Pre-Columbian Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs

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What is the definition of Calpolli?

"Big House" or family. Each Calpolli owned a plot of land to provide food for its members. Aztecs called families calpollis. Calpollis were responsible for giving part of their harvest to the government (like a tax).

How did Incas get around

Incas built a system of roads (12,000 miles) for pedestrians. they did not have wheeled vehicles.

What is an emperor?

A male ruler (of an empire)

Definition of Technology

A more efficient way of doing something. Meant to make tasks easier

Definition of Pedestrian

A person who walks.


A system of knotted cords of different sizes and colors used by the Incas for keeping records. Used to remember numbers and knots & cord colors had special meaning.

Aztec Culture

Beautiful feather work and ______ for art

Definition of Culture

Beliefs, customs, and ways of life for a particular group of people

How did Aztecs farm?

Build ___________ in the water and used planting sticks for farming

How did the Aztec's communicate?

Codex and hieroglyphics

What was a famous Mayan Marketplace

Court of a Thousand Columns

How did Incas farm?

Used Terrace Farming (created stands) in the mountains to make land

Definition of Irrigation Systems

Used to carry water from streams or reviers to farm fields.

Definition of Civilization

A well developed and organized society that share common believes about science and religion.

Definition of Codex?

A book of picture writing made by the Aztecs and Mayas.

Definition of City-State

A large city or region in Aztec civilization. Each one had its own government and culture. Examples of Aztec City-States include Tenochtitlan, Texaco, and Tlatelolco.

When did the Mayan civilization decline?

Drought caused by significant deforestation, led to decreased crops, which resulted in less water and starvation. Mayans left to find food and shelter, and a good area to grow crops.

Aztec's were great ______________

Expanded their civilization Jobs: artisans, traders, warriors

What is definition of surplus

Extra of something

Who conquered the Incas?

Francisco Pizarro (conquistador)

Definition of agriculture

Growing crops or plants. Farming

Who conquered the Aztecs?

Hernando Cortes (conquistador)

What did Incas sacrifice to the gods?

Humans and animals??

What is the Spanish Conquest (conquistador)

In the 1500's Spain conquered parts of the new world (parts of North & South America) and destroyed local civilizations.

Definition of Papa

Inca word for potato - this was the most important crop for the Inca as it was their main source of food. It would grow at great elevations and was easily frozen to save for later.

What technology did the Incas use

Irrigation and a form of writing

Definition of ppolm

Mayan name for merchants

What was the Mayan religion

Mayans believe in many G-d's that were human like.

What did the Mayan Civilization develop to make daily tasks easier?

Mayans used Planting sticks, axes, and stone tools for farming.

What technology did Mayans use?

Mayans used planting sticks, and stone axes and tools to plant. Mayans also came up with a form of writing.

How did Mayans use their surplus?

Mayans would trade their surplus of corn or fish for other goods at market.

Who were the emperors of the Aztec Civilization?

Montezuma I (and later his son)

Where were the Aztecs located

North America - Mexico; Tenochtitlan was the main city. Lived in Lake ___________ (quietzyl) from 1200 to 1521

How was agriculture used during the Pre-Columbian period

People relied on agriculture to survive. They grew corn (maize), avocados, potatoes, squash, and many other vegetables.

Definition of Terrace farming?

Plateaus or steps carved into mountain sides. Used to reduce erosion and to create more farm land.

What did the Incas call books made of strings and knots


What pyramids were used to make sacrifices to the gods

Sacrificial pyramids like Chichi-Nitza were used for sacrifices to the gods.

What farming methods did Mayans use?

Slash and burn - Oldest method of farming. #1) Men cut down forests with axes, #2) Let trees dry, #3) Burned dry trees to clear land, #4) Used ashes as fertilizer.

Where was the Mayan Empire located and when?

Southern Mexico & Central America - Guatamala in 250 - 900 AD

Example of culture of Aztecs

The Aztecs believed in many gods and goddesses. They also believed it was important to sacrifice to keep the gods happy.

Geography of Incas

The Incas lived in an area that included the Andes Mountains, desert, valleys, and rain forests.

Definition of Geography

The location of something typically on a map. It also includes the landscape like rivers, mountains,

How was bartering used in Mayan culture

The marketplace was important in Mayan culture. Trade was commonly used by merchants in canoes for supply and demand. Slaves did the carrying of the goods.

Definition of Astronomy

The study of stars and planets

Where were Incas located

south America - Peru, Chile (Andes Mountains)

How did Mayans use astronomy

to develop their advanced calendar system

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