PR Final

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Alexia develops an app that allows high school students to record, upload, and post a running total of the amount of material they recycle. She is applying what action to her broader strategy?


Abercrombie & Fitch made a YouTube video titled "Super C-U-T-E," featuring a model who looked a lot like Paris Hilton, and the video registered more than 2 million views. When Hilton sued, the video was removed from YouTube. This lawsuit falls into what category of privacy issues?

Appropriation of likeness or identity

Anna is a freelance online writer who submits articles to various blogs and news websites. She knows that her writing skills must follow the traditional rules of writing to make it past the first cut. She consults which writing style handbook for these rules?

Associated Press style (AP)

Adrian, a PR professional with Ogilvy, developed a campaign to recruit college seniors to be part of Ogilvy's plan to carve out a national niche in millennial marketing by focusing on quantifiable and measureable results. In doing so, she is applying the concepts of the ________.

Barcelona Declaration of Research Principles

Legally speaking, __________ is a statement that injures someone's reputation.


Who dropped out of graduate school at Harvard and became the person many refer to as the founder of public relations?

Ivy Ledbetter Lee

Bianca developed a questionnaire survey for Comcast to measure the level of employee engagement that asked employees to respond to statements with a range of defined response options such as the range from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree." This type of questionnaire is an example of ________.

Likert-type items

Grunig and Hunt posited four models of public relations. Who is associated with the first model of press agentry/publicity?

P.T. Barnum

Cassandra prepares an online-only campaign for Microsoft. She includes sharable online material such as useful chunks of text, quotes, photos, infographics, suggested tweets, hashtags, and embeddable multimedia elements. What kind of campaign is this?

Social media release (SMRs)

Aphrodite is a public relations professional whose client builds wind turbines and makes the claim that their product is environmentally friendly and unobtrusive. Which government agency would require evidence to back up those claims?

The Federal Trade Commission

Huang is employed by Samsung Electronics and is responsible for producing and disseminating communication tactics such as digital brochures, news releases, speeches, videos, and photographs. He is predominately involved in _______________.

a technician role

In traditional mass media, ____________ is the paid media space that sponsors use to persuade audiences.


Brian is employed by Edelmann Agency, but then decides to leave that agency to work for one of the agency's clients, Delta Airlines. A year later, Delta decides to consider bids from other agencies. Brian must decide whether to help his former agency colleagues by giving them a heads-up on what they should do to keep the account and/or give that same information to other agencies bidding for the work. This is an example of __________.

an ethical challenge

Adriana, a public relations specialist at Sony Records, often shoots quick videos using her smartphone to respond to questions from online publics or to demonstrate a product or process. This type of quick video is sometimes called __________.

an explainer video

___________ includes a mix of words, images, and numbers that can further the central message of a press release and highlight components that bring the text to life.

an infographic

Clint is an account supervisor at a public relations agency earning a salary of $65,000 a year, which breaks down to about $31.25 per hour. The client of the agency is billed $93.75 per hour, which is three times the account supervisor's actual pay. This is an example of the agency _____________.

applying the billable rate

A public relations practitioner monitors surveys, e-mail responses, Twitter comments, usability studies, and focus groups to gauge the success of her efforts. This research strategy is an example of ____________.

applying ways organizations get to know their publics

Publicly held companies, which are organizations that offer shares for trading in stock exchanges, ____________ to file certain reports and to make public certain information that may affect investors' decisions.

are required by law

Ophelia, a media analyst for Edelman, develops an algorithm for her client Samsung to collect information on message placement and click-through rates. This sizable gathering of Internet information is known as ____________.

big data

A __________ is essentially a backgrounder for a person who is the main subject of a news release.


Abigail surveyed a sample of people who had read and commented on blogs posted by people who worked at Microsoft and found that more than 30% of the commenters also worked at Microsoft. This is an example of blogs that were clearly channels for __________.

both internal and external communication

Ophelia works for Banderos Mexican Grill and is responsible for writing clear communications with employees, as well as for owned, paid, shared, and earned media that reach other publics. This is an example of the ability to write for _________.

both internal and external publics

Jessica is contracted by Pizza Hut to evaluate the success of their latest video posted on their brand channel on YouTube about hiring veterans and military spouses. The video was viewed 5,576 times and had 64 thumbs up, 2 thumbs down, and 12 comments. Jessica examined both the number of hits and the comments. Her PR tactic used ___________.

both qualitative and quantitative methods

Lucas is hired by General Motors to set up an internal newsroom and create a narrative about the company. His goal is to produce news content to communicate directly with Ford's publics without going through a third-party news organization. His job is classified as _________.

brand journalist

Martha is working on a college degree with a major in public relations. A typical course sequence for the public relations major includes an introductory course, public relations research, public relations writing, an internship, and a campaigns course. She is also registering for courses in English literature, art history, economics, and biology. Her plan is an example of appreciating that __________ is important.

broader education

According to Hon and Grunig, "In a ____________ relationship, both parties provide benefits to the other because they are concerned with the welfare of the other.


Bertha knows that buying followers who do not exist may offer a quick and inexpensive way to meet short-term social media objectives. She also knows that the consequences likely will not be positive or productive. She must make a decision and that decision-making process is an example of __________________.


Dana conducts a study of the age, sex, and race of people whom advertisers use in their ads. She looked at the ads shown in prime time on four major stations. This is an example of ____________.

content analysis

Internal newsletters or television ads are thought of as ___________ because communicators may write and edit, or create and produce, messages exactly how they want them.

controlled media

Abbie designs a paid media message for AT&T that will appear on the giant video display. No specific product or service will be mentioned, only a series of vignettes promoting the company as a whole. Her approach is known as __________.

corporate advertising

____________ obtains information for a particular task or project by enlisting the services of a number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the Internet.


Strategic planning is a ___________.

cyclical process

A president of a university is part of the ____________, which is the group of people with the greatest influence in how an organization operates.

dominant coalition

Heidi developed a campaign for Coca-Cola Company. She created the "Share a Coke" campaign where Coke released cans and bottles with people's names on them. It generated massive amounts of social media. This is an example of ________.

earned media

Omnicom is a global advertising, marketing, and communication services conglomerate that owns firms providing services in advertising, strategic media planning, digital marketing, direct marketing, and public relations. This is known as ____________.

economic convergence

Researchers at East Tennessee State University wanted to test their prediction that offering incentives would encourage donations. Members of the "treatment group" were offered a lottery ticket if they donated. Members of the "control group" were offered no special incentive. The researchers found that offering a lottery ticket increased donations. What method of quantitative research did they use?


Before communication can have any effect at all, people must be __________ to the messages.


In a laboratory setting, communication researchers might use __________ software to observe how people pay attention to and respond to messages.


Courtney is a media specialist with the sports website SBNation. She is aware of baseball's disclaimer "Any rebroadcast, retransmission, or account of this game, without the express written consent of Major League Baseball, is prohibited." She posts short GIFs of key MLB plays on SBNation. This is an example of applying the concept of _____________.

fair use

When research comes at the beginning of the planning process or during the implementation of a plan, it is known as __________.

formative research

If you work in PR for a small business, you will need to be much more of a __________.


GoPro is a company that makes high-definition waterproof cameras. Their primary communication strategy is letting users provide some of the content and dominate discussions. In this case, sharing media means GoPro is _____________.

giving up some control

In the definition of public relations, the term "publics" refers to ____________.

groups of people with shared interests related to organizations

If you place a ____________ in a paid TV ad, TV viewers can jump platforms from their TVs to other screens.


Chelsea is a recent graduate searching for a public relations job. She notices a posting online at BioClinica, a Pennsylvania company that runs clinical trials to test new medical therapies. In what area of PR specialization is this job?

health care

Fortune magazine partners with the Great Place to Work Institute to pick the 100 best companies to work for. Most of the scoring is based on the results of a trust index survey of the employees. This is an example of surveying __________.

internal publics

Elizabeth is a staff writer and media relations specialist for USA Today. She is assigned the task of reporting on disastrous flooding in Louisiana. Instead of employing the delayed-lead style of features stories, she uses the direct-lead format, knowing that even if readers never read past the first paragraph, they will get the gist of the story. This news style of writing is often called the __________.

inverted pyramid

__________ is an area of public relations that focuses on proactive monitoring and management to prevent crises from happening.

issues management

Edward Bernays actively endorsed and promoted causes and people, an approach that clearly distinguished public relations from ____________.


In 2015, ____________ surprised an annual TV awards show in Hong Kong by delivering boxes of fried chicken wings to the celebrities in attendance.

kentucky fried chicken

Allstate, a for-profit company, is advocating a position on an issue that directly affects their business interests. For this purpose, Allstate pays for lobbying activity to influence legislation. This type of activity is an example of ____________.

legislative relations

In the eighteenth century when James Oglethorpe, in an effort to promote the settlement of Savannah, leveraged the endorsement of the Archbishop of Canterbury, his PR motivation was to garner ____________.


__________ is when you have reached an end or stopping point in your campaign and you want to answer the question, "Did it work?"

summative research

In 1970, Milton Friedman published an article titled "The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits," which raised ethical questions about how for-profit companies balance their need to make money with their responsibilities as corporate citizens. At the heart of the matter are competing loyalties. What are those competing loyalties?

loyalty to society and shareholders

Social change agency BritSpot represents the Wikimedia Foundation. They realize their client can best benefit by their see-say-feel-do model of social media metrics. This PR model focuses on __________.

measuring the right outcomes

If you type a tweet and show it to a friend before posting, that is an example of _____________.

message testing

A __________ is a formal explanation of an organization's steady, enduring purpose.

mission statement

Boris, a PR writer, drafts and edits an article, pitches the story to reporters and editors, and hopes that various news media retell the story. What type of PR article did he write?

news release

By definition, __________ organizations exist to do something other than make money for shareholders.


Journalist Brian wrote an article for the Washington Post about a congressman in such a way that it gave the impression he was the congressman's campaign manager. The editor called Brian into his office and directed him to rewrite the article from a more ____________ viewpoint.


Public relations firms often operate within a dichotomy, especially when it comes to statistics. It is a common suspicion that statistics can be manipulated to distort the truth. Yet PR practitioners depend on statistics to clarify complex scenarios for the clients they are advocating. When massaging statistics, practitioners must balance advocacy with _______________.

objective independence

____________ are the clients of public relations and include large corporations, small businesses, nonprofits, schools, government agencies, etc.


Stuart, a PR practitioner, for his client Target, developed a campaign where Target bought all the ad space in the August issue of The New Yorker. The idea of utilizing this type of __________ media was to attract attention by uncluttering the ad environment.


One of the goals of public relations is to communicate with people who are ____________.

part of specific groups with specific interests

____________ is when public relations practitioners encourage the news media to cover stories involving their organizations.


Edelman PR Agency has decided to embark on a program for the nonprofit organization the American Red Cross. They are not going to charge for their services but will submit a plan noting the number of hours they intend to donate by their employees. This type of program is an example of __________.

pro bono work

A guiding principle of good PR is to ____________ tell the truth.


Elton developed and branded a new Bluetooth-enabled door lock. He analyzed the product life cycle and found it to be easy to use and effective. This is an example of which one of the marketing mix basics?


Monica is gathering data for a client's blood drive. She collects demographic statistics on blood donors in the area, the number of e-mail accounts that have received an invitation, and the number of people who respond to a Facebook invitation. The data she is gathering are known as ___________ research.


Parson's Publishing evaluates a college freshman textbook for readability. A sample showed 5 sentences, 94 words, 160 syllables, and 484 characters, with an average of 1.7 syllables per word and 19 words per sentence. This added up to an average readability score for a grade level of 13. This type of message testing is _______________.


Diana is responsible for monitoring Nike's internal and external operating environments from a PR standpoint. However, a public relations crises emerged when news broke that their supply chain included child labor and sweatshops. This crisis could have been avoided by applying __________.

responsible supply chain management

A PR firm in Chicago explores census data, reads market research reports, searches for blogs or news stories on the Web, or reviews research from past case studies to research trends in teen clothing. This type of research is an example of __________.

secondary research

__________ is a narrative presentation analyzing the internal and external environment of an organization and its publics as it relates to the start of a campaign or program.

situation analysis

Jason is a community affairs manager for the Cleveland Indians. He has been a huge fan since childhood. It seems to be a dream job. Among his responsibilities are planning National Anthem performances, military and veterans-related programs, and other special events. He has learned, however, that it takes a lot more than just pastime levels of enthusiasm to keep up with the business side of the 24/7 ups and downs of this area of PR specialization. Which area is it?

sports and entertainment

Bud Fox, a public relations officer for Blue Star Airlines, has learned from upper management that they are going to sell the company. He has family and friends who work at Blue Star. He is asked by the company to keep the information confidential so they will not lose their last major contract and set of work orders. In this obvious conflict-of-interest case, he follows a tenant of crisis management that states "tell it all and tell it fast." This strategy is known as __________.

stealing thunder

Robert, an executive at Ford Motors, is given the task of finding a solution to the growing concern over automobile safety. He contracted with a PR practitioner, Jason, who counseled him to launch a safety campaign including safety researchers, engineers, and law enforcement. In response, Ford changed its vehicle design following feedback from its publics. The relationship between Ford and its publics is ____________.


Sasha is a public affairs specialist with the Department of Defense in Washington. Historically, government jobs have been known for stability and good benefits. One of the downsides, however, is that large government agencies are often burdened with bureaucratic inefficiencies. She has found this downside to be frustrating as an employee, but also frustrating for her primary publics, which are _____________.


Domino's faced a crisis when a video of Domino's employees "tampering" with pizzas went viral. The video, which showed a prankster employee in uniform at a Domino's store sticking cheese up his nose and then putting it on a sandwich, received almost 1 million views before it was taken down. Domino's CEO, Patrick Doyle, then posted his own YouTube video: a formal apology stating, "We sincerely apologize for this incident." The apology received mixed reviews based on its delivery. This crisis response strategy is dubbed _________.

the boomerang effect

In a classic 1919 Supreme Court opinion, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote that you cannot falsely yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater and cause a panic. Some circumstances present enough of a possibility of harmful outcomes that they justify limits on First Amendment freedoms.

the clear and present danger doctrine

Missouri Professor Glen Cameron and his colleagues developed the theory that proposes that the best course of action in any situation depends on the specifics of the situation known as __________.

the contingency theory

Danica is a PR specialist at a multiservice public relations agency. She decides to do pro bono work for her client, a nonprofit animal abuse prevention agency, which needs a brochure to get their message out. Since they have limited funds, she opts to use free online images for the brochure. These images are found in _________.

the public domain

Evaluation in public relations is the process by which we determine ____________.

the value of our work

In an effort to show ____________, a politician releases his tax returns for public viewing.


East Tennessee State University and Mountain States Health Alliance seek state permission to open a nonprofit methadone clinic in Gray, Tennessee. A group, called Citizens to Maintain Gray, organize a meeting in response to questions and concerns about the plan. Joanna, a PR staffer at ETSU, is eager to cooperate with the group to gain valuable community-based input. This effort is an example of which model of public relations?

two-way symmetrical model

Public relations researcher Ruth and her colleagues explored how and why 21- to 31-year-old Americans were using smartphones. They wanted to understand what people do with media, as opposed to what media do to people. This theoretical approach to media research is called __________.

uses and gratifications

PCWorld's Robert Strohmeyer offered sound advice in writing about how to deal with Yelp disasters. What does he discourage you doing?

using hostile communication or flaming

Brett is a self-employed video production specialist contracted by ESPN to finish a project that has raw audio, video, and images already recorded. His duties will include editing, combining media elements, transitions, and special effects. His work is an example of ___________.

video postproduction

If you start at an agency, be prepared to move through multiple positions in your first few ________.


To practice public relations as a professional, ____________.

you do not need a PR license

Ethical dilemmas have come up for practitioners with the growth of social media. For example, it is easy to be deceptive online. If you work for a hotel and your boss asks you to post a positive review of your accommodations on travel websites, what do you do?

you post an honest review

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