students who are failing or in danger of failing every two weeks.

C She emails individual grade reports addressing these categories for each student halfway through the required grading and communication period. This is the best answer because it would be efficient and the parents would appreciate the brevity and conciseness. It also would help if the teacher wrote something positive in the report at least once or twice during a grading period.

2. A middle-school teacher starts the school year by having students create a Profile Wall. The teacher allows students to pick sheets of construction paper and then tells them to create a Profile Page that includes information such as their favorite movies and games, where they were born, something they want to accomplish in life, things they are good at, and so on. They are also supposed to include a snapshot or illustration that shows them doing something they enjoy doing. When all the profiles are complete, each learner will briefly present his or her Profile Page to the class and then post it on the wall. The Profile Wall will primarily address which of the following instructional goals? A. Integration of a variety of skills to allow students to be creative B. Connection between the classroom and the real world C. Recognition of diversity among learners in the class D. Beginning a new school year with a project that engages students in a fun activity

C is the correct answer because having students create individual profiles and present them to the class appropriates a strategy from social networking in a class activity designed to create a class community. (A) and (D) are incorrect because the details of the activity show that it is far more than simply creative expression or fun. (B) is incorrect because, while it is modeled on social networking profiles, the focus is not on real-world-classroom connections.

2. While shopping at the grocery store, a grade 5 teacher runs into one of this students' parents. The parent brings up a playground incident in which her son, Adrian, was sent to detention but the other boy received no disciplinary action. The mother tells the teacher that this is unfair and asks the teacher to do something about it. The teacher tells the parent that he was not present at the incident and does not know the specifics. Which of the following actions would best address the teacher's professional responsibilities while responding to the parent's concern? A. The teacher suggests that the parent come in for a parent-teacher conference when they can discuss the situation with more evidence. B. The teacher agrees to schedule a conference with Adrian's parents and the parents of the other child involved. C. The teacher suggests that the parent contact the school principal to get clarification on the incident. D. The teacher suggests that the parent call the other boy's family to find out what happened.

C. The teacher suggests that the parent contact the school principal to get clarification on the incident.

Mr. Grant is a high school social studies teacher. A student's parent contacts him regarding the amount of homework Mr. Grant assigns. The parent feels the homework is too much and would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference to discuss the matter further. The best strategy for Mr. Grant to use at the beginning of the conference would be to: A present adjustments in homework assignments that address the concerns of the parent. B have other teachers assure the parent the homework assignments are not excessive. C compare the amount of work Mr. Grant assigns to other teachers in the school. D listen to the parent's concern.


Which of these is the least reliable means of communication between teachers and parents? A providing information via text message B providing information in a voicemail C sending information via email D sending home information with students The teacher cannot guarantee that the information makes it home because the student may lose the paper or it may not be retrieved from the backpack.


Mr. Maher wants to create contact with the parents to gain their support for a behavior management program at the beginning of the school year. Which of the following would be the best approach to gaining the support of the parents? A Ask parents for help in extracurricular activities and discuss the behavior management programs during these activities. B Schedule a parent-teacher conference when a student demonstrates unacceptable behavior. C Invite the parents to participate in monitoring student behavior to ensure all the students are in compliance with the behavior management program. D Send a letter home with the students after the first day of school letting the parents know about the behavior program and requesting a parent-teacher conference to discuss the program further. This is the best answer option because the teacher is being proactive and discussing the program with parents before an incident occurs. It is always best for the teacher to be proactive in building parent-teacher relationships.

D Send a letter home with the students after the first day of school letting the parents know about the behavior program and requesting a parent-teacher conference to discuss the program further. This is the best answer option because the teacher is being proactive and discussing the program with parents before an incident occurs. It is always best for the teacher to be proactive in building parent-teacher relationships.

Which of the following is not an expectation of teachers to develop open communication with parents/guardians? A Encourage open communication and share teacher contact information with parents. B Offer parents volunteer opportunities when possible, so they can become more involved in their child's education. C Provide parents with classroom information, such as classroom management/procedures, grading policy, and syllabus. D Teachers should email parents weekly with an update about their child's progress. Depending on the number of students or level, this might not be feasible for some teachers. Moreover, some parents are inundated with emails and will begin to ignore communications if they do not have important information. Some parents might prefer another method of communication.

D Teachers should email parents weekly with an update about their child's progress. Depending on the number of students or level, this might not be feasible for some teachers. Moreover, some parents are inundated with emails and will begin to ignore communications if they do not have important information. Some parents might prefer another method of communication.

Mr. Heath is concerned about Brandon's recent academic decline and contacts Brandon's parent to discuss the situation. Brandon's mother informs Mr. Heath that Brandon's father has recently passed away and Brandon has been having trouble coping with the loss. During the conversation, Mr. Heath should focus his comments on: A referring Brandon and his mother to a local family counselor to help their emotional state. B stopping the conversation as a student's personal life should not affect their academic performance. C consoling Brandon's mother in the loss of her husband. D how to best promote Brandon's academic progress during this emotionally-straining time. The teacher should focus on Brandon's academic performance. This is the purpose of the meeting and in a professional environment, the teacher must stay within the professional confines of the teacher-parent-student relationship.

D how to best promote Brandon's academic progress during this emotionally-straining time.

3. A high-school algebra teacher wants to develop his students' abilities to complete proofs effectively. Which of the following instructional strategies would most effectively target students' abilities to self-assess their work? A. The teacher has students work in groups to complete difficult algebra proofs B. The teacher demonstrates a proof and leaves the work on the board while students work on new problems. C. The teacher has students do one proof and then exchange papers to check each other's procedures and answers. D. The teacher creates a checklist that reinds students of basic procedures in completing algebra proofs effectively.

D 3. D is correct because providing checklists for self evaluation is a formative feedback strategy which fosters independence and promotes higher achievement. (A),(B) and (C) are all typical activities but they are not formative assessment activities.

Mrs. Buff receives a letter from the mother of one of her fourth-grade science students about the amount of time it is taking to do the homework for her class. Mrs. Buff has been working with all her students on developing appropriate study skills, including setting timelines for homework. Mrs. Buff responds to the letter from the parent with an invitation to the mother and her husband to meet with her concerning this issue. Which of the following would be the best strategy for Mrs. Buff to begin the conference?

Listen to the parents' concerns and then explain the study skills that have been taught and discussed in her classroom. This is the correct answer because the best way to approach these parents would be to listen first and then explain.

Mr. Maher has implemented a new behavioral management program. Soon after the program is implemented, a student demonstrates an unacceptable behavior, and Mr. Maher schedules a parent-teacher conference with the student's parents. Which of the following would be the actions that Mr. Maher should take to begin the meeting on a positive note?

Prepare notes about the student's academic achievements to present to the parents and encourage the parents to discuss their observations of the student's academic performance and behavior.

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