Practical Databases

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How to import a CSV into access

1. Open up access External data Text file 2. Click on browse and finde your excel file Click open and OR 3. Click next 4. Tick- first row contains field names Click names 5.Click next Choose your primatie key, if there is non. And if there are 2, click on your primatie key 6. Advanged bottom and change to a full stop


2 opptions Yes or no

Definition of Relational database

2 or more tables that we link together

Explain what a runtime calculation is

A calculation using the information from the table in the database


A particular piece of data (one cell)

Definition of database

A place to store large amounts of sinlar data (same type info)

What is a wild card?

A wildcard is a star *=wildcard K*= begining with K *K=ending with a K *A*= A in the middel


Anything to do with money


Anything with letters, number or symbols

How to create a form to make data entry easier

Create-Form wizard-makesure table is selected-next-next-finish

Date and Time

Date and time

Name the 5 main parts of a standard flat file database

File/table Record Field Item Primary key


Generally heading in the table

Where do you create a runtime calculation?

In the Query


Integer-10 Decimal-10.5


One row The details of one person

Definition of Flat file

Only one table

Advantages when using a Relational database

Primary key- unique identifies record Tables are linked No repeated data Editing once all updated

Explain these features of a database: Primary key Foreign key Relationship (link)

Primary key: Unique record (number) Foreign key: Links the table (primatie key from one table is now in second table) Relationship (link): How they link togehter


The hole table

Explain what a Query is used for

To find specific critreria in a table Filters answers for questions

Primary key

Unique code Key field Used for searches

Disadvantages when using Flat file database

Unorganised Large Repeated data (redvndant data)

Advanced Query

Were you have to write several critiras to find your specific info

Simple Query

Were you only have to type in one critira to find the specific info you need

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