Practice Questions for Personality Exam 1

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a. overcome a feeling of inferiority

According to Adler, every neurosis can be understood as an attempt to a. overcome a feeling of inferiority b. defend against inappropriate or dangerous impulses c. avoid the process of individuation d. repress memories of childhood trauma e. confront the shadow

b. id

According to Freud, the _____ is the reservoir of energy for the whole personality. a. eros b. id c. ego d. superego e. preconscious

c. his jealous rivalry with is older brother

Adler's early work was strongly influenced by a. the death of his sister b. his concern with religious and spiritual questions c. his jealous rivalry with his older brother d. his family's poverty e. the divorce of his parents

b. the libido

All of the following are dimensions of lifestyle EXCEPT: a. ethical convictions b. the libido c. the self-idea d. the self concept e. one's image of the world

d. identifying with the persona

All of the following are stages of individuation process EXCEPT: a. confronting the anima or animus b. unveiling the persona d. identifying with the persona e. confronting the shadow

a. child discipline

Almost every modern book on parenting makes use of Adler's principles of a. child discipline b. sibling rivalry c. lifestyle d. individuation e. all of the above

c. ambitions and ideals

For Kohut, the self became a term that included one's: a. striving for superiority b. sexual and aggressive impulses c. ambitions and ideals d. transitional objects e. all of the above

e. envy of social power that is often available only to men

For a woman, according to Horney, penis envy may signify a. an assumption among women that they are, in reality, slightly inferior b. a masochism fundamental to women c. an expression of fundamental aggressive impulses d. a form of organ inferiority e. envy of social power that is often available only to men

b. one's attempt to actualize one's idealized self

Horney's term "the search for glory" refers to a. the goal of effective psychotherapy b. one's attempt to actualize one's idealized self c. the pressure of parental expectations d. a transcendent stage of human development e. the striving for superiority

d. moving toward, moving against, and moving away

Horney's three interpersonal strategies of defense are: a. narcissistic, perfectionistic, and arrogant-vindictive solutions b. neurotic pride, neurotic claims and tyrannical shoulds c. self-idealization, self-pride, and self-hate d. moving toward, moving against, and moving away e. helplessness, hostility and isolation

e. Ernst Brucke

Some of Freud's faith in the biological origins of consciousness may be traced to his early work with: a. Fliess b. Max Ernst c. Breuer d. Darwin e. Ernst Brucke

a. sublimation

Taking a cold shower in lieu of sexual activity is a sign of: a. sublimation b. a very inadequate sexual life c. denial d. anxiety e. repression

e. the whole can have properties that are not shared by any of its parts

The philosophy of holism states that a. any whole is simply the sum of its parts b. every individual is a part of a greater whole c. the process of individuation can make a person whole d. the collective unconscious represents an integrated whole. e. the whole can have properties that are not shared by any of its parts

a. we have neglected or have never developed in ourselves

The shadow represents a part of ourselves that a. we have neglected or have never developed in ourselves b. we remember clearly c. is related to attributes connected to the opposite sex d. is always recognized e. can never be a part of our conscious thoughts

c. latency

The time between ages 5 to 6 until the onset of puberty when the unresolvable sexual desires of the phallic stage are NOT attended to by the ego but are successfully repressed by the superego is know as what period? a. genital b. pre-pubertal c. latency d. egocentric e. anal retentive

a. its contents do not come from personal experience

Which of the following is true of the collective unconscious? a. its contents do not come from personal experience b. its contents vary from person to person c. its contents vary according to geographical distribution d. its contents consist of information learned by the individual over a lifetime e. all of the above

d. the id and the superego

Which of the following major structures of personality are NOT archetypes? a. the shadow and the self b. the anima and the animus c. the ego and the persona d. the id and the superego e. none of the above is an archetype

e. cathexis

Which of the following terms refers to the process by which libido is attached to or invested in a specific person, idea or thing? a. transference b. anxiety c. wish fulfillment d. fixation e. cathexis

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