Pre-Ap World Geography Exam Review

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Explain how man adapts to living in areas with hurricanes, monsoons, and tsunamis.

floating homes,houses on stills, swaying building for earthquakes, housing/building codes, using specific building materials, and building dome shaped homes

Draw the social pyramid of the Neolithic Era

(from bottom to top) commoners and salves (80%), then up was warriors (18%), then up nobles (1%), then the top was royalty (1%)

List the processes of climate (LAMECOW)

Latitude, Air Masses, Mountain Barriers, Elevate (altitude), Continental Placement, Ocean Currents, and Wind Currents

Explain how imperialism (past) affected modern Côte d'Ivoire

It made the country known for making chocolate and producing it, earned them a money source but now they rely on the chocolate industry and if the industry fails the country is going to take a big hit to their economy

List the most common location for industrial activities

Less developed and newly industrialized countries

Complete the chart

-Absolute Monarchy, Saudi Arabia, Authoritarian, monarch: King Salman, absolute power without limits -Theocracy, Vatican City, Authoritarian, ruled by religious leader/group, law based on holy book; religious beliefs -One Party Rule, China, Authoritarian, communism, one political party rules -Totalitarian Dictatorship, North Korea, Authoritarian, one person/small group using fear & force (dictator), total control -Representative Democracy/Republic, Brazil, Democracy, people vote for electoral officials, a document defines & protects rights

List the key reasons of exploration and colonization

-God (practice religion in peace) -gold (wealth from mercantilism) -glory (bragging rights/building their empire) -growth (move people out of overcrowded cities into colonization)

Complete the entire Chart

-Traditional Economy(subsistence), Honduras, framer/family, for survival (usually agriculture), manual/animal labor, bartering: exchange of foods and services without the use of money -Free Market Economy (capitalism), USA, consumers, sellers, & owners, private ownership, prices based on supply & demand, little or no government interference -Command Economy(communism), North Korea, government, state government controlled, no supply & demand, consumer needs not important, centrally planned, no private ownership -Mixed Economy(socialism), France, government & private industry work together, "mix" of market & command economy, some government owned businesses, some privately owned

List the four roles of a political system.

-keep order (executive branch) -make laws (legislative branch) -protect borders (military) -provide information

List the human activity that led to the rise of ancient civilizations

-near fresh water -permanent settlement; stable food source -cities with organized government and complex religions -writing systems -specialized jobs

List the two technologies used in arid (dry) regions

1. Drip Irrigation 2.Dams

List and describe the four points of view of those who depend on the resources of the Amazon Rainforest.

1:Indigenous people-their home and they have to protect it (protect it), 2:Environmentalist-protect it from profit (protect it), 3:Cattle Ranching and Farmers-make profit from it

Provide the title for this graphic.

A line graph and bar graph showing temperature and precipitation of a mountain

Compare authoritarian governments and democracies.

Authoritarian government: leader power, leaders in control Democracy: people power, people are in control

Define biome

Biome: a major community of soils, plants, and animals that interact and are interdependent in a specific climate.

List the causes and effects of shrinking lakes (Lake Chad/Aral Sea).

Causes: Lake Chad- drought, water withdrawals for irrigation, and other human uses Causes: Aral Sea- 90% of the water goes to irrigating rice and cotton fields planted in the desert lands

Compare cottage industries and commercial industries (manufacturing)

Cottage industries:made by hand Commercial industries: manufacturing (factories)

Define and give an example of culture convergence.

Culture Convergence: cultures growing more alike example: former British colonies speaking English

Define and give an example of cultural divergence.

Culture Divergence: restriction from other cultures, cultures become different, less alike example: Amish culture

Define and give an example of culture diffusion

Culture diffusion: the spread of culture Example: Colombian Exchange

Define culture and explain how it is obtained?

Culture: a learned way of life; certain traits, activities, and beliefs a group of people share. It is obtained by people, goods, and ideas come into contact.

List the ESN causes of the Industrial Revolution

E: need for jobs, SEZ/foreign investments (factories), capital ($) from colonization, cheap labor force, funded industry with the sale of products like silk S:large, educated population accepting low wages, steam engine development, urbanized society N:resources (iron ore, river, coal), need for resources

List the key traits for character of place.

Economic ($): making, subsistence vs. commercial, agriculture, trade, industry Social (people): groups, culture, families, gender roles. Political (government): politics, wars, role of citizens eNviroment (nature): physical geography, nature, climates, HEI

Define each: Economic System, Political System

Economic System: the ways countries distribute resources and trade goods and services Political System: the set of formal legal institutions that constitute a "government" or a "state".

List the economic activities responsible for deforestation of the Amazon.

Economic: logging, intensive agriculture, small-scale agriculture, soy cultivation, and cattle ranching Social: the poor were growing and advised to clear land/immigrate to the Amazon Rainforest

Explain the difference between economic, social, and political.

Economic:dealing with money and the economy Social: dealing with people and things affecting people Political: dealing with politics/government and peoples roles

Explain how the European Colonization led to industrialization. (What's the connection?)

Europe already had industrialization and when they moved to the Americas they started transitioning into industrialization

List the long-lasting economic and environmental impacts of industrialization in Europe and China

Europe: led to imperialism, economic development, and harm to the environment, middle class China: economic development, highly globalized, middle class, industrialization-air, water, soil pollution, CO2 plant emissions

Describe how the Columbian Exchange impacted the indigenous population

European colonization basically wiped almost the whole indigenous population killing 24 out of the 25 million people

List the 4 major geography biomes.

Forest, Grassland, Desert, and Tundra *Fat Gerbils Do the Tango"

Define imperialism. List causes and effects of imperialism

Imperialism: a strong nation taking control over a weaker nation with control over; land, people, economy, government Causes: political power, for land, support industrialization, raw materials, and markets to sell manufactured goods Effects: cultural diffusion and convergence, created new social classes, loss of indigenous people, & many former colonies= less developed

Define infrastructure and give examples

Infrastructure:"structures" needed to have a strong economy Ex: roads, buildings, schools, hospitals, police

Draw the social pyramid of the Americas during and after the Columbian Exchange

On the bottom was Africans and Native Americans (slaves), then up was mixed people (Mestizos and Creole), then the top were Europeans

Define desalination

Removing salt from ocean/sea water

Compare and contrast industrialization of England (during Industrial Revolution) and modern China

Similarity: both economic systems grew from people willing ti work for less money, urbanization and a growing middle class resulted from their large populations, both countries environments suffered due to the rapid rate of industrialization Differences: China is a mixed economy and England is a free market economy, England's air, water, and soil pollution is not as bad compared to China's

Identify the European countries that had the greatest impact on Latin America

Spain and Portugal

List the elements of culture.

T.R.I.C.L T-technology r-religion I-institutions c-customs/tradition L-language

Describe (illustrate) terrace farming and list the purpose.

Terrace Farming: "stair step" farming in the mountains/ hills Purpose: prevent soil/water erosion

Give examples of cultural convergence of the Columbian exchange

The adoption of European languages, mixed people population grew, the conversion to Christianity, and the spread of music

Identify the purpose of a warning system located in the Pacific Ring of Fire.

The system allows people to be aware that a catastrophic event is about to happen and they need to find their way to safety before it's too late.

Describe patterns of human settlement before and after the Neolithic Era

The transition from nomadic (wanderers) hunter-gatherers to permanent settlement agriculture

Compare the windward side of the mountain to the leeward side of the mountain.

The windward side is wet and the leeward side is dry.

Explain how wind currents and ocean currents impact climate?

They distribute the sun's heat across the Earth. Warm currents from the equator brings warmth, and cold currents from the poles lower temperatures.

Describe the role of government in a pure market economy (true capitalism)

They're there to regulate businesses and makings sure everything being done is legal

List the most common location for agricultural activities

Western Europe (former imperial powers), more developed countries

List the key traits of dense region. List key traits of sparse regions.

dense region: crowded/dense population, rivers, agriculture=trade routes, sparse region:

List three ways man depends on and adapts to rivers.

depend on: water activities, supply water for drip irrigation, transportation adapt to: human infrastructure, dredging, dams and hydroelectricity

Draw the political spectrum

on the left would be government control (authoritarian governments) and on the right would be individual liberty (democratic governments)

Define the Columbian Exchange. Explain how a. it is an example of cultural diffusion b. creates cultural convergence c. creates cultural divergence

a. Cultural diffusion happened when old world people brought coffee, sugar, horses, & disease to the new world, and took potatoes, tomatoes, and tobacco to the old world b. Convergence happened when with the adoption of European language, mixed people population grew, the conversion to Christianity and the spread of music c. Divergence happened when new social classes formed and the loss of local culture happened

List and describe: a.Formal Regions (3 types) b.Functional Regions c.Perceptual Regions

a. Formal: based on facts; proven 1) physical: climate, deserts, rain forests, ex: Amazon Rainforest 2) political: define by boundary (borders), created by the government, ex: where Texas ends and Oklahoma begins 3) cultural: religion, ethnicity/language, ex: Amish, Chinatown, Spanish speaking b. Functional: movement of people, goods, products, & ideas, center (hub) + surrounding areas, ex: pizza delivery areas, airports, trains

Describe the impact of natural disasters (monsoons, hurricanes, tsunamis) on: a. people: b. economy: c. property:

a. people: loss of crops, livestock, businesses, and displacement (homelessness) b. economy: repair costed million-billions c. property: loss of lives and homes

Define arable. Explain how arable land is used.

arable: used or suitable for growing crops

Identify the purpose of the line graph. Identify the purpose of the bar graph.

line graph: shows the temperature over the year bar graph: shows the precipitation over the year

Describe the location and purpose of dikes

location: steep lands used for agriculture purpose: dikes keep back the sea water

List the pros and cons of building dams.

pros(+): stops flooding, clean energy source, used for the agriculture and fisheries. cons(-): expensive, foods other land, loss of homes, habits, and history, creates conflict over water

Describe dredging

removal of sediment from waterways by scooping

Compare renewable and non-renewable resources and energy.

renewable energy: energy that can be recycled and doesn't run out nonrenewable energy: energy that cannot be recycled or reused

Compare subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture.

subsistence agriculture: supporting oneself for food/survival-minimum level commercial agriculture: large scale production and widespread distribution; sold for profit

List the technology that promotes culture change at a very rapid rate.

trade routes and innovations

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