Practice Questions Chapters 39-43

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An elephant has a higher total resting metabolic rate than a mouse. A) True B) False


An increase of _____ increases the permeability of the collecting duct to water. A) ADH (antidiuretic hormone) B) caffeine C) alcohol D) diuretic drug


During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, if the oocyte is not fertilized, a number of events occur that are listed below. Select the answer that places the events in the CORRECT chronological order. Events: 1. The lining of the uterus is shed. 2. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone. 3. Follicle cells are converted to the corpus luteum. 4. The corpus luteum degenerates. 5. Estrogen and progesterone levels fall. A) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 C) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 D) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 E) 5, 2, 3, 4, 1


Essential amino acids are those that: A) cannot be synthesized biochemically and must be taken in through the diet. B) can only be found in plants. C) include minerals such as calcium and iron. D) provide essential vitamins.


Humans are capable of synthesizing 12 of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids without having to obtain them from their diets. A) True B) False


Immunodeficiency is a general term that refers to the loss of: A) one or more components of the immune system. B) functional T cells in the body. C) immune system function with age. D) immune system function because of genetic mutations.


In humans, sex determination is genetic. Specifically, it depends on the presence or absence of the _____ gene residing on the _____ chromosome. The gene produces a protein called _____, which causes the developing gonad to differentiate. A) SRY; Y; TDF B) SRY; X; TDF C) TDF; X; SRY D) TDF; Y; SRY E) SRY; largest; TDF


Male gametes (sperm) develop inside the: A) seminiferous tubules. B) vas deferens. C) urethra. D) seminal vesicles.


Many male insects have specific structures (intromittent organs) that allow transfer of sperm internally to a female's reproductive tract. These structures have a specific morphology that only fits into the reproductive tract of a female of the same species, and results in internal fertilization. Having the lock-and-key fit also provides a: A) pre-zygotic isolating mechanism. B) post-zygotic isolating mechanism.


Meiosis is a form of cell division that: A) halves the chromosome number. B) doubles the chromosome number. C) allows asexual reproduction.


One of the disadvantages of sexual reproduction compared to asexual reproduction is that: A) individuals have lower relatedness to their offspring than asexually reproducing species. B) new genotypes can be introduced into the population. C) deleterious mutations can be removed from the population more easily. D) there is greater variation introduced each generation in sexually reproducing species.


One of the functions of the respiratory system is to rid the body of CO2. Where does the CO2 come from? A) CO2 is a breakdown product of the carbohydrates or lipids oxidized in cellular respiration. B) CO2 is a breakdown product of the carbohydrates or lipids reduced in cellular respiration. C) CO2 is produced when inhaled oxygen combines with carbon atoms from carbohydrates or lipids. D) CO2 is produced when the oxygen atoms of water combine with carbon atoms.


Oocytes are the largest cells by volume in the human body, reflecting the presence of large amounts of cytoplasm containing: A) molecules that direct early cell divisions. B) the developing placenta. C) twice the amount of DNA of other cells in the body. D) polar bodies.


Since many herbivores or ruminants lack cellulase to break down cellulose, how do they digest plants? A) They have gut bacteria that produce cellulase. B) They avoid food containing cellulose. C) They lick rocks to obtain essential minerals. D) They have a larger liver to compensate.


T cell receptors are only able to bind antigens that are presented with MHC proteins. A) True B) False


The _____ is the first section of the small intestine, where food enters from the stomach. A) duodenum B) jejunum C) ileum D) gizzard


The colon absorbs water from food; without the colon, water from drinking must compensate for the loss of water from food. A) True B) False


The respiratory system of which of the following organisms relies on air sacs to move air through the lungs? A) birds B) mammals C) fish D) amphibians E) reptiles


What organ helps concentrate and secrete nitrogenous waste in insects? A) Malpighian tubules B) kidneys C) cloaca D) protonephridia


Which large group of animals consists largely of osmoconformers? A) marine invertebrates B) bony fish C) mammals D) insects E) amphibians


Which of the following is NOT part of the structure of an antibody? A) a major histocompatibility complex B) an antigen-binding site C) heavy chains D) a hypervariable region E) light chains


Which process is responsible for creating MOST of an animal's nitrogenous waste? A) protein breakdown during metabolism B) consuming nitrogen in food C) respiration D) toxins in the environment


You have just finished a really long workout at the gym. You sweat quite a bit, and now feel thirsty. Na+ reabsorption will increase in the distal convoluted tubule. A) True B) False


You have just finished a really long workout at the gym. You sweat quite a bit, and now feel thirsty. The number of aquaporins in the collecting ducts will increase. A) True B) False


You have just finished a really long workout at the gym. You sweat quite a bit, and now feel thirsty. You have lost a lot of water and some ions while sweating. Decreased Na+ in body fluids (Na+ depletion) _____ renin secretion. A) increases B) decreases C) has no effect on


You have just finished a really long workout at the gym. You sweat quite a bit, and now feel thirsty. You have lost a lot of water and some ions while sweating. Increased solute concentration of body fluids _____ vasopressin (ADH) secretion. A) increases B) decreases C) has no effect on


Freshwater fish: (Select all that apply.) A) lose electrolytes across gills. B) gain water across gills. C) gain electrolytes across gills. D) gain electrolytes from drinking. E) lose water across gills.

A and B

Water passes through lipid bilayers: (Select all that apply.) A) directly by diffusion. B) through aquaporins by facilitated diffusion. C) through protein pumps and active transport. D) through gap junctions. E) through hemidesmosomes.

A and B

What are possible mechanisms of action for phagocytes? (Select all that apply.) A) They engulf and digest pathogens with lysosome-enclosed enzymes. B) They destroy pathogens by the production of reactive nitrogen species. C) They specifically target and kill virus-infected cells. D) They form membrane attack complexes (MACs).

A and B

When a species produces gametes of different sizes: (Select all that apply.) A) the smaller are designated as male and are called sperm, or spermatozoa. B) the larger are designated as female and are called eggs, or ova. C) the smaller are designated as female and are called eggs, or ova. D) the larger are designated as male and are called sperm, or spermatozoa.

A and B

Which of the following statements is(are) true regarding bacteria in the human body? (Select all that apply.) A) Human bodies may contain pathogenic bacteria, but these are often kept in check by other (nonpathogenic) species. B) Human bodies contain bacteria that are beneficial to certain processes (for example, digestion). C) Cholera is caused by a bacterium that infects and disables part of the immune system.

A and B

A person's blood pressure falls. Which of the following would you expect to occur? (Select all that apply.) A) circulating concentrations of renin will increase B) circulating concentrations of angiotensin II will decrease C) water uptake by the distal convoluted tubule will increase D) circulating concentrations of aldosterone will decrease

A and C

In a mammal's bloodstream, where would you expect to find oxygen? (Select all that apply.) A) dissolved in blood plasma B) attached to the heme group of myoglobin in red blood cells C) attached to the heme groups of hemoglobin in red blood cells D) attached to the heme group of myosin in red blood cells E) dissolved in hemolymph

A and C

Which of the following statements about gametogenesis is CORRECT? (Select all that apply.) A) In human males, spermatogenesis begins at puberty. B) In human females, primary oocytes form during puberty. C) In human females, the egg that is released during ovulation is a primary oocyte. D) In human females, a secondary oocyte arrests in metaphase II. E) In human males, spermatogenesis results in one full-sized sperm and three polar bodies.

A and D

In males, testosterone: (Select all that apply.) A) directs the development of male reproductive structures during embryogenesis. B) directs development of male secondary sexual characters during puberty. C) helps maintain adult health. D) acts on Sertoli cells. E) acts on Leydig cells.

A, B, C, and D

Which of the following is found in Bowman's space? (Select all that apply.) A) water B) glucose C) wastes D) solutes from the blood E) large proteins

A, B, C, and D

Among animals, viviparity may be found in: (Select all that apply.) A) mammals. B) reptiles. C) sharks. D) insects. E) birds.

A, B, and C

Depending on their environments, animals may gain electrolytes: (Select all that apply.) A) from food. B) from seawater. C) across gills and skin. D) through cellular respiration. E) from exposure to ultraviolet light.

A, B, and C

The foregut includes the: (Select all that apply.) A) mouth. B) esophagus. C) stomach or crop. D) small intestine. E) large intestine.

A, B, and C

The pancreas produces a variety of secretions, including: (Select all that apply.) A) lipase for fat digestion. B) trypsin for further protein digestion. C) bicarbonate ions to neutralize stomach acid. D) methane from fermentation. E) gastrin to stimulate HCl production.

A, B, and C

A genetic mutation causes an individual to produce hemoglobin molecules that do not change their binding affinity for oxygen, even after oxygen binds to a single heme site. How will this mutation affect the transport of oxygen through the individual's bloodstream? A) More oxygen will be transported by hemoglobin to tissues throughout the body. B) Oxygen will not be bound or released from hemoglobin as readily, limiting O2 delivery to the tissues. C) The same amount of oxygen will be transported by hemoglobin to tissues throughout the body.


A veterinarian receives a heart to dissect, but he has no information regarding the origin of the heart. He notices that the heart has three chambers. What can he deduce? A) The heart was taken from a fish. B) The heart was taken from an amphibian or reptile. C) The heart was taken from a bird. D) The heart was taken from a mammal. E) The heart was taken from a fish or a reptile.


Bones of a developing fetus develop from the: A) endoderm. B) mesoderm. C) ectoderm.


Cells with class I MHC proteins that contain a foreign antigen will be destroyed after: A) being bound by helper T cells. B) being bound by cytotoxic T cells. C) stimulating the MAC. D) releasing histamine.


Consider a mutation that occurs in the gene for the progesterone receptor so it no longer can bind progesterone. What would be the effect of such a mutation? A) The uterine lining would be maintained throughout the menstrual cycle. B) The uterine lining would not increase to a level able to support pregnancy. C) The uterine lining would be shed continuously. D) The uterine lining would be shed as usual throughout the menstrual cycle.


Developmentally, which tissue layer divides and produces the structures found in the male reproductive system? A) endoderm B) mesoderm C) ectoderm


Each of the major hypotheses proposed to explain why sexual reproduction is more widespread than asexual reproduction ultimately bases its explanation on the adaptive benefit of: A) forming gametes of different sizes. B) forming genetically distinct offspring. C) forming large populations. D) forming relatively slow-growing populations. E) reducing mutation rates.


Fertilization by more than one sperm would result in a polyploidy and an inviable zygote. What is the FIRST line of defense against polyspermy? A) species specific recognition of proteins on the outer coat of the egg B) changes in the membrane potential of the egg prohibiting additional sperm from entering C) products released from the egg changing the zona pellucida of the egg and prohibiting additional sperm from entering D) capacitation in the sperm fertilizing the egg


Human pregnancy lasts _____ weeks and is divided into three trimesters. A) 24 B) 38 C) 56 D) 72


If the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in a man's blood plasma decreased below that in his red blood cells, what would be the result? A) More oxygen would diffuse into his red blood cells and be transported throughout his body. B) Oxygen would diffuse out of his red blood cells, and less oxygen would be transported throughout his body. C) The concentration of oxygen would be the same in red blood cells and blood plasma.


Imagine that a young girl suffers a horseback-riding injury, and one of her ribs punctures her diaphragm. How will this injury affect the girl's breathing? A) The injury will make it easier to increase negative air pressure in her chest cavity, making inhalation easier. B) The injury will make it more difficult to increase negative air pressure in her chest cavity, making inhalation more difficult. C) The injury will make it more difficult to decrease negative air pressure in her chest cavity, making inhalation more difficult. D) The injury will not affect her at all, as intercostal muscles are responsible for breathing.


Mammals and birds have four-chambered hearts and fully divided pulmonary and systemic circulations. The circulatory systems of reptiles and amphibians are sometimes presented as "inferior" because pulmonary and systemic circulations are not completely separate. What might be an advantage to incompletely separated circuits in these organisms? A) Incompletely separated circuits take less energy to function. B) In incompletely separated circuits, the distribution of blood flow can be adjusted, depending on whether or not the animal is breathing air through its lungs. C) Incompletely separated circuits allow for higher blood pressure and therefore increased blood flow.


Most vegetarians have to watch their diet closely and eat certain foods in combination, like lentils and corn, to obtain all of their essential amino acids. Which of the following statements is the BEST explanation of why this is so? A) Lentils are a food high in protein, therefore eating lentils is a good alternative to eating meat. B) Eating meat provides all eight essential amino acids; because vegetarians don't eat meat, they must combine foods in a way that provides those essential amino acids. C) Lentils and corn provide precursors to the eight essential amino acids, therefore when they are eaten together the body can produce the essential amino acids. D) Eating meat only provides some of the essential amino acids, therefore it is fine that vegetarians don't eat meat.


Osmoregulators have _____ internal solute concentrations compared to their external environment. A) the same B) different C) always lower D) always higher


Osmosis is the movement of water: A) from lower water concentration to higher water concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. B) from higher water concentration to lower water concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. C) between equal water concentration levels across a selectively permeable membrane. D) from warmer areas to cooler areas across a selectively permeable membrane.


Some populations of cheetahs in Africa have been shown to be highly inbred. Individuals in the population are so closely related to each other that they do not reject skin transplants from other individuals in the population. Which of the following statements would also be TRUE based on this information? A) Individuals in this population lack cytotoxic T cells. B) Individuals in this population have the same MHC proteins. C) Individuals in this population have MHC proteins that are unable to bind antigens. D) Individuals in this population lack Class II MHC proteins.


T cell maturation in the thymus requires selection of T cells: A) with adequate variability to bind foreign antigens. B) that do not bind tightly to self antigens. C) that recognize MHC I alleles. D) that recognize MHC II alleles.


The digestive tracts of cows and cats are structurally different. Cows have a "fermentation chamber" in their foregut that houses bacteria. Why might this anatomical structure benefit the cow? A) Cows are larger than cats, therefore these chambers are necessary because of the size difference. B) Cows are herbivores and do not produce cellulase. The chambers house bacteria that produce cellulase and make more of the nutrients in the cows' food available for absorption. C) Cows are herbivorous and the bacteria that live in the fermentation chambers increase the amount of nutrition that cows can absorb from the meat that they eat. D) Cows are herbivorous and need the fermentation chambers to acquire the extra energy from anaerobic respiration that is carried out there by the bacteria.


The majority of fluid that enters the nephron: A) moves into the loop of Henle. B) is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule. C) exits the nephron through the collecting duct. D) is reabsorbed by the descending loop of Henle.


The release of lutenizing hormone (LH) is preceded by a: A) release of GnRH. B) surge of estradiol. C) surge of progesterone. D) surge of FSH.


When a B cell binds an antigen, it undergoes clonal selection, and B cells that don't present the appropriate antibody die. A) True B) False


Which part of the kidney creates a concentration gradient? A) microvilli B) loop of Henle C) renal pelvis D) ureter


You are a doctor examining a patient whose thymus never developed because of a medical condition called DiGeorge syndrome. You know that this usually results from the deletion of part of chromosome 22. The karyotype of this patient shows one copy of chromosome 22 that is of normal length; the second copy is shortened. This indicates that the genotype of this patient is _____ and that the expression of this trait is _____. A) homozygous dominant; dominant B) heterozygous; dominant C) heterozygous; recessive D) homozygous recessive; recessive


You are a doctor who examines a swollen and warm puncture wound on the hand of a patient. Because the wound was made by a rusty nail, you are concerned about infection by Clostridium tetani bacteria, which cause tetanus. You are relieved to see that the patient received a tetanus vaccine at her last checkup a year ago. The vaccine: A) exposed the patient to C. tetani so that she contracted a mild version of tetanus. B) exposed the patient to deactivated C. tetani, so that her B cells would produce antibodies to the bacteria with no risk of contracting the disease. C) stimulated the production of mast cells by her bone marrow. D) exposed the patient to other types of bacteria, so that her immune system would be prepared for infection by prokaryotes.


You have just finished a really long workout at the gym. You managed to sweat quite a bit, and now feel thirsty. Your posterior pituitary gland is secreting vasopressin. Increased vasopressin (ADH) secretion _____ urine output. A) increases B) decreases C) has no effect on


Which of the following best describes the characteristics of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle? (Select all that apply.) A) It is permeable to water. B) It actively transports electrolytes. C) It is impermeable to water. D) Its filtrate is mainly urea. E) Its filtrate becomes more and more concentrated.

B and C

You are a doctor examining a patient whose thymus is underdeveloped because of a medical condition called DiGeorge syndrome. What concerns do you have about this patient's immune system? (Select all that apply.) A) The level of antigens in the blood will be low. B) Cell-mediated immunity will be weakened. C) The possibility of autoimmune diseases will have increased because T cell maturation will be affected.

B and C

Among the multiple types of teeth, _____ are used predominantly for crushing and grinding. A) incisors B) canines C) molars and premolars D) wisdom teeth


An animal's foregut includes the: A) large intestine. B) small intestine. C) esophagus. D) All these choices are correct.


During what stage of human development does implantation in the uterus occur? A) during the first cleavage B) morula stage C) blastula stage D) during gastrulation


How is the blood filtered through the glomerulus into the proximal convoluted tubule? A) Diffusion is the process that causes filtrate to leave the blood and move into the proximal convoluted tubule. B) Osmosis is the process that causes filtrate to leave the blood and move into the proximal convoluted tubule. C) Blood pressure is the process that causes filtrate to leave the blood and move into the proximal convoluted tubule. D) Active transport is the process that causes filtrate to leave the blood and move into the proximal convoluted tubule.


Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. Which of the following would you expect to be a symptom of lupus? A) an increase in ciliary action of the esophagus B) increased phagocytosis of bacterial pathogens in the body C) B cells binding to antigens on host cells and targeting their degradation D) increased blood clotting if the skin is cut.


One of the important outcomes of gastrulation is the establishment of germ layers. What would be the outcome if gastrulation failed to occur? A) Only skin and the digestive tract would develop. B) Only skin would develop. C) Tissues and organs would not develop and the pregnancy would not be viable. D) Only skin and muscle would develop.


Skin is an important part of the immune response because: A) it is relatively porous. B) the presence of white blood cells on the surface provides protection to the host. C) it acts as a barrier to keep out pathogens. D) bacteria on the surface kill viruses that touch the skin.


Tetanus is a bacterial infection that is commonly acquired from puncture wounds. Why do you need to be vaccinated against the flu every year, but you only need a virus booster against tetanus every 10 years? A) Antibody production against viruses drops off about 10 times faster than antibody production against bacterial infections, so you need to be vaccinated 10 times more frequently against the flu. B) The flu is everywhere but bacterial infections are incredibly rare, so you don't need to be as careful in maintaining your immunity against them. C) There is a higher rate of mutation in viruses than in bacteria, so you need to change the antibodies you are producing (through vaccination) every year for the flu. D) Infections that enter the body through the bloodstream (like tetanus) are much less toxic than infections that enter the body through binding to epithelial cells (like the flu).


The adaptive immune system does NOT include: A) memory cells. B) plasma cells. C) mast cells. D) T cells. E) B cells.


The complement system refers to: A) proteins present on macrophages that recognize foreign proteins. B) proteins circulating in the blood that are activated by opsonization. C) proteins circulating in the blood that are activated by antibodies or molecules on pathogens. D) proteins that are activated when histamine levels increase.


The digestive tract is well adapted for digestion and absorption. For most nutrients, once material is in the digestive tract, the digestive system does not vary its rate of absorption according to body needs. A) This is an example of a homeostatic positive feedback mechanism. B) This is an example of a homeostatic negative feedback mechanism. C) This response is not homeostatic.


The large number of antibodies that can be produced in a single individual is a result of a single B cell: A) producing multiple unique antibodies by genomic rearrangement. B) being able to produce unique antibodies from both the maternal and paternal alleles. C) producing a unique antibody from all other B cells by genomic rearrangement. D) secreting multiple antibodies that will be presented on the surface of other B cells.


The lock-and-key fit of the genitalia of many male and female insects of the same species is an important part of ensuring reproductive success. Which of the following statements provides an explanation for the fit and shape of insect genitalia? A) In order to achieve high reproductive success males choose to have genitalia that fit only into the reproductive tracts of females from different species so that they can start new species. B) In order to be successful on land and ensure fertilization, males choose genitalia that only fit into female genitalia of the same species. C) Success in terrestrial environments was increased because sperm were deposited within a female of the same species and increased the probability of fertilization. D) Success in terrestrial environments was increased because males who deposited sperm within females helped to ensure survival of the species once they had colonized land.


Uric acid is: A) often produced by fish. B) the least energy-expensive way to dispose of nitrogen waste. C) the least toxic form of nitrogen waste. D) associated with high water loss.


Virus-infected cells are detected and destroyed by which cell-mediated immune response? A) B cells B) helper T cells C) cytotoxic T cells D) macrophages


Water levels are adjusted to meet the osmoregulatory needs of the organism in the _____ of the nephron under the control of _____, also called vasopressin. A) distal convoluted tubule; antidiuretic hormone B) loops of Henle; antidiuretic hormone C) collecting ducts; antidiuretic hormone D) distal convoluted tubule; diuretic hormone E)collecting ducts; diuretic hormone


What would happen to a mammalian heart if the nerves leading to it were severed? A) The heart muscle would stop contracting. B) The heart muscle would contract randomly. C) The heart muscle would continue to contract but its contraction rate may change. D) Only the atria would be able to contract. E) Systolic contraction would still occur, but diastolic relaxation could not occur.


Which is NOT an advantage of asexual reproduction? A) Asexual reproduction does not involve finding a mate. B) Asexual reproduction allows rapid reproduction and population increases. C) Asexual reproduction increases genetic diversity within the population. D) Asexual reproduction can occur despite low population density.


Which of the following CORRECTLY lists a germ layer with the adult tissues it forms? A) ectoderm: outer layer of the skin, bone, posterior pituitary gland B) mesoderm: muscle, bone, pancreas C) endoderm: lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts, liver D) ectoderm: nervous system, cornea and lens of the eye, kidney E) mesoderm: bone, connective tissue, liver


Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding myoglobin? A) It transports O2 in the bloodstream. B) It possesses four heme groups. C) It is found within muscle tissue. D) It is not found in marine mammals. E) It irreversibly binds to O2.


Which of the following structures is responsible for containing waste in the amniotic egg? A) amnion B) chorion C) allantois D) yolk sac E) shell


Which part of the digestive tract is the predominant location for water and mineral absorption? A) foregut B) midgut C) hindgut D) crop


Which structure is also known as the birth canal? A) uterus B) cervix C) vagina D) ovary E) fallopian tube or oviduct


What are some of the ways that viruses can bypass an animal's immune system? (Select all that apply.) A) antigenic disappearance B) antigenic variation C) antigenic shift D) antigenic drift

C and D

Which hormone(s) do ovaries secrete? A) estrogen B) testosterone C) progesterone D) estrogen and progesterone

C and D

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding respiration in mammals? (Select all that apply.) A) Air moves in a unidirectional fashion through the lungs. B) Gas exchange occurs in the bronchioles. C) Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli. D) Respiration depends on changes in air pressure in the chest cavity. E) Respiration depends on contractions of the diaphragm.

C, D, and E

A man is scratched by his cat. A phagocyte near the scratch site recognizes and engulfs a bacterium. Shortly thereafter, more phagocytes arrive in the tissue surrounding the scratch. How are the additional phagocytes recruited to the site of the scratch? A) by antigens secreted by the bacteria B) by cytokines produced by the bacteria C) by antigens secreted by the initial phagocyte D) by cytokines secreted by the initial phagocyte


An animal's metabolic rate can be affected by its: A) activity level. B) body size. C) body temperature. D) All of these choices are correct.


Gastrulation results in the formation of which germ layer(s)? A) ectoderm B) mesoderm C) endoderm D) All of these choices are correct.


In humans, fertilization usually occurs in the: A) vagina. B) cervix. C) uterus. D) fallopian tubes. E) ovaries.


Most mammals excrete _____; most aquatic animals excrete _____; birds, insects, and many reptiles excrete _____. A) uric acid; urea; ammonia B) uric acid; ammonia; urea C) urea; uric acid; ammonia D) urea; ammonia; uric acid E) ammonia; urea; uric acid


The basic unit of the kidney, the nephron, contains: A) the glomerulus. B) renal tubules. C) the collecting duct. D) All of these choices are correct.


When animals excrete nitrogenous waste, what form does it take? A) ammonia B) urea C) uric acid D) All of these choices are correct.


Which chemicals or enzymes are secreted by the stomach after eating? A) hydrochloric acid (HCl) B) pepsin C) gastrin D) All of these choices are correct.


Which of the following animals is NOT oviparous? A) fish B) bird C) platypus D) mouse


Which of the following are forms of asexual reproduction? A) budding B) fragmentation C) parthenogenesis D) All of these choices are correct.


Which of the following is an advantage of producing very concentrated urine? A) minimizing water loss B) reducing the need to drink C) ability to live in drier environments D) All of these choices are correct.


Which of the following species is most likely a K-strategist? A) butterfly B) frog C) fish D) chimpanzee


Which of the following type of cell produces antibodies? A) helper T cells B) cytotoxic T cells C) mast cells D) B cells E) natural killer cells


You are a doctor who examines a swollen and warm puncture wound on the hand of a patient. Which was NOT a response of the patient's immune system to this injury when it occurred? A) Antibodies were produced as part of the adaptive immune response. B) Phagocytes attacked foreign cells that entered the wound. C) The innate immune system triggered an inflammation response. D) Cell division was inhibited at the wound site.


Horses are large herbivores that lack the four-chambered stomach of foregut fermenters like cows. You would therefore expect the equine (horse) gut to have an enlarged _____ relative to omnivores of similar size. A) stomach B) small intestine C) liver D) pancreas E) cecum


Innate immunity activation depends on: A) previous exposure to a foreign antigen. B) diversity of antibodies in the blood stream. C) MHC class II proteins. D) memory B cells. E) None of the answer options is correct.


Which of the following is required to activate a helper T cell, which in turn can stimulate antibody production by B cells? A) an antigen B) an antibody C) a major histocompatibility complex D) an antibody and a major histocompatibility complex protein E) an antigen and a major histocompatibility complex protein


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